MYSTIC EAST - NEW WAGE CODE unexplored horizon - February 2021 A Bi-monthly Magazine by HRAEI ...

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MYSTIC EAST - NEW WAGE CODE unexplored horizon - February 2021 A Bi-monthly Magazine by HRAEI ...
MYSTIC EAST unexplored horizon             A Bi-monthly Magazine by HRAEI | Vol 7 | Issue 1 | January - February 2021

             WAGE CODE
               Wage rules with a simpler approach may
              have made payroll structures friendlier for
                   both employers and employees
MYSTIC EAST - NEW WAGE CODE unexplored horizon - February 2021 A Bi-monthly Magazine by HRAEI ...
MYSTIC EAST - NEW WAGE CODE unexplored horizon - February 2021 A Bi-monthly Magazine by HRAEI ...

      RRecently some hospitality associations have
       launched the #Godirect Campaign to counter
       the dominance of certain online travel agents
       (OTAs). This is certainly a judicious move ex-
       pected to eliminate intermediaries and save
                                                        We have a huge advantage over the
                                                        OTAs when it comes to nurturing a
                                                           relationship with the guest.

                                                         we're in control of our own destiny and
                                                         we must implement a proven marketing
                                                         strategy. This will not only maximize the
                                                         number of direct bookings that a property
                                                         is driving through its own website, but also
       exorbitant commissions to hotel aggregators,      a strategy that uses OTAs for their intended
       especially when the hospitality sector is go-     purpose to find new guests. In other words,
       ing through a critical situation. We at HRAEI     if you have used OTAs in the past to find
       have been fighting against the arm-twisting       and book new guests, now tap those guests
       tactics of the aggregators for quite some         directly. We have a massive advantage over
       time. Last year we had decided to stop taking     the OTAs when it comes to developing and
       bookings from, two top online travel portals      nurturing a relationship with the guest. The
       for charging heavy commissions from hotel         relationship between the OTA and the guest
       owners and offering indiscriminate discounts      exists only online or through calls via phone,
       to customers through their platforms. These       but we have the distinct privilege of actually
       online booking portals initially charged          hosting the guest and the opportunity to
       between 15 and 18 per cent as commissions,        build a real and meaningful relationship.
       but the figure climbed to over 40 per cent        This should be followed up through regular
       last year-end.                                    communication with the guest and build
         It's time for our industry to realize that      brand loyalty.

                                           Mr Sudesh Poddar
                                              President, HRAEI

                                                                                                MYSTIC EAST | 3
MYSTIC EAST - NEW WAGE CODE unexplored horizon - February 2021 A Bi-monthly Magazine by HRAEI ...

                                   It wasn't that long ago that the only green,
                                   plant-based food generally spotted in fast-food
                                                                                                              MYSTIC EAST
                                   restaurants was the shredded lettuce separating a                          A BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE BY HRAEI
                                                                                                              Vol 7 | Issue 1 | January - February 2021
                                   hamburger from its mayonnaise slathered bun. But
                                   as the vegetarian and vegan community rapidly
                                   grows, even fast-food fans are becoming less afraid                        EDITORIAL BOARD
                                                                                                              SUDESH PODDAR
                                   of eating their greens. Last November, McDonald's
                                                                                                              PRESIDENT, HRAEI
                                   announced that it is offering a meatless burger
                                                                                                              DR. SUBORNO BOSE
                                   called the McPlant, and Pizza Hut became the first                         SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT
                                   national pizza chain to partner with leading vegan                         MOHAMMED AZHAR
                                   meat producer Beyond Meat to introduce plant-                              HONOURARY SECRETARY
                                   based meat pizzas across US and Europe. Some                               VIJAY SHRIKENT
                                   industry watchers believe that plant-based meat                            GENERAL MANAGER-TAJ BENGAL & CITY GENERAL
                                                                                                              MANAGER, KOLKATA
                                   is on its way to becoming the fifth protein, in with
Plant-based                        beef, chicken, seafood and pork.                                           ATIKRAM GUPTA
                                      Meanwhile, in a country like India, where major
meat is on its                                                                                                EDITORIAL CONSULTANT
                                                                                                              SUSMIT BARMAN
                                   food giants are forced to introduce vegetarian
way to becoming                    options on their menu, including plant-based meat                          CHIEF DESIGNER
                                                                                                              SOMU DUTTA
the fifth protein,                 options might not be a bad idea. Although we
in with beef,                      see a few vegan restaurants coming up across the                           ‘Mystic East’ magazine is printed
                                                                                                              and published by Atikram Gupta on behalf of Hotel and
                                   country, particularly in the metros, fast food chains
chicken, seafood                   here are yet to tap this segment of plant-based
                                                                                                              Restaurant Association of Eastern India.
                                                                                                              Printed at CDC Printers Private Limited, No.45, Radha Nath
and pork                           meat. Researchers from the University of Bath, the                         Chowdhury Road, Tangra Industrial Estate-II, Kolkata, West
                                                                                                              Bengal 700 015
                                   Good Food Institute, and the Center for Long Term
                                   Priorities collaborated on the first quantitative com-                     Hotel and Restaurant Association of Eastern India, 18A/1,
                                   parison of consumer attitudes towards plant-based                          Everest , 18th Floor, 46C,
                                                                                                              Chowringhee Road, Kolkata- 700 071;
                                   and clean meat across China, India, and the U.S.                           Telephone- +91 33 2288-1742/43, 40035993.
                                      The report by Deloitte found out that the three                         E-mail:
                                   most populous countries in the world have robust
                                   consumer interest in plant-based and clean meat.
                                   Interest in clean meat is expected to grow once
                                   there is a product on the market and consumers
                                   are more familiar with it.

All information in Mystic East magazine is derived from sources we consider reliable and a sincere effort is made to report accurate information. The publisher
regrets that he cannot accept liability for error and omissions contained in this publication that might have crept in inadvertently. Similarly, opinions/views
expressed by third parties are not necessarily shared by the magazine. However, we wish to advise our readers that one or more recognised authorities may hold
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MYSTIC EAST - NEW WAGE CODE unexplored horizon - February 2021 A Bi-monthly Magazine by HRAEI ...
January - February 2021

                             The new and common definition of 'wages' under
                             the recently passed labour codes has got most
                             organisations to take yet another look at their payroll
                             structures to determine what impact they will face.
                             The new codes have been passed by Parliament to
                             "amalgamate, simplify and rationalise" existing laws
                             on various subjects like payment of wages, minimum
                             wages, bonus, social security, etc., and are anticipated
                             to become a binding law from April 2021. Is this the
                             change the industry had wanted and hoped for?
                                No doubt a common and consistent definition is
                             good, and that is certainly a positive one. PF, ESI, stat-
                             utory bonus, leave encashment (for factory workers),
                             gratuity, retrenchment compensation, etc. will all be
                             calculated using a common definition of 'wages.'
                                The definition of wages continues with the age-
                             old formula of stipulating broadly worded inclusions
                             along with vaguely worded exclusions, and then adds
                             a layer of complexity on top by setting out exceptions
                             for situations where the excluded components would
                             also have to be treated as wages. No doubt, there
                             could be certain entitlements, such as the construct
The definition of wages      of CTC - such as statutory bonus, overtime, etc., which
                             may or may not be treated as 'wages' based on the
continues with the age-      circumstances. It could have been a lot simpler and in
old formula of stipulating   tune with the compensation practices being followed
broadly worded inclusions    today - internationally and in India.

