"This is not the time to sit back and say someone else has got it," - Congressional Candidate Gina Ortiz Jones, Page 2 - The Lake Front

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"This is not the time to sit back and say someone else has got it," - Congressional Candidate Gina Ortiz Jones, Page 2 - The Lake Front
“This is not the time to sit back and
  say someone else has got it,”
  - Congressional Candidate Gina Ortiz Jones, Page 2
"This is not the time to sit back and say someone else has got it," - Congressional Candidate Gina Ortiz Jones, Page 2 - The Lake Front
2018              THE LAKE FRONT
     STAFF             Our Lady of the Lake University
                       The superheroes of
                                                                                                                                                                     The Police Officers have the title
                                                                                                                                                                 of Texas Peace Officers, meaning that
  EDITOR-IN-CHIEF                                                                                                                                                their authority is at the statewide

                       the campus
                                                                                                                                                                 level. Chief Zertuche said, “We can
   ANDRES RUIZ                                                                                                                                                   enforce the law in the city and county
    CO-EDITOR                                                                                                                                                    if our service is needed.” At the
                                                                                                                                                                 University Police Department, their
                                                                                                                                                                 focus is “to serve and protect OLLU,
       TBD             By D’Mitrius Rios                                                                                                                         and it’s campus community.” They
 GRAPHIC DESIGNER         The Our Lady of the Lake Univer-
                                                                                                                                                                 also strongly focus their patrol “on
                                                                                                                                                                 the campus including the Convent
                       sity Police Department works 24/7
                                                                                                                                                                 property and maintain a police pres-
  JEREMY FALKNER       watching the campus to protect the
                                                                                                                                                                 ence out in the community and the
                       university and its students, making
  HEAD REPORTER        them comparable to superheroes.
                                                                                                                                                                 city park,” Chief Zertuche said.
                                                                                                                                                                     The University Police are efficient
                       Even if you never meet them or know
                                                                                                                                                                 at their jobs handling different situ-
BRIAN BERNAL REYNA     who they are there is always a leader
                                                                                                                                                                 ations, like a lockdown or a fire in a
   DANIEL BOMMER       in every group, and in OLLU’s case
                                                                                                                                                                 dormitory. Student Melissa Franco
                       this is Chief Ramon Zertuche.                 Lady of the Lake University follows            low compared to other local zip code
    AMBER CHAVEZ          While working at Our Lady of the           the Clery Act which according to the           areas.”
                                                                                                                                                                 said, “The OLLU police act very pro-
JONATHAN CHRISTIAN     Lake University since 2001, Zertuche          Clery Center website, “is a consumer               OLLU’s Police Department is con-
                                                                                                                                                                 fessional, as well as answering phone
                                                                                                                                                                 calls and saying hello to everyone in
    LOREN DELEON       became the permanent Chief of                 protection law that aims to provide            sidered a full-service department. “In
                                                                                                                                                                 the hallway.”
   ERICA GUEVARA       Police late 2017. He began as a Patrol        transparency around campus crime               addition to providing campus safety
                                                                                                                                                                     You can call the University Police
                       Sergeant before being promoted to             policy and statistics.” Our Lady of            and security, we offer non-police ser-
  KARINA MARTINEZ      Lieutenant and serving as Interim             the Lake’s ‘Clery’ crime statistics rate       vices such as assisting with flat tires,
                                                                                                                                                                 at (210) 433-0911 to report anything
   SARA MCKINNEY                                                                                                                                                 out of the ordinary. Always remem-
                       Chief since 2016.                             is low and lower than other col-               unlocking vehicles and providing
                                                                                                                                                                 ber, if you see something suspicious
   DANIELLE OJEDA         Crime statistics on college cam-           leges in the surrounding area. When            escorts to and from campus build-
                                                                                                                                                                 or out of place, say something.
                       puses are either high or low and even         compared to the crime statistics               ings, parking lots and residence halls,”
    PATIENCE OKPE      though things happen or not “there            of other local zip codes in the San            Zertuche said. The Police Department
  LAUREN PRIMACIO      are always various ways to assess the         Antonio Police Department Zertuche             is equipped to respond and handle
   SANTIAGO REYES      crime rate,” Chief Zertuche said. Our         provided that “OLLU’s crime rate is            all emergencies on campus.

