Transforming know-how into solutions. Siemens Transformers - Answers for energy.

Page created by Nicholas Sandoval
Transforming know-how into solutions. Siemens Transformers - Answers for energy.
Transforming know-how into solutions.
Siemens Transformers.

Answers for energy.
Transforming know-how into solutions. Siemens Transformers - Answers for energy.
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Transforming know-how into solutions. Siemens Transformers - Answers for energy.
Transforming ideas into quality.
Siemens Transformers.
Whether for infrastructure systems, industry or households – transformers play a key role for a reliable power supply.
As a customer, you quite rightly place the highest demands on reliability, cost-effectiveness and operation time.
In more than 100 countries and for more than 100 years, transformers made by Siemens are synonymous with top
quality – as a result of ideas, know-how and unequaled experience.

The right transformer for your task         optimized interfaces. You can build            At present, Siemens produces world-
You need a product that exactly fits your   consistently on our experience: from           wide around 200,000 MVA annually
task. We provide the right transformer      the initial advice, followed by the design,    (including DT) – which means approxi-
for every requirement – from compact        construction, manufacture, transport           mately 25,000 distribution transformers
distribution transformers (DT) to large     and commissioning, to Siemens TLM™ –           and up to 1,000 power transformers.
power transformers with ratings over        Transformer Lifecycle Management™.
1,000 MVA.                                                                                 These are some of the reasons why your
                                            Reliability – born from experience             transformers should be “made by Siemens.”
Everything fits together – from the         You are looking for a solution provider with   Let us sit down together and talk about
consultation to the service                 experience. Our background: 100 years          your ideas – we will work out the solution
You expect a conclusive overall concept –   of know-how and an installed base of           most suitable for you.
one that’s trouble-free, fast and offers    several million MVA around the world.

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Transforming know-how into solutions. Siemens Transformers - Answers for energy.
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Transforming know-how into solutions. Siemens Transformers - Answers for energy.
Transforming ideas into tomorrow’s solutions.
Siemens Transformers.
From the simple instrument transformer to today‘s high-tech product – the history of the transformer is full of trailblazing
inventions and innovations. Always a leader in development: Siemens is a pioneer of the transformer technology.

Origins                                     Internationalization                          Expansion into a unique network
In 1890 Sigmund Schuckert built a factory   As early as 1903 Siemens and Schuckert        The next milestone followed in 2005
in Nuremberg, Germany; one of the main      joined forces and formed the Siemens-         with the integration of VA TECH –
products were transformers – the origin     Schuckert-Werke. Their products set           including the brand names ELIN, EBG,
of the Siemens transformers. Only one       milestones on the international market        Peebles, Ferranti-Packard and STEM –
year later, the company‘s products were     for more than half a century. To be better    into Siemens AG. This combined the
used in the cross-country connection        able to meet the increasing global require-   strengths of two of the world‘s top
between the Neckar hydroelectric power      ments, Siemens and AEG combined               transformer manufacturer groups.
station and the site of the International   their transformer production in 1969.
Technical Exhibition in Frankfurt.          The Transformatoren Union AG (TU) was         Today, “Siemens transformers“ represents
                                            established, quickly becoming a world-        a unique, worldwide sales, production
                                            renowned manufacturer. In 1987 TU             and service network with offices, produc-
                                            was re-integrated into Siemens AG.            tion centers and service facilities in more
                                                                                          than 190 countries.

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Transforming know-how into solutions. Siemens Transformers - Answers for energy.
Siemens Transformers –
the milestones:
1912 A new standard is defined with        1969 Siemens supplies the first three-       1980 The first 10-MVA GEAFOL
     the first transformers for 100-kV          phase generator and network                  cast-resin transformer is delivered
     transmission.                              transformers for 400 kV.                     from Kirchheim.

