Timeline for FY21 Town Manager Performance Evaluation Draft 09-20-2021

Page created by Clifton Hill
Timeline for FY21 Town Manager Performance Evaluation Draft 09-20-2021
Timeline for FY21 Town Manager Performance Evaluation
Draft 09-20-2021
Wednesday, September 22, 2021 – Review of process by GOL (Please Note: GOL began the
review of this process in 2020. This and other documents pick up where that discussion ended.
Monday, September 27, 2021 – Review of process by the Town Council – See documents
     Note 1 – Town Manager Goals
     Note 2 – Town Manager Contract
     Note 3 – DRAFT Timeline for TM Goal Setting and Evaluation (9-20-2021)
     Note 4a – DRAFT Email to staff
     Note 4b – Evaluation Instrument (used for approximately 10 years)
     Note 5 – DRAFT Email to Committee Chairs and Public notice on Town Website
             inviting Community Comment
     Note 6 – Town Manager Evaluation Instrument for Town Councilors (Sample from 2020)
Week of September 27 – October 2, 2021 – All Instruments Finalized
Week of October 10 – October 16 – Distribution of staff, committees and public Town Manager
Performance Evaluation Material
    •    Email sent to staff (due by October 31, 2021) – Distributed by Director of Human
         Resources; Returned to and Compiled by Director of Human Resources
    •    Email sent to Committee Chairs to distribute to all members (or to all Committee
         Members) (due by October 31, 2021) – Distributed by Town Council President; Returned
         to and Compiled by Angela Mills;
    •    Public notice on Town website (comments due by October 31, 2021) – Distributed by
         Town Council President; Returned to and Compiled by Angela Mills
October 18 and 25, 2021 – reminder email sent to all regarding due dates – Director of Human
   Resources, Town Council President and Angela Mills
Monday, October 25, 2021 – Special Town Council Meeting – Council Discussion of Town
  Manager Goals—First Discussion
Sunday, October 31, 2021 – All responses including public and committee comments are
   received by midnight.
Wednesday, November 4, 2021 – Distribute Town Councilor evaluation form.

Timeline for FY21 Town Manager Performance Evaluation as of 9-20-2021 pg 1 of 3
Timeline for FY21 Town Manager Performance Evaluation Draft 09-20-2021
Friday, November 6, 2021
    •    Town Manager emails written Self-Evaluation to all Town Councilors
    •    Town Manager emails his current contract to all Town Councilors
By Friday, November 6, 2021 – All Town Councilors receive:
    •    Compilation of all Staff Evaluations; complete set of all Committee Chairs/Committee
         Member Evaluations; and complete set of all Community Member Evaluations
November 8, 2021 – Town Council Meeting
     All Town Councilors receive:
         •   Town Council Discusses Town Manager’s Self-Evaluation (previously emailed 11-
             03-2021, and posted ahead of time, and discussed in public during the meeting)
         •   Regular Town Council business
Friday, November 12, 2021, 4:00 PM -- Individual Town Councilor evaluation forms received
by Town Council President
Monday, November 15, 2021 – Town Council Meeting including Public Forum on the Budget
Monday, November 22, 2021 – Town Council Meeting (begin at 5:00 PM)

    •    Packets prepared of all of the documents (individual, composite, and cover memo)
         and distributed as Councilor’s arrive. (Virtual arrangements TBD)
    •    Town Council reads each other individual Town Manager evaluations
    •    Town Council reads composite ratings compiled by the President
    •    Town Council reads draft cover memo prepared by the President
    •    Town Manager Evaluation is discussed in public
    •    Public Comment is held after Town Council discussion for FY21
    •    Town Manager Goals – Town Council Reviews Draft Town Manager Goals FY21 –
         Received by Wednesday, November 17, 4:00 PM – Second Discussion
Monday, November 29, 2021 - Town Council President meets with Town Manager and Draft of
Town Manager Evaluation cover memo completed
Monday, December 6 – State of the Town Address and Regular Town Council Meeting
    •    Town Manager Evaluation cover memo revisions discussed and confirmed in public
    •    Public Comment on Town Manager Evaluation is held after Town Council discussion
    •    Discussion of 2nd Draft of Town Manager Goals -- Vote
    •    Regular Town Council business
    •    Town Council moves to Executive Session and does not return to public session 08-31-
         2020 (Virtual arrangements TBD) Compensation is discussed in Executive Session

Timeline for FY21 Town Manager Performance Evaluation as of 9-20-2021 pg 2 of 3
Timeline for FY21 Town Manager Performance Evaluation Draft 09-20-2021
•    Press release of results of Executive Session issued at end of Executive Session or first
         thing next day, and the vote to finalize terms agreed to in Executive Session has to be in
         next public session December 22, 2021
Monday, December 22, 2021 – Town Council Meeting
    •    Public Comment is held after Town Council discussion of Town Manager Performance
         Evaluation but before Town Council vote
    •    Town Council vote in public session to finalize compensation agreed to in Executive
         Session 12-6-2021 Note: Contract term is presently 8/22/2019 – 8/31/2023)
    •    Town Council votes to approve Town Manager Goals for FY21
    •    Regular Town Council business

