THE UK PLASTICS PACT PROGRESS REPORT - Tracking UK Plastics Pact member progress and future - Wrap

Page created by Brian Hunter
THE UK PLASTICS PACT PROGRESS REPORT - Tracking UK Plastics Pact member progress and future - Wrap

 Tracking UK Plastics Pact member progress and future
      commitments towards the four Pact targets
                       May 2019
THE UK PLASTICS PACT PROGRESS REPORT - Tracking UK Plastics Pact member progress and future - Wrap

WRAP launched The UK Plastics Pact on the 26th April        Important to note
2018. Since its inception the Pact now has over 100
organisations from across the entire plastics value chain   This report represents a small selection of the large
signed up as members and supporters. Click here to see      number of initiatives currently underway in this
a list of all our members and supporters. Each has agreed   sector. Due to their sensitive nature, there are many
to targets to 2025 with a roadmap in place which sets out   other initiatives ongoing which will be shared in due
the direction of travel for members to follow.              course. In some instances columns in the tables will
                                                            be blank. This signifies that the organisation is either
The progress tracker and future commitments                 not taking action towards the target at this moment in
                                                            time, the information is not yet ready to share publicly
To mark the one year anniversary of The UK Plastics Pact,   or that that the organisation does not work in a way
a selection of our members from the manufacturing and       that requires action towards that particular target.
retail sector (who make or sell products in plastic
packaging) have come together to share the actions that     This document will be updated regularly over the
they have taken so far and the commitments that they are    coming years as we progress towards 2025.
making to deliver against the targets of The UK Plastics
Pact. These are contained in this report.                   A glossary of terms is available in the back of this
                                                            report. Here.
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                                                                                                       Pact member

A-B                             G-H                       M-N                        S-T
     ABP Beef                   Highland Spring Group        M&S                       Sainsbury’s
     Aldi                       Hilton Food Group            Morrisons                 Tata Global Beverages
     Arla                       Hovis                        Musgrave                  Taylors Of Harrogate
     apetito                                                  Nestle                    Tesco
     Asda                      I-J                                                       The Silver Spoon Company
     Aston Manor Cider          Innocent
     Barfoots
     Boots                                                    Ocado                U-V
     Brakes
                                K-L                            Pepsico               Unilever
     Britvic                        Kettle Foods             Pladis
                                     Kimberly Clark           Premier Foods
                                     KP Snacks                Procter & Gamble
C-D                                  Kraft Heinz                                     Waitrose
 Coca-Cola European Partners        Lakeland                                        Westmill Foods
 Cranswick                          Lidl
 Danone UK                          LR Suntory           Quorn Foods / Cauldron
                                                           Reckitt Benckiser

 Ecover
 Ella’s Kitchen
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                                                    Target 1                                      Target 2                                  Target 3                                 Target 4
      Member               Action         Eliminate problematic or unnecessary single-
                                          use packaging through redesign, innovation
                                              or alternative (reuse) delivery model.
                                                                                         100% of plastics packaging to be reusable,
                                                                                                recyclable or compostable.
                                                                                                                                      70% of plastics packaging effectively
                                                                                                                                            recycled or composted.
                                                                                                                                                                              30% average recycled content across all
                                                                                                                                                                                        plastic packaging.

                        Actions taken      In 2018 we have removed                       We are conducting a group                    We now have recycling                   Our plastic preformed trays
                                           577 tonnes of plastic from                    wide study of our plastic                    labelling on all products.              are currently made with
                                           our supply chain through                      usage both to retail and                                                             97% recycled content
                                           packaging optimisation.                       business to business, to                                                             (regrind and bottle flake).
                                                                                         provide us with a detailed
                                                                                         benchmark for future work.

                        Planned Actions

                        Actions taken      We have stopped selling 5p                    We have removed almost                       More than 96% of our                    As of January 2019 33.6% of
                                           single use carrier bags,                      3,000 tonnes of non-                         packaging is labelled in                our packaging contains
                                           removing more than 900                        recyclable plastic packaging                 accordance to OPRL                      recycled content.
                                           tonnes of single use plastic                  and replaced this with                       guidelines to ensure                    The pasta pots in our food
                                           per year.                                     recyclable alternatives.                     customers are informed                  to go range are now made
                                           We have eliminated a total of                 85% of our core range is now                 on how to recycle our                   of 95% recycled content.
                                           250 tonnes of plastic                         widely recyclable.                           packaging.                              Our 2L juice drinks have
                                           packaging on fruit and veg,                   We have moved our pizza                                                              moved from HDPE to
                                           including aubergines, tender                  bases from polystyrene to                                                            rHDPE consequently
                                           stem broccoli and salad                       cardboard which will                                                                 replacing 85 tonnes of
                                           tomatoes.                                     eliminate 180 tonnes of                                                              virgin plastic each year.
                                                                                         unrecyclable plastic annually.
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                                                  Target 1                                        Target 2                            Target 3                           Target 4
     Member                Action       Eliminate problematic or unnecessary single-
                                        use packaging through redesign, innovation
                                            or alternative (reuse) delivery model.
                                                                                         100% of plastics packaging to be reusable,
                                                                                                recyclable or compostable.
                                                                                                                                      70% of plastics packaging
                                                                                                                                       effectively recycled or
                                                                                                                                                                  30% average recycled content across all
                                                                                                                                                                            plastic packaging.

                        Actions taken    We have removed the plastic                   We have cut more than 1,050                                                We’re working with our
                                         stem in cotton earbuds and                    tonnes of non-recyclable plastic                                           suppliers, who are
                                         replaced it with a cardboard                  annually by moving our Ashfield                                            encouraged to bring
                                         alternative.                                  Farm Range of sliced cooked                                                initiatives to increase the
                                         We have redesigned our                        meats to recyclable packaging.                                             percentage of recycled
                                         nappy packaging which has                     We have replaced 630 tonnes of                                             content to each of their
                                         created a 15% reduction in                    non-recyclable plastic in our fresh                                        updates.
                                         packaging, saving 20 tonnes                   meats and 250 tonnes in produce
                                         of plastic each year.                         by swapping our black trays with
                                                                                       clear ones.
                                                                                       Teams produce quarterly internal
                                                                                       reports monitoring progress
                                                                                       towards this target and looking at
                                                                                       ways to further reduce non-
                                                                                       recyclable plastic packaging
                                                                                       across all ranges.
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                                                    Target 1                                           Target 2                                   Target 3                           Target 4
     Member                Action         Eliminate problematic or unnecessary single-
                                           use packaging through redesign, innovation
                                              or alternative (reuse) delivery model.
                                                                                         100% of plastics packaging to be reusable, recyclable
                                                                                                           or compostable.
                                                                                                                                                  70% of plastics packaging
                                                                                                                                                   effectively recycled or
                                                                                                                                                                              30% average recycled content across all
                                                                                                                                                                                        plastic packaging.

                        Planned actions   We are currently trialing five                  We have set internal recyclability                     This will be regularly       We will be assessing each
                                          veg lines without plastic                       targets to ensure we meet our                          reviewed with the            commodity group on a
                                          packaging in Scotland (savoy                    2022 target of 100% widely                             aim of all products          monthly basis to identify
                                          cabbage, red cabbage, white                     recyclable on own brand products.                      being labelled with          individual products with less
                                          cabbage, pointed cabbage                                                                               recycling guidance by        than 30% recycled content
                                          and cauliflowers). The trial is                                                                        the end of the year.         to ensure the goal is met.
                                          estimated to save more than
                                          half a tonne of plastic. If
                                          rolled out across the UK, the
                                          initiative would eliminate
                                          more than 110 tonnes of
                                          plastic wrapping a year.

                        Actions taken                                                    Unsuccessful trial of recyclable                        Small trial of closed        60% of content in our Black
                                                                                         mono polymer lidding film.                              loop recycling               CPET is from recycled
                                                                                         Project group created to find a                         initiative with              content (regrind and rPET
                                                                                         recyclable, compostable or                              customers.                   flake).
                                                                                         biodegradable alternative to Black
                                                                                         Commissioned independent
                                                                                         research to understand full
                                                                                         environmental impact of packaging
                                                                                         options for frozen meals.
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                                                    Target 1                                      Target 2                                  Target 3                                 Target 4
     Member                Action         Eliminate problematic or unnecessary single-
                                           use packaging through redesign, innovation
                                              or alternative (reuse) delivery model.
                                                                                         100% of plastics packaging to be reusable,
                                                                                                recyclable or compostable.
                                                                                                                                      70% of plastics packaging effectively
                                                                                                                                            recycled or composted.
                                                                                                                                                                              30% average recycled content across all
                                                                                                                                                                                        plastic packaging.

