OPENING A NEW CHAPTER - Liberty Christian Connections

Page created by Julio Mccormick
OPENING A NEW CHAPTER - Liberty Christian Connections

                                                                                   SE      X
                                                                             F E S
    ...Changing expectations into manifestations, impacting society

             OPENING A
            NEW CHAPTER

THE POWER OF               BEING A                     FATHERING
                           PAGE 23                     PAGE 25
OPENING A NEW CHAPTER - Liberty Christian Connections
CONTENTS                                                           5
  3 OPENING A NEW CHAPTER                                                                                  9
  14 IT IS TIME TO MAKE BRITAIN GREAT AGAIN                                                                                       25
  31 THE YEAR OF THE NEW                                         22

  Now thank we all our God, with hearts and hands and voices. Who wondrous things has done….. These are the opening words of a
  hymn that is almost 500 years old, but still as pertinent today, as it was when first written. It is an appropriate hymn for this time of
  year, when we move from the old to the new. No matter how tough 2016 was, we all have one reason or the other to sing this hymn.

  Here at Liberty Christian Connections, we have more than enough reasons to raise our voices in praise to God, not only for the year
  just gone by, but also for what He has in store for us in the New Year. A quick read through the magazine, will give you an under-
  standing of what we mean. The articles give an insight into what 2017 holds for us as individuals, as families, as a church, as a com-
  munity and as a nation. There is also some advice about how to lay hold of all that is in store for us this new year, from learning how
  to wait until we have clear guidance from God, to stepping out without fear, to possess what He has in store for us. We have includ-
  ed information about all our programmes and conferences, so that you will not miss any opportunity to be blessed. We have also
  included information about all the wonderful Liberty projects which support people who are less well off. When you read about
  these projects, please take a moment to consider being a source of help. God never fails to reward those who consider the needy.

  Two of our young people have taken the time to share their experiences to bless other young people who might be faced with
  choices and need to make a decision, or those who are thinking of launching a new business. Our men have set out what it means
  to be a good man, and our women have written an article about our Ladies Breakfast Meeting which is a yearly event and has been
  happening for over 10 years. There is also an interview with Monica Abdala from Redbridge street pastors.

  Are you aware of the plan for the 2017 budget? We have a summary for you on page 12

  On a lighter note, we have included a bible trivia quiz, which comes with the prize of a Strong’s concordance. Please go to our web-
  site (, to enter the competition. You have to be in it to win it, so give yourself a chance by taking the
  quiz. We hope you enjoy reading through, and please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any comments.

  Stay blessed.

  Editorial team

                                                     OUR MISSION
  Raising a New Generation (0-12) | Bridging A Gap (Teens ‘N’ Twenties-TNT ministry) | Building a House of PRAYER FOR ALL NATIONS
Building a House of CARE for all nations | Building a House of DISCOVERY OF POTENTIAL | Building a House of SHAPING DESTINIES
                      Building a House of PERFECTED PRAISE | Building a House of POWER and PURITY
OPENING A NEW CHAPTER - Liberty Christian Connections
                                                                 A NEW TOOL
                                                                 Tools are implements used to achieve a function. This new
                                                                 tool that God is making of us has three functions – it is

NEW CHAPTER                                                      sharp, designed for threshing and has teeth!

                                                                 1. Sharp – God is designing us to be at the cutting edge.
                                                                 Ecclesiastes 10:10 tells us that if the iron is blunt or dull,
                                                                 then a lot more effort has to be exerted to achieve any ef-
                                                                 fectiveness. The church at the cutting edge

                                                                 2. Threshing – this is an action that helps separate grains
                                                                 or seeds from straw and this is done by beating the grain

                                                                 or cereal plant severely. So God is designing us with in-
          s 2016 our year of superabundance and taking           sight and wisdom. To discern and separate that which is
          territories is now over, it’s that time of year to     good from which should be cast away. The Lord is raising a
          look back on all the Lord has done, remember His       Daniel generation; a generation with insight and wisdom;
          faithfulness, loving kindness and look to what He      a generation that makes prayer and fasting their lifestyle.
has for us for the future . Looking back, the Lord has taken     Daniel 1:17 KJV [17] As for these four children, God gave them
us from being a tenant to being the landlord of Liberty          knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom: and Daniel
house. Surely GOD is true to His word. Praise Him!!!             had understanding in all visions and dreams.
As I was waiting on the Lord for the year 2017, I saw a
mighty book and a man was reading it and I heard the             3. Teeth – this tool is also to have teeth. Teeth are used
SPIRIT of the Lord saying to me " You cannot open a new          for biting and chewing or picking (like a fork). We are to
chapter unless you close the last one". The Lord told me         eat the word – it will be sweet as honey in your mouth
to tell the body of Christ to close the old chapter we have      and bitter in your belly (Revelation 10:7-10 KJV [7] But in
been REREADING over and over again and open a new                the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall be-
chapter! Hence, the year 2017 is our prophetic year of           gin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he
OPENING A NEW CHAPTER. The Lord gave me two Scrip-               hath declared to his servants the prophets. [8] And the voice
tures for the year 2017:                                         which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and said,
                                                                 Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the
1. Isaiah 41:15 KJV [15] Behold, I will make thee a new sharp    angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth.
threshing instrument having teeth: thou shalt thresh the         [9] And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me
mountains, and beat them small, and shalt make the hills as      the little book. And he said unto me, Take it , and eat it up;
chaff.                                                           and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth
                                                                 sweet as honey. [10] And I took the little book out of the an-
2. Matthew 4:23-25 NKJV [23] And Jesus went about all Gali-      gel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as
lee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the   honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter).
kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of      It will cause rejoicing in your heart (Jeremiah 15:16)
disease among the people. [24] Then His fame went through-
out all Syria; and they brought to Him all sick people who       WE ARE A NEW SHARP THRESHING INSTRUMENT IN THE
were afflicted with various diseases and torments, and those     HAND OF THE LORD:
who were demon-possessed, epileptics, and paralytics; and
He healed them. [25] Great multitudes followed Him-from          1.This instrument was to be used on mountains and hills.
Galilee, and from Decapolis, Jerusalem, Judea, and beyond        The work was to thresh, cut and beat down the mountains
the Jordan.                                                      and hills!

The Lord is raising an end time triumphant army that will        2. Every high thing that exalts itself against the knowl-
do His will without compromise.                                  edge of God is to be brought down.

THE END TIME TRIUMPHANT ARMY: A NEW SHARP                        3. Every place of impossibility is to be overcome.
THRESHING INSTRUMENT WITH TEETH                                  You are to be that instrument to do this! It will require a
                                                                 paradigm shift – a shift in perspective in every area of life.
Isaiah 41:15-16 KJV [15] Behold, I will make thee a new
sharp threshing instrument having teeth: thou shalt thresh       You are to overcome every mountain that is before you :
the mountains, and beat them small, and shalt make the           1.      Spiritual mountain
hills as chaff. [16] Thou shalt fan them, and the wind shall     2.      Physical mountain
carry them away, and the whirlwind shall scatter them:           3.      Mental mountain
and thou shalt rejoice in the Lord, and shalt glory in the       4.      Emotional mountain
Holy One of Israel.