Timeline for FY21 Town Manager Performance Evaluation as of 9-20-2021 pg 3 of 3
Town Council Performance Goals for the Town Manager
                                       July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021
  Charter Section 3.9 requires the Town Council to conduct an annual review to assess the Town
  Manager’s performance. These Performance Objectives are adopted to provide guidance to the Council
  in fulfilling its Charter obligation and to assist the Town Manager in carrying out his duties.
  The core purpose of municipal government is to provide quality services to the Town’s residents and
  ensure the health, welfare, and safety of its residents. Under Charter Section 2.6(a), the Town Council
  provides the policy leadership for the Town. The Policy Goals set out below reflect the Council’s
  priorities for FY21, a year which will pose serious fiscal and operational challenges and uncertainties.
  These Policy Goals are deeply interrelated and overarching and should guide decision-making at all
  levels of Town government and its provision of core, municipal services and are meant to be used by the
  Town Manager to set priorities, direct work activities, and allocate staffing and financial resources.
  The Management Goals reflect the requirement to assess the day-to-day performance of the Manager’s
  duties as set forth in the Charter, as well as his ability to supervise a significant work force.

  Policy Goals
 I. Climate Action
  Objective: To prioritize and implement regulatory, fiscal, and other actions to meet the Climate Action
             Goals adopted by the Council on November 18, 2019 by (1) implementing Community Choice
             Aggregation and the creation of a Climate Action and Resilience Plan, (2) ensuring that
             budgeting, purchasing, construction, repair, hiring, and other decisions involve
             considerations of energy, sustainability, and resilience in order to determine impacts of
             energy use and move Amherst towards meeting the Climate Action Goals, and (3) educating
             Town multiple-member bodies and staff on the Climate Action Goals.

II.Community Health and Safety
  Objective: To ensure the health and safety of the residents of Amherst by (1) continuing to take all steps
             necessary to ensure the health of the community in the presence of the COVID-19 pandemic
             and (2) in accordance with the Council’s vote on July 27, 2020, and in consultation with the
             Council and residents of Amherst, fully exploring alternative options of providing services to
             respond to issues of homelessness, mental health, and other non-criminal calls to emergency
             dispatch and present the results to the Council no later than March 31, 2021.

III.Economic Vitality
  Objective: To ensure the present and future economic health and well-being of the Town by (1) working
             closely with local institutions and business entities, including the BID and Chamber of
             Commerce, to provide support and assistance to the local business community in the face of
             the economic challenges encountered as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, (2) facilitating
             the review and revision of the Zoning bylaws to promote diverse neighborhoods, affordable

      Adopted by the Town Council on September 14, 2020; amended January 25, 2021
housing, and new growth in downtown and village centers, and (3) continuing to develop a
             plan to implement actions proposed by the Downtown Parking Working Group as modified
             by CRC and adopted by the Town Council.

IV. Four Major Capital Investments
  Objective: To provide the Council with a plan for the funding of the renovation/expansion or
             replacement of an elementary school in accordance with Fort River MSBA Grant application,
             the repair or renovation/expansion of the Jones Library, the replacement of the Central Fire
             Station, and the replacement of the Department of Public Works headquarters, consistent
             with the October 21, 2019 Council vote that it is the sense of the Council that the Council is
             committed to a plan that will address all four buildings in some fashion.

V. Housing Affordability
  Objective: To provide access to safe, affordable housing for low- and moderate-income residents by (1)
             implementing the Resolution Adopting an Interim Affordable Housing Policy vote by Town
             Council on April 4, 2020 that called for identifying and aggressively exploring opportunities to
             preserve and increase affordable housing at all income levels, (2) assisting the Council in
             developing a Comprehensive Housing Policy, (3) ensuring the operation of a seasonal shelter,
             and (4) exploring the possibility of creating a permanent seasonal or year round shelter in
             Amherst either through the repurposing of surplus Town buildings or land and/or through
             working in partnership with concerned community groups or individuals to realize this goal .

VI. Racial Equity and Social Justice
  Objective: To explore, recommend, and implement policies and procedures that address racial equity
             and social justice consistent with the Town Council Resolution in the Aftermath of the Death
             of Mr. George Floyd adopted on June 1, 2020, and the Town Council Resolution Affirming the
             Town of Amherst’s Commitment to End Structural Racism and Achieve Racial Equity for Black
             Residents adopted on December 7, 2020, and the Town Council Resolution Condemning the
             January 6, 2021 Insurrection and Violence at the U.S. Capitol adopted on January 25, 2021
             that (1) ensure all community members feel and are a part of Amherst and feel and are
             protected, listened to, and served by their public servants, (2) foster a community free of
             fear, intimidation, and violence, and (3) incorporate significant involvement of BIPOC
             residents in shaping these policies and procedures.

  Management Goals
 I. Administration, Leadership, and Personnel
  Objective: To effectively and appropriately administer the operations of Town affairs pursuant to the
             Home Rule Charter, specifically, but not exclusively, the duties outlined in Section 3.2
             (Executive and Administrative Powers and Duties), 3.3 (Powers of Appointment), 5.3 (Public
             Forum), and 5.4 (Submission of Budget; Budget Message). Further, to provide leadership by

      Adopted by the Town Council on September 14, 2020; amended January 25, 2021
(1) anticipating future needs and positioning the Town to meet those needs, (2) devising
              appropriate courses of action to achieve the policy goals of the Town Council, (3) improving
              the delivery of services to residents and businesses, and (4) developing and implementing
              decision making and plans regarding road and sidewalk repairs that are transparent to the
              residents. Further, to effectively supervise and manage the Town’s workforce through (1)
              retaining, recruiting, and developing a highly qualified, diverse, and effective staff, (2)
              improving cooperation and coordination of services across departments, and (3) inspiring
              attitudes of respect, helpfulness, courtesy, and sensitivity toward and among all employees,
              residents, and visitors in Amherst.