                        Planned actions   Trial alternatives to Black                    Committed to continuing trial                Committed to continuing                 Committed to a minimum of
                                          CPET based on the results of                   of recyclable, compostable or                to work with our                        30% post-consumer
                                          the life cycle analysis.                       biodegradable lidding films                  suppliers and customers                 recycled content across all
                                          Committed to working with                      until permanent solution is                  to ensure that our                      plastic packaging.
                                          suppliers to find sustainable                  found.                                       packaging is effectively
                                          alternatives to Black CPET.                    Trial recyclable mono polymer,               recycled or composted.
                                                                                         lower weight pallet wrap.
                                                                                         Committed to working with
                                                                                         suppliers to ensure all
                                                                                         packaging we receive is
                                                                                         reusable, recyclable or

                        Actions taken     New packaging solution being                   Phasing out all Polystyrene                  Asda own label AI app                   May launch of Arla Organic
                                          developed to allow drinking                    yogurt pots, so all will be                  developed to encourage                  “eco cycle bottle”. Ran a
                                          from the lid to remove the                     Polypropylene. New Skyr pots                 and educate consumers                   number of trials and
                                          straw and improve consumer                     developed as fully                           on how to recycle with                  awaiting final shelf life
                                          experience.                                    Polypropylene and recyclable.                engaging videos and                     results on 50% content.
                                          Testing and developing spoon                                                                information.                            All bottles produced out of
                                          alternatives, including wood                                                                Cravendale and Arla                     Aylesbury are now made
                                          based.                                                                                      Organic milk labels                     from 40% rHDPE following
                                                                                                                                      updated to improve on                   trials and tests.
                                                                                                                                      pack recycling                          Similar trials being
                                                                                                                                      instructions.                           conducted at other sites.
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                                                    Target 1                                   Target 2                               Target 3                                 Target 4
      Member              Action          Eliminate problematic or unnecessary single-
                                          use packaging through redesign, innovation
                                              or alternative (reuse) delivery model.
                                                                                           100% of plastics packaging to be
                                                                                         reusable, recyclable or compostable.
                                                                                                                                70% of plastics packaging effectively
                                                                                                                                      recycled or composted.
                                                                                                                                                                        30% average recycled content across all
                                                                                                                                                                                  plastic packaging.

                        Actions taken       Working with Eurokey on a                    Been in dialogue with
                                            trial to collect and process                 Recycling Technologies on
                                            waste plastic as well as                     how we can work with
                                            develop wrap with recycled                   them and test our
                                            content.                                     film/flexibles portfolio.
                                                                                         Setting up line trials on
                                                                                         Butter, Spreads and
                                                                                         Margarine (BSM) cover leaf
                                                                                         and material samples.
                                                                                         Kicked off a project with
                                                                                         Loop on how we might
                                                                                         develop a solution for BSM
                                                                                         in a re-usable tub
                        Planned actions     Explore alternatives to                      Moving all of our yogurt               ASDA own label AI app                   Switching to 40% rHDPE
                                            plastic spoons on our ‘On                    packaging to                           developed to encourage                  content in all our milk
                                            The Go’ OTG yogurt pots.                     Polypropylene by the end               and educate consumers                   bottles across our sites,
                                            Explore bore seal milk                       of 2019 which will make it             on how to recycle with                  pending material
                                            bottles to allow removal of                  all recyclable.                        engaging videos and                     availability. Have been at
                                            the lift and peel which is                   Work with partners and                 information.                            30% for over 2 years.
                                            multi layer and non-                         WRAP on solutions to                   Look to duplicate on Arla               Secure world first of 50%
                                            recyclable.                                  film/flexibles to help on              branded products to assist              rHDPE milk bottle with the
                                                                                         cheese packaging.                      consumers.                              Arla Organic “eco cycle
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                                                    Target 1                                   Target 2                               Target 3                                 Target 4
      Member               Action         Eliminate problematic or unnecessary single-
                                          use packaging through redesign, innovation
                                              or alternative (reuse) delivery model.
                                                                                           100% of plastics packaging to be
                                                                                         reusable, recyclable or compostable.
                                                                                                                                70% of plastics packaging effectively
                                                                                                                                      recycled or composted.
                                                                                                                                                                        30% average recycled content across all
                                                                                                                                                                                  plastic packaging.

                        Planned actions    Explore on farm solutions to                  Redevelop Lurpak                       Audit of Arla branded                   Working on incorporating
                                           farm plastic waste (such as                   packaging to be in line with           products to improve OPRL                more rPET into our PET
                                           wrap etc).                                    our UK Anchor packaging                labelling.                              milk bottles.
                                                                                         which is 100% recyclable               All new packaging                       Work with WRAP on PP and
                                                                                         and move away from multi               /packaging refreshes to                 how we can develop and
                                                                                         layer tubs.                            improve on pack                         get rPP material and into
                                                                                         Develop a new cover leaf               instructions with OPRL and              our products.
                                                                                         for BSM that is recyclable             ‘layman's terms’
                                                                                         such as a parchment paper              instructions.
                                                                                         and remove the polymer.
                                                                                         Work with Loop on a
                                                                                         reusable new packaging
                                                                                         format to trial with Tesco
                                                                                         on BSM.

                        Actions taken      Removed plastic cotton buds                   All fruit and vegetable trays          On Pack Recycling labelling             Review of current Recycled
                                           in favour of paper and plastic                moved from black to clear              given more space on packs,              Content % across biggest
                                           straws switched to paper in                   plastic Q3 2018.                       and increased hierarchy to              rigid plastic ranges.
                                           cafes.                                        Replaced polystyrene trays             ensure consistent use.                  Embedded requirements
                                           All ASDA Home offices are                     in pizza for cardboard                 Front of store carrier bag              for additional Recycled
                                           single use plastic free,                      removing 195 tonnes of                 recycling bins widened to               Content% (in line with
                                           including no coffee cups,                     non-recyclable plastic.                collect any ‘stretchy film’             targets set by The UK
                                           plastic cutlery or take away                  Ongoing removal of non                 and given new bin Point of              Plastics Pact) into all New
                                           containers.                                   detectable black as part of            Sale.                                   Product Development
                                                                                         Extra Special redesign.                                                        processes and briefing
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                                                    Target 1                                   Target 2                               Target 3                                 Target 4
      Member               Action         Eliminate problematic or unnecessary single-
                                          use packaging through redesign, innovation
                                              or alternative (reuse) delivery model.
                                                                                           100% of plastics packaging to be
                                                                                         reusable, recyclable or compostable.
                                                                                                                                70% of plastics packaging effectively
                                                                                                                                      recycled or composted.
                                                                                                                                                                        30% average recycled content across all
                                                                                                                                                                                  plastic packaging.

                        Actions taken     Removed single use carrier                                                            Home office atrium events,              Need for Recycled Content
                                          bags Nov 2018.                                                                        internal communications,                briefed in all Own Brand
                                          Selling a zero profit £1                                                              and colleague training                  external and internal
                                          reusable coffee cup, and give                                                         courses delivered to                    conferences, meetings and
                                          25p off hot drinks in reusable                                                        increase knowledge and                  strategic discussion.
                                          cups.                                                                                 raise awareness.
                                          Trial ongoing on GHS bag-                                                             Launched ARLA Have you
                                          less only deliveries.                                                                 Herd app encouraging
                                          Delivered 6,500 tonnes of                                                             customers to recycle more
                                          plastic reduction across own                                                          milk bottles.
                                          brand products Feb 2018 –
                                          Feb 2019.

