Transporting Melbourne A call for an integrated transport plan for Melbourne - Shaping Melbourne's future - Committee for Melbourne

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Transporting Melbourne A call for an integrated transport plan for Melbourne - Shaping Melbourne's future - Committee for Melbourne
A call for an
transport plan
for Melbourne

                 Shaping Melbourne’s future
Transporting Melbourne A call for an integrated transport plan for Melbourne - Shaping Melbourne's future - Committee for Melbourne
About Committee for Melbourne                           Transport Taskforce
Committee for Melbourne (Committee) is an               The Committee’s Transport Taskforce, led by
apolitical, not-for-profit, member-based entity         partner at McKinsey & Company, Ishaan Nangia,
that brings together over 140 organisations from        aims to foster a greater understanding of
Greater Melbourne’s business, academic and civic        Melbourne’s transport challenges, identify key
sectors, who share a common vision to make              priorities for action and advocate for change.
Melbourne a better place to live, work and do
business.                                               The Committee acknowledges and thanks the
                                                        individuals from its member organisations, who
As an independent organisation we represent no          have contributed to this report. They include:
single interest group or political position, but seek
to challenge conventional thinking and to develop       Jacqui Banks | Arcadis
innovative ideas to continue to enhance our
position as an economically prosperous and highly       Brendan Bourke | Port of Melbourne
liveable global city.
                                                        Anna Crameri | RPS

                                                        Graham Currie | Monash University
Our thanks                                              Ngcebo Gwebu | Jacobs
The Committee would like to express its                 Jaison Hoernel | Good Cycles
appreciation to our member organisations who
helped contribute to the development of this            David Jardine | Ashurst
                                                        Peter Kartsidimas | RACV

                                                        Amy Lezala | Metro Trains
                                                        Avin Luther | Commonwealth Bank of Australia
The purpose of this document is to call for the
development and publication by the Victorian            Darryn Paterson | Transurban
State Government of a comprehensive plan for an
integrated transport system for Greater Melbourne,      Michael Wandmaker | Melbourne Water
which incorporates transport, land-use and
economic development planning.
                                                        This report has been produced with the assistance
                                                        of representatives from Committee for Melbourne’s
                                                        Secretariat, including:

                                                        Martine Letts | CEO

                                                        Leanne Edwards | Director of Policy & Research

                                                        Brett Van Duppen | Policy and Research Officer

                                                        Julien Babanoury | Intern (The University of Utah)

1                                                                         Transporting Melbourne | July 2020
Transporting Melbourne A call for an integrated transport plan for Melbourne - Shaping Melbourne's future - Committee for Melbourne

 Transporting Melbourne was written prior to the onset of COVID-19, yet its key message remains
 more relevant than ever. The development and publication of a comprehensive integrated transport
 plan, which incorporates transport, land-use and economic development planning, is essential for the
 future of Greater Melbourne. It will provide certainty for the settlement, investment and development
 activity that is essential for the economy.

 COVID-19 has given us some breathing space to review the key elements of a comprehensive plan,
 taking into account, for example, the impact the pandemic will have on our working and commuting
 behaviour. Our assessment is that this does not reduce the need for a comprehensive, integrated
 plan, but may well change the sequencing and implementation of the components of such a plan.

 Prior to the health crisis, it was widely recognised that the construction of new transport
 infrastructure alone was unlikely to eectively deal with the congestion problems being experienced
 across Greater Melbourne. As we emerge from the COVID-19 health emergency, things might get
 worse, with governments reassessing major transport infrastructure investments as they accumulate
 signicant debt in the delivery of stimulus and support packages in response to COVID-19.
 Combined with the expected economic lag, some large infrastructure projects may now be at risk.
 This presents a major opportunity to consider a suite of lower-cost demand management initiatives.
 User pricing across the transport network, including for roads, public transport, and parking, could
  shift travel demand, helping reduce congestion, particularly during peak periods.

 Planners and policy-makers will need to consider the impact the adjustments we have made to our
 lives during the health crisis will have on how Melbourne functions in future. For example, COVID-19
 has seen many professionals working from home, with organisations now considering incorporating
 more exible working arrangements into their long-term strategies. This may reduce the demand on
 the transport network.

 Social distancing is likely to reduce the capacity of public transport, with bike paths and active
 transport options more sought after than before. The right infrastructure will need to be in place
 to meet these demands. The development of fast and reliable transport links to major employment
 centres as well as improvements in rst and last-mile connectivity to encourage greater uptake in
 public transport, should also be considered.

Transporting Melbourne | July 2020                                                                       2
The rise in people working from home has also tested how efiective Greater Melbourne’s
neighbourhoods are. Increased demand for access to local green spaces, walking and biking paths,
supermarkets and health services has been a feature of the pandemic period. To cultivate more
liveable neighbourhoods, improvements to local amenity will be needed, such as access to local
social activities (cafes, restaurants) as well as better infrastructure for active transport.

The response to this health crisis has reduced pollution across the city - the skies have been clearer
and the air cleaner. People now know what is possible. There is an opportunity to remake civic life
which will help the natural environment and improve peoples’ health, including initiatives to support
cycling and active transport. Policies to facilitate the widespread adoption of electric cars and buses
could also reduce pollution across Greater Melbourne.

As the economy recovers and we again welcome increasing numbers of new residents and visitors,
we must ask ourselves what we must do for Greater Melbourne to remain highly liveable, prosperous
and sustainable. Designing and implementing a comprehensive strategic plan, which combines
transport, land-use and economic development planning, is a good place to start. The creation in
July 2019 of an integrated Department of Transport should help pave the way for the Victorian
Government’s ability to take a truly integrated approach, working across jurisdictions, departments
and in collaboration with the private sector.

