Training Courses Overview of ASTP's Training Courses -

Page created by Lucille Webb
Training Courses
Overview of ASTP’s Training Courses

                  • •
Training Courses Overview
Introduction to the                                                                                                  Topic                                                                  CE Points   Page

Training Courses                                                                                                     Creating a Student Enterprise

                                                                                                                     Creating Successful Spin-Outs



                                                                                                                     Financial Tools for KTOs                                                  18         6

Welcome to this comprehensive overview of                   ASTP                                                     Fundamentals of Supporting Consultancy                                    13         7
professional development courses currently                  ASTP is a non-profit members association committed
provided by ASTP. Such courses, led by experienced          to knowledge transfer among universities and             Fundamentals of Technology Transfer                                       17         8
practitioners, are designed to help support,                industry. Our focus is to further improve the quality
                                                                                                                     Knowledge Exchange in Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts                12         9
empower and develop your career as knowledge                of impact that public research has on the economy
and technology transfer professional. Whether you           and society.                                                                                                                       18         10
                                                                                                                     Marketing & Business Development
are just starting out or have years experience, there
are courses designed to meet your needs. These              RTTP                                                     Negotiation Skills for KTOs                                               13         11
programmes will not only provide you with a wealth          Registered Technology Transfer Professional status
of knowledge and hands-on practice but also enable          recognises the accomplishments, roles, skills,           Organising your KTO for Growth and Success                                16         12
you to connect with your peers from across Europe           knowledge, and deal-making expertise of technology
                                                                                                                     Research & Development Collaborations                                     16         13
and beyond.                                                 transfer professionals on a world-wide basis. It tells
                                                            employers, colleagues and others in our industry         Software Specific Challenges in Technology Transfer                       16         14
In   addition   to   the   12   different   courses         that you have demonstrated core competencies
outlined here, ASTP provides site visits to well-           and are responsible for significant achievements         Technology Licensing                                                      18         15
established university knowledge transfer                   and contributions in the field of knowledge and
facilities, industry and technology ecosystems.             technology transfer. By attending our training
These visits offer opportunities to learn directly          courses, you will earn CE points towards RTTP
from the best facilities in Europe, get insights on         approval. For more information on how to apply for               ?   Course Information           Topics Discussed          Target Audience
the issues related to industry-academic                     RTTP status, visit:
collaborations, and to find out how to harness
technology ecosystems. In addition, we also
                                                                                                                                                   Learning Objectives
                                                                                                                                                                           ‘‘   Testimony

provide bespoke on-site training tailored to your
specific needs.

                                                        2                                                                                                         3
Creating a Student                                                                                                                                    Creating Successful
Enterprise                                                                                                                                                      Spin-Outs
CE Points                                                                                                      13   CE Points                                                                                                      17

?                                                                                                                   ?
Knowledge Transfer offices are increasingly asked to be involved in creating student enterprise programmes,         This course is for experienced technology transfer           The course is interactive, you will learn through
organising events, competitions, co-curricular courses and providing live case studies that can give students       managers whose portfolios includes expertise                 case studies and role play facilitated by those who
experience of commercialising technologies. These programmes can be a distraction, especially as there may          technologies, that may be best commercialised                have been actively involved in building, financing
not be much IP involved (and even where there is, we may not own it). However, they can also be fun, generate       in a spin-out company. We explore what sort of               and managing successful university spin-outs.
income and enhance our profile within our institution and outside networks. Besides which, we may not have          technologies are best commercialised in this way,
much choice (or want anyone else to do it).                                                                         and the role of TT managers in setting the initial
                                                                                                                    business strategy.

                                                                                                                    Working with the founding academics to build a
                                                                                                                                                                                 • Gain an overview on the process of spinning out
                                                                                                                    well-financed, yet sustainable spin-out company
                                                                                                                                                                                 a company from a research institution
This course brings together those who have ‘student enterprise’ in their portfolio or would like to have it.        that can act as a great platform for commercialising
                                                                                                                                                                                 • Introduction into funding, especially Venture
We cover fundamentals of co-curricular course design, introduce some common tools, methodologies and                the technology – as well as providing a financial
                                                                                                                                                                                 Capital financing
frameworks. Amongst other ideas, this course will also take you through the design of events, competitions,         return to the university.
                                                                                                                                                                                 • How to manage conflicts of interest regarding
challenges, hackathons, their purpose and how they are run and judged.                                                                                                           scientists, founders, research institutions and TTOs
                                                                                                                                                                                 • Deepen your knowledge using interactive case
                                                                                                                    •   Business plans
• Fundamentals of co-curricular course design                                                                       •   Financing
• Introduction to common tools, methodologies and frameworks design of events, competitions, challenges and         •   Building value
hackathons                                                                                                          •   Due diligence
                                                                                                                    •   Conflicts of interests

•   How to can give students experience of commercialising technologies
                                                                                                                           “It is always encouraging to see that other TTOs are encountering the same problems than we do!”
•   Generate income
                                                                                                                                                                     Aurore De Boom
•   Enhance your profile within and outside your institution and networks
•   Engage with external experts
                                                                                                                           “ASTP-Proton provides very powerful data-rich information for all experience levels of participants.”