1923 The first three-phase transformers    1972 Transformers and reactors for           1982 250-MVAr shunt reactors for
     in five-limb design are built in           high-voltage direct current (HVDC)           420 kV, the largest in the world
     Nuremberg.                                 transmission are tested success-             at the time, are successfully put
                                                fully in a pilot project. Since then,        into operation.
1932 Phase-shifting transformers are            more than 15 of such systems
     used for the supply of out-of-phase        have been equipped throughout           1984 The first 850/1100-MVA generator
     variable voltages in networks for          the world – making Siemens the               transformer is built according to
     the first time.                            leading manufacturer of this                 the DVG standard.
                                                energy-saving future technology.
1965 The GEAFOL cast-resin transformer                                                  1995 The first 9.15-MVA GEAFOL
     is introduced.                        1974 Siemens supplies the first 1,020-MVA         cast-resin transformer mounted
                                                generator transformer 415/27 kV              in protection housing IP44 with
1968 The first single-phase transformers        for the Philippsburg NPP, which will         air/water-cooling system is
     and reactors for 800-kV networks           be the world’s largest three-phase           installed on the Grand Princess
     set new standards.                         transformer for nearly twenty years.         cruise ship.

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Transforming know-how into solutions. Siemens Transformers - Answers for energy.
1998 The first 22-MVA GEAFOL cast-           2005 The “whispering transformer” –
     resin transformer with oil-free              the first extremely quiet 420-MVA/
     on-load tap changers is delivered.           345-kV autotransformer is built
                                                  for the USA with a sound pressure
1999 The first static frequency converter,        level of only 57 dB (A).
     55.5 MVA (static shunt compen-
     sator) is installed for Flexible AC     2007 The first 40 MVA 20 ± 2 x 2.5 % /
     Transmission Systems (FACTS) in              12-kV GEAFOL cast-resin transformer
     the USA.                                     is produced. Siemens supplies the
                                                  first single-phase step-up trans-
2002 The first MIDEL®-insulated 230-kV            formers with 701 MVA; 400/21 kV
     transformer, 135 MVA, is built for           for a 2100-MVA transformer bank.
     Sweden. 300 MVA ± 500-kV HVDC
     transformers and smoothing              2008 Siemens receives the first two orders
     reactors are developed for various           from China for ± 800-kV UHVDC
     HVDC projects in China’s Southern            (ultra high voltage DC) transformers
     Grid.                                        for the world’s longest and most
                                                  powerful UHVDC connections:
                                                  Yunnan – Guangdong at 5,000 MW
                                                  and a portion of Xiangjiaba –
                                                  Shanghai at 6,400-MW.

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Transforming know-how into solutions. Siemens Transformers - Answers for energy.
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Transforming know-how into solutions. Siemens Transformers - Answers for energy.
Transforming knowledge into first-class products.
Siemens Transformers.
Why Siemens transformers are held in such high regard throughout the world can be explained very easily:
because of the proven reliability in decades of continuous operation – often under the most demanding
environmental conditions. The basis for this success is the acknowledged high quality of design and construction.

Systematic quality                            Reliability right from the start               Extremely low failure rate
Our quality management system certified       Siemens transformers are subject to very       In technical publications, a failure rate of
according to DIN ISO 9001 is in effect in     stringent final approval tests performed       0.5 percent is considered as “excellent”.
all factories where Siemens transformers      at the place of manufacture. Highly            A value lower than this is achieved in all
are manufactured. It is organized in          specialized test laboratories are available    our factories. This is the result of high
the same way everywhere, so quality is        for this purpose in all factories. The         quality standards which, of course, also
the logical result of a uniform philosophy.   result: maximum availability and reliability   apply to our subcontractors. A further
                                              in field use.                                  reason is the comprehensive feedback of
                                                                                             experience from operations, which we
                                                                                             use to optimize our products.

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Transforming know-how into solutions. Siemens Transformers - Answers for energy.
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Transforming concepts into variety.
Siemens Transformers.
Only a company that offers a complete product range can really cover all of your requirements.
Siemens has put this fact into practice.

Whether the task is to transform the              Setting the course for success                 Safely and punctually at the site
generated power at the power plant, to            The parameters must already be correct         The transport of transformers is precision
bridge seas and continents or to provide          during the specification so that the trans-    work. We ensure that your product arrives
a stable power supply directly at the con-        former solution meets your requirements.       safely and punctually at the location of
sumer – we will work out and implement            We provide qualified advice for the decisive   installation – whether by rail, ship, road
the correct solution for you. For every re-       questions – from dimensioning through          or air. In every country in the world,
quired power, every voltage, every cool-          budgeting and configuration to network         irrespective of the size of the transformer
ing method and every operating mode.              planning.                                      – and including all the formalities from
                                                                                                 customs to transport insurance.

