Thunderbird Games - Haunted Harvest 2021 - October 16 - 17, 2021 Croton-Point-Park - Greater Hudson Valley Council

Page created by Ruben Floyd
Thunderbird Games - Haunted Harvest 2021 - October 16 - 17, 2021 Croton-Point-Park - Greater Hudson Valley Council
29th Annual Event

Thunderbird Games -
     Haunted Harvest

   October 16 – 17, 2021

Thunderbird Games - Haunted Harvest 2021 - October 16 - 17, 2021 Croton-Point-Park - Greater Hudson Valley Council
Table of Contents
Registration Information:………………………………………………. 2
Arrival and Check-In:……………………………………………….……4
Helpful Hints and Miscellaneous:………………………………………6
Staff/Volunteer Information:…………………………………………….7
Contact Information:………………………………………………….….9

Registration Information:
   ● Register by pack or individuals online at
   ● ALL packs and participants that will be camping overnight MUST register by Oct. 12th
   ● Campsites are assigned based on REGISTERED number of participants.

    ● Tickets purchased after 10/4 must be picked up either at the Council office or the Park.
    ● Tickets must be exchanged for Wristbands upon arrival.
    ● Each person must have their own Wristband, both youth and adults.
    ● Walk-ins are welcome, however please note that tickets prices will be higher. Please
       go to registration booth to purchase Wristbands the day of the event.

   ● The fee for all day participants is $15 per person, late (10/8-10/12) purchase price of
      $20, walk-ins $25.
   ● The fee for all camping participants is $20 per person, with a late (10/8-10/12)
      purchase price of $25. Overnight tickets will not be available for purchase the day of the
   ● Food will be available for purchase at the event prior to 4pm.


8:00 - 10:30 am          Units arrive who are sleeping over. All units must be
                         pre-registered. **TRY TO ARRIVE TOGETHER** Gear
                         will be transported to campsites, there is NO driving
                         or dropping off of gear other than main parking lot.
                         Late arrivals are encouraged to bring wagons to
                         transport gear.

9:00 - 9:30 am           Webelos-ree check-in

9:30 – 11:30 am          Webelos-ree event!

10:30 - 11:30 am         Units arrive who are not sleeping over

11:30 am                 Assemble in games field

11:45 am                 Opening ceremony

12:00 pm                 Games begin

4:00 pm                  Games end

4:30 - 6:00 pm           Model Airplane Show (Pack Camping Area) (tentative)

7:45 pm                  Fireworks show, (Pack Camping Area) (weather

10:00 pm                 Lights out

7:00 am                  Reveille

7:15 - 8:00 am           Units should be packing gear and cleaning up campsite
                         *No personal vehicles may be used to
                         collect/remove gear from the campgrounds.
                         *There is NO pulling over on the side of the park
                         road or use of the park office parking lot at any time.
                         *Gear trucked out as full unit only*

8:00 - 10:30 am          Check-out

Arrival and Check-in
Arrival for units camping overnight
    ● Event staff will transport all gear that cannot be carried to the camping area
    ● Please have the entire unit arrive together if possible. This will help in
         the transportation of gear and making sure nothing gets misplaced.
    ● Label all gear and camping materials with Pack town and number
    ● All gear transported by the event staff will be placed in the unit’s assigned campsite

Check-in for everyone
   ● All tickets pre-purchased need to be exchanged for Wristbands at the Registration
       Tent upon arrival.
   ● Tickets/Wristbands can be purchased at the registration table the day of the event.
   ● Wristbands must be always worn by everyone in order to participate in the games
       and to camp overnight.

Covid19 Rules
   • Hand sanitizer is encouraged for everyone to bring and some hand sanitizer stations will
      be available throughout the park
   • All individuals not vaccinated are require to wear masks
   • Masks are strongly encouraged for everyone
   • Federal, State and Local guidelines will be followed and are subject to change at any
   • More Covid19 guidelines can be found

   ● There will be a wide variety of games for Lions, Tigers, Wolves, Bears and Webelos
   ● Participating in every program area is optional.

   ● Please keep children away from the Games area until the Games begin
   ● To maximize fairness no adults will be able to stand/wait on a line for his/her
       child. Please do not save places for other scouts
   ● Please follow the Outdoor Code and Leave No Trace throughout the weekend
   ● Please observe proper codes of conduct while waiting and throughout the day

   ●   A program just for Webelos!
   ●   Example activities include…
          ○ Webelos knots and lashings          ○     Teambuilding games
          ○ First aid                           ○     Two-man saw
          ○ Fire building                       ○     Orienteering

   ●   Check in starts at 9:00am with program beginning at 9:30am.
   ●   Event ends by 11:30pm so Webelos can make it to the Opening Ceremony.
   ●   All participants must be registered in advance- NO walk-ins.

Fires and fire protection
    ● NO ground fires are permitted
    ● NO OUTSIDE WOOD can be brought into the Park, unless it is kiln dried firewood.
       This is as per Westchester County Park rules and regulations.
    ● Cooking may be done in approved raised containers, propane stoves or liquid
       fuel stoves
    ● Liquid fuel MUST be supervised by an adult and NO large cylinders are allowed (20 oz
       and smaller only).
    ● All leftover wood and ashes must be transported home by units
    ● Each pack should bring at least 1 ABC class fire extinguisher

   ● All units must have proper adult coverage, a minimum of two adults on site with them,
       at least one adult over 21years of age and one over 18 years of age
   ● Cub camping is done on a maximum of 1:4 adult to Cub ratio and Lions/Tigers are
       permitted to do pack family camping
   ● All current Covid rules as directed by the County and State apply. Please sleep head
       to toe.
   ● **Please understand that ALL RULES ABOUT “no vehicles” and “no stopping/standing
       along road” are for the safety of you and your Scouts and are based on more than our
       25 years of experience with this particular Scouting event.