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OPENING A NEW CHAPTER - Liberty Christian Connections
5. Relational mountain                                       undertaken to do in us by Himself. No man can ar-
                                                                  range or organise it. We can only trust Him to do with
     6. Influential mountain                                      us and in us according to His good pleasure.

     7. Financial mountain                                 "A New Sharp Threshing Instrument" is the theme for
                                                           the CITY CHANGERS Conference 2017:
     • Faith is required. Our responsibility is to believe 31st AUGUST to 3rd of SEPTEMBER 2017. We are
     God that He is able to do it.                         trusting God that it will be a time of divine processing
                                                           in His Presence.
     • You are also to forget the past – begin to think So, what is it about this new generation that God is
     based on what God has spoken concerning you. God processing?
     commands us that as we are in Christ we are a new
     creature, old things are passed away (2 Corinthians They will be:
     5:17). So forget the old you.                         1. A GENERATION AT THE CUTTING EDGE

     • Shift into the new you. God declares that though           2 A GENERATION THAT WILL DO THE IMPOSSIBLE!
     you were like a worm (Isaiah 41:14), that is in the past     ‘thou shalt thresh the mountains, and beat them
     and He will help you. So remember not the former             small and shalt make the hills as chaff…The ‘agents of
     things but move into your new!                               change’ is a network of young men and women who
                                                                  will do the impossible’.
     Behold, I will make thee a new sharp threshing instru-       3. A GENERATION THAT WILL BE HELPED BY GOD!
     ment …
     This is a declaration from God himself. And nothing          4. A GENERATION OF SOULS HARVESTERS: It is time
     can stand in His way. It is a purpose He has set to          for us to become church planters
     achieve with us.
     In these last days we shall witness the emergence of         5. A GENERATION OF KINGDOM ENFORCERS
     a brand new and ultimate generation ‘Joel 2:2 a great
     people and strong: there hath not been ever the like, nei-                                                 Written by
     ther shall be any more after it, even to the years of many                                       Dr Francis Oladimeji
     God says I will make you! This is something God has

                                    THE MASTER'S VOICE 2017
     1. This New Year is the year of living above the natural. It is a year of the supernatural.
     2. It is a year of release of grace for unusual, diverse HEALING and creative miracles.
     3. It is a year to dare to be the best and to be effective in all we do
     4. This year, the Lord will release triumphant Helpers of Destiny to those who are committed to soul winning
     and to His church.
     5. There will be a radical change in His Church, the body of Christ universal.
     6. This year will be a year of accelerated progress for the faithful, sacrificial givers and the grateful
     7. This year will be a year of complete restoration of what has been lost in past years.

     1)   Think quality: quality brings quantity
     2)   Think excellence: you cannot make a first impression the second time
     3)   Think global in all we do.
     4)   Dare to be effective

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OPENING A NEW CHAPTER - Liberty Christian Connections

            he ethos of Liberty     Just as Christ did not disperse      sent of the individual, and we
            Christian Connec-       the crowd without feeding            pay visits to hospitals and pris-
            tions as a ministry     them, refreshment is made            ons, to pray with and encourage
            is to Care and Reach    available for church members         those who are in need of com-
            Everyone with the       and visitors after every Sunday      fort and support.
            message and com-        service, and during church con-
passion of Jesus Christ. Our Lord   ferences and special services.       The church also looks into the
Jesus Christ was known to have                                           physical welfare of people who
compassion and show love to        The third Sunday of the month         are going through a tough
all.                               is our family Sunday when we          time. We know that tough times
                                   have a love feast and banquet         don’t last but tough people do
Liberty Christian Connections with Christ our King. The Hospi-           and that we are more than con-
follows in the footsteps of Christ                                       querors through Christ, so the
by having compassion and              "As a family,                      church supports people who
showing love to all within and                                           are going through tough times,
outside the church.                  church, mem-                        to give them added strength to
                                                                         ride the stormy periods.
As a family, church members          bers celebrate
celebrate and rejoice with each                                          The church provides support
other, regularly having events      and rejoice with                     through prayers, provision of
such as the naming or dedica-                                            food packs or store vouchers to
tion of a baby, celebration of a      each other"                        anyone who is in need, and will
birthday or wedding anniver-                                             sometimes make token finan-
sary, dedication of a house, car tality Department usually sets          cial assistance available to an
etc.                                out a feast fit for a king - not     individual who needs help to
                                    surprising, after all we are kings   attend an interview.
Another way the church cele- and priests! It is a time of relax-
brates with members is by giv- ing and eating together as a              The primary focus is on church
ing bursaries and child benefit. family.                                 members, however, we do not
Anyone who has been a volun-                                             turn away anyone who needs
teer church worker and an ac- Our interaction with each oth-             help, whether they are church
tive member of the church for er are not limited to the church           members or not, as long as the
at least 2 years is given a child premises. The visitation team          required assistance is within the
benefit of £120 when they have visits church members at home             remit of the church.
a baby, or a one-off bursary of to share the word and pray with
£250 if attending University for them. We will also visit first tim-                         Written By
a degree course (as a first timer). ers to the church with the con-                 Folake Abayomi-Lee

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OPENING A NEW CHAPTER - Liberty Christian Connections
               AND BEYOND                                                                                                           Pastor
          Isaiah 41:14-15 KJV
          [14] Fear not, thou worm Jacob, and ye men of Israel; I will help thee, saith the Lord , and thy re-                     Francis
          deemer, the Holy One of Israel. [15] Behold, I will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument hav-                    Oladimeji
          ing teeth: thou shalt thresh the mountains, and beat them small, and shalt make the hills as chaff.