II. Finance
  Objective: To ensure the Town’s strong financial and fiscal health by (1) effectively administering the
             adopted FY21 Budget, (2) preparing and proposing a balanced FY22 Budget in accordance
             with the Town Council Budget Policy Guidelines and Charter Section 5.4, (3) increasing,
             utilizing, and maximizing revenue and shared regional resources to meet the Town Council’s
             Policy Goals and Budget Policy Guidelines, (4) implementing Town Financial Management
             Policies and Objectives and other sound financial management policies and practices, and (5)
             studying, recommending, and implementing structures for user fees, water fees, sewer fees,
             and permit fees that consider the cost of providing services.

III. Long-Term Vision
  Objective: To maintain and manage the Town’s capital and public assets consistent with the Council’s
             long-term vision by (1) ensuring that the Town’s facilities and infrastructure are well-
             maintained, attractive, and safe, (2) developing a 5-Year Capital Improvement Program in
             accordance with Charter Sec. 5.7(b) that is logical, transparent, balances competing capital
             needs, and able to be implemented, and (3) planning for long-term improvements to public
             infrastructure, parks, conservation land, recreation land, and public ways that ensure public
             accessibility, safe use, and sustainability.

IV. Community Engagement
  Objective: To maintain, develop, and increase positive relationships and communication with residents,
             institutions of higher education, and local and state governmental entities by (1) facilitating
             the flow of information to and between the various constituencies, (2) encouraging and
             supporting new ideas and methods for expanding resident involvement in Town government
             and awareness of Town matters, (3) developing and implementing strategies and agreements
             to mitigate the financial and social impacts of the higher education institutions on the Town
             and neighborhoods, demand for public safety resources, parking and traffic, and other
             municipal services, and (4) maximizing the contributions of Town multiple-member bodies to
             the municipality.

V. Relationship with the Town Council
  Objective: To maintain, develop, and increase positive relationships and communication with the Town
             Council to ensure the Council’s effectiveness by (1) effectively assisting and supporting the
             Council in providing policy leadership and establishing and implementing long-range goals,

      Adopted by the Town Council on September 14, 2020; amended January 25, 2021
(2) providing support for Council Committees, (3) responding to communications from the
     Councilors in a timely manner, (4) resolving issues at the administrative level to avoid
     unnecessary action at the Council level, and (5) providing regular communications to the
     Council to ensure the Council receives relevant information, including analysis and
     supporting documents as appropriate, in advance of meetings or media coverage.


Adopted by the Town Council on September 14, 2020; amended January 25, 2021
Town Council
                                                                                     Phone: (413) 259-3001

            2.3    The Town Manager shall have the right to voluntarily resign at any time upon
                   ninety (90) days' written notice to said Council, unless the parties agree

               Nothing in this employment agreement shall prevent, limit or otherwise
               interfere with the right of the Council to terminate the services of the Town
               Manager at any time, subject only to the provisions set forth in Section 3.8 of
               the Charter.
          3.1. The Town Manager may be removed by the Council, in accordance with the
               procedures set forth in Section 3.8 of the Charter.

           3.2.    If the Town Manager is removed as a result of willful misconduct, willful
                   dereliction of duty, acts of embezzlement, fraud against the Town or the
                   commission of a felonious act, the Council shall have no obligation to pay the
                   severance designated below.

           3.3.    Termination of the contract for any reason other than change of government or
                   as stated above in Section 3.2 shall result in payment of 9 months' severance
                   during the first year of the contract (8/20/2019 – 8/31/2020), 10 months'
                   severance during the second year of the contract (9/1/2020 – 8/31/2021), 11
                   months' severance during the 3rd year of the contract (9/1/2021 – 8/31/2022),
                   and 12 months’ severance during the fourth year of the contract ( 9/1/2022 –
                   8/31/2023) and any contract extension.

           3.4.    If the Town Manager resigns, compensation and insurance reimbursements will end
                   on the last day of employment. During a severance period, no payment will be made
                   for car allowance or reimbursement for cell phone.

          4.1. Annually, the Council shall review and evaluate the Town Manager based on
               the goals and objectives developed jointly by the Council and the Town
               Manager. The evaluation process shall be conducted according to a schedule
               determined by mutual agreement by the Council and the Town Manager and in
               accordance with Section 3.9 of the Charter. The Council shall provide an
               adequate opportunity for the Town Manager to discuss his evaluation with the

AMHERSTMA.GOV                                       Town Hall | 4 Boltwood Avenue, Amherst, MA 01002-2351
Town Council
                                                                                     Phone: (413) 259-3001

           4.2.    Annually, the Council and the Town Manager shall define and generally
                   prioritize in writing the goals and objectives, which they determine,
                   necessary for the proper operation of the Town and the attainment of the
                   Council’s policy objectives. The goals and performance objectives shall be
                   such as are reasonably attainable between the date set and the end of the fiscal
                   year and within the annual operating and capital budgets and appropriations
                   approved by the Council and the events that have occurred during the year.