                        identiffies the key areas that a plan should cover, including demand
management, urban development and sustainability, which have become even more important in
light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Martine Letts					Ishaan Nangia

CEO | Committee for Melbourne		             Chair | Transport Taskforce

3                                                                      Transporting Melbourne | July 2020
Contents   Introduction..............................................................................5
           Summary of recommendations.........................................6
           Growth pressures on Greater Melbourne......................8
                     Population growth......................................................8
                     Trade volume................................................................8
                     Visitor economy...........................................................9
           A call for an integrated transport plan.........................10
           Elements of an integrated transport plan....................14
           Element 1: Demand management....................................15
                     Road-user pricing......................................................16
                     Commuter incentives...............................................17
                     Flexible employment arrangements..................18
           Element 2: Infrastructure....................................................19
                     Optimise existing assets........................................20
                     Value of infrastructure............................................20
                     Industry engagement...............................................21
                     F nding..........................................................................21
           Element 3: Technology........................................................23
                     Electric vehicles........................................................23
                     Mobility as a Service...............................................24
                     Shared mobility.........................................................24
                     Autonomous vehicles.............................................25
           Element 4: Land-use planning.........................................26
                     Sustainable land-use planning............................26
                     Active transport........................................................27
           Element 5: Economic development..............................29
                     Innovation precincts................................................29
                     Australian East-Coast Megaregion....................30

Melbourne is recognised globally as one of the          population, trade and tourism growth, resulting
most liveable cities in the world. It is safe, boasts   in increasing levels of congestion.
a diverse economy, delivers excellent health
and education services, and hosts world-class           While the construction blitz Melbourne
sporting events and cultural attractions.               is experiencing is delivering many long-
                                                        needed projects, there is growing unease that
Underpinning Greater Melbourne’s growth and             Melbourne’s infrastructure is still not meeting
prosperity has been its transportation system.          our current and future set of challenges. It
The city possesses the country’s largest freeway        is considered that current plans for future
network, the world’s largest tram network, a train      investment will not be enough to overcome
and bus network, and international gateways             these challenges. The city’s meteoric and
for people and freight through Melbourne                unprecedented growth is placing our transport
Airport and the Port of Melbourne; Australia’s          assets under immense strain. Skyrocketing
largest container port. This system has helped          project costs, skills shortages, funding
Melbourne become a thriving metropolis.                 constraints, disruptive technologies and the
                                                        absence of a clear integrated plan, are some of
However, mobility in Melbourne has reached              the reasons contributing to a collective sense
a tipping point. The population explosion               that the challenge is becoming acute. COVID-19
Melbourne has experienced in the past decade,           has complicated matters further.
combined with growing tourism and trade
volumes, has placed our essential services              In addition, our reliance on private vehicles
 including our transport system - under                 will exacerbate congestion and continue to
great pressure. Prior to COVID-19, peak hour            have negative implications for the planet, with
commutes on public transport had become                 transport being Australia’s second largest source
increasingly uncomfortable, while trafic                of greenhouse gas pollution.i Melburnians
congestion on our roads had worsened. These             should look no further than the images of
conditions are expected to return following the         devastation and destruction brought about by
crisis.                                                 the recent national bushffire crisis to understand
                                                        the importance of reducing our emissions and
Melbourne has faced considerable transport              safeguarding our natural environment. To ensure
challenges in the past and has addressed                sustainable urban development and to lower
those challenges through sound policy and               emissions, Melbourne must embrace alternative
infrastructure investment. Whether it was the           forms of transport and smart technology
creation of the Hoddle Grid to help regularise          solutions for future transport.
the city’s street pattern, the construction of an
underground city loop to alleviate the bottleneck       As we continue to welcome increasing numbers
between Flinders Street and Spencer Street              of new residents and visitors, and as our
Stations or the construction of the extensive           economy continues to produce and consume
freeway network to accommodate suburban                 more goods and services, we must ask ourselves
growth, infrastructure policy plans responded           what it will take to remain a highly liveable,
to the challenges at the time. However, the             prosperous and sustainable, twenty-ffirst century
construction of road and public transport               city.
projects over the last 20 years has lagged

5                                                                         Transporting Melbourne | July 2020
Summary of

 A call for an integrated transport                Infrastructure
                                                   Recommendation 4: Optimise existing assets
 Recommendation 1: Publish and implement an        through eective demand and congestion
 ecient and sustainable integrated transport       management strategies, technology upgrades
 plan that includes land-use and economic plans,   and asset management practices.
 to enable seamless mobility throughout Greater
 Melbourne.                                        Recommendation 5: Improve approaches to
                                                   cost-benet analyses to enhance their accuracy
 Governance                                        with respect to capturing the true costs and
                                                   benets of a project.
 Recommendation 2: Develop a governance
 model that encourages strategic decision-         Recommendation 6: Implement measures
 making and the development of an integrated       which help reduce major infrastructure bid
 transport plan, with targets, timeframes and      costs and ensure that contract risk allocation is
 accountabilities.                                 designed to maximise market competition and
 Elements of an integrated                         Recommendation 7: Explore and test how
 transport plan                                    various value capture mechanisms could
                                                   be implemented to fund major transport
 Demand management                                 infrastructure projects.
 Recommendation 3: Consider a broad approach       Recommendation 8: Ensure there are enough
 to incentives and pricing to improve eciencies    skilled professionals to deliver a pipeline of key
 of the transport network system, including for    infrastructure projects.

 a. Implement one or more transport network
 pricing mechanisms to help reduce congestion
 and overcrowding.

 b. Oer dierent incentives to reduce numbers
 of people travelling simultaneously to the CBD.

Transporting Melbourne | July 2020                                                                      6
Technology                                          Economic development
                     Align the regulatory and                             Ensure an integrated
physical environment for electric vehicles with     transport plan drives and facilitates the
overseas best practice.                             development of innovation precincts across
                      Ensure accurate transport
data, including mobile data, is (ethically)                                Ensure an integrated
collected, shared and utilised in real time.        transport plan maximises Melbourne’s potential
                                                    to attract national and foreign direct investment.
                     Ensure Melbourne’s
urban landscape encourages shared mobility                                Ensure an integrated
as a pathway towards more eficient and              transport plan considers the needs of the visitor
environmentally sustainable mobility solutions.     economy.

                       Conduct studies and                                 Ensure an integrated
trials to assess the multitude of autonomous        transport plan considers how Melbourne will
use cases, variables and scenarios, to fully        integrate eectively with Australia’s east coast
understand how trafic congestion will change.       cities and regions.

Land-use planning
                       Ensure that the integrated
transport plan includes a sustainable land-use
strategy which accommodates the needs of
individuals and the freight sector.

                      Develop a long-
term, strategic outlook when developing a
comprehensive plan for Melbourne, including the
sequencing of projects over time.

                    Create an urban
environment which encourages the uptake of
active transport.

                      Reduce rezoning land
on Melbourne’s urban fringe and develop a
comprehensive framework that encourages
urban densiffication.

