Therapeutic Recreation 2022 March/April Adult Programs - SOMERSET COUNTY PARK COMMISSION

Page created by Brett Sharp
Therapeutic Recreation 2022 March/April Adult Programs - SOMERSET COUNTY PARK COMMISSION

Therapeutic Recreation

      2022 March/April
         Adult Programs

  Please call 908-526-5650 if you would like your name taken off our list.
Therapeutic Recreation 2022 March/April Adult Programs - SOMERSET COUNTY PARK COMMISSION
Therapeutic Recreation Department
          P.O. Box 5327, North Branch, NJ 08876 v Tel. 908 526-5650; Fax 908 429-5508
         TTY users, please use the Relay Service @ 711 ❖

 Dina Trunzo, CTRS, Manager                                            Office Hours:
 Gwen Leubner, Program Coordinator                                     Monday through Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm
 Lisa Kazman, Program Coordinator                                      2022 March/April ❖ Adult Programs
                                                                               Refund/Household Credit Request
  Therapeutic Recreation (TR) is a cooperative effort                The Somerset County Park Commission will refund registration
  between the Somerset County Park Commission                        fees due to illness, injury, or other extenuating
  and the following participating municipalities:                    circumstances which makes participation in the program
                                                                     impossible, providing that prior to the start of the program
  Bedminster                     Manville
                                                                     notification is given to the TR Department. Refunds will be
  Bernards Township              Montgomery                          prorated in accordance with the number of sessions/classes
                                                                     attended and/or supplies/tickets already purchased.
  Bernardsville                  North Plainfield                    Furthermore, if we find the program requirements are not
  Bound Brook                    Raritan                             commensurate with the abilities of the registrant, a refund
                                                                     for the program will be given. A household credit for other
  Branchburg                     Somerville                          reasons may be granted if the program has not yet begun
  Bridgewater                    South Bound Brook                   and another program registrant enrolls. No refunds/ credits
                                                                     for absences.
  Green Brook                    Warren
  Hillsborough                   Watchung                                                Canceled Programs
                                                                     A minimum number of participants is required for each
  The department provides year round recreation                      program. A program may be canceled if this number is not
                                                                     reached. A program reimbursement or credit will be
  programs to individuals with developmental
                                                                     issued. If a program is canceled because of unforeseen
  disabilities residing in participating municipalities.             circumstances, you will be contacted as soon as possible,
  We encourage your input and suggestions. Not                       and a program credit or refund will be issued.
  sure which program to register for? Please call the
  TR office. We are here to help you recreate!                                            Closed Programs
                                                                     If a program closes because we have reached maximum
                          POLICIES                                   enrollment, your name will be put on a waiting list and you
                                                                     will be contacted if space becomes available.
   Annual Information Form/Release & Waiver Form
In an effort to maintain current personal information about each                               Behavior
participant, everyone must complete an annual information form.      Participants who are physically or verbally abusive to
You are asked to complete it fully and return it to the TR office.   themselves or others will be suspended from the program
Once each year, in January, we will ask you to update the form,      and participation in future programs will be limited.
and whenever you have new information (such as a new doctor or
a change in medication) or have a change in medical status, we                            Inclement Weather
ask that you notify us immediately. Additionally, a                  If at all possible, TR staff will call your home if a program is
current Release, Waiver and Participation Agreement Form must        canceled due to inclement weather. For further information,
be on file.                                                          you may call the TR office for a recorded message.

                    Financial Assistance                                           Medication/Personal Needs
Through the Somerset County Park Foundation, a scholarship/          TR staff cannot administer medication. Participants must be
financial aid fund has been created for individuals who cannot       able to meet their own personal needs and administer their
pay the entire amount due for a program. To request assistance       own medication.
contact the TR Department to find out more information
regarding this procedure and requirements. Minimum                                               Groups
contribution will be required.                                       No more than two individuals from any one group residence
                       Payment Policy                                may register for an activity that has limited slots available.
All program fees are due when registration is submitted. If
                                                                                           Other Policies
necessary, please discuss a possible payment schedule with the
                                                                     For safety reasons, no smoking will be permitted during TR
TR office. Failure to pay these fees can result in suspension
                                                                     sponsored activities. Alcohol consumption is forbidden
from programs during a season. The participant and/or guardian
                                                                     during programs. Registration is not transferable. No
is responsible for paying the entire program fee regardless of the
                                                                     participant substitutions will be allowed.
participant’s attendance. A fee may be charged for all returned
REGISTRATION POLICY                                           Location: All Programs are held at North Branch Park,
                                                                  TR Activity Center, 355 Milltown Road, Bridgewater,
Registration will be accepted beginning on the date specified     unless otherwise noted.
below. Registration is accepted in the following ways:

•     Registration is now online and will open on Tuesday,
      February 22 at 7:00pm.
                                                                              This symbol displayed next to programs
•     Phone-in/fax registration will begin Wednesday, February                indicates that transportation MAY be available
      23 at 9:00am. No email registration accepted.                           from the location listed below.