                        Planned actions   Stores and depots to be                        Improvements to be made                1st April to end June                   From Q2 onwards we will
                                          single use plastic free by end                 on data collection and                 delivering community                    complete a full own label
                                          2019.                                          accuracy.                              champion activity in store.             supplier briefing
                                          Last stock order of multipack                                                         Customer info boards,                   programme on 100% and
                                          plastic straws Jan 2019, in                                                           lesson plans to over 1k                 30% Recycled Content.
                                          process of running down                                                               schools, school poster                  For the first time we will
                                          stocks.                                                                               competition.                            also focus on branded
                                          Working groups in place to                                                            Litter picks nationally                 supplier engagement.
                                          target PS, PVC and EPS.                                                               across all of our 370 stores
                                                                                                                                with community
                                                                                                                                champions, as well as
                                                                                                                                Home Office 5x day litter
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                                                    Target 1                                   Target 2                               Target 3                                 Target 4
      Member               Action         Eliminate problematic or unnecessary single-
                                          use packaging through redesign, innovation
                                              or alternative (reuse) delivery model.
                                                                                           100% of plastics packaging to be
                                                                                         reusable, recyclable or compostable.
                                                                                                                                70% of plastics packaging effectively
                                                                                                                                      recycled or composted.
                                                                                                                                                                        30% average recycled content across all
                                                                                                                                                                                  plastic packaging.

                        Planned actions    Beeston Store trial ongoing                   Further exploration into
                                           replacing plastic take away                   refill / reuse opportunities.
                                           containers and cutlery with                   Reusable produce bag trial.
                                           more organic options,
                                           including introducing coffee
                                           cup and food waste recycling
                                           bins. Roll out by end 2019.

                        Actions taken

                        Planned actions                                                  By June 2019 Aston Manor               We commit to engaging                   Aston Manor Cider will
                                                                                         Cider will investigate                 with our customer base on               switch all of their virgin PET
                                                                                         replacing paper labels on              Plastic packaging more                  to 51% rPET by Q2 2019.
                                                                                         secondary and tertiary                 going forward. This includes            Aston Manor Cider will
                                                                                         packaging with plastic                 supporting the Recycle Now              investigate using 30%
                                                                                         labels in order to improve             campaigns on social media               recycled LDPE content in
                                                                                         the recycling process.                 and updating our website                their shrink wrap by Q2
                                                                                                                                to reflect all of our UK                2019.
                                                                                                                                Plastics Pact work and
                                                                                                                                Aston Manor Cider will have
                                                                                                                                added OPRL.
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                                             Target 1                                    Target 2                                  Target 3                                 Target 4
      Member               Action
                                             Eliminate problematic or           100% of plastics packaging to be reusable,   70% of plastics packaging effectively   30% average recycled content across all
                                        unnecessary single-use packaging               recyclable or compostable.                  recycled or composted.                      plastic packaging.
                                          through redesign, innovation or
                                        alternative (reuse) delivery model.

                        Actions taken                                         All black rigid plastics have been             For Barfoots branded                    We have identified a
                                                                              replaced with clear plastic.                   items, 70% of our                       supplier of film lids made
                                                                              Introduced recyclable packaging                packaging uses the On Pack              from 100% recycled
                                                                              for sweet potatoes to replace a                Recycling Label logo and                content.
                                                                              non-recyclable format (from CPP                guidance.                               We are working with
                                                                              to LDPE).                                                                              punnet suppliers on how
                                                                              We have helped our retail                                                              they can increase their
                                                                              customers to:-                                                                         recycled content.
                                                                              Move from punnet and cling wrap
                                                                              to flow wrap on Tenderstem
                                                                              Broccoli and Asparagus Tips.
                                                                              Moved from net with metal clip
                                                                              and wine glass tag to recyclable
                                                                              flow (LDPE) wrap on Sweet
                                                                              Moved from cardboard to
                                                                              reusable plastic crates for transit
                                                                              We have started a review of all
                                                                              primary packaging placed on the
                                                                              market, categorising it by type.
                                                                              We are exploring compostable
                                                                              packaging options.
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                                                    Target 1                                   Target 2                                Target 3                                 Target 4
      Member               Action         Eliminate problematic or unnecessary single-
                                          use packaging through redesign, innovation
                                              or alternative (reuse) delivery model.
                                                                                           100% of plastics packaging to be
                                                                                         reusable, recyclable or compostable.
                                                                                                                                 70% of plastics packaging effectively
                                                                                                                                       recycled or composted.
                                                                                                                                                                         30% average recycled content across all
                                                                                                                                                                                   plastic packaging.

                        Planned actions    We will identify any                          We will make 75% of our                We will ensure that there is             We will make sure that 30%
                                           packaging that we consider                    plastic packaging recyclable           clear recycling guidance on              of the plastic packaging
                                           to be unnecessary and work                    by 2022 and 100%                       all Barfoots branded                     used on Barfoots branded
                                           to reduce it, for example                     recyclable by 2025 (48% of             products by the end of                   products contains an
                                           eliminating the use of plastic                our product range is                   2020.                                    average 30% recycled
                                           shrouds during crate storage,                 recyclable by weight).                 We will continue to run an               content by the end of 2020.
                                           or alternatives to plastic                    By July 2019 we will identify          annual Environment Week                  By August 2019, we will
                                           covers used within                            all non-recyclable packaging           for all our staff across both            review what our current
                                           production areas.                             formats within our product             our manufacturing sites                  average recycled content is
                                           We will identify where                        portfolio and develop a                during which recycling is                across all plastic packaging.
                                           produce could be packed                       plan on how to deliver our             encouraged and on site                   By July 2019 we will have a
                                           loose (without increasing                     targets, as well as                    recycling/local refilling                recycled content sourcing
                                           food waste).                                  identifying opportunities to           facilities are highlighted.              strategy to increase the use
                                           Remove use of PVC                             increase reusable plastic                                                       of recycled content plastics
                                           packaging within our UK                       transit packaging, e.g.                                                         in line with our targets.
                                           operations by end of 2019,                    reusable crates.
                                           and identify alternatives to
                                           PVC packaging being used by
                                           our suppliers.
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                                                   Target 1                                   Target 2                                   Target 3                                   Target 4
      Member             Action         Eliminate problematic or unnecessary single-use
                                           packaging through redesign, innovation or
                                               alternative (reuse) delivery model.
                                                                                          100% of plastics packaging to be
                                                                                              reusable, recyclable or
                                                                                                                             70% of plastics packaging effectively recycled or
                                                                                                                                                                                  30% average recycled content
                                                                                                                                                                                   across all plastic packaging.

                        Actions taken   We were one of the first health                   Our sushi trays have               At the beginning of 2019 Boots                      Our fruit pots are also
                                        and beauty retailers to stop the                  switched from blue to              worked with WRAP to evaluate                        made of a minimum of
                                        manufacturing and sale of any                     clear PET, greater                 enhanced consumer recycling                         50% recycled material.
                                        rinse-off personal care products                  recyclability and more             messages on bathroom toiletries.                    In Botanics, we have
                                        containing plastic microbeads.                    valuable as recycled               This involved our Product                           moved from using 100%
                                        We have also changed Boots                        material.                          Evaluation team trialling labelled                  virgin plastics in tubes,
                                        brand cotton bud stems from                       All black plastic                  products with 3000 members of                       to include 25% recycled
                                        plastic to rolled paper.                          removed from Boots                 the public. The results of the trial                content. This step closes
                                        We switched from a round to a                     brand food packaging.              are now being assessed by WRAP.                     the loop, ensuring we
                                        square fruit pot which reduced                                                       In January 2019 Boots Opticians                     are also putting recycled
                                        the amount of plastic used in our                                                    partnered with Johnson and                          material to good use.
                                        product by an estimated 16                                                           Johnson, in collaboration with                      We are also using 25%
                                        tonnes of a year.                                                                    TerraCycle, to offer the UK’s first                 in our range of bottle.
                                        Plastic Sandwich trays have been                                                     in store contact lens recycling                     Boots pharmacy
                                        removed which significantly                                                          scheme. Consumers will now be                       automated prescription
                                        reduced plastic usage and                                                            able to bring along their used                      filling location (DSP)
                                        wastage.                                                                             contact lenses and/or packaging                     changed the spec of
                               has trialled eliminating                                                   to any Boots Opticians practice                     their prescription bag to
                                        plastic mail bags, bubble wrap                                                       across the UK and place into the                    trial using 64% recycled
                                        and plastic tape.                                                                    recycling bins. This will                           content plastic.
                                        Boots UK have been exploring                                                         significantly reduce plastic in
                                        alternatives to using plastic                                                        landfill and from entering our
                                        carrier bags.                                                                        oceans.
                                        Boots Nottingham office cafe
                                        removed all plastic straws.
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                                                  Target 1                                    Target 2                                Target 3                                 Target 4
      Member              Action
                                         Eliminate problematic or unnecessary single-     100% of plastics packaging to be                                              30% average recycled content across all
                                        use packaging through redesign, innovation or   reusable, recyclable or compostable.    70% of plastics packaging effectively             plastic packaging.
                                              alternative (reuse) delivery model.                                                     recycled or composted.