7                                                                     Transporting Melbourne | July 2020
Growth pressures on Greater

 Melbourne’s transit network is under increasing       combined with inefficient investment in transport
 pressure from a multitude of factors. Australia’s     infrastructure, will reduce and dissipate the
 historic car culture is contributing to our           economic gains from an increasing population.
 current challenges, as is the absence of a
 comprehensive, strategic, metropolitan-wide           Trade volume
 plan. However, three key areas contributing
 to this problem today include the growth              Domestic and international trade is good for
 in population, trade volumes and the visitor          Melbourne. Increased competition for goods and
 economy. While the restrictions on mobility in        services helps grow the economy and benefits
 response to COVID-19 has temporarily halted the       consumers by raising the purchasing power of
 demand on the transport network, high demand          their incomes.
 is expected to re-emerge as mobility restrictions
 ease.                                                 As the economic centre of Victoria, Melbourne
                                                       makes up 227 million tonnes of freight task, out
 Population growth                                     of the 270 million tonnes Victoria generates
                                                       per year. The Port of Melbourne plays a key
 Despite Greater Melbourne’s transport system          role in enabling this ow of goods. In 2018-
 serving us well to this point, it is now under        2019, it handled over three million Twenty-Foot
 significant pressure. The city’s population has       Equivalent Units (TEUs), while Melbourne
 grown by over one million people since 2006,          Airport and Avalon Airport, also play vital roles
 which has placed greater demand on our                as gateways for freight.
 transport infrastructure.
                                                       Melbourne is not standing still; trade volumes
 With Melbourne’s population having just passed        are expected to increase significantly over
 five million people and expected to reach             the next three decades. With the population
 approximately nine million by 2050, the pressure      expected to increase, more containers carrying
 on our transit and freight networks will continue     all kinds of consumer goods will continue to
 to grow. Increased road use and traffic has seen      enter the market. Despite a potential review
 Melburnians driving 2.7 per cent slower during        into Australia’s supply chain network following
 peak hour in 2018 compared with five years            COVID-19, the import of building materials
 earlier. This trend is set to continue with freeway   to construct homes and infrastructure will
 delays expected to rise by 12.5 per cent in the       likely continue to increase, as will machinery,
 morning peak.                                         electronic products and fuel; all necessary to
                                                       help continue powering the economy. Port of
 Melbourne’s outer suburbs are the fastest             Melbourne forecasts that total container trade
 growing in Australia. This outward expansion          volumes will grow by 3.5 per cent per annum
 of commercial and low-density residential             over the long term, equating to approximately
 development to the fringes of metropolitan            8.9 million TEUs by 2050. While the growth in
 Melbourne means that approximately 1.4 million        trade will be significant, an important challenge
 Melburnians lack access to quality public             to overcome will be the added congestion on
 transport; forcing ever-more people onto              our road network.
 the road network. This mounting congestion,

Transporting Melbourne | July 2020                                                                         8
Visitor economy                                             KEY STAT I ST I C S :
                                                     M EL BOU R N E’S G R OW TH
Over the coming decades, Melbourne and                             P R ESSU R E S
its regions will welcome more domestic and
international visitors. With numbers expected         9 million: Melbourne’s expected
to swell, it adds to our need for an integrated       population in 2046 (up from 5 million in
transport plan to accommodate this growth.            2018)x

In 2019, Victoria welcomed 90.6 million               1: Melbourne is Australia’s fastest
international and domestic visitors – up 11.2 per     growing cityxi
cent on the previous year. As the international
gateway to our city, Melbourne Airport                11.5%: increase in average daily
welcomed approximately 35 million domestic            commuting times (2002 2017)
and international passengers per year. This
                                                      13%: congestion increase on the
number was expected to increase to 67.8 million                                                xiii
                                                      Tullamarine Freeway (2013-2018)
b 2038.     While the impact of COVID-19 will
 temporarily reduce visitor numbers and may           $10.3 billion: annual cost of road
 slightly alter the anticipated number of visitors     congestion to Melbourne’s economy in
 in the near term, the expected near doubling of       2030xiv
 passengers over time is still expected to occur
 which will have a signicant impact on the            68 million: expected number of
 transport network.                                   passengers utilising Melbourne Airport
                                                      per year in 2037-38 (up from 35 million
Without an ecient integrated transport system,        in 2018)xv
the rst impression visitors will continue to
experience is a city challenged y  b congestion       8%: fall in average speeds (the highest in
and delays. An integrated transport plan is           Australia)xvi
required to ensure that visitors can travel easily
throughout Melbourne and Victoria. Despite            237 million: approximate number of
the temporary reduction in visitor trac, the          people who used the metropolitan train
projected numbers s( ee e
                        k y statistics) continue      network in 2018 (up from 130 million
to be an important guide on the pressures that        people in 2000)xvii
Melbourne faces in the future.
                                                      900 million: tonnes of freight volume
                                                      predicted by 2051 (up from 360 million
                                                      tonnes in 2014)xviii

9                                                               Transporting Melbourne | July 2020
A call for an integrated transport plan

 This report identifies and articulates what our      for Victoria. There is a plethora of plans and
 members believe are the key transport-related        frameworks that seek to provide a planning
 initiatives that decision-makers and stakeholders    roadmap for how Melbourne should grow. Some
 must address if we are to remain one of the          of the key documents include The Victorian
 world’s most liveable cities.                        Infrastructure Plan, Plan Melbourne Refresh,
                                                      Network Development Plan Metropolitan Rail,
 Given the growth pressures that Melbourne            as well as Infrastructure Australia’s report
 will continue to grapple with, the capacity of                                                    .
 our transit network to cope with demand will         However, none of these documents oer a truly
 be challenged considerably. The Committee            comprehensive, detailed, strategic framework,
 believes it is critical that the Victorian           outlining how Melbourne will grow in the long-
 Government should aspire to:                         term. A truly integrated plan would mean that
                                                      those dierent concepts and plans would be
 eR commendation 1: Publish and                       coordinated and able to be interpreted together,
   implement an ecient and sustainable                with key actions and timeframes articulated.
   integrated transport plan that includes
                                                      The Committee commends the Victorian
   land-use and economic plans, to enable             Government on its significant amount of work
   seamless mobility throughout Greater               in coordinating the unprecedented number of
   Melbourne.                                         transport projects across Victoria as part of its
                                                                program. Furthermore, the Committee
 This may not appear to be a unique or                acknowledges                             (PMR),
 revolutionary vision; most cities around the         the Victorian Government’s key plan which aims
 world are aspiring to develop an efficient           to guide Melbourne’s growth out to 2050. It is
 and sustainable integrated transport system.         a document which has merit. However, Greater
 However, as the fastest growing major city in        Melbourne requires a strategic plan with greater
 Australia and one of the fastest growing cities      depth and clarity.
 in the world, there is a growing urgency to not
 deliver any solution, but deliver the      one for

 Given our city’s unique cultural, political and
 economic history, and current circumstances,
 the development of an efficient and sustainable
 integrated transport system, which enables
 seamless mobility for people and goods, and
 which embraces dierent modes across the
 whole journey, must form part of a long-term
 plan for Melbourne.

