The Worshipful Company of Distillers - The Worshipful ...

Page created by Jay Pope
The Worshipful Company of Distillers - The Worshipful ...
The Worshipful Company of Distillers

           IN THIS ISSUE
           A very different year.
           Our charitable work
           exceeds all expectations.
           Interview with The Chairman                                The annual review of
           of Brown Forman – Garvin Brown                                the Master’s Year

                                            December 2020

Distillate2020v5.indd 1                                                                20/11/2020 16:36
The Worshipful Company of Distillers - The Worshipful ...
                                                                                                                                           Please see our website for further details
                                                                                                                                  or contact the Assistant Clerk,
                             December 2020                                                                                                 Mrs Kim Lyons,, telephone 020 7960 7173.
                                                                                                                                           Further dates will be added and notified via email.

          CONTENTS                                                                         Officers                                        Informal Events will be notified during the year.
                                                                                                                                           Events may be cancelled due to the current Covid-19 crisis.
          A Very Different Year������������������������������������������������ 3         The Master
          The Master's Charity Bike Ride�������������������������������� 5
                                                                                           Mr Jonathan Driver                              2021
          A Dram’s a Dram������������������������������������������������������ 7
          February Luncheon�������������������������������������������������� 8           Upper Warden                                    Thursday, 11th February 2021
          Consort’s Lunch������������������������������������������������������ 10        Mr Chris Porter                                 Court Meeting and Livery Luncheon: Painters’ Hall
          Distillers’ Charity Highlights����������������������������������� 10            Middle Warden
                                                                                                                                           Thursday, 22nd April 2021
          The Drinks Trust����������������������������������������������������� 10        Mr Chris Searle
          Alcohol Education Trust����������������������������������������� 11                                                             Court Meeting and Livery Dinner: Skinners’ Hall
                                                                                           Renter Warden
          New Education Programme for the Livery������������� 11                                                                          Wednesday, 23rd June 2021
                                                                                           Lorne Mackillop MW
          The Barking & Dagenham Future Youth Zone������� 11                                                                              Court Meeting and Luncheon (Court & Stewards
          Winner of the WCD MSc scholarship��������������������� 12                       Immediate Past Master
                                                                                           Mr Kenny MacKay                                 only): Innholders Hall
          WSET���������������������������������������������������������������������� 12
          Badges for Past Masters and Mistresses���������������� 13                       Father of the Court                             Wednesday, 12th May 2021
          The Past Masters' Committee�������������������������������� 13                  Mr Charles Minoprio                             Inter-Livery Shoot: Holland & Holland
          Industry Committee Report����������������������������������� 13                 Clerk
          The Distillate Interview with Garvin Brown������������ 14                                                                       Saturday, 22nd May 2021
                                                                                           Mr Edward Macey-Dare                            City Livery Yacht Club - Inter-Livery Sailing Regatta
          The Scottish Committee���������������������������������������� 16
          Website redesign��������������������������������������������������� 16          Assistant Clerk
          Marketing Committee Report ������������������������������� 16                   Mrs Kim Lyons                                   Thursday, 9th September 2021
          Spirit & Wine Committee��������������������������������������� 16               The Beadle                                      Court Meeting and Scottish Livery Dinner: Signet
          The Gin Guild �������������������������������������������������������� 16       Mr John Cash MBE                                Library
          Jenever induction��������������������������������������������������� 17                                                         Friday, 12th November 2021
          Pickering’s Gin�������������������������������������������������������� 17
                                                                                              Our thanks go to all our                     Pre-Lord Mayor’s Show Dinner: Saddlers’ Hall
          Hayman’s Gin Distillery ����������������������������������������� 18
          A View from the City���������������������������������������������� 19           contributors and the editorial team
                                                                                                                                           Thursday, 18th November 2021
          Keepers of the Quaich ������������������������������������������ 20             at Paragraph Publishing, Steward                Installation Court Meeting and Livery Dinner:
          Lee Bolton Monier-Williams ���������������������������������� 20                Damian Riley-Smith, Bethany                     Vintners’ Hall
          Pollinating London Together���������������������������������� 21                Whymark, Tim A Court, and our
          Queen’s Birthday Honours������������������������������������� 22                Learned Clerk, Ed Macey- Dare,                  Tuesday, 14th December 2021
          825 NAS����������������������������������������������������������������� 22                                                     Carol Service, St Lawrence Jewry followed by
                                                                                           for producing this year’s edition.
          HMS Montrose������������������������������������������������������� 22                                                          Supper in the Members’ Dining Room: Guildhall
          Affiliates Day���������������������������������������������������������� 22     We hope you enjoy it which was
          603 (City of Edinburgh) Squadron������������������������� 23                    produced under difficult conditions.
          A (London Scottish) Company������������������������������� 23                   We are continually striving to
          The Car Club Spirit������������������������������������������������� 24         improve the magazine and would                  Thursday, 10th February 2022
          The origins of the Distillers' golf���������������������������� 25              warmly welcome your feedback.                   Court Meeting and Livery Luncheon:
          Ewan Lacey and Saturday TV breakfast����������������� 26                                                                        Apothecaries’ Hall
          Heart and Memormy of the industry��������������������� 26
                                                                                           Please don’t hesitate to contact me
          Installation Ceremony�������������������������������������������� 27            at if you have           Thursday, 28th April 2022
          Meet your new Master������������������������������������������� 27              any comments.                                   Court Meeting and Livery Dinner: Grocers’ Hall
          Distillers' Song: "Good Heart!"����������������������������� 28                 Paul Finch
          List of Appointments���������������������������������������������� 28                                                           Wednesday, 22nd June 2022
                                                                                           The Editor
                                                                                                                                           Court Meeting and Luncheon (Court & Stewards
                                                                                                                                           only): Barber Surgeons’ Hall

                                                                                                                                           Golf Secretary: Graham Franklin:
                                                                                                                                           Car Club Secretary: Nick Carr:
                                                                                                                                           Inter Livery Shoot: Alex Parker
                                                                                                                                           Please contact individuals above if you wished to be placed on
                                                                                                                                           their email circulation lists.
                                                                                                                                           Cover image:
       Upper Warden                                       Middle Warden                           Renter Warden                            The Master and Mistress Kenny and Kathy MacKay
       Chris Porter.                                      Chris Searle                            Lorne Mackillop MW

      Lorne Mackillop MW Renter Warden
        After graduating from London                               Master of Wine. He served as a                  Dundee, he works in a commercial                  He joined the Livery in November
      University in 1977, Lorne joined the                         Councillor of the Institute of Masters          role responsible for the exports to            2010 and, until recently, chaired the
      wine trade, having worked during                             of Wine in 1986 and also became the             North America, Scandinavia, parts              Industry Committee (now renamed
      university vacations for André Simon                         Institute’s representative trustee on           of Europe, Australasia, and other              the Industry and Membership
      Wines in Belgravia. Starting at the                          the WSET from 1989-1993.                        diverse territories, along with the            Committee), before passing the
      bottom rung of the Company, he                                  Lorne remained in the restaurant             UK Duty-Free market. He also has a             reins to Trevor Stirling. He is looking
      rose to become Branch Manager of                             and wine trade with City Restaurants            non-commercial role as the Master              forward to serving the Livery in his
      the Knightsbridge Branch, and then                           Plc and First Fine Wine (London)                Blender (palate) of the Angus Dundee           new role as Renter Warden, assisting
      the Mayfair branch. He joined the                            Plc until May 1993, when he joined              group, and the selector of single casks        the new Master in these very
      Malmaison Wine Club in 1983 and, in                          Angus Dundee Distillers Plc - where             behind the “Mackillop’s Choice”, an            challenging times.
      1984, became the world’s youngest                            he remains to this day. At Angus                Independent Bottler brand.                     Editor