                             Mr Mohammed Azhar
                             Honourary Secretary

                                                                                             MYSTIC EAST | 5
MYSTIC EAST - NEW WAGE CODE unexplored horizon - February 2021 A Bi-monthly Magazine by HRAEI ...

      Cover Story
      January - February 2021

      NEW WAGE
      Wage rules with a
      simpler approach may
      have made payroll
      structures friendlier for
      both employers and

              UNION BUDGET:
              OUR WISH LIST
             Expectations are increasing
             from all sectors before the     THINGS TO STAY
             Union Budget, particularly           The ever-resilient hospitality
             the hospitality sector, that
             was hit the hardest by to the
             lockdown restrictions
                                             14   industry rose up to the
                                                  challenge, reinvented itself and
                                                  bounced back

MYSTIC EAST - NEW WAGE CODE unexplored horizon - February 2021 A Bi-monthly Magazine by HRAEI ...
January - February 2021

      MEAT?                           32           NEW NORMAL

     Plant-based meat selections
     appeal to meat eaters in a
     way traditional vegetarian
     substitutions haven’t            The current pandemic has ensured
                                      that travelling won’t be the same as
                                      before. Some trends are going to

28    GO DIRECT,
                                      stay even after normalcy returns

     An important goal for both
     large hotel chains and
                                      38         STELLAR
                                      Odisha Tourism has undertaken a drive
     smaller, individual hotels, is   to sensitise hospitality service providers
     to encourage guests to           across the state in COVID-19 safety
     book directly through their      protocols. Innovative schemes are
     websites                         drawing tourists in hordes

                                                                      MYSTIC EAST | 7
MYSTIC EAST - NEW WAGE CODE unexplored horizon - February 2021 A Bi-monthly Magazine by HRAEI ...

As we inch closer to the much-awaited Union Budget 2021, the expectations are
increasing from all sectors, particularly the hospitality, travel and tourism segments
that were directly impacted due to the lockdown restrictions

                                                                               Industry status

         HE coronavirus pandemic         continuously asked the government
         and the consequent lock-        for several concessions, 'industry    The hospitality sector contributes
         down in India crippled the      status 'being a continuous demand.    almost 10 percent of the GDP to the
Indian economy and disrupted the         The sector contributes almost 10      economy and our employment is
lives of millions in an instant. Out     percent of the GDP to the economy     around 9-10 per cent. Hence, we have
of the sectors that were the most        and employs around 9-10 per cent.     been demanding that hotels, resorts
affected, hospitality and travel         It's time the government gives some   and restaurants need to be accorded
and tourism had to face the wrath        attention to this sector. Following   industry status. We need to get the
of calamity in the absence of any        are some of the demands of the        industry status which helps in reduc-
safety net. The hospitality sector has   hospitality sector.                   ing our costs. It helps in making the

MYSTIC EAST - NEW WAGE CODE unexplored horizon - February 2021 A Bi-monthly Magazine by HRAEI ...
January - February 2021

business more viable and profitable.     state governments have been proac-          The industry status allows hospi-
That is the long-standing demand         tively lending a helping hand to the     tality establishments in the state to
which we have been seeking. There        tourism & hospitality sector in their    be levied electricity rate, electricity
is so much tourism potential in this     respective states, providing various     charges, water charges, property tax,
country it actually would be simply      relief measures to help the sector       development tax, increased carpet ra-
wonderful if the government con-         stay afloat during these trying times.   tio and non-agricultural tax at indus-
sidered this and gave the industry       Last month, in a move to reboot the      trial rates (with effect from 1st April
this privilege. It would change things   sector, the Maharashtra government       2021). As a result, operating costs for
considerably                             conferred 'industry' status to the       hospitality players in Maharashtra
   In the past few months, several       state's hospitality sector.              are expected to reduce significantly

                                                                                                       MYSTIC EAST | 9
MYSTIC EAST - NEW WAGE CODE unexplored horizon - February 2021 A Bi-monthly Magazine by HRAEI ...

as industrial tariffs are much lower                               rich heritage, and cultural diversity,
than the commercial tariff that they                               which attracts tourists from across
currently pay.                                                     the country and the world. However,
   Earlier in October 2020, the state     The hospitality sector   we have still not tapped into the full
had also reduced pre-establishment        contributes almost       potential of tourism in the country,
licenses for the sector from 70 to 10,                             especially leisure tourism, mainly
which along with the industry status
                                          10 percent of the        due to the lack of good quality hotel
is expected to boost the growth in        GDP to the economy       infrastructure.
the hospitality sector in Maharashtra.    and our employment          The hospitality sector is highly
   We now hope that other states will                              capital intensive and the high cost
take cognizance of what Maharash-         is around 9-10 per       of capital often makes investments
tra has done and follow the same.         cent. Hence, we have     in this sector seem less attractive.
This could then be the harbinger of                                The sector is a significant contributor
change for the industry, one that
                                          been demanding that      to the country's GDP growth and
could significantly impact its fortunes   hotels, resorts and      employment and granting infrastruc-
in a much-needed positive manner.         restaurants need to      ture-lending (infra) status to the sec-
                                                                   tor- a long-pending request by key
Infrastructure-lending status             be accorded industry     stakeholders - will be the next frontier
India is one of the fastest growing       status                   in its growth path.
travel & tourism economies in the                                     The government has granted infra
world thanks to its diverse landscape,                             status to three-star or higher catego-