 The                               requires
 the development of a long-term transport plan

Transporting Melbourne | July 2020                                                                        10
Aside from the inclusion of the various                transport needs will facilitate private investment
 committed infrastructure projects, including           to make freight transport more responsive to
 Melbourne Metro, PMR does not adequately               those community, as well as industry, needs.
 articulate detail and timelines for long-term
 projects or policies that will enable eficient and     Other beneffits would include the eficient
 sustainable growth out to 2050. Projects already       allocation of limited resources, the enhancement
 identiffied by the Victorian Government as critical    of transit capacity, reliability and predictability,
 to Melbourne’s growth, including the North-East        a more productive economy and ultimately
 Link, the Suburban Rail Loop and Melbourne             a seamless experience for the user. The
 Airport Rail Link, did not feature in the original     harmonious use of all transport modes would be
 PMR, yet were added in a 2019 Addendum.                facilitated by interoperable technologies.
 While the capacity to adapt and be exible is
 important with any form of strategic planning, a       Despite the clear beneffits, there is little evidence
 comprehensive plan for Melbourne’s connectivity        to suggest that we are moving towards the
 would be expected to include such critical pieces      design and implementation of an eective,
 of infrastructure at the outset and how they           integrated transport system. In the absence of
 link to the economic development and land-             a comprehensive plan to deliver such a system,
 use planning in the strategy. Details and timing       which considers and incorporates elements
 regarding policies and infrastructure regarded         such as demand management, land-use and
 as necessary to solving issues of congestion           sustainable economic development planning,
 and overcrowding, including transport network          unsatisfactory results concerning the evolution
 pricing, bus rapid transit, bicycle routes and         of our transport system and our city more
 extending Melbourne’s tram network, could also         broadly will continue.
 be expected to feature in PMR.
                                                        With no comprehensive, overarching strategic
 PMR could have included more detail about              plan for Greater Melbourne, governments may
 how Melbourne will grow, including expected            make ad hoc decisions on what to build and
 population distribution in dierent regions,            where to build it. To ensure the infrastructure
 as well as the type of work and industries             constructed and the policies developed beneffit
 that will be developed in those areas. Despite         all Melburnians, it is incumbent on governments
 the improvement of some existing policies to           to ensure a long-term, strategic plan is in place
 address housing aordability, diversity and             and that it is delivered upon. Its successful
 supply, without articulating in detail about           implementation will help ensure Melbourne
 where the population will be distributed at            remains a highly desirable destination to live, as
 given stages, it is dificult to ensure adequate        well as help the city attract foreign talent, boost
 housing supply and transport services in those         productivity and position it as an attractive
 areas. Ultimately, Greater Melbourne needs             investment destination.
 a publicly available plan that clearly outlines
 where the population might be distributed at
 various stages out to 2050 and the detailed
 corresponding policies and infrastructure
 required to accommodate this growth.

 Developing an integrated transport plan must be
 a priority for authorities, but it cannot be done in
 isolation. In broad terms, an integrated transport
 system oers an individual the opportunity
 to use multiple transport modes, which work
 in coordination through infrastructure, a fare
 model and a common validation system, all of
 which encompass the totality or greater part of
 a city’s territory. Furthermore, it would allow
 Melbourne’s freight and logistics systems that
 support and service population growth to be
 more eficient and competitive. A clear vision
 for freight that is integrated with community

11                                                                         Transporting Melbourne | July 2020

 Creating an eficient and sustainable integrated      including transport, housing stock, urban density,
 transport system that enables seamless               industrial land and Smart City infrastructure in
 mobility throughout Greater Melbourne                a binding and eectual manner. This requires
 and drives economic growth and liveability           reform of planning processes more broadly,
 outcomes, is a complex task. Once a plan is          which must be developed with key stakeholders,
 developed, it must be followed up with action.       including all governments and industry.
 A range of policy initiatives, combined with
 the design, construction and operation of            Recent changes to the Victorian Government’s
 major infrastructure projects, will need to be       Transport structure gives us a reason to be
 implemented over a long period to deliver            optimistic about its ability to work across
 change.                                              jurisdictions, departments and in collaboration
                                                       with the private sector. In July 2019, VicRoads
 There are enormous challenges associated with         and Public Transport Victoria combined with the
 implementing transformative policies or projects.     Department of Transport (DoT) to become an
 There will always be individuals and interest         integrated transport department.
 groups that oppose change. To withstand this
 inertia, decision-makers would need to:              The DoT’s new structure reects the
                                                      importance of working with the Major Transport
    Ensure the community is consulted regarding       Infrastructure Authority (MTIA) which should
    any proposed changes.                             allow the creation of an integrated transport
                                                      system. The Committee understands that the
    Implement pilot programs to test policies or      DoT will:
                                                         respond much faster and give people the
    Stage the implementation of transformative           information they need to make the best
    initiatives to allow time for the community to       travel choices.
                                                         make better use of existing road and
    Show a willingness to make dificult decisions        rail, shifting more journeys onto rail and
    which will beneffit Greater Melbourne over           prioritising public transport on roads.
    the long-term.
                                                         respond much quicker to innovation and new
 One possible factor inhibiting the design and           transport technologies.
 implementation of a world-class, integrated
 transport system is Australia’s and Melbourne’s         take a holistic view in planning for the future.
 governance structure. The e  F deral and Victorian
 Governments (with a plethora of departments             partner with others to address a range of
 and agencies), and 31 metropolitan Melbourne            issues, from safety to reducing environmental
 councils, all have a stake in determining               impacts.
 how Melbourne grows. It is critical that
 mechanisms are achieved for all governments to       There are many positive outcomes identiffied in
 coordinate and plan for issues which transcend       the DoT’s objectives, which align with the ideas
 organisational remits and municipal boundaries       for shaping an integrated transport system in