Distillate2020v5.indd 2                                                                                                                                                                                  20/11/2020 16:36
The Worshipful Company of Distillers - The Worshipful ...
The Distillate   2019   | THE MASTER

      A Very Different Year
         I will remember my installation       prior to the Calcutta Cup.
      ceremony and dinner for the rest of         We managed to reach London
      my life. A mixture of apprehension,      in time for the February Court
      terror, elation, relief, gratitude and   meeting and lunch in Girdlers' Hall,
      expectation. Elation and relief that     which is another stand-out memory
      one had got through it without too       for both of us. Again, the Mistress
      much embarrassment; gratitude for        and I were struck by the sheer
      the genuinely warm welcome from          goodwill and camaraderie within
      the Livery; and a great expectation      our Livery and from outside.
      for the year ahead.                      And then the world changed.
         The carol service was a great         The spread in Asia of the coming
      highlight, as always and we were         coronavirus pandemic began
      delighted that our minister from my      to cause concern and the first
      home-town church in Auchterarder         tangible effect on us was the
      was able to attend and was made          terrible decision to have to cancel
      so welcome by all of you. Not            the Court trip to Japan. This had
      knowing what to expect, she was          been years in the planning, and I
      immediately struck by the warmth         had hoped it would be a highlight
      of welcome from the Livery.              of the year, but cancellation was the
         That sense of expectation             only option.
      continued in 2020 and the year              A very busy week in the City in
      started at the same rate, with 14        early March with four events and a
      events leading up to the February        wonderful visit to Plymouth saw us
      lunch. Highlights among them             drive back to Scotland exhausted,
      included: opening the Alkmaar            but elated - and sadly, apart from
      Whisky Festival 10th anniversary         the bike ride, we have not been
      in the Netherlands, before flying        back to London.
      out of Amsterdam just ahead of              The gloom of the early weeks
      Hurricane Ciara; and making it to        of lockdown had to be tempered
      Edinburgh for the Informal Scottish      by a sense of perspective, in the
      Livery Lunch at 603 Squadron,            knowledge that many others were

      TOP RIGHT:
      The Master.
      Master and
      Mistress with


Distillate2020v5.indd 3                                                                                                   20/11/2020 16:36
The Worshipful Company of Distillers - The Worshipful ...
THE MASTER | The Distillate 2020

      much worse off. What has happened      military affiliations, industry,
      since is a major testament to what     the auction, the reorganisation
      the Distillers are all about. It was   team, spirits and wine, marketing,
      clear that Livery life as we knew it   finance or the bike ride team, the
      would have to change - and change      level of commitment demonstrated
      it did.                                by our groups and committees
         Our charity appeal and Whisky       is something I am hugely
      Auction in aid of the Drinks Trust     grateful for.
      raised in excess of £100,000 and          Last but not least, thanks also to
      I am deeply appreciative of the        the Clerk’s office, Ed and Kim and
      whole task force team for their        also to our development director
      efforts on this front.                 Clive for their excellent support.
         I am completely in awe of              A very different year, but one
      the commitment of those in our         where I have been honoured to
      Livery who have worked this year       serve as your Master. Thank you.
      in a very different way. Whether       Kenny MacKay
      it be charity, vocational training,    Master 2019 - 2020


Distillate2020v5.indd 4                                                              20/11/2020 16:36
The Worshipful Company of Distillers - The Worshipful ...
THE MASTER | The Distillate 2020                         The Distillate         2020    | THE MASTER

      The Master's Charity Bike Ride raises £40,000
                                            The Distillers' 500 bike run was     frequently being rewritten.
                                         like nothing I have ever done before.      Four other Liverymen - the
                                         The idea hatched somewhere in the       Learned Clerk Ed Macey-Dare,
                                         late afternoon following the 2019       David Wilson, Alan Montague-
                                         June Court lunch (says it all!!) was    Dennis and James Higgins - together
                                         simple: we will ride 500 miles from     with prospective Liverymen Scott
                                         Scotland to London for Charity.         Allen and Simon Swift, joined me
                                            Having never enjoyed endurance       - and what a group they were! We
                                         sports, the idea was to do something    were also superbly supported in the
                                         challenging to help keep my weight      back-up team with Jonathan Driver
                                         off during my Master's year and also    and the Mistress, who excelled at
                                         to try and inspire those younger        every food stop and ensured we
                                         than me with the Livery Charity         were perfectly fuelled for the task.
                                         vision of giving back.                     To say the ride was “memorable”
                                            Initially, the plan was to leave     would be a massive understatement;
                                         my home in Auchterarder on my           indeed, one of the riders described
                                         60th birthday in April, but Covid-19    it as a “life changing experience” As
                                         got in the way and we eventually        I write, the memories continue to
                                         settled on arriving in London on        bring a smile to my face.
                                         22nd September – to coincide with          The excitement of the arrival
                                         the Lord Mayor's City Giving Day.       by train of the team from London
                                            Apart from the training miles,       and a socially distanced supper at
                                         there was the small matter of the       Gleneagles - where the pre ride pep
                                         logistics and organisation for a        talk was conducted by text - and
                                         week-long event of this nature.         the sheer relief of getting started
                                         Again, I am hugely in James Higgins     on day one from home with friends
                                         and David Raines’ debt for a superb     and neighbours waving us off, were
                                         organisational plan. A huge task        early highlights.
                                         - and with frequent changes in             The Forth Road Bridge crossing
                                         Covid-19 restrictions, plans were       and then dodging the buses in

                                                                                                     FACING PAGE,
                                                                                                     FROM TOP: The
                                                                                                     Master, Peter
                                                                                                     MacKay, Lucy
                                                                                                     Coomber. The
                                                                                                     February Lunch
                                                                                                     THIS PAGE FROM
                                                                                                     TOP: The Master
                                                                                                     at the Forth road
                                                                                                     bridge. Bottom
                                                                                                     Distillers doing
                                                                                                     what Distillers do!