     SEVEN DIMENSIONAL POINTS OF FOCUS for 2017 and BEYOND                                    be enlightened about the programme so that they can provide
                                                                                              support to their children at home. This might also be an opportu-
     1. TRAINING: Equipping the saints: Ephesians 4:11-15.                                    nity for parents to rediscover themselves.
     2. TEAM-BUILDING: Team makes the dream work. Mark 3:13-15.
     3. TRAVAILING in the place of prayer: Birthing/travailing prayer: com-                   Where?
     prises periods of conception, labour and delivery Isaiah 66:8.                           • It will take place on the church premises.
     4. TESTIFYING through effective power evangelism: Matthew 4:23.
     5. TRANS-GENERATIONAL LEADERSHIP: To develop transgen-                                   How?
     erational and multifaceted leadership; to be relvant beyond a                            • Lectures, discussion groups, practical classes etc,
     particular generation Acts 13:36.                                                        • The Discovery Part of the programme involves the youth trying
     6. TECHNOLOGY: E-revolution: remember Daniel's end time                                  every aspect of creative activities to ascertain which one comes
     prophecy: Daniel 12:4.                                                                   naturally to them, something they find easier and faster to learn
     7. TRANSFORMATION of Essex: through our Christian Social Respon-                         and usually do above average amongst other endeavours. This is
     sibilty: Matthew 25:32-40.                                                               an adventure, and a very important part of this programme. There
                                                                                              will be questions for parents and friends to answer to help identify
     PROJECT 2020                                                                             the unique traits the individual youth has been exhibiting. We also
     1. LIBERTY TNT SCHOOL OF DISCOVERY                                                       need to ask the individuals about their personal observations and
     Youth Talent/Gift Discovery & Creativity Classes                                         personal interests.
     Target: 13 – 29 year olds                                                                • The Development Part is training in the specific areas of choice.
                                                                                              The talent is developed into a useful skill. The development is nev-
     What?                                                                                    er ending because there is a cycle between development and use;
     • This is a programme aimed at working with the youths to help                           as we use, we develop and as we develop, we use better; the cy-
     them discover the hidden talents and gifts within them, keeping                          cle continues. Through practice we improve our performance and
     them virtuously occupied and enabling them to find meaning                               productivity.
     and fulfillment in life in the process.                                                  • The Use Of The Skills. They start to produce something useful or
                                                                                              provide services with the skills.
     Why?                                                                                     • We will help them to Develop Vision (find a need to fill) having
     • Everyone is gifted but if the opportunity and support needed                           ideas of what can be done to make theirs and the lives of others
     to nurture the talents and gifts into useful skills are not there, this                  better. They will be encouraged to initiate projects, and passion-
     results in frustration usually manifests as emotional, and mental                        ately pursue something to be known for. In the process, they can
     dis-ease, and lead to the antisocial and unwholesome behaviour                           create jobs for themselves and for others. We want to train them
     and activities we see in our society today. This is one of the great-                    to cultivate producer mentality and not consumer mentality.
     est losses humanity can suffer and has been suffering.                                   • Another way is for them to look within to know what their Indi-
     • It is a fact that having a university degree is not enough to have                     vidual Purpose is and get occupied with it. There is usually a call
     a fulfilling life. In this information age, the abundance of informa-                    from within, an assignment that is not for personal consumption
     tion often results more in confusion than enlightenment. It can                          but for the sake of others. This is a spiritual aspect of our lives that
     be frustrating, not knowing what to do and how to do what. Peo-                          can only be satisfied when we heed the call. Bill Gates is a good
     ple have jobs and are daily engaged in activities that make them                         example here; he is now giving away to help people who are in
     unhappy, just because they have become square pegs in round                              need. This has nothing to do with religion but the spiritual aspect
     holes. This programme is aimed at discovering the natural gifting                        of our lives; it is a spiritual need that every human who is a spirit
     which is the true means through which anyone can work and find                           will need to fill someday, somehow, somewhere.
     fulfilment and joy for a meaningful life. Being productive will be                       • The Multiplying Part, you also multiply yourself by helping the
     fun and easy in the area in which you are naturally gifted; you will                     young ones after you discover, develop and use their talents. This
     do everything with so much joy and passion. Being useful for God                         is leaving legacy, and it does not have to wait till we are old. The
     is our reason/purpose for living and we are rewarded with joy, ful-                      earlier the better. When you become a light and you light the can-
     fillment and other benefits like finances, friendships and legacy.                       dle of others, we will, in no time dispel the darkness in our world
     Youths engaged in this programme will have much to enjoy and                             today.
     this, hopefully, will help them to be virtuously occupied and pro-
     ductive, keeping them away from unwholesome activities.                                  When?
                                                                                              • Fourth Saturday of the Month for 3 hours (17 00 – 20 00hrs).
                                                                                              What else?
     Who?                                                                                     • This programme is designed to engage each youth to work as an
     • This programme is primarily aimed at the youth but adults can                          individual on a project and also within a group on another project
     also benefit. Parents will also be encouraged to get involved and                        that will be presented to an audience at the end of the session.

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OPENING A NEW CHAPTER - Liberty Christian Connections
We want people to see their progress, because when people ac-
knowledge their progress; it becomes an incentive for them to          OUR TARGETS:
want to do more. People will be encouraged to buy any products         • Overweight/obesity
they produce or use their services or pay to see their performances.   • Alcohol
Talents need to be encouraged to be sustained.                         • Salt/smoking
                                                                       • Inactivity
What areas?                                                            • Stress
• Personal development                                                 Members of Our Team:
• Developing a creative mind                                           • General Practitioners-2
• Generating ideas-lecture and blue sky thinking discussion groups     • Nurse practitioners-2
• Music production- theory and practical                               • Pharmacists-2
• Arts, graphics and fashion design- theory and practical              • Counsellors-2
• Video production- theory and practical                               • Public Health practitioners-2
• Photography- theory and practical                                    • Physiotherapist-2
• Dance – theory and practical                                         Questions this project answers:
• Drama- theory and practical                                          • Medication and side effects of medication
• Academic help- advice on how to do well in school work. We           • What are the most effective ways to manage weight?
want to keep them motivated in their traditional school subjects       • How can you prevent cardiovascular and metabolic problems?
like mathematics, sciences etc                                         • What are the most effective ways to manage stress?