ry hotels outside cities with a popula-     with/without supporting vendors/           will improve occupancy and help In-
tion of over one million and to hotels      manufacturers, and designated ser-         dian hotels be more competitive and
with a project cost of more than INR 2      vice providers or a certified Common       on a par with other Asian economies
billion (excluding land costs). Howev-      Service Provider.                          such as Hong Kong, Thailand and Sin-
er, this has not provided any signifi-         We request for treating payments        gapore, where tax rates range from
cant fillip to the sector as the benefits   received from international tourists       0 to 7%. GST for restaurants located
have been limited to a minuscule            as Foreign Exchange for the purpose        in hotels where room tariff exceeds
proportion of projects.                     of EPCG scheme and that the time           ₹7,500, is currently pegged at 18%.
   In the recent past, there have           to perform export obligation under            It should be brought down to
been several successful examples of         the scheme be extended by 5 years.         12% with full benefit of input credit.
sectors, such as hospitals, logistics       In other words, we request grant of        Bringing liquor under GST will ensure
and affordable housing to name a            extension in export obligation fulfill-    single tax and will eradicate multiple
few, which have witnessed exponen-          ment period by an additional three         state taxes and duties, it said. The
tial growth in investments after they       years beyond 6 years for all the licens-   body also suggested increasing li-
were accorded the infrastructure            es expiring during current and next 2      cence timelines from the existing one
status.                                     financial years, without attracting any    year to 3-5 years.
   Similarly, infrastructure status will    penalty or interest.                          Secondly, the amendment in sec-
provide the Indian hospitality sector                                                  tion 17(5) of GST Act and respective
with several benefits and conces-           GST, SEIS & direct taxes                   State Acts had led to an unfavourable
sions, including longer loan repay-         We seek a cut in GST rates charged         position by denying credit to hotel
ment tenure and lower borrowing             on services offered by hotels. For in-     buildings/structures. This defeats the
rates, which will help in attracting        stance, GST on room bookings should        objective of GST law principles of free
substantial fresh investments and           be reduced from 18% to 12% which           flow of credit when the output is in
will go a long way in improving the
health of the sector, which is currently
struggling due to the ongoing pan-
demic. The growth of the hospitality
sector will in turn fuel the economy
in the post-COVID world, making a
compelling case for the sector being
granted infrastructure status.

Extension of EPCG Scheme
The Export Promotion Capital Goods
scheme (EPCG) is an initiative by the
Government of India and is a part of
the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015-
20. It was first operationalised on 1
April 2015 and under this scheme,
capital goods imported for the manu-
facture of export products enjoy zero
or concessional rates in the customs
duty. The imported capital goods
include spare parts for production,
that is pre and post-production.
The scheme also covers merchant
exporters associated with supporting
manufacturers, manufacturer exports

January - February 2021

the course of furtherance of business.     enable investments into developing          Encourage spending
   Therefore, input credit should be       more globally acceptable products           To get the economy kicking, the
allowed on civil structures that will      and will help in earning higher             government needs to encourage
result in an 8-10% savings in overall      foreign exchange. Also IGST billing         spending. We need to have policies
cost.                                      to the hotels for corporate bookings        where business companies, corpo-
   If the government allowed the           and MICE must be allowed. This will         rates allow their employees, and it is
ability for hotels to bill on IGST for     enable the companies to avail GST           all tax deductible.” In order to boost
corporations for the MICE business,        input credit which will incentivize         domestic tourism, citizens should
that would again bring a lot of cheer      them to spend their annual budgets          be allowed to avail LTA benefits for
to the industry.                           in Indian cities instead of turning to      hotel stays too for a period of two
   We also need enhancing funding          holiday destinations of South East          years. One way is by rolling back
limits to raise the SEIS rates to 10 per   Asia.                                       LTCG tax. To incentivise Indians to
cent for the hospitality industry to          To ease direct taxes, such as lowering   travel within India.
enhance the quality of accommo-            income tax rates (nearly 34.94%) for           All associations in the hospitality,
dation and to enable discharging           hotels to help increase cash flows. It      travel and tourism business sincerely
GST liabilities. SEIS is a way to set      recommended that business losses be         hope this year’s Budget to take our
off indirect tax levied to reduce our      allowed to be carried forward for up to     industry most seriously. This Budget
cost of exports. It was also allowed       12 years instead of eight financial years   will make or break our dream of
to discharge service tax liabilities       owing to the unprecedented circum-          Incredible India. We hope that the
through the scrips. This will enable       stances brought by the coronavirus          Government considers us as an inclu-
the discharge of GST liabilities           pandemic. Hotels should be charged          sive part of the economy, one which
through the SEIS scrips. It will also      power rates applicable to industries.       cannot be ignored.

                                                                                                           MYSTIC EAST | 13

One of the oft-repeated quotes during the time of pandemic was Winston Churchill’s
“Never let a good crisis go to waste.” The ever-resilient hospitality industry rose up
to the challenge, reinvented itself and bounced back. Some changes are going to
make the sector stronger

 Set aside a small portion of your marketing budget in 2021 for influencer marketing

January - February 2021

          LOT has changed in 12
          months. A year that began
          with hotels competing for
Instagram-worthy moments is fin-
ishing off in a much different space.
It's a space that's double disinfected,
a space where contactless guest
experiences are the new normal, and
a space where even the most adven-
turous travelers are thinking twice
about going somewhere over the
holidays. Despite its challenges, some
silver linings have emerged out of the
1. Housekeeping staff,
the new star
Prior to the pandemic, housekeep-
ing was an element of the hotel
experience that wasn't meant to
be seen. The bulk of housekeeping
was completed prior to arrival, post
departure, and between guest use.
During the day, housekeeping would
navigate hotel corridors like magi-
cians, popping in to tidy a guest room
and vanishing just in time for a guest
to return.
   The unexpected shift to bring
housekeeping staff to the front of
house is important for a number of
reasons. The change to make house-         With cleaning efforts now front and centre, hotels unwittingly shined a spotlight
keeping more visible came as a result      on these historically hidden employees whose role has never been more critical.
of needing to disinfect high touch
and frequently used guest areas more      products it took to clean a guest          hotel room every day.
regularly. With cleaning efforts now      room almost doubled. During times             Lastly, since hotel room cleanliness
front and centre, hotels unwittingly      of unpredictability, it is important to    is one of the most common com-
shined a spotlight on these historical-   maximize the efficiency of staff hours     plaints from guests on travel review
ly hidden employees whose role has        to reduce labour costs and make sure       sites, the need for a well-organized
never been more critical.                 resources are being allocated in the       cleaning process is an absolute must
   Some hotel owners and managers         best possible way.                         for every hotel. When health concerns
also realised that outsourcing house-       In addition to dirtier rooms, there      like Coronavirus are more prevalent,
keeping work is not always beneficial     can be other downsides to opting-out       guests may be on high alert when it
and compromises protective efforts        of daily hotel room cleaning. Having a     comes to meeting their cleanliness
amid an increased risk of COVID-19.       roving team of room attendants pro-        standards.
In some cases, it was observed, when      vides several significant benefits that
the job was outsourced they were          may otherwise go overlooked. Since         2. Drive Market and
found dirtier than those that were        housekeepers are often first to catch      Meta Search
serviced daily by regular house-          maintenance and security issues, it’s      As airlines struggle to convince travel-
keeping staff. In fact, the time and      good to have someone checking on a         lers to book flights, and as frequent