          5.1. The Town Manager will devote full time and attention to the business of the
               Town and will not engage in any other business during office hours, except with
               the approval of the Council.

           5.2.    It is recognized that the Town Manager must devote a great deal of time
                   outside the normal office hours to the business of the Town, and to that end the
                   Town Manager will be allowed to take reasonable time off as he shall deem
                   appropriate during said normal office hours. However, any full day off will
                   require the use of vacation time or personal leave.
            5.3.   For the purposes of the United States Fair Labor Standards Act, the Town
                   Manager shall be considered an exempt employee.

       6.1. The Council agrees to pay the Town Manager an annual base salary of $179,
            432.35 effective August 22, 2019, payable in installments at the same time as
            other employees of the Town are paid.

            6.2. In subsequent years of this employment agreement, the Town Manager shall,
                 subject to the provisions of 3.5 of the Town Charter, receive an annual increase
                 in salary equal to that provided to other non-union employees for cost of living,
                 and, at the sole discretion of the Council, based upon the annual evaluation of the
                 Town Manager by the Council any additional performance-based adjustment so

           6.3.    The Town Manager is required to be a member the Hampshire County Retirement
                   System, a member of PERAC.

AMHERSTMA.GOV                                       Town Hall | 4 Boltwood Avenue, Amherst, MA 01002-2351
Town Council
                                                                                   Phone: (413) 259-3001

          7.1  The Town Manager shall accrue 2.083 vacation days per month. The Town
               Manager is encouraged to use his vacation days every year. A maximum of 50
               days of accrued and unused vacation days may be maintained at the end of any
               calendar year.

       8.1. Sick leave with pay will be accumulated on a monthly basis at a rate of one and
            one-quarter (1.25) sick days per month for a total accumulation of fifteen (15)
            sick days per year of the contract and beginning on the first day of the contract.

           8.2.   Sick leave accrues without limit and there is no buyback of unused sick time at
                  the end of employment.

          9.1. The Town Manager shall receive the same Holiday Leave, Personal Leave,
                Bereavement Leave and Court Leave as provided in the Personnel Procedures

        10.1. The Town Manager shall receive the same Life Insurance and Medical insurance
              and options for coverage as other non-union employees of the Town receive.

        11.1. The Town shall reimburse the Town Manager annually up to $3,000 toward the
              cost of a disability insurance policy, as selected by the Town Manager. In filing
              for this reimbursement, the Town Manager shall provide a copy of the relevant
              insurance policy, Coverage Selections Page and/or Declaration Page, and
              evidence of his payment for the disability insurance premium.
        12.1. The Town Manager shall receive an allowance of $500 per month, or such other
              amount, as may be agreed to prior to the start of a new contract year, for use for
              his automobile. At the sole discretion of the Town Manager, this payment
              may be converted into salary.

           12.2. The Town Manager shall be reimbursed for use of his personal cell phone as
                 provided by the Town of Amherst Technology Acceptable Use Policy (which,
                 as of the time this contract was executed, is equivalent to $210/quarter).

AMHERSTMA.GOV                                     Town Hall | 4 Boltwood Avenue, Amherst, MA 01002-2351
Town Council
                                                                                Phone: (413) 259-3001

       13.1. The Town agrees to pay for the registration, travel, and subsistence expenses of
             the Town Manager for short courses, institutes, and seminars that are necessary
             for his professional development.

        13.2.   The Town shall pay the Town Manager's registration fees, travel, and
                subsistence expenses to attend the International City/County Management
                Association (ICMA) Annual Conference, Massachusetts Municipal Association
                (MMA) Annual Conference, Massachusetts Municipal Management Association
                m o n t h l y m e e t i n g s a n d conferences and other such meetings and
                conferences including, but not limited to, the International Town-Gown
                Association, that are necessary for his professional development.

        13.3.   The Town agrees to pay for the professional dues and subscriptions of the Town
                Manager necessary for his membership in the following professional
                organizations: International City/County Management Association (ICMA),
                Massachusetts Municipal Management Association (MMMA), and any other
                organizations deemed necessary and desirable for his continued professional
                participation, growth, and advancement and for the good of the Town.

        14.1. The Town Manager must be a resident of Amherst unless the Council waives such
              residency requirement in accordance with Section 3.1 of the Charter.

        15.1. The Town shall defend, save harmless and indemnify the Town Manager against
              any tort, professional liability, claim or demand, or other civil legal action,
              whether groundless or otherwise, arising out of an alleged act or omission
              occurring in the performance of his duties as Town Manager, even if said claim
              has been made following his termination from employment, provided that the
              Town Manager acted within the scope of his duties. The Town Manager
              similarly agrees to cooperate with the Town and its insurers in defending any
              claim, liability, demand, judgment or other legal action that may arise, whether
              groundless or otherwise, as a result of the performance of his duties and
              responsibilities during his time of employment.

