Page created by Rachel Sanchez
of Assets
Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

Volume 1
Spot on: Fundraising &
StableCoins in Switzerland

                               Tokenization of Assets
Table of Contents                                          Introduction

Switzerland – A Favorable Jurisdiction                04   In today’s digital and globalized world, companies such as fi-
Switzerland is a global DLT / Blockchain Hub          06   nancial institutions are experiencing a strong pressure on cost
The benefits of tokenizing assets are manifold        08   reduction and business optimization, therefore businesses try
                                                           to explore digital solutions to create new revenue streams and
Tokenization Basics                                   10   optimize existing legacy systems with the support of emerg-
                                                           ing technologies.
From metals to licences – the world gets tokenized    12
Precious Metals                                       14
                                                           While some digital solutions can simply be adopted by busi-
Central Bank Digital Currency                         16
                                                           nesses and existing regulatory frameworks, others require a
How to tokenize real-world assets?                    18
                                                           deeper understanding of the underlying technology itself and
Tokenization requires a solid infrastructure          20   implications associated with them.
Technical approach to tokenize assets                 22
                                                           The tokenization process marks a promising solution in con-
Focus Fields                                          26   verting rights to an asset into a unique digital representation
Spot on: Fundraising                                  28   - a token.
New Capital Markets need faster trading options       30
The regulator’s point of view is technology-neutral   32   Throughout this publication, a high-level introduction into a
Are STOs cost-efficient and secure solutions?         34   world with Tokenization is given, and it marks the beginning of
Legal questions related to Security Token Offering    36   a series of EY publications to shed light on possible applica-
                                                           tions of Tokenization from a legal, regulatory, compliance,
One token – different perspectives                    38
                                                           business, accounting and technology perspective. To start
Selection process in a different context              40
                                                           with, two established focus fields from the financial world
Spot on: StableCoins                                  42
                                                           were selected, to walk the reader through the complexity of
Conquest of the established asset trading market      44   creating digital representations through Distributed Ledger
International response to new challenges              46   Technologies (DLT)-based Token and to explore the possibility
The lifecycle of StableCoins is decisive              48   to reinvent the way companies perform business.
The concept behind StableCoins                        50

Getting Started                                       52

Close up & Appendix                                   56   Authors
Conclusion                                            59   Darko Stefanoski | Orkan Sahin | Benjamin Banusch
Abbreviations                                         60   Stephanie Fuchs | Silvan Andermatt | Alexandre Quertramp
Sources                                               62
Your multidisciplinary team at EY in Switzerland      64

                                                                                                                       Tokenization of Assets   03
The innovational spirit, quality of life, size , available highly
educated workforce and supportive tax and regulatory environment
make Switzerland an attractive hub for innovative endeavours.

Why to choose Switzerland
to launch the tokenization
of assets business?
04   Tokenization of Assets
Switzerland is a global
DLT / Blockchain Hub
 Switzerland is one of the most advanced countries in the world in terms
 of Blockchain adaption. It is an international Hub for DLT / Blockchain
 companies comprising a wide network and profound expertise. Within
 this development especially the Finance industry plays a key role to pro-
 mote a sustainable growth of the DLT / Blockchain market in Switzerland.

Historically, a local financial center has   reducing the risk of abuse. The Swiss
been established in Switzerland with a       Financial Market Authority (FINMA)
dynamic spirit and a highly developed        published ICO guidelines in 2018 and
bank infrastructure. Accordingly, this       its supplement regarding StableCoins
provides access to equity and venture        in 2019.
capital for companies. As example of the
technological orientation of the Swiss fi-   High educational standards have sup-
nancial world the Swiss Stock Exchange       ported the development of a knowledge
(SIX) is working on a fully integrated       and innovation hub in Switzerland. With
infrastructure for trading settlement and    its leading technical universities and
custody of digital assets (SDX).             business schools skilled, diverse and

                                             knowledgeable human capital is locally
Infrastructure is one key factor when        available.
deciding where to locate a company                                                            “The Federal Council wishes to exploit the opportunities offered by
                                                                                             digitalisation for Switzerland. It wants to create the best possible frame-
offering digital services (or similar). In   Social and political stability of a
                                                                                             work conditions so that Switzerland can establish itself and evolve as a
Switzerland a reliable and sophisticated     country are a key decision factor in the
                                                                                             leading, innovative and sustainable location for fintech and Blockchain
highspeed network provides for a high        search for the location of a company.
                                                                                             companies.” (Official press release of the Federal council of 14 Decem-
and reliable broadband internet cover-       Switzerland’s modern democracy has              ber 2018)
age allowing global connections.             been characterized by political stability
                                             and international neutrality for de-  
Consistent laws and regulations              cades. The country exhibits a stable            id-73398.html
recognizing the potential of DLT / Block-    and growing economy providing
chain and of other digital developments      for a high standard of living.
are one feature that has been promot-
ing Switzerland as DLT / Blockchain hub
for years. In 2019 the Swiss Federal
Council adopted the dispatch on the
further improvement of the framework
conditions for DLT/Blockchain, which
has been object of detailed consultation
in May 2020 by the Commission for
Economics and Taxation of the National
Council, prior its expected entering
parliamentary consultation in summer
2020. The proposal is aimed at increas-
ing legal certainty, removing barriers
for applications based on DLT and

06   Tokenization of Assets                                                                                                                      Tokenization of Assets    07
The benefits of tokenizing
 assets are manifold
 From higher cost efficiency to leaner trade financing options there are
 different opportunities arising from the tokenization of assets. At the
 same time, certain challenges have to be kept in mind.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Single source of truth 0x10e6c7a9
              Operational efficiency
                            Block 0xaf013c45                              Assets
                                                                      Block        fractionality Block
                                                                            0x43a5fc78                                    0x10e6c7a9
                                                                                                                            Block 0xaf013c45   Block  Transparency
                                                                                                                                                           Block 0xaf013c45BlockBlock
                                                                                                                                                                                            Block 0x43a5fc78Block Block
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Block 0x10e6c7a9Block
                                                                                                                                                                                                                for extended ecosystems