                       From west side graduate to

                       congressional candidate: Gina Ortiz Jones
                       By Jeremy Falkner, Head Reporter
    MARKETING                                                                                                                                                    “It was an awesome course on chemistry
                                                                                                                                                                 and an awesome course on calculus.” Jones
    MANAGER                San Antonio -- The Congressional                                                                                                      feels programs like these are important
                       candidate for District 23 Gina Ortiz Jones                                                                                                when investing into the future generation’s
                                                                                                                                                                 higher education.
       TBD             has proven that hard work and dedication
                       can bring change to the community. Jones                                                                                                      Jones feels investing into our future
   SOCIAL MEDIA        has faced many battles and obstacles in                                                                                                   generations workforce by making sure
                                                                                                                                                                 there are programs to help students go
     MANAGER           her life from helping her mother through a
                                                                                                                                                                 to college or other programs to help
                       fight with cancer to battling the naysayers
                       in politics on Capitol Hill.                                                                                                              those wanting to go to a trade school or
                                                                                                                                                                 get advanced skills training. Also, Jones
 AMANDA BROWN              Jones’ biggest motivator in life is her
                                                                                                                                                                 believes we need an immigration policy
                       mother; her mother has shown her what
 FACULTY ADVISOR       it means to fight for what you believe in                                                                                                 that “reflects our values” and believes that
                       through her battles as a single mother                                                                                                    it should be seen as an opportunity and a
                       raising two girls to her battle with colon                                                                                                key way to address some of the economic
   SOUTH TEXAS         cancer. Jones’ mother graduated from the                                                                                                  challenges faced as a country.
      PRESS            number one university in the Philippines,     intelligence officer. Upon returning from      I jumped in this, but that’s why I think         Investing in veteran services not only
                       but decided she wanted more; so, she          serving during Operation Iraqi Freedom         it’s so important we do take the chance      for the veteran but for their families as well
     PRINTER           left for the United States to go after the    (OIF) Jones’ mother had been diagnosed         and do this because it’s never going to      is important to Jones, and she believes
                       American Dream and had to make many           with colon cancer, which then led Jones to     change unless our voices are part of         that we as a country need to become
                       sacrifices including working multiple jobs    decide on leaving the Air Force and return     the discussion and that’s why I am so        smarter with military spending. Having
THE LAKE FRONT         to provide for herself and her children.
                           Jones is a graduate of John Jay High
                                                                     to San Antonio to help her mother battle
                                                                     cancer. Upon her return to San Antonio,
                                                                                                                    committed to making sure that our com-
                                                                                                                    munity is heard and part of the process.”
                                                                                                                                                                 a combat veteran like Jones in Congress
                                                                                                                                                                 brings that sense of understanding of what
STUDENT NEWS           School right here on the west side of San     she worked at Fort Sam Houston continu-
                                                                     ing her career in intelligence and national
                                                                                                                         Protecting our healthcare benefits is
                                                                                                                    one of Jones’ top priorities. Jones said,
                                                                                                                                                                 the sacrifices made by the military and
                                                                                                                                                                 their families truly mean, especially since
                       Antonio and understands that some situ-
Our Lady of the Lake   ations can be more difficult than others.     defense by advising military operations        “Healthcare falls into three buckets;        there are not very many veterans left on
                                                                     throughout Latin America.                      people either cannot afford it today,        Capitol Hill.
     University        According to Jones, “not everyone has the
                       same challenges and opportunities and             Jones said, “My own upbringing has         they are fearful they won’t be able to           For the younger generation, Jones has
 411 S.W. 24th St.     I know some of them are kind of unique        changed my desires to go into public           afford it tomorrow, or they simply can’t     a few words of advice on the importance
 San Antonio, TX       when you grow up in the kind of com-
                       munity that I did.” In 2013 Jones started
                                                                     service.” Jones decided to enter the race to
                                                                     represent District 23 in Congress because
                                                                                                                    get to it with this district 70 percent
                                                                                                                    rural.” Jones says she truly understands
                                                                                                                                                                 of voting, “This is not the time to sit back
                                                                                                                                                                 and say someone else has got it because
      78207            a scholarship called “Leadership Through      she felt the voices of the people were not     what the value of healthcare benefits are    they don’t and if your voice is not heard
 (210)-528-6739        Service” that is awarded annually to stu-     truly being heard and wanted to give back
                                                                     to the community that gave her so much,
                                                                                                                    since she like many others grew up on
                                                                                                                    the Children’s Health Insurance Program
                                                                                                                                                                 then that’s unfortunate because these
                                                                                                                                                                 policies are going to affect you whether
                       dents of John Jay that have succeeded in
  lakefrontollu.com    the classroom and in their community.         but wanted to give back in the best pos-       (CHIP).                                      you like it or not, so you need to vote to
                           Jones received an ROTC scholarship to     sible way through public service.                   A fun fact about Jones is that she      make sure these policies best reflect what
                       Boston University where she graduated             Even though Jones has worked in            actually did a six-week program at Our       you want and the country that we all are
                       with a BA and MA in Economics. Jones          public service for more than a decade ob-      Lady of the Lake University prior to her     so proud of.”
    Cover Art by:      knew she wanted to serve her country, so      taining the resources to run for Congress      senior year of high school. It was a pro-        For more information on Gina Ortiz
    Anonymous          she joined the Air Force and became an        has still been difficult. However, Jones       gram that helped kids get a step ahead       Jones visit her website at www.ginaortiz-
                                                                     said “I knew I was taking a gamble when        going into their senior year. Jones said,    jones.com
"This is not the time to sit back and say someone else has got it," - Congressional Candidate Gina Ortiz Jones, Page 2 - The Lake Front
                                                                          Volume 65, Issue 2                       CAMPUS NEWS
OLLU to host national civil rights conference                                                                    IN CASE YOU MISSED IT
By Amber Chavez                                                                                                                                      in the Archdiocese of San An-
                                                                                                               Discernment Dash                      tonio we are celebrating the
   In December of 1968, Our         secretaries Julián Castro and         tention centers separating
Lady of the Lake held a six-        Henry Cisneros will be speak-         families and children, the rise      10/7/2018                             opening of the Synod with a
day hearing that changed            ing alongside congressman             of I.C.E. terrorizing immigrant      By Danielle Ojeda                     5K walk and run,” Sister Gloria
Civil Rights for Mexican-           Joaquin Castro.                       communities, and the de-                                                   Ann said.
Americans forever. This com-           The six-day hearing and            portation of undocumented                                                     Pablo Cavazos, a student
ing November, OLLU com-             conference “Holding Up The            working people, we need to                                                 and track and field athlete at
memorates that monumental           Mirror” will also contain what        discuss these and many other                                               Our Lady of the Lake Univer-
moment with a conference            changes could come in the             topics related to Latino com-                                              sity, looked forward to the
called “Holding Up the Mir-         future. Zepeda conveyed the           munities,” Zepeda said.                                                    5k dash and appreciates the
ror” focused on the changes         importance of the confer-                “Holding Up The Mirror”                                                 significance of the event as
and issues the Latino com-          ence, “Our current political          wants to bring the com-                                                    well. “I have been involved in
munity faces. The chair of the      atmosphere calls for us as a          munity together so they will                                               different types of sports for
                                                                                                                 For the first time on Sunday
Department of English, Mass         community to return to this           be informed of the changes.                                                as long as I could remember,
                                                                                                               October 7, 2018 the Young
Communication and Drama             conference and its original           If you want to attend the                                                  being an athlete is one thing I
                                                                                                               Adult Associate Leadership
Assistant Professor, Candace        themes focused on the civil           conference, it will be held at                                             am very passionate about. so,
                                                                                                               Team (YAA) participated in
Zepeda said, “There are so          rights of Mexican-Americans.”         OLLU’s Chapel Auditorium                                                   the discernment dash coming
                                                                                                               the Discernment Dash hosted
many sessions focused on               The “50 Years Later” project       on November 15-17, to give                                                 up on campus is a great way
                                                                                                               by the Archdiocese of San
the original topics and new         helps build up community in-          us the option of voicing our                                               for me to participate in the
                                                                                                               Antonio and Our Lady of the
topics.” These sessions will        volvement and shows that no           questions and concerns as                                                  two things I love!” Cavazos
                                                                                                               Lake University.
revisit the past 50 years of        matter how many years pass            well as letting us be a part of                                            said.
                                                                                                                 According to Sister of
Civil Rights, reviewing the         the passion to strive for better      a national change that started                                                Sister Gloria Ann also stated
                                                                                                               Divine Providence Gloria Ann
fight for education, employ-        civil rights will not fail, and       long ago. For more informa-                                                “a group of competitive run-
                                                                                                               the dash was open to OLLU
ment, and much more. As             becomes even stronger in              tion or questions please visit                                             ners offering to God their
                                                                                                               students as well as com-
we dwelve into the past and         these times. “With the discus-        www.50yearslater.org, email                                                run as an intercession for all
                                                                                                               munity members, families,
look at the changes that have       sions of Washington building          civilrights@ollusa.edu or call                                             in discernment” also partici-
                                                                                                               parish groups and other faith
been and will be made over          and funding a border wall             (210) 528-6847.                                                            pated.
                                                                                                               organizations “to gather and
the years, former U.S. housing      between the U.S. and Mexico,                                                                                        Before participates make
                                                                                                               raise awareness of vocations
                                    the increase of private de-                                                                                      their way to the finish line,
                                                                                                               to serve Gods church.” The dis-       festivities and awards there
                                                                                                               cernment dash is the opening
Meet the other new dean on campus                                                                              of the “Synod of bishops. This
                                                                                                               year the Synod of Bishops will
                                                                                                                                                     was a mass held with the
                                                                                                                                                     Archbishop at Assumption
By Joseph Vasquez                                                                                                                                    Seminary.
                                                                                                               convene in October to discuss
   The small, close-knit com-       ters is from Rutgers University                                            the very important reality of
munity of Our Lady of the Lake      - that was four and a half years of                                        young people, the faith and
University makes a new face easy    business” said Rosenthal .                                                 Vocational Discernment. Here
to pick out. Dr. Bruce Rosenthal,      When asking Rosenthal what
the new Dean of the School of       brought his attention to OLLU,                                             digits and blinding hot, or damp,     someone we expect to see a lot
Business, is one such face. Born    he said “I was unhappy of where                                            wet, and dark, but I do not mind      of things from. I have heard some
and raised in New Jersey, Dr.       I was for a variety of reasons.                                            the heat. My wife loves the heat,     good credibility about him what
Rosenthal received his Bachelors    [What interested me at...] OLLU                                            the food, and the music. She has      he is about.”
of Arts from Syracuse University.   was the mission and vision. The                                            her radio tuned to 104.5 and she         If you see Dr. Rosenthal walk-
He then spent 20 years living       mission and vision for the entire                                          is singing along to it and she is     ing in the halls talk to him, or
abroad in Asia and Europe as        university is very similar to what                                         absolutely delighted. I love the      simply say hi. He is happy to
an entrepeneur. He has owned        my vision is for higher educa-                                             food and I love the atmosphere        meet you all and help you reach
several blue chips companies        tion in business. We have young                                            and the diversity of the city. In     your goals.
and traveled across five of the     people - such as yourself - who                                            general, it has a lot of culture
seven continents, visiting over     are coming to us to help them                                              and history and some wonderful
50 countries. A fluent speaker      realize their dreams and aspira-                                           restaurants.”
of Japanese, Rosenthal pulled a     tions. This generation of business                                            San Antonio and OLLU
majority of his data for his PhD    people, if anyone, is going to        Rosenthal - this is home. From
                                                                                                               have been a perfect match for
(roughly 90%) from Japanese         save the world... My generation       the beginning he felt welcome,
                                                                                                               Dr.Rosenthal and his wife, almost
sources.                            had its shot, and see how we          not only from OLLU - but from
                                                                                                               like a missing piece to the puzzle.
   “I think that this very back-    screwed it up?” When thinking         the city of San Antonio as well.
                                                                                                               When asking Alyssah Gonzalez
ground has helped me approach       of business, saving the world is      When asked how he has adapted
                                                                                                               what she wanted to see from
[business education] in a differ-   not brought up; but Rosenthal         to the culture and weather of
                                                                                                               the new dean, Gonzales said
ent way. Most of the business       preaches about how higher edu-        South Texas, Rosenthal said
                                                                                                               that she wanted “to see profes-
deans have majored in account-      cation is “a higher calling”.         “From my experience it [the
                                                                                                               sionalism on campus as a Dean.
ing or economics, but my mas-          OLLU was the perfect fit for       weather] is either [in the] triple
                                                                                                               We do look up to him and [he] is
"This is not the time to sit back and say someone else has got it," - Congressional Candidate Gina Ortiz Jones, Page 2 - The Lake Front
4/5                        THE LAKE FRONT
                                    Our Lady of the Lake University