AMHERSTMA.GOV                                  Town Hall | 4 Boltwood Avenue, Amherst, MA 01002-2351
Town Council
                                                                                  Phone: (413) 259-3001

        15.2.   The Town shall pay the amount of any settlement or judgment rendered on a
                covered claim as described above. The Town may compromise and settle any
                such claim or suit and will pay the amount of any settlement or judgment
                rendered thereon without recourse to the Town Manager.

        15.3.   The Town shall reimburse the Town Manager for attorneys' fees and costs
                incurred by the Town Manager in connection with such claims or suits described
                in Section 15.1 involving the Town Manager in his professional capacity.

        15.4.   This section shall survive the termination of this Agreement.

       16.1. The Town shall not at any time during the term of the Agreement reduce the
             salary, compensation, or other benefits of the Town Manager, except to the
             degree that such a reduction is across the board for all other employees of the

       17.1. The text herein shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties. No
             other benefits or remuneration shall be paid if it is not specifically set forth in
             this employment agreement or not incorporated by reference elsewhere in this
             employment agreement.

        19.1. If any provision of this employment agreement is held to be unconstitutional,
              invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of the agreement, or portions thereof,
              shall be deemed severable and shall remain in force and effect.

       20.1. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed pursuant to the laws of the
             Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

AMHERSTMA.GOV                                    Town Hall | 4 Boltwood Avenue, Amherst, MA 01002-2351
Amherst Town Council
                                                                      (413) 259-3001


The Town Council is beginning its annual evaluation of the Town Manager. We specifically
invite all members of the Town committees, boards, and commissions, and Town staff, as well
as the general public, to submit written comments by 4:00 pm [DATE].

The Town Managers Performance Goals include both Policy and Management Goals. They
can be found at: https://www.amherstma.gov/3497/Annual-Evaluation
Please be aware that these submissions will be read by every Town Council member and the
Town Manager. However, these are personnel documents, and as such, are exempt from
public disclosure. The forms become part of the Town Manager’s personnel file, with the same
protections and restricted access as any employee’s personnel file.
Submissions may be e-mailed to towncouncil@amherstma.gov (preferred), or sent to:
Attn: Lynn Griesemer, President
Amherst Town Council
4 Boltwood Avenue
Amherst, MA 01002

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Town Council Office:
4130259-3001, or towncouncil@amherstma.gov
Thank you for your participation and assistance. We look forward to hearing from your
Amherst Town Council

Title                Full Name           Informal             Email
District 1 Councilor   Cathy Schoen             Cathy      schoenc@amherstma.gov
District 1 Councilor   Sarah E. Swartz          Sarah      swartzs@amherstma.gov
District 2 Councilor                                       griesemerl@amherstma.gov
& Council President    J. Lynn Griesemer        Lynn
District 2 Councilor   Patricia C. De Angelis   Pat        deangelisp@amherstma.gov
District 3 Councilor   Dorothy S. Pam           Dorothy    pamd@amherstma.gov
District 3 Councilor   George E. Ryan           George     ryang@amherstma.gov
District 4 Councilor   Evan R. Ross             Evan       rosse@amherstma.gov
District 4 Councilor   Stephen D. Schreiber     Steve      schreibers@amherstma.gov
District 5 Councilor   Shalini Bahl-Milne       Shalini    bahl-milnes@amherstma.gov
District 5 Councilor   Darcy A. DuMont          Darcy      dumontd@amherstma.gov
Councilor-at-Large     Alisa V. Brewer          Alisa      brewera@amherstma.gov
Councilor-at-Large     Mandi Jo Hanneke         Mandi      hannekem@amherstma.gov
Councilor-at-Large     Andrew J. Steinberg      Andy       steinberga@amherstma.gov

DRAFT 5 Timeline for Town Manager Review - Fiscal Year Presentation                                      Notes/Questions

                                                         Instrument                   Town Council
               Goal Setting and       Town Manager Self- Development and              Evaluation of TM
Month          Review                 Evaluation         Data Collection              and TM Contract
September                                                     All Data Collection
                                                              Instruments (staff,
                                                              committees, and
                                                              public) and
                                                              Note: Town
                                                              Council review - do
                                                              not vote

October        GOL Drafts Next                                All Data Collection
               Year's Goals                                   Instruments (staff,
               (include discussion                            committees, public)
               of measures -                                  finalized for current
               possibly a separate                            FY Evaluation.
               attached document)                             Note: Town
                                                              Council Review - do
                                                              not vote

                                      2nd week -Town          2nd week: All Data
                                      Manager provides        Collection
                                      oral presentation       Instruments
                                      regarding progress      distributed (staff,
                                      of Current Goals ;      public) for Current
                                      Post presentation in    FY evaluation
                                      letter to staff and

November       Council Discusses      1st week - Town         1st week - All Data     1st week -
               Next Year's Goals;     Manager completes       completed and due       Distribute
               GOL refines Next       Self                    to Town Council on      Councilor
               Year's Goals           EvaluationTown          current evaluation      Evaluation form for
                                      Manager Completes                               current Evaluation;
                                      (due by first week of
                                      November) for
                                      current evaluation;

                                                                                      **2nd week - all
                                                                                      Evaluations due;
                                                                                      3rd week - Town
                                                                                      Evaluation Memo
                                                                                      drafted and salary
                                                                                      w contract
December       Next Year's Goals                                                      1st week - Town
               finalized by Town                                                      Council Completes
               Council -- establish                                                   Town Manager
               as 2 year goals                                                        Evaluation* and
                                                                                      Votes Contract