      • By streamlining IT systems, sharing the infrastruc-      • By allowing to fractionalize assets and to own and                        • DLT / Blockchain introduces transparency by de-        • In the past and current world, corporates obtain
        ture between all participants and without requiring        perform actions over only a portion of an asset,                             fault, as all transactions occurring on a Blockchain      a significant amount of data for each asset, but it
        the involvement of a central third party, transaction      DLT / Blockchain enables a greater liquidity. By cutting                     infrastructure are accessible to all its participants     appears to be constantly challenging to map and
        costs are significantly reduced. The digitalization and    down barriers to investment, a wider range of people                         (limited to the perimeter of a DLT / Blockchain,          inter-link data points such as intellectual prop-
        automation of manual work along with the reduction         can buy / invest in assets. In traditionally rather illiquid                 meaning that everyone can see it on public                erties, rights, licenses, ownership to individual
        of a part of the reconciliation / compliance work also     markets (e.g. real estate, fine art) this technology                         Blockchains while only authorized participants can        products. Thereby, mostly fragmented data points
        enable to cut inefficiencies.                              can help sellers to find more easily an counterpart to                       have access on private Blockchains). This property        are accessible. These fragmentation makes it eco-
                                                                   perform a transaction                                                        is inherited by all tokens representing assets on         nomically un-manageable and generates avoidable
      • In addition, simple send / receive transaction                                                                                         Blockchain.                                               efforts.
        settlement and clearance can be automated and             • It also supports inclusive finance by opening up the
        allow fast transactions of down to seconds, where          invest market to a wider range of investors. As no                          • For physical assets, this transparency allows to an    • As DLT / Blockchain introduces a single IT layer of
        traditionally hours or days were required.                 intermediary function is required any more, investors                          improved traceability and to provide trust over the     trust for allowing business partners or competitors
                                                                   have now access to investing opportunities whose                               provenance and origin, by allowing any user to          to share together their data, multiple actors of an
      • Both options lead to an increase in efficiency of         participation used to be limited due to geographical                           review the whole history of activities performed        ecosystem can interact with the same digital rep-
        single transaction handling and allow an optimiza-         and infrastructural reasons or due to high minimum                             over the asset. Ownership over a given asset, and       resentation of an asset, driving efficiency all along
        tion of the market itself. Handling tokenized assets       investment thresholds. Now, the access to financial                            the associated chain of ownership can therefore be      the value chain or industry and introducing new
        creates a more efficient market and optimizes the          markets and a variety of new kinds of assets has been                          easily be identified.                                   ways of collaboration.
        way assets and services can be exchanged.                  enabled regardless of the location of an investor and
                                                                   with much lower minimum capital requirements.                               • However, transparency is not systematically ac-        • For instance, multiple initiatives have emerged in
                                                                                                                                                  ceptable, and is even antagonistic with the mere        the trade finance industry over the last few years
                                                                  • Fractioning assets also introduces the notion of shared                      goal of some use case, for instance in the asset        to enable companies to share information about
                                                                   ownership where multiple people can buy together an                            management industry or when competitors use the         assets that are being transferred around the
                                                                   asset and use it, which is key in a society where usage                        same infrastructure. In these cases, some priva-        world, automating and simplfying the process for
                                                                   is more and more supplementing ownership. For                                  cy-enhancing technologies can be used to avoid          high volume trading through smart contracts.
                                                                   instance, people can buy together a holiday house and                          leaking any sensitive information to other partici-
                                                                   decide between themselves who will use it which week.                          pants to a network.

08 Tokenization
                   Assets                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Tokenization of Assets   09
Tokenization can be described as the creation of a unique
digital representation of an asset. While the concept of
digitalization is not new, DLT/Blockchain technology adds
an additional dimension to it.

What is tokenization
and how does the
technology work?
10   Tokenization of Assets
From metals to licences –
 the world gets tokenized
                                                                                                                                                CHF - Swiss Franc
                                                                                                                                                                                             SNB / SIX (Digital Franc PoC)
 The process of tokenization creates a bridge between real-world                                                                              SGD - Singapore Dollar
                                                                                                                                                                                            Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)
 assets and their trading, strorage and transfer in a digital world.
 The corresponding basis is built by using the Blockchain technology.                                                                       (Governmental issued legal tender)                  Banque de France –
                                                                                                                                                                                                Euro digital payment solution
                                                                                                                                               EUR - Euro

 In the most abstract form, tokenization               A digital token can thereby be de-        the aggregation of otherwise frag-
 converts the value stored in tangible                 scribed as a piece of software with       mented information into one digital                                   PAYMENT OPTIONS
 or intangible object into a token that                a unique asset reference, properties      token. Moreover, all parties can update
 usually can be manipulated along a                    and / or legal rights attached. Even      information seamlessly and verify their
 DLT / Blockchain system. In simple                    though, similar pieces of software can    correctness.                                                                                    Meal points
 words, tokenization can turn almost                   be done the fact that a token runs on                                                     Bitcoin
 any asset, either real or virtual, into               DLT / Blockchain differentiates it from                                                                                                              Loyalty points
 a digital token and enables the digital               other digitalization methods. Using                                                 Cryptocurrencies
 transfer, ownership and storage with-                 a DLT / Blockchain to create a digital                                                                                                         Corporate points
 out the necessary need of a central                   token enables the collaboration of dif-                                                 Ethereum
 third party / intermediary..                          ferent companies, which in turn allows
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Digital Fiat

                                                                Fine Art
                                Automobiles                                  Virtual collectables e.g., CryptoKitties*
                                                                                                                                            Tokenization can turn
                                                                   Collectables / Devices (unique objects)
                         Medical devices                                                                                                      almost any asset,
                         Electronic devices                                                                                                 either real or virtual,
                                                                        PHYSICAL                                                             into a digital token
                                                                   OBJECTS & FINANCIAL                              Precious Metals                                                          Licenses
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Various rights
                                                                                                                          Platinum                                           Patents
                  Certificates                                                                               Gold
                                        Real Estate
                                                                                                                                                                                            INTANGIBLE ASSETS
               Financial instrument
                                                                                                 Food & Beverages
                                                                       Equities                                                                                                                                          Copyrights
                            Fixed Income                                                                                                                            Intellectual property
                                                                                                  Consumables                                                                                   Royalties
  *CryptoKitties are virtual collectibles on the Ethereum Blockchain

12 Tokenization
                   Assets                                                                                                                                                                                            Tokenization
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Assets   13
Precious Metals
                                                                                        OBJECTS & FINANCIAL

The market for gold is rather liquid,        eral towards multilateral trades. While
however other precious metal markets         this is burdensome in the traditional
(e.g., palladium) tend to be illiquid.       world, DLT supports smart contracts
In illiquid markets larger corporates        and atomic swaps, allowing for secure
may settle bilateral agreements,             and near instant settlement of even
limiting price discovery and fostering       complex multiparty trades. The legal
information asymmetries. High entry          enforcement of smart contracts is not
barriers (i.e., minimum investments)         yet clear globally but there are circum-
limit market access to few participants.     stances offering legal set-ups circum-
Furthermore, international regulation        venting this from being a deal-breaker.
increased and thus the need for tracing
the metals from production to custom-        Recent market developments vary.
er over the whole supply chain.              The communication in the ecosystem
                                             could be enhanced with solutions such
Tokenization allows for fractionaliza-       as Komgo, offering a secure, decentral-
tion, therefore reducing entry barriers      ized solution enabling seamless data
and boosting access to new markets           communication between commodity
for smaller players. The increased           trade institutions, corporations, in-
market participation may result in ad-       spection companies, and third parties.
ditional market liquidity. However, the
larger number of market participants
would require an evolution from bilat-

     !            The Italian legislator introduced the Law Decree No. 135/2018
                  – which defined legally binding smart contracts. The UK
                  Jurisdiction taskforce issued “legal statement on cryptoassets
                  and smart contracts” smart contracts may under certain cir-
                  cumstances be treated as in principle not being different from
                  conventional contract.