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The Worshipful Company of Distillers - The Worshipful ...
THE MASTER | The Distillate 2020

      Princess Street in the shadow of           Despite the differing riding      Leeming (and a morning outing with      arriving at King's College, where
      Edinburgh Castle with the Learned       abilities and experience, all        the RAF Cycle team) and cycling         we were welcomed by the Domus
      Clerk was not for the feint hearted     committed to the cause, enjoying     through Doncaster Town Centre -         Bursar Philip Isaac in beautiful
      and, once through the City we were      the incredible experience together   all navigated slightly better than by   early evening sunshine, was surreal
      on our way - a magical ride through     in incredible scenery.               the Back Up bus! - are all memories     would be an understatement and
      the borders in what I swear must           Because of the outstanding        as vivid today as they were in          the next morning, as we stood
      have been the clearest day ever.        weather, our arrivals in the late    real time.                              eating the best bacon baguettes
      Having crossed into England we          afternoon invariably led to a           We all remarked what a beautiful     ever for breakfast, overlooking the
      were able to switch from our groups     seat outside and the collective      country we are privileged to live in,   Cam in the King’s College garden,
      of two into a larger group and, as we   satisfaction and enjoyment of        none more so than the Fens which        there was a palpable sense of
      all stopped for coffee on the south     what went on to become known as      we skirted around on our way to         emotion within the group.
      bank of the Tweed for the first time,   “recovery lagers”.                   Cambridge, carefully navigating            A fitting start to the last day – and
      I was aware of what a great “Esprit        A misty early morning crossing    around a herd of cattle on the          what a day it was!!! The weather
      de Corps” already existed in the        the Tyne Bridge, The Angel of The    cycle path.                             was even warmer and the miles
      group.                                  North, Mason's Gin Distillery, RAF      To say that the experience of        flew by until lunch when, almost
                                                                                                                           unbelievably, we were ready for
                                                                                                                           the final stretch to Mansion House
                                                                                                                           - with Grant Gordon, our Charity
                                                                                                                           chairman, joining us to provide
                                                                                                                           support and willing us on to
                                                                                                                           the end.
                                                                                                                              Riding into the City had a different
                                                                                                                           feel, with the euphoria of knowing
                                                                                                                           that we were going to complete the
                                                                                                                           task and I am sure some of us shed a
                                                                                                                           wee tear as we rode up to Innholders
                                                                                                                           to be met by friends and family.
                                                                                                                           After the celebrations, there was
                                                                                                                           one last ride to Mansion House and
                                                                                                                           the presentation of our cheque for
                                                                                                                           £20k to the Lord Mayor for onward
                                                                                                                           donation to Future Youth Zone
                                                                                                                           in Dagenham.
                                                                                                                              If I thought that would end the
                                                                                                                           highlights, I was wrong - for we then
                                                                                                                           moved on to St Lawrence Jewry for
                                                                                                                           a short Service of Thanksgiving,
                                                                                                                           led by our Chaplain Rev Canon
                                                                                                                           David Parrott. This was incredibly
                                                                                                                           moving, giving thanks for our
                                                                                                                           safe arrival and the work of
                                                                                                                           the Distillers' Charity and our
                                                                                                                           beneficiaries. Gavin Evans gave
                                                                                                                           an inspirational insight into
                                                                                                                           Future Youth's work and we
                                                                                                                           were all able to give our own
                                                                                                                           thanks to God for what had
                                                                                                                           been achieved.
                                                                                                                              A final dinner - in socially
                                                                                                                           distanced groups - was a lovely
                                                                                                                           finish for the group.
                                                                                                       THIS PAGE,             A total of £40k is our best
                                                                                                       FROM TOP: Kings     estimate of what we raised, with
                                                                                                       College. A light    £20k going to the riders' personal
                                                                                                       lunch.              chosen charities. I am sure all the
                                                                                                                           riders would like to join me in
                                                                                                                           thanking the Livery, our friends,
                                                                                                                           families and business associates
                                                                                                                           for their incredible donations
                                                                                                                           making this all possible. I would
                                                                                                                           also pay huge tribute and thanks to
                                                                                                                           all the support groups from within
                                                                                                                           the Livery for their sterling work
                                                                                                                           – and, in particular, the Mistress,
                                                                                                                           Kathy for her great support and
                                                                                                                           encouragement for this and
                                                                                                                           everything else this year.
                                                                                                                           Kenny MacKay
                                                                                                                           Master 2019 - 2020


Distillate2020v5.indd 6                                                                                                                                   20/11/2020 16:36
The Worshipful Company of Distillers - The Worshipful ...
The Distillate               2020   | THE MASTER

                                                                   Two Celtic Bards

                                                    A Dram’s a Dram
                                                        by Kenny MacKay
                            Is there that wonders why today,                           Then also here and in guid cheer
                                We gaither here for a’ that,                                The Military and a’ that
                            A glass o wine and food sae fine,                          Oor Navy, Army, Air Force friends
                              Wi Uisge Bheatha and a’ that,                              Oor nation’s guard an a’ that
                                  An’ a’ that an’ a’that,                                    An a’ that an a’ that
                               Repleat we’ll be wi’ a’ that,                              Hae oor respect for a’ that.
                                 Distillers reputation lies                           The young professionals in the room
                                 in being guid at a’ that.                                 We thee salute for a’ that

                            In London toon wi’ coloured goon                            The educators gathered tae
                               The Liveries meet an a’ that.                            And students keen as a’ that
                          Process, compete and meet and greet.                    Who learnt their trade and how it’s made
                              And wine and dine an’ a’ that.                            And won awards an a’ that
                                   An’ a’ that an’ a’ that.                                An’ a’ that an’ a’ that
                                A richt guid time an’ a’ that                           We wish you well in a’ that
                          But ne’er forget the guid they’ve done                         A better industry than this
                                 For centuries an’ a’ that.                            You couldnae pick frae a’ that

                               So let’s remember Charity                          There are some thanks I need to make.
                              The Common Guid an’ a’ that                              Tae Girdlers Hall an’ a’ that.
                             For those wi’ less than us today                      Their clerk, their beadle, caterers too.
                               Ne’er dare forget for a’ that                          Hae done us proud wi’ a’ that
                                  An’ a’ that an’ a’ that                                  For a’ that and a’ that
                               We’ll ne’er flinch at a’ that                             Fur bellies foo and a’ that
                             and gie tae others less well off                        We gae oor thanks unto the Lord
                                 Distillers will for a’ that.                          His hand provides us a’ that

                             Theirs ither Masters here today                             An’ now today were on oor way
                           Oor Cask group friends and a’ that.                              And that’s the end o’ a’ that
                          The Brewers, Coopers and their clerks.                          But first wi’ intro frae oor clerk
                              Are welcome here for a’ that.                              Some Auld Lang Syne an’ a’ that
                                 For a’ that and a’ that.                                      An’ a’ that an’ a’ that
                             Their beer and casks an a’ that.                               A weel kent song for a’ that.
                            Sae complimentary tae oor trade                            It’s sung tae celebrate guid friends.
                               Sae grateful we for a’ that.                                Aroond the world an’ a’ that.

                           And then these vessels in oor hands                         And so let’s stand and hold a hand,
                              Glass sellers craft and a’ that.                            O Mine and sing for a’ that,
                            Decanters, bottles large and sma’.                        And gae oor thanks tae Robert Burns,
                              Oor spirit needs to store that.                            Oor National Bard for a’ that,
                                 For a’ that and a’ that                                     An’ a’ that an’ a’ that,
                            Where would we be without that                                  His influence an’ a’ that,
                             Wi’ simple glasses raised aloft                           On whisky sales o’er a’ the world,
                               Slainthe Mhath and a’ that                                 A Dram’s a dram for a’ that.


Distillate2020v5.indd 7                                                                                                                          20/11/2020 16:36
The Worshipful Company of Distillers - The Worshipful ...