January*       Town Council
               Reviews Progress       Town Manager
               on Current Goals*      provides oral
                                      regarding progress
                                      of Current Goals *
*These would happen in January as a new Council is seated. Only action would be if goals change.
** Note: If do not intend to renew Contract must notify by June 3, 2023; therefore may have to be moved a month earlier.
Italics indicate the process for the most recently completed
Indicates data collection period.
Indicates Council Reviews and/or Action is needed. See * above.
Items to include in the GOL Report.
Town Manager Contract Section 4.    TOWN MANAGER EVALUATION
4.1.  Annually, the Council shall review and evaluate the Town Manager based on the goals and objectives developed jointly by the Council and
the Town Manager. The evaluation process shall be conducted according to a schedule determined by mutual agreement by the Council and the
Town Manager and in accordance with Section 3.9 of the Charter. The Council shall provide an adequate opportunity for the Town Manager to
discuss his evaluation with the Council.
4.2. Annually, the Council and the Town Manager shall define and generally prioritize in writing the goals and objectives, which they determine,
necessary for the proper operation of the Town and the attainment of the Council’s policy objectives. The goals and performance objectives shall
be such as are reasonably attainable between the date set and the end of the fiscal year and within the annual operating and capital
Note: This is presented as a Fiscal Year. The present contract is from September 1 to August 31 and is subject to change based upon hiring dates.
The Contract dates could also be changed as any new contract is negotiated and align to renewal dates as stated in the contract.
Email for staff


Dear Town Employees,

The Town Council is conducting its annual performance evaluation of the Town Manager. As part of that
effort, we would greatly appreciate your feedback, and enclose a questionnaire for that purpose. Your
comments and suggestions are helpful. If you wish to expand on your answers, feel free to use the back of the
form or attach a separate sheet. If you prefer to fill the form out on a computer, you have also received an
email with that option.

We welcome your suggestions for how we might improve this process in order to get better input from you
for a more effective evaluation. Feel free to also add those comments to the back of the form or attach a
separate sheet.

Questionnaires are anonymous, and are not traceable to the individuals submitting them, unless you choose
to include your name.

Please be aware that these submissions will be read by every Town Council member and the Town Manager.
However, these are personnel documents, and as such, are exempt from public disclosure. The forms become
part of the Town Manager’s personnel file, with the same protections and restricted access as any employee’s
personnel file.

Written comments are due 4:00 pm [DATE]. The Town Managers Performance Goals include
both Policy and Management Goals. They can be found at:

Completed forms should be mailed, sent interoffice or delivered to the Town Council, at:

                                       STAFF QUESTIONNAIRE
                                     Attn: Lynn Griesemer, President
                                         Amherst Town Council
                                           4 Boltwood Avenue
                                           Amherst, MA 01002

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Town Council Office at 413-259-3001,
or Towncouncil@amherstma.gov.

Thank you for your participation and assistance. We look forward to hearing from you.


Amherst Town Council: List all members
Staff Questionnaire for FY 18 Town Manager Evaluation -- Due Friday, July 6, 2018

                                                                                                                                    Needs Improvement
For the purposes of this document, the evaluation terms shall be defined as:

                                                                                                                                                                         Unable to Judge
Commendable = Performance surpassing reasonable expectations;


Satisfactory = Performance meeting reasonable expectations;

Needs Improvement = Performance below reasonable expectation; improvement likely;
Unsatisfactory = Performance below reasonable expectations; improvement unlikely;
Unable to judge = Insufficient information available for evaluation (Please explain)                                                                                                         Comments or examples?
                                                                                                                                                                                           (Use reverse for more space)

1) Creates environment that makes this a good place to work
2) Cultivates an enthusiastic and optimistic attitude among staff
3) Treats staff in a professional manner
4) Advocates for staff with the public, elected officials, the media and others
5) Recognizes and acknowledges individual and departmental success
6) Encourages, accepts and makes productive use of feedback and suggestions
7) Communicates effectively
8) Answers questions, returns calls and replies to e-mails in a timely manner
9) Provides opportunities for professional development and learning new skills
10) Other thoughts you would like to add?

For those who work closely with the Town Manager:

11) Translates Select Board's goals into actionable plans for departments
12) Keeps you informed about issues relevant to your department
13) Includes you in decision-making that significantly impacts your department
14) Shares timely positive and negative feedback on your performance

                                                  Please use the back of this form or attach a separate sheet for any additonal comments.
                                                              Completed forms due by Friday, July 6, 2018 to the attention of:
                                    STAFF QUESTIONNAIRE, Attn: Doug Slaughter, Chair, Amherst Select Board, Town Hall, 4 Boltwood Ave. Amherst MA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                revised 6-13-18
Amherst Town Council
                                                                      (413) 259-3001


