Tour de France Utrecht 2015 - Press Pack

Tour de France Utrecht 2015 - Press Pack
Press Pack
Tour de France
Utrecht 2015

Tour de France Utrecht 2015 - Press Pack

A warm
welcome to

Welcome to Utrecht                          3
utrecht: heart of the Netherlands 4
Historic and dynamic                        6
Flourishing culture                        12
The bike centre stage                      14
FACTS & FIGURES                            16
Dutch cycling heroes                       18
How to reach Utrecht?                      20

              Utrecht Tour de France 2015   2
Tour de France Utrecht 2015 - Press Pack
Welcome to Utrecht

steady, go
Dreams that come true – it doesn’t
always happen. But today it will.
The Tour de France will start in Utrecht.
In our very own city. In 2015.
When a dream like this comes true,
it fits to extend a very warm welcome.

Welcome, Tour de France, in the City and Province
of Utrecht, for the Grand Départ of the 102nd Tour!
The first scuffles in a new heroic cycling race, that
will climax in distant and high mountains, will
take place just around the corner. Together with the
organisers we put on a stage that is solid as a rock.
A stage through the heart of cycling country the
Netherlands, a friendly and hospitable country of
woodlands, fields, lakes and rivers, full of talented,
curious and entrepreneurial people. On this authen­
tic Utrecht stage the rider with the best legs will
win – encouraged by sports fans of all ages.
2015 – Grand Départ. The eyes of the world are
on the Tour and on Utrecht. Who will win the first
yellow jersey? Utrecht and the Utrechters are ready
for the start.

Aleid Wolfsen
Mayor of Utrecht

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Tour de France Utrecht 2015 - Press Pack

                                                     The Tour returns
                                                     to the Netherlands
                                        35 km

                                                     In 2015 the Tour de France will start in Utrecht. After five
                                                     years the biggest annual sports event in the world is back
                                                     in the Netherlands. The Grand Départ is a cycling festivity
                                                     that perfectly fits bicycle city Utrecht. It’s the chance for
                                                     everyone in the Netherlands to experience the Tour de
                                                     France from up close and a chance for the world to meet
                                                     the surprising city of Utrecht.

                                                     The Netherlands is known               country with the highest bicycle
                                                     around the world for windmills,        density in the world. To Utrecht,
                                                     the Delta Works, tulips, clogs,        the city with the highest sports
                                                     Delftware and bicycles. In 2014        participation in the biggest cities
                                                     the Netherlands will be in the         of the Netherlands. In 2010 it
                                                     spotlight as a cycling nation.         was Rotterdam that welcomed
                                                     With good cause. With 17,000           the Tour entourage to the Dutch
                                                     kilometres of cycling paths and        harbour city. An impressive
                                                     4,500 kilometres of national           trail of riders crossed the iconic
                                                     cycling routes, the Netherlands        Erasmus Bridge. In 2015 is
                                                     is a cycling nation per definition.    the turn of Utrecht, with its
                                                     With Utrecht as its athletic           young population and historic
                                                     beating heart. After five years, the   city, to embrace this huge
Tourstart Rotterdam 2010                             start of the Tour returns to the       sports event.

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Tour de France Utrecht 2015 - Press Pack
The Netherlands

     The Netherlands has approximately 16,805,037
    inhabitants, spread across twelve provinces
     20% of all tweets world wide originate from
    the Netherlands
     The Netherlands has 132,397 kilometres of
    roads; about four times the world round
     Amsterdam Schiphol Airport welcomes
    51 million passengers a year. They fly directly
     to 318 destinations around the world
     The Dutch are on average the tallest people
    in the world
     The Tour de France will start in
    the Netherlands for the sixth time; a record!


z	With 19 million bicycles in working order the
     Netherlands has the highest bicycle density
     in the world
z	Every Dutch primary school pupil does an
     exam to obtain their cycling diploma
z	84% of the Dutch people have one or more
     bikes at their disposal
z	Every year 15 billion kilometres pass
     underneath the wheels of these bikes
z	The Netherlands has a unique ‘National
     Bicycle Plan’, allowing the tax man to pay       Her Majesty Queen Máxima and Mayor Wolfsen on bikes
     for 52% of your bike                             at the opening of the Máximapark in Utrecht.