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Generator step-up transformers –                   Transformers for HVDC –                          Special-purpose transformers
1   customized advanced technology for             5   for especially efficient power transport     9   for applications in power transmission
    high- and very-high-voltage systems                under difficult conditions

    Generator step-up transformers enable              Whether over long distances or between           Siemens provides a complete range of
    an individual adaptation to the voltage            systems with different frequencies –             transformers that perform special tasks.
    levels of the power plant and transmission         the relatively new technology of high-           These range from short-circuit testing
    conditions. Siemens step-up transformers           voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission       transformers to infeed transformers for
    have set examples throughout the world –           ensures the economical transport of power.       traction systems or experimental physical
    up to the power limit range.                       However, its implementation requires             systems.
                                                       very special knowledge during the concep-
                                                       tion, manufacture and installation of the
                                                       transformers and smoothing reactors.
                                                       There are very few companies only that
                                                       can provide this technology, and Siemens
                                                       is the worldwide number one.

    System and system-interconnecting                  GEAFOL cast-resin transformers –                Traction transformers –
2   transformers                                   6   for economical power supply directly         10 for a mobile society and
                                                       at the consumer                                 fast transport of goods

    High voltage networks use different                The name GEAFOL stands for features              Compact, economical and above all safe,
    voltages (e.g. 500, 400, 230 kV).                  that have proven themselves for over four        Siemens traction transformers have
    To enable the power flow of electrical             decades in various applications, from            accompanied – and in some cases
    energy between these networks for the              the wind power station to the cathedral:         enabled – the development of transpor-
    cross-point system, interconnecting                the cast-resin transformers are flame-           tation systems for more than 90 years.
    t ransformers are used. System trans-              retardant, flame-extinguishing, and              Today they are used in locomotives,
    formers manage the connection of high              even with arcs do not ignite or develop          urban railways and high-speed trains –
    voltage and medium voltage networks.               poisonous gases – thanks to the environ-         day in and day out.
                                                       mentally friendly quartz-powder-filled
                                                       epoxy resin insulation. The practically
                                                       maintenance-free operation reduces
                                                       the life-cycle costs, and the version with
                                                       reduced no-load and short-circuit losses
                                                       provides even greater efficiency. The
                                                       very high freedom of partial discharges
                                                       up to twice the rated voltage ensures
                                                       best reliability.

    Phase shifters for optimized                       Oil distribution transformers and
3   control of power flow in                       7   voltage regulators – for reliable supply
    electrical networks                                through to the final consumer

    Highly specialized phase shifters from             The smallest links in the chain of trans-
    Siemens offer network operators the                formers are in operation at the end of the
    possibility of optimizing their transmission       transmission and distribution of the elec-
    capacity in existing networks economically.        trical power. Hundreds of thousands of
    They significantly increase flexibility and        Siemens transformers are being used for
    speed in controlling the power flow                this around the world – of optimizing to
    between existing networks of different             provide power inconspicuously, but effi-
    voltage and phase conditions.                      ciently and reliably to the consumer.

    Shunt reactors –                                   Special-purpose transformers
4   for better power systems                       8   for industrial applications

    As one of just a few internationally experi-       Everywhere raw materials are industrially
    enced specialists, Siemens manufactures            produced and processed, extreme currents
    reactors for all fields of application – and       and power are needed. Siemens provides
    makes a significant contribution to the            the techno logies even for the most
    stabilization and improvement in efficiency        demanding applications – such as rolling
    of the power systems through reactive-             mill drives, melting furnaces or electro-
    power compensation and reduction of                chemical plants.
    overvoltage. Siemens products have
    also proven themselves at the highest
    of voltages and extreme powers.

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Transforming commitment into
comprehensive service. Siemens Transformers.
With your investment in a Siemens transformer, you expect maximum consideration over the entire operation time.
You can rely on this: we are always there to assist you with our experience and technical competence.

