TROLLING KIDS OF CELEBS - Inhumanly hurting tender minds P:3&4 elective surgery - Daily Pioneer

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TROLLING KIDS OF CELEBS - Inhumanly hurting tender minds P:3&4 elective surgery - Daily Pioneer
P:5                            SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2022

                                            KIDS OF
                                             Inhumanly hurting
                                             tender minds


16   SUNDAY PIONEER, JULY 31, 2022
TROLLING KIDS OF CELEBS - Inhumanly hurting tender minds P:3&4 elective surgery - Daily Pioneer
                                       #TRENDING                                                                                                      SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2022

    PERSON                                                                      VIDEO
                                                NEERAJ CHOPRA                                            PEOPLE DONATING CLOTHES TO RANVEER SINGH
              eeraj continues to
         N      create history by
               winning the silver
      medal for the first time in
                                                                                            of people from Indore
                                                                                                    clothes to the
                                                                                    Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh
             the World Athletics
                                                                                   has been doing rounds on social
    Championship. In his fourth
         attempt he managed to                                                       media. In the video, people are
     record a throw of 88.13m,                                                     seen dropping some clothes in a
    which allowed him to move                                                       container. The container has an
    into the provisional podium                                                   image of Ranveer Singh from the
           spot in second place.                                                  photoshoot with a text that reads,
                                                                                     “Mere swachh Indore ne thana
                                                                                      hai, desh se mansik kachre ko
                                                                                                        hatana hai.”

                                                                     MOVIE                                                     PICTURE
                                                                                      DARLINGS TRAILER                                                 LAWMAKER DETAINED
        haamat, the song from Ek Villain Returns has
     S  made the music lovers go gaga, with the fresh new
                                                                      Aliafilm,Bhatt’s much-awaited first produced
                                                                                 Darlings trailer was launched by the          S.opposition
                                                                                                                                  Jothimani, a lawmaker from India's main
                                                                                                                                            Congress party, reacts after being
     pair of playback singers Ankit Tiwari and debutant Tara
                                                                      makers on Monday. The film stars Alia                    rounded up outside Parliament. The members from
     Sutaria. The song has been receiving amazing
                                                                      Bhatt, Vikram Varma, Roshan Mathew,                      the party were protesting against the Enforcement
     responses from the music lovers and the fans of Tara                                                                      Directorate summons to their party leader.
                                                                      Shefali Shah and is directed by Jasmeet K
     Sutaria.                                                         Reen.
                                                                                                                                           Photograph: Reuters/Anushree Fadnavis

                                                                               Resident Editor: B Krishna Prasad
                                                                                 Features Editor: K Ramya Sree
                                                                              Editorial: Shikha Duggal, Tejal Sinha
                                                                                  Designers: CH. Raja Kumar
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                                                                                For subscription: 040 23322341
                                    Regd. office address: Flat no: 502, Diamond Block, #6-3-570/11 to 7, Lumbini Rockdale, Somajiguda, Hyderabad, 500082.
Get in touch: Send your queries/feedback to: Sunday Pioneer, Ascendas Media Private Limited, Flat no: 502, Diamond Block, #6-3-570/11 to 7, Lumbini Rockdale, Somajiguda, Hyderabad, 500082.
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TROLLING KIDS OF CELEBS - Inhumanly hurting tender minds P:3&4 elective surgery - Daily Pioneer
       SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2022
                                                                              IN FOCUS
                          Inhumanly hurting tender minds
TROLLING UNION                       hildren of renowned peo-       He added, “Online trolling leaves