Dear Chair,
The Town Council is beginning its annual evaluation of the Town Manager. We specifically
invite all members of the Town committees, boards, and commissions, and Town staff, as well
as the general public, to submit written comments by 4:00 pm [DATE]. We require your
assistance in immediately distributing this e-mail to each and every member of your
committee, board or commission, as we know many of your public bodies will not be meeting
between now and the deadline. If you require assistance in forwarding this e-mail as soon as
you receive it, please contact your staff liaison or the Town Council President, Lynn Griesemer
at griesemerl@amherstma.gov.
Written comments are due 4:00 pm [DATE]. The Town Managers Performance Goals include
both Policy and Management Goals. They can be found at:
Please be aware that these submissions will be read by every Town Council member and the
Town Manager. However, these are personnel documents, and as such, are exempt from
public disclosure. The forms become part of the Town Manager’s personnel file, with the same
protections and restricted access as any employee’s personnel file.
Submissions may be e-mailed to towncouncil@amherstma.gov (preferred), or sent to:
Attn: Lynn Griesemer, President
Amherst Town Council
4 Boltwood Avenue
Amherst, MA 01002

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Town Council Office:
4130259-3001, or towncouncil@amherstma.gov

Thank you for your participation and assistance. We look forward to hearing from your
Amherst Town Council

        Title                Full Name           Informal             Email
 District 1 Councilor   Cathy Schoen             Cathy      schoenc@amherstma.gov
 District 1 Councilor   Sarah E. Swartz          Sarah      swartzs@amherstma.gov
 District 2 Councilor                                       griesemerl@amherstma.gov
 & Council President    J. Lynn Griesemer        Lynn
 District 2 Councilor   Patricia C. De Angelis   Pat        deangelisp@amherstma.gov
 District 3 Councilor   Dorothy S. Pam           Dorothy    pamd@amherstma.gov
 District 3 Councilor   George E. Ryan           George     ryang@amherstma.gov
 District 4 Councilor   Evan R. Ross             Evan       rosse@amherstma.gov
 District 4 Councilor   Stephen D. Schreiber     Steve      schreibers@amherstma.gov
 District 5 Councilor   Shalini Bahl-Milne       Shalini    bahl-milnes@amherstma.gov
 District 5 Councilor   Darcy A. DuMont          Darcy      dumontd@amherstma.gov
 Councilor-at-Large     Alisa V. Brewer          Alisa      brewera@amherstma.gov
 Councilor-at-Large     Mandi Jo Hanneke         Mandi      hannekem@amherstma.gov
 Councilor-at-Large     Andrew J. Steinberg      Andy       steinberga@amherstma.gov

TOWN MANAGER                                       For the purposes of this document, the evaluation
                                                         terms shall be defined as:

      EVALUATION                                         Commendable = Performance surpassing reasonable

      FY2020                                             Satisfactory = Performance meeting reasonable
                                                         Needs improvement = Performance below reasonable
                                                         expectations; improvement likely
      Town Council Member:                               Unsatisfactory = Performance below reasonable
                                                         expectations; improvement unlikely
                                                         Unable to judge = Insufficient information available
                                                         for evaluation (Please explain)

                                                                                                                           Needs Improvement

                                                                                                                                                                Unable to Judge

                               AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY

      Strong Fiscal Management: Ensure the Town budget allocates
      resources responsibly and responsively.
     A. Maintain and strengthen strategies for long-term fiscal health.
        1. Create multi-year operating and capital budgets (See III.C) projections.
        2. Work with the State legislature to adopt policies to maximize state support for
        3. Identify additional sources of revenue.
           a. Increase revenue from higher education institutions.
           b. Facilitate development with an emphasis on economic and environmental
           c. Report the quarterly and annual revenues from medical and adult use Marijuana
              and Airbnb/short term rentals (if able to be differentiate) and the recommended
              application of those funds to costs and to short term or long term goals.
           d. Seek grants to support Town goals and report grant conditions.
           e. Maximize effective use of CDBG, CPA, and other funds to meet Town needs and
              offset allowed Town legal and administrative costs.
           f. Evaluate service fees to assure they are in line with costs
        4. Explore opportunities for regional shared services (e.g., personnel, energy, etc.) and
           equipment (e.g., ladder truck, etc.).
        5. Participate in the Regional Assessment Method process in the Amherst-Pelham
           Regional School District to find a resolution that works for Amherst, other three
           towns accept, and supports grade 7-12 education.

     B. Determine financially sustainable strategies to meet core service needs in all
        1. Assess need, develop a plan, and take steps to address Fire/EMS staffing, as needed.

2. Conduct strategic departmental review(s), focused on staffing and systems.
   3. Negotiate contracts, including collective bargaining contracts, that take into account
      the overall fiscal health of the town.
C. Prepare and Administer Annual budget.
   1. Prepare proposed annual budget for FY 21 in conformance with the Town Council
      Budget Policy Guidelines.
   2. Effectively administer the adopted FY20 budget.


Needs Improvement

                                                                                                                                                            Unable to Judge

                                AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY

      Climate Action: Using a lens of Climate Action, prioritize and
      begin to implement regulatory, fiscal, and other actions to meet
      energy, sustainability, and resilience goals.

      A. Educate staff on goals and opportunities within each department.

      B. Assess options for energy efficient buildings, vehicles, and other purchases in operating
         and capital budgets.

      C. Explore internal systems to track energy savings based upon investments (e.g.,
         investments in energy efficient buildings, vehicles, etc.).

      D. Gather Climate Action plans from three higher education institutions to inform future
         areas for possible cooperation.

      E. Start to implement projects or initiatives that the Town Council identifies as actionable
         in the short term, including building regional alliances and securing grants.