Have you applied for FAFSA?
By Brian Bernal Reyna
  Applications for The Free         so you can get you financial      application so they could
Application for Federal Stu-        assistance as soon as pos-        compensate you as much as
dent Aid, or FAFSA opened up        sible for the next academic       possible,” Vasquez said.
October 1st for the 2019-2020       school year. Brett Vasquez           For more information and
academic school year. To ap-        said that applying for FAFSA      assistance visit the OLLU
ply visit the website student       is important because it helps     Financial Aid Office located
aid.ed.gov.                         with education expenses like      in the Walter Student Service
  Several students feel it is       tuition and fees.                 Center and speak with a
important to apply for FAFSA           “I feel it is important to     counselor.
as early as possible. Ayanna        apply as earliest you can
Gomez said it’s important           so FAFSA can review your

Lactation rooms
By Erica Guevara                    university to prohibit dis-
                                    crimination and harassment
  Need a private place to
                                    of breastfeeding employees
breastfeed? Our Lady of
                                    and students who exercise
the Lake University has you
                                    their rights under this policy.
covered! The lactation rooms
                                    Upon return to work or school
are located in Providence Hall
on the 2nd floor in rooms 245
and 248.
                                    after the birth of a child
                                    and for one year thereafter,                                        Eco-friendly trays
                                    breastfeeding employees and                                         By Karina Martinez
  According to page 44 of the
                                    students shall be allowed rea-
student handbook, “Our Lady                                           of human resources and stu-
                                    sonable time to express milk
of the Lake University sup-                                           dents should reach the office
                                    during work or school hours.”
ports the practice of breast-                                         for services for students with
                                       Employees who wish to
feeding and the expression of                                         disabilities to work out the
                                    access lactation accommoda-
breast milk by employees and                                          break schedule or the student
                                    tions should first reach out
students. It is the policy of the                                     handbook.
                                    to their supervisor, the office

Spooky stories from OLLU
By Sara McKinney

   SAN ANTONIO-- With                                                 their own stories regarding
Halloween just around the                                             Pacelli, and another story
corner there are many things                                          surfacing about Pacelli is that
happening on and around                                               it was the site of an exorcism.
Our Lady of the Lake Uni-                                             In fact senior Jesse Escareno
                                                                                                          Our Lady of The Lake is go-      cafeteria is closed you have
versity, including Boo Bash                                           has heard that you are able
                                                                                                        ing green!                         to wait until the next day. I al-
and the many ghost stories                                            to hear the screams from the
                                                                                                          Starting this Fall semester,     ways forget it, so I never bring
surounding OLLU.                                                      exorcism at night. It is said
                                                                                                        Chartwells is offering ECO         it for lunch or anything, so it
   When living on campus,                                             that the room in which the
                                                                                                        Green friendly food trays in       would be easier if they had
some of the first stories stu-                                        exorcism took place is on the
                                    with the supernatural here at                                       Sister Annie B’s Cafeteria. For    something for you to leave it
dents hear involve Pacelli hall.                                      second floor of Pacelli and
                                    OLLU herself, she has heard                                         only three dollars, students       before you leave. Other than
It is believed there is a ghost                                       the room gets blessed every
                                    stories from some students                                          can purchase a microwavable        that, I feel like it’s less waste
of a child from the Alamo                                             semester.
                                    that have lived in Pacelli                                          and dishwasher safe con-           for the school,” Tello said.
whose spirit somehow made                                                Whether or not these sto-
                                    saying the spirit of the child                                      tainer. Doing so can benefit          If you want to help keep
its way to OLLU and despite                                           ries are true, they definitely
                                    would like to try on shoes,                                         the environment by prevent-        OLLU clean, get yourself an
not being a residence option                                          add some excitement to
                                    and if a resident would throw                                       ing trash pile up and help the     ECO-friendly food tray!
this year, plenty of students                                         what’s happening this Hallow-
                                    a ball, the spirit would throw                                      school save money.
have heard of the spooky                                              een season while attending
                                    it back.                                                              Student Caryn Tello gives us
things going on there.                                                school and living on campus
                                       Almost all of the upper-                                         her insight into the new trays.
   While student Nora Anda                                            here at OLLU.
                                    classmen have heard or have                                           “If, like, you leave after the
has not had any experiences
"This is not the time to sit back and say someone else has got it," - Congressional Candidate Gina Ortiz Jones, Page 2 - The Lake Front
                                                                               Volume 65, Issue 2                        CAMPUS NEWS
Hazing is no joke                                                              The amenities center “fits” right in
By Jonathan Christian                     In addition, the student men-        By Santiago Reyes
                                       tioned that “anti-Greek” indi-
                                       viduals typically associate hazing
   No college is without its
                                       with fraternities and sororities,
                                                                                  When Our Lady of the
flaws, but Our Lady of the Lake                                                Lake University opened this
                                       however, she insisted that such
University is determined to take                                               past August, Residents of
                                       occurrences are infrequent.
the appropriate precautions to                                                 the Lakeview apartments
                                          Furthermore, hazing has bled
preserve the safety of its environ-
                                       into the entertainment scene.           were irked by the sad empty
ment. On September 4, 2018, a
                                       Most recently, the controversial        room, then advertised as a
campus-wide announcement
                                       subject matter served as the            “Fitness Center”. Finally, after
was sent out to all students, staff
                                       basis of the Netflix original movie     what seems like an eternity,
and faculty members, cautioning
                                       “Burning Sands,” a film that cen-
against the dangers of hazing.                                                 The Fitness Center is open
                                       ters around an African-American
   The official OLLU email defines
                                       pledgee torn between reporting
                                                                               for business, catering to all
hazing as any questionable or                                                  your fitness needs. Long gone
                                       on the hazing occurring at his
possibly hazardous act commit-                                                 are the days of looking in          size. In addition to the weight    for people to work out.” said
                                       university and respecting the
ted on or away from university                                                 through the glass door, won-        stations and bench presses,        Shamy.
                                       fraternity’s code of silence.
property that “endangers the                                                                                       the Fitness Center boasts             The Fitness Center is
                                          Director Gerard McMur-               dering why the fitness center
mental or physical health or safe-                                                                                 a dedicated yoga room,             located at the Lakeview
                                       ray spoke to The Fader in an            remained empty. Resident
ty of a student for the purpose
                                       interview about his inspiration         assistant, Leila Tokmehdas,         separate from the prying eyes      Apartments, and is open
of pledging, being initiated into,
                                       for “Burning Sands,” stating that       described the Fitness Center        of the public, where one can       from 8am - 12pm. For more
affiliating with, holding office in,
                                       his mission was to call attention                                           flex and bend to their hearts      Information about the Fitness
or maintaining membership in                                                   as “An additional workout
                                       to the issue after the death of                                             content. Katy Shamy, a sopho-      Center contact resident’s life
an organization.”
                                       Robert Champion, a Florida A&M
                                                                               area, equipped with cardio
   “Any other offense under                                                    and weight lifting equip-           more at OLLU, said “A lot of       through your portal or at the
                                       University student who was killed
this section that causes seri-                                                 ment.” While small in compari-      residents have asked when          Resident’s Life Office on the
                                       during a hazing ritual.
ous bodily injury to another is a                                              son to the University Wellness      we were going to be able to        first floor of the Pacelli Lobby.
                                          “It was important to me
Class A misdemeanor,” the email                                                                                    use the new fitness center
                                       because if I’m going to tell a true     and Activities Center, the
stated. “Any other offense under                                                                                   because the UWAC closes at 9
                                       story about this world, I have to       Fitness Center, located at the
this section that causes the death
                                       be authentic,” McMurray said. “If I     rear of the Lakeview Apart-         p.m. and a lot of the athletes
of another is a state jail felony.”
                                       watered it down it wouldn’t be a        ment complex, offers a wide         use it,making it uncomfort-
   The issue of students undergo-
                                       real story. I wanted to definitely                                          able for non athletes. I think
ing questionable acts of a physi-                                              range of workouts and physi-
                                       tell all the aspects of it: the good,                                       this is going to be a safe place
cal, emotional, and psychological
                                       the bad, and the ugly to show
                                                                               cal activity, despite its small
nature as a means of entering
                                                                               Meet the
                                       the polarity of how these things
into fraternities and sororities is
                                       could be…I think it could save
far from a fresh issue and extends
                                       somebody’s life in the future.”