                                                                                                          MYSTIC EAST | 15

flyers shift away from in-person meet-
ings to video conferencing, target
markets are shrinking. We're seeing
paid search campaigns, which until
recently included targeting based on
factors like airline data, now focused
within local and drive markets.
   With road trips and staycations
becoming the preferred method of
travel this year, it's not surprising
that hotels have tightened up their
advertising spend. Smart hotels aren't
pausing paid advertising completely,
they're simply reallocating.
   Update pay-per-click ads with key-
words that speak to today's travellers.
Many prospective guests are seeking
out hybrid vacation experiences, stays
that incorporate remote work space
for grown-ups, remote learning space
for students, and an atmosphere that
allows them to unplug when the day
is done. If you're able to offer a hybrid
staycation, make it known.
   Meta search is another great place
to allocate budget meta search
encompasses search engines within
search engines including online travel
agencies (OTAs). Many travellers
begin their search for hotels on these       Hold strong to your rate and instead focus on adding value
sites because of the convenience of          to the guest experience
an aggregated list to comparison
shops. Love them or hate them, OTAs         people aren't traveling at the same       It will take the US hotel industry ap-
are a part of your marketing mix, and       pace. COVID-19 is what's crushed          proximately five years to achieve the
you can use the billboard effect of         our economy and threatened our            occupancy, revenue, and profitability
OTAs to your advantage. Prospective         industry. While the gut reaction to       of 2019, forecasted HotelAVE , an as-
guests visit OTA sites to narrow their      loss of business might be to drop         set manager. The hotels who took the
search before returning to Google to        rates, dropping rates won't convince      most desperate measures with their
review their short list and with any        people to travel. Prospective guests      revenue management strategy in the
luck, book direct. Entice your new          aren't price shopping, they're holding    short run will have the toughest time
website visitors with an offer they         out for a time when travel feels safe     recovering in the long-run.
won't find on the OTAs: your flexible       again.                                       Also, discounts are useless if people
cancellation policy.                           According to a report in Skift,        aren’t traveling for safety concerns.
                                            hotels that are the fastest to drop       Hotels must make sure that when de-
3. No Deep Discounts                        their rates and who drop their rates      mand does come back, we’re sure not
Lowering rates too much isn't going         the deepest can be the last ones to       to be missing any dollar by having
to convince a person who is afraid to       recover when demand comes back.           gone too low.
travel, to book a trip. This downturn       The loss of pricing power can con-           Hold strong to your rate and
is different. COVID-19 is the reason        tribute to a slow recovery in revenue.    instead focus on adding value to the

January - February 2021

guest experience. Guest reviews have      adapting quickly, rolling out pack-            While mainstream, well-known
never been more important as pro-         ages, updating outlets, and creating        influencers command thousands of
spective travellers weigh perceived       content that speaks to the moment.          rupees per social media post, a new
risks with the rewards of vacation        Look to independent hotels in your          crop of influencers, known as micro
time. Instead of spending millions on     neck of the woods to lead the way.          influencers, are ideal partners for
marketing trying to find new cus-                                                     independent hotels. Their following is
tomers, reach out to your past guests     5. The Rise of Micro-Influencers            typically smaller but more engaged,
who know what to expect, and will be      With marketing budgets slashed              and their focus is typically more
more likely to rebook. When it comes      as a result of lower occupancy and          defined. Choose a micro influencer
to guests who've recently checked         traditional media outlets unsure of         that speaks to, looks, and sounds like
out, ask for reviews on Tripadvisor,      the travel stories worth sharing, smart     your target market. The influencer will
Facebook, Expedia, even Instagram.        marketers are turning to social media       come to your property, stay with you,
These testimonials will serve you         to reach their audience with little         deliver on the agreement, and share
again and again. Word of mouth            cost and decent returns. We're talking      the experience across their social and
advertising is a powerful tool.           about influencers. While the name           digital channels.
                                          itself connotes a certain disdain, influ-      When it comes to influencer
4. Small is Beautiful                     encers are proving their value during       agreements, don't be afraid to ask
Across the country, we've seen a          these uncertain times.                      for what you need. Many influencers
major shift away from tourist traps          When it comes to influencer              are skilled photographers, writers, or
and city center destinations to off the   partnerships, it's important to find        graphic designers, and micro influ-
beaten path experiences. Travelers        partners with real influence over your      encers in particular are eager to show
are choosing country drives over          target market. Influence that extends       value. Lay out the deliverables in your
interstates, longstanding city dwellers   beyond social media channels. If in-        agreement, and provide examples of
are migrating to the suburbs, and         fluence is limited to Instagram, while      the visuals and content you hope to
high rise hotels are grappling with       you may see an uptick in followers,         receive in return.
an uncertain fate. Meanwhile in less      you can't take followers to the bank.          While big influencers don't typically
populous areas, particularly where        It clicks to your website you're after,     work for trade, micro influencers are
the outdoors is the major draw, in-       that is if you want to put heads in         more willing to negotiate. Set aside
dependent hotels are facing a much        beds, so choose an influencer who's         a small portion of your marketing
different outlook: more interest than     willing to write and publish a blog         budget in 2021 for influencer mar-
ever, sold out shoulder seasons, and      post with links to your website.            keting. Be sure to track and measure
extended stays.                                                                       the effectiveness of these campaigns
   Small hotels in northern West Ben-                                                 as you would any other marketing
gal are welcoming travellers at rates                                                 program.
they'd never seen before. Gangtok
                                          From pulling back the
and other small towns of Sikkim had       curtain on housekeeping,                    What's Ahead
a record fall season, and it's impos-     to shifting advertising                     It's pretty amazing to look back at all
sible to find a place to stay on the                                                  the ways our industry has adapted in
coasts of Digha, Puri and Gopalpur on
                                          budgets to drive markets,                   the wake of the pandemic. From pull-
weekends, nearly at the double last       from holding strong to                      ing back the curtain on housekeep-
year's rates. With fewer places to jet    rates, and by harnessing                    ing, to shifting advertising budgets
off to, small towns and forest resorts                                                to drive markets, from holding strong
are breaking records.                     the power of word of                        to rates, and by harnessing the power
   Regardless of location, indepen-       mouth advertising,                          of word of mouth advertising, hotels
dent hotels are poised to navigate                                                    continue to beat the odds. The ability
these tricky waters more easily than
                                          hotels continue to                          to respond to guests' needs has never
the big box variety. With fewer levels    beat the odds.                              been more important, and it's posi-
of management and brand standards                                                     tioned small and independent hotels
to meet, independent hotels are                                                       as the ones to watch.