                                                        4                                                                                                                   5
Financial Tools                                                                                                           Fundamentals
for KTOs                                                                                                                  of Supporting Consultancy
CE Points                                                                                                           18    CE Points                                                                                                 13

?                                                                                                                         ?
    This course is designed to provide a better                   Are you looking to become an effective Licensing
    understanding of business finance in a KTO / TTO              Executive or Contracts Manager? This course targets     Consultancy is an important mechanism of                  The audience should be, people engaged in
    context. This course could be defined as “Finance             technology transfer professionals in academia           knowledge transfer which has wide-reaching                commercialisation, Knowledge Transfer, Business
    for the Non-Financials in KTO / TTO”. It is a very            and industry with at least two years experience         benefits on society, the economy, researchers,            Development roles in Commercialisation or other
    practical course that will build from limited financial       in technology marketing and/or licensing, and will      their institutions and external organisations. This       university administrative offices:
    knowledge and will be immediately applicable in               focus on the development of personal skills and         course is designed to help participants understand        • currently not providing any support to
    your business.                                                insights. Do you need to learn the latest marketing     the nature of consultancy in an academic setting.         researchers carrying out consultancy but wanting
                                                                  and negotiation techniques to prepare you for                                                                     to commence
                                                                  licensing technologies to industry or scouting new                                                                • wishing to start a formalised consultancy support
                                                                  technologies from academia?                                                                                       function
                                                                                                                                                                                    • in the early stages of formally supporting
•    Finance Model                                                                                                                                                                  consultancy
                                                                                                                          By following this course, you shall become aware
•    Financial Statements
                                                                                                                          of different models of support for consultancy,
•    Finance Terminology
                                                                  • Understand financial models and financial             understand the benefits and challenges and
•    Management Accounting
                                                                  ratio’s, valuation aspects, project finances, funding   how various approaches can impact on policy
                                                                  sources and subsidies and grants                        development and operational set up. In addition,
                                                                                                                          participants will explore business development            The course will develop your understanding of how
                                                                  • Interpret and analyse financial data about your
                                                                                                                          and marketing strategies to engage internal               consultancy fits into the wider university context;
                                                                  type of business and your (internal and external)
                                                                                                                          stakeholders, raise awareness of consultancy              how to raise its profile as a worthwhile activity
                                                                  customers (researchers, startups, alliance partners,
                                                                                                                          support and increase business opportunities               for research institutions to support and how it
                                                                  subsidy partners, …)
                                                                                                                          as well as discovering tools and techniques to            adds value for the institution. You will be guided
                                                                  • Understand what is driving your executive
                                                                                                                          increase efficiency and improve service offerings.        through how to identify the risks associated with
                                                                  decisions and link these challenges with your
                                                                                                                                                                                    carrying out consultancy, explore tools to assess
                                                                                                                                                                                    and mitigate risks and gain an understanding of
                                                                  • Speak the language and terminology of finance
                                                                                                                                                                                    the importance of consultancy agreements; how to
                                                                  and be confident to ask effective questions
                                                                                                                                                                                    recognise key important terms and negotiate them.
                                                                  • Understand accounting policies, financial
                                                                  statements, pricing structures, funding structures,
                                                                  capital structures, valuation methods, subsidy &
                                                                  grants structures.