                                     ple, film stars, politicians   deep scars on the psyche of children.
MINISTER SMRITI                      and celebrities, whether       While the current laws help curb
IRANI'S DAUGHTER.                    an active part of the          online trolling to an extent, I per-
                                     industry or not, have of       sonally think we should do more to
LIKEWISE, RECENTLY                   late been easy targets for     curb this menace. The Union gov-
PICTURES OF MP AND        trollers. These kids have been at the     ernment should formulate stricter            comes with a lot of negativities too. I    of women celebrities and daughters
                          receiving end of a lot of avoidable       internet laws that carry harsh pun-          truly want to see stricter laws and        of stars. Recently, we saw how trolls
BJP TS UNIT PRESIDENT     vitriol from every Tom, Dick and          ishment to anyone who trolls chil-           their implementation to prevent            completely crossed the line in the
BANDI SANJAY'S SON        Harry. However, that doesnot mean         dren online.”                                such things because internet and           way Nysa Devgn, Suhana Khan, and
                          they endure all of it. While some            There is something inappropriate          social media culture will only             Ira Khan were attacked on social
PARTYING IN A PUB         know how to stand firmly against          about a society that requires a father       expand in future; it is high time we       media. The hate trolls spread on
WERE CIRCULATING ON       trolling and voice their views, there     or mother to clarify to the media            acted against trolling.”                   social media about a person can take
                          are others who are too young and          that his child is innocent.                     To understand the motive behind         its toll on their mental health and
SOCIAL MEDIA              naive to understand what is happen-          Jayesh Ranjan, IT Secretary of            this unnerving mentality of trollers,      this is why more people are talking
                          ing to them on social mediaplat-          Telangana State, says, “People who           we spoke to Latha Srinivasan, a            about mental health issues today.
PLATFORMS DUE TO THE      forms. In either case, their tender       are in the public eye, be it politicians     senior entertainment journalist. She       How much can celeb parents protect
PUSH GIVEN TO THEM        minds get hurt, regardless of the         or celebrities or sportspersons, there       opines, “Unfortunately, because of         their kids? It is not easy and there's
                          protection offered by their parents.      is something called occupational             the democratic nature of the inter-        no simple answer.”
BY HIS POLITICAL             In December 2021, a BJP leader         hazard. With some good, bad or               net and social media and the                  Today, a lot of celeb kids too are
OPPONENTS. FROM ALL       was slammed for body-shaming              negative will also come. And these           anonymity it allows; comments that         on platforms like Instagram because
                          KTR's son Himanshu. The TRS               comments are made without any                objectify, denigrate, insult, shame        they also want to share, connect, be
THIS WE CAN INFER         working president was taunted             logic or sensibilities. It is just to pull   and are sexist and racist, find a voice    loved and grow their popularity
THAT IT IS NOT ALWAYS     whether ‘development’ had taken           down someone! But everything has             here. Celebrities are more vulnerable      since many may eventually end up
                          place in the temple of Bhadrachalam       a limit. I believe it should be punish-      to trolling obviously because they         joining the Bollywood film industry.
GLITZ AND GLAM FOR        or inside the body of his son             able. There are two things, online           are in the public eye constantly and       It is important for celeb parents -
REPUTED PEOPLE'S          Himanshu.                                 trolling and offline bullying. In            every aspect of their life - even if not   and all parents to impart the good
                             Dileep Konatham, Director,             offline case, it is easy to find the         newsworthy - is covered by the             and the bad about being on social
KIDS IN SOCIETY. THE      Digital Media, Government of              guilty and punish. But things are            media and the paparazzi today. And         media to their kids right from a
PIONEER’S TANISHA         Telangana, shares, “It is sad that the    complicated online. If you ask me            celebs end up getting policed by           young age. Social media is like a
                          political discourse in this country       who are these people who troll and           trolls for everything from their           double-edged sword - on the one
SAXENA GIVES YOU THE      has hit a new low with some trolls        comment such stuff, then these are           hairstyle to clothes to a comment          hand, it can make you an internet
                          targeting even children of politi-        the people who are extremely jeal-           they make. So, they know how               sensation and global star overnight;
LOW-DOWN ON THE           cians. Whatever may be the issue,         ous as they themselves cannot                tough the limelight is and celebs,         on the other, it can affect your men-
DISTURBING TREND OF       targeting kids for selfish political      become a successful politician or            like all parents, want their children      tal health and cause depression.
                          gains should not be tolerated. Some       actor. So, they just come up with            to be safe and protected. Sadly, in        Learning to ignore trolls, blocking
TROLLING KIDS OF          online trollers are resorting to this,    nasty thoughts and spill to the social       this day and age, where everyone           them, and turning off comments is
CELEBS.                   thinking that they are anonymous          media walls of the reputed people.           has a smartphone, it is just impossi-      something all of us should know
                          online. Others who do this are            While social media is a good forum           ble to protect their kids! We also see     and practice, celebrity or not.
                          thinking that this is a claim to fame.”   to democratise participation, it             trolling happening more in the case                Continued on Page 4...
TROLLING KIDS OF CELEBS - Inhumanly hurting tender minds P:3&4 elective surgery - Daily Pioneer
                                                        IN FOCUS                                                                                                        SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2022

                                                                                                                           MANY KIDS THESE DAYS WHO HAVE EXPERIENCED TROLLING KEEP FEARING THAT IT
                                                                                                                           ISNOT OVER. IT HAPPENS ONCE, HOWEVER THE CONSTANT COMMENTS ON THE SAME
                                                                                                                           KEEPS IT ACTIVE THROUGHOUT. IT IS AS IF THE TROLLER HAS ENTERED YOUR HOUSE
                                                                                                                           BECAUSE IT DOESNOT STOP DESPITE THE TIME AND NUMBER OF DAYS. THIS CAN HAVE
                                                                                                                           LONG LASTING IMPACT ON DEVELOPING MINDS OF KIDS AS THEY START LOOKING AT
                                                                                                                           THINGS FROM FILTERS THAT OTHERS HAVE CREATED. THE REASON FOR THIS IS ONLINE
                                                                                                                           DISINHIBITION EFFECT THAT ANY OF US CAN EXPERIENCE WHILE WE ARE ONLINE! IT IS
                                                                                                                           THE LACK OF RESTRAINT ONE FEELS WHEN COMMUNICATING ONLINE AS COMPARED
                                                                                                                           TO OFFLINE. THE FACTORS LIKE ANONYMITY, LACK OF EMPATHY, AND NOT BEING ABLE
                                                                                                                           TO SEE THE REACTION IMMEDIATELY IS MAKING THE WORLD IN GENERAL MEAN.
                                                                                                                           HENCE, IT IS IMPORTANT TO SPREAD AWARENESS REGARDING THIS CONCEPT AND AT
                                                                                                                           THE SAME TIME HELP YOUNG CHILDREN TO DEAL WITH TROLLING EFFECTIVELY.