                                                                                                          MYSTIC EAST | 17

Plant-based meat selections appeal to meat eaters in a way traditional vegetarian
substitutions haven’t. Fast food chains in several countries abroad have begun to tap this
sunrise segment

 Recent embrace of plant-based meat by big fast-food brands brought their recognition to another level

    T wasn't that long ago that the       offering a meatless burger called the      Foods to offer plant-based burg-
    only green, plant-based food          McPlant, and Pizza Hut became the          ers. Dunkin' and Del Taco have also
    generally spotted in fast-food        first national pizza chain to partner      introduced plant-based substitutes
restaurants was the shredded lettuce      with leading vegan meat producer           with Impossible's rival firm Beyond
separating a hamburger from its may-      Beyond Meat to introduce plant-            Meat. But the recent embrace of
onnaise slathered bun.                    based meat pizzas across the country.      plant-based foods by McDonald's and
  But as the vegetarian and vegan         The fast-food giants are following in      Pizza Hut brought their recognition to
community rapidly grows, even fast-       the footsteps of rivals Burger King,       another level.
food fans are becoming less afraid of     Carl's Jr. and White Castle, which           Some industry watchers believe
eating their greens. Past November,       have partnered with the rival fake         that plant-based meat is on its way
McDonald's announced that it is           meat producing company Impossible          to becoming the fifth protein, in with

January - February 2021

beef, chicken, seafood and pork.          example, the Vegan Society estimat-         Notwithstanding the above health
                                          ed that the number of vegans in the      and environmental drivers, it is worth
Fake meat market in India                 UK increased by a factor of 2.6 times    noting the growing awareness that
Meanwhile, in a country like India,       in the ten years to 2016. However, the   certain plant based products also
where major food giants are forced        significant growth in the plant-based    have potential negative impacts, such
to introduce vegetarian options on        market is driven by the flexitarian      as: high levels of water use (almond
their menu, including plant-based         consumer. There are various factors      milk); use of genetically modified
meat options might not be a bad           driving the switch towards plant-        crops (soy); and high salt content
idea. Although we see a few vegan         based products, including:               (meat based alternatives). Negative
restaurants coming up across the          • significant media coverage of the      media coverage could potentially
country, particularly in the metros,        impact of meat and dairy product       have an impact on the future growth
fast food chains here are yet to tap        production on global warming and       of certain products
this segment of plant-based meat.           resource consumption in relation to       Widening range of ingredients and
   Researchers from the University of       greenhouse gases                       flavours As the market for plant-
Bath, the Good Food Institute, and        • animal welfare rights groups have      based alternatives grows, a wider
the Center for Long Term Priorities         gained significant traction and the    range of ingredients are being used
collaborated on the first quantitative      ways in which animals are treated      to broaden the product range. These
comparison of consumer attitudes            in the production of products has      ingredients are often identified
towards plant-based and clean meat          caused a switch in consumer prefer-    because of their ability to provide the
across China, India, and the U.S.           ences                                  consumer with high levels of protein
   The report by Deloitte found            • numerous reports on the potential     and nutritional value. In the dairy
out that the three most populous             links between high consumption of     alternatives market, there has been
countries in the world have robust           processed or red meat and cancer.     a significant increase in the variety
consumer interest in plant-based and
clean meat. Interest in clean meat
is expected to grow once there is a
product on the market and consum-
ers are more familiar with it.

Flexitarian consumer
A major factor in the growth of the
plant-based industry, especially in the
UK, is the increased ethical focus of
the consumer. This is partly led by the
millennial generation and the emer-
gence of the ‘flexitarian’ consumer.
The ‘flexitarian’ consumer is an indi-
vidual who still consumes meat and
dairy but wishes to reduce the quan-
tity on ethical, environmental and/
or health grounds. The flexitarian’s
alternative consumption could take
the form of specific substitutes or
meat/ dairy free meal choices. In the
past, plant-based diets were mostly
consumed by the relatively small
market of vegetarians and vegans. In
recent years the number of vegetar-        Rival fake meat companies Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods have sparked off
ians and vegans has increased – for        the trend of plant-based burgers

                                                                                                      MYSTIC EAST | 19

 Plant-based meat analogues are made from plants such as soy, wheat,fungi and pea proteins.

of ingredients used to produce milk      rising demand for innovative prod-         are moving both to protect their
alternatives, including, for example,    ucts has driven a significant increase     market share and to capitalise on the
soy, oat, coconut, almond, rice, and     in new product development across          growing market. One example of this
hemp etc                                 chilled, ambient and the frozen            is Unilever’s acquisition of The Vege-
   The wider variety of ingredients      segments. This innovation gives the        tarian Butcher in December 2018 for
allows the consumer more choice          consumer a wider choice of products        an undisclosed amount. Established
and more exciting flavours, as well as   and brands, and allows plant-based         meat-based protein manufacturers
ensuring that their dietary require-     products to gain increased shelf space     as well as dairy producers have also
ments are met. This also means that      and recognition. According to a recent     expanded into the plant-based meat
some ingredients will become more        Mintel press release, the UK is now the    and dairy-free space. For example
popular and others less. Ingredients     global leader for vegan food launches.     Danone acquired leading plant based
such as tempeh, pea, almond and          In 2018 approximately 16 percent of        dairy alternative producer Alpro in
seitan are increasingly in demand,       new food launches were vegan.              the purchase of The Whitewave Foods
whereas soy products are to some de-                                                Company in 2017, for a value in ex-
gree challenged because of concerns      New strategy                               cess of £9bn. This deal was Danone’s
about genetic modification. As part of   The existing industry players, and in      largest acquisition since 2007, and
any investment decision in the plant-    particular the multinational branded       offers a fast way to gain significant
based sector, careful consideration      food and drinks companies, have            market share in the growing market.
of the particular plant-based protein    increasingly become aware of the
source will be important.                small disruptor brands innovating in       Direct to consumer models
   New product development: The          the plant-based market space, and          Direct to consumer (D2C) models

January - February 2021

                                                                                         turer of vegan and vegetarian foods,
                                                                                         launched “Amy’s Drive Thru” which
                                                                                         is the first plant-based fast-food