14   Tokenization of Assets                                                                                   Tokenization of Assets   15
Central Bank
                                                                                                                                    Examples of CBDC projects:
                                                                                                                                    Who                                       Project

Digital Currency
                                                                                                                                    Bank of Canada                            Project Jasper - is a collaborative research initiative between the public and
                                                                                                                                                                              private sectors to understand how DLT could transform the wholesale payments
                                                                                          PAYMENT OPTIONS                                                                     system.
                                                                                                                                    Banque de France, European Cen-           Are quite open for experiments together with the ECB and other central banks of
                                                                                                                                    tral Bank (ECB)                           the Eurosystem, in particular with regard to a wholesale CBDC.
                                                                                                                                    Central Bank Group                        The Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, the European Cen-
                                                                                                                                                                              tral Bank, the Sveriges Riksbank and the Swiss National Bank, together with the
                                                                                                                                                                              Bank for International Settlements (BIS), have created a group to share experienc-
                                                                                                                                                                              es as they assess the potential cases for central bank digital currency (CBDC) in
                                                                                                                                                                              their home jurisdictions.
The use of banknotes is declining in advanced economies,         70% of Central Banks are (or will soon be) engaged in some
questioning the Central Banks’ role in payment intermedia-       type of CBDC exploration. The adoption of CBDC depends on          Central Bank of Brazil                    Project Salt - is exploring DLT for an interbank payments contingency and resiliency
                                                                                                                                                                              system as well as a decentralized information exchange platform (Project PIER).
tion. At the same time in developing countries alternatives      a perceived net benefit of its introduction. Digital currency
are emerging with the development of technology, such as         can fulfill to a certain extent the traditional roles of money     Central Bank of Iceland                   Rafkróna - is exploring
mobile payment, accessible even for previously unbanked.         (unit of account, means of payment and store of value), how-       Central Bank of the Bahamas               Sand Dollar - was introduced on 27.12.2019 with the intent of accelerating pay-
Furthermore, progress is pushing for exploration of DLT/         ever Central Banks may also support public policy goals.                                                     ments system reform, admitting new categories of financial services providers and
                                                                                                                                                                              using the digital payments infrastructure to make the supply of traditional banking
Blockchain implementation by Central Banks.
                                                                                                                                                                              services accessible to all segments of the population. Most of the benefits of
                                                                 Currently, most researches being performed cover the                                                         introducing a digital currency are still unquantifiable. However, they may include a
Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) are a new form of         challenges faced by the introduction of CBDC, for instance                                                   potential suppression of economic costs associated with cash usage, and benefits
money issued digitally by the Central Bank. Basically, money     how to balance privacy concerns, bank secrecy laws and                                                       to the Government from improved expenditure and tax administration systems.
is a special form of a promise to pay and serves as store of     transparency improvement. For the time being Denmark and           Central Bank of Tunisia                   E-Dinar - is used to study the opportunities and risks inherent in these new technolo-
value, a medium of exchange, and a unit of account. Physi-       Switzerland have determined that the costs of a retail CBDC                                                  gies, particularly in terms of cyber security and financial stability.
cal cash offers a certain level of privacy that digital money    would outweight the benefits. The traditional systems have         ECB, Bank of Japan                        Project Stella - explores whether DLT / Blockchain technology can improve domes-
does not.                                                        been optimized over time and may already deliver upon                                                        tic interbank payments and settlements and facilitate rapid interbank trading and
                                                                 demand. Fast Payment Systems (FPS) allowing for almost                                                       settlement of securities for cash.
CBDC could be account or token based, issued centrally or        real time capabilities, are already present in 55 jurisdictions.   German Central Bank                       BLOCKBASTER prototype and other efforts are exploring DLT for multiple pur-
decentrally, and are generally split into two major catego-      In 2019 SWIFT demonstrated that cross-border payments                                                        poses including for improving efficiency and reducing risk in interbank securities
                                                                                                                                                                              settlement processes.
ries, based on a slightly different business purpose:            can be completed in less than 25 seconds (source: https://
                                                                  Monetary Authority of Singapore           Project Ubin - is a collaborative project with the banking sector, exploring the
                                                                                                                                                                              use of DLT for clearing and settlement of payments and securities, as well as new
Wholesale CBDC                                                   cess-with-global-instant-cross-border-payments-with-singa-                                                   methods of conducting cross-border payments using CBDCs.
shall mainly increase efficiency for financial transactions      pore_s-fast).
                                                                                                                                    Peoples Bank of China                     Digital Currency Electronic Payment (DCEP) - is proposed a two tier system, cen-
among selected participants, albeit early experimentation                                                                                                                     trally issued, backed 1:1 by fiat currency
has not yet proven significant benefits. Wholesale CBDC aim      However, the UK FSP, which has been operating for 10
                                                                                                                                    Republic of the Marshall Islands          Introduced a new DLT / Blockchain based currency called the Sovereign (‘SOV’) in
at processing large volumes with few transactions, some-         years, processed only around 30 payments per capita in                                                       February 2018 after issuing the Sovereign Currency Act of 2018.
times on specific dates.                                         2018.
                                                                                                                                    Sweden Central Bank                       E- Krona - a one year project launched in 2020 adressing concerns regarding the
                                                                                                                                                                              oboslecense of physical cash in Sweden and its consequences.
Retail CBDC                                                      CBDC is often associated with DLT/Blockchain technology,
                                                                                                                                    Swiss National Bank                       The Swiss Exchange (SIX) and the Swiss National Bank (SNB) are working on a
are deemed for wider adoption in the general public, for         however, it does not necessarily mean that it could not be                                                   proof of concept to explore how digital central bank money could be used in the
instance to facilitate retail payments, this would e.g. raise    built using a more conventional centralized technology.                                                      settlement of tokenized assets between market participants.
AML / CFT concerns and requirements. Such CBDC need to
accommodate large number of transactions with relative low


A study of late 2019 by the International Monetary Fund                                                                                          Possible benefits of CBDC
(IMF) and the Central Bank of England explored additional,
design options:                                                                                                                                  • Lowers issuance cost
                                                                                                                                                 • Easier distribution than fiat currency
 • Either with zero-interest to avoid direct competition with
                                                                                                                                                 • Programmability (more efficient and flexible)
     retail bank deposit
                                                                                                                                                 • Real time transfer (at low cost)
 • With positive or negative interests that could generate a                                                                                    • Better clearing & settlement process
     direct competition for cash and deposit but could open a                                                                                    • Enhanced traceability and monitoring
     new way to handle monetary policies                                                                                                         • Real time data collection, such as creation, bookkeeping and circula-
                                                                                                                                                    tion of money, providing useful reference for monetary policy makers
                                                                                                                                                 • Addressing the consequences of a decline of cash
                                                                                                                                                 • Improving the availability and usability of central bank money

16    Tokenization of Assets                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Tokenization of Assets   17
How to tokenize
real-world assets?
Non-fungible tokens representing real-world assets like art or real
estate gain an increasing momentum.