      February Luncheon
         On a typical February day,         learned and gallant Clerks. He
      the luncheon was held in              also welcomed 10 new Liverymen,
      the beautiful Girdlers’ Hall,         a new Corporate Freeman, Rita
      following a Court meeting that        Greenwood of William Grant &
      morning. The attendees to the         Sons and congratulated Dan Szor,
      luncheon were greeted by Pipe         David Gates and Ewan Lacey on
      Sgt Andrew Parsons of the London      their elevation as Stewards. He also
      Scottish Regiment. This Scottish      welcomed the Master’s personal
      flavour continued with the ‘Selkirk   guests, including the speaker
      Grace’ from our honorary chaplain     Lawson Doe. During his speech,
      and the piping in of the haggis       Mr Doe showed himself to be the
      – with the Clerk bringing up the      authority on the ‘Bard’ for which he
      rear, rotating aloft a couple of      is well known.
      empty bottles of J&B Scotch! –           The Master awarded prizes to
      followed by a unique rendering        WSET winners Laurence Walker
      of the traditional address by our     and James Crewe; and to our
      Master. The Scottish theme and        successful golfers Bob Howell, and
      remembrance to the ‘Bard’ Robert      Bruce Hyde, and our ‘golfer of the
      Burns continued throughout.           year’ Nathan Last.
         Proposing a toast to our              The Master then regaled the
      guests, Liveryman Commodore           assembled throng in his own
      Jock Alexander OBE introduced         poetic style ‘And All That’, a
      Masters from the Brewers, Glass       very entertaining rendition. He
      Sellers, Coopers and Upholders'       also shared the fact that he had
      Companies, together with their        been provided with a new belt,

                                                                                   THIS PAGE
                                                                                   CLOCKWISE FROM
                                                                                   TOP: Golfer of
                                                                                   the Year Nathan
                                                                                   Last. Sue and
                                                                                   Chris Searle.
                                                                                   Commodore Jock
                                                                                   Alexander OBE.
                                                                                   James Crew and
                                                                                   Laurence Walker.
                                                                                   Auld Lang Syne.


Distillate2020v5.indd 8                                                                    20/11/2020 16:36
The Worshipful Company of Distillers - The Worshipful ...
The Distillate   2020   | FELLOWSHIP & CONVIVIALITY

                                                        very relevant as we were dining
                                                        at the Girdlers, but that it had to
                                                        have an extra hole put in it and
                                                        wondered why?
                                                           A toast to the Queen was
                                                        followed by the singing of the
                                                        National Anthem, a prelude to the
                                                        premier of the Clerk’s composition,
                                                        ‘Good Heart’, a new Distillers'
                                                        Song. This was delivered from the
                                                        balcony by honorary Assistant
                                                        Ian Harris (bass/baritone)
                                                        accompanied by the Clerk himself
                                                        on the piano – our very own Hinge
                                                        and Bracket! Our excellent soloist
                                                        delivered each verse (telling the
                                                        story of the Company’s history in
                                                        clipped tones) and encouraged
                                                        the assembled throng to join in
                                                        the chorus, which was proudly
                                                        done. The luncheon concluded
                                                        with a rousing rendition of ‘Auld
                                                        Lang Syne’.
                                                           Following the luncheon,
                                                        everyone retired for a restorative
                                                        Stirrup Cup with the Master, where
                                                        they were joined by the consorts
                                                        of Liverymen who had dined at a
                                                        separate luncheon at Vintners’ Hall
                                                        with the Mistress.
                                                        Michael Walpole
                                                        Hon. Steward


Distillate2020v5.indd 9                                                            20/11/2020 16:36
The Worshipful Company of Distillers - The Worshipful ...

      Consort’s Lunch at Vintners' Hall
         This year we were lucky to have       Covid-19 situation.                       in Scotland, I could make some
      had our Consorts' February Lunch            Because we had 24 consorts             more!!! A massive thank you to Kim
      at Vintners' Hall.                       present, we were permitted to             for organising the event so well,
         Major Steve Marcham kindly met        have lunch in the spectacular             and to Steve Marcham in being so
      us with a glass of bubbly and gave       Court Room which is rarely used           generous with his time and with
      us a really interesting tour of this     for this type of event - so this          the venue.
      most beautiful hall. The tapestries      made it extra special. Searcys              After the event, as is tradition,
      of 1466 depicting St Martin and          provided a delicious lunch and            we headed over to Girdlers' Hall
      St Dunstan and the hearse cloth          the atmosphere was beautifully            to meet up with those attending
      given in 1539 by John Hussee were        relaxed, allowing us to pick up with      the Livery Luncheon and a
      definitely my favourites. They were      old friends and meet some new             really nice moment afterwards
      both incredible.                         ones. This, to me as a consort, is        was meeting Andy Parsons, the
         Amongst the many great stories        the Distillers at its best.               Piper from London Scottish. My
      about “Vintners” Steve also                 My clever Mum had helped               grandfather served in the London
      explained the tradition of Swan          make small tweed bags filled with         Scottish Regiment based here and
      Upping - although sadly, as in           lavender as a wee keepsake for            their affiliate in Calcutta, India. A
      many other cases, his invitation         all our guests. If you missed out,        wonderful day.
      to witness this in person would          I am sure during this extended            Kathy MacKay
      not materialise because of the           and very ‘dry’ period of lockdown         Mistress 2019 -2020

      Highlights of an extraordinary year in the life
      of the Distillers’ Charity
         In the wake of the pandemic,            Against this backdrop the               charitable bike-ride culminated                        Livery members, was a living
      inequality is once again on the          Distillers’ Charity has responded         with the Master and his successful                     demonstration of the collective
      rise with increases in poverty           with speed, passion and solidarity        team being welcomed in person                          commitment of members towards
      already evidenced. Those at              supporting the common good                by the Lord Mayor at Mansion                           giving back.
      the bottom of the pyramid are            and helping those in need. We             House to present a cheque for                             The Charity Committee is
      suffering particularly hard from the     were able to deliver £205,000 in          £20,000 to the Lord Mayor’s                            grateful to everyone who has
      pressures that lockdown has had          grants during the period, a four-fold     Appeal. This year’s exceptional                        supported this work helping in
      on families, including children’s        increase on the previous year. None       fundraising efforts raised                             so many different ways to make a
      loss of education and the effects        of this would have been possible          £136,000      in   unbudgeted                          difference. Thank you.
      on people’s mental health and            without a huge team effort led            income which, supplemented                             Grant Gordon,
      general wellbeing.                       by the Master. The Distillers’ 500        by the annual donations from                           Chairman, Charity Committee

                                                                                                                                                                    FACING PAGE
                                                                                                                                                                    BOTTOM LEFT:
                                                                                                                                                                    Dr Dawn Maskell
                                                                                                                                                                    Heriot Watt. Left

          Charity Auction
                                                    HELP YOUR TRADE                                                                                                 Gerry Avis IBD. Ian
                                                                                                                                                                    Harris MBE-WSET