beyond the confines of Our Lady
                                          Conversely, the director added
of the Lake. Nevertheless, the
                                       that he also attempted to show
matter has gained an unfortu-
                                       the positive aspects of such            By Daniel Bommer,
nate precedence within Greek
                                       organizations in order to depict a      Karina Martinez
Life factions in recent years.
                                       well-rounded, realistic narrative,
   “Greek Life is heavily scruti-
                                       and never intended for the film
nized because of hazing,” said a
                                       to degrade fraternities.                   The Sueltenfuss library of-
student at the University of Texas
at San Antonio who wished to
                                          If you have any questions,           fers a large variety of services
                                       concerns, or would like to report       for the Our Lady of the Lake
remain anonymous due to the
                                       any incidents of hazing at Our          community, including faculty,
fear of scrutiny from her fellow                                                                                     Librarian Mario Leyva let        questions you may have.
                                       Lady of the Lake, you can contact       students, alumni, and the
sorority sisters. “There’s a lot of                                                                                us know about the library’s          “All students are welcome
                                       the Student Affairs Office at (210)
alcohol-related hazing in frater-                                              extended community.
                                       431-3954, the Office of Student                                             database.                          to get help on research for
nity chapters. In my experience,                                                  Inside you will find some of
most of it involves the overuse of
                                       Leadership and Development at                                                 “If there’s things that they     their papers or anything else.
                                       (210) 431-3931, or the University       the most dedicated and hard
a substance or putting people up                                                                                   need, we can get them that.        We have a lot of resources in
                                       Police Department at (210) 431-         working librarians that you
to ridiculous tasks.”                                                                                              We can get them a journal          the library. They are welcome
                                       4022.                                   should get to know.
                                                                                                                   article, we can get them a         to come in and access them,”
                                                                                  Librarian Steven Wise let
                                                                                                                   book, we can request all these     Librarian Laura Gienger said.
                                                                               us know more about services
                                                                                                                   things that are in the library       With over 10 librarians, ap-
                                                                                                                   database, and we encourage         pointments can be made at
                                                                                  “Aside from teaching them
                                                                                                                   them to take advantage of          www.library.ollusa.edu.
                                                                               information literacy skills,
                                                                                                                   that,” Levya said.                   Don’t miss out on theses
                                                                               data base searching and
                                                                                                                     Not only is the library a safe   services provided just for you.
                                                                               citation skills are available for
                                                                                                                   haven for students, librarians
                                                                               them for individual consulta-
                                                                                                                   want you to know you can
                                                                               tions,” Wise said.
                                                                                                                   come to them for any help or
"This is not the time to sit back and say someone else has got it," - Congressional Candidate Gina Ortiz Jones, Page 2 - The Lake Front
      Our Lady of the Lake University
"This is not the time to sit back and say someone else has got it," - Congressional Candidate Gina Ortiz Jones, Page 2 - The Lake Front
                                                                                  Volume 65, Issue 2                          OPINION & VIEWS
The pros and cons of commuter life
                                                                                 are a long way from home.                    involved in school activities,           cause I don’t have my whole
                                  By Loren DeLeon                                   Senior Naudia Gonzalez                    and it doesn’t talk long to get          school paid so it’d be cheaper
                                                                                 comes to OLLU from four and                  to class.                                for me to live off campus but
                                  Staff Reporter
                                                                                 a half hours away in Snyder,                    Paul Smith lives off campus           a con would be I don’t know
                                                                                 Texas and lives in the Lake                  and says it is more convenient           if my car’s gonna breakdown
                                                                                 View Apartments. She said                    and even cheaper. Smith                  or if I’m gonna get home in
                                                                                 there are some cons to living                believes being a commuter                time,” Maldonado said.
                                                                                 on campus including issues                   is great especially when you                Taking all of these factors
                                                                                 with the gates, higher costs,                want to separate your school             into consideration, living
                                                                                 and the possibility of getting               and social life. Smith also feels        on or off campus is more
   Attention all Our Lady of             and from campus.                        a roommate you do not get                    one con he faces is struggling           appealing to some students
the Lake University residents:              Many of the students we              along with. However Gonza-                   to wake up for his classes.              than others and only you can
Have you ever considered                 spoke to chose to live off              lez also felt there are more                    Saul Maldonado is another             determine which option is
living off campus? We talked             campus simply because they              pros to living on campus than                commuter who understands                 best for your situation.
to some students about what              live in San Antonio, however            off. “You save money on gas                  there are pros and cons to
they think about living on               living on campus is an appeal-          instead of having to drive                   living on or off campus. “The
campus versus commuting to               ing choice for students who             back and forth, you get more                 price of living in the dorm be-

