TRAINING PROGRAMME Inter-agency - January - December 2020 - East Riding Safeguarding

Page created by Ivan Foster

    January – December 2020
          (Last updated 17/03/2020)
ERSCP Multi-agency Training Programme 2020


 East Riding Safeguarding Children Partnership (ERSCP) is committed to delivering
 high quality inter-agency training which supports professionals, volunteers and
 the independent sector in their work, complimenting individual agency training
 strategies. Our range of courses and briefings are designed to ensure that anyone
 working with children and/or their family members has the knowledge and skills
 they need to deliver effective services to ensure children are safeguarded and
 their welfare promoted.

 In this programme you will see a mix of well-established and new learning
 opportunities all of which are informed by national legislation and guidance, local
 policy, procedures and guidance, and ERSCP Learning and Improvement
 Framework. Where possible courses are delivered in locality areas in order to
 promote inter-agency working and provide networking opportunities for the
 various agencies attending.

 Take time to look at the course aims and learning outcomes available at to help you to choose a course relevant to the development of
 your skills and knowledge. Please discuss your learning needs with your line
 manager and ensure you have their approval prior to application.

 Finally keep an eye on as additional course dates,
 current availability and new courses will be posted throughout the year.

 How to book onto face to face training sessions;

        Visit ERSCP website                     (you do not need a login for access)
        Select tab for 'Training'
        Scroll down to required course
                  *** check pre-requisite requirements ***

        Select 'apply to attend this course' -                  ensure alternative dates are selected when applying

 Other courses are also available via E-Learning. For details and to apply for these
 courses visit the ERSCP website and follow the link for ‘Training’ then ‘E-Learning’

 Please note: there is a 7 working day processing turnaround for provision of login details to access e-learning courses)

                                   Apply on-line at
                Enquiries – Email:                            (Tel: 01482 396994)
ERSCP Multi-agency Training Programme 2020

   Date         Day                           Course                              Venue

14/01/2020      Tues       Working Together to Safeguard Children     County Hall, Beverley
21/01/2020   Tues (eve)    The Vulnerability of Babies Training       Driffield Rugby Club
24/01/2020       Fri       Early Hep Assessment Training              ACE Centre, Driffield
28/01/2020      Tues       (Adult) Mental Health Awareness            Waffle 21, Beverley
29/01/2020      Wed        Safer Recruitment Training                 Waffle 21, Beverley
30/01/2020     Thurs       Safeguarding Children with Disabilities    Ergo, Hessle
31/01/2020    Fri (am)     Child Protection Conferences               County Hall, Beverley

05/02/2020      Wed        Hidden Sentence Training                   HMP Hull
06/02/2020   Thurs & Fri   Youth Mental Health First Aid (two days)   Ergo, Hessle
12/02/2020      Wed        Domestic Violence Awareness                Waffle 21, Beverley
13/02/2020     Thurs       Working Together to Safeguard Children     Sewerby Hall, Bridlington
14/02/2020      Mon        Safeguarding Children from Neglect         Goole Leisure Centre
24/02/2020    Mon (pm)     Safeguarding Workshop (TBC)                The Courtyard, Goole
25/02/2020   Tues (pm)     Safeguarding Workshop (TBC)                Bridlington Links Golf Club
26/02/2020    Wed (pm)     Safeguarding Workshop (TBC)                County Hall, Beverley

06/03/2020       Fri       Domestic Violence Awareness                Willerby Hill
09/03/2020      Mon        Substance Misuse Awareness                 County Hall, Beverley
10/03/2020      Tues       Domestic Violence & Children’s Needs       County Hall, Beverley
11/03/2020    Wed (am)     DASH Training                              Goole Leisure Centre
13/03/2020    Fri (pm)     ACEs Workshop                              Bridlington North Library

01/07/2020      Wed        Hidden Harm Training                       Goole Leisure Centre
08/07/2020    Wed (am)     DASH Training                              ACE Centre, Driffield
09/07/2020     Thurs       Child Death: Joint Agency Response         Waffle 21, Beverley
14/07/2020      Tues       GCP2 Training                              County Hall, Beverley
15/07/2020      Wed        Child Exploitation Training                County Hall, Beverley
16/07/2020     Thurs       Working Together to Safeguard Children     Goole Leisure Centre

                            Apply on-line at
             Enquiries – Email:        (Tel: 01482 396994)
ERSCP Multi-agency Training Programme 2020

   Date          Day                             Course                                     Venue

10/09/2020      Thurs      Working Together to Safeguard Children                ACE Centre, Driffield
11/09/2020       Fri       Child Death: Joint Agency Response                    Clough Road Police Station
15/09/2020      Tues       Safeguarding Children with Disabilities               County Hall, Beverley
17/09/2020      Thurs      (Adult) Mental Health Awareness Training              County Hall, Beverley
22/09/2020      Tues       Safer Recruitment Training                            Goole Leisure Centre
23/09/2020      Wed        Substance Misuse Awareness Training                   Sewerby Hall, Bridlington
25/09/2020       Fri       Domestic Violence Awareness Training                  Bridlington North Library
29/09/2020   Tues (am)     DUST Training                                         County Hall, Beverley