Transporting Melbourne | July 2020                                                                       12
this report. It is also hoped that as a larger
 department, this will make it easier to co-
                                                                            G OV ER N A N C E
 ordinate across other important departments
                                                                            F R A M EWO R KS
 like Department of Environment, Land, Water
                                                       The governance framework examples
 and Planning. Such coordination is necessary
                                                       provided below are at a high-level and do
 to ensure that land-use planning and economic
                                                       not seek to endorse any particular model.
 development are coordinated within the
 integrated transport plan.                            One-tier consolidated governance:
 An optimised governance structure for
 development of an integrated transport plan,
 to coordinate all levels of government and
 stakeholder input, may be required. This would        Two-tier o
                                                                ( r supra-municipal) governance:
 enable Greater Melbourne to develop the right
 integrated transport system to ensure the best
 outcome for all stakeholders. It will allow for the
 inclusion of planning principles, which refiect
 and support community values and aspirations,
 as well as the implementation of aspirational         Inter-municipal joint authorities:
 targets and timeframes for delivery. Sound
 governance arrangements will also allow for the
 ongoing review of the plan’s implementation
 against original objectives. Any planning exercise
 cannot anticipate all changes in circumstances.       Metropolitan-wide inter-municipal joint
 However, regularly reviewing the plan will            authorities:
 enable the fiexibility to adapt to changing

                                                       Infra-metropolitan inter-municipal joint

                                                       Special purpose districts:

                                                       Voluntary cooperation:

13                                                                    Transporting Melbourne | July 2020
Elements of an integrated transport plan

 The following elements should be considered
 when designing and constructing an integrated
 transport system:

 1.   Demand management

 2. Infrastructure

 3. Technology

 4. Land-use planning

 5. Economic development

 The impact of various initiatives associated with
 these elements will be enhanced if they are
 implemented in conjunction with one another.
 Initiatives implemented in complete isolation
 are unlikely to have the desired efiect that
 Melbourne requires.

Transporting Melbourne | July 2020                   14
Element 1
Demand management

 Historically, Melburnians have opted to own
 and live on suburban property, encouraging the
 development of a low-density sprawling city.
 This worked well for a period. However, given the
 city’s meteoric growth, there are ineficiencies                               FAST FACTS
 and congestion issues being experienced across
 the transport network.                               Induced demand is the concept that explains
                                                      why increasing road capacity encourages
 Peak-hour trafic congestion and demand on
                                                      more people to drive, therefore aggravating
 the public transport network across Greater
                                                      congestion rather than alleviating it.
 Melbourne has worsened over time. Melbourne’s
                                                      Published evidence suggests that on
 growing freight task has exacerbated this issue.
                                                      average and with all other things being
 While COVID-19 will likely alter the working and
                                                      equal, a road with 100% increase in lane
 travel habits for many individuals, congestion
                                                      capacity might be expected to generate an
 and overcrowding on the transport network is
                                                      increase in trafic of 36% within 1-3 years and
 expected to return in the post-pandemic period.
                                                      a 62% increase in 5-10 years. xi
 There are a multitude of options that might
                                                      Examples of this latent demand can be
 increase eficiencies and decrease congestion
                                                      found in many cities around the world.
 across the network. Incentives that encourage
                                                      Between 2008 and 2011, the City of Houston
 individuals to use public transport, particularly
                                                      spent US$2.8 billion to build the widest
 during offi-peak periods, combined with
                                                      freeway in North America. The result - a 30%
 improvements to rst and last mile connectivity,
                                                      increase in congestion during morning peak
 would help reduce road network congestion.
                                                      hours and a 55% increase during evening
 Furthermore, investment in a metro-style system,
                                                      peak hours.xii Back home, Infrastructure
  with its turn-up-and-go frequencies which
                                                      Australia conducted a Project Business
  minimise station dwell times would encourage
                                                      Case Evaluation of the Sydney WestConnex
  greater public transport uptake. Regarding the
                                                      project and found that induced demand
  need for the seamless movement of freight -
                                                      reduces beneffits by approximately 25%. xiii
  critical for lowering the costs of doing business
  - getting more containers onto rail, as well as     The concept of induced demand has been
  increasing the eet of High Productivity Freight     accepted by economists and transport
  Vehicles , will help reduce the number of trucks    researchers for over 50 years, yet the
  on the road network.                                phenomenon fails to be accounted for in
                                                      many cost-beneffit analyses.xiv Demand
 More targeted demand management options
                                                      management is therefore a critical element
 could also deliver substantial benets, including
                                                      of a balanced approach to reducing
 on-demand bus services, the pricing of all
 parking spaces at various times and locations
 to manage car travel demand, as well as the
 integration of ticketing through the network to
 connect various public transport modes and
 shared mobility services.