                                                                                                       In association with the Whisky Auction

      The Drinks Trust
         Since March 2020 and the                 Fund, of £250 to 1,950 beneficiaries   support initially though a £50,000                     north of the border who have lost
      beginning of the lockdown period,           who face hardship and loss             grant towards the Drinks Trust                         their income as a result of Covid-19;
      the Drinks Trust has focused on             of earnings, with 29 being the         Emergency Fund in Spring 2020.                         180 grants to existing Drinks Trust
      delivering support to those in the          average age of the beneficiaries.      That was followed in June by raising                   beneficiaries; and the delivery of 65
      hospitality industries who have          • Launched a second emergency            more than £60,000 in the emergency                     sleep and insomnia treatments.
      suffered, targeting the members of          grant initiative in October,           online auction, kindly assisted by                        The strength of commitment
      our trade who are most vulnerable.          directed particularly towards          Whisky Auction.                                        by the Distillers’ Charity has thus
         Assisted by a big outpouring of          those who have been made                 The Distillers’ Charity's combined                   played a key role in enabling
      support from the industry, with             redundant in the last four months,     grant of more than £110,000 to                         the Drinks Trust to deliver vital
      more £1.75 million in corporate             which will target delivering in        the Drinks Trust this year has                         support to help people in our
      donations and other fundraising,            excess of 1,000 further grants.        supported: 140 Covid-19 relief grants                  industry during this time of
      the Drinks Trust has to date in 2020:       The Distillers’ Charity, supported     of £250 each; an onward grant to                       exceptional need.
      • Provided a one-off financial grant,   by the generosity and great effort        the Ben in Scotland of £20,000 to                      Upper Warden Chris Porter
         via the Drinks Trust Emergency        of Livery members, increased its          deliver emergency grants to people                     Charity Committee


Distillate2020v5.indd 10                                                                                                                                                      20/11/2020 16:36
The Distillate           2020     | OUR CHARITABLE WORK & EDUCATION

      Alcohol Education Trust                                                               FUTURE
         The AET’s work is with children        life films, discussion prompt               The Barking & Dagenham Future Youth Zone
      with additional learning needs or         cards and fact sheets, as well as              Future – Youth Zone for young            a founder patron, has helped
      at higher risk of alcohol related         offered workshops that could                people in Barking and Dagenham              provide and the resulting impact.
      harms. The most vulnerable                be used on a one to one basis               has been busier and needed more             Some of the activities that support
      children in society are shown to          or for small groups outside of              than ever during the coronavirus            from funders has helped provide
      be more likely to face addiction          school settings.                            pandemic. The centre remained open          to young people, and particularly
      or problematic drinking as they               For children aged 16 and above,         but with strict Covid-19 measures           during these extraordinar y
      get older. This includes children         the AET works with young people             in place, and Future increased its          times, include:
      who grow up in care, have faced           directly and has held awareness             presence in the community by                • 176 monthly visits made, on
      adverse child experiences (ACE)           sessions for police and fire                visiting the young and vulnerable              average, by Future volunteers to
      or live in the highest areas              cadets, Youth Commission                    people it supports.                            people with additional needs.
      of deprivation.                           members, sixth form colleges,                  CEO Gavin Evans said: “The               • Becoming a food distribution
         Through the support of                 Prince’s Trust students and Young           interaction between local young                centre for other trusted partners
      the Distillers’ Charity the AET have      Farmers. It is known that those             people, their parents and families has         to support the wider community
      been able to support these young          who the children know and trust             grown and become more important                during the Covid-19 crisis.
      people throughout the pandemic            are more effective, if trained, to          than ever since the initial lockdown.       • D elivering nearly 300 food
      in settings such as children’s            influence their behaviour, hence            Future’s activities and visits by our          packages and medication supplies
      homes, schools, special schools           adopting a “train the trainer”              volunteers into the community have             to vulnerable residents.
      and PRUs. AET developed a                 approach. Training is supplied              led to an even wider mix of people          • A performance by a Future Zone
      toolkit, including a DVD of true-         to staff to ensure they know how            now interacting and engaging with              dance troop at the Lord Mayor’s
                                                best to implement the resources to          each other via Future’s work.”                 Appeal.
                                                support young people and prevent               Gavin Evans also highlighted             Gavin Evans
                                                alcohol related harm.                       the importance of the support               CEO Barking &
                                                   In spite of the pandemic, AET            that the Distillers' Company, as            Dagenham Future Youth Zone
                                                has delivered help to more settings
                                                around the country than ever
                                                before. It has:
                                                   Supported a total of 10,000
                                                   vulnerable youngsters;
                                                   Distributed 282 packs of
                                                   resources to 212 different
                                                   settings; and
                                                • Built a significant momentum
                                                   and platform for AET Scotland.
                                                Helena Conibear
                                                CEO, Alcohol Education Trust

      A new and exciting education programme for the Livery
         The hospitality industry crisis of     the means for individuals to develop           We are very fortunate to have            common language. We want to attract
      Covid-19 has brought the historic role    themselves through training and             world-class qualification partners          talent residing in all communities and
      of the Worshipful Company into sharp      education. In every respect, therefore,     to work with, namely: the ICBD at           so are aiming to make our awards and
      relief in 2020, in many ways. Alongside   the newly formed Vocational Training        Heriot-Watt University, with its MSc        offerings particularly attractive to
      heroic fundraising initiatives,           and Education Committee (VTEC) that         in Brewing and Distilling; the IBD in       minority groups who may not have
      significant work has been quietly         I chair has had an exceptionally busy       London, which now has three tiers of        applied before.
      running to boost the Livery’s efforts     2020, building a raft of new ideas to       courses - the highest level being the          How are we doing this? Well, for
      to help trade colleagues by giving        meet this challenge. Our aim in this        first Certified Master Distiller; and the   starters, the Distillers' Charity is
                                                work is to inspire existing and new         WSET, which excels in the appreciation      upping our funding by a factor of three
                                                generations of distillers and industry      and understanding of wine and spirits,      in the first year of our new plans. To
                                                aspirants to achieve the highest            now with a highly regarded level three      show we mean business, we have also
                                                standards of distilling practice and        in spirits - and more to come.              established a new team to drive things
                                                management in four ways:                       We are upping our game with all          forward, composed of seven experts
                                                • B ursaries for those starting            of them – more bursaries, better            in fields ranging from communications
                                                   or progressing a career in               scholarships and, most importantly,         and marketing, to City and industry
                                                   distilled spirits.                       much more engagement. We want               affairs, to mentoring. And that is
                                                • Scholarships and prizes to help the      every one of our students to have a         where you come in (we hope!). The
                                                   rising stars to go on to further study   contact or mentor in the Livery, so         response from volunteers within the
                                                   and reward top achievement.              that we can bring our much-vaunted          Livery to assist these endeavours has
                                                • M entoring to build trusting             - but very real - experience, energy        been impressive and heartening. You
                                                   relationships and accelerate             and passion for spirits to encourage        will enjoy any input you can give, and
                                                   progress through contacts and            and support their progress. By              we know that the students will really
                                                   opportunities.                           popular request we are designing            benefit. If you have not already got in
                                                • Getting involved in worthwhile           a new module to bring to life the           touch, please contact the development
                                                   City and Livery initiatives, such as     “business of spirits”, teaching the         director Clive Bairsto.
                                                   becoming a governor of a school          fundamentals of marketing spirits           Richard Watling
                                                   with Livery connections.                 and bringing teams together with a          Past Master


Distillate2020v5.indd 11                                                                                                                                              20/11/2020 16:36

      Alejandro Aspuro winner of the WCD MSc scholarship at ICBD Heriot-Watt University
      Alejandro's spirit career began as an
      educator and consultant of agave
      spirits – working with local producers,
      imparting masterclasses on mezcal
      throughout Mexico, the USA and
      Europe, curating spirit menus and
      private collections, and co-founding
      a company dedicated to spirits
      education. Guided by curiosity and
      a need for explanations, he came to
      Scotland to do a diploma in spirits
      with the Institute of Brewing and
      Distilling and returned a couple years
      later to do an MSc in Brewing and
      Distilling at Heriot-Watt University
      (HWU). Drawing from his experience
      in agave spirits and the studies at
      HWU, he is currently developing
      projects which revolve around natural
      fermentations, non-saccharomyces
      yeasts and parallel fermentations.