Needs?                                                                 OASIS:
• Classrooms                                                           • Overweight: Being overweight raises blood pressure and puts a
• Computers (for music, video, graphics)                               strain on the heart which damages it over time
• Soundcards, microphones and other recording accessories              • Alcohol : pushes blood pressure up
• Software (music, video, graphics)                                    • Salt: too much salt makes high blood pressure more likely. No
• Stationery                                                           more than 6g a day (about a teaspoon) is recommended
• Printers                                                             • Inactivity: lack of physical activity puts blood pressure up, staying
• Miscellaneous                                                        active keeps it down
                                                                       • Stress: long term stress increases blood pressure directly and in-
Benefits?                                                              directly by leading us down the path of unhealthy high-fat snacks,
• The youths would produce goods and/or services that can be           alcohol, smoking and inactivity, which in turn increase blood pres-
sold to generate funds for themselves and the facilitating organi-     sure.
sation (the Church in this case)
• The youths are kept out of potential trouble by keeping them         3. LIBERTY SCHOOL OF PARENTING
virtuously occupied.                                                   Adapting Rob Parsons principle: 21st Century Parent
                                                                       21st Century Parenting includes:
2. LIBERTY OASIS PROJECT                                               • The gift of acceptance
(Overweight Alcohol Salt Inactivity, Stress)                           • The testing child
Motto: Health is wealth                                                • Setting Boundaries
Oasis: Retreat, Refuge, Haven, Sanctuary                               • Building a sense of value
                                                                       • Teenagers
The Genesis of OASIS:
• This vision was birthed on the 11/11/06 when I travelled to Nige-    4. LIBERTY SCHOOL OF FINANCIAL DOMINION
ria to bury my father Pa Gabriel Oladimeji. With the help of my sur-   This includes a yearly conference in May, with teaching on financial
gery (James Hamilton-Smith and Partners, Chadwell Health, Eng-         dominion throughout the month.
land) I was able to provide health promotion to the local people.
It was alarming to see hundreds of people queuing and fighting         5. LIBERTY SCHOOL OF DISCOVERY:
to get Blood Pressure and blood sugar checks. That night got me        Where leadership principles are taught and individuals are men-
thinking of the need for health promotion and education for the        tored to develop their leadership skills.
global population.                                                     1. Introduction
• I had a dream that there will be a day where the rural areas of      2. Your learning style
the third world countries of the world will get the opportunities      3. Shaping your destiny
for health awareness freely because HEALTH IS WEALTH. There will       4. Effective leadership styles
come a time that the unreached rural areas of the world will find an   5. Leadership and behavioural style
OASIS in their neighbourhood.                                          6. Leadership and personality
• On my return to the UK, I set things in motion to start the pro-     7. Leadership and vision
gramme “Health is Wealth” to charity organisations under the um-       8. Leaders and managers
brella of Liberty Oasis Project. The programme has been running        9. The RADIANT leader
since May 2007.                                                        10. Capture the vision of your Leader and their Core values
                                                                       11. Vision Casting
Our Aims and Objectives                                                12. Conclusion and examination
Prevention of long term conditions such as stroke, diabetes, hyper-
tension etc                                                            6. LIBERTY MEN MINISTRY
                                                                       Developing and mentoring men to Meet Every Need
Health promotion & Education                                           7. LIBERTY UPPER PRAYER ROOM :
                                                                       24/7 House of prayer
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OPENING A NEW CHAPTER - Liberty Christian Connections
Dates:                Time:                  Venue:
          Sunday 7th, 14th & 21st   10am - 1pm   Liberty House, 1 Clarks Road
                May 2017                                 Ilford IG1 1UT
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OPENING A NEW CHAPTER - Liberty Christian Connections
The Power of
CHOICES  The University Exposure

              he possibility of reducing         and teachers concerning what is to be ing robust with biblical significance. This
              the complexities of life is        done, but generally before university, the will not be the end of the battle against
              hinged on an individual’s          decision to do or not to do is not entirely in temptation, but whenever provoked to
              ability to make and remain         their hands and this is the difficult part of stumble or fall, you will be reminded that
              within the right decision.         university. The transition from 18 years of a taking a sinful step will not only be a viola-
For young people, who are experiencing a         set routine, to a free-form of                               tion of the words our Father
more independent form of freedom, these          existence that requires you The real ques- gave us, but also a direct and
decisions can make or break the university       to define your own structure         tion is, ‘how           personal insult to ourselves.
experience. Most of us know what is right        through decision making.                                     Christianity is the most per-
or wrong, and even when unsure, our ex-          This is something that af-          can decision             sonal relationship any of us
periences usually lead us in the direction       fects the success of students making be har- can ever have. Our reasons
of options that fit into the lessons we have     far more than their intellect,       nessed and              for making any decision
imbibed.                                         aptitude or love of their sub-                               have to be personal also.
                                                 ject. You’d be amazed how combined with When we decide to do right
The real question is, ‘how can decision          hard students are willing          our Christian it will often be Godly and in
making be harnessed and combined with            to work when they decide faith to improve line with the word of God,
our Christian faith to improve our vantage       from within themselves to                                    and we do so knowing that
point?’ And the answer is simple, ‘do what       do so.                               our vantage             the alternative wouldn’t just
is necessary, always’.                                                                    point?’             be the violation or breaking
                                                 The power of decision mak-                                   of His Word, but a strong
It is not exactly the most unique idea, but      ing in line with Christian values can also statement on how much we value what-
it definitely works. An example being as-        provide a buffer against temptation. Once ever the decision concerned.
signments and/or studying. As a student,         again, it is no secret that most children fol-
I’m more than aware that a deadline two          low the instruction of their parents simply Going to church while at university is easy.
weeks from today can seem like a lifetime        because they are their parents. This is a Being a Christian while at university is
away, but when viewed with the eyes of           show of respect, but for the most part, if challenging, but rewarding. Our parents
necessity and the understanding that             this is the only reason, then university can have guided us so far in our walk. It is im-
every journey is just a series of small steps,   present as a challenge. In a place where possible for them to run for us.
the options become a little clearer and a        you are considered an adult, where your
little easier to choose: Either, enjoy the       parents are unlikely to discover the things May the Lord guide and help you as your
time and work whenever you feel like it,         you may or may not get up to, the excite- Christian decisions blossom from the
or do a comfortable amount of work every         ment of adolescence alone can be enough word that you hold personally dear.
day (without fail).                              to push some students astray.

Most young people aren’t lazy because            My advice is to regularly assess yourself,                                  Written by
they don’t value a good work ethic; they         seek to reach a deeper understanding of                                Adedolapo Yusuf
are lazy because they haven’t decided to         the bible by reading and studying it and
do anything. They may agree with parents         make the force behind your decision mak-

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INFERTILITY                                                                                       By
                                                                                              Dr Emmanuel Oladapo

      Introduction                                                   es, mercury, benzene, boron, and heavy metals
                                                                       • Malnutrition and anaemia.
      Infertility can affect both men and women, and can be a          • Excessive stress!
      great concern and a cause of unhappiness in the life of a
      married couple who have a desire to have children. The         Modifying these behaviours can improve a man’s fertili-
      good news is that some forms of infertility can be treated.    ty and should be considered when a couple is trying to
                                                                     achieve pregnancy.
      For men, besides testicular damage which usually cannot
      be treated, the main causes of male infertility are: low       Other causes include:
      sperm production and poor sperm quality. Fertility can
      also be a reflection of a man’s ‘overall’ health. Men who      2. Hormonal Problems
      live a healthy lifestyle are more likely to produce healthy
      sperm. The same is also true for women, with women             A small percentage of male infertility is caused by hor-
      who live a healthy lifestyle being more likely to conceive     monal problems. The hypothalamus-pituitary endocrine
      and to have healthy babies.                                    system in the brain regulates the chain of hormonal
                                                                     events that enables the testes to produce and effectively
      What Causes Male Infertility?                                  disseminate sperm. Several things can cause an imbal-
                                                                     ance in the hormonal secretions (too much or too little of
      A variety of disorders ranging from hormonal disturbanc-       the various hormones), resulting in male infertility.
      es to physical problems, to psychological problems can
      cause male infertility. In many instances, male infertility    3. Physical Problems
      is caused by testicular damage resulting in an inability
      of the testicle to produce sperm. Once damaged, the            A variety of physical problems can cause male infertility.
      testicle will not usually regain its sperm-making capabil-     These problems either interfere with the sperm produc-
      ities; this aspect of male infertility is analogous to men-    tion process or disrupt the pathway of travel of sperm in
      opause for women (though not natural like menopause)           the body. These problems are usually characterized by a
      and cannot usually be treated. Despite medicine’s limited      low sperm count and/or abnormal sperm morphology.
      ability to treat male infertility, many successful treatment   Physical problems that cause male infertility include:
      options are available for its many causes.
                                                                       • Damaged sperm ducts (which affects about 7% of in-
      1. Modifiable Causes of male infertility are:                  fertile men, and could be a result of scarring from tuber-
                                                                     culosis or sexually transmitted diseases)
        • Lifestyle choices                                            • Retrograde ejaculation (semen is ejaculated into the
        • Tight underwear--increases scrotal temperature             bladder, rather than out).
      which results in decreased sperm production.
        • Exposure to environmental hazards and toxins such          4. Psychological/Physical/Behavioural Problems
      as pesticides, lead, paint, radiation, radioactive substanc-
                                                                     Several sexual problems exist that can affect male fertility.
                                                                     These problems are most often both psychological and
                                                                     physical in nature, and it is difficult to separate the physio-
                                                                     logical and physical components. These problems include:

                                                                      • Erectile Disfunction (ED) also known as impotence. This
                                                                     is a common condition which affects about 20 million
                                                                     It may be the result of a single, or more commonly a com-
                                                                     bination of multiple factors. Many men who suffer from
                                                                     ED have a secondary psychological problem like perfor-
                                                                     mance anxiety, guilt, or low self-esteem and this can wors-
                                                                     en the situation.

VOE | 10
Many of the common causes of impotence include: di-             the capsule of the ovary to become damaged or scarred,
abetes, high blood pressure, heart and vascular disease,         such that follicles cannot mature properly and ovulation
stress, hormone problems, pelvic surgery, trauma, and ve-        does not occur. Infection may also have this impact.
nous leak.
                                                                 Premature Menopause: This presents a rare and as of yet
   • Premature Ejaculation which is defined as an inability      unexplainable cause of anovulation. Some women cease
to control the ejaculatory response for at least thirty sec-     menstruation and begin menopause before the normal
onds. Premature ejaculation can be overcome by artificial        age of menopause.
insemination or by using a behavioural modification tech-
nique called the “squeeze technique”.                            Follicle Problems: Although currently unexplained, “un-
                                                                 ruptured follicle syndrome” occurs in women who produce
    • Ejaculatory Incompetence is a rare psychological           a normal follicle, with an egg inside of it, every month yet
condition which prevents men from ejaculating during             the follicle fails to rupture. The egg, therefore, remains in-
sexual intercourse even though they can ejaculate nor-           side the ovary and proper ovulation does not occur.
mally through masturbation. This condition sometimes
responds well to behavioural therapy. Artificial insemi-         Fallopian Tube Problems: Tubal disease affects approxi-
nation can also be used, if behavioural therapy does not         mately 25% of infertile couples and varies widely, ranging
work.                                                            from mild adhesions to complete tubal blockage. Treat-
                                                                 ment for tubal disease is most commonly surgery.. The
What Causes Female Infertility?                                  main causes of tubal damage include: infection, abdomi-
At least 10% of all cases of female infertility are caused       nal diseases, previous surgeries, congenital defects, ectop-
by an abnormal uterus. Conditions such as fibroid, polyps,       ic pregnancy which is pregnancy that occurs in the tube
and adenomyosis may lead to obstruction of the uterus            itself, and is a potentially life-threatening condition.
and Fallopian tubes. Congenital abnormalities of the uter-
us, may also lead to recurrent miscarriages or the inability     Behavioural and Lifestyle Factors in Infertility
to conceive.                                                     It is well-known that certain personal habits and lifestyle
Failure to ovulate as a result of ovulatory disorders is one     factors impact health, and many of these same factors
of the most common reasons why women are unable to               may limit a couple’s ability to conceive. Fortunately, many
conceive, and account for 30% of women’s infertility.            of these factors can be modified to increase not only the
                                                                 chances of conceiving but also one’s overall health. These
                                                                 factors include:

                                                                   • Diet and exercise – women who are significantly over-
                                                                 weight or underweight, may have difficulty becoming

                                                                   • Smoking – cigarette smoking has been shown to lower
                                                                 sperm count in men and increase the risk of miscarriage,
                                                                 premature birth and low birth weight babies. Smoking
The causes of failed ovulation can be categorized as fol-        by either partner reduces the chances of conceiving with
lows:                                                            each cycle, either naturally or by IVF, by about 30%.

Hormonal Problems: These are the most common causes                  • Alcohol – alcohol intake greatly increases the risk of
of anovulation. The process of ovulation depends upon a          birth defects for women and, if in high enough levels in
complex balance of hormones and their interactions to be         the mother’s blood, may cause Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.
successful, and any disruption in this process can hinder        Alcohol also affects sperm count in men.
ovulation. There are three main causes of this problem:
                                                                   • Drugs – drugs such as marijuana and anabolic steroids,
    • Failure to produce mature eggs which is the case in        may impact sperm count in men. Cocaine use in pregnant
about 50% of cases.                                              women may cause severe retardation and kidney prob-
    • Malfunction of the hypothalamus which plays a key          lems in the baby and is perhaps the worst possible drug
role in hormonal stimuli which initiates egg maturation.         to abuse while pregnant. Recreational drug use should be
     • Malfunction of the pituitary gland which is responsi-     avoided, both when trying to conceive and when preg-
ble for regulating the key hormones responsible for ovu-         nant.
                                                                 Managing Infertility
Scarred Ovaries: physical damage to the ovaries may re-          Please visit your doctor who will tell you the basic steps
sult in failed ovulation. For example, extensive, invasive, or   to follow and carry out any tests and referrals that may be
multiple surgeries, for repeated ovarian cysts may cause         required.

                                                                                                                             VOE | 11
Chancellor Phillip Hammond’s
                                First budget speech to parliament

      The Chancellor (Phillip Hammond) presented his first budget
      speech (Autumn Statement) to Parliament on 23 November 2016

      Here's a summary of f what was announced.

      1. New economic forecast
      The UK economy is forecast to be the fastest growing major econ-
      omy in 2016, but the Office for Budget Responsibility has forecast
      growth to slow and inflation to rise over the next two years.