                        Actions taken    Boots London office removed                                                           We carry the OPRL label
                                         all single-use plastic water                                                          across the majority of our
                                         bottles.                                                                              packaging, 100% of our
                                         Nottingham office hosted a                                                            food offer has OPRL
                                         ‘disposable free’ day which                                                           labelling.
                                         removed all polystyrene food                                                          We have added additional
                                         containers and plastic cutlery.                                                       recycling information to gift
                                         Boots Nottingham office                                                               packaging inserts.
                                         replaced polystyrene cups at
                                         water dispensers to a
                                         recyclable alternative.
                                         Boots Nottingham office
                                         started selling affordable
                                         reusable coffee cups in their
                                         café, to encourage colleagues
                                         to bring their own cup and
                                         receive the 10p discount.
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                                                    Target 1                                   Target 2                                Target 3                                 Target 4
      Member               Action         Eliminate problematic or unnecessary single-
                                          use packaging through redesign, innovation
                                              or alternative (reuse) delivery model.
                                                                                           100% of plastics packaging to be
                                                                                         reusable, recyclable or compostable.    70% of plastics packaging effectively
                                                                                                                                       recycled or composted.
                                                                                                                                                                         30% average recycled content across all
                                                                                                                                                                                   plastic packaging.

                        Planned actions    2019 removal of products                      By 2020 all non-recyclable             Boots will review the                    Boots bottled water will use
                                           with straws from our                          packaging removed from                 process for capturing and                50% recycled plastic saving
                                           food/drink offer.                             Boots food packaging.                  recycling plastic transit                c.100 tonnes virgin plastic.
                                           Boots will review all                         Boots will introduce a line            packaging and look for                   Boots pharmacy automated
                                           remaining disposables used                    of new reusable tote bags.             optimisations.                           prescription filling location
                                           in the Nottingham main                        Boots Nottingham office                Wallgreens Boots Alliance                (DSP) will introduce a
                                           office cafe to remove or                      will remove all polystyrene            has completed a detailed                 minimum 30% recycled
                                           replace plastics.                             take-away food containers              technical assessment in                  content to their
                                           Boots UK will move away                       from the café.                         collaboration with several               prescription bags.
                                           from LDPE carrier bags and                                                           UK Plastic Recycling                     To pave the way for more
                                           offer alternatives.                                                                  Facilities to determine what             recycled content,
                                                                                                                                packaging can be effectively             Wallgreens Boots Alliance is
                                                                                                                                recycled.                                currently completing
                                                                                                                                                                         stability testing with various
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                                                 Target 1                                     Target 2                                  Target 3                                 Target 4
      Member               Action          Eliminate problematic or unnecessary
                                          single-use packaging through redesign,
                                              innovation or alternative (reuse)
                                                                                     100% of plastics packaging to be reusable,
                                                                                            recyclable or compostable.
                                                                                                                                  70% of plastics packaging effectively
                                                                                                                                        recycled or composted.
                                                                                                                                                                          30% average recycled content across all
                                                                                                                                                                                    plastic packaging.

                                                      delivery model.

                        Actions taken                                              We have so far removed 834
                                                                                   tonnes of black plastic from a
                                                                                   total of 1,066 tonnes.

                        Planned actions   By 2025 we will work with                By 2020 we will eliminate all non-             We will work with our
                                          suppliers to find                        recyclable hard black plastic from             industry partners to look
                                          alternatives to                          all our own brand products in our              to introduce a clear
                                          problematic materials and                supply chain, starting with                    labelling system on all
                                          unnecessary single-use                   immediate effect with all new                  future packaging to help
                                          items.                                   own brand products we introduce                customers improve
                                                                                   into the business.                             recycling rates.
                                                                                   By 2020 we will work                           We are working with
                                                                                   collaboratively with industry                  suppliers and customers
                                                                                   experts and partners to find new               to look at how to
                                                                                   innovative plastic solutions to                increase the levels of
                                                                                   replace any non-recyclable hard                recycling that takes
                                                                                   black plastic material we currently            place in the foodservice
                                                                                   provide, such as ready meal trays,             industry.
                                                                                   which cannot be identified in
                                                                                   many recycling plants.
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                                                  Target 1                                 Target 2                                   Target 3                                       Target 4
      Member               Action       Eliminate problematic or unnecessary single-
                                        use packaging through redesign, innovation
                                            or alternative (reuse) delivery model.
                                                                                       100% of plastics packaging to be
                                                                                           reusable, recyclable or
                                                                                                                          70% of plastics packaging effectively recycled or
                                                                                                                                                                              30% average recycled content across all
                                                                                                                                                                                        plastic packaging.

                        Actions taken    Britvic’s supply chain                        100% of our PET                    We are using the power of our                       In 2018, we trialled the use
                                         investment programme in GB                    bottles are recyclable.            advertising to help promote                         of rPET on our
                                         has enabled us to avoid 600                                                      recycling with consumers. Our                       manufacturing lines and
                                         tonnes of primary plastic                                                        new Robinsons Fruit Creations                       are working hard to
                                         bottle packaging in 2018 by                                                      TV adverts included a “Please                       overcome any challenges
                                         moving products onto our                                                         Recycle” message in 2019.                           and optimise our
                                         new manufacturing lines and                                                      In August 2018, we committed                        equipment for production.
                                         accessing lighter weight                                                         to invest £850,000 per year in
                                         bottles.                                                                         UK recycling infrastructure
                                         We supported consumers in                                                        through the purchase of UK-
                                         avoiding unnecessary single-                                                     based Packaging Recovery
                                         use plastic at the 2018                                                          Notes (PRNs).
                                         Wimbledon Championships,                                                         We know that R&D and
                                         where we handed out over                                                         innovation are key to creating a
                                         3,500 reusable Robinsons                                                         circular future for packaging. In
                                         bottles to tennis fans.                                                          2018, we designed and
                                                                                                                          implemented a tool to embed
                                                                                                                          sustainability thinking into the
                                                                                                                          very start of our new product
                                                                                                                          development (NPD) process.
                                                                                                                          This tool incorporates WRAP
                                                                                                                          guidelines and UK Plastic Pact
                                                                                                                          target areas amongst a range of
                                                                                                                          sustainable design
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                                               Target 1                               Target 2                                     Target 3                                       Target 4
      Member               Action              Eliminate problematic or
                                          unnecessary single-use packaging
                                            through redesign, innovation or
                                                                                  100% of plastics packaging to be
                                                                                reusable, recyclable or compostable.
                                                                                                                       70% of plastics packaging effectively recycled or
                                                                                                                                                                           30% average recycled content across all
                                                                                                                                                                                     plastic packaging.

                                          alternative (reuse) delivery model.

                        Planned actions                                         We are committed to                    All our products in GB display the                  We are working with our
                                                                                moving our laminate black              On-Pack Recycling Label to help                     suppliers to investigate
                                                                                plastic (
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                                        Target 1                         Target 2                                            Target 3                                           Target 4
                                        Eliminate problematic or     100% of plastics packaging to be      70% of plastics packaging effectively recycled or composted.   30% average recycled content across

      Member               Action
                                         unnecessary single-use    reusable, recyclable or compostable.                                                                          all plastic packaging.
                                           packaging through
                                         redesign, innovation or
                                           alternative (reuse)
                                             delivery model.