•     Registrations received prior to the specified date & time
      will not be accepted.                                                   A.      Dewy Meadow Village Mall
                                                                                      403 King George Rd, Basking Ridge
•     The fax machine is in a public area. It is highly
      recommended that you fax only during office hours.                      B.      Nelsons Corner Shopping Center
                                                                                      Rte. 206 & Amwell Rd, Hillsborough
     Please visit our website to review our policies and
     procedures as well as information regarding the TR
     registration process.
                                                                  Pick-up/Drop-off Policy
     TRANSPORTATION POLICY                                        This policy applies to all programs offered by the
               This symbol is displayed by those                  department. Participants will be given one (1) warning
               programs listed for which transportation is        per calendar year and allowed one (1) offense per
               available. All participants receiving rides        year.
               from the TR Department to programs must
               abide by TR policies. The pickup times will                A. Individuals dropped off early and picked
               be established one week before the start
                                                                             up late at Park Headquarters for special
               of each program. In order to maintain this
                                                                             programs and trips will be assessed a
               schedule, all riders are expected to be at
               their “pick up” site at the time designated.                  penalty of $10.00 per fifteen (15) minutes
               The TR staff can wait at that location no                     after a (15) minute grace period.
               more than 5 minutes after the time
               specified. Families/guardians are to be at                 B. Individuals who are dropped off early and
               the site at the time specified for “drop-off”.                picked up late at designated transportation
               Failure to abide by these terms more than                     points will be assessed a penalty of $10.00
               twice per season, or misbehavior on the                       per fifteen (15) minutes after the first five
               van, will result in loss of this privilege.                   (5) minutes.
                The TR staff reserves the right to
                                                                         C.   Individuals who are dropped off directly
                change or cancel pickup/drop off
                points listed for each program de-                            at a program site may be dropped off no
                pending on the number of individuals                          more than 5 minutes before the start
                requesting rides to programs from                             of program. Those individuals dropped off
                that point. Notification will be made                         early will be assessed a penalty fee
                prior to the start of the program.                            of $10.00 per (15) fifteen minutes.
                Transportation is available on a first                        Individuals picked up late at a program
                come, first served basis.                                     site will be assessed the same penalty as
                **No transportation is available within 5                     stated in A.
                miles of a program site. **
                                                                         D. After the first offense, individuals will be
      The TR Department does not provide home                               charged a higher rate.

      TRANSPORTATION IS LIMITED ON OUR VANS                              E.   Abuse of the policy will result in suspen-
      AND WILL BE GRANTED ON A FIRST COME                                     sion from the program.
      DISTANCING.   MASKS WILL BE REQUIRED                        Different Person Pick-Up
                                                                  If someone other than the parent/guardian or group
      If you have any questions about these policies, or if       home staff will be picking up a participant at the
      you are scheduled for transportation but cannot             conclusion of the program, either at the program site
      attend the day’s program or event, please call the          or pick-up/drop-off point, advance written notification
      TR office. 908-526-5650.                                    MUST be given to the TR staff.
Adult Programs, ages 18 and older
                                                             MOVIE NIGHT (98422)
Bringing back this classic program in person. Learn          Catching a movie with friends is always a popular Friday
                                                             night activity. Join us to pick a movie and enjoy a light
some new dances while enjoying some of your
                                                             snack. Please note transportation will only be
                                                             offered in March.
Date:          Mondays, March 7, 14
                                                             Date:            Fridays, March 25; April 22
Time:          7:00 – 8:30pm
                                                             Time:            7:00 – 9:30pm
Fee:           $36.00
                                                             Fee:             $30.00
It’s all fun and games when Lady Luck pays us a visit.       PAINTING (98423)
You and your friends will have fun playing some of the       Dip your brush once a month into a colorful palette and
most popular games of chance like LCR, cards, and dice       create one-of-a-kind painting. No art experience
games, while enjoying a yummy snack. Don’t worry if          needed. Please note transportation will only be
you don’t know how to play, we will teach you!               offered in March.
Date:            Tuesdays, March 8,15                        Date:          Tuesdays, March 29; April 26
Time:            7:00 – 8:30pm                               Time:          7:00 – 8:30pm
Fee:             $38.00                                      Fee:           $45.00

APPETIZING APPETIZERS (98418)                                MINI DESSERTS (98424)
Roll up your sleeves and get ready for some fun in the       Do you like sweets? In this cooking program we will
kitchen. We will make a variety of easy and yummy            explore the world of desserts, mini style. A variety of
appetizers that are sure to make your mouth water!           tasty treats will be made for you to try.
Date:            Wednesdays, March 9,16                      Date:              Mondays, April 4, 11
Time:            7:00 – 8:30pm                               Time:              7:00 – 8:30pm
Fee:             $48.00                                      Fee:               $55.00