                                                              6                                                                                                                 7
Knowledge Exchange in
Fundamentals of                                                                                                                                 Social Sciences,
Technology Transfer                                                                                                                         Humanities and Arts
CE Points                                                                                                         17   CE Points
                                                                                                                       CE Points                                                                                        12             12

?                                                                                                                      ?
This course will guide you through the basic                This three-day course is for people relatively new         SSHA knowledge transfer is fundamentally                       Frustrated with the STEM and biomedical focus
processes of technology transfer - from receiving           to technology and knowledge transfer with less             different to more traditional areas of knowledge               of most knowledge transfer courses? Do you feel
and evaluating an invention disclosure to pitching          than 2 years’ experience. The course is developed          transfer. Perhaps the most significant differences             the need for different strategies in the relation
for investment, and negotiating deals. You will learn       for professionals, from both public and private            are: less emphasis, or likelihood, of formal IP                to Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts? This
from experienced technology transfer professionals          institutions, entrepreneurs and consultants.               (particularly patents); the long-term nature of the            course is for knowledge transfer officers who
and have an opportunity to network with your                Designed for those working within a university             relationships; more complex (and often informal)               have significant interaction with researchers from
peers.                                                      KTO, linked directly or indirectly to technology           exchange of value and researcher’s motivations.                the SSHA. Participants should have more than
                                                            transfer activities and wishing to learn more              This has a profound effect on the nature of                    one years’ experience and already completed the
Through a mixture of seminar-style presentations,           about knowledge and technology transfer. This              knowledge and technology transfer in SSHA and                  Fundamentals to Technology Transfer course.
case studies, interactive analyses and discussions,         is a great way to develop a strong foundation of           it is these differences that are worth exploring
you will learn the fundamental skills of a technology       knowledge if you wish to advance your career.              in order to develop SSHA-specific strategies.
transfer professional. This is a great opportunity to       Many KTO professionals have benefited from this            Knowledge transfer in the SSHA is often seen as
learn in a small collaborative group from experts           professional development launch pad.                       ‘softer’ that in the ‘harder’ sciences – in this course,
                                                                                                                                                                                      • The main differences between knowledge
who have accumulated decades of insights and                                                                           we hope to show that the impact can be far more
                                                                                                                                                                                      transfer in SSHA, STEM & Biomedical sectors
specialist knowledge. Over three days, you will                                                                        profound and the tactics we use richer, more
                                                                                                                                                                                      • Pathways to impact in SSHA
develop skills and acquire the know-how vital to                                                                       creative and more challenging.
                                                                                                                                                                                      • To identify the sources of value in SSHA
becoming a succesful technology transfer officer.                                                                                                                                     opportunities
                                                            • Increase knowledge on setting up a                                                                                      • How to identify and triage potential SSHA
                                                            spin-off company, including the broad financing                                                                           opportunities
                                                            possibilities                                              • Translating SSHA strengths into useful socio-                • The nature of IP in SSHA projects
                                                            • Tips and tricks on negotiating a successful              economic outcomes                                              • Some models and mechanisms of engagement
•   Evaluation of exploitation strategy and options
                                                            deal (with a collaboration partner, a spin off or a        • The sources of value inherent in SSHA groups                 with for-profit companies
•   Patenting: ‘what you should know’
                                                            licensee)                                                  and projects
•   Introduction to licensing
                                                            • Gain insights into patenting and patent                  • The value proposition and revenue models
•   Basics of spin-off creation and financing
                                                            evaluation, and the licensing process                      • How organisations engage with SSHA
•   Collaboration and negotiation strategies
                                                                                                                                                                                      “The course is very well organised and the panel of
                                                                                                                       • Weaving different sources of value
                                                                                                                                                                                      speakers clarify the most important aspects to take
                                                                                                                       • Strategy and success from the university
                                                                                                                                                                                                          into account.”
                                                                                                                                                                                        Adrián Ibáñez Rodríguez, Knowledge Transfer
“This course gives a perfect overview of the challenges you meet as a KTO and also ideas on how to address             • Structuring value to capture fair value
                                                                                                                                                                                       & Entrepreneurship, Oficina UOC de Suport a la
                                         them in a professional way.”                                                                                                                         Recerca i la Transferència, Spain
                      Micheael Jonsson, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

                                                        8                                                                                                                         9
Marketing & Business                                                                                                                                             Negotiation Skills
Development                                                                                                                                                              for KTOs
CE Points                                                                                                      18    CE Points                                                                                                        13