                        Actions taken                              All of our plastic bottles             We have established a Recovery                                  Currently around a
                                                                   are 100% recyclable.                   Management Office for packaging which                           quarter of the plastic used
                                                                   Capri-Sun pledge is that               acts across our European territory                              in our bottles is recycled
                                                                   pouches will be fully                  specifically to develop roadmaps to reaching                    content.
                                                                   recyclable by 2025.                    100% collection of our packaging in each of                     Internal testing and
                                                                   We have been running a                 those countries.                                                research on the increase
                                                                   trial with refillable                  Plastic bottles have a recycling rate in the UK                 of rPET in our plastic
                                                                   systems with our Coca-                 of 74%.                                                         bottles to 50%.
                                                                   Cola Freestyle fountain                We have been leading in the debate on what                      We have made
                                                                   at the University of                   an effective Deposit Return System will look                    investments in new
                                                                   Reading.                               like to enable high capture of materials.                       recycling technologies,
                                                                   ‘Design for recyclability’             Over 500M bottles tops each year now carry                      Ioniqa Technologies and
                                                                   internal guidelines have               a “Please Recycle Me” message to encourage                      Loop Industries to provide
                                                                   been developed and                     consumers to recycle their plastic bottle.                      high-grade rPET.
                                                                   communicated across                    We have placed new and clear recycling
                                                                   internal teams.                        message on packs, whilst continuing to
                                                                                                          support the voluntary On Pack Recycling
                                                                                                          Label scheme of consistent communication
                                                                                                          on packaging recyclability.
                                                                                                          We released a recycling-focussed TV advert
                                                                                                          over the Summer - “Across the Tracks”.
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                                            Target 1                            Target 2                                          Target 3                                       Target 4
      Member               Action           Eliminate problematic or
                                             unnecessary single-use
                                          packaging through redesign,
                                                                            100% of plastics packaging to be
                                                                                reusable, recyclable or
                                                                                                                70% of plastics packaging effectively recycled or composted.   30% average recycled content
                                                                                                                                                                                across all plastic packaging.

                                        innovation or alternative (reuse)
                                                 delivery model.

                        Actions taken                                                                          We ran a high-profile digital campaign,
                                                                                                               #CokeDunks, throughout September.
                                                                                                               Working with a team of influencers, the
                                                                                                               #CokeDunks campaign was targeted at
                                                                                                               teens and tapped into the gamifying trend
                                                                                                               to land the message that all of our
                                                                                                               packaging is 100% recyclable and emphasise
                                                                                                               the importance of recycling our bottles. The
                                                                                                               campaign was a huge success, with over
                                                                                                               60m impressions and 5.5m engagements
                                                                                                               across a suite of digital content that was
                                                                                                               promoted across social media platforms
                                                                                                               Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook.
                                                                                                               We partner with community groups and
                                                                                                               charities, such as Keep Britain Tidy and their
                                                                                                               Great British Spring Clean campaign, Keep
                                                                                                               Scotland Beautiful and Keep Wales Tidy, to
                                                                                                               support anti-littering and clean-up
                                                                                                               We are signed up to Operation Clean Sweep
                                                                                                               and have implemented best practice
                                                                                                               guidelines in our factories and with our
                                                                                                               suppliers to minimise the loss of PET pellets
                                                                                                               (or nurdles) into the ecosystem.
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                                                    Target 1                                   Target 2                               Target 3                                 Target 4
      Member               Action
                                          Eliminate problematic or unnecessary single-     100% of plastics packaging to be     70% of plastics packaging effectively   30% average recycled content across all
                                          use packaging through redesign, innovation     reusable, recyclable or compostable.         recycled or composted.                      plastic packaging.
                                              or alternative (reuse) delivery model.

                        Planned actions                                                  Our sustainable packaging              We have a bold ambition                 We’ll make sure that at
                                                                                         strategy demonstrates our              that all our packaging is               least 50% of the material
                                                                                         commitment to ensure that              recovered so that more can              we use for our PET bottles
                                                                                         100% of our packaging is               be recycled and none of it              comes from recycled plastic
                                                                                         recyclable or reusable by              ends up as litter.                      by 2020.
                                                                                         2025.                                  We are committed to using
                                                                                                                                the power of our brands to
                                                                                                                                inspire everyone to recycle.

                        Actions taken      Removed 703T from plastic                     To allow the change from               Working on innovations to               All trays now have
                                           packaging by reducing the                     non-recycled plastics to               allow problematic films to              minimum 70% recycled
                                           amount we purchased from                      recyclable plastics we have            be recycled.                            content.
                                           2017.                                         invested in our portfolio of
                                                                                         kit to run recyclable
                                                                                         Engaged with internal
                                                                                         stakeholders to promote
                                                                                         reduce, reuse, recycle which
                                                                                         is aligned with our own
                                                                                         sustainability pledge
                                                                                         Second Nature.
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                                              Target 1                                       Target 2                                                Target 3                                  Target 4
      Member               Action
                                              Eliminate problematic or        100% of plastics packaging to be reusable, recyclable or   70% of plastics packaging effectively recycled or   30% average recycled content
                                               unnecessary single-use                              compostable.                                            composted.                         across all plastic packaging.
                                            packaging through redesign,
                                          innovation or alternative (reuse)
                                                   delivery model.

                        Planned actions   Reduce plastic used                 Have identified all non-recyclable                         Once we receive the publication                      Our strategic plastic
                                          per Kg meat from                    packaging formats within our portfolio                     of the new OPRL guidelines we                        tray suppliers use
                                          farm to fork by 50%                 and have a plan to address.                                will work with our retail                            no less than 70%
                                          by 2025.                            We are in the process of changing                          customers to ensure we have                          recycled content
                                          Will be a PVC free                  from APET/PE to mono APET for both                         the correct message for                              within the products
                                          business by end of                  preformed trays and rigid base films                       recycling on back of pack.                           we currently
                                          Sept 2019.                          to ensue our end customers can                                                                                  purchase.
                                                                              recycle.                                                                                                        We are working
                                                                              Engaging with customers to remove                                                                               with our tray
                                                                              black plastic where possible to allow                                                                           supplier base to
                                                                              100% recyclability back into the food                                                                           increase the current
                                                                              chain.                                                                                                          recycled content
                                                                                                                                                                                              above 70%.

                        Actions taken     Removed plastic cups                All evian® and Volvic bottles are 100%                     Danone waters partnered with                         Danone has
                                          from head office site-              recyclable.                                                Hubbub #Leedsby example                              reported that all
                                          introduced refill                   Embed recyclability by design into                         initiative launched Sept 2018.                       evian® 75cl, 1L and
                                          system.                             R&D processes across the businesses.                       evian® collaboration with VICE                       1.5L bottles
                                          Tested alternative                                                                             on educational documentaries                         produced for the
                                          materials for existing                                                                         to raise consumer awareness.                         UK market now
                                          plastic spoons for on                                                                          Volvic updated all of their                          contain 50%
                                          the go consumption.                                                                            shopper POS and ATL                                  recycled content.
                                                                                                                                         communications with recyclable
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                                                    Target 1                                   Target 2                               Target 3                                 Target 4
      Member               Action         Eliminate problematic or unnecessary single-
                                          use packaging through redesign, innovation
                                              or alternative (reuse) delivery model.
                                                                                           100% of plastics packaging to be
                                                                                         reusable, recyclable or compostable.
                                                                                                                                70% of plastics packaging effectively
                                                                                                                                      recycled or composted.
                                                                                                                                                                        30% average recycled content across all
                                                                                                                                                                                  plastic packaging.

                        Planned actions                                                  All non-recyclable                     Roll out OPRL recycling                 For bottles under the
                                                                                         packaging formats within               guidance on packaging                   evian® brand, we will use
                                                                                         our portfolio to be                    across the businesses.                  100% rPET by 2025.
                                                                                         identified and a plan                  Collaborate with other                  We will launch 100% rPET
                                                                                         developed to address.                  stakeholders to improve                 bottles, to offer consumers
                                                                                                                                the collection of PET                   more circular choices,
                                                                                                                                bottles.                                starting in 2018 and
                                                                                                                                                                        reaching all our major
                                                                                                                                                                        markets by 2021.
                                                                                                                                                                        Collaboration with
                                                                                                                                                                        stakeholders to identify
                                                                                                                                                                        ways to increase the
                                                                                                                                                                        availability of rPET.

                        Actions taken                                                    Testing and scoping of                 Evaluating new generation               Launched our washing up
                                                                                         improved instore refill                of compostable packaging                liquid PET and home HDPE
                                                                                         technology.                            materials.                              bottles with 100% recycled
                                                                                         Locking first test of instore                                                  content.
                                                                                         refill to validate the                                                         Launched caps with 50%
                                                                                         technology in market.                                                          recycled content in our dish
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                                                    Target 1                                       Target 2                                   Target 3                                 Target 4
     Member               Action           Eliminate problematic or unnecessary single-
                                          use packaging through redesign, innovation or
                                                alternative (reuse) delivery model.
                                                                                          100% of plastics packaging to be reusable,
                                                                                                 recyclable or compostable.
                                                                                                                                        70% of plastics packaging effectively
                                                                                                                                              recycled or composted.
                                                                                                                                                                                30% average recycled content across all
                                                                                                                                                                                          plastic packaging.