15                                                                  Transporting Melbourne | July 2020
Road-user pricing                                                   C ASE STU DY
 The formulation of a new pricing regime will be
                                                        CON G EST I ON C HA R G I N G
 critical to the challenge of reducing congestion,
 improving eciency of the state’s transport             To help reduce congestion, London
 network and achieving optimum value-for-               implemented a congestion charge in 2003.
 money for infrastructure investment. Signicant         Results from 2007 showed a 30% reduction
 productivity losses and other ineciencies are          in the number of vehicles entering the
 expected unless we begin to price our roads            designated area and the trafic on free
 adequately.                                            passage routes’ did not increase. A survey
                                                        estimated that 40% of those deterred by
 Road-user pricing is a mechanism whereby
                                                        the charge switched to alternative forms
 drivers are charged for the use of the roads they
                                                        of transportation, while 30% chose to not
 drive on in place of some other existing charges.
                                                        make the trip at all.xv Despite the reduction
 The driver is faced with direct costs through
                                                        in volume, trafic speeds have not increased
 pricing that reects higher demand for particular
                                                        - primarily due to the reallocation of road
 routes, o
         z nes and travel times.
                                                        space for pedestrians, cyclists and buses.
 There are many ways that road-user charges
                                                        Stockholm has had similar success after
 could be implemented, including area licensing
                                                        the implementation of a seven-month
 schemes, continuous charging systems or cordon
                                                        congestion charge trial in 2006. Despite
 pricing. Therefore, any proposed charging
                                                        being unpopular in local polls prior to its
 scheme would vary according to location, time
                                                        implementation and having to overcome
 of day and type of vehicle. It will be critical that
                                                        various political and legal obstacles, the
 the implementation of any road-user charges
                                                        congestion charge trial proved to be a
 is equitable and does not exacerbate socio-
                                                        success. In a referendum conduced in
 economic inequalities.
                                                        August 2007, two-thirds of the population
 Not only would the implementation of one or            supported its permanent implementation,
 more of these charges help reduce congestion,          including all political parties.xvi With
 they could support government revenue; which           Stockholm achieving substantial congestion
 is under pressure with the current system of           reductions, governments around the world
 tolls and charges, as well as the nancial and          can learn from its experience.
 economic ramications of COVID-19. Falling fuel
                                                        Back home, public policy think tank, Grattan
 excise revenues, due in part to improvements
                                                        Institute, released a report calling for
 in vehicle eciency and the rise in demand
                                                        Melbourne to impose a congestion charge
 for electric vehicles, is generating the nancial
                                                        during peak hours. The report suggested a
 imperative to introduce one or more of these
                                                                 around the CBD would likely lead
 measures. The revenue generated from these
                                                        to 40% fewer cars on the road during peak
 mechanisms could be redirected towards other
                                                        hour, a 16% speed increase on roads in the
 transport projects.
                                                        CBD and a 20% speed increase on arterial
 Road-user pricing can reduce congestion and            roads coming into the CBD.xvii Introducing a
 ensure nancial sustainability, so community            cordon price in inner Melbourne is supported
 acceptance about the perceived benets of               by Infrastructure Victoria. Its modelling
 new road pricing changes will be essential to          indicates that implementing a cordon
 any changes in existing pricing mechanisms.            charge, as part of a network-wide pricing
 Directing all revenue generated in this manner         reform, would deliver substantial beneffits for
 towards much-needed transport infrastructure           Melbourne.xviii
 projects could help convince the community of
 its merit.

Transporting Melbourne | July 2020                                                                      16
Commuter incentives

Flexible employment                                                      C ASE STU DY
  arrangements                                                  F L EX I BL E WORK I N G
 There are signicant benets of urban
                                                                 A R R A N G EM EN TS I N
 agglomeration. Firms located in Melbourne’s                                  FINLAND
 Central Business District C( BD) benet from           Finland implemented the Working Hours
 ready access to talent, ideas, customers and           Act on 1 January 2020, which will impact
 lower production costs. Individuals benet              organizational structures and employee
 through lower transport costs, access to high-         attitudes regarding the work environment.
 paid jobs and greater choice in amenity.               The Act redefines workplace’ to legally
                                                        incorporate working hours not tied to a
 Despite these signicant benets, there are              single location. Greater emphasis is placed
 costs associated with urban agglomeration,             on time spent working, allowing employees
 including greater levels of pollution, waste-          to decide when and where they work for half
 disposal problems and of course, transit network       of their hours.x
 congestion. Private organisations located in
 and around Melbourne’s CBD could play a role          Flexible work hours in Finland did not
 in addressing each of these issues, particularly       happen overnight. A survey conducted in
 transport congestion.                                  2011 showed that 90% of Finnish companies
                                                        already offiered exible work schedules
 Depending on the nature of the organisation            for their employees, the most in the world.
 and the roles and responsibilities carried out y
                                                b       In the same survey, Australian companies
 its employees, many workers could be allowed           ranked 3rd at 85%. xi
 or even encouraged to work earlier or later in
 the day, or work longer hours over a shorter          Melbourne-specific research indicates that
 work week. If enough employers based in the           a 30% increase in telecommuting among
 CBD embrace the idea, it would help reduce            those already permitted to work anywhere
 congestion during peak hours. Furthermore,            could reduce the number of daily commutes
 the ubiquity of laptops, mobile devices and           from 550,000 to 394,000.xii
 high-speed internet has made telecommuting
 possible. More employees that can work from
 home, even if for one day of the working week,
 would help reduce congestion on our transport
 network. The collective response to COVID-19,       Recommendation 3: Consider a
 where thousands of individuals have been            broad approach to incentives and
 forced to work remotely, has demonstrated
 that working from home can be achieved and
                                                     pricing to improve eficiencies
 continue to allow employees to be productive.       of the transport network system,
                                                     including for example:
 Improved access to Greater Melbourne’s
 designated Metropolitan Activity Centres and        a. Implement one or more
 the regions through more ecient and reliable        transport network pricing
 public transport services could also be benecial.   mechanisms to help reduce
 It would provide businesses with more options in
 choosing where they conduct their activities.
                                                     congestion and overcrowding.
                                                     b. Offier diffierent incentives
                                                     to reduce numbers of people
                                                     travelling simultaneously to the

Transporting Melbourne | July 2020                                                                    18
Element 2

 Victoria is experiencing an infrastructure boom.
 With a record infrastructure agenda worth over
 $100 billion, xiii the Victorian Government has
  committed to a range of new projects that are
  being built or planned. More will be needed as
  Melbourne’s population grows and we welcome
  more visitors and trade.

 The provision of public transport infrastructure
 will be essential for Melbourne to eficiently
 transport nine million people by mid-century.
 A range of useful road projects have been
 committed to, but merely building more roads
 has failed to adequately solve the problem of
 congestion. Mass transit options must form
 the backbone of our integrated transport plan.
 With its capacity to transport large volumes of
 people in a condensed space, along with the
 increase of speed, frequency and consistency,
 optimising the use of our existing public
 transport infrastructure, as well as investing in
 the        infrastructure projects, will be critical.
 This investment should consider rail, tram and
 bus services, which are responsive to commuter
 demand across Greater Melbourne. Furthermore,
 the experimentation of new forms of mass
 transit, including trackless trams, should be

 Greater Melbourne has a raft of infrastructure
 assets already in place, which, if utilised to their
 full capacity and managed more effiectively,
 could reap enormous benets for the city.
 The effiective use of policy levers available to
 government, many of which are described
 throughout this document, including various
 pricing mechanisms and incentives, could
 ensure infrastructure settings are as eficient as

19                                                       Transporting Melbourne | July 2020
Optimise existing assets            Value of infrastructure

 Recommendation 4: Optimise
 existing assets through efiective
 demand and congestion
 management strategies,
 technology upgrades and asset
 management practices.