      Digital solutions boost WSET numbers
         Following the biggest graduation        so students don’t need to leave the      initiatives in Canada, USA, Sweden,     this generosity thank all who have
      ceremony in WSET’s history in              comfort of their own homes to            Australia and Hong Kong. As a result,   responded to the call.
      January, the world of wine and spirit      achieve a WSET qualification.            many hundreds of people have taken a       The ‘Raising Scottish Spirits’
      education collapsed as Covid-19               As well as being a lifeline during    WSET spirits course where otherwise     initiative will enable up to 90 Scottish
      spread across the globe. From              lockdown, this will also open up huge    they would not have been able to        hospitality staff who have either lost
      mid-March, 90 per cent of WSET’s           opportunities for markets like USA       and have gained an accredited WSET      their jobs or are suffering due to the
      classroom-based courses and                once the world returns to normality.     qualification which will help them to   current crisis to take an online WSET
      examinations were cancelled in all            This new digital solution to taking   gain employment as the hospitality      level two award in spirits, increasing
      four corners of the world, and the         a WSET qualification also gave us        sector continues to struggle during     their industry knowledge and skills
      response was to switch the focus to        the opportunity to help many people      the pandemic.                           for when they re-join the workforce.
      digital options: a new and improved        who were in danger of losing their          Hot off the press, the latest           And, even hotter off the press,
      online classroom; the introduction         jobs because of the impact on the        Covid-19 restrictions have prompted     WSET is planning a similar initiative
      of examinations using ‘remote              global hospitality industry, caused      a new WSET charitable initiative,       for the hospitality sector in Liverpool.
      invigilation’; and finally, e-books. All   by Covid-19.                             ‘Raising Scottish Spirits’, which          In the year ending 31 July 2020,
      these initiatives had been planned            We kicked off the first charitable    has been generously supported by        the overall number of WSET students
      for introduction by the end of 2020,       initiative in May, thanks to funding     many members of the Worshipful          declined – for the first time in 18 years
      but the pandemic meant that they           by Pernod Ricard UK, aimed at the        Company of Distillers and their         – but only by 11 per cent. This could
      had to be fast-tracked – and so WSET       London hospitality sector; this          businesses. WSET and the recipients     have been much worse without the
      now has an end-to-end digital solution     initiative snow-balled into similar      across Scotland who will benefit from   dedication of the great team at WSET.
                                                                                                                                     But, for spirits, there is a much
                                                                                                                                  better picture. The number of people
                                                                                                                                  who took a WSET spirits course last
                                                                                                                                  year has actually increased compared
                                                                                                                                  to the previous year, showing
                                                                                                                                  continual growth in the number
                                                                                                                                  of students taking WSET’s spirits
                                                                                                                                  qualifications. The development of
                                                                                                                                  the first spirits-only WSET course was
                                                                                                                                  originally funded by the Worshipful
                                                                                                                                  Company of Distillers back in 2003,
                                                                                                                                  so you should all feel very proud of
                                                                                                                                  how WSET (of which WCD was one
                                                                                                                                  of the ‘founding fathers’ back in 1969)
                                                                                                                                  is using the power of education to
                                                                                                                                  make a tangible difference to people’s
                                                                                                                                  lives, and to the industry in which
                                                                                                                                  we work.
                                                                                                                                  Ian Harris MBE
                                                                                                                                  CEO, WSET


Distillate2020v5.indd 12                                                                                                                                          20/11/2020 16:36
The Distillate           2020    | INDUSTRY & COMMUNICATIONS

      New Livery Badges for
      Past Masters and Mistresses
         Following a Court decision            size and weight, to allow it to be
      earlier this year, the Company has       worn as either a chain pendant
      launched newly designed personal         or as a brooch, in order to give
      Livery badges for Past Masters           maximum flexibility.
      and Past Mistresses. These two           Past Master David Raines
      badges have been designed and
      overseen by Her Majesty’s crown
      jeweller in the central London
      workshop of our corporate
      associate member, Mappin and
      Webb. They have been cast in
      London hallmarked sterling
      silver with a raised Distillers’
      coat of arms – each badge being
      personalised with the name of the
      Past Master or Past Mistress and
      their dates in office. Whilst the
      Past Master’s personal badge will
      be worn as a neck decoration in
      lieu of the current Liveryman’s
      badge (with Past Master's ribbon),
      the Past Mistress’ badge is a
      completely new concept. It has
      been specifically designed, in both

      The Past Masters' Committee
        I suspect that very few Liverymen      as a Warden and aspire ultimately        to recommend distinguished people
      are aware of the Past Masters’           to be our Master.                        from both outside and inside the
      Committee (PMC), and even those             The committee consists of the         Company for honorary membership. In
      who are often wonder who we              Father of the Court, Charles Minoprio,   recent years those have included Lord
      are and what we actually do –            and up to seven other Past Masters       Robertson of Port Ellen, Lord McFall of
      especially as we are the only            who have already led the Company         Alcluith and Alderman Vincent Keaveny
      committee          that     repor ts     in recent years and are therefore        from outside the Company, and from
      directly       to     the     Court.     ideally suited to provide continuity     inside, Nicholas Cook, director general
      That said, we are very much an           from a broad corporate memory. This      of the Gin Guild and Ian Harris, CEO
      integral part of the Company             proves invaluable with our other roles   of the Wine and Spirit Educational
      management structure but with a          of advising on any matters referred to   Trust (WSET). We are certainly
      degree of independence to carry out      us by the Court, providing a sounding    not a closed shop and are always
      our primary role of identifying those    board for the Company to give feedback   open to suggestions and welcome
      who might be willing recruits to         to the Court and making suggestions      proposals for consideration at our
      become Stewards initially (three each    to the Court for further discussion on   six-monthly meetings.
      year), and from thence as possible       matters relevant to the Company.         Past Master DNV Churton
      candidates to join the Court, progress      One of these matters is the need      ‘Chairman, Past Masters’ Committee