02/10/2020    Fri (am)     Child Protection Conferences                          County Hall, Beverley
05/10/2020    Mon (eve)    The Vulnerability of Babies Training                  Brantingham Park Rugby Club
06/10/2020      Tues       Safeguarding Children from Neglect                    ACE Centre, Driffield
13/10/2020      Tues       Working Together to Safeguard Children                TBC
14/10/2020      Wed        Early Help Assessment Training                        Worklink, Cottingham
15/10/2020      Thurs      Hidden Harm Training                                  Sewerby Hall, Bridlington
21/10/2020    Wed (am)     DASH Training                                         County Hall, Beverley
22/10/2020   Thurs & Fri   Youth Mental Health First Aid (two days)              Worklink, Cottingham

04/11/2020      Wed        Child Exploitation Training                           Worklink, Cottingham
05/11/2020   Thurs (am)    Awareness of Fabricated & Induced Illness             Ergo, Hessle
11/11/2020      Wed        Hidden Sentence Training                              HMP Hull
12/11/2020      Thurs      Domestic Violence & Children’s Needs                  Bridlington North Library
17/11/2020      Tues       Children & YP who display Harmful Sexual Behaviour    County Hall, Beverley
20/11/2020       Fri       Working with Children who have been Sexually Abused   County Hall, Beverley
25/11/2020      Wed        GCP2 Training                                         ACE Centre, Driffield
26/11/2020      Thurs      Safer Recruitment Training                            ACE Centre, Driffield

02/12/2020    Wed (pm)     The Vulnerability of Babies Training                  County Hall, Beverley
03/12/2020   Thurs (am)    Child Protection Conferences                          TBC
07/12/2020      Mon        Safer Recruitment Training                            County Hall, Beverley
10/12/2020      Thurs      Working Together to Safeguard Children                County Hall, Beverley
15/12/2020      Tues       Child Death: Joint Agency Response                    Clough Road Police Station

                            Apply on-line at
             Enquiries – Email:                   (Tel: 01482 396994)
ERSCP Multi-agency Training Programme 2020

               **Please be aware lunch will not be provided on ERSCB Multi-agency Safeguarding training**

      If you are an Academy or Independent School and would like to sign up to a service level agreement there is
     further information outlined on the East Riding of Yorkshire Council website.


                                      ERSCP Course fees

       ERSCP organised training charging system for face to
                  face training (per person per day)                                                 Charge

     (1)     No Charge for ERSCP contributing member (Agencies who
             provide a financial contribution to the ERSCB budget.
     Includes: East Riding of Yorkshire Council staff, Health, NHS England and Primary Care
     Trusts, Humberside Police, East Riding of Yorkshire Council Schools, CAFCASS, Local Non-
     commissioned Voluntary and Community Organisations.

     (2)     All non-contributing organisations and agencies (Any
             organisation or group that does not contribute to the ERSCB
             budget or does not contribute to the training will be charged                              £70
                                                                                                    (full day +VAT)
             when a member of their staff attends an ERSCP course.)

     Includes: Probation, Humberside Fire and Rescue, Academies, Independent and Private                £35
     Schools, Residential Care Homes, Early Years Child Care Providers (including; Child Minders,
                                                                                                    (half day +VAT)
     Private Providers / Nurseries, Pre-Schools, Crèche’s and Out of School Clubs), Foster
     Agencies, Taxi Firms, Transport Services, Arts, Leisure and Culture Organisations,
     Independent Tutors and Supply Teachers, Commissioned Voluntary and Community
     Organisations, General Practitioners, Dentists, Opticians, Prison Services.

     E-Learning training is charged at £30.00+VAT per person per course for all agencies in
     section 2 above (with the exception of Probation due to budget contributions). Please visit the
     ERSCB website for a list of current E-learning courses available.

     Cancellation Charges

     Individuals, who are unable to attend a course which has been confirmed, must cancel their booking
     via email ( as soon as they become aware of this. A substitute may
     take their place, but this must be checked with the ERSCB training coordinator prior to attending the
     training session.

     Cancellation charges will apply after a place has been confirmed if less than 5 working days’ notice
     of cancellation is given prior to a course date. Cancellations will be accepted for those who are ill or
     have certain extenuating circumstances (all telephone notifications must be followed up with an email to the
     above training inbox).

     All organisation and agencies £50 (Agencies will be charged and invoiced individually)

                              Apply on-line at
           Enquiries – Email:                          (Tel: 01482 396994)
ERSCP Multi-agency Training Programme 2020

     All organisations and agencies including those that contribute to the ERSCB pool budget will be
     charged £50 for non-attendance on the day where there has been no attempt to notify the ERSCB
     training coordinator.


                          Apply on-line at
          Enquiries – Email:              (Tel: 01482 396994)
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