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Tour de France Utrecht 2015 - Press Pack

                                                              Discover Utrecht

                                                              Utrecht is the beating        There is a lot to discover in
                                                              heart of the Netherlands.     Utrecht. Romanesque churches,
                                                              A bustling university city    medieval wharves and of course
                                                              with unique dynamics.         the beautiful Gothic Dom Tower:
                                                                                            the highest cathedral tower in
                                                              Compact enough to
                                                                                            the Netherlands and the pride of
                                                              discover the historic inner
                                                                                            Utrecht. Just outside the city lay
                                                              city by foot. Big enough      unique fortresses and the magi­
                                                              to enjoy cosmopolitan         cal castle De Haar. From medieval
                                                              festivals, surprising         canals, century old churches
                                                              museums and trendy            to modern architecture, Utrecht
                                                              shops for days at end.        is rightly a city of monuments.

                                                               Light art in the
                                                               Ganzenmarkt tunnel

The Dom Tower illuminated beautifully by ‘Trajectum Lumen’.

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Tour de France Utrecht 2015 - Press Pack
Bustling university city
       Utrecht is an active student city. The presence
       of more than 65,000 innovative and creative
       students makes the city bustle. Brains and beauty.
       It really is Utrecht at its best. It also makes
       Utrecht an attractive business destination.
       Scientific and medical centres and the centrally
       located Jaarbeurs make Utrecht the Netherlands’
       foremost congress city.

       World famous architecture
       Time has not stood still. Utrecht is also attracts
       lovers of modern architecture. The Rietveld
       Schröder House is a must see. On the Utrecht
       Science Park special designs by top architects mark
       the skyline with the Educatorium by Rem Koolhaas,
       Neutelings Riedijk’s Minnaert Building and the
       University Library by Wiel Arets.

       Strong economy
       Since 2012 the business community, research
       institutes and the authorities are working together
       in the Economic Board Utrecht (EBU). The EBU was
       set up to further stimulate the economy of Utrecht.
       With success: the province of Utrecht was named
       most competitive region of Europe by the European
       Commission for the second year in row.

      Utrecht: a lively student city
      University Library Utrecht by Wiel Arets

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Tour de France Utrecht 2015 - Press Pack
The Dom                               Paushuize
Symbol of the city and the pride      The Paushuize (Pope House)
of every Utrechter: the Dom. With     is the second oldest building
465 steps and a height of 112         in the historic part of Utrecht.
metres it’s the highest church in     This city palace was originally
the Netherlands and the highest       built in 1517 for the only
building in Utrecht. Climbing the     ever Dutch pope, Adrianus VI.
Dom gives you the opportunity to      This amazing building has a
take in breath taking panoramic       spectacular interior and still
views of the city and region.         exudes the atmosphere of a
After a legendary hurricane in        palace. The Paushuize recog­
1645, that hit the nave of the        nizable by its red bricks
cathedral, only the imposing          with lighter coloured layers
chancel, transept and tower of        of natural stone and stepped
the church remained standing.         gable.                                                                     1
„                     „

                                                                           2                                     3
Canals                                Castle De Haar
The Utrecht canals with their         Castle De Haar is the biggest and
wharves and wharf cellars are         most enchanting castle of the
unique in the world and shape         Netherlands. Throughout the year
the characteristic view of the city   it’s bustling with activities.
centre. The two kilometre long        „
Oudegracht (Old Canal) was the
main thoroughfare of the city
from the 12th century. In the
13th century the wharves were
added as a second street at water
level. The long cellars run
all the way back to under the
houses and were used for              1	
storage. Nowadays the canals          2	
                                        Dom: pride of the city
and wharves are a lively area         3	
                                        The Netherlands’ biggest castle:
for nightlife.                          De Haar