                                               Industry Committee Report
                                                  The Covid-19 pandemic has             Membership Committee. The main            namely Steward Trevor Stirling -
                                               driven many good initiatives of late.    purpose for this is to have a much        who took over from me in October.
                                               It has certainly meant that the WCD      tighter focus on recruitment of           Trevor is very well connected and
                                               has had to take a long hard look at      members from the spirits industry         respected in the spirits industry,
                                               its modus operandi. Perhaps the          (both individual and corporate) and       having worked as a management
                                               catalyst for this was the fact that,     from within the City of London. Also,     consultant with McKinsey, Diageo
                                               over recent years, the Industry          once members have joined, the new         – Guinness Ireland - and, more
                                               Committee rapidly evolved into a         task of the committee is to ensure        recently, as a senior analyst at
                                               committee whose work mirrored            it delivers the needs, wants and          Bernstein Research. Trevor’s
                                               and duplicated that of the M&W           expectations of new and existing          experience will help ensure we
                                               Committee, often with the same           Liverymen and feeds back to the           achieve our ambitions with vitality
                                               people on both.                          M&W Committee, which will become          and purpose. Welcome, Trevor!
                                                  Therefore, the recent management      the executive branch of the Livery.       Lorne Mackillop
                                               review of the WCD has resulted in           The newly repurposed committee         Outgoing Chairman, Industry and
                                               renaming us as the Industry and          also has a new chair at the helm,         Membership Committee


Distillate2020v5.indd 13                                                                                                                                     20/11/2020 16:37
INTERVIEW | The Distillate 2020

                                            The Distillate Interview with
                                            Garvin Brown
                                            The Chairman of the Board of Directors – Brown-Forman Corporation

                                            What were your feelings on joining    human capital to an even larger          working together.
                                            the Court of the Livery?              global audience.                            Digging more into the detail,
                                                                                                                           obviously COVID-19 continues to be
                                            Joining the Livery, and the now       2020 is your company's 150th             hugely negative for the hospitality
                                            the Court, has been a wonderful       anniversary, and of course has           industr y, which represents
                                            way to dovetail work with my          been a tumultuous year otherwise.        approximately 20% of our business
                                            adopted home. I can’t imagine         How has it affected your business?       globally. Above all, it is a human
                                            how I would have otherwise been                                                tragedy for our friends and partners
         G. Garvin Brown IV is the          able to meet such a broad range       There is nothing inevitable about        in this part of our industry, making
      Chairman of Brown-Forman Corp.        of people from our Industry, and      a company’s ability to survive,          charitable efforts like the Livery’s
      (NYSE: BFB), founded by his           from all parts of the country. It’s   thrive and remain independent            work with the trade even more
      great, great grandfather George       also showing itself to be a help to   for 150 years. Yes, Brown-Forman         valuable. More strategically, the
      Garvin Brown in 1870, distillers of   Brown-Forman’s local operations,      has been fortunate to find itself in     pandemic has also accelerated
      Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey.      where conversations have begun        a compelling industry and to have        a number of macro consumer
      Garvin began his employment           with the Livery on the topic of       grown up in the world’s largest and      trends that were already underway
      at Brown-Forman in 1996 in field      vocational training.                  most dynamic economy, but the            - trends like premiumization,
      sales in New York. Since that            On a more personal level, as a     company has also made deliberate         and the shift to eCommerce
      time, he has held corporate           Canadian-American who's made          choices about brands, people,            and convenience.
      roles in Louisville, Kentucky         the United Kingdom home, the          investment and governance. When             In the 14 years that I’ve been on
      and operating roles in Europe.        Livery helps embed me more into       those decisions are held together        our Board, I’m pleased to say that
      He joined the Board in 2006 as        the fabric of life here. Even some    with good judgment, the result is        we’ve made real progress at getting
      a Director and has served as its      of my cousins from Kentucky and       what we call our “culture.” And while    our portfolio ready for these trends.
      Chairman since 2007. Garvin was       Tennessee have begun to enjoy         none of us could have foreseen what      We’ve disposed of non-core, lower
      raised in Montreal, Canada, and       having a London Livery event on       sort of year 2020 would be, it has       growth, lower margin businesses,
      is a graduate of McGill University,   their calendar, letting them make     actually given our teams a truly         such as: Lenox China, Hartmann
      the University of British Columbia    connections across the ocean with     unique opportunity to demonstrate        luggage, most of our wine brands,
      and London Business School.           greater ease. Over the coming         the strength of that culture, bringing   Southern Comfort, Early Times and
      He resides in London, England         years, I certainly hope that I can    it to life with resilience and agility   Canadian Mist. And simultaneously,
      with his wife, Steffanie, and their   help the Livery - and the City of     – pivoting to different parts of the     we’ve innovated at the Jack Daniel’s
      two children.                         London - leverage its heritage and    portfolio and adapting new ways of       family of brands, launching line


Distillate2020v5.indd 14                                                                                                                                20/11/2020 16:37
The Distillate     2020   | INTERVIEW

      extensions like Tennessee Honey
      and Tennessee Apple (attracting new
      consumers to the brand and to the
      global whiskey category, a benefit
      for all those who prize aged spirits);
      and focused more creative energy
      behind our ready-to-drink offerings
      in Australia, Germany, the U.K.,
      Mexico, the United States and other
      markets. At the super-premium end,
      we’ve invested behind Woodford
      Reserve - which is now more than a
      million cases and into its 10th year
      of 20% growth - repositioned Casa
      Herradura to great effect, reinvented
      our founding brand, Old Forester
      (under the leadership of my brother
      and fellow board member, Campbell
      P. Brown) and acquired new super
      premium brands like Slane Irish
      Whiskey and the BenRiach portfolio
      of single malts.
                                                help us achieve our 2030 ambitions
      Could you elaborate on your               for representation among women          FACING PAGE FROM TOP: 5th & 6th generation Brown
      Diversity & Inclusion work, the           and people of colour in the U.S.        family with employees and CEO Lawson Whiting at the Jack
      part of your culture that seems to           More recently, given the movement    Daniels Distillery. Garvin Brown with photo of his
      be getting more focus lately?             for racial justice and equality, we     great great grandfather George Garvin Brown.
                                                have adopted new commitments
      At B-F, our stated ambition comes         under the umbrella of "Be Better and
      from a phrase that my great-great         Do Better". This phrase is not unique
      grandfather wrote for Old Forester,       to Brown-Forman, but does ladder up
      that there would be “Nothing Better       to our ambition of "Nothing Better In
      in the Market.” Today, the phrase         the Market". It lays out commitments
      is an ambition meaning that we            and actions on how we can get
      are always working to make our            better as individuals, leaders, as a
      company better, which translates to       Louisville company and as a global
      having the best people and the best       company, through our brands and in
      culture. Diversity and Inclusion are      our industry. It also emphasises the
      key factors in working towards this.      role we need to play as a corporate
         The business case is obvious.          citizen in our neighbourhood in
      Diverse perspectives lead to more         Louisville, Kentucky, the location
      creativity and better solutions,          of our headquarters.
      brand building and teamwork. It
      also helps us be more in touch with       To wrap up, any surprising trends
      diverse consumers, attract and            that you are witnessing in the
      retain diverse talent and be reflective   drinks trade?
      of a diverse society. It gives us a
      competitive advantage when we get         Three letters: R,T, and D ("ready-to-
      this right.                               drink"). Hard seltzer has taken this
         We focused more on the                 trend and put it on a rocket ship.
      importance of diversity in the            There’s even a global shortage of
      early 2000s, which coincided with         aluminium cans. For us, it was nearly
      the international expansion and           30 years ago that we launched Jack
      globalization of Brown-Forman. In         Daniel’s Country Cocktails in the
      2007, we hired Ralph de Chabert as        U.S. Since that time we have been
      our Chief Diversity Officer, helping      building RTDs in many markets
      put us on a course that examined          around the world, with Jack Daniel’s
      every aspect of our organization - our    RTDs at now over 10 million cases,
      culture, our strategy, our employee       a material number.
      benefits and policies, our hiring            Our other large RTD business is
      practices and, most importantly,          our tequila-based New Mix RTDs
      ourselves - and what we needed to         in Mexico, which is over 7 million
      do to change and grow.                    cases. This business is also doing
         Just over a year ago the company       well in this environment. And we
      published "Many Spirits One Brown-        just acquired a small but exciting
      Forman", a comprehensive ten-year         brand in New Zealand called Part
      strategy for achieving ambitious          Time Rangers, with plans to expand
      quantitative goals around race and        it to Australia which is one of the
      gender. It lays out key priorities to     largest RTD markets in the world.