Longer operation time, optimized           This term covers a wide range of services,   Overview of the TLM™ – Transformer
utilization with TLM™ – Transformer        with the goal to significantly lengthen      Lifecycle Management™ services:
Lifecycle Management™                      the operation time of your transformers      ■ Condition Assessment and
As with every other technical system,      and therefore to optimize utilization over      Diagnostics
transformers are subject to a certain      the entire operation time. In this way,      ■ Online Monitoring
amount of wear during operation. The       you receive the optimum benefit from         ■ Consulting & Expertise
decisive factor is knowing the duration    your investment.                             ■ Maintenance & Lifecycle Extension
of trouble-free operation and implement-                                                ■ Spare Parts & Accessories
ing countermeasures in good time. The                                                   ■ Repair & Retrofit
solution: Siemens TLM™ – Transformer                                                    ■ Transport, Installation &
Lifecycle Management™.                                                                     Commissioning

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China                                           USA                                         USA

15 generator transformers Three Gorges,         Four autotransformers with extremely        Two phase shifters for a supply
the world’s largest hydroelectric power plant   low noise for a US power supply company     system station in Nevada

Technical data:                                 Technical data:                             Technical data:
Power: 840/1092 MVA                             Power: 420 MVA                              Power: 309/520/650 MVA, three-phase
Voltage: 550 ± 2 x 2.5 %/20 kV                  Voltage: 345 kV                             Voltage: 525/525 kV
Cooling method: ODWF with river water           Sound pressure level: 57 dB (A)             Load operation: ± 24°

Transforming local requirements
into global options. Siemens Transformers.
Size and proximity – you profit from both aspects during your cooperation with Siemens. As one of the world‘s largest
manufacturers of transformers, we provide a tight network of competence; at the same time, we are your regional
contact, who understands and implements your requirements.

Our manufacturing competence is con-            quality management standards. This         the world, whether on land, water or at
centrated at 20 locations throughout the        network is also supported by the global    extreme elevations – Siemens transformers
world. We can guarantee a high local            Siemens presence in over 190 countries.    are at home in every environment. What
added-value share at all these locations.                                                  does your environment look like? Get in
These production sites are linked through       The following examples provide an          touch with us. We will be pleased to
the exchange of experience, which               overview of the solutions resulting from   advise you and develop the transformer
results from the numerous practical field       this cooperation. Whether hundreds of      solution that perfectly meets your require-
jobs and through worldwide uniform              meters below the ground or on top of       ments.

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China                                          USA                                           Germany

800-kV UHVDC transformers for the world’s      Reactor for a power supply company            Transmission transformer for the
longest and most powerful transmission links                                                 Bürgerwindpark Lübke-Koog

Technical data:                                Technical data:                               Technical data:
Power single-phase: 400 MVA                    Power: 150 MVAr, three-phase                  Power: 40 (50) MVA
Power three-phase: 300 MVA                     Voltage: 525 kV                               Voltage: 110 kV / 60 kV
Voltage: ± 800 kV UHVDC                        Cooling: ONAN separate cooling unit
                                                                                             Vector groups changeable
Rated power: > 5,000 MW                                                                      On HV side: to YN
Transmission distance: > 1,400 km                                                            On LV side: reconnectable
                                                                                             From yn6(d) to d5, 21 kV

Germany                                        Germany                                       Europe

Industrial transformer for a high-grade        Two of the most powerful GEAFOL cast-resin    163 locomotive transformers
steel mill                                     transformers in the world are used on the     BR 189 Eurolok for 15 countries
                                               experimental and test line for high voltage
                                               direct current transmission systems at
                                               Siemens Energy in Erlangen

Technical data:                                Technical data:                               Technical data:
Isolating transformer including                Rated power: 40 MVA                           Rated power: 7980 kVA
furnace transformer and series                 Voltage: 20/12.2 kV                           Voltage: 15/25 kV
reactor in one tank                            Cooling method: AN/AF                         Traction: 4 x 1.6 kV (1650 kVA)
Power: 100 MVA                                                                               Cooling method: KDAF, 580 kW
Voltage: 110/0.950–0.525 kV

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Published by and copyright © 2009:
Siemens AG
Energy Sector
Freyeslebenstrasse 1
91058 Erlangen, Germany

Siemens AG
Energy Sector
Power Transmission Division
Katzwanger Strasse 150
90461 Nuremberg, Germany

For more information, please contact
our Customer Support Center.
Phone: +49 180/524 70 00
Fax:    +49 180/524 24 71
(Charges depending on provider)

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