      2. Debt falling by 2020
      The government has cut borrowing by nearly two-thirds since
      2010, but will no longer aim for a budget surplus (where more
      tax is raised than is spent) by 2019.                                someone about their pension. This includes scammers targeting peo-
                                                                           ple who inadvertently ‘opt-in’ to receiving third party communications.
      3. Fuel duty will remain frozen for a seventh year
      In 2017, fuel duty will remain frozen for the seventh successive     10. Over £102 million of LIBOR banking fines to support armed
      year, saving drivers £130 a year on average.                         forces and emergency services charities

      4. A new three-year NS&I Investment Bond available from              11. A new National Productivity Investment Fund to provide £23
      spring 2017                                                          billion of additional spending, ensuring the UK’s economy is fit for
      To support savers, NS&I will offer a new three-year Investment       the future
      Bond with an indicative rate of 2.2% from spring 2017. The bond
      will offer the flexibility to put away between £100 and £3,000       12. £2.3 billion for a new Housing Infrastructure Fund
      and be available to those aged 16 or over.
                                                                           13. £390 million investment in future transport technology
      5. Committing to raise the Personal Allowance to £12,500 and
      the Higher Rate Threshold to £50,000 by 2020-21                      14. A major new investment in transport infrastructure
      The Personal Allowance is the amount of income you can earn
      before you start paying income tax. It is currently £11,000 this     15. £1 billion to invest in full-fibre broadband and trialling 5G networks
      year, and will rise to £11,500 in 2017-18. The point at which you
      pay the higher rate of income tax will increase from £43,000 this    16. £2 billion more per year in research and development
      year, to £45,000 in 2017-18.                                         funding by 2020-21

      6. The National Living Wage and the National Minimum Wage            17. More money for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
      will increase from April 2017
      The National Living Wage for those aged 25 and over will in-         18. Expanding the museums and galleries tax relief
      crease from £7.20 per hour to £7.50 per hour. That means over
      £1,400 a year more for a full-time worker previously on the Na-      19. Over £10 million to support culture and heritage projects
      tional Minimum Wage.                                                 across the UK
      The National Minimum Wage will also increase:
      for 21 to 24 year olds – from £6.95 per hour to £7.05                20. Committing to cutting corporation tax to 17% by 2020
      for 18 to 20 year olds – from £5.55 per hour to £5.60
      for 16 to 17 year olds – from £4.00 per hour to £4.05                21. £400 million through the British Business Bank to invest in
      for apprentices – from £3.40 per hour to £3.50                       growing innovative firms

      7. The Universal Credit taper will be reduced from 65% to 63%        22. Rural Rate Relief will increase to 100%
      from April 2017
                                                                           23. Cracking down on tax avoiders and those who help them
      8. A ban on letting agents charging fees to renters
      Letting agents will no longer be able to charge renters fees, for    24. Salary sacrifice schemes will be taxed more fairly
      example when they sign a new tenancy agreement. This will
      stop tenants being hit with fees averaging £223 per tenancy.         25. Insurance Premium Tax will increase by 2% from 1 June 2017

      9. Cracking down on pensions scams                                    From: HM Treasury
      A consultation before Christmas will look at ways to tackle pen-      First published: 23 November 2016
      sions scams, including banning businesses from cold calling           Part of: Autumn Statement 2016
VOE | 12
Liberty Christian Connections
                                                                                      OUTREACH PROGRAMME
                                                                                      Evangelism is a foundational principle of Liberty
                                                                                      Christian Connections and permeates all our pro-
                                                                                      grammes. The most visible and high profile evange-
                                                                                      listic outreach is the annual March for Jesus which is a
                                                                                      day long programme of prayer for individuals, leaders
                                                                                      and different aspects of life in Redbridge. The day fea-
                                                                                      tures praise, singing and dancing and is held in Ilford
                                                                                      town centre in July (usually on the second Saturday),
                                                                                      and attracts shoppers and visitors.

LIBERTY                                    The qualifications range from:
                                           Health & Social Care Level 1 – 3
                                                                                      We have monthly corporate outreaches where our
                                                                                      street evangelism targets the main shopping areas

                                                                                      and train stations. We engage members of the public
                                           Preparing to Work in Adult Social          in conversation, sharing the good news of salvation
                                           Care (PWASC) level 1 to 3                  and provide information about the various activities
                                                                                      taking place in Liberty. We are in contact with and
(where expectations become                 Children & Young People Workforce          visit local care homes and hold monthly services for
manifestations, impacting society)         (CYPW) level 1 to 3                        residents who would not normally be able to get to
                                                                                      church. Additionally, individuals are encouraged and
Liberty Academy is a community             Leadership management in Health
                                                                                      supported to be ‘salt and light’ in their daily lives by
project of RCCG Liberty Christian          & social care and Children & Young
                                                                                      living the Christian life and being ready to give an an-
Connections; the Academy is an             People workforce Diploma Level 5
educational umbrella that consists                                                    swer to anyone who asks;
of different aspects of learning. The      Diploma level 3 in Residential Child-
first aspect provides supplemental         care                                       ‘But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be
tuition in Maths, English and Sci-                                                    ready to give a defence to everyone who asks you a rea-
ence for pupils from key stage 1 up        Preparing to Work in Home Based            son for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear;
to GCSE level every Saturday to sup-       Childcare                                  1 Peter 3:15.
port their learning.
                                           Principles of Dementia Care Level 1 to 3   We have joined forces with Love Redbridge – an ini-
The second aspect of the academy,                                                     tiative designed to unite churches in Redbridge and
caters for vocational qualifications       End of Life Care Level 1 to 3              attend the regular prayer breakfast for leaders. We
to develop and empower people to           Employability Rights & Responsibili-       participated in borough wide prayer walks and Liber-
climb the career leader or to person-      ties Level 1 to 3                          ty also hosted the Annual Day of Prayer for churches
ally develop themselves in their cho-                                                 in Redbridge in September.
sen career. The qualification ranges       Maths and English Functional skills
from levels 1 - 5 in Health & social       Level 1 to 2                               Our Senior Pastor, Pastor Francis Oladimeji is one of
care, Children & Young People Work-                                                   several local church leaders who writes regularly on
force and Information Technology.          The training centre also offers the        issues of faith for the local Ilford Recorder and Our So-
                                           following supplementary courses as         cial Action co-ordinator has also been on patrol with
LIBERTY ACADEMY TRAINING CEN-              full induction and as a refresher for      the local street pastors in Ilford.
TRE                                        individuals and for care providers.
The Liberty academy training cen-          Manual Handling
tre reaches out to the community           Basic Life Support
                                                                                      Written by
by empowering people to gain vo-           Food Hygiene
                                                                                      Olive Andrews
cational qualifications to enhance         Infection Control
their standing in the job market or        Health & safety
improve and develop themselves in          Dementia Awareness
their chosen career.                       Fire Safety
                                           Medication Awareness
Vocational qualifications are learn-       Safeguarding
ing achievements directed at a par-
ticular occupation and its skills, and     For further enquiries please email
this is what the training centre un- or
der Liberty Academy does. We pro-          call 02085140145 or 07827780962.
vide qualifications for individuals,       You can also visit us at
care homes, care agencies, nurseries       Liberty House
and preschools to meet with the Oc-        1 Clark’s Road
cupational Standards and skills re-        Ilford Essex
quired and regulated by the Sector         IG1 1UT.
- Skills for Care, Skills for Health and
Care Quality Commission.
                                           By Florence Omotola

                                                                                                                                             VOE | 13
                                                                            4. There is no headship and role-model in families: Men are run-
                                                                            ning away from their responsibilities in our society
                                                                            5. There is decadence of Christian beliefs and religious leaders

       BRITAIN GREAT                                                        who have lost touch with life and godliness.