                                     Recommendation 5: Improve
                                     approaches to cost-beneffit
                                     analyses to enhance their
                                     accuracy with respect to
                                     capturing the true costs and
                                     beneffits of a project.

Transporting Melbourne | July 2020                                  20
Industry engagement               Funding

                                   Recommendation 7: Explore
                                   and test how various value
                                   capture mechanisms could be
 Recommendation 6: Implement       implemented to fund major
 measures which help reduce        transport infrastructure projects.
 major infrastructure bid costs
 and ensure that contract risk
 allocation is designed to
 maximise market competition and

21                                              Transporting Melbourne | July 2020

eR commendation 8: Ensure there
  are enough skilled professionals
  to deliver a pipeline of key
  infrastructure projects.

Element 3

The construction of an eficient and sustainable       Electric vehicles
integrated transport system hinges on the ability
to seamlessly connect people and goods, from          In contrast to traditional internal combustion
one point in the city to the other, through a fully   engine vehicles that use liquid fuels, electric
optimised and interconnected transport network.       vehicles (EVs) are at least partially propelled by
                                                      electricity. Incorporating road and rail vehicles,
Technological platforms will have the capacity        as well as aircraft, EVs can be powered in one of
to seamlessly integrate physical infrastructure,      two ways; either through self-contained sources,
transport modes, transport service providers          including batteries, generators or solar panels; or
and data management systems; enabling a               via external electricity sources.
sustainable mobility ecosystem that aligns
demand with supply and caters to individual           With EVs becoming popular around the world,
preferences.                                          they are now penetrating the Australian market.
                                                      Australia has experienced a 68 per cent increase
New technologies will have other transport-           in the adoption of electric vehicles and as
related beneffits, which must be capitalised          advances in EV technology continue, signifficant
on. Big data analytics will assist with asset         market penetration is expected around 2027.
management, including predictive maintenance,
as well as trafic management and supply               The widespread adoption of EVs will have far-
chain management; allowing engineers and              reaching implications for Melbourne. Space
other transport-related practitioners to make         and infrastructure for charging stations will be
better decisions and ultimately reduce costs.         necessary. Furthermore, ensuring our energy
Furthermore, the ethical use of citizens’             grid is resilient and can meet peak electricity
 smartphone data will help reduce congestion.         demand will be vital and must be planned for.
 With enhanced processing power and equipped
 with sensors that determine location, proximity      The successful transition to EVs will have
 and orientation, smartphones have the potential      signifficant beneffits for Australian society,
 to connect with smart city technologies to           including lower transport costs, reduced carbon
 improve trafic ow.                                   emissions, less pollution and better health
                                                      conditions. It is estimated that by 2046, 27
Despite the expected beneffits that will accrue       million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions
with each new breakthrough in transport-related       could be eliminated in Victoria, should we
technology, it will be critical that Melbourne        successfully transition to an entire eet
does not allow technology to dictate how the          comprising zero emission vehicles.
city grows. aF ilure to develop a blueprint which
determines how Melbourne will grow increases          eR commendation 9: Align
the risk of this happening. A comprehensive             the regulatory and physical
plan will help authorities understand which
technologies are required to achieve the vision
                                                        environment for electric vehicles
determined and reduce the chances of decisions          with overseas best practice.
being made which risk further entrenching
congestion across the transport network.

23                                                                       Transporting Melbourne | July 2020
Mobility as a Service                Shared mobility

                                      Recommendation 11: Ensure
 Recommendation 10: Ensure            Melbourne’s urban landscape
 accurate transport data, including   encourages shared mobility as a
 mobile data, is (ethically)          pathway towards more eficient
 collected, shared and utilized in    and environmentally sustainable
 real time.                           mobility solutions.

Transporting Melbourne | July 2020                                      24
Autonomous vehicles                                  Recommendation 12: Conduct
                                                     studies and trials to assess the
Through an ability to sense its surroundings, an
autonomous vehicle (AV), or driverless vehicle,
                                                     multitude of autonomous use
can operate or perform its functions without         cases, variables and scenarios,
human intervention. There is a plethora of AVs       to fully understand how trafic
that can increase eciencies, including trains,       congestion will change.
buses, cars and freight delivery trucks.

Many cities and countries around the world
have begun to embrace the benets of public
transit AVs. Finland is into the fourth year of
a pilot program testing a eet of autonomous
mini-buses in the cities of Helsinki, Espoo and                                   FAST FACTS
Tampere. The 10-year smart-mobility pilot is
attempting to make private vehicles irrelevant
                                                        Innovation in technology and regulation
through demand-based transport systems.
                                                        in California is making the US state the
Meanwhile, y b embracing automation, Singapore
                                                        epicentre of AV development. In 2018,
has one of the most reliable rail services in
                                                        48 start-ups logged 2 million miles of
the world. Like the Finish and Singaporean                                                     xlii
                                                        autonomous driving on public roads, while
governments, others around the world are seeing
                                                        Tesla drivers have driven over 1 billion miles
the benets of automation, in terms of reliability,                               xliii
                                                        with autopilot engaged.
eciency and safety.
                                                        Waymo, a Californian-based start-up, has
Whether AVs help or hinder our eorts to ease
                                                        been granted a permit to begin testing
congestion remains to be seen. Regarding
                                                        passenger transport in their AVs. In the
private autonomous vehicles, competing visions
                                                        first month of testing, more than 6200
for their role in our transport future exist. AVs                                                xliv
                                                        commuters were transported by Waymo.
could drive lower carbon emissions, improve
safety, reduce car ownership and reduce the             Australia is experimenting with AVs. The
need for car-parking spaces. Less parking spaces        Royal Automobile Club of Western Australia
may create space for more vehicles to travel            launched the country’s first driverless and
through, be transformed into public realms or           electric vehicle trial on public roads in 2016.
developed into mixed-use complexes.                     Termed the Intellibus, the automated vehicle
                                                        takes a journey along the iconic South
However, additional road network congestion
                                                        Perth Esplanade, demonstrating to locals
may result with greater uptake of AVs. With
                                                        and visitors the changing nature of vehicle
more people wanting to use these vehicles, their                     xlv
preparedness to travel longer distances and
growing demand for larger, more comfortable
vehicles, trac congestion could worsen.