Today the most common application of        The financial industry, and especial-

tokens that exist on DLT / Blockchains      ly the asset management sector, is
are tokens that are fungible of nature,     demonstrating a lot of interest on how          Read here how
like cryptocurrencies or ingots of gold.    NFTs can be used to engineer or repre-          NTFs can create value
Fungible means that each unit of a          sent investment products. Real estate           for enterprises:
good or commodity is interchangeable        is a particularly good example of re-
with any other unit. So, for example        al-world asset that can be represented          https://www.
one kilo of pure gold is interchangeable    using NFTs as there are no two parcels
with any other kilo of pure gold.           which are the same or have the same
                                            address. Accordingly, direct ownership
However, a new application concept of       of land could be represented on an NFT          ue-for-enterprises
DLT / Blockchain technology is causing      under the condition that the regulatory
a lot of buzz and gaining momentum:         environment is shaped accordingly.
the tokenization of real-world assets.
Opposite to the above-mentioned             However, in light of the market focus-
fungible tokens these new so called         ing on oeuvres by “Old Masters” as
non-fungible tokens (NFTs) repre-           alternative investment vehicle NFTs
sent assets and items which are per         start to awaken interest. By repre-
definitionem unique, irreplaceable and      senting the art pieces on tokens the
non-interchangeable.                        respective transactions can comprise a
                                            broader group of investors. Moreover,
The attributes which are represented        authentication procedures, tracking of
by NFTs can vary comprising unique          transport and restoration processes as
serial numbers on the one hand but          well as their trade can be simplified as
also more dynamic information like          will be explained in more detail in the
location, size or consistency of the        following chapters.
product itself on the other hand.
                                            As most of this world’s assets are
Early examples of products represent-       unique their representation, NFTs will
ed on a DLT / Blockchain by NFTs are        play an increasingly important role in
physical items like bottles of wine, jew-   ushering in the next era of the digital
elry or pharmaceuticals which are part      economy and supporting enterprise
of a standardized supply chain from         adoption of DLT / Blockchain to digitally
manufacturer or producer to consum-         represent their assets.
er. The tokenization of the items allows
for a real-time tracking of the products
and enables the producer to identify
possible fraudulent use.

18   Tokenization of Assets                                                                                         Tokenization of Assets
Tokenization requires
a solid infrastructure
Tokenization triggers changes in the securities trading value chain.
While the sequence remains unchanged the individual steps may vary.
Major differences are related to the characteristics of the underlying
DLT /Blockchain technology allowing new business models and market
participants to enter.

                                             1                                  2                                  3                                     4                                     5                                    6                                     7

                                       Origination                       Distribution                          Trading                              Clearing                            Settlement                           Safekeeping                          Additional
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Financial Services

                                                          Issuance                                                                      Trading (Buy / Sell)                                                                   Additional Banking Services

                              • Issuance market of              • Distribution handled by         • Secondary market handled by      • Ensure that involved parties        • Transfer securities from seller   • Store securities in a safe         • Basic additional financial ser-
                                securities is restricted and        issuing institution                stock exchanges and regulat-        fulfill obligations as set out in      to buyer against payments to         location either self-directed or      vices such as tax, reporting,

Traditional                     handled to a large extent by
                                investment banks
                                                                 • Primary market access only
                                                                                                       ed institutions e.g., invest-
                                                                                                       ment firm and broker
                                                                                                                                           the contract                           fulfill contractual obligations      at a custodian, e.g. financial
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       institution or a depository
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             accounting, corporate actions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and collateral management do
Value Chain                   • Mature methodology to issue
                                                                    to authorized investors
                                                                                                    • Trading execution only pos-
                                                                                                                                        • Match buyer and seller data
                                                                                                                                           for every transaction
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             not differ in principle between
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the traditional and new reality
                                 securities                                                            sible through specific time
                                                                                                       frames e.g., opening hours                                                                                                                         • However, new services
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             bridging the traditional and
                              • Issuance not limited to tra-    • Distribution can be handled     • Stock and Digital Asset          • Based on the core characteristics of DLT and Blockchain tech-            • Digital Token can be stored           tokenized world arose e.g.
                                 ditional players, instead new      without intermediaries via         Exchanges are still an im-          nology clearance and settlement do not require central third                either by trusted 3rd party /         Token-Equity Swaps
                                 player arise such as consul-       digital channels                   portant market participant,         parties. Instead both is handled by the technology itself                   custodians or by owners itself,
New Reality:                     tancies, technology SMEs and                                          but trading is not limited to                                                                                   institution or individuum
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          • Further technology related
                                                                 • Primary market access only                                                                                                                                                               services based on the Block-
Tokenization                     corporates them selves
                                                                    limited based on regulatory,
                                                                                                       established institution due
                                                                                                       to the peer-to-peer nature of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    • Various ways of Token storage       chain infrastructure itself can

Value Chain                   • DLT / Blockchain based Smart
                                 Contract enables new launch
                                                                    but not technical environment
                                                                                                       DLT / Blockchain based Token
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       are possible distinguishable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       between online or offline, de-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           appear in the future since
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           subject to research e.g. hard
                                 methods e.g., DeFi                                                 • 24h trading execution possible                                                                                  pendent if the Token is stored      fork related services, gover-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       on a device which is connect-       nance risks
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ed to the internet or not

                                              1                                 2                                  3                                     4                                    5                                     6                                    7

                                                                                                                                                One common DLT / Blockchain Infrastructure

20   Tokenization of Assets                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Tokenization of Assets   21
Technical approach to
tokenize assets
Blockchain technology allows the creation of a digital representation of assets through their tokenization. This process does                                For instance, let’s consider a car.
not differ greatly from other IT projects whereby data models are created to represent assets or goods; however, some
precautions need to be taken in order to account for DLT / Blockchain technology specificities.                                                              • If we look at the car production process, one will be interested in the assembly of the multiple components of the car, its
                                                                                                                                                              associated information and the operators acting on the production chain.
In simple terms, asset tokenization consists of creating an informatic code presenting the key characteristics of the asset                                  • If now we consider the leasing of cars, one will pay more attention to who owns the car, who has financial interest over it,
while exposing some functions allowing the user to interact with the digital representation of the asset. On the Ethereum                                     how the insurance is managed, etc. without being interested in the components of the car
Blockchain, this informatic code is developed in Solidity.

