The times Move with - Sigmat

Page created by Kyle Pierce
The times Move with - Sigmat
mmc special | feature

                        With housing and labour shortages,
                        sustainability demands and Covid and
                        Brexit pressures creating a climate for
              change, could 2021 finally be the year when
              MMC moves into the mainstream and fulfils its
              long-held promise? GILL OLIVER reports

Move with
the times


                                     showhouse January 2021 |45
The times Move with - Sigmat
mmc special | feature

As budgets and supply chains are             Module-AR (M-AR), describes the
slashed, and health and safety issues        MMC sector as “picking up pace” as
ratcheted up, there’s ever-mounting          the government, councils and others
pressure to build faster but better.         find themselves in a corner.
  In what seems like the ultimate               “There’s a massive need for social
paradox, modular is emerging as the          housing and modular is a solution –
obvious solution. Not only to help the       that’s why there’s such a spotlight on
industry recover from Covid, but also        MMC,” she says
to meet the existing and ever-more-             M-AR opened a second factory at the
urgent need for new homes that are           end of last year to cope with increased
higher-quality, as well as sustainable.      demand. Operating alongside the
  Right now, though, it’s the pressing       firm’s existing plant in Melton, its new
need for more social housing stock           100,000ft² facility in Hull will allow the
that’s the single biggest driver,            company to triple its output to reach
amplified by a raft of government            750 homes a year, rising to 1,000
announcements supporting the                 homes within two years. M-AR’s own
offsite sector.                              expansion plans follow a string of
  The pandemic has forced councils           framework and contract wins, including
to pay out vast sums to temporarily          a place on the 15-year £573m Central
house the homeless in often poor-            Housing Investment Consortium
quality B&B accommodation,                   (CHIC) housing programme and the
something that’s proving a powerful          £400m Procure Plus off-site housing
incentive to find rapid solutions to         framework.
what are, of course, long-term housing          It’s not all roses, though. The sector
stock problems.                              is still battling a certain amount of
  Given the speed with which modular         negative perception, especially around
housing can be provided, coupled with        quality and longevity: “Because
sizeable cost savings and the promise        they’ve seen post-war pre-fabs, that’s
of lower utility bills for tenants, it’s a   what they sometimes think of, but it’s
no-brainer for a growing number of           entirely different now,” M-AR’s Cundill
housing authorities and councils.            points out.
  Sara Cundill, marketing and brand             The way to counter this, she believes,
manager of East Yorkshire-based              is to work on demystifying the process:

                                                                                          “We build with a steel frame and all of
                                                                                          our materials are exactly the same as
                                                                                          you’d find in a builders’ merchant or
                                                                                          traditional building site,” says Cundill.
                                                                                          “To those who don’t understand
                                                                                          modular, it can come across like it’s a
                                                                                          magical system when it’s absolutely
                                                                                          not – we’re just taking it indoors.”
                                                                                             Another obstacle is the reluctance,
                                                                                          bordering on hostility, of some legacy
                                                                                          housebuilders when it comes to MMC.
                                                                                          If that’s down to a fear of losing out to
                                                                                          MMC upstarts, it’s wide of the mark,
                                                                                          given that there’s more than enough
                                                                                          work to go around, Cundill observes.
                                                                                             “There’s a solution for every problem
                                                                                          and it’s not a one-size-fits-all,” she
 Module-AR                                                                                                                            Mark Perry, VIVID
                                                                                          adds. “We’re not saying modular is



46| January 2021 showhouse
The times Move with - Sigmat
mmc special | feature


              the only way to build. With some             Since there is still the need to boost      supply chain broadens and becomes
              projects, modular is not the best          all-important consumer confidence,            more visible.
              solution and it’s better done as a         the sector is sure to benefit from the          This includes the likes of Northern
              hybrid, or traditional build.              injection of glamour and brand-               Ireland-based Creagh Concrete, which
                “Rather than trying to force a square    recognition brought by IKEA and               aims to “change the way people think
              peg into a round hole, our attitude is     Skanska owned BoKlok UK. Working              about concrete”. It supplies pre-cast
              there’s a good solution for everything     with housing association VIVID, BoKlok        concrete frames made offsite and then
              and that’s not necessarily always going    will deliver 300 new modular homes            craned into position, plus concrete
              to be modular.”                            per year on sites across Hampshire,           panels, stairs, landings and floors.
                Increasingly, though, the naysayers      Surrey, Berkshire and West Sussex,            There’s the choice of external finishes
              are in the rear-view mirror and even       under a five-year agreement.                  that can match virtually any build type
              the most cursory of glances shows            Citing the advantages of offsite            but, of course, the real trump card is
              that most of the big housebuilders are     precision-engineered homes that               the fact it’s made inside a factory. That
              enthusiastic about this new technology     harness sustainable technologies,             means production schedules are never
              and keen to embrace it, if not directly    VIVID’s chief executive Mark Perry            delayed by weather conditions, and
              and completely, then by dipping a toe      describes VIVID and BoKlok as being           there are potential cost savings.
              in the water or teaming up with a          aligned in their “forward-thinking              Sigmat, which manufactures cold-
Mark Eburne
              modular specialist.                        approach” and sees BoKlok as the              rolled steel components and structural
                                                         right partner, particularly when it comes     steel frames from its manufacturing
                                                         to the drive for net-zero carbon.             hub in Leeds, is gearing up for what it
                                       Creagh Concrete     The Scandinavian-style homes are            believes will be a “landmark year” as
                                                         also due to land in the heart of Bristol,     demand for MMC solutions continues
                                                         via the BoKlok on the Brook scheme of         to grow. As one of the early innovators
                                                         173 units which include one- and two-         of MMC, it’s ploughed investment into
                                                         bedroom apartments plus two- and              R&D and its light gauge steel frame
                                                         three-bedroom houses, with prices             (LGSF) products form a crucial part of
                                                         starting from £150,000. Not only do           residential developments stretching
                                                         they benefit from that effortless IKEA        from Bristol to Scarborough and
                                                         chic, they also feature the usual             Edinburgh.
                                                         modular attributes such as money-               Sigmat’s chief executive, Mark
                                                         saving enhanced insulation and other          Eburne, says construction will look
                                                         sustainable aspects which will become         very different post-pandemic, and
                                                         ever-more crucial as we hurtle towards        that the events of last year confirmed
                                                         the government’s net-zero target.             the urgent need for a new way of
                                                           Delivering good-looking, high-              building homes.
                                                         performance and long-lasting modular            “With sustainability right at the top of