What’s a good roommate?
                                                                                 for the next day and making                  remains an unspoken rule                 the Lake University, said “If
                                  By Elyssa Tijerina                             sure we have everything that                 between roommates.                       there is ever a problem with
                                                                                 we need.”                                       “I am alright with guests             a roommate, always talk to
                                 Staff Reporter                                     Having rules is important,                but the apartment walls are              them first. Have a commu-
                                 entijerina18sp@ollusa.edu                       and keeping clean is key.                    thin. Some courtesy when                 nication system with your
                                                                                    “I am a very neat person. I               having guests over at late               roommate.” Zavala added
                                                                                 like coming home to a spot-                  hours would be appreciated.              that an RA can help you with
                                                                                 less apartment, and when I’m                 Currently, that has been a               a variety of issues ranging
                                                                                 stressed, one way to alleviate               slight issue in my dorm,” de             from rude neighbors to room
   College will probably be              have spoken or set up rules.            the stress for me is to clean,”              Leon said.                               lockouts. “On weekends the
your first time sharing a space          We naturally ask to keep tabs           de Leon added.                                  “A good roommate is                   office is open 24 hours for any
with someone that you do                 on each other just checking                Similarly, Luna brought up                courteous of the other people            assistance.”
not know. You might have                 up on where we are at and               the notion of establishing a                 they are living with, Besides               When incoming college
some room-and-board expe-                when each of us is getting              routine to ensure cleanliness                being nice and communicat-               students arrive at a new uni-
riences with your siblings, but          home.”                                  between roommates, stating                   ing with each other, respect             versity, they oftentimes have
it can be hard at times when                Annalisa Luna, another               “We take turns washing the                   and courtesy is what mostly              no idea regarding what type
living with someone who                  freshman who lives on cam-              dishes and taking out the                    make up good roommates to                of roommate they might end
does not know about rules or             pus, does have a set of rules           trash.”                                      me,” Luna said.                          up with. Make sure you have a
boundaries.                              with her roommates. “At 10                 Having a couple of friends                   Patrick Zavala, a resident            set of rules and exercise good
   Brianna De Leon, a fresh-             at night, anyone at the dorm            over can be exciting, but re-                assistant in Lakeside View               communication with your fel-
man at OLLU said “We don’t               must leave for us to get ready          spect for boundaries typically               Apartments at Our Lady of                low roommates.

New editor-in-chief embraces new adventures
                                                                                 a first semester freshmen from the           able to handle the abrupt change         Lady of the Lake University.
                                  By Christian Chavez                            West Texas area. Moving four and a           in leadership and responsibilities.         And these changes in my life are
                                                                                 half hours away from my family was           However I accepted this role and as I    on a small scale compared to big
                                 Editor-In-Chief                                 a big change in itself and I would be        sit here writing this column at 12:07    changes happening in our society
                                                                                 lying if I said it was easy at first. How-   AM Thursday morning because there        right now. During a time rocked
                                 ctchavez17fl@ollusa.edu                         ever as the weeks have passed I’ve           was extra white space left on the        with division it is so important that
                                                                                 embraced this huge change in my life         opinions page, I am realizing how        we learn to subtract the hate and
                                                                                 and it’s had such a positive effect on       much I have learned in such a short      embrace the diversity that continues
                                                                                 my few months here at OLLU so far.           amount of time (for those of you         to increase in our country. This isn’t
                                                                                     One of those was joining the             who don’t know, putting together a       the 50’s, this is 2018 and it’s time we
                                                                                 Lake Front Newspaper Staff a few             newspaper is A LOT of work). But had     learn that what may have been com-
   With every single second a new        can speak from personal experience      weeks ago, and after a series of             I not have been willing to accept this   mon place practices in the past aren’t
adventure lies ahead for us. The         and say that change has definitely      unexpected events becoming the               sudden change I might have missed        effective in today’s world. Welcome
world around us is constantly expe-      rocked my life these last few months.   Editor-In-Chief. When first presented        out on such a wonderful opportunity,     change with open arms because
riencing change and it’s high time       For those of you who don’t know me,     with the position I absolutely freaked       and I am so appreciative to embark       nothing can grow and get better if it
we as a society learn to embrace it. I   my name is Christian Chavez and I am    out because I didn’t think I would be        on these new adventures here at Our      stays behind stuck in the past.
"This is not the time to sit back and say someone else has got it," - Congressional Candidate Gina Ortiz Jones, Page 2 - The Lake Front
8/9                          THE LAKE FRONT
                                         Our Lady of the Lake University

Veterans turn your memories into digital memoir
By Jeremy Falkner, Head Reporter

   No matter which branch of ser-        on this project to get as many          family, friendship, camaraderie,        share their stories and experienc-     saved in the Library of Congress.
vice or how many years served,           veterans as possible to tell their      and learning about the different        es they may not realize who they       Once the video has been ap-
every veteran has a special story        stories for their future genera-        cultures of the people of your          are inspiring with them.               proved, it will be stored in the
to tell. Most stories are full of tri-   tions to see. “The purpose behind       team. Twelve years Air Force vet-          Perception of military experi-      Library of Congress for life and
umph, joy, and endless life expe-        the Veterans History Project (VHP)      eran Demenica Woods said, “I be-        ence is portrayed through mov-         the veteran will always be able
riences.                                 is to gather information from           lieve sharing our experience can        ies, news outlets, and television      to request a copy. Early’s motto is
   An up and coming non-profit           veterans and look through their         bridge the gap between military         shows. However, they are mostly        “No veteran left behind!” and she
organization called “S.I.Gnature”        eyes during wartime and their           and civilians.”                         about war. Woods believes that         is demonstrating that by this spe-
is here to help veterans save that       overall service to this country,”          What is done for the project?        “In fact, it is about the camarade-    cial project.
special experience by coordinat-         Early said. Early and the rest of       The VHP will be a 30-minute vid-        rie that we build with our broth-         For more information on The
ing the Veterans History Project.        the S.I.Gnature team believes that      eo, 20-page dialogue, text, and         ers and sisters.” The Veteran His-     Veterans History Project, please
The Veterans History Project is a        no veteran’s story should be left       script, and 10 original pictures of     tory Project is a great way to share   contact Kenae Early at kenae777@
San Antonio based project that al-       untold, and this project is here to     your experience. The VHP is de-         veteran experiences; Woods en-         gmail.com.
lows veterans to tell their story on     ensure that these stories will be       signed to give an in-depth look         courages veterans to consider
camera and have it permanently           heard.                                  into the veterans one of a kind         participating if they are ready to
stored in the Library of Congress.          Not all great military stories are   military experience. “The ben-          share their experiences.
   Our Lady of the Lake Univer-          about events that have happened         efits that the Veterans’ receive are,      Early was able to team up with
sity Sophomore, President of             at war. Many stories and memo-          their story will be posted at the       San Antonio Congressman Will
S.I.Gnature, and retired Army vet-       ries are built with those you serve     Library of Congress,” Early said.       Hurd, who is making it possible
eran Kenae Early has taken lead          with on a daily basis. Stories of       Woods stated that when veterans         for veterans to have their stories

