The Threat of Orbital Debris and Protecting NASA Space Assets from Satellite Collisions - 28 April 2009

Page created by Lori Potter
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

           The Threat of Orbital Debris and
         Protecting NASA Space Assets from
                  Satellite Collisions

                                        28 April 2009
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                       Executive Summary

•   Collision avoidance processes are in place for all NASA human space flight
    missions and for maneuverable robotic assets in low Earth orbit and within
    200 km of the geosynchronous orbit.
      – Required by NASA Procedural Requirements 8715.6A (Section 3.4).

•   DoD screens for close approaches (conjunction assessments) and provides
    miss distance and uncertainty information to NASA.

•   NASA computes the probability of collision, analyzes the risk, and makes
    maneuver decision.

•   During 2008, this process led to five collision avoidance maneuvers:
                  S p a c ec r a f t       M a n e u v e r D a te            O b je ct A v o id e d

                       A ura                 2 6 - J u n -2 0 0 8             T R IA D 1 d e b ri s

                    C lo u d s at            2 0 - J u l- 20 0 8        D e l ta r o c k et b o d y d eb r is

                        IS S                 2 7- A u g -2 0 0 8          C o s m o s 2 4 2 1 d e b r is

                     TD RS 5                  1 -O c t-2 0 0 8                 C os m o s 1 8 8 8

             P A R A S O L (F ra n c e)      1 9- O c t-2 0 0 8            F e n g y u n -1 C de b r is

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                 Growth of the Satellite Population

1960                   1965                        1970       2005

1975                   1980                        1985

                                                                     January 2009

                                                              >95% of Tracked Object
1990                   1995                    2000            Population are Debris

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                             What is Orbital Debris?

•    Space debris encompasses both natural (meteoroid) and artificial
     (man-made) particles.

•    Meteoroids are in orbit about the Sun, while most artificial debris are
     in orbit about the Earth. Hence, the latter are more commonly referred
     to as orbital debris.

•    Orbital debris is any man-made object in orbit about the Earth which
     no longer serves a useful function.
      • Non-functional spacecraft
      • Abandoned launch vehicle stages
      • Mission-related debris
      • Fragmentation debris

•    For most size regimes, the flux of orbital debris within 2000 km of the
     Earth’s surface already exceeds the flux of meteoroids.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
                                          Recent Growth of Satellite Population
                                                   in Low Earth Orbit
•         The growth of the cataloged satellite population during the past 15 years
          has been primarily influenced by China’s ASAT test in January 2007.
                                        5.E- 08

                                                                                 Altitude of
                                                          Site of 10              Chinese                       19 94
                                        4.E- 08           February               ASAT test
                                                                                                                19 99
    Spatial Density (objects per km3)

                                                                                                                20 04
                                        3.E- 08
                                                                                                                20 09

                                        2.E- 08        ISS
                                        1.E- 08

                                        0.E+ 00
                                               200       400     600   800   1 000      1 200   1 400   1 600      18 00   20 00
                                                                             A ltitu de (km )

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

             Satellite Environment Characterization

•   NASA and DoD cooperate and share responsibilities for characterizing the satellite
    (including orbital debris) environment.

•   DoD’s Space Surveillance Network discretely tracks objects as small as 5 cm in low
    Earth orbit and about 1 m in geosynchronous orbit.

      –   Currently, ~14,000 officially cataloged objects are still in orbit.
      –   Total tracked objects exceeds 19,000.

•   Using special ground-based sensors and inspections of returned satellite surfaces,
    NASA statistically determines the extent of the population for objects less than 10

      –   Number of debris in Low-Earth Orbit (LEO)* 1 cm or greater exceeds 300,000.

•   The combined results are used for spacecraft and launch vehicle design and

*   Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) refers orbits ranging in altitudes from up to 2000 km above the Earth’s surface;
    Geosynchronous Orbit (GEO) refers to orbits at ~36,000 km above the Earth’s surface; at that distance,
    an orbits the Earth in a 24-hour period.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                   Collision Risks

•   Collision risks are divided into three categories depending upon size of

•   ~ 10 cm and larger: Conjunction assessments and collision avoidance
    maneuvers are effective in countering objects which can be tracked by the
    U.S. Space Surveillance Network.
      – Collisions of this type are potentially catastrophic.

•   1 – 10 cm: Objects in this category are usually too small to track and too
    large to shield against.
      – Collisions of this type can disable or disrupt a mission.

•   < 1 cm: Debris shields can be effective in withstanding impacts of particles
    in this category.
      – Unshielded portions of satellite subject can lead to mission degradation or loss.