                        Planned actions                                                    By 2020 we want to launch                   We will trial alternative                By 2020 we aim to have
                                                                                           minimum 5 improved                          biodegradable and bio-                   100% recycled content in all
                                                                                           instore refill stations as a                sourced packaging.                       of our bottles (PET and
                                                                                           test and learn to evaluate                                                           HDPE)
                                                                                           the potential to scale a                                                             By 2020, we aim to have
                                                                                           reuse and refill model                                                               50% of recycled content in
                                                                                           across all markets.                                                                  the caps.

                        Actions taken      Ella's Kitchen are looking at                   Ella's Kitchen are looking at               Expanded our EllaCycle                   Using recycled content (RC),
                                           different material options for                  different material options                  recycling program with                   in snack trays and exploring
                                           flexible packaging (flow wrap,                  for flexible packaging (flow                TerraCycle by increasing                 other opportunities to use
                                           pouch) with existing and new                    wrap, pouch).                               communications and                       RC.
                                           packaging converters.                           Packaging environmental                     awareness to parents and                 Established new
                                           Focused on developing                           impact now considered at                    carers (500 drop off                     partnership with other UK
                                           industry options for capture,                   each gate of the product                    locations in the UK).                    Plastic Pact members and
                                           reprocessing and recycling of                   design process.                             Launched instore postal                  non-members, focused
                                           the baby food pouch material                                                                return recycling initiative              specifically on flexible
                                           leveraging partnership with                                                                 with ASDA.                               packaging - output
                                           TerraCycle.                                                                                 In the process of becoming               alignment on best approach
                                                                                                                                       OPRL members.                            for flexibles at every stage
                                                                                                                                                                                of the value chain, including
                                                                                                                                                                                life cycle assessment (LCA).
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                                                    Target 1                                   Target 2                                Target 3                                 Target 4
      Member               Action         Eliminate problematic or unnecessary single-
                                          use packaging through redesign, innovation
                                              or alternative (reuse) delivery model.
                                                                                           100% of plastics packaging to be
                                                                                         reusable, recyclable or compostable.
                                                                                                                                 70% of plastics packaging effectively
                                                                                                                                       recycled or composted.
                                                                                                                                                                         30% average recycled content across all
                                                                                                                                                                                   plastic packaging.

                        Actions taken      Ran a workshop with                           Established new                        Launched of our Good Stuff               We are looking at different
                                           businesses and organisations                  partnership with other UK              We Do report (social +                   material options for flexible
                                           across the plastic value chain                Plastic Pact members and               environmental impact                     packaging (flowrap, pouch)
                                           to understand barriers to                     non-members focused                    report) which outlines the               with existing and new
                                           functionality and recyclability               specifically on flexible               complexities around                      polymer suppliers – this
                                           of flexibles.                                 packaging - output                     recycling and our approach.              includes LCA.
                                           Participated in several                       alignment on best                      Presented to AMI Plastic                 Exploring recycled content
                                           innovation workshop with                      approach for flexibles at              Pouch Conference on Ella’s               food grade certification for
                                           KTN, NERC and Biome to                        every stage of the value               strategy to raise awareness              PE and PP.
                                           investigate funding for new                   chain.                                 of recyclability issues within
                                           solution.                                                                            global plastic industry.

                        Planned actions    REDESIGN: Horizon scanning                    MAKE IT RECYCLABLE:                    GROW ELLACYCLE: Double                   REDUCE ITS FOOTPRINT:
                                           and collaboration.                            100% of product packaging              the number of pouches                    Measure + reduce the
                                                                                         to be widely recyclable or             sent to EllaCycle by June                lifecycle carbon footprint of
                                                                                         compostable by 2024.                   2021 (Baseline FY18).                    our packaging.
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                                                 Target 1                                   Target 2                                  Target 3                                 Target 4
      Member               Action          Eliminate problematic or unnecessary
                                          single-use packaging through redesign,
                                              innovation or alternative (reuse)
                                                                                   100% of plastics packaging to be reusable,
                                                                                          recyclable or compostable.
                                                                                                                                70% of plastics packaging effectively
                                                                                                                                      recycled or composted.
                                                                                                                                                                        30% average recycled content across all
                                                                                                                                                                                  plastic packaging.

                                                      delivery model.

                        Actions taken                                              The Highland Spring eco                                                              All Highland Spring bottles
                                                                                   bottle™ a 100% recycled plastic                                                      will contain at least 25% re-
                                                                                   bottle has been rolled-out                                                           cycled materials by the end
                                                                                   across the UK.                                                                       of 2019.

                        Planned actions   Highland Spring Group                    A Highland Spring Sparkling                                                          Highland Spring Group’s
                                          will decrease PET in                     eco bottle and a Highland                                                            ambition is to use at least
                                          packaging by 20% by                      Spring Kids eco bottle will be                                                       50% recycled plastic in our
                                          2020.                                    rolled-out in 2019.                                                                  bottles by 2022.
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                                                Target 1                                    Target 2                                  Target 3                                 Target 4
      Member               Action         Eliminate problematic or unnecessary
                                               single-use packaging through
                                            redesign, innovation or alternative
                                                                                   100% of plastics packaging to be reusable,
                                                                                          recyclable or compostable.
                                                                                                                                70% of plastics packaging effectively
                                                                                                                                      recycled or composted.
                                                                                                                                                                        30% average recycled content across all
                                                                                                                                                                                  plastic packaging.

                                                  (reuse) delivery model.

                        Actions taken      Not relevant for our                   We have eliminated the use of                 In partnership with a                   We have been trialling
                                           packaging portfolio.                   polystyrene in products sold to               supplier have been involved             packaging with a higher
                                                                                  the retailer.                                 in the making of a video to             level of recycled content.
                                                                                                                                show the recycling story of
                                                                                                                                a food tray that was shared
                                                                                                                                with consumers.

                        Planned actions   Not relevant for our                    Have identified all non-                      Work with The UK Plastics               We have identified the level
                                          packaging portfolio.                    recyclable packaging formats                  Pact/OPRL on making the                 of recycled content in our
                                                                                  and have a plan in order to                   consumer experience                     plastic packaging and have
                                                                                  address them.                                 easier in terms of                      plans in place in order to:
                                                                                  Investigating the use of NIR                  communicating if a pack is              Increase the level of
                                                                                  detectable pigments in our                    or isn’t recyclable.                    recycled content in our
                                                                                  coloured packaging.                                                                   packs where there currently
                                                                                  Look at alternatives to                                                               is a level.
                                                                                  mechanical recycling to increase                                                      Work on innovative projects
                                                                                  recycling of complex laminates.                                                       in order to add recycled
                                                                                  Work towards using mono                                                               content where there is
                                                                                  structures where possible.                                                            currently none.
                                                                                  Look to reduce down the
                                                                                  number of plastic types used in
                                                                                  order to make recycling easier
                                                                                  for the recycling centres.
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                                                    Target 1                                   Target 2                               Target 3                                 Target 4
      Member               Action         Eliminate problematic or unnecessary single-
                                          use packaging through redesign, innovation
                                              or alternative (reuse) delivery model.
                                                                                           100% of plastics packaging to be
                                                                                         reusable, recyclable or compostable.
                                                                                                                                70% of plastics packaging effectively
                                                                                                                                      recycled or composted.
                                                                                                                                                                        30% average recycled content across all
                                                                                                                                                                                  plastic packaging.

                        Actions taken      After a Head Office led                       All Hovis bread bags are               Bread bag recycle logo on
                                           sustainability review all Hovis               made from LDPE and are                 front of pack and updated
                                           Head Office employees have                    100% recyclable. 100%                  re-positioned OPRL logo on
                                           been supplied with reusable                   recyclable packaging is a              back of pack implemented
                                           water bottles to reduce                       standard for all Hovis bread           for top three biggest
                                           plastic cup use in the office.                bags and will cover any                volume products.
                                                                                         future NPD.                            Website updated to provide
                                                                                                                                information about bread
                                                                                                                                bag recycling.
                                                                                                                                Bread bag recycle bins
                                                                                                                                installed at Hovis HQ.