?                                                                                                                    ?
Most knowledge transfer courses assume that                  This course is designed for those whose job             This three-day course will gives the participants            Knowledge transfer officers and legal advisors in
the partner is already identified and concentrate            involves finding and ‘warming up’ potential research    tools to prepare technology transfer negotiations            charge of the negotiation of knowledge transfer
on the ‘technical’ aspects of structuring a robust           partners and licensees; the human elements of           and improve their skills to make moves both at the           deals with industry and/or other academic
deal. However, the more difficult and time-                  negotiating a deal. It largely focuses on the part of   negotiation table and outside the negotiation table.         institutes.
consuming part of process is finding a partner and           the ‘process’ where, having identified a promising
generating commitment and enthusiasm to the                  technology or research strength, it is time to find     The interactive workshops include two negotiation            This course is designed for professionals having
point where they want to invest in the relationship          external partners willing to commit resources to        simulations and various case studies based                   at least two years of experience in knowledge
and do the deal. Using a series of case studies              take it to market and structure that deal.              on the real-life experience of the trainers. The             transfer activities. Participants are expected to
and reflections from experienced practitioners, this                                                                 participants will have the opportunity to assess             be familiar with the different types of knowledge
course develops frameworks and tools that can be                                                                     their negotiation style and will receive feedback on         transfer agreements and in particular licences and
widely used to develop new research and licensing                                                                    how effective they are at the negotiation table.             collaborative R&D.
collaborations and structure those relationships in a
way that benefits and aligns the motivation of both          • How to re-frame research strengths as
parties.                                                     commercial propositions
                                                             • What constitutes a successful client conversation     •   Win-win negotiations                                     • Adopt a negotiation approach aiming at
                                                             • Realising why we so often dislike negotiation and     •   The different types of negotiations                      achieving win-win deals.
                                                             conflict                                                •   Creating and claiming value in negotiations              • Be able to balance cooperative and competitive
                                                                                                                     •   Sharing information                                      approach at the negotiation table wisely.
                                                                                                                     •   BATNA                                                    • Understand your negotiation style.
                                                                                                                     •   Efficient frontier                                       • Know the psychological biases that can be used
                                                                                                                     •   Power in negotiations                                    to shape perception.
                                                             • Success as a Business Developer in academia           •   Negotiation styles                                       • Understand and protect yourself from dirty
                                                             • Developing commercial strategy                        •   The impact of time in negotiations                       tricks.
                                                             • The sales process                                     •   Shaping perceptions                                      • Use and be aware of possible moves outside the
                                                             • Using your ecosystem and (regional) networks          •   Dirty tricks                                             negotiation table.

                                                             ‘‘“Perfect training for a new Business Developer in
                                                                                                                         “ASTP courses are a great way to learn about the different aspects of tech transfer. It’s amazing what you
                                                                            academic tech transfer.”                                                           can learn in only a few days”
                                                               Cecile Cavalade, Université Libre de Bruxelles,                Brechtje Vreenegoor, Business Developer at Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands

                                                        10                                                                                                                  11
Organising your KTO                                                                                                                     Research &
for Growth and Success                                                                                                   Development Collaborations
CE Points                                                                                                      16    CE Points                                                                                                         16

?                                                                                                                    ?
This three-day course provides a broad overview of           Operations within knowledge transfer offices can be     Interactive learning is key to the success of this            An appreciation of managing complex negotiations
technology transfer, the inner processes of a KTO,           diverse in terms of human resources, stakeholder        course presented by leading KT/TTO experts.                   is useful when attending this course as it aims to
and ecosystem development activities. Experienced            engagement, and the business acumen needed to           Much of the learning will be conveyed through                 expand the know-how and expertise necessary for
KTO managers, will guide you through issues                  conduct daily business.                                 case studies, break-out groups and discussions.               negotiating complex and sometimes troublesome
such as reporting, human resources, intellectual                                                                     The results of each group session will be discussed           contracts.
property, contract management and compliance.                Are you an experienced KT Officer, KTO manager,         amongst your peers with an analysis of the results
The interactive workshops include case studies and           IP portfolio manager or responsible for the             provided by the course leaders.                               This course is designed for anyone wishing to
practical examples of KTO operations. The course             administrative processes of a KTO with at least                                                                       expand their skills and deepen their knowledge
has been scheduled to give you not only a valuable           two years’ experience? Do you wish to become            The course leaders aim to create an informal                  of the intricacies of research and development
learning experience but to allow you to optimise             Head of a KTO or responsible for the operation          learning environment which helps develop your                 collaborations.
networking opportunities with your peers from                of a KTO? This course is designed for technology        knowledge and the network.
across Europe.                                               transfer professionals in charge the operations or
                                                             administration of a knowledge transfer office.
                                                                                                                                                                                   • Handling communication between academia
                                                                                                                                                                                   and industry within collaborations
                                                                                                                     •   Stakeholder management
                                                                                                                                                                                   • Managing expectations
• By taking into account the specificities of their                                                                  •   Creating a win-win situation
                                                                                                                                                                                   • Improving your negotiation skills
research organisation, participants will be able to          • Role and tasks of the KTO                             •   Legal aspects
                                                                                                                                                                                   • Nurturing alliances
refine and improve the organisational model of their         • Organisational models                                 •   Negotiation
                                                                                                                                                                                   • Handling IP within collaborations
KTO                                                          • The different roles and profiles in a KTO
• To design effective reporting, addressing key              • Activities and financial reporting
stakeholder interests
• Manage the research results, using an IP approach
                                                             • Managing research results using an IP approach
                                                             • Managing a patent portfolio, research contracts,      ‘‘  “I learned more in the training course for 3 days than I did the last 3 months at my job. The lectures were
to maximise the benefits for society                         licensing agreements and strategic partnerships
• Acquire concrete advice and tools to improve their                                                                                                              informative & interesting.”
                                                                                                                                            Hanna Sonning, Legal Officer, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
operational processes specifically patent prosecution
and portfolio management, contract life cycle and
PoC scheme.                                                  “I really like the course and the networking. I would
• Learn how to effectively build a successful network                           like to come again”
of partners                                                  Nancy Goel, Marketing and Licensing Specialist,
                                                                             Qatar Foundation, Qatar