October movie review ‘The Nun’
By Christian Chavez, Editor
   Set in an abbey in Romania            not before being attacked               all of the people they’ve met           of the abbey provided a good           and while I enjoyed the edit-
during 1952, the movie be-               by a demonic entity. At this            in they abbey aren’t real the           laugh when needed. Sup-                ing when the camera panned
gins with two Roman Catholic             point Father Burke and Sister           pair is reunited with Frenchie          porting cast members such              away and slowly went back to
nuns attacked by an unseen               Irene reveal their backstories          and realize they need to seal           as Charlotte Hope as Sister            the characters it was appar-
force while attempting to                to each other, Father Burke             the rift once again to cast             Victoria, Ingrid Bisu as Sister        ent there would be someone
retrieve an ancient Christian            being disheartened by an                the demonic entity Valak                Oana, and Bonnie Aarons as             there behind them. Many
relic. One of the two is quickly         exorcism he conducted end-              out of the abbey. The trio              Valak/The Nun did an excel-            horror movie stereotypes and
killed while the other flees             ing in the death of a young             embarks through the tunnels             lent job as well portraying            tropes were also overused.
the attacker before hanging              boy, and Sister Irene explains          of the castle, getting into a           their characters showcasing            Perhaps the most frighten-
herself from the abbey, seem-            she had visions as a child that         final interaction with Valak            fear, pain, and terror very            ing scare of the whole movie
ingly committing suicide.                caused the Church to take an            before seemingly banishing              well. The editing of the movie         was spoiled earlier in the year
After the Vatican hears of               interest in her. After falling          the demon from the abbey.               was outstanding. There were            when the official trailer was
the incident Farther Burke               asleep, both are attacked               Frenchie reveals his real name          subtle background changes              released.
(Demián Bichir) is sent to               by the same demonic entity              is Maurice Theriault, and               the characters didn’t notice                Even though the predict-
investigate with a nun in her            Frenchie managed to escape              the audience is shown an                that stood out, quick transi-          ability made the movie a little
novitiate, Sister Irene (Taissa          from. After narrowly surviving          inverted cross on his neck to           tions that brought Valak or            less entertaining, overall it
Farmiga). Arriving in Romania            the attack, Sister Irene meets          signify he has been partially           other ominous characters               was an enjoyable experience.
the two meet Frenchie (Jonas             some of the nuns and learns             possessed by Valak, triggering          into the foreground directly           Every single member of the
Bloquet), the villager who dis-          the chilling history of the ab-         the events that occur in “The           behind the main characters             cast portrayed their charac-
covered the body of the nun              bey, built as a castle by a duke        Conjuring” universe twenty              were very well executed, and           ters excellently genuinely
at the abbey while bringing              obsessed with the occult who            years later.                            the blocking of the movie              representing the emotions
supplies. Frenchie leads them            summoned the demonic en-                     With a riveting plot and           was fantastic. Specific scenes         and feelings of the script.
to the abbey where they see              tity known as Valak through             fantastic main cast, there              that stood out were when               The plotline of the story was
the body of the nun, also find-          a rift before being killed by           were some outstanding mo-               Sister Irene was lured into a          very well written and mixed
ing a key on her corpse. After           Christian knights that sealed           ments in this movie. Farmiga’s          pentagram by a single candle,          in with fantastic editing kept
encountering the Abbess                  the rift using an artifact              performance as Sister Irene             the ringing of the bells in the        my attention throughout the
who informs the travelers that           containing the blood of Jesus           was phenomenal, Bichir does             cemetery, and the attack on            entire run. There were bone-
the nuns observe a period of             Christ. Bombings during                 an excellent job showcas-               the praying nuns.                      chilling suspenseful moments
silence throughout the night             World War II caused the rift to         ing pain and regret when                     Despite the many posi-            that were very well executed
Father Burke and Sister Irene            open up unleashing Valak on             grieving over the loss of the           tives, the predictability of the       by the phenomenal cast that
stay the night at the attached           the abbey once again. After             young boy who died during               movie is what brought its              make watching this movie
convent while Frenchie                   continuously being attacked             an exorcism, and Bloquet’s              overall success down. The film         worth the time spent.
returns to the village, but              by Valak and discovering that           hilarious one-liners and fear           relied heavily on jump scares
"This is not the time to sit back and say someone else has got it," - Congressional Candidate Gina Ortiz Jones, Page 2 - The Lake Front
                                                                               Volume 65, Issue 2                            ARTS & LIFE
Celebrate Dia De Los Muertos
By Deborah Vasquez, Associate Professor