   ● Campsites will be assigned to each Pack that is pre-registered
   ● There will NOT be food available for purchase after 4pm
   ● Water for cooking and drinking is available from spigots in the overnight camping area
   ● There are ample toilet facilities, including designated women’s restrooms
   ● If you have members in your unit with special needs, please let us know prior to
   ● NO generators or TVs will be allowed in the camping area

   ● Qualified medical personnel will be on the property all weekend
   ● All medical incidents are to be reported immediately to the nearest first aid station
   ● In case of an emergency, please contact a staff member who will notify the
       appropriate services
   ● All units and visitors are covered by the Greater Hudson Valley Council Accident
       and Sickness insurance policy

   ● There will be zero tolerance for alcohol, drugs or firearms at this event. If you are in
        possession of any of these items, you will be asked to leave/escorted from the site.
        Unit leaders- please ensure all adults in your unit understand these rules.
   ● Participants should conduct themselves in strict adherence to the Outdoor Code,
        Leave No Trace principles, Cub Scout Promise and Law.
   ● Cubs must be supervised at all times

    ●   Event staff will be handling check-out
    ●   The entire unit must have gear packed and the site clean before they can be
        checked out. No vehicles will be allowed into the camping area the morning of
        check-out, as with arrival there will ONLY be parking in the main parking lot
    ●   If you would like to leave earlier than your unit, you must carry your gear to your car ~
        there is no drop off permitted at the side of the road, it must be brought all of the
        way to the main parking area.
    ●   Once you are ready, a staff member will inspect your site and you will receive a
        form indicating your unit is ready to be trucked out
    ●   Please proceed to the pavilion on the field to be included in the trucking line
    ●   Gear can only be trucked after your unit has been checked out
    ●   No personal vehicles may be used to collect/remove gear from the campgrounds, side
        of the park road, or from the park office parking lot

 Helpful Hints and Miscellaneous Information
    ●   This event is rain or shine (unless conditions are potentially dangerous), be sure to
        pack appropriate clothing
    ●   In case of severe weather, visit for more information or visit our
        Facebook page at
    ●   Lost and Found is located at the registration tent Saturday afternoon and at the First
        Aid Station for camping overnight.
    ●   Be on the lookout for poison ivy and be sure to check for ticks before going to bed.
    ●   When packing, make sure to put your name on all gear
    ●   Each pack is responsible for their own food/cooking.
    ●   Ron’s Cafe will sell concessions during the afternoon program, until around 4pm, near

the activity field. Ron’s Cafe sells hot dogs, hamburgers, candy, coffee, etc. but will
    not be selling ice, charcoal or propane.
●   A trading post will be set up next to Ron’s Cafe where Council items will be sold.
●   There will not be food available for purchase at any time in the Camping area.
●   Please note that if you have someone dropping off food/beverages at any time during
    the weekend they will have to park in the main parking lot and bring the items up.
    If you have someone come down to meet them they will also have to meet them in the
    main parking lot.
●   We are encouraging all packs staying overnight to be as low impact as possible.
    Please bring only what you absolutely will need for the night.

Staff/Troop FAQ’s

Thank you for signing up to help run a station/area at Thunderbird Games. The games
cannot happen with you. Here are some answers to common questions asked by staff

    ●   If we are running a station, can we set up Friday and stay over Friday and
        Saturday night?
            o Yes. Troops can camp in the campground section of the park (there are
                spigots that are potable in the campground area). If you are helping to set
                up on Friday, you may claim your camping area Friday night. Game areas
                can be set up early Saturday morning.
    ●   Are campsites assigned?
            o No. The camping area is first come first serve. There is plenty of room to
                camp. Please do not section off an area if you are not ready to camp and
                have your gear there.
    ●   Are meals provided?
            o No. Meals are not provided to units running stations. You can purchase
                lunch from Ron’s Café on Saturday, and you can cook at your site in the
                evening. Please see the Overnight section on the previous pages for park
                rules regarding outdoor cooking.
    ●   How do we know which station we will be running? Do we have to buy supplies?
            o The Program Chair, Harry Zhou will be reaching out to unit’s that have
                signed up to help to discuss the station.

Staff Registration
(Scouts in Troops/Crews registering are considered staff for the event.)


   1. register your unit and select a "quantity" of 1
   2. on the next screen, indicate the number of Scouts staying overnight, coming just for the
      day, etc.
   3. staff pricing;
      Saturday with no patch - $0
      Saturday with patch - $3
      Overnight with patch - $10

**District or Council volunteers please use unit - Troop 388 BT Hawthorne when

            Pre-Order Your Thunderbird Glow In The Dark Shirt By Oct.1 at:
              pre-order shirt pick up is at the registration tent at the event.

              Limited quantities will be available for purchase at the event.

Contact Information
Harry Zhou - Thunderbird Program Chair,
Betheny Mills – Development Director/Thunderbird Staff Advisor.
Daniel Conniff – Assistant Scout Executive,

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