TRAVEL BUG Spring Issue #11 - Citybug

Page created by Alicia Glover
TRAVEL BUG Spring Issue #11 - Citybug

 Your Citybug travel companion
TRAVEL BUG Spring Issue #11 - Citybug
Dear Citybug Traveller

    It seems as if we went straight into Summer this year but at Citybug we do have a wonderful
    Spring feeling! We are involved with so many community activities and it feels good to play
    a role in the lives of so many people! We supported the Moving Mountains function in
    September and will be part of the Bosrock in October and as always, we have special bussed to
    IT’S TIME in Pretoria end October – please contact us to book your space! We wish you a safe
    travelling holiday and until we meet again for the Christmas and Summer edition – God bless!!

    FROM: Jacques, Hannelie, Marthinus & Ananjé “My Choice. My Citybug”

 Win /                                                                                                                  BRING THIS
Freebies!                                                                                                             ADVERT IN F
                                                                                                                                 OR A
     Hazyview | Nelspruit
        BRING THIS


    WIN a R500 i’langa
      Mall voucher!
To stand a chance to win SMS
Citybug (space) TRAC (space)
name and surname to 45633.
 R1.50 per sms. Closing date
     30 November 2018.
      Standard T’s & C’s apply.

      WIN 1 OF 3
To stand a chance to win
SMS Citybug (space) JOLA

                                                                                                    Hazyview | Nelspruit
    (space) name and
    surname to 45633.
    Closing date 30 Nov 2018.

 082 923 8918
2                                                                                                                                       3
TRAVEL BUG Spring Issue #11 - Citybug

               Answer: B
                Answer: 57
               Answer: J

4                            Valid until 30 November 2018 | T’s & C’s apply5
TRAVEL BUG Spring Issue #11 - Citybug
Attention all Mozambique customers:

    What's up
                                                              Visit Produkta Trucks for all your commercial needs in parts, service and sales.

    Don’t dread summer to cover up the winter
    extras we gained all winter, lets get exited
    about floral ankle length dresses or short
    floral dresses with 3/4 sleeves if you want
    to cover the upper ‘stronger’ arms. Mix
    and match your prints, like stripe trousers         Tracy Todd write-up brought to you by
                                                                                                                                                      Read more posts online:
    with bird print tops and leather sandals            PRODUKTA TRUCKS                                                                                  http://tracytodd.
    and just tucking in the front part of your
                                                        Dark Days and Light Bulbs
    top into the trousers will give you a casual
    but chic look.                                                                                                                                      Tracy’s book, Brave Lotus
                                                        We’ve all been through dark days. It’s an inevitable            LISTEN TO THE BIRDS.               Flower, is available at
    If you are not into prints and florals, dress       part of life. Dark days can creep up on you sometimes,          Smell the roses. Watch the         all leading bookstores
    plain, like a denim with a white shirt and          uninvited and unexpected, and leave you feeling drained,        clouds.                         countrywide, from online
                                                        too tired to fight the demons in your head. For me as a         BE STILL. Silence isn’t           from retailers Takealot,
    just add big colourful earrings, it’s a
                                                        quadriplegic paralysed from the neck down, mind wars            always empty. Sometimes          Loot and Exclusives. The
    statement and just enough colour that you           are a daily struggle. It’s important to have a stock of spare   it’s full of unexpected   is available on
    don’t see but will be getting compliments           light bulbs to help you through the darkness.                   answers.                        Amazon (Kindle and other
    about!                                              Some choose to ignore the dark days and keep busy.              FIND A COMPANION, e-readers), Snapplify and
                                                        Others like to wallow in self-pity and stay in bed for a few    even if it’s a dog or another      Kobo. For informaiton
    Or a bright lipstick, your teeth will be            days. However you choose to deal with your dark days            pet. They’re a huge source             contact Tracy on
    brighter and your lips fuller, who would not        is your choice. But the important thing is that you find a      of comfort. If you’re lonely, or
    want that, this summer is daring,give it a          way to pick yourself up again and move on.                      having a pet and being                   072 298 0558.
    try, it might just bring out a different you! Its                                                                   responsible for their well-
                                                        I usually have a good CRY and then PRAY. Ask for help           being is a great distraction.
    color color color this summer!                      but also be grateful. Many are denied the opportunity of        PAMPER OR SPOIL YOURSELF. Bribe somebody to
                                                        another chance at life. Look yourself in the mirror and         give you a head or neck massage. Buy yourself a treat.

              WIN 1 OF 3                                say, “I can do this.” You are brave and strong, otherwise
                                                        you would never have survived this long.
                                                                                                                        Chocolate and bubbles are my best.
                                                                                                                        PLAN AN ADVENTURE. Something to look forward to