                                                                                        Global market
                                                                                        Despite the rise in the availability of
                                                                                        plant based alternative products, the
                                                                                        industry is still in a relatively early
                                                                                        stage of its lifecycle and therefore
                                                                                        offers significant room for further
                                                                                        growth. The industry’s global reach
                                                                                        is expected to be enhanced by new
                                                                                        product development and rising con-
                                                                                        sumer demand. European dominance
                                                                                        The European plant-based alterna-
                                                                                        tives market leads the way in terms of
                                                                                        market size, with the European meat
                                                                                        substitutes market accounting for
                                                                                        around 40 per cent of the global mar-
                                                                                        ket. The market is forecast to grow to
                                                                                        €2.4bn by 2025 from €1.5bn in 20182.
                                                                                        The European market, of which the
                                                                                        UK is the largest sub-market, is the
 Plant-based meat is on its way to becoming the fifth protein, in with beef,            leader currently by value. This reflects
 chicken,seafood and pork.
                                                                                        the wealth of the average European
                                                                                        customer, particularly in Western
                                                                                        Europe, as cost is often a key barrier
have become increasingly import-            demanding a better experience, and          to buying plant-based alternatives
ant in the food and beverage sector,        more tailored and personable service.       due to the premium price attached to
allowing processors to gain valuable        D2C allows the companies to build a         many products.
insights into consumers’ behaviour          direct relationship with the consumer
and a more tailored approach to             that would not be available through         Significant investment
marketing and differentiation. When         grocery channels. Examples of D2C           There has been significant invest-
executed well, this model also allows       models being used in the plant-based        ment aiming to meet consumer
higher margins to be obtained. This         alternatives sector include:                demand. The market has received
growth in the D2C business model                                                        investment from a number of high-
has been facilitated by the increase        • All plants, a UK meal-kit delivery ser-   profile individuals, as well as financial
in online shopping and the increase           vice of healthy, plant-based, frozen      investors and companies, including,
in social media use, which allows             and ready to eat meals, which raised      for example:
businesses, including start-ups, to           £7.5m in a Series A venture capital       • Tyson Foods Inc. £41m investment in
reach a wide market from a relatively         funding in September 2018                 Beyond Meat Inc. in December 2017,
low cost base, while avoiding the           • Daily Harvest, a US plant-based           for an undisclosed stake. Beyond
need to route products through                vegan frozen fast-food company,           Meat is a US-based plant-based meat
traditional wholesale and retail              backed by Serena Williams and             alternatives producer
operators. 9 Plant-based alternatives         Shaun White, which provides a             • Bill Gates & Li Ka-Shing invested in
Driving industry M&A Furthermore              build-your-box service which deliv-         Impossible Foods, a US-based start-
the increase in D2C has been driv-            ers your order to your doorstep             up creating a “bleeding” plant-based
en by the fact that consumers are           • Amy’s Kitchen, a US-based manufac-          burger. The company raised $75m in

                                                                                                            MYSTIC EAST | 21

  the most recent funding round              vegetarians, these new products           substituting a plant-based meat for
• Richard Branson & Tyson Foods              directly targeted meat eaters.            traditional meat because plant-based
  Inc. invested in Memphis meat, a                                                     burgers do not contain cholesterol
  US-based company which produces           COVID-19 accelerates trend                 and have fiber and antioxidants
  “clean meat” by culturing animal          COVID-19 magnifies health, climate,        animal meat does not contain (and
  tissue from cells                         and meat supply-chain concerns that        which American diets often lack).
• Serena Williams and Shaun White in-       plant-based meats aim to correct and       On the other hand, the answer leans
  vested in Daily Harvest, a US-based       has created a surge in demand for          towards “no” because they often have
  frozen plant-based foods company          plant-based products in grocery stores.    about the same number of calories,
•Google co-founder, Sergey Brin,            Burger King and Starbucks launched         total fat, and saturated fat as their
 provided $330k to fund the world’s         plant-based breakfast sandwiches with      traditional meat counterparts. They’re
 first lab-grown hamburger produced         Impossible Foods’ new plant-based          featured in indulgent menu items
 by Dutch start-up, Mosa Meat. These        pork a year ago. With the onset of         such as burgers and can contain in-
 investors have tended to invest in         COVID-19, and questions about animal       gredient formulations that our bodies
 plant-based start-ups as they have         protein supplies, plant-based meats        have not encountered before.
 recognised the shifting trend in the       and other plant-based foods have a            So, for now the answer is balance.
 market and the need to produce             role to play to help rebuild the restau-   Plant-based meats are still new and
 more sustainable food. The public          rant industry. It’s a way to recapture     are in their first and even second
 prominence of a number of the indi-        growth, build-up check average, appeal     recipe revisions; they may become
 viduals has created additional media       to younger consumers, and overall          healthier to help people be healthier.
 coverage for plant-based alternative       help restaurants rebound.                  But there is no denying that plant-
 industries.                                  Plant-based meat analogues are           based meat is on its way to becoming
   Anyone in the foodservice or             made from plants such as soy, wheat,       the fifth protein, in with beef, chicken,
restaurant business in India must           fungi and pea proteins. Health             seafood and pork. So anyone in the
understand that plant-based is more         experts advise to eat less meat and        food business should take this trend
than a trend, it has created a par-         eat more plants to improve overall         seriously and gear up for creating
adigm shift in how the world eats           health. But do plant-based meats fit       recipes with fake meat.
meat.                                       that bill? The answer is complicat-
   Since 2018 Beyond Meat™ and              ed. On one hand, the answer leans          Courtesy: Plant-based alternatives, a
Impossible™ emerged and disrupted           toward “yes” if you’re occasionally        report by Deloitte, UK
the meat industry by creating (with
their plant-based burgers) a whole
new plant-based-meat food category
known as meat analogues.

Meat analogues are
designed to:
• Have the aesthetic qualities and/or
  flavor/textural characteristics of meat
• Display alongside meat on the gro-
  cery store shelves
• Appeal to meat eaters
• Directly compete with meat to get
  people to eat less meat

• Almost overnight plant-based meats
  gained impressive traction. Unlike
  the often frozen plant-based meat          Health experts advise to eat less meat and eat more plants to improve
  substitutes marketed directly to           overall health

COVER STORY                                                                                          January - February 2021

Rather than a lengthy definition with several inclusions, exclusions, and
explanations, a simpler approach may have made payroll structures friendlier for
both employers and employees

                                                                                        The definition of
                                                                                        wages continues with
                                                                                        the age-old formula
                                                                                        of stipulating broadly
                                                                                        worded inclusions
                                                                                        along with vaguely
                                                                                        worded exclusions,
                                                                                        and then adds a
                                                                                        layer of complexity
                                                                                        on top by setting
                                                                                        out exceptions for
                                                                                        situations where the
                                                                                        excluded components
                                                                                        would also have to be
                                                                                        treated as wages.

 The new code could have been a lot simpler and in tune with the compensation
 practices being followed today - internationally and in India.