Needs Improvement

                                                                                                                                                              Unable to Judge

                                 AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY

       Long-term Planning: Develop Plans Consistent with Town’s
       Long-Term Vision.

       A. Facilitate the review and revision of the Master Plan and Zoning bylaws, as needed.
       B. Develop a 5-Year Capital Improvement Program
          1. Develop plans for major Capital investments in Town Buildings.
             a. Develop multi-year plan to Construct, Renovate and/or Repair 4 Major Buildings.
             b. Update the 07-16-16 Facilities Profiles (known as “Building Assessment Report”).
             c. Include requirements of Zero Energy Building Bylaw where applicable

          2. Develop a Plan that balances competing needs for Investments – Roads, Sidewalks,
             Building Maintenance, Technology, Equipment, Vehicles, Municipal Facilities (e.g.,
             parks, athletic fields, etc.) etc.
          3. Begin to develop a plan to improve Downtown public infrastructure, parks, and
             public spaces.
       C. Develop a plan and report on 6- month progress for the use of Hickory Ridge land.
       D. Identify short and longer-term actions to make it easier and safer to walk, bike, or travel
          around in Amherst, especially sustainable modes of transportation.
       E. Assess efforts and potential actions to provide access to safe, affordable housing for
          low- and moderate-income residents.
          1. Report on Amherst’s status on the State’s Subsidized Housing Inventory.
          2. Develop a plan to conduct a town-wide inventory of low- and moderate-income
          3. Report on the operation of the seasonal shelter.
          4. Study impact of differentiated residential tax rates.
          5. Assess rental housing permit pricing and inspection policy to reduce repeat
             violations. Potentially revise permit pricing for repeat violations.
          6. Continue to take steps to encourage and increase housing affordability.


Needs Improvement

                                                                                                                                                        Unable to Judge

                                AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY

      Personnel Management: Manage staff, emphasizing the
      responsiveness and effectiveness in delivering services to our

      A. Retain and recruit highly qualified, diverse staff.
      B. Improve customer services to residents and businesses.
         1. Develop and implement a clear and manageable process to respond to public
            inquiries or requests and communicate the disposition and status.
         2. Promote efforts to foster respect toward and among all employees, residents, and
            visitors in Amherst.
         3. Continue to streamline permitting and inspection processes.
         4. Create transparency regarding decisions and plans about roads and sidewalks.

      C. Provide opportunities for professional development.
      D. Encourage communication and create cross-departmental teams to improve
         cooperation and coordination of services.
      E. Report a plan to address the role of permanent Finance Director.


Needs Improvement

                                                                                                                                                        Unable to Judge

                              AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY

     Expand Community Engagement and Strengthen
     Intergovernmental Relations, Volunteer Committees, Boards,
     and Commissions.

     A. Continue to improve and report on communication and outreach efforts to engage
        residents regarding Town activities (e.g., town activities, CPOs, Census, etc.).

     B. Continue to Develop Relationships with Higher Education Institutions.
        1. Maintain an awareness of developments at UMass, Amherst, and Hampshire College
           and report on activities that affect the Town.
        2. Negotiate the next Strategic Partnership Agreement with UMass and continue to
           assess UMass’s impact on the Town’s resources.
        3. Develop and implement strategies to mitigate the impacts of a significant student
           population on neighborhoods, on demand for public safety resources, on parking
           and traffic, and other municipal services.
        4. Secure Amherst College and Hampshire College agreement that they will negotiate
           strategic partnership agreements and assess their impact on the Town’s resources.
     C. Maximize Contributions of Town Committees.
        1. Ensure that staff responds to committees, boards, and commissions that offer
           recommendations by reporting on follow-up with actions or reasons why a
           recommendation may not be feasible.
        2. Identify areas for potential cross-committee collaboration, including Town Council
        3. Report on improved diversity in committee membership.
        4. Provide annual report from all Town Manager appointed committees.


Needs Improvement

                                                                                                                                                             Unable to Judge

                                AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY

      Economic Development: Identify opportunities to improve the
      cultural and economic vitality of Amherst

      A. Explore strategies that build on the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission’s Economic
         Development 2018 report, including opportunities to collaborate with higher education

      B. Explore the need for an Economic Development Committee.

      C. Begin to develop a vision of Amherst assets and unique attributes that could guide
         branding and a marketing plans.

      D. Explore with UMass and other stakeholders potential barriers and opportunities for
         encouraging spin-offs and start-ups in Amherst.

      E. Propose a plan to implement the three actions proposed by the Downtown Parking
         Work Group as modified by CRC, as adopted by the Town Council: dedicated
         (designated?) staff person regarding all transportation policy, (including sustainability?);
         improved and consistent signage, including update of the parking webpage to be more
         user friendly; and earmark a percentage of the Transportation Enterprise Fund revenues
         for downtown parking.

      F. Work with BID and others on efforts to enliven Downtown and village centers.


Needs Improvement

                                                                                                                                                         Unable to Judge

                             AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY

    Relationship to the Town Council

   A. Ensure that the Council and/or Council Committees receive relevant information in
      advance of their meetings to inform their decisions.

   B. Provide regular communications to the Council about matters relevant to its
      responsibilities, including significant issues before they appear in the media.

   C. Respond to communications from Councilors in a timely manner.

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