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Tour de France Utrecht 2015 - Press Pack
Athletic Utrecht
The start of the Tour de France
fits the varied and dynamic
sports city of Utrecht perfectly.
The focus is on youth and talent;
everyone should be able to
enjoy sports on his or her level.
Utrechters are young, highly
educated and sports minded.
With 70% the participation in
sports is higher than the national
average. Utrecht’s central
position in the Netherlands and
the wide range of modern indoor
and outdoor sports facilities
on offer, makes Utrecht an
important meeting point for
sports. Talents inspire each other
and future stage and medal
winners are born. In short, in
Utrecht the sporting talent of
everyone takes a central position.

Cycling talents from across Europe during EYOF Utrecht 2013

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Tour de France Utrecht 2015 - Press Pack

                                                Investing in
                                                Utrecht’s future

                                                Besides a historic city Utrecht is also a modern city in
                                                development. With investments the city grows and flourishes
                                                in all kinds of ways. For example the station area is
                                                undergoing an extensive metamorphosis and expansion
                                                site Leidsche Rijn is gaining more and more shape
                                                just 20 minutes from the historic inner city. Along the
                                                Catharijnesingel a unique and striking concert hall is arising:

                                                Combined musical forces               Utrecht Central Station
                                                Combining forces and mutually         Metamorphosis
Concert hall: TivoliVredenburg (above)          reinforcing each other; a good        Due to its central position Utrecht
An impression of the new station area (below)   example is concert hall Tivoli­       is a hub for road, water and rail
                                                Vredenburg. Former music              transport. Every year about 88
                                                centre Vredenburg is rebuilt and      million passengers pas through
                                                expanded with pop music venue         Utrecht Central Station and this
                                                Tivoli and jazz centre SJU. Besides   will increase to 100 million a year
                                                architect Herman Hertzberger’s        by 2020. To accommodate this
                                                big large concert hall, there will    Utrecht is building a new public
                                                be four new halls for pop, jazz,      transport terminal. In 2016 the
                                                cross-over and chamber music. The     station with its unique light
                                                city’s new icon can accommodate       transmitting rippled roof is plan-
                                                5,500 music lovers. 2014 is marked    ned to be finished. Up until 2030
                                                in Utrecht as a year of music,        dozens of other projects will be
                                                culminating with the opening of       completed within the station area.
                                                TivoliVredenburg on June 21st.        „

                                                                                       Utrecht Tour de France 2015    10
Leidsche Rijn:
biggest expansion site
Leidsche Rijn is the biggest expansion location
of the Netherlands and just 20 minutes’ cycle
ride of Utrecht’s inner city. Up until 2025 31,000
new houses will be developed in Leidsche
                                                     Education, innovation,
Rijn, housing 100,000 inhabitants. Unique in
this project is that old and new are combined.
                                                     Utrecht Science Park
Archaeological findings, old lanes and ditches,
                                                     The perfect match between
trees and monumental farms are embedded in
                                                     innovative knowledge and busi­
new building plans.
                                                     ness. The progress starts when
                                                     scientists and entrepreneurs join
                                                     forces. With Utrecht University
                                                     as best university of the Nether­
                                                     lands, University Medical Centre
                                                     Utrecht as one of the biggest
                                                     public health facilities in the
                                                     country and many innovative
                                                     companies and research facili­
                                                     ties, Utrecht Science park is the
                                                     heart of the knowledge based
                                                     economy. In 2015 the Princess
                                                     Maxima Centre will open its
                                                     doors there. This unique top
                                                     class institute aims to increase
                                                     the survival rate of children with
                                                     cancer from 75 to 90 percent.