MIND, BODY, & SOUL (98419)                                   SPRING CRAFTS (98425)
Focus on your breathing and learn about reducing stress      If you are looking for a new way to spark up your
while participating in exercises, meditation, and calming    creativity, this program is for you! We will use a variety of
your mind.                                                   materials and make a unique gifts or decorations.
Date:            Mondays, March 21, 28                       Date:              Tuesdays, April 5,12,19
Time:            7:00 – 8:30pm                               Time:              7:00 – 8:30pm
Fee:             $37.00                                      Fee:               $55.00

SPRING THINGS AT THE EEC (98420)                             DON’T STOP MOVING (98426)
We will meet at the Environmental Education Center for       To get your heart pumping you need to move. This
an evening of fun and an after dark adventure in Lord        fitness program will keep us moving using various forms
Stirling Park, with Naturalist Christa Wood. We will be      of exercise like, Zumba, dance, and more.
hiking out to one of the ponds in search of calling frogs,   Date:             Wednesdays, April 6, 13, 20, 27
and other creatures of the night. Wear comfortable           Time:             7:00 – 8:30pm
shoes, and dress in layers. If it rains the week prior to
                                                             Fee:              $54.00
this program, please wear waterproof boots.
Date:            Tuesday, March 22                           SOCIAL CLUB (98427)
Time:            7:00 – 8:30pm                               Friday Night is a blast hanging out with old friends, and
Fee:             $15.00                                      meeting new ones. It’s sure to be a great time playing
                                                             games and having a snack. We can’t wait to see you!
DINNER WITH FRIENDS (98421)                                  Date:           Friday, April 8
We are so glad we are in person because we know              Time:           7:00 – 8:30pm
everyone likes to go out to eat. Please bring $35 to         Fee:            $25.00
cover the cost of your meal, tax, and tip. One week
we will visit TGI Fridays and the other will be to Time to
Eat Diner. You may only pick one session!
Session I:        Wednesdays, March 23, 30
Session II:       Mondays, April 18, 25
Time:             6:30 – 8:30pm
Fee:              $25.00
Adult Programs, ages 18 and older

                        REC CONNECT ADULT DAY
We are so happy to offer this program now that we have our building back! Each week will be
filled with exciting activities including games, arts & crafts, cooking, fitness, current events,
and more! The goal of this program is to provide leisure opportunities, foster independence,
and enhance health and well-being. Bring a lunch with beverage each week. A schedule for
the session will be sent home on the first day. You may sign up for one or both sessions.
Session I: Thursdays, March 10, 17, 24, 31
Session II: Thursdays, April 7, 14, 21, 28
Time:         9:00am - 3:00pm
Fee:          $100.00

                               COVID GUIDELINES
  •   To minimize exposure we will limit the number of available spaces in programs.
  •   To limit exposure, we ask that you drop the participant off at the door where staff will
      be waiting to greet you. Participants will be brought outside at the end of the program.
  •   Equipment and supplies are regularly sanitized. The bathrooms are sanitized prior to
      the start of programs. Hand sanitizer is available.
  •   All individuals, regardless of vaccination status, must wear a mask when indoors.
      Masks breaks will be incorporated into the program.
  •   Individuals who are sick are asked to remain home. If someone comes to a program
      sick, family/staff will be called to pick up the individual immediately.
  •   Programs and transportation may change or be cancelled based on the Governor’s
      executive orders or recommendations of the CDC.
SUN          MON           TUE             WED            THU           FRI          SAT        SUN          MON            TUE              WED         THU              FRI         SAT

                                     1               2             3            4          5                                                                                     1          2

      6               7              8               9             10           11         12         3                4              5             6             7              8          9
                                                           Rec                                                                                            Rec
             Line         Games Of       Appetizing      Connect                                             Mini          Spring          Don’t Stop   Connect        Social Club
            Dancing        Chance        Appetizers       Adult                                             Desserts       Crafts           Moving       Adult
                                                          Day I                                                                                          Day II

      13            14           15              16                17           18         19         10            11                12           13             14             15         16
                                                           Rec                                                                                            Rec
             Line         Games Of       Appetizing      Connect                                             Mini          Spring          Don’t Stop   Connect        HOLIDAY
            Dancing        Chance        Appetizers       Adult                                             Desserts       Crafts           Moving       Adult
                                                          Day I                                                                                          Day II

      20            21           22              23                24           25         26         17            18                19           20             21             22         23
                        Spring            Dinner           Rec                                                                                            Rec
           Mind, Body, Things @            With          Connect        Movie                              Dinner with     Spring          Don’t Stop   Connect          Movie
             & Soul       the            Friends I        Adult         Night                               Friends II     Crafts           Moving       Adult           Night
                         EEC                              Day I                                                                                          Day II

      27            28           29              30                31                                 24            25                26           27             28             29         30

                                          Dinner           Rec                                                                                            Rec
           Mind, Body,    Painting         With          Connect                                           Dinner with     Painting        Don’t Stop   Connect
             & Soul         Fun          Friends I        Adult                                             Friends II       Fun            Moving       Adult
                                                          Day I                                                                                          Day II
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