Loyalist                                 ‘Fat Pig’ to be performed at OLLU
Poem of the Month                        By Christian Chavez, Editor                                                I’ve been trying to direct it for
by Anonymous                                                                      According to Winstead the         the last five years, but it always
                                            Under the direction of profes-     biggest strengths of the cast        falls through. Because I’m a
                                         sor Antoinette Winstead the           include “their ability to embrace    media person it really speaks to
      Loyalist the number six
                                         theatre company will perform          the characters and relate to         the aspect of what is beauty in
      You said I needed this
      You even told me how to get my
                                         the 2004 comedy ‘Fat Pig’ written     them and they bring a wealth         our culture and are we really free
fix                                      by Neil LaBute this November.         of understanding to these            to fall in love with the people
   How come you never told me not        The cost is $3 for students and $8    characters just from their own       we want to fall in love with or is
to trust that snitch                     for general admission. Perfor-        experiences.”                        there so much societal pressure
   Why must you torment me               mance dates were unavailable at          Winstead also empha-              on what we look like especially
   When the forfeit was free             press time.
   I gave and I cared
                                                                               sized that the cast and crew         if you’re in certain positions in
                                            According to Winstead ‘Fat         could continue working               business that it really matters      way they do, and just understand
   So why didn’t you play fair
                                         Pig’ is a comedy about “Tom who       on”everything,” and rehearsals       who’s on your arm whether            how somebody who’s a larger
   They told my heart not to trust you
   Now I hope no one ever loves you
                                         falls in love with an overweight      “are never done until it’s over.     your male or female. How many        person feels within our culture
   Because I know your weakness          woman Helen and he’s basically        Right now as the director I’m        relationships are based on what      of thinness and how isolating
   Some may believe it’s your sick-      body shamed for being with her        cleaning up little things so we’re   somebody looks like to other         that could be and that shaming
ness                                     by his peers and he has to decide     cleaning up blocking right now       people rather than who they are      that goes on. This character hides
   But I know what hits home             whether or not he is going to         and just making sure that it’s       inside?”                             her away after he’s confronted
   You’re scared of being alone          stay with her or if he is going to                                                                              because he doesn’t want to be
   Was your mind in the twilight
                                                                               as clean as possible. We’re still        Winstead hopes that the play
                                         fall victim to this peer pressure.”   running acts and beginning           will be a positive experience for    out in public with her and how
                                            Rehearsals began the first         on Wednesday we will just be         the audience and provide them        often do we do that.”
   I hope you’ll never find home
   It had to end sadly
                                         week of September.                    running the show and seeing          with “that fear and that being          The runtime of the play is
   However I’m fine and dandy               “They’ve been going really         where we could tighten the           brace enough to step out on the      about 75 minutes without an
   But let the guilt tear you down       well. We have a good strong cast,”    show up.”                            edge and love who you want to        intermission and does con-
   I want to see you with a perma-       Winstead said.                           Winstead was thrilled to have     love,” and “a sense of hypocrisy     tain adult content and explicit
nent frown                                  Professor Winstead and the         the opportunity to direct this       in our society, a sense of how       language. Funds raised from the
   I was the loyalist                    cast and crew continue to meet                                                                                  performances will go towards the
   Your were just a royal witch.
                                                                               show this season. “It’s one of my    they view people and maybe
                                         Monday, Wednesday, Thursday           favorite contemporary plays.         they shouldn’t view them the         Thanksgiving food drive.
                                         and Friday nights.
"This is not the time to sit back and say someone else has got it," - Congressional Candidate Gina Ortiz Jones, Page 2 - The Lake Front
10/11                              THE LAKE FRONT
                                         Our Lady of the Lake University
Carnivore option                         Dorm friendly recipes Halloween safety tips
   Meat Loaf in a Mug                                                                                                   By Gerardo Zavala
   Time: 15 min.
   Ingredients:                          Vegetarian option                                                                 With Halloween just around      be trick-or-treating ahead of
   2 tablespoons 2% milk                   Parmesan Herb Microwave                   Instructions:                      the corner, children as well as    time in case of an emergency.
   1 tablespoon ketchup                  Spaghetti Squash                            Place the prepared spaghet-        families are preparing for the        5. Be sure to have a cell
   2 tablespoons quick-cook-               Prep Time: 5 mins                      ti squash flesh side down in a        spooky, yet vibrant holiday.       phone that is fully charged.
ing oats                                   Cook Time: 15 mins                     13×9 microwavable dish.               Children get the chance to         If walking with a group of
   1 teaspoon onion soup mix               Total Time: 20 mins                       Fill the dish with about 1″ of     dress up in costumes of their      friends make sure that they
   1/4 pound lean ground                                                          water.                                liking and go around the           have a phone on them if you
beef                                       Ingredients:                              Place baking dish in the mi-       neighborhood, trick-or-treat-      don’t.
   Additional ketchup, op-                 1 spaghetti squash, halved             crowave and cook for 10-15            ing for candy while enjoying          6. Be aware of tampered
tional                                   and seeds removed                        minutes, until squash is ten-         the time with friends, family      candies. Examine candy be-
                                           water                                  der.                                  and other fellow trick-or-         fore consumption to ensure
   Directions:                             1 cup shredded parmesan                   Using a fork, gently scrap         treaters. It is a truly exciting   safety.
   In a small bowl, combine              cheese                                   the inside of the squash to cre-      time for people of all ages to        7. Go at seven to nine
the milk, ketchup, oats and                1/2 cup fresh basil, chif-             ate spaghetti.                        relax and unwind, but during       o’clock. This time frame will
soup mix. Crumble beef over              foned (thinly sliced)                       Place spaghetti squash in a        this time, the roles in being      help you balance out the time
mixture and mix well. Pat into             2 tablespoons olive oil                bowl with Parmesan cheese,            alert and safe are top priority.   for your own safety with the
a microwave-safe mug or                    1/2 teaspoon garlic powder             fresh basil, olive oil, garlic        In order to ensure a safe, ex-     amount of light you will have
custard cup coated with cook-              1/4 teaspoon ground pep-               powder, ground pepper, and            citing, memorable Halloween        outside as well as the home-
ing spray.                               per                                      salt to taste. (And anything          experience OLLU PD Officer         owners in the area.
   Cover and microwave on                  salt to taste                          else you want)                        Luna gave some tips to follow         8. Survey any nearby emer-
high for 3 minutes or until                Instructions:                              Brought to you by: www.           when you are going out on          gency service groups around
meat is no longer pink and                 Diced avocado, diced toma-             joyfulhealthyeats.com                 this upcoming occasion.            the area and get their num-
a thermometer reads 160°;                to, etc. (desired toppings)                                                       1. Be with an adult. If you     bers so you’ll be prepared for
drain.                                                                                                                  don’t have an adult with           any sudden situation.
   Let stand for 3 minutes.
Serve with additional ketchup
                                         Vegan option                                 Instructions:
                                                                                      Split and toast English muffin.
                                                                                                                        you then be with a group of           9. Remember to have fun!
                                                                                                                        friends and stay with that            The upcoming Halloween
if desired.                                English Muffin Pizza Recipe                Spread a couple spoonful’s of     group (safety in numbers).         holiday is sure to be a blast
    Brought to you by: www.                Prep Time: 15min.                      marinara sauce over each half,           2. Have any lighting such       that tons of people will enjoy.
tasteofhome.com                            Total Time: 1-2 min.                   then sprinkle with a handful of
                                                                                                                        as glow sticks and flashlights     It is truly a spectacular event
                                                                                  vegan cheese.
                                           Ingredients:                               Microwave until melted, about     to help you navigate around        for the whole family. Remem-
                                           English muffins                        30 seconds to 1 minute.               the area.                          ber to stay safe and have fun!
                                           Marinara sauce                             Brought to you by: theurben-         3. Note any costume restric-
                                           Vegan mozzarella cheese                life.com                              tions.
                                                                                                                           4. Be aware of your sur-
                                                                                                                        roundings. Familiarize your-
                                                                                                                        self with the area that you will
Rock The Vote!
By Santiago Reyes                        see if you’re still registered.”
                                            Barnett encourages students to
                                                                                  Club Of The Month: Grammar Gurus
                                         vote, “if we do not turn out to vote     By Amber Chavez
   Since the midterm elections are       our views are not heard, only the
just around the corner Our Lady of       views of the people who are voting,                                            ues on, “empowering people         of English grammar and
the Lake University hosted an event      the views of the powerful, of corpora-      Are you always questioning         with the English language,         equip every person, of every
called “Rock The Vote!” organized by     tions, of political action committees,   if there is something wrong           making learning grammar fun        discipline, with a basic to
Professor Leda Barnett.                  of wealthy downers and so forth.”        with a passage you are writ-
   The 2018 United States midterm           Barnett feels students can bring a
                                                                                                                        and accessible, and stressing      moderate understanding of
                                         big impact to the election. “It is im-
                                                                                  ing? Does the language in             the importance of proper           proper English grammar.” Be-
elections will be held on Nov 6, 2018.
The Texas Senate position is being       portant especially for young people      it not quite fit yet you have         grammar in every field.” The       ing a part of this organization
contested by Republican incumbent        to show their force in numbers, that     no idea how to change it?             English language always has        is simple - they hold meetings
Ted Cruz who is up against Democrat      millennial’s are here to stay and that   Well, then you should call the
Beto O’Rourke.                           millennial’s have important issues
                                                                                                                        a sense of difficulty, and many    every Wednesday at 5:45 pm
                                         such as student debt.” Students
                                                                                  Grammar Gurus! The Gram-              times this brings up ques-         in Main 209; or, if you want to
   “Rock the vote will help students,
faculty members, and the community       will be able to use Rock The Vote        mar Gurus are members of              tions we don’t know who to         join from your dorm, all you
to get ready for the midterm election.   resources. Barnett explained that “we    an organization made to help          ask. Being in Grammar Gurus        have to do is email SGG@ol-
We will have tables where you can        will be taking students during com-      you with these exact prob-
register people to vote, we will help    munity hour to early voting so look
                                                                                                                        is that answer. According to       lusa.edu so they can give you
                                         out for that announcement on the
                                                                                  lems. Vice- President Priscilla       Dominguez, the Grammar             access to their Blackboard
you if you are already registered and
you forgot where to vote, or if you      outlook email.”                          Dominguez informs us their            Gurus seek to “demystify the       classroom.
want to check your registration to                                                organization focuses their val-       sometimes intimidating world
                                                                                   Volume 65, Issue 2
Tips on being a better team player
By Patience Okpe