         HE new and common defi-           2021. Is this the change the industry      continues with the age-old formu-
         nition of 'wages' under the       had wanted and hoped for?                  la of stipulating broadly worded
         recently passed labour codes        No doubt a common and consis-            inclusions along with vaguely worded
has got most organisations to take         tent definition is good, and that is       exclusions, and then adds a layer of
yet another look at their payroll struc-   certainly a positive one. PF, ESI, stat-   complexity on top by setting out
tures to determine what impact they        utory bonus, leave encashment (for         exceptions for situations where the
will face. The new codes have been         factory workers), gratuity, retrench-      excluded components would also
passed by Parliament to "amalgam-          ment compensation, etc. will all be        have to be treated as wages. The
ate, simplify and rationalise" existing    calculated using a common definition       definition still looks and reads like it
laws on various subjects like payment      of 'wages.'                                belongs to a statute from the 1950s
of wages, minimum wages, bonus, so-          However, consistency seems to            and not 2021. It could have been a lot
cial security, etc., and are anticipated   have come at the cost of unnecessary       simpler and in tune with the compen-
to become a binding law from April         complexity. The definition of wages        sation practices being followed today

                                                                                                          MYSTIC EAST | 23

- internationally and in India.
   Most organisations follow the           EMPLOYEES, EXPECT
concept of CTC (cost to company),
which has become almost customary
                                           BIG CUTS
                                           The government has come out with new            compliance cost burden and penalties, if
in terms of practice and implemen-
                                           compensation rules to increase the social       any.
tation. The CTC is typically split into
                                           security benefits for employees. Accord-
(i) fixed or guaranteed components
                                           ing to the new wage definition, in effect, at   One area where the firms will certainly see
of salary (like basic salary, dearness     least 50 per cent of the gross remuneration     an impact is the increased gratuity cost. As
allowance, HRA, etc.), (ii) variable or    of employees should form the basis to cal-      of now, it is applied to all employees, man-
conditional components (such as per-       culate benefits such as gratuity, retrench-     agement and otherwise. Also, it is calculat-
formance-linked incentives, commis-        ment compensation and provident fund,           ed on 15 days of basic pay and dearness
sions, etc.), and (iii) other costs such   etc. in situations where the sum of basic       allowance. Now, with the new calculation,
as the employer's cost of contribu-        salary and other fixed allowances (such as      gratuity will have to include the other al-
tion towards social benefits like the      dearness allowance) is less than 50 per cent    lowances of wages such as travel, special
provident fund (PF), employee's state      of the gross remuneration.                      allowance, etc.
insurance (ESI), etc.
                                           The new definition is part of the Wage Code     So, in the long run employees might gain
   No doubt, there could be certain
                                           2019 that was passed by the Parliament last     higher retirement benefits, but low-paid
entitlements outside the above-men-
                                           year and also reflects in the more recently     employees who may want more cash in
tioned construct of CTC - such as
                                           passed codes on Social Security.                hand may have to suffice with lower take
statutory bonus, overtime, etc., which                                                     home salary.
may or may not be treated as 'wag-         The new wage definition is an attempt to
es' based on the circumstances. A          simplify the various regulations related to     But, these are broad generalisations and
simpler approach would have simply         wages with the promise of easier imple-         there are several grey areas that remain
been to define wages as including all      mentation. However, India Inc still awaits      unclear. It is not clear whether this rule
fixed elements of pay and excluding        the details. The Bill is anticipated to get     will apply to all wages or will be applicable
variable or conditional components,        enforced by April 2021. Some of the wage        above a certain wage threshold. Also, the
with limited exceptional rules for         thresholds for laws such as Bonus, Provi-       other Acts, such as PF Act have their wage
items like overtime and other statuto-     dent Fund, Employees State Insurance, etc.      threshold, it remains to be seen whether
                                           have not been decided yet.                      those wage thresholds will apply or not.
ry entitlements.
   The new definition ignores this easy
                                           Several laws that had their own definition      Moreover, labour is a concurrent subject in
to comprehend construct in favour
                                           of Wages have been consolidated under           the constitution and hence, the Act related
of vaguely drafted inclusions and          the Labour Codes. There were different          to wages will have to be amended by the
exclusions. In the process, it creates     definitions under Minimum Wages Act,            state governments as well. The Labour de-
ambiguities and concerns such as the       Provident Fund Act, Bonus Act, etc. All of      partment in the State and the Law enforce-
following:                                 these laws were meant to extend certain         ment bodies in the Central Government
   *HRA is counted as wages to check       benefits to employees or give them certain      have to be restructured to make sure that
if an employer has paid its employ-        rights. This is an attempt to make the defi-    there's clarity and harmony while enforce-
ees on time, but not counted to            nition of wages uniform, as proposed in the     ment. These must happen over the next
determine whether employees are            Wage Code, 2019 which has been duplicat-        three-four months when the implications
receiving minimum wages. This is           ed in the other Codes as well.                  will be clear. For instance, minimum wages
                                                                                           and overtime rates for employees are to be
manifestly unfair, since HRA is nor-
                                           While it will simplify the nomenclature, it     administered by state governments but it
mally guaranteed in nature. Even the
                                           will have significant cost repercussions for    is not clear if overtime hours will be appli-
current Minimum Wage Act includes
                                           firms. As the base to calculate PF and gra-     cable for all employees in an enterprise and
HRA, and this appears to be a poorly       tuity increases, employers will have to shell   how they will be tracked, verified and com-
thought through result of wanting to       out more as part of their workforce cost.       plied with. Besides, the rates for minimum
maintain a consistent definition.          Also, there will be a one-time cost increase    wages are yet to be published by the gov-
   *"Remuneration payable under any        for employers to audit their current base       ernment bodies. So it’s not known whether
award or settlement between the            of employee pay structure and align with        the wages will rise or remain the same as
parties" is not counted as wages. In a     the new system. It may also result in rising    a result.

January - February 2021

 Several laws that had their own definition of Wages have been consolidated under the Labour Codes

unionised environment, all wages are      be counted as wages till 50% of the       tion discussed above, which excludes
agreed under settlements between          gross remuneration. This appears to       many components that would nor-
the employer and unionised workers,       have been picked up from what the         mally be considered wages.
which often span 2-3 years or more.       PF department proposed many years            *Another flipside to creating
It is quite meaningless to say that       ago to ensure that PF contributions       consistency is that the wages for
none of these mutually negotiated         are made on a larger portion of pay       calculating gratuity will no longer be
and settled elements of pay would         (even though there is no discernible      limited to basic salary and dearness
be treated as "wages" for certain         legal rationale for this 50% stipula-     allowance alone. This will mean that
purposes, such as minimum wage            tion). While it made some sense in the    the gratuity costs for organisations
compliance.                               PF context, it appears that this 50%      will go up significantly.
   *The definition states that all        limit is now also acting as a backward       Therefore, rather than a lengthy
excluded components must also             partial fix to the convoluted defini-     definition with several inclusions, ex-

                                                                                                       MYSTIC EAST | 25

                                                                                      Another flipside to
                                                                                      creating consistency
                                                                                      is that the wages for
                                                                                      calculating gratuity
                                                                                      will no longer be
                                                                                      limited to basic
                                                                                      salary and dearness
                                                                                      allowance alone.
                                                                                      This will mean that
                                                                                      the gratuity costs for
                                                                                      organisations will go
                                                                                      up significantly.