                                                       Developments at Leidsche Rijn
                                                       from the air
                                                       Casa Confetti building at the
                                                       Utrecht Science Park

                                                                                              Utrecht Tour de France 2015   11
Flourishing culture

Magical musuems and
flashing festivals
Utrecht is a cultural city of festivals, with festivals in all
shapes and sizes. From progressive performing arts in
one of the green parks to dance festivals on one of the old
market squares. Utrecht celebrates 2013 with the European
Youth Olympic Festival (EYOF) and the Treaty of Utrecht.
Utrecht surprises with a wealth of culture and a wide
range of museums. The world’s biggest collection of works
by Rietveld, a unique collection of self-playing musical
instruments, the Royal trains in the Railway Museum,
the world famous Miffy and a lot more.

Dick Bruna House                    The Rietveld
There is one creation from          Schröder House
Utrecht more known world wide       The Rietveld Schröder House
than Rietveld’s chair, and that     is the masterpiece of Utrecht
is Miffy, the rabbit designed by    architect and designer Gerrit                                                                       1
Utrechter Dick Bruna in 1955.       Rietveld (1888-1964) and an icon
Miffy has grown to become an        of the city. This UNESCO World                                                                      2
international celebrity, not just   Heritage listed monument is the
as a children’s book character,     highlight of the art movement
but as a design icon. Since 2006    “De Stijl”, featuring the opening
Miffy and her family have found     of closed facades and the colours   1	
a place to live in the Dick Bruna   red, blue and yellow, combined      2	
                                                                          The Rietveld Schröder
House. It offers a unique           with white, grey and black.           House (the world
overview of the entire works of     Every part of the house built in      famous chair by Rietveld
Dick Bruna.                         1924 tells its own story.             is on show in the
„               „                 Centraal Museum)

                                                                                                     Utrecht Tour de France 2015   12
City of Festivals
                                                  It is clear from all the festivals and events that are
                                                  held around the year in and near Utrecht, that Utrecht
                                                  is a very cultural city. From a day dedicated to listed
                                                  monuments to theatre festivals, from music events to
                                                  the Netherlands Film Festival. The whole year round
                                                  Utrecht is brighten up by all its festivals. And Utrecht
                                                  has Cultural Sundays; special Sundays with vibrant
                                                  programmes full theatre, dance, music, film and big
                                                  and small stages on squares and in parks.

                                                  Utrecht has a striking array of museums with interesting
                                                  exhibitions. There are numerous museums for young
                                                  and old in the Utrecht Museum Quarter. The Railway
                                                  Museum takes the visitors into the exciting world of rail­
                                                  ways. Centraal Museum surprises with a rich collection
                                                  old, modern and applied art and collections of fashion
                                                  and city history. Not to mention the biggest collection of
                                                  works by Rietveld in the world. Museum Speelklok comes
                                                  to live with cheerful self-playing musical instruments.

  Theatre and dance on a ‘Cultural Sundays’
  The Speelklok Museum                        1                   2      3
  The Centraal Museum

                                                                         Utrecht Tour de France 2015     13
The bike centre stage

Bicycle city Utrecht

Utrecht is a young, dynamic city with a focus on youth and talent.
Utrechters are young, highly educated and sport minded. Utrecht is a
real bike city. Just between 07.00 and 19.00 every day 90,000 cyclists go
to and from the city centre. In the next few years the city will invest
in safer and faster cycling routes and more parking places for bicycles,
including the biggest bicycle storage facility in the world!

With the Utrechtse Heuvelrug,        The Utrecht Bicycle                champions cycled on Het Lint
the Vecht area and the               Couriers                           in Leidsche Rijn for two days.
Green Heart, Utrecht is located      The bike is everywhere in          Featuring a road race for girls
in the garden of central the         Utrecht; cycling students,         for the very first time.
Netherlands. The city is bicycle     tourists on waterbikes, gym        In May 2010 there were more
minded, not just for recreation.     users on their stationary bikes    than 500,000 spectators along
Cycling is one of the focus sports   to bicycle couriers. The Utrecht   the route of the Giro d’Italia
in the city, with the outdoor        bicycle couriers have been         in the city and province of
cycling centre at Nedereindse        delivering post in and around      Utrecht. After 210 kilometres
Berg, more than 50 annual            Utrecht for nine years; there’s    Tyler Farrar came cheering
editions of the Ronde van Midden     no faster and more sustainable     across the finishing line on
Nederland. The city the beating      way of transport.                  the Croeselaan in the heart of
heart for competitive cyclists.      „     Utrecht. That day nearly 7,000
With the finish of the second                                           cyclist imagined themselves
stage of the Giro d’Italia in                                           professional riders on nearly
May 2010 and cycling as one of       International Cycling              the same route. Now, nearly
the nine sports of the European      Events                             five years later still thousands
Youth Olympic Festival (EYOF)        During the European Youth          of people join in the annual
a climate is created for profes­     Olympic Festival (EYOF) Utrecht    Classico Giro Utrecht.
sional cycling.                      2013 the future Olympic            „