From a technical standpoint, this process can be broken down into 4 key steps:
                                                                                                                                                                  !         Swiss Pioneers - Tokenization of existing shareholdings
                                                                                                                                                                            The same principles from the car industry example apply            • Free transfer of share tokens. However, a potential
                                                                                                                                                                            to the Swiss financial services industry. The Swiss entity            acquirer of shares is required to apply to the issuer to be
A. Selection of the model for representing assets                                                                                                                           Mt Pelerin Group SA1 was one of the first companies to                registered on the shareholders’ register including a full
                                                                                                                                                                            issue all of its shares in tokenized form, i.e. in the form of        AML / KYC identification process.
Several token standards have emerged from the Ethereum                         A token standard consists of a set of predefined functions                                   Ethereum tokens.
community to allow for the representation of different                         and / or attributes that can be intentionally implemented                                                                                                       It was no coincidence that one of the first companies to
kinds of assets. The introduction of these standards eases                     to represent the specificities of each asset but need to be                                  In this case, the tokenization process had a strong focus          tokenize its company shares is located in Switzerland. In
the DLT / Blockchain adoption and enables interoperability                     present in all cases. To consider which token standard to                                    on capturing the information about the purchasers of the           2018, the Swiss Capital Markets and Technology Associ-
between multiple DLT / Blockchain initiatives. This allows                     choose, the key characteristics of the asset (for instance                                   tokenized shares. Accordingly, the following basic process         ation (CMTA)2 published a blueprint on the tokenization of
tokens inheriting from the same token standard (from the                       fungible or non-fungible) should be assessed. The most                                       steps were integrated:                                             shares of Swiss companies using the Distributed Ledger
same ‘family’) to use some generic smart contracts or to                       widespread token standards are the following:                                                                                                                   Technology3. In this blueprint the CMTA provided detailed
be stored in some widespread wallets enabling the storage                                                                                                                   • Individual registration of purchasers in the shareholder’s       guidelines on how equity securities of Swiss entities can be
                                                                                                                                                                               register of Mt Pelerin upon completion of the sale              tokenized and how the process should be structured. The
of ownership information.
                                                                                                                                                                            • 	Full AML / KYC identification                                  blueprint focused on shares that have already been issued
                                                                                                                                                                            • 	Maintenance of a private shareholders’ register that has       in accordance with Swiss corporate law in uncertificated
                                                                                                                                                                               not been replaced by the DLT / Blockchain (although the         form. This way the shares and the digital tokens remain
                                                                                                                                                                               tokenization would allow to digitize many of the cor-           closely linked and the shares shall only be transferred
              ERC-20 standard                                ERC-1400 standard                                    ERC-721 standard
        Fungible tokens (e.g. Ether, Augur, etc.)   Security tokens (e.g. data protection and privacy)   Non-fungible tokens (e.g. crypto-kitties, assets)                     porate processes), from the registration of share trans-        together with the corresponding token.
                                                        Transfer of ownership of a                                                                                             fers and shareholder identification to certain corporate
                                                                                                           Transfer of ownership over a                                        actions.
     Transfer of value between users                  security token between users,
                                                                                                           specific asset between users
                                                          requiring a certificate
      Authorize someone to spend                      For same security token, split                     Authorize an operator to transfer
         value on one’s behalf                         between several partitions                         a specific asset on one’s behalf                   Depending on the use case, the same asset will be represented              use requires the completely revision of how assets will be rep-
                                                    Authorize an operator to transfer                    Authorize an operator to transfer                   differently, potentially using different token models.                     resented. EY developed a protocol based on zero-knowledge
                                                     a security token on one’s behalf                        all assets on one’s behalf                                                                                                 proofs allowing the performance of private transfers of own-
                                                      Manage the documentation                                                                               Another crucial consideration when choosing how an asset                   ership on Ethereum main net, called Nightfall4. It was released
                                                    associated with a security token                                                                         should be tokenized is the management of privacy. DLT/                     to the public domain in 2019 as a tool to assist enterprises
                                                    Force the transfer or redemption                                                                         Blockchain introduces transparency by default but this trans-              with the adoption of DLT / Blockchain technology.
                                                      of an asset (by a controller)                                                                          parency is not acceptable for all use cases and industries. In
                                                                                                                                                             fact, in some cases there are regulatory constraints in this               It is key to assess how privacy will be managed from the
                                                                                                                                                             regard (e.g., anti-trust regulation). In such cases, there are             beginning to consider the right model for representing assets
                                                                                                                                                             privacy-enhancing technologies that can be used to mitigate                and avoid the need to rebuild everything from scratch if this
It is important to note that the way an asset is tokenized does not depend only on the asset itself but should integrate the busi-                           the transparency and obfuscate information to allow compa-                 dimension has not been considered sufficiently early.
ness process that is digitized through DLT / Blockchain. An asset could be tokenized differently depending on the intended use.                              nies to perform DLT / Blockchain transactions in a trustworthy
                                                                                                                                                             way but without leaking sensitive information.                    


                                                                                                                                                             Zero-knowledge proofs is one of the technologies allowing                   OECD: The Tokenisation of Assets and Potential Implications for Financial Markets