   Being a team player is the             selves as a team player.                    Communication. To be a                 tion. Mikayla Capone, also a              teammates must have confi-
most difficult task in sports.               In order to be a good team            good team player, you must                student athlete of the OLLU               dence in their ability to per-
Any old group of people can               player, and therefore improve            first learn to have a better              basketball team, spoke about              form at a high level, while also
just get on the floor, court, or          the overall state of your team,          communication with your                   having trust in her team-                 being able to take criticism
football pitch and just play,             follow these guidelines.                 teammates. Kings also said ‘’I            mates. She said “I feel like I            in order to improve. Capone
but a team is built from a core              Make time to lead. Being              feel like we do communicate.              can trust my teammates. That              has a different personality in
of friendship and trust that              a team leader is never about             We just need to learn how                 is why I got here - so I can              sports that requires only a
extends beyond the court.                 who is queen bee, or making              to communicate better with                build more’’. At the heart of             great team player to do such.
This core of camaraderie is               all the right decisions - It’s           each other.” Communication is             every sport is a circle of trust          She said ‘’ I encourage myself
what makes the difference be-             about leading by example.                the first key to achieving any            and hard work that binds the              and my teammates even on a
tween a group of people and               Most people think of a leader            good results in sports. Having            team together. Without it, the            bad day’.’
a true team of champions. As              as the person giving orders.             everyone on the same page                 team is nothing. With it, the                Being a team player is an
Destinee Kings, a basketball              What they don’t see is the               with each other is the fun part           team is unstoppable.                      important part of being on
player studying at Our Lady               trust and hard-work that the             about sports.                                Encouragement. Many                    a team. A player must learn
of the Lake University, said,             leader did alongside these                  Trust. Trust is a rather unruly        people feel it is right for them          to trust and communicate
“Being a good player means                people. In order to be the               instrument in sports. Many                to praise and encourage their             better with your teammates
being nice to my teammate                 leader, a player needs to ex-            people play team games but                coworkers or teammates only               or coworkers. Being a good
and having good chemistry’’.              hibit the actions that properly          often very few trust each                 when they are doing good,                 teammate requires you to
Knowing what makes a good                 represent the team, and work             other. Being on a team is all             and rightfully so. Yet, when              have confidence, trust, and
team goes beyond the limits               to further the interests of the          about having trust in one                 they are doing bad, they                  compassion for your team or
of competition, and can be                team rather than their own.              another, both on and off the              often turn their support into             coworkers.
applied to work, business,                Instead of partying, they are            court. In order to trust, one             criticism. This criticism will af-
and careers. Most people talk             studying the rulebook; Rather            must believe in their team-               fect a person’s mental health,
about being a good team-                  than playing videogames,                 mates’ ability to make the                and cause them to perform
mate but only a few have the              they are visualizing the game            right decisions and carry their           even worse. In order to per-
right criteria to count them-             tomorrow.                                own weight in a difficult situa-          form well, a player and their

October book review ‘The Lessons’
By Christian Chavez, Editor

   A couple of years ago I was gifted     lesbians home alone at night the         perpetrator’s name and face are now       because they live a life that is no       stereotype. The major topics she tack-
a novel that is hard to find nowadays     same way. Tenny, Steve, and Ashley       out on the news, and despite not          different from any other officer in the   les such as adapting to cultural shifts,
called “The Lessons,” by Melanie          begin a rocky partnership to try         catching him the trio separates and       department, they work hard to solve       strong women in the workforce, hate
McAllester by a teacher who picked it     and solve the case. At first, the trio   work on new cases in their respec-        the crimes they are assigned and          crimes and sexual assault are topics
up from a thrift bookstore in Austin.     hardly gets along, Tenny being an        tive departments while remaining          keep the public safe. After Ashley is     that society is still dealing with today
This past June I finally had the oppor-   experienced detective with a deep        in constant contact with each other       attacked by the rapist, Steve feels       and if more people were to read this
tunity to read it and was enthralled      personal backstory, Steve being          and becoming real friends. The novel      immense sorrow for the way he has         novel it would showcase the idea that
and am in shock that this novel           homophobic and sexist, and Ashely        ends with Tenny having planned a          treated the LGBTQ+ community prior        understanding and supporting oth-
never hit mainstream fiction. With        being a young, inspired rookie cop.      setup for the perpetrator since his       and grows to truly care for his friends   ers despite any differences they may
a suspenseful plot, strong central        As the novel continues the trio learns   escape from the country, realizing        and understand the importance of          have has a positive effect on our lives
theme, and tough taboo topics this        each other’s backstories and begin to    he intends to come after her. She         caring for and supporting others          and society in general.
novel was a page-turner and in my         appreciate working together to stop      reveals this to Ashley and continues      despite any differences to truly help          Every minute spent reading this
opinion is underrated and deserves        the perpetrator, constantly traveling    the setup until he arrives to kill her.   the public.                               novel was a journey that I enjoyed
more attention!                           between the two departments and          The novel concludes with him fleeing             The final thing that stood out     taking! I loved the intense and
     The novel takes place during         learning the perpetrator’s patterns      Tenny’s house before finally being ap-    to me about the novel was that            suspenseful plot, the openness the
the nineties in two different cities in   after he manages to escape from          prehended while trying to escape.         McAllester was passionate enough          characters had as they continued to
southern and northern California.         them. The story reaches its climax as          The central theme of the novel      to tackle a wide variety of taboo         develop and adapt to the changes
Police homicide detective Elizabeth       Ashley is attacked one night by the      deals with the idea of growing to         topics with this novel during a           going on in the world around them,
(Tenny) Mendoza is assigned to            rapist, and after a struggle ensues      understand everyone is different and      period where most of society was          and the fact that McAllester was able
investigate a series of rapes after her   between the two, she manages to          learning to accept that the world is      still unaccepting of these issues. It’s   to tackle such major themes at a time
police chief determines the attacks       rip off his mask, remembering his        continuously changing. This theme         worth noting that McAllester herself      where these topics were considered
are a hate crime against lesbians.        face from earlier in the novel as he     is played out throughout the novel        is a lesbian detective born through       taboos! That being said, if you hap-
Meanwhile, young police detective         escapes. After spending some time        as sexual assault investigator Steve      an interracial marriage. While work-      pen to get your hands on a copy of
Ashely Johnson is paired with homo-       in the hospital because of the attack    Carson grows from a raging homo-          ing in two different California police    Melanie McAllester’s novel “The Les-
phobic sexual assault investigator        she manages to remember where            phobe when first being assigned the       departments herself, McAllester vig-      sons,” I would highly suggest taking
Steve Carson to investigate similar       she had seen him and a chase begins      case to questioning his reasoning for     orously worked to showcase the idea       the time to read it and opening up
series of rapes in their area. It’s de-   before the trio gets into a confronta-   being homophobic while working            that times were changing and the          to diversity and appreciating other
termined there is a relation between      tion with him, and he flees the coun-    with Tenny and Ashley before finally      “good-old-boy” image of police of-        people despite their differences.
these crimes in both departments,         try, but not before Tenny can flip him   realizing that there’s absolutely no      ficers was something that needed to
and the perpetrator is targeting          off offering a sign of disrespect. The   reason to hate his gay partners           be changed, and she did not fit the
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