                                                                                                           Utrecht Tour de France 2015   14
Durf: the Utrecht bicycle                      Facts
factory                                   z	In the next few years
The De Utrechtse Rijwiel                       there will be 33,000 new
Frabriek (DURF) is a bicycle                   places to park your bike
factory where young people learn               in Utrecht, two thirds
by doing. A craftsman explains                 of which will be directly
to his apprentices how to make                 next to the new station.
the unique design city bicycles
                                          z	Utrecht experiments
‘vanMOOF’. At the end of the
                                               with smarter traffic lights:
learning period the student is
                                               the waiting time at the
assisted in finding a job. A unique
                                               Lucas Bridge was reduced
work-study programme with
                                               from 35 to 21 seconds.
as a result cool city bikes you
see across the urban landscape.           z	The Utrecht Festival Lief
                                               has bikes for its visitors to
                                               borrow: cycling together,
Oldest ‘bicycle path’                          dancing together, sharing
of the Netherlands                             together.

Utrecht has the oldest ‘bicycle           z	To promote the green
path’ of the Netherlands. In                   recreational areas in and
September 1885 the pedestrian                  around the city, routes
path on the Maliebaan in              2        from the centre are
Utrecht was opened on Sunday                   marked with special green
afternoons for bicycles and so                 bicycle signs.
became an actual bicycle path.            z	Around the Central Station
                                               all bikes will get covered
                                               storage places. With room
                                               for 12,500 bikes, it will be
                                               the biggest bicycle parking
                                               facility in the world.
  Bike parking places at
  Neude Square
  Maliebaan: the oldest cycling
  path in the Netherlands

                                          Utrecht Tour de France 2015      15

Utrecht in the global press

                                la             “Hollands schonste
          “Utrecht un icono de
            cultura europea”                                        t
                                1)               Berliner Morgenpos
            Credomatic (02/201
          “Utrecht est une ville                                    tion
                                    ante”      “The perfect destina
            et terriblement attach                                     ”
                                                 for a green citybreak
            Le Figaro (05/2011)                                         cht
                                                 Green Guide to Utre
           “A city with strong
             medieval roots”                                            five
                                  011)           Utrecht as one of the
             Chicago Splash (06/2                                     e”
                                                “happies place to liv
                                                BBC Travel (10 /2 01 3)
           “Utrecht capital de la
             cultura y de la juvent
                                                “10 of the world’s
             El Viajero (11/2011)
                                                  unsung places”
                                                  Lonely Planet (02/201
            “One of the oldest
              and liveliest cities
                                                 “Utrecht is the
              in the Netherlands.”
                                   1)              new Amsterdam”
              Reisreporter (04/201
                                                   CNN Travel (09/2013)
             “Small scaled, friendl
                              of hi sto ry.”
               clean and full
               AD Utrechts Nieuw

                                       Utrecht Tour de France 2015        16
facts & figures
 	Utrecht has around 322,000 inhabitants
   with 163 different nationalities, making it
   the fourth city of the Netherlands.
 	A Utrecht delicacy is the ‘Domtorentje’;
   dark chocolate filled with a lovely creamy
   chocolate mouse.
 	With more than 300 sports clubs Utrecht
   has the highest sports participation figures
   in the big cities of the Netherlands
 	At Utrecht Central Station the
   biggest bicycle storage is to be built
   with 12,500 places