                                                        12                                                                                                                   13
Software Specific Challenges                                                                                                                                                           Technology
in Technology Transfer                                                                                                                                                                   Licensing
CE Points                                                                                                    16    CE Points                                                                                                      18

?                                                                                                                  ?
During this three-day course you will dive into              The diversity of intellectual property rights         Technology transfer is the business of selling new technologies to companies that can make products or
the software-specific challenges in technology               is overwhelming for any technology transfer           services from them. Our challenge is to identify potential licensees and negotiate a balanced license agreement
transfer. Kicking off with an overview of inventions,        professional. Besides computer-implemented            - which involves a lot more than just agreeing a royalty rate. The process is not inherently complex – but there
patents, licenses, and business concepts that are            inventions, a technology transfer professional        are many good practices and strategies to learn (and bad ones to avoid).
related to software. The challenges of software              working in the software area has to deal with
and which factors to be aware of when considering            copyright, open source licenses, end-user licence     In this highly interactive course, we will explore the many different facets of the licensing process through case
the basics will also be addressed, in addition to            agreements, and sui generis rights. This course       studies, teamwork and workshops. You will learn from experienced practitioners; those who have negotiated
less-familiar forms of IP protection. Other points           is designed for professionals that have at least 6    many complex license agreements. You will meet both academic and industry counterparts to understand their
for discussion are big data, marketing channels,             months experience in technology transfer and are      different perspectives on licensing technologies.
and software-based spin-offs. The course is highly           working with software and computer-implemented
interactive, including exercises and case studies.           inventions.

                                                                                                                   Are you looking to become an effective Licensing Executive or Contracts Manager? This course targets technology
                                                                                                                   transfer professionals in academia and industry with at least two years experience in technology marketing and/
                                                                                                                   or licensing, and will focus on the development of personal skills and insights. Do you need to learn the latest
• Software terminology                                       • Be acquainted with the different terminology
                                                                                                                   marketing and negotiation techniques to prepare you for licensing technologies to industry or scouting new
• Due diligence in software-implemented                      used in software and computer implemented
                                                                                                                   technologies from academia?
inventions                                                   inventions, as well as the implications of software
• Alternative IP forms for Software                          development for due diligence and licensing
• Open Source software                                       • Set a strategy for licensing, taking into account
• Software-specific terms in license agreements              the opportunities and limitations of using open
• Market channels available                                  source licenses                                       •    Marketing Intellectual Property                         • How to market technologies to attract and
• Business models in software                                • Design business models around software and          •    Valuing patents and other IP                            secure potential licensees
• Software-based spin-offs                                   computer-implemented inventions, and how to           •    Negotiating a licence                                   • How to value Intellectual Property
                                                             scale them                                            •    Post-deal management                                    • including patents to prepare for a negotiation
                                                             • Identify different market channels available        •    Handling difficult situations                           • What to do when things go wrong

‘‘                                                           (app, cloud, licensing models, hardware/software
                                                             bundles), and align their use with a specific
                                                                                                                                                                                • How to negotiate licences to ensure a win-win
 “This course has provided invaluable information
  as our TTO expands to take on software cases.”
                                                             business model
                                                                                                                    “ASTP brought the right structure and terminology
       Tom Withnell, University of Vienna
                                                                                                                       into my knowledge on technology licensing”
                                                                                                                        René Widmer, ETH Transfer, Switzerland

                                                        14                                                                                                                 15
What’s Next?t?
Think about global accreditation as a Registered Technology Transfer Professional (RTTP)

Is this your first training course?          Planning your career development?
Consider RTTP status at                      Consider our Road to RTTP service                      
You can also read