•   The greatest risk to space missions comes from non-trackable debris.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

               U.S. Space Surveillance Network

                                                                    Organized as:
                                                                    • Dedicated = primary
                                                      GLOBUS II     • Collateral = secondary
                                                                    • Contributing = contracted
                                      FYLINGDALES                   services
                          LSSC             MOSS
       BEALE                CAPE COD                                                         COBRA DANE
           SOCORRO         EGLIN
MSSS                                                                                              Kwaj

  Tracking Radar
  Detection Radar                                          LSSC = Lincoln Space Surveillance Center
                                                                  Millstone, Haystack, HAX
  Imaging Radar
                                                           MSSS = Maui Space Surveillance System
  Optical Telescope                                                (former AMOS/MOTIF site)
                                                           AFSSS = Air Force Space Surveillance System
  Passive Receiver

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                             Space Shuttle Vulnerabilities

               Potential Shuttle Damage                          6.5

                  Window Replacement

                             EVA Suit Penetration                5.5

                                  Radiator Penetration

                                          RCC Penetration

                                                  TPS Tile Penetration

                                                         Cabin Penetration

                                                              Cargo Bay Damage

                                                  Goldstone Radars                     Space Surveillance Network

                                                                       Haystack Auxiliary Radar

                                                                           Haystack Radar

0.001                 0.01                0.1                     1                   10               100          1000
                                                Debris Diameter in Centimeters

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Debris Environment for International Space Station


                                                                                           ne arly
                                                                                        complete for
                     1.E+00                                                               objects
  Flux (no/m2/year

                                          2009                                          greater than
                     1.E-01                                          No SSN                10 cm
                                                                  tra cking data
                                                                    for objects
                                                                  smaller than 5
                                                                                        Some SSN
                     1.E-04                                                              data on
                                                                                        ob jects 5 -
                                           Imp acts by debris                             1 0 cm
                                          smaller than 0.3 cm
                                           not critical to ISS

                          0.00 1   0.01                0.1            1            10                  100

                                                    Particle Diameter (cm)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

    Evolution of NASA Collision Avoidance Process

•   NASA implemented a conjunction assessment and collision avoidance
    process for human spaceflight beginning with STS-26 in 1988.
      – Initially based upon simple miss distance and a 4-km by 10-km by 4-km ellipsoid
        (picture a protected football-shaped volume [keep out] around the Shuttle).

•   Before launch of the first element of ISS in 1998, NASA and DoD jointly
    developed and implemented a more sophisticated and higher fidelity
    conjunction assessment process for human spaceflight missions.
      – Also adopted by other USG national space assets.

•   In 2005, NASA implemented a similar process for selected robotic assets,
    e.g., the Earth Observation System satellites in LEO and TDRSS in GEO.

•   In 2007, NASA Procedural Requirements 8715.6 extended the conjunction
    assessment process to all NASA maneuverable satellites within LEO and
    within 200 km of GEO.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                Basic Conjunction Assessment and
                   Collision Avoidance Process
•   DoD maintains high accuracy satellite catalog on objects which pose a
    threat to designated NASA space assets.
      – Lower fidelity, publicly available data (“two-line element sets”) are NOT used.

•   DoD’s Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC) is responsible for performing
    conjunction assessments for all designated NASA space assets in
    accordance with an established schedule, i.e., every 8 hours for human
    spaceflight vehicles and daily Monday through Friday for robotic vehicles.
      – All objects tracked by SSN are considered: cataloged and uncataloged.

•   JSpOC notifies NASA (JSC for human spaceflight and GSFC for robotic
    missions) of conjunctions which meet established criteria.
      – Data are exchanged 24/7 via direct links and telecon between JSpOC and JSC/GSFC.

•   JSpOC tasks SSN to collect additional tracking data on threat object to
    improve conjunction assessment accuracy.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
             Basic Conjunction Assessment and
           Collision Avoidance Process (continued)
•   NASA computes the probability of collision, based upon miss distance and
    uncertainty provided by JSpOC.

•   Based upon specific flight rules and detailed risk analysis, NASA decides if
    a collision avoidance maneuver is necessary.

•   If a maneuver is required, NASA provides planned post-maneuver orbital
    data to JSpOC for screening of near-term conjunctions. This process can
    be repeated if planned new orbit puts the NASA vehicle at risk of future
    collision with the same or another space object.

•   In the case of a NASA robotic satellite, a second maneuver might be
    required for the vehicle to resume its mission. This maneuver also would
    be coordinated with JSpOC.

•   NASA also informs JSpOC prior to normal operational maneuvers to aid
    future conjunction assessments.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

          Debris Avoidance Maneuver Planning for
               Human Spaceflight Operations
•   Debris avoidance maneuvers are planned when the probability of collision
    from a conjunction reaches limits set in the Shuttle and ISS flight rules:

      – Probability > 1 in 100,000: Maneuver if it will not result in significant impact to mission
      – Probability > 1 in 10,000: Maneuver unless it will result in additional risk to crew (re-
        flight, additional spacewalk, etc.).

•   Debris avoidance maneuvers are usually small and occur from one to
    several hours before the time of the conjunction.

      – Shuttle can plan and execute a debris avoidance maneuver in a matter of hours.
      – ISS requires around 30 hours to plan and execute a debris avoidance maneuver,
        mainly due to dependence on Russian propulsion assets.

•   Both the Shuttle and ISS have conducted several collision avoidance
    maneuvers during the past 10 years.

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