         R250 VOUCHERS!
                                                        TAKE A BATH OR SHOWER, even if it’s only a bucket               helps keep the calendar interesting. Adrenaline is a great
                                                        of water over your head. There’s no better feeling than         motivator.
                                                        having clean hair and a fresh body. Put on your best            Get creative. Find something that stimulates your
         To stand a chance to win                       clothes. Every day is special.                                  creative juices. It can be better than any therapy.
            SMS Citybug (space)                         LISTEN TO MUSIC. Pump up the volume. Sing. Dance.               Stimulate your mind. Do a word or number puzzle.
                                                        Even if it’s only in spirit.                                    HELP SOMEBODY ELSE, even if it’s just to listen. It does
          JOLA (space) name and                         Escape in a good story. Find a movie. Read a book. Listen       wonders for your self-worth.
             surname to 45633.                          to a podcast or audiobook. There are hundreds of sites          LAUGH. Humour is the best healer. Stand-up comedy on
               Closing date 30 Nov 2019.                where you can stream or download free.                          YouTube has kept me laughing for days.
                                                        WRITE. It’s cathartic. Bleeding onto a page or computer         OPEN UP. Speak to a friend. Surround yourself with
                                                        screen helps to get it all out and process your feelings        positive people. There are many support groups for all
                                                        more objectively.                                               types of people on social media. You are not alone.
                                                        EXERCISE. Walk, run, cycle, swim, go to the gym, pilates
                                                        or yoga. Do what you can. Even passive exercise gets the        If you can’t find a light bulb to get you through your
                                                        feel good endorphins going.                                     darkness, get help. Go to your doctor or mental health
                                                        GET OUT OF THE HOUSE. Cabin fever is real. If you               practitioner. Depression is serious.
                                                        don’t have transport, get out of the house. Sit in the sun.     NEVER GIVE UP.
6                                                                                                                                                                                    7
TRAVEL BUG Spring Issue #11 - Citybug
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TRAVEL BUG Spring Issue #11 - Citybug
Psssstt…. Hey Mom.
      Looking to bowl your kids
         over with the most
      FUN-tastic birthday ever!
          No matter how old
        they’re turning, we’ve
         got FUN-believeable
       birthday packages that
        will leave you smiling.

     D o n ’t f o r g e
     y o u c a n a ls
        book your
      p a r t y w it h

           Tenpin bowling · Bumper Cars · Trampoline Park
               Arcade Games · Omni VR · 4D Theatre
10                                                          11
TRAVEL BUG Spring Issue #11 - Citybug
Spring Recipe:
     INGREDIENTS                                   non-stick pan to medium heat and grill the
     1 packet halloumi cheese 2 cup baby           cheese on both sides until golden. Set aside
     spinach - finely chopped 2 cup fresh rocket   to cool.
     - finely chopped 2 Tbs turmeric 150 g sugar
     snap peas 2 cup cooked millet 1 packet        In a jug or bowl, combine the dressing
     hazelnuts DRESSING: 2 Tbs mustard 1 Tbs       ingredients and whisk together.
     honey 5 Tbs white wine vinegar pinch salt 2
     Tbs poppy seeds 1/2 cup olive oil             In a large bowl, place the spinach, rocket,
                                                   sugar snap peas, cooked millet and
     METHOD                                        hazelnuts. Stir through the dressing ensuring
     Toast the hazelnuts in the oven for 10        the mixture is well coated. Season with salt
     minutes or until lightly browned. Allow to    and pepper according to taste.
     cool and chop up roughly and set aside.
                                                   Plate the salad in individual bowls or a big
     Cut the halloumi into 1cm thick rectangles    serving platter and arrange the halloumi
     and toss in the turmeric to coat. Heat a      pieces on top.


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TRAVEL BUG Spring Issue #11 - Citybug
Attention all Mozambican residents:
                                                                             a summary of our booklet for your convenience in Portuguese!

                                                                             PAGE 1
                                                                                            associa-te à diversão no I’langa      PAGE 2
                                                                                            Mall por ocasião do seu primeiro
                                                                                                                                               50% de desconto por bilhete a
                                                                                            aniversàrio de entretenimento,
                                                                                                                                               todos os pensionistas.
                                                                              Sábado dia 20 de Outubro, diversão para
                                                                              toda a familia com comes e bebes! Bilhetes
                                                                              complementares podem ser adquiridos junto
                                                                              da gerência do centro.

                                                                                                                                  PAGE 5
                                                                                                                                              Agora ABERTO no I’langa Mall.
                                                                              PAGE 3                                                          Cheque – brinde para refeição
                                                                                                                                  quando a despesa seja de R300 ou superior.
                                                                                           Apresente este anúncio da
                                                                              McDonalds e receba um sorvete cone
                                                                              totalmente grátis.
                                                                                                                                 PAGE 7
                                                                                                                                              Faça uma visita à Produkta Trucks
                                                                             PAGE 6                                                           para todas as suas necessidades
                                                                                                                                  comerciais de peças, assistência e vendas.
                                                                                          Concurso: Ganha 1 de 3 cheques
                                                                                          - brinde da JOLA Boutique, envia
                                                                                          SMS com o seguinte teor: Citybug
                                                                             (espaço) JOLA (espaço) teu nome e apelido
                                                                             para o número 45633.                                PAGE 10
                                                                                                                                               Bowling R 65 por pessoa, por
     • Accounting                           • Marketing & Sales Management   PAGE 8
     • Bookkeeping                          • Office Administration
     • Business Management                  • Project Management                          Apressa-te para filmes grátis –
     • Computer Skills                      • Procurement & Supply Chain                  desconto de 50% às Terças- feiras
     • Game Ranging & Wildlife Management     Management                                                                         PAGE 12
     • Graphic Design (Art & Design)        • Public Management
     • Human Resource Management            • Public Relations
                                                                                                                                                Patinagem no Gelo: Meio preço
     • Labour Relations                     • Sound Engineering              PAGE 14                                              (1/2) às Terças- feiras.
     • Legal Secretarial Studies            • Tourism
     • IT Support Technician                • Web Design Fundamentals                     Encontram-se abertas as                 Patinagem no Gelo: Loucura de Domingo à
                                                                                          matrículas para o segundo               Noite, a partir das 19:30 até às 22:30.
                                                                              semestre de 2018 e 2019.

                                                                                                               Número de Assistência Rodoviária ao longo da N4 0800 87 22
                                                                             PAGE                              67. Habilite-se a ganhar um cheque-brinde oferecido pelo Ilanga
                                                                                                               Mall no valor de R 500 ao fazer parte do concurso “descubra a
                                                                              16                               diferença”.
                                             076 069 1993
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TRAVEL BUG Spring Issue #11 - Citybug
Closing date: 30 Nov 2018

TRAVEL BUG Spring Issue #11 - Citybug
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