                                                                                                                                                             the performance of private Blockchain transactions, but its                4

22   Tokenization of Assets                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Tokenization of Assets    23
C. Technical and security review of
B. Modelling of the asset                                                                                                         the informatic code                                            D. Deployment of the informatic code
Before implementing the token model chosen for repre-             on the kind of assets considered. For instance, if financial    Before deploying a token in live, some precautions need        After security review have been performed, the code can
senting assets, one must ask several questions that will          assets are considered, their issuance, the management of        to be taken due to the immutability of Blockchain and the      simply be deployed on the DLT / Blockchain considered,
impact which information will be embedded on chain and            the liquidity or the way they will be valued on both primary    irreversibility of the development. Indeed, once the code      either public or private depending on the use case and
which will remain stored in off-chain databases. The follow-      and secondary markets should be properly engineered.            ruling how your asset will behave on DLT / Blockchain has      perimeter considered.
ing points should at least be considered:                                                                                         been released, it is not possible to turn back.
                                                                  It is also important to note that the documentation of the                                                                     These tokens will be able to be issued following the design
• Are there any legal or regulatory constraints (e.g. data       behaviour of the token is key for ensuring the adoption and     An example to bear in mind is what happened in June 2016       implemented, automatically or manually, by only one user
 privacy and protection, sector-specific regulation, etc.)?       the use of this asset: especially in the case of the issuance   with The DAO which was a digital decentralized autono-         or by multiple ones. Users will be able to interact with
• What is the level of trust required on the data?               of financial assets, a term sheet is frequently released to     mous organization raising funds through crowdfunding and       these tokens using the exposed function, by instance to
• What is the business process? Which information are es-        help investors and / or users understand the functioning        acting as a venture capital. After raising more than 150       transfer them. They will also store these assets in their
 sential for the process to happen properly and which have        and the underlying key concepts of the asset. This term         millions of $, some hackers took advantage of vulnerability    wallet, and possibly on DLT / Blockchain custodians to han-
 an informative purpose?                                          sheet may also be required by regulators to approve the         issues and stole more than the equivalent of 50 millions of    dle the custody of their assets.
• What are the requirements in terms of scalability (volume-     issuance of the digital asset, that is the case in some STO     $ at the time.
 try of data)?                                                    for instance.                                                                                                                  In order to follow the lifecycle of these assets, and depend-
                                                                                                                                  It is then very essential to perform some security reviews,    ing if and how privacy has been implemented, it is possible

This tailoring can include the management of permis-                                                                              either using standardized tools or mandating specialized       to rely on DLT / Blockchain monitoring tools. EY has devel-
sioning to call specific functions, adding some additional
                                                                  6                                                              third-parties (e.g. Trail of Bits) to perform a review and     oped a Blockchain Analyzer6 allowing to track the lifecycle
functions to be consistent with business requirements, the                                                                        provide a stamp before going live. EY has developed a          of assets and have access to dashboards and analytics tools
personalization of some generic functions, etc.                                                                                   smart contract review tool allowing using to test their code   to understand what is happening on the DLT / Blockchain.
Some additional considerations may be needed to develop                                                                           against a standard set of checks5 and offers a spectrum
the specific code and behaviour of the token, depending                                                                           of IT cyber offerings to minimize evolving security risks
                                                                                                                                  related smart contract applications.

                              A Token Model                                                       B Asset Model                                 C Review                                                        D Deployment

                                             Technical        A                                              B                                        C                                          D

                                         Getting started


 Figure: Illustrative historic development of
 money by keeping the core functionality unchanged

24   Tokenization of Assets                                                                                                                                                                                                           Tokenization of Assets   25
Tokenization has many facets. However, technological
innovations require a holistic view comprising the technological,
legal, regulatory, tax, accounting and business perspective.

In light of the manifold
opportunities the tokeni-
zation provides what
does your organization
need to know?
26   Tokenization of Assets
Spot on:

 How does token-based
 fundraising compare to
 traditional set-ups?

28   Tokenization of Assets
New Capital
                                            Markets need
                                            faster trading
The rise in popularity of asset tokenization bridges the gap between
traditional and new capital markets. A Security Token Offering (STO)
is an evolution of fundraising. What is it about and how is it different to
Venture Capital (VC), Initial Public Offering (IPO), or Initial Coin Offer-
ing (ICO)?

Earlier, start-ups had the opportunity of   angels may also serve to open doors           with traditional fundraising methods
reaching out to venture capital firms or    for new investors or partners if they         and offers various advantages (e.g., the
angel investors while more established      are well-connected in the company’s           global reach to a digital distribution of
businesses had the privilege of going       business. Similar to VCs, it is essential     tokens, the quick realization of STO-
public through an IPO.                      to choose angels who suit the business        based financing) and disadvantages
                                            and do not come up with excessively           (e.g., legal and regulatory uncer-
VCs usually seek to invest in promising     demanding investment terms.                   tainties, untrustworthy early-stage
start-ups as well as small and medium-                                                    projects).
sized businesses that they believe will     By “going public” via an IPO, in ex-
have the potential to go public or be       change for new capital, a company sells       Contrary to when an investor
likely acquired by a larger company. To     stocks to investors. To undertake an          purchases traditional stocks, their
founders, thus, venture capital funding     IPO, a corporation would usually have         ownership information is kept in a
can be a blessing or a curse, as VCs are    to first work with an underwriter (e.g. a     physical document and issued as
known to also have terms and condi-         bank) to support it with the public offer-    a certificate. In contrast to tra-

tions that are often more beneficial        ing. The corporation would then have          ditional sources of financing
to themselves than to the business          to go through the vetting to ensure that      a STO does not necessarily
owners.                                     it is permissible to have its stocks listed   require a financial interme-                    What is a Securtiy Token Offering
                                            on the public stock exchange. For a suc-      diary, but can rather be
Angel investors are becoming more           cessful IPO, a corporation would then         designed as a pure peer-                        A Security Token Offering is a public offering token that is representing
relevant and better connected, increas-     usually need to undertake extensive           to-peer mechanism.                              a security. The owner of the token obtains e.g., rights in a company or
                                                                                                                                          contractual claims to assets as promised by the security. Essentially,
ing their reach at the start-up level as    road shows with its underwriter(s) and
                                                                                                                                          tokenization enables startups to raise money without going through an
VCs become more risk-averse and turn        attract as many institutional investors
their focus to later-stage investing.       as possible. As IPOs are highly regulat-
Technology has enabled new mecha-           ed they are very costly and time-con-
nisms such as crowdfunding, which is        suming and therefore not suitable for
changing the funding environment at         smaller and medium-sized businesses.
the early seed stages. Angel investors
can be a valuable source of funding for     Financing through an STO has signifi-
early-stage start-ups, because the right    cant structural differences compared