 In the long run, employees might gain higher retirement benefits, but low-paid
 employees may get lower take home salary.

clusions, provisos, and explanations,     treated as wages and not based on           Workers (about whom the Social
a simpler approach may have been          context, could have been dealt with         Security Code is completely silent
to tackle the definition of "wages"       in the specific chapters dealing with       at present) which are currently
based on core principles (and if          payment of wages and minimum                uncapped can now potentially be
necessary, through illustrations and      wages/payment of bonus, respec-             limited to 50% of the gross.
examples, as several other statutes       tively.                                        Some issues the codes could have
do) - in other words, any component          That said, there is still an overall     addressed, but have missed the op-
that is fixed or guaranteed in nature     improvement and organisations will          portunity to do so:
is wages; anything which is condi-        also stand to benefit as follows:              *The codes could have stipulated a
tional, contingent, or discretionary         *Organisations will retain the ability   comfortable wage threshold beyond
is not; along with other obvious          to structure wages as tax efficient         which overtime payments wouldn't
exclusions towards pension contri-        as possible, with the caveat that if        be mandatory. Currently, there is
butions, benefits in kind, expense        excluded components exceed 50% of           a risk that even well-paid employ-
reimbursements, and end of service        the gross, they'll be counted as wages      ees could seek overtime payments
payments. Few components like             till the 50% limit.                         despite earning in multiples of the
overtime, which deserve to both be           *PF contributions for International      stipulated minimum wages.

January - February 2021

   *Currently, many components of                  etc., and shouldn't result in undue                      *While the coming few months
pay tend to be front or back-loaded                advantage to the employee merely                       will show what shape the final codes
for tax planning purposes. For e.g.,               because of the timing of the amount                    and underlying rules will take, the
many companies only pay allowances                 for tax planning purposes.                             government could certainly have
like LTA as a lump sum at the year-                   *The codes could have clarified the                 taken a more progressive approach to
end. The codes could have clarified                manner in which entitlements would                     the new definition of wages, to better
that such components should only                   be pro-rated for part-time workers,                    address ambiguities and legal uncer-
be considered on a pro-rata basis to               which is currently subject to cer-                     tainties resulting in fewer disputes
calculate the end of service pay-                  tain ambiguities, depending on the                     and litigation.
ments and benefits like retrenchment               manner in which part-time work is
compensation, maternity benefits,                  structured.                                            Source: Atul Gupta/Trilegal

    How salary structures will change
    Currently, most employers have a wage struc-       50% of the total remuneration. The definition        This will not only impact the financials of the
    ture in which the basic salary ranges from         also provides for certain termination related        company since corporates are required to
    25% to 40% of the CTC of the employee, and         payouts such as gratuity etc. and these are          provide for the increased liability through an
    this forms the basis for both provident fund       not subject to the 50% limit. Further, the val-      actuarial valuation but also impact the take-
    and gratuity contributions.                        uation of benefits in kind is also provided for.     home of the employee.

    The four labour codes subsume 29 legisla-          Currently, most employers have a wage struc-         Unlike the above simplistic example, in prac-
    tions. The purpose of each of these regula-        ture in which the basic salary ranges from           tice, most companies would include both the
    tions was varied and hence the definition of       25% to 40% of the CTC of the employee, and           employer contribution to PF as well as gra-
    wages under many of these regulations was          this forms the basis for both provident fund         tuity entitlements as part of CTC. Hence, an
    also different. The codes are aimed at unifi-      and gratuity contributions. With the wages           increase in gratuity payout will reduce the
    cation, simplification, and consolidation of       under the codes moving to at least 50% of            quantum of special allowance and the take
    these regulations, and hence have a common         the CTC, there is going to be an impact from         home pay of the employee.
    approach, which includes having a uniform          both PF and gratuity perspectives. Let us take
    definition of wages across all these regula-       a simple example of an employee having a             From a PF perspective, contributions to PF
    tions.                                             monthly salary of Rs. 25,000.                        on wages beyond the statutory wage ceiling
                                                                                                            are not mandatory. This is based on the pro-
    This is a significant change, and while the        In the above scenario, the gratuity would be         visions of the PF scheme as they stand today,
    intent of having a singular approach is wel-       computed under the current payment of gra-           as well as the principles arising from the Su-
    come, it would mean that the industry needs        tuity act provisions on the basic salary of Rs.      preme Court ruling in the case of Marathwa-
    to analyse and understand the impact of the        10,000 per month. From a PF perspective, giv-        da Grameen Bank.
    same under each of these subsumed legisla-         en the principles that arose from the Supreme
    tions.                                             Court (SC) ruling in the case of Vivekananda         Hence, where employers are contributing PF
                                                       Vidya Mandir and others, the employer would          on wages up to Rs 15,000 per month, com-
    The term "wages" as defined under the codes        have contributed PF on Rs. 15,000 per month          panies may adopt a view that there is no in-
    today, envisages that "all remuneration" pro-      (which is the statutory wage ceiling for PF).        crease in contribution required.
    vided to the employee is to be considered, and
    is subject to certain specified exclusions, such   Under the codes, the wages for this employee         However, there is definitely a need to look at
    as statutory bonus, conveyance allowance,          would amount to Rs. 17,000 per month, and            the employment contract and the internal
    travel concessions, housing benefit, or house      hence this needs to be considered for cal-           policy of the organisation to ensure that these
    rent allowance, contributions to PF and pen-       culating gratuity. If this employee quits the        are aligned with the position being adopted.
    sions, overtime, commission, etc.                  organisation from the codes become effec-            There would be an impact on PF in respect of
    The aggregate of these exclusions is limited       tive, and let us presume has put in 15 years         employees with wages below the statutory
    to 50% of remuneration, and hence the wag-         of service, the gratuity payable ( calculated as     wage ceiling as well as international workers.
    es as ultimately calculated would be at least      last drawn pay /26* 15* no of years of service)
    50% of total remuneration. Clearly, the intent     would be Rs. 147,115 as against the earlier          Overall, it is important for organisations to
    of the codes is to ensure that contributions to    amount of Rs. 86, 538 a clear increase of 1.7        analyse the impact of the change in the defi-
    PF, gratuity payouts, etc. are made on at least    times.                                               nition of wages.

                                                                                                                                MYSTIC EAST | 27
You can also read