    Famous Utrechters

q Football player
  	Wesley Sneijder

q The only Dutch pope ever (Rome, 1522)
 	Adriaan Florenszoon Boeyens

q Olympic judo champion
 	Anton Geesink (1964-2010)

q Football player, coach and trainer
 	Marco van Basten

q Illustrator and writer
 	Dick Bruna

q Actrice
 	Sylvia Kristel (1952 - 2012)

                                                  Utrecht Tour de France 2015   17
Dutch cycling heroes


“Starting in the
  Netherlands is something
  really special. My first
  big cycling race, the
  Giro d’Italia, started in
  Amsterdam and finished         “I look forward to starting
  in Utrecht, which                the world’s biggest
  was a great experience.          cycling race in my own
  Hopefully, we can                country and native
  make the first days into         region. It’s a childhood
  a great spectacle.”              dream coming true.”
               Bauke Mollema.                Wilco Kelderman.

                                                                  Utrecht Tour de France 2015   18
“For me the Grand Depart        “The Tour de France is
  in Utrecht will be a special     the biggest cycling event in
  motivation. It’s an honour       the world. We missed the
  to have the start of the         Tour start with our team
  most popular sports              in the Netherlands in 2010,
  event in the Netherlands.        but it would be a dream
  I remember the impact            to be part of the start in
  it had in 2010. It is good       Utrecht, as it is always
  for the development of           a special feeling to start a
  cycling in the Netherlands,      race in your own country.
  as everyone gets excited         Utrecht is a beautiful city,
  and comes in closer contact      with great surroundings
  with the sport. I hope it        and lots to offer, and
  also inspires more children      I am sure they will give
  in the Netherlands to take       the riders and cycling fans
  up cycling.”                     a great time”
              Tom Dumoulin.                        Tom Veelers.

                                                                    Utrecht Tour de France 2015   19
How to reach Utrecht?

Location and
Utrecht is located right in the middle of the Netherlands.
It’s a hub of national roads, railways and waterways.
This makes Utrecht the perfect base for a visit to the
Netherlands and its other cities.

By air                                connecting the inner city with
Flights leave for Amsterdam           the station and accommodating a
Schiphol Airport from over 318        growing number of passengers.
global locations. There is a direct
30 minute train connection from       By car
Amsterdam Schiphol Airport to         Utrecht is 40 kilometres from
the centre of Utrecht.                |the capital city of Amsterdam,
                                      125 kilometres from Antwerp
By train                              and 175 from Brussels. Utrecht is
Utrecht Central Station is a          surrounded by three of the big­
national hub with trains from         gest motorways, making it easily
all corners of the Netherlands,       |accessible from every direction.
arriving nearly every minute.
Amsterdam and Schiphol Aiport         Within Utrecht
are both thirty minutes by train;     Utrecht has a modern and efficient
Rotterdam and The Hague               public transport system. The short
45 minutes. There are daily inter­    distances mean it is also very easy
national trains leaving to Brussels   to discover by foot. By far the best
(2 hours), Cologne (2,5 hours) and    way to go from A to B in Utrecht is
Paris (3,5 hours). Construction is    by bike. There are several locations
in full swing at the moment on        as well as hotels that rent bikes, so
a new public transport terminal,      you can discover Utrecht like a local.

                                       Utrecht Tour de France 2015       20


                     harwich                                      rotterdam


                                                   zeebrugge         antwerp

                                calais                                                   Cologne


                                                                                          Utrecht Tour de France 2015   21
City of Utrecht
Contact Person: Femke van der Meij
+31 (0)30 2862818
                                                                        See you in
© Gemeente Utrecht, november 2013
Concept and text Gemeente Utrecht in cooperation with Tourism Utrecht
Photography 	EYOF Utrecht 2013, Jelmer de Haas, Shutterstock,
                 Tourism Utrecht, Gemeente Utrecht
Design            HaasDesign
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