                        Planned actions    Conduct pallet wrap                           Continue to send all our               Bread bag recycle logo on               Not applicable for Hovis
                                           optimisation study to                         unused LDPE bread bags                 front of pack and updated               packaging portfolio as post
                                           investigate if Hovis can                      back to our supplier for               re-positioned OPRL logo on              consumer recycled plastic is
                                           implement measures for a                      100% recycling in a closed             back of pack.                           not currently approved for
                                           reduction in pallet wrap                      loop system.                           Implementation plan                     direct food contact.
                                           consumption.                                  Continue to investigate and            started and remaining SKUs              However Hovis are liaising
                                           Reviewing all packaging                       trial PE based flow wrap               to go live by end of Q2                 with suppliers and are
                                           specifications to ensure                      material that can be                   2019.                                   ready to consider action if
                                           material thickness and sizing                 recycled to potentially                Continue to work with                   there are any updates or
                                           is optimised for all products,                replace OPP flow wrap if all           retailers to promote the                changes to this legislation.
                                           ensuring only the required                    performance criteria are               collection of bread bags at
                                           amount of plastic packaging                   met.                                   larger stores for recycling.
                                           is used.
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                                               Target 1                             Target 2                                         Target 3                                           Target 4
      Member               Action              Eliminate problematic or
                                          unnecessary single-use packaging
                                            through redesign, innovation or
                                                                                100% of plastics packaging to be
                                                                                    reusable, recyclable or
                                                                                                                   70% of plastics packaging effectively recycled or composted.   30% average recycled content across
                                                                                                                                                                                         all plastic packaging.

                                          alternative (reuse) delivery model.

                        Planned actions                                                                            Hovis have entered a partnership with
                                                                                                                   TerraCycle, a scheme where used bread
                                                                                                                   bags from consumers can be collected
                                                                                                                   and recycled into useful items for the
                                                                                                                   community such as park benches and
                                                                                                                   school playgrounds.

                        Actions taken     Investigating paper                   Our packaging is                   Reviewed our OPRL labels and updated                            Moved our smoothie
                                          straws for our kids                   recyclable now and we              across all SKUs along with recycling                            bottles to 50% rPET +
                                          products.                             are committed to                   stories on pack.                                                15% plant PET. Started
                                                                                keeping it that way.               Adopted The UK Plastics Pact design for                         process of migrating our
                                                                                                                   recyclability guidelines.                                       juice range to the same.
                                                                                                                   Partnered in Leeds By Example OTG
                                                                                                                   recycling campaign.

                        Planned Actions   By 2020 we aim to                     Our packaging is                   All packaging to include OPRL recyclability                     All our bottles are
                                          replace the plastic                   recyclable now and we              labelling.                                                      already a minimum of
                                          straws on our kids                    are committed to                   We commit to raising awareness of                               30% rPET.
                                          product range with                    keeping it that way.               recycling to our drinkers by dedicating
                                          paper straws.                                                            part of our drinks labels to it (ongoing).
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                                                 Target 1                                   Target 2                                  Target 3                                  Target 4
      Member               Action          Eliminate problematic or unnecessary
                                          single-use packaging through redesign,
                                                                                   100% of plastics packaging to be reusable,
                                                                                          recyclable or compostable.
                                                                                                                                70% of plastics packaging effectively
                                                                                                                                      recycled or composted.
                                                                                                                                                                         30% average recycled content across all
                                                                                                                                                                                   plastic packaging.
                                              innovation or alternative (reuse)
                                                      delivery model.

                        Planned actions   By 2025 we aim to deliver                We aim to deliver a re-use trial             We will work with our                   We will have a minimum of
                                          a light-weighting                        by 2025, without material                    local council (local to                 50% recycled content across
                                          programme targeting 5-                   increase in product wastage                  innocent HQ: Kensington                 all bottles by 2022. We are
                                          10% weight reductions                    and therefore detrimental                    and Chelsea Borough) to                 also aiming for a 100%
                                          across all of our larger,                impact on our carbon                         improve in-home                         renewable smoothie bottle by
                                          take-home bottles.                       footprint. (Note: this will be in            recycling rates by 2020;                2022, comprised of ~ 70%
                                                                                   one of our European markets,                 campaign kicks off late                 recycled plastic and 30%
                                                                                   possibly outside the UK).                    2019.                                   robust bio plastic (from waste
                                                                                                                                                                        organic sources). 0% virgin
                                                                                                                                                                        We aim to trial recycled
                                                                                                                                                                        content in our caps by 2025.

                        Actions taken                                              We have engaged and                          We have clear packaging
                                                                                   continue to engage with our                  disposal messaging on
                                                                                   current supplier base to find                all of our Kettle Chips
                                                                                   recyclable, reusable or                      range.
                                                                                   compostable alternatives to
                                                                                   our packaging.

                        Planned actions                                            We will explore opportunities                We commit to educate                    We will look for opportunities
                                                                                   to make our shrink wrap 100%                 our consumers on the                    to add recycled content to our
                                                                                   recyclable by removing the                   correct disposal of our                 tertiary packing which will
                                                                                   contamination that comes                     packaging.                              include box, shrink wrap and
                                                                                   from paper labels.                                                                   tape.
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                                                 Target 1                                   Target 2                                  Target 3                                 Target 4
      Member               Action
                                           Eliminate problematic or unnecessary    100% of plastics packaging to be reusable,   70% of plastics packaging effectively   30% average recycled content across all
                                          single-use packaging through redesign,          recyclable or compostable.                  recycled or composted.                      plastic packaging.
                                              innovation or alternative (reuse)
                                                      delivery model.

                        Planned actions                                            We will look at opportunities                We will launch a dedicated
                                                                                   to send our on site shrink                   sustainability page within
                                                                                   wrap waste directly to a local               our current website that
                                                                                   recycling facility.                          will highlight what we have
                                                                                   We are exploring options for a               already been able to
                                                                                   recyclable tape that will not                achieve and what our goals
                                                                                   contaminate our cardboard                    and aspirations are for the
                                                                                   boxes (secondary packaging).                 future.
                                                                                   We commit to prioritise                      We commit to add clear
                                                                                   sustainable packaging                        packaging disposal
                                                                                   solutions wherever possible                  messaging on our
                                                                                   when launching new products                  Metcalfe’s range.
                                                                                   by embedding this into our
                                                                                   product development process.

                        Actions taken     Not relevant for our                     UK Plastics Pact team and                    Content added to Kimberly-              Initiated engagement with
                                          packaging portfolio.                     individual project teams                     Clark’s sustainability                  suppliers to review post
                                                                                   established.                                 website to further                      consumer recycled plastic
                                                                                                                                encourage consumers to                  supply availability, cost
                                                                                                                                recycle plastic packaging.              implications and quality
                                                                                                                                                                        evaluation to comply with
                                                                                                                                                                        our packaging supplier
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                                                 Target 1                                   Target 2                                        Target 3                                  Target 4
      Member               Action          Eliminate problematic or unnecessary
                                          single-use packaging through redesign,
                                              innovation or alternative (reuse)
                                                                                   100% of plastics packaging to be reusable,
                                                                                          recyclable or compostable.
                                                                                                                                70% of plastics packaging effectively recycled or
                                                                                                                                                                                    30% average recycled content
                                                                                                                                                                                     across all plastic packaging.

                                                      delivery model.

                        Planned actions   Not relevant for our                     Identify all non-recyclable                  Improve OPRL labelling across                       Commit to developing
                                          packaging portfolio.                     packaging formats within our                 brands and share learning.                          a recycled content
                                                                                   portfolio and develop a plan to              Will support campaign to raise                      sourcing strategy to
                                                                                   address.                                     consumer awareness of retailer                      increase use of
                                                                                   > 90%* of our plastic                        films take back facilities.                         recycled plastics from
                                                                                   packaging is currently                       Evaluate new communication                          2020 – 2025.
                                                                                   recyclable, either through                   opportunities through our                           Packaging
                                                                                   household kerbside collection                brand websites, social media,                       specifications to
                                                                                   or retailer front of store                   advertisements, etc. that raise                     include a %
                                                                                   collection points. Plan to be                awareness on proper disposal                        requirement* for
                                                                                   100% recyclable by 2022.                     and encourage recycling.                            recycled content. * %
                                                                                   Will reduce % of plastic to the                                                                  to be determined in
                                                                                   minimum required, to ensure                                                                      2019.
                                                                                   functional delivery and
                                                                                   consumer acceptance. *2018
                                                                                   estimate and to be confirmed
                                                                                   during data collection for The
                                                                                   UK Plastics Pact.