                                                                            One of my eight year old boys gave the Church a riddle during
                                                                            one of our family gatherings saying: “What does a rich man need
                                                                            and a poor man has and the dead eat”. The whole church family
                                                                            did not know the answer except the boy. He answered and said,
      Our nation Great Britain was built on the Solid                       that ‘IT IS NOTHING’. A rich man needs NOTHING, a poor man has
                                                                            NOTHING and the dead man eats NOTHING. Our Empire thinks
      Foundation of Christianity.                                           we are rich and a world power and forgets about our family val-
                                                                            ues and English heritage. We think that we need nothing and so
      The Great British Empire that God built by Himself is about to fall
                                                                            we are doing nothing about our collapsing great Empire.
      in our time, and we are quiet and not doing anything about it.
      Things are falling apart the centre cannot hold at any longer. The
                                                                            We have the highest number of abortions and teenage preg-
      question is, 'can Britain be great again'? YES!
                                                                            nancies in Europe. Violence is the order of the day on our streets.
                                                                            Our nation is breeding Islamic fundamentalists. The BBC that
      If only we can rise up like eagles and build this nation together
                                                                            was dedicated for the propagation of the gospel no longer has
      once again. What is happening to this great empire of God?
                                                                            anything to do with Christianity. Who has done this? The enemy
      The collapsing Empire:
                                                                            has done this! When did it happen? When Giants slept! Where
                                                                            are we now? No one knows! Who is the captain of the Ship? Is
      Let me give five reasons why Great Britain is withering before
                                                                            it the government or the Church? Who actually is responsible?
      our eyes and about to collapse:
                                                                            Where are we going from here? What are we doing in our lit-
                                                                            tle corner to make our nation a better place to live? What is the
      1. We are undermining the dignity and sanctity of the home
                                                                            solution? Who is the Solution? I believe the solution is Jesus
      which is the basis of our Society
                                                                            Christ, our blessed saviour.
      2. There are higher taxes and spending on a populace that is
      not willing to work
      3. There is madness for pleasure with sports - football, rugby,
      cricket, and athletics and play is becoming more exciting, brutal
      and immoral

VOE | 14
Rated GOOD at
the last Ofsted

                               My child is now in primary school. Her progress

     Testimonies:              in school is very good and she is in the top
                               groups in her class. I think Liberty Preschool
                               gave her a good start and now she is doing
                               good in her school.
       The school is doing very well and I can see this with my daughter
       as she has had a lot of improvement in her studies, interactions,
       communication and her growing up. I give the school an excellent
       performance for their good work.

  We came searching this school for my son, as he was not ready to be in
  his previous school. When we visited this preschool, we were relaxed and
  comfortable. We found teachers and care takers so humble and caring
  that even our son was comfortable with them. In the next 3-4 days he
  started coming to school and was happy. After one month, we found he
  was eager to come to school even during the Christmas holidays. We
  wish we could continue his school here. Our sincere thanks to all staff.

                                   ...And Now Coming Soon
                                    A New Daycare Service
                         We have 2 sessions: Morning: 9:15am – 12:15pm
                                             Afternoon: 1:00pm – 4:00pm
                                 Telephone: 0202 514 0145

                              **Breakfast & After-school Clubs**
                                                                             VOE | 15
Ladies Breakfast
            Meeting (LBM)                                                                         Christiana-Frances Oladimeji
                                                                                                  Convener Easter Ladies

                                                                                                  Breakfast Meeting

                     he breakfast meeting was birthed in         who to send and Isaiah offered himself.
                     April 2005 a month after we moved           • 2010: No More Condemnation – this was based on
                     from Rush green to Liberty house in         the scripture in Romans 8:1 which assures us that
                     Ilford. The inspiration for the meeting     there is no condemnation for anyone who is in Christ.
                     came from Mary Magdalene who woke
                     up early that Easter morning after the      • 2011: With Great Power – this was based on Acts
                     death of Christ, took some women with       4:33 which informs us that the apostles were able to
      her to go and visit His tomb to anoint His body, think-    give witness of Christ because of the power of the
      ing she would find Him lying in the tomb. Praise God       Holy Spirit working in them.
      she did not find Him there, because our Lord had risen
      from the dead (Matthew 28). The programme brings           • 2012: Unstoppable Witness – this was based on Acts
      together ladies from all walks of life to have a time of   1:8 where we are informed that the ability of the dis-
      fellowship in prayer, praise and discussion of issues      ciples to witness for Christ was dependent on being
      women face in their everyday lives and provides an         filled with the Holy Spirit.
      opportunity for women to open up to one another,
      sharing burdens, praying and encouraging each oth-         • 2013: The Kingdom Seekers – this was based on
      er to focus on the word of God in an ‘iron sharpens        Matthew 6:23 that admonishes us to seek first the
      iron’ environment.                                         Kingdom of God, and God will surely add all other
                                                                 things to us.
      Since 2005, we have regularly had the programme
      every Easter Monday morning, and it is our personal        • 2014: Total Victory – this was based on Rev 12:11
      pilgrimage to renew our relationship with the Lord,        and 1John 5:4, two scriptures which remind us of the
      on the day commemorating His resurrection. The             victory we have through the blood of Jesus Christ.
      programme has been moving from glory to glory,
      from power to power and strength to strength. We           • 2015: Destined For Greatness
      started with about 30-50 ladies in attendance, and
      now regularly have about 300 ladies in attendance.         The theme that is really very dear to my heart is the
      To God be the glory!                                       theme of the 11th year anniversary (2016) which was
                                                                 FULLNESS OF JOY. Ps.16:11. Our God is a God of full-
      Some of our themes over the years:                         ness and He does His things not partially, but to His
                                                                 full capacity. Despite the fact that the weather was
      • 2007: Awake, Enlighten Your City - women were en-        ‘wonderful’ that day, with so much rain, God surprised
      couraged to be a force for change in their communi-        us with a full attendance, and the ladies were tremen-
      ties.                                                      dously blessed. The theme for our 2017 meeting on
                                                                 Easter Monday 17th April is ‘Higher Heights’. Please
      • 2008: Alabaster Box – this was based on the actions      note the date on your calendar and do not miss it. The
      of the woman in Mark 14:3 who did not hesitate to          Lord will take you to higher heights in every area of
      give her all to Christ by anointing Him with an alabas-    endeavour in Jesus name. Although it is tagged ladies
      ter box of very expensive oil.                             breakfast meeting, our men are always welcome. We
                                                                 consider them to be very important in our lives, and it
      • 2009: Are You Available – this was based on the          gives us great pleasure to see them being part of the
      scripture in Isaiah 6:8 where the Lord was asking for      programme.
VOE | 16
Below are two of the testimonies from people
who have attended the breakfast meetings:              Our plan for the breakfast meeting going for-
                                                       ward, is that the programme should continue
• LBM has been my highlight every Easter break. By the to have 5 key areas of focus
grace of God, I have been privileged to be in all the meet-
ings. Over the years, I have seen the faithfulness of Him      I. God: to dedicate our time and attention to God, to
who inaugurated this meeting as evidenced in what              focus on Him and advertise Him beyond our local
LBM has grown to be today. I started attending alone in        community, to the whole world.
2005 and was so blessed that I thought like the two lep-
ers at the gate of Samaria, if I do not spread this good       II. Boldness: to walk in boldness doing the work of
news……As of today, I have more than 10 of my sis-              God by the enabling of the Holy Spirit, so that we
ters who have been attending consistently! I get asked         have no fear of man, but a fear of the God who has
the date for the next LBM at the start of each new year!       sent us into the world to preach the gospel
LBM is definitely different , lives are positively impacted,
people are released into their destinies, yokes broken,        III. Time management: to use our time effectively to
lives transformed and above all, the subject of discourse      the glory of God, by desisting from activities which
each year is always spot on! Topics are relevant to is-        bring no profit and debar a person from doing the
sues we ladies are going through or yet to encounter in        work of God.
our pilgrimage of life. It’s always a time of refreshing,
refuelling, and re-launching to do great exploits in our       IV. Love and Joy: to rejoice in the Lord our God and
homes, church of God as well as our society. I have ben-       manifest His love to the people of the world, shining
efited from the large wealth of wisdom and experiences         the light of Christ on them.
of Godly women who always attend this meeting.
                                                           See you at the 2017 breakfast meeting on Easter
• When praying for the women at the 2014 breakfast Monday 17th April 2017 from 8am.
meeting, our Father in the Lord pastor Francis, declared
that every one trusting God for the fruit of the womb will God bless.
come with their child/children the next year. I gave birth
to my baby girl in March 2015. Our God is faithful.