30   Tokenization of Assets                                                                                                                                                                  Tokenization of Assets   31
The regulator’s
                                            point of view
                                            is technology-
 Although tokenized assets are represented in the digital world, their                                                               The FINMA ICO Guidelines for enquiries regarding the regulatory frame-
                                                                                                                                     work for initial coin offerings (ICOs) of 16 February 2018 and the
 true nature and purposes are what counts for the Swiss regulator.                                                                   Supplement to the guidelines for enquiries regarding the regulatory
                                                                                                                                     framework for initial coin offerings (ICOs) of 11 September 2019,
                                                                                                                                     differentiate between the following tokens:
With the advent of DLT the Initial Coin     guarantee for the investors to get a       It is crucial to note that Initial Coin
Offering (ICO) appeared. The number         financial ROI on the short, medium or      Offerings (ICO), Securities Token Offer-      •   Payment tokens synonymous with cryptocurrencies, having
of ICOs and the volume of funding           long term.                                 ings (STO), Initial Exchange Offerings            no further functions or links to other development projects.
grew rapidly7.Finally a large number                                                   (IEO), Initial decentralized Exchange             Tokens may in some cases only develop the necessary
of individuals and organizations were       A key difference between traditional       Offering (IDO) or other are all meant to          functionality and become accepted as a means
able to participate with even very little   fundraising method and these new           be token issuances. The Swiss financial           of payment over a period of time.
capital, therefore splitting the risk and   DLT / Blockchain-based fundraising         markets regulation is principle-based
permitting a differentiation even within    solutions is that the latter addresses     and technology-neutral. Therefore,            •   Utility tokens are tokens which are intended to pro-
small portfolios. Access to a stock-ex-     early stage projects requiring high        FINMA’s treatment of tokens under                 vide digital access to an application or service.
change was no longer required and           investment amount that in many cases       supervisory law follows the existing ap-
trading was possible from almost any        cannot be provided solely by bank-         proach taken to DLT / Blockchain-based        •   Asset tokens representing assets such as partici-
device connected to the internet with       loan or VC. In fact, Projects such as      tokens, meaning that the focus is on              pations in real physical underlyings, companies,
very little fees to be paid. In Q3/2017     Ethereum, Telegram or Binance aimed        the economic function and the purpose             or earnings streams, or an entitlement to
the ICO volume had already more than        at building global technology infra-       of a token (“substance over form”).               dividends or interest payments. In terms of
double the volume of Venture Capital8.      structure, i.e. targeting a new scale by                                                     their economic function, the tokens are anal-
                                            leveraging decentralization and peer-                                                        ogous to equities, bonds or derivatives.
                                                                                        EY life of a coin, EY research on ICO 2017

One of the key drivers for the ICO          to-peer financing.
                                                                                        EY research on ICO 2018
token issuers was the difficulty to find                                                                                             •   Hybrid tokes which combine elements of
early stage cash as options were quite      While a security token is akin to a                                                          payment / utility / asset token.
limited to bank loans, public and pri-      digitized stock - whereby the investor
vate grant and VC. When the ICO mar-        that purchases the token becomes a                                                       •   StableCoins (token with specific
ket emerged, the main token scheme          shareholder of the entity from which                                                         underlying assets (e.g., curren-
used was the so-called utility token,       they purchased the token - the value of                                                      cies, commodities, real estate or
offering access to a potential product      the ICO token is derived from the use                                                        securities).
or services to its owner. However, this     of the token within the ecosystem set
kind of token does not provide any          up by the organization.

32   Tokenization of Assets                                                                                                                                                                                   Tokenization of Assets   33
Are STOs cost-
                                                 efficient and                                                                                        Exemplary comparison of IPO, STO and ICO – since the
                                                                                                                                                      structure of this fundraising options may vary an exhaus-

                                                 secure solutions?
                                                                                                                                                      tive comparison is not possible. For demonstration purpos-
                                                                                                                                                      es an ICO is treated as the issuance of a utility token in the
                                                                                                                                                      table below.

 When comparing IPOs, STOs and ICOs it becomes                                                                            IPO                                      STO                                                   ICO
 evident that cost efficiency and security of the
 endeavour do not always align.                                                                   Risk

                                                                                                                              Shares                          Token representing securities                              Utility token

                 IPO vs. STO vs. ICO                                                      Issuer                                                                Start-up, public company,
                                                                                                                         Public company                                                                        Start-up, public company, SMEs
                                                                                                                                                                 SMEs, large companies
                 The first issuance of tokens may come in sev-                          Platform                                                         Digital (e.g. website of issuing company          Digital (e.g. website of issuing company
                 eral facettes and names, such as Initial Digital                                                   Regulated Stock Exchange
                                                                                                                                                              or on crypto exchange if IEO)                     or on crypto exchange if IEO)
                 Offering) IDO, Initial Exchange Offering (IEO)                       Participation
                 and many more will follow. From a Swiss legal &                                                 Generally, via Broker (e.g. Bank)                        Directly                                          Directly
                 regulatory perspective, applying the principle
                                                                                    Accepted Funds
                 of substance over form, a classification is es-                                                        Generally, Fiat only                    Fiat and/or crypto-assets                         Fiat and / or crypto-assets
                 sentially based on the underlying. In this regard
                 we support the classification of FINMA in the
                                                                                   Initiated                        Generally, Investment bank          Generally, direct launch to the public with-      Generally, direct launch to the public with-
                                                                                                                      to underwrite the IPO             out a centralized third party (except if IEO)     out a centralized third party (except if IEO)
                 “ICO Guidelines”.
                                                                              Documentation Requirements         Prospectus, Filings, Registration          Prospectus, Filings, Registration
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Whitepaper, website
                                                                                                                       with the regulator                      with the regulator, website
                                                                            Investor rights                                                                Generally, Voting rights, dividends              Generally, Limited to digital access to
                                                                                                                Generally, Voting rights, dividends
                                                                                                                                                          (if structured similar to e.g., shares)                   service / application
                                                                          Controlling Authority                             Regulator                                    Regulator                                           None

                                                                                                                               Asset                                       Asset                                             None

                                                                                                                                Yes                           Depending on Token structure                                   None

                                                                                                                               High                                       Medium                                              Low

                                                                                                           Global Top 4 IPO, STO and ICO by raised funds (March 2020)
                                                                                                           Top IPO                                    Top STO                                           Top ICO

                                                                                                           1. Saudi Aramco (25.6bn USD)               1. tZero (134.0m USD)                             1. EOS (4bn USD)
                                                                                                           2. Alibaba (21.8bn USD)                    2. Proxima Media (100.0m USD)                     2. Telegram (1.7bn USD)
                                                                                                           3. SoftBank Corp (21.3bn USD)              3. Bolton Coin (67.8m USD)                        3. Dragon Coin (320m USD)
                                                                                                           4. NTT Mobile (18.0bn USD)                 4. Nexo (52.5m USD)                               4. Huobi (320m USD)

                                                                                                           Source:             Source:                            Source: Techworld

34 Tokenization
                   Assets                                                                                                                                                                                                 Tokenization of Assets    35
Legal questions
                                   related to Security
                                   Token Offering
How are security tokens classified under
Swiss financial market law?                                                                                                         What further legal developments need to be considered?