                        Actions taken     We’ve launched our                       We are investigating                         As part of our pacKPromise; a
                                          pacKPromise; a three-                    alternative materials, including             three-stage plan to reduce our
                                          stage plan to reduce our                 non-fossil-based alternatives                packaging impact, we have
                                          impact on the                            to plastic packaging that                    launched a partnership with
                                          environment:                             deliver comparable                           TerraCycle. This allows our
                                                                                   performance operationally,                   packs to be recycled while
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                                                  Target 1                                   Target 2                                Target 3                                Target 4
      Member               Action
                                        Eliminate problematic or unnecessary single-     100% of plastics packaging to be      70% of plastics packaging effectively   30% average recycled content across
                                        use packaging through redesign, innovation     reusable, recyclable or compostable.          recycled or composted.                   all plastic packaging.
                                            or alternative (reuse) delivery model.

                        Actions taken    Phase one is to use less                      technically and don’t                  we continue to work with The
                                         packaging. We already use                     increase incidences of food            UK Plastics Pact to define
                                         11% less packaging than we                    waste.                                 longer term solutions for
                                         did ten years ago.                                                                   recycling.
                                         We’ve also introduced flow                                                           In March 2019 we launched
                                         wrap multipacks on our Hula                                                          the KP Snacks’ Nuts, Popcorn,
                                         Hoops portfolio (23%                                                                 Crisps and Preztels Recycling
                                         reduction on large                                                                   Programme, in partnership
                                         multipacks outer packaging,                                                          with TerraCycle.
                                         saving 11.2 tonnes of                                                                We are carrying out an
                                         materials) and McCoy’s six                                                           engagement programme
                                         packs. We’ve planned                                                                 with our external and
                                         ongoing investment over the                                                          internal stakeholders and
                                         next 2-3 years to optimise                                                           encouraging our colleagues
                                         our multipacks which will                                                            to get their local
                                         significantly reduce our                                                             communities involved in
                                         usage of plastic film.                                                               recycling their packs.
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                                                    Target 1                                   Target 2                                   Target 3                                     Target 4
      Member               Action         Eliminate problematic or unnecessary single-
                                          use packaging through redesign, innovation
                                              or alternative (reuse) delivery model.
                                                                                           100% of plastics packaging to be
                                                                                         reusable, recyclable or compostable.
                                                                                                                                70% of plastics packaging effectively recycled
                                                                                                                                                or composted.
                                                                                                                                                                                 30% average recycled content across
                                                                                                                                                                                        all plastic packaging.

                        Planned actions    Reduction in both size and                    Investigation into                     We will continue to engage                        Investigation into
                                           gauge of materials utilised                   alternative materials that             with various groups as part of                    technologies that
                                           across our product portfolio.                 will allow the packaging to            our membership of The UK                          support this. None
                                           Investment in new                             be reusable, recyclable or             Plastics Pact, to support                         currently exist for thin
                                           technology that allows us to                  compostable. Ongoing                   development of appropriate                        plastic films.
                                           reduce the size of packaging                  collaboration with The UK              recycling strategies.
                                           put on to the market (pillow                  Plastics Pact on
                                           pack to flow wrap).                           infrastructure

                        Actions taken      Started optimisation of                       Kraft Heinz is no stranger to          Established partnerships and                      First tests completed,
                                           Foodservice dispensing                        advancing the sustainability           started the development for a                     pending results on
                                           solutions, as alternative for                 of its packaging. Evidenced            fully circular PET bottle for                     performance taking
                                           single serve sachets for front                by previous work in this               Heinz Tomato Ketchup.                             appearance and
                                           of house consumption.                         space, the Company has                                                                   technical aspects into
                                                                                         been working for years to                                                                the equation.
                                                                                         optimize its high-volume

                        Planned actions    Alternatives to current single                Kraft Heinz aims to make               Kraft Heinz Europe is working                     Kraft Heinz will work
                                           use packaging under                           100% of its packaging                  to make the recyclable Heinz                      toward increasing the
                                           evaluation with the ambition                  globally recyclable, reusable          Tomato Ketchup PET plastic                        usage of recycled
                                           to improve sustainability                     or compostable by 2025.                bottle fully circular by 2022, by                 content in its packaging
                                           levels.                                                                              using recycled material that                      and decreasing the
                                                                                                                                can be made back into food-                       overall volume of
                                                                                                                                grade packaging.                                  packaging used.
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                                                  Target 1                                   Target 2                               Target 3                                 Target 4
      Member               Action       Eliminate problematic or unnecessary single-
                                        use packaging through redesign, innovation
                                            or alternative (reuse) delivery model.
                                                                                         100% of plastics packaging to be
                                                                                       reusable, recyclable or compostable.
                                                                                                                              70% of plastics packaging effectively
                                                                                                                                    recycled or composted.
                                                                                                                                                                      30% average recycled content across all
                                                                                                                                                                                plastic packaging.

                        Actions taken    Stopped selling plastics                      Now able to report on                  OPRL information is now on              Training session organised
                                         straws, cutlery and cups.                     recyclability but next steps           pack for all new products               with WRAP to support
                                                                                       are to take this to polymer            (as of 2018).                           decision making process.
                                                                                       level.                                 Collection infrastructure in            Actively sourcing 100%
                                                                                       Contacted suppliers asking             place in stores (returned to            recycled content – Lock &
                                                                                       for their assistance with              DC for recycling).                      Lock and Wham recycled
                                                                                       packaging and are now                  Stepped up communication                plastic storage boxes.
                                                                                       liaising with supply base to           to customers in 2018 on                 Opportunity identified to
                                                                                       remove polybags and                    sustainability and our                  move to recycled content
                                                                                       unnecessary transit                    commitments, and have                   packaging, particularly on
                                                                                       packaging.                             started 2019 with a feature             cleaning consumables.
                                                                                       Looking at refill packs for            in Spring catalogue re
                                                                                       some items so that the                 sustainability and an ‘eco’
                                                                                       primary packaging is                   area in most retail stores.
                                                                                       Started to look at refillable
                                                                                       options on cleaning liquids
                                                                                       or pellet type options.
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                                           Target 1                                    Target 2                                          Target 3                                 Target 4
      Member               Action          Eliminate problematic or
                                            unnecessary single-use
                                          packaging through redesign,
                                                                        100% of plastics packaging to be reusable, recyclable or
                                                                                                                                   70% of plastics packaging effectively
                                                                                                                                         recycled or composted.
                                                                                                                                                                           30% average recycled content across all
                                                                                                                                                                                     plastic packaging.

                                           innovation or alternative
                                            (reuse) delivery model.

                        Planned actions   Reduce tonnage of              Work with Valpak to establish 2018                        Trial collections of high               Identify which Lakeland
                                          Lakeland plastic               packaging information at a lower                          volume plastic products or              cleaning product bottles
                                          packaging as a                 level (polymer) in order to identify                      packaging in retail stores              can be replaced with 100%
                                          whole by replacing             three priority categories/packaging                       for recycling.                          recycled material bottles
                                          20% of plastics with           types to prioritise for replacement by                    Continue customer                       and trial on at least 3 SKUs
                                          alternative                    end Q3 2019.                                              communication through all               by end Q1 2020.
                                          materials by end Q2            Supply base briefed on sustainable                        channels (web, retail, mail             Target 10% recycled
                                          2020.                          packaging requirements end 2018 –                         order) around the                       content across all Lakeland
                                                                         aim for 50% reduction in non-                             importance of eco and                   plastic packaging by end
                                                                         recyclable transit packaging by end                       shifting to sustainable                 2020.
                                                                         Q2 2020.                                                  products, including actively            Commit to a recycled
                                                                         Introduce an eco range of cleaning                        marketing the Recycle Now               content (or replacement)
                                                                         liquids in a refill type format to                        recycle week (23rd – 29th               strategy for all disposable
                                                                         encourage consumers to re-use                             September).                             plastic packaging AND
                                                                         rather than dispose of empty bottles                      Produce a customer guide                product with goals by year
                                                                         by end Q1 2020.                                           ‘need to knows’ around                  by end 2019.
                                                                         Identify a replacement material for                       what can/can’t be recycled
                                                                         polybags on all Lakeland own brand                        or composted to assist
                                                                         SKUs and instruct this as a rolling                       confused customers and
                                                                         change by end of 2019.                                    aid at home recycling by
                                                                                                                                   end Q2 2019. Provide
                                                                                                                                   online and in a leaflet
                                                                                                                                   format in store.
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