                              Date: 17th April 2017 | Time: 8am - 1pm                                             VOE | 17
           ROOMS OF LIFE

                   ave you been praying about a situation in your life       ing. In the gospel, we see this happen to Mary and Martha
                   and found yourself waiting for a breakthrough?            while they are waiting on Jesus to come and heal their brother,
                   Sometimes when we pray long and hard about a              Lazarus. When Jesus finally shows up, He is accused of taking
                   situation in our life, without receiving any answers,     too long. God always has reasons for making us wait. Waiting is
                   we just learn to live with it. We go about our busi-      a part of life and one of God’s tools for developing His people.
      ness wondering if God will send us an answer. God does hear            The Bible is full of stories of people who had to wait on God,
      those prayers and He is working out the answers, even though           such as Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joseph, David, Daniel, Paul etc.
      we may not know all the details. One thing is also certain, and
      that is we have to wait before God moves. Waiting for answers          In my studies, I have discovered some reasons God makes
      is a fact of life. So the question is not if we will wait but rather   us wait:
      how we wait.
                                                                             I. Waiting Reveals Our True Motives: Waiting has a way of
      In the Bible, Paul and Silas knew all about waiting and they           bringing out the best and worst in people. People who don’t
      waited well. Acts 16 tells us the story of how they were at-           have good motives won’t wait long because they are not inter-
      tacked by the crowd, beaten and thrown into jail. Verse 24             ested in the commitment it takes to see something through.
      says the jailer put them into the inner prison (the dungeon)
      and fastened their feet into stocks. He was making sure they           II. Waiting Builds Patience In Our Lives: Patience in waiting for
                                                                             small things leads to having patience in bigger things. If we
      couldn’t escape. But about midnight God showed up. Now it
                                                                             can’t wait for God to do a small thing, we certainly won’t wait
      would have been nicer if God had showed up a little bit earlier,       for something bigger.
      but Paul and Silas didn’t seem to mind. They decided to start sing-
      ing and worshipiing the Lord. They began to wait on the Lord.          III. Waiting Builds Anticipation: Why do children get so excit-
                                                                             ed around Christmas? Because the wait has produced antici-
      Verses 25 and 26 say ‘ But at midnight, as Paul and Silas were         pation. We tend to appreciate things more, the longer we have
      praying and singing hymns of praises to God, suddenly, there           to wait for them. Because of having to wait so long, we tend
      was a great earthquake so that the very foundations of the             to cherish and take care of it more than others might. People
      prison were shaken; and at once all the doors were opened              tend to treasure the things they had to wait for.
      and everyone’s shackles were unfastened’. God answered
      them suddenly. When people patiently and expectantly wait              IV. Waiting Transforms our Character: Waiting has a way of
      on God in the midst of horrible circumstances, God breaks              rubbing off the rough edges of our lives. Moses had to wait in
                                                                             the desert for 40 years before God came to him. God used this
      through suddenly.
                                                                             time of waiting to transform his character.
      Perhaps you know the feeling of waiting for your phone to
                                                                             V. Waiting Builds Intimacy and Dependency upon God: The
      charge. You have run out of battery life and plugged in your
                                                                             reason we are able to read about the great men and women
      phone and now, there is nothing to do but sit and wait. It re-
                                                                             of the Bible is because they all learnt that their success in life
      ally only takes a matter of minutes, you start feeling tense and
                                                                             was dependant on their intimacy and dependency on God.
      anxious wondering how long this could possibly take. Most
                                                                             Waiting during the difficult times developed their relationship
      people don’t like to wait. We often get frustrated waiting for
                                                                             with God.
      fast food or behind a slow car in the fast lane. We are always
      in a rush to get to the next place or thing. This mind set often
                                                                             In conclusion, life is full of ‘WAITING ROOMS’ and God expects
      carries over into our spiritual lives with us rushing to the next
                                                                             us to redeem our time in the waiting rooms of life. We may
      big thing. But while most of us are in a hurry, God is not in a
                                                                             never understand fully why we have to wait, but the good
      hurry. He has a plan and purpose for everything.
                                                                             news is that God never asks us to wait without him.
      The problem with waiting is not having all the details. From
      our perspective, we have everything figured out and we want
                                                                             MAY GOD BLESS US
      God to move within our time frame. But God rarely does things
      within our time frame, and because of this, we can easily get
      discouraged. If we aren’t careful, we might think He is uncar-
                                                                                                                               Written By
                                                                                                                             Angela Julius
VOE | 18
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