                                                         homes is becoming easier as the               the building agenda, we know LGSF

                                                                                                     showhouse January 2021 |47
The times Move with - Sigmat
mmc special | feature

                        Louis Allwright,
                  Ideal Modular Homes            Ideal Modular Homes

                                       Creagh Concrete                                                Ideal Modular Homes   modular homes can be manufactured
                                                                                                                            in just four days and installed onsite in
                                                                                                                            eight hours – cutting total delivery
                                                                                                                            programme time by up to 50%.
                                                                                                                               One of eight modular housing
                                                                                                                            suppliers, along with the likes of
                                                                                                                            Cygnum Timber Frame and ilke
                                                                                                                            Homes, Ideal Modular Homes has
                                                                                                                            been appointed to a new dynamic
                                                                                                                            purchasing system offered as part
                                                                                                                            of Great Places Housing Group’s
                                                                                                                            £750m Innovation Chain North (ICN)
                                                                                                                            procurement framework. In August,
                                                                                                                            it scooped a share of a five-year
                                                                       Sigmat   out-performs traditional methods            £300m new-build housing contract with
                                                                                on every level,” he says. “As more          the Royal Borough of Greenwich,
                                                                                developers familiarise themselves           which will see 750 modular affordable
                                                                                with the huge benefits of LGSF              council homes across 60 sites.
                                                                                construction, we anticipate our market         To win the bid, Ideal teamed up with
                                                                                share will continue to strengthen           award-winning architects shedkm,
                                                                                throughout 2021 and beyond.”                whose director Alex Flint believes the
                                                                                  He adds that where building sites         stylish new homes in Greenwich will
                                                                                have reopened, just 60% of workers          “change the perception towards offsite
                                                                                can safely return under social              manufacturing, through carefully
                                                                                distancing rules. In contrast, MMC          crafted and long-lasting materials, and
                                                                                tends to need less operatives onsite        considered internal layouts”.
                                                                                and is therefore less impacted.                And at a recent conference, Ideal
                                                                                  With tighter immigration rules            Modular Homes’ senior project
                                                                                post-Brexit and the fall-out from           manager Louis Allwright pointed out
                                                                                Covid exacerbating existing labour          the practical aspects of modular –
                                                                                shortages and the fact that LGSF            although construction time is halved,
                                                                                construction is 30% faster than             quality and robustness is maximised.
                                                                                traditional methods, he sees it as          One of his main messages was that
                                                                                the obvious solution to meeting             by collaborating with top architects,
                                                                                the increasingly urgent demand for          affordable housing can be
                                                                                high-quality housing.                       sustainable as well as beautiful.
                                                                                  The genuinely high standard of MMC           He added: “It’s important, especially
                                                                                products and volumetric modular             following the pandemic, that we’re
                                                                                homes, many of which are winning            highlighting the capacity within the
                                                                                awards and plaudits in equal measure,       industry and the role that modular and
                                                                                is changing perceptions among the           offsite construction can play in the
                                                                                trade and the public.                       drive to build high-quality homes
                                                                                  Ever since it burst onto the scene in     quickly, to meet rising demand in the
                                                                                late 2018/early 2019 and opened its         housing sector.”
                                                                                70,000ft² factory in Liverpool, Ideal          Maybe, just maybe, 2021 will be the
                                                                                Modular Homes has been shaking up           year we truly embrace building faster
                                                                                the housebuilding industry. Ideal’s         and smarter. sh

48| January 2021 showhouse
The times Move with - Sigmat The times Move with - Sigmat The times Move with - Sigmat The times Move with - Sigmat The times Move with - Sigmat The times Move with - Sigmat
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