Distillate2020v5.indd 15                                                                                                                     20/11/2020 16:37

      Spirit & Wine Committee                                                              Website redesign
      “Lost for words"                                                                        The redesign of the website               channel to reach our business
         It is not often that I am lost for    condition awaiting use hopefully over       commenced prior to the onset of the          community.
      words, but the past year has been        the next 12 months, when we will            virus, but the perceived impact of             We have 193 out of 273 registered
      a bit of a non-event for the S&W         all be able to get together again and       this led to a more fundamental review        users, but only 80 completed the
      Committee - with functions cancelled,    enjoy vinous andspirituous delights.        about how we should communicate              member profile and are on the “Find
      stocks remaining unused and little          We are also in discussion about          and engage with our members.                 a member” section, so we continue to
      happening in the industry regarding      forming a Distillers' Wine Club using          Improved navigation, a search             encourage all members to complete
      tastings etc. We do, however, remain     the good offices of Davy's – it’s early     facility, a newsroom area for reporting      both areas.
      in good spirits!                         days, yet but watch this space!             current activities and a downloadable          We increased our data base
         We have recently tasted samples       Past Master Allan Cheesman                  photo gallery are new features, and          membership by promoting sign-ups
      from our stocks of wines and can         Chairman of the Spirits &                   we revitalised other areas with              with a free prize draw and a Master's
      confirm that all are in excellent        Wine Committee                              modernising copy.                            Cask bottle was won by both John
                                                                                              Behind the members' login, we             Barnes and Edward Bates.
                                                                                           are offering members a number                  We continue to carry industry news
                                                                                           of promotional offers from our               provided by and www.
                                                                                           companies with clear connections to and, with more
                                                                                           our Livery.                                  content being generated in our virtual
                                                                                              The website links to our new social       world, please continue to check in
                                                                                           media platforms, YouTube, Facebook,          regularly. Any feedback is gratefully
                                                                                           Twitter and Instagram, and we                received!
                                                                                           launched our own branded LinkedIn            Middle Warden Chris Searle

                                                                                           The Gin Guild
                                                                                              It’s been a challenging year for all of
                                                                                           us. Several of our Gin Guild members
                                                                                           started to produce hand sanitisers
                                                                                           during the original lockdown, which
      The Scottish Committee                                                               of course was welcomed by the
                                                                                           government and country.
         Congratulations to Liveryman          Learmonth Terrace, Edinburgh. That             A virtual Ginposium was held during
      Richard Forsyth, chairman of Forsyth's   the relationship is so strong today is      the Summer, the speakers recorded
      Coppersmiths, who was made an            largely due to Ken’s relationship with      their talks from home and David Smith
      OBE for services to the distillation     serving officers and, in particular, with   led a panel of tasters to try a number
      and oil and gas industries, and also     Squadron Leader (and Liveryman)             of new gins. The Ginposium worked
      the community in Speyside Scottish       Jerry Riley. So, our thanks Ken and all     very successfully, and a post event
      Highlands, in the recent Queen’s         good wishes for the future with your        Zoom meeting was held in the evening.
      Birthday Honours List.                   distilling interests.                       Members can continue to view the
         Ken Robertson, an Honorary               It is hoped that next year’s             Ginposium via the website. A second
      Steward, will step down from the         Livery dinner will take place at            virtual Ginposium is planned for this
      committee at our December meeting.       the Signet Library on Thursday              November.                                    this combined action. We will continue
      Ken was part of the original committee   9th September. Scottish Golf                    The Gin Guild has also developed         to protect our gin category, protect
      when it was formed in 2014 and became    Day will be held at Bruntsfield             a new relationship with Trading              consumers and protect our members
      the liaison link between the Livery      Links Golfing Society course the            Standards in both Buckinghamshire            and trade.
      and the RAF’s 603 Squadron, which        following day.                              and Surrey, being the body which                  Please see our website for
      now occupies the former Sandeman         Past Master Brian Morrison                  has primary authority to prevent             more details of events and news:
      (Vat 69 Whisky) family mansion on        Chairman, Scottish Committee                non-compliant products from using  
                                                                                           the gin category name. Two gins have         Nicholas Cook
                                                                                           already been withdrawn as a result of        Director General – The Gin Guild
      Marketing Committee Report
        What an amazing year this has             We now have a new team of people         and to a wider audience, especially              We have an exciting programme for
      been in so many respects. Covid-19       to steer the agenda: Chris Searle,          as so many events of the Livery year         2021, so watch this space. Now a plea.
      has provided our team with extra         Andrew Cox, Aaron Jeewood, Clive            had to be cancelled. YouTube is the          A huge amount of work went into the
      challenges, but it has also given us a   Bairsto, Donna Bowers from Domabo           second most popular media platform           development of our new website and
      wonderful opportunity to think more      marketing and Kim Lyons, without            in the world, with more than 1.9 billion     it is still the best place to find out what
      creatively about how we engage with      whose energy none of our work would         users (let’s get a bit of that, please!).    is going on in the Livery. We also have
      our Liverymen and raise our game.        happen. Thank you for all your hard            Our first video was the Master’s          a members' login section where you
      We now have new terms of reference,      work and contributions.                     bike ride, followed by the Master’s          can register your contact details, so
      which means that we work with the           With a new website and four social       interview. By the time you read this,        other Liverymen can get in contact
      other committees cross-functionally      media platforms – Facebook, LinkedIn,       will we have broadcasted a video             with you. Please sign up and use this
      to help them with their messaging.       Instagram and Twitter – in place, it        about the Master Elect. That just            facility; it makes the Livery go-round,
      This is working very well, especially    was decided that we should include          leaves our Christmas cocktail video.         if you know what I mean.
      with the Charity Committee and           a fifth platform: a Livery YouTube          YouTube has been a steep learning            Paul Finch
      the new Vocational Training and          channel, primarily to deliver more          curve for all of us, but we are getting      Chairman, Marketing Committee
      Education project.                       engaging messaging to our Liverymen         there!


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