The swiss regulator FINMA uses the term “asset token” and      enable physical assets to be traded on the DLT/Blockchain            STOs may not only trigger the application of the Swiss           •    the Swiss Code of Obligations, the possibility of an elec-
not “security token”. Asset tokens represent assets such as    also fall under this category. Once a token qualifies as asset       financial market laws as contemplated above. Rather, every            tronic registration of rights is to be created, which can
debt or equity claims on the issuer. Further, they promise     respectively security token, it is classified as security under      STO must be analyzed also in view of further financial                guarantee the functions of securities. This is intended
e.g. a share in future company earnings or future capital      Swiss financial market law by FINMA.                                 market law provisions. Such provisions include the banking            to increase legal certainty in the transfer of DLT-based
flows. In terms of their economic function, they are thus                                                                           legislation, the relevant provisions for securities dealers as        assets.
analogous to equities, bonds or derivatives. Tokens which                                                                           well as aspects beyond the prospectus duty of the collective
                                                                                                                                    investment schemes act and the FinSA.                            •    In the Federal Act on Debt Collection and Bankruptcy,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          the segregation of crypto-based assets in the event of
                                                                                                                                    On 27th November 2019 the Swiss Federal Council adopted               bankruptcy is to be expressly regulated, also to increase

Do prospectus requirements apply to STOs?                                                                                           a dispatch regarding the further improvement of the frame-
                                                                                                                                    work conditions for DLT/Blockchain. Due to the technology
                                                                                                                                                                                                          legal certainty.

                                                                                                                                    neutral approach of Switzerland, the legal framework is al-      •    In financial market infrastructure law, a new authorisa-
                                                                                                                                    ready well suited for DLT, therefore the amendment impacts            tion category for so-called “DLT trading facilities” is to
The Swiss Financial Services Act (FinSA) provides for a        sional investors, (ii) offerings to less than 500 investors, (iii)   mostly already enacted federal acts:                                  be created. DLT Trading facilities shall allow multilateral
public law prospectus duty. According to such duty issuers     offerings to investors that invest more than CHF 100,000,                                                                                  trading of standardised DLT securities among regu-
of securities must, as a rule, publish a prospectus to be      (iv) offerings of securities that have a minimal denomination                                                                              lated financial market participants as well as private
reviewed and approved by a reviewing body authorized by        of CHF 100,000 and (v) offerings which are limited to a total                                                                              customers. Furthermore, it shall permit the provision of
FINMA. This does not apply where the FinSA specifies an        amount of CHF 8 Mio.                                                                                                                       custody services9.
exception. The exceptions include (i) offerings to profes-
                                                                                                                                                                                                     •    It should also be possible in future to obtain a licence
                                                                                                                                                                                                          to operate an organised trading facility as a securities
                                                                                                                                                                                                          firm. This requires an adaptation of the future Financial
Do KYC / AML requirements apply to STOs?                                                                                                                                                                  Institutions Act.

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Beyond, particularly contract, corporate, data protection
According to FINMA issuers of asset respectively security                                                                                                                                            and tax law issues arise in relation to STOs.
tokens do generally not fall under the Swiss AML regulation.
However, this must be assessed on a case-by-case basis,                                                                                                                                     

inter alia since the tokens in question may also qualify as
payment tokens with the consequence that the AML regula-
tion would apply.

36   Tokenization of Assets                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Tokenization of Assets   37
One token
                                            – different
Different fundraising options are based on different tokens. Each token
has its own characteristics. Depending on whether an accounting, tax
or indirect tax perspective is applied, the same token can be subject to
different classification.

 The character of a token is in the eye of the beholder. This lyrical phrase takes aim at the following: The correct accounting
 and tax treatment of a token depends on its classification, terms and conditions as well as on its underlying case (sub-
 stance over form). This is of high relevance as fundraising can be accomplished in different ways such as IPOs, ICOs, STOs
 or with hybrid forms of the beforementioned. In other words different fundraising options are based on different tokens.

 In order to understand how tokens are treated for accounting and tax purposes it is decisive to first identify its character-
 istics. However, as already mentioned, the character of a token is highly dependent on the viewpoint of the observer. An
 accounting or direct tax specialist would typically focus on the underlying business case represented by a certain token. On
 the contrary, A VAT expert will base his or her evaluation of any indirect tax consequences of a token on the actual cash
 flows and the turnover derived from the transactions associated with a certain token. Finally, the intentions of the investor
 will be decisive in determining the accounting treatment of a token.

Hence, it is not surprising that in certain countries like Switzerland separate qualification guidelines have been issued by
the respective authorities for accounting10, for direct tax11 as well as for VAT12 purposes. Unfortunately, this adds to the
already high degree of complexity surrounding tokens, as classification grids tend to be rather rigid and thus limited to a
certain range of token variations. In practice, therefore, a token classification can be a daunting task, which is however
absolutely crucial for the determination of the proper accounting and tax treatment.

Swiss tax classification of tokens13
      Swiss Direct Tax Categories      Swiss Indirect Tax Categories
                                                                                  ExpertSuisse FAQ for accounting under Code of Obligation

                                                                                  FINMA for accounting under FINMA accounting ordinance
                                                                                  / FINMA circular 2020 / 1
                                                                                                                                                !   In an unofficial hearing with the SFTA in November 2019, in which EY was present, the tax treatment of projects apply-
                                                                                                                                                    ing DLT/Blockchain technology has been further discussed. While there is still room for interpretation in different areas
                                                                                                                                                    the following official publications may provide some guidance. However, it has to be noted that for any project involving
      Equity-like Token                                                           Swiss Federal Tax Administration. Working Paper on

                                                                                  Cryptocurrencies and Initial Coin / Token Offerings as part       DLT/Blockchain Technology it can be beneficial to reach out to the respective Cantonal and Federal tax authorities to
      Loan-like Token                                                             of income and capital taxes, of withholding taxes and of          discuss the set up and the tax treatment of tokens. Further guidance can be found in the following publications:
                                                                                  stamp duties.
      Bond-like Token                                                                                                                               • June 2019: Update of the VAT Information 04 on services relating to Blockchain and Distributed-Ledger-Technology
 1                                     Asset Token                                Swiss Federal Tax Administration. VAT Information 04

      Fund-like Token                                                             on services relating to Blockchain and Distributed-Ledger-        • August 2019: Working Paper on Cryptocurrencies and Initial Coin/Token Offerings as part of income and capital taxes,
      Other underlying / reference                                                Technology                                                           of withholding taxes and of stamp duties.
      value Token (e.g. commodity)                                                Although the FINMA terminology as mentioned in the
                                                                                                                                                    In addition, FINMA published new guidance on the Accounting Treatment of tokens in circular 2020 /1
                                                                                  chapters before are not binding for direct tax and VAT
 2    Payment Token                    Payment Token                              purposes.
 3    Utility Token                    Utility Token
                                       Categorization into the
 4    Hybrid Token
                                       above listed categories

38   Tokenization of Assets                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Tokenization of Assets   39
You can also read