In a positive development, a simulation
conducted in Lisbon studying the
implementation of a fully autonomous and
shared eet of vehicles showed promising
results. With an ecient train network in place,
which complemented the eet, 90 per cent of
private vehicles could be removed from the road
network.    Therefore, provided governments
take a proactive position to the regulation
of AVs and there exists supportive transport
infrastructure, private AVs combined with shared
mobility platforms have the potential to reduce
road network congestion.

25                                                                     Transporting Melbourne | July 2020
Element 4
Land-use planning

 Given the growth pressures Greater Melbourne is        is anticipated or allowed in the future. A
 facing, more than ever it is critical that efiective   comprehensive plan will indicate where the
 land-use planning meets the needs of individuals       population might be distributed and the level of
 today, while safeguarding resources for future         distribution at various stages. It will articulate the
 generations.                                           policies needed and the infrastructure required
                                                        to accommodate such growth at the given
 Land-use planning is becoming more complex             periods in time.
 for planning practitioners around the world, with
 the impacts of COVID-19 adding additional layers       Furthermore, greater consideration for
 of complexity. Urbanisation, global warming,            Melbourne’s freight and logistics sector must be
 maintaining economic growth, water allocation,          made. Building developments must plan for the
 as well as poverty and unemployment, are some           servicing of freight deliveries, while bufier zones
 of the key issues they must grapple with as they        near industrial land and areas of employment are
 set about planning how cities will grow.                essential.

 A comprehensive integrated transport plan              eR commendation 13: Ensure that
 for Melbourne should consider how the city’s             the integrated transport plan
 designated Metropolitan Activity Centres
 (MAVs) - Box Hill, Dandenong, Epping, o   F otscray,
                                                          includes a sustainable land-use
 F untain Gate-Narre Warren, Frankston,                   strategy which accommodates
  Ringwood and Sunshine are planned to secure             the needs of individuals and the
  investment in transport, health, education and          freight sector.
  other services. MAV development will encourage
  local job creation, in turn helping reduce            Strategy
  congestion on our public transport system and
  road network, thereby facilitating environmental      An integrated transport plan must be
  and health beneffits.                                 strategically focused; signalling to the
                                                        community and investors the direction that
 Sustainable land-use planning                          the city is headed. It must paint a picture of
                                                        how Melbourne will grow, with its core assets,
 An integrated transport plan must consider and         including the Port of Melbourne and Melbourne
 incorporate sustainable land-use planning. In          Airport, as well as potential additional key assets,
 doing so, it will help solve some of Melbourne’s       forming the basis of a larger vision.
 most pressing challenges now and in the future,
 including congestion, housing afiordability,           All aspects of transport and land-use planning
 location of freight and logistical centres, climate    must be considered when developing an
 change mitigation and adaptation, and economic         integrated transport plan. Greater detail around
 growth.                                                planning controls, land reservations, corridor
                                                        planning and transit-oriented development,
 Transport planning should drive land-use               will help avoid investor speculation and avoid
 planning and economic outcomes, and any plan           potentially negative outcomes for the city.
 should therefore consider where development

Transporting Melbourne | July 2020                                                                          26
Behavioural mechanisms, like road-user pricing,      urban environment is critical. oF r individuals
will need to be included, as well as a pipeline of   to embrace active transport, there must be a
major infrastructure projects that are needed.       safe and accessible network of walking and
This pipeline must spell out the expected            micro-mobility paths, along with micro-mobility
timeframes for construction and justify the          storage facilities located at stations and key
sequencing of projects.                              employment precincts. Furthermore, the city’s
                                                     public transport system should offier commuters
The importance of an eficient, sustainable and       fast, reliable and comfortable services, to
cost-effiective freight and logistics industry       encourage greater uptake.
cannot be understated; it is an essential
component of a modern, thriving economy.             In addition to reducing congestion on our
The long-term design and execution of an             transport network, active transport improves
integrated transport plan which services our         health outcomes for individuals and helps
growing freight task must be prioritised. Part       reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Victorian
of the solution will be to ensure more freight is    Government and local governments should be
transported via dedicated train networks.            implementing measures which encourage all
                                                     forms of active transport.
A revised plan will need to consider the
broader and long-term plans for population           Recommendation 15: Create
growth and regional activation. If Melbourne         an urban environment which
is to decentralise to identied metropolitan
and regional growth precincts, there must
                                                     encourages the uptake of active
be widespread understanding of which key             transport.
precincts will be developed, how they will be
developed and when. This added certainty for
investors will encourage economic development
and growth, and could form the basis for a                            C ASE ST U DY
broader settlement strategy.                            M OR E T HA N A R A I L L I N K
One critical and often overlooked aspect of
planning is the need for government to consult          The long-awaited Melbourne Airport Rail
and collaborate with key utility authorities,           Link looks set to become a reality after both
particularly with water and energy suppliers, in        the Victorian and eF deral Governments
the development of business cases and prior to          committed funding to the project.
any major infrastructure announcements.
                                                        Once constructed and provided it proceeds
                                                        along the proposed Sunshine route, it will
Recommendation 14: Develop a                            not only deliver a world-class rail service
long-term, strategic outlook when                       linking Melbourne Airport and the CBD, and
developing a comprehensive                              remove thousands of private vehicles from
plan for Melbourne, including the                       the road network, it will unlock broader
sequencing of projects over time.                       benefits for metropolitan Melbourne and
                                                        Victoria’s regions.
Active transport
                                                        This project is an opportunity to strategically
As Greater Melbourne’s key urban development            shape the way Melbourne functions,
precincts have become more dense, walking and           including how it connects to the growing
cycling have become an important complement             western suburbs and regions to support
to traditional motorised forms of mass transport.       Melbourne’s liveability and productivity. It
However, with mobility restrictions enforced            could help mitigate population and urban
due to COVID-19, there has been an even                 infrastructure pressures and potentially
greater uptake in active transport. An integrated       unlock jobs, and housing, in transit-
transport plan for Melbourne should consider            supported precincts.
these developments and encourage more active
forms of transport.                                     -

The design and development of the city’s

27                                                                     Transporting Melbourne | July 2020
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