                                                                                                                                          - DR CHANDANA SHET, COUNSELLING PSYCHOLOGIST.

                                                                                                                                                                     such related acts. They do not tolerate, and
                                                                                                               ally unstable personality associated with sadism,
                                                                                                                                                                     triggers sometimes cause psychological dis-
                                                                                                               bullying, lack of personal responsibility. We can
                                                                                                                                                                     tress. Ask a few questions to yourself like
                                                                                                               undoubtedly say that these people are having low
                                                                                                               self-esteem, insecurities, personal inadequacies      what is that is making me worry?
                                                                                                               with the dominant traits of psycho-socio paths.       Breakdown the problem, shift your
                                                                                                               If you listen to them verbatim, they enjoy upset-     approach to practical thinking.
                                                                                                               ting others and feel funny sometimes under-           Downtheline, how it’s going to affect me in
                                                                                                               standing the harmful consequences. Sometimes          the long-term. Can I do something about it?
                                                                                                               it may lead to suicidal act. It is sometimes low      Don’t get influencedor attached. Respond
                                                                                                               self-worth, or outdated, old-fashioned if you are     with strict no tolerance. Do not get into per-
                                                                                                               not tech savvy or do not use internet slang.          sonal association and start overthinking and
                                                                                                                                                                     rumination. Block them, and at the least, if
                                                                                                               Tips to combat internet trolls:                       you think there is no option and cannot
                                                                                                               • Stop creating the false image, it’s an identity     deal with them, take the help of law.
                                                        laugh smile, dressing almost everything. This              deception. This can only create negative
        Continued from Page 3...
                                                        may make them anxious and can affect their                 environment and negative reinforcement.            Let us be responsible for the online environ-
   Speaking to us about the woes of a celebrity         mental health.”                                            Leave narcissism, grandiosity!                  ment and before resorting to any negative act,
father, Ali Reza, an actor and a father of a baby          “Many kids these days who have experienced              Understanding, introspection and stayingin      pause and think from the other person’s perspec-
girl, pours out, “No one has the right to speak         trolling keep fearing that it isnot over. It happens       touch with the real world and people, work-     tive. This may lead to relief from some of the
about others and invade their private space. It         once, however the constant comments on the                 ing on your deficit areas would improve         physical and psychological conditions such as
is a choice, and we live in free nation. Like every     same keeps it active throughout. It is as if the           your behaviour.                                 depression, anxiety, traumatic disorder, neurot-
other normal parent, I am also a protective father.
I wouldnot want to see any derogatory comments
                                                        troller has entered your house because it does-
                                                        not stop despite the time and number of days.
                                                                                                               •   Active bystanders are the victims most of       ic symptoms, sleep disorders, and ultimately your
                                                                                                                                                                   immune system.
                                                                                                                   the times, who are against cyber-bullying or
about my child. It is our life, and we have the right   This can have long lasting impact on develop-
to live it the way we want to.” With reference to       ing minds of kids as they start looking at things
star kids’ lifestyle he says, “There's already a lot    from filters that others have created. The reason
that the celebrity kids deal with, like trying to       for this is online disinhibition effect that any of
keep up to expectations, age-related issues or          us can experience while we are online! It is the
whatever. Why are they made target when they            lack of restraint one feels when communicating
have nothing to do with all of this? I would want       online as compared to offline. The factors like
to tell my child that there is nothing special in       anonymity, lack of empathy, and not being able
our profession. Just because someone is an actor        to see the reaction immediately is making the
or a politician or a sportsperson, it doesnot mean      world in general mean. Hence, it is important
they are ‘different from the rest’.”                    to spread awareness regarding this concept and
   Popularity does come at a cost. Why should           at the same time help young children to deal with
the children be dragged into the dirty politics         trolling effectively,” asserts Dr Chandana Shet,
or blame game? Evidently, trolling is not new.          counselling psychologist.
From nasty comments on a female celebrity’s out-           Following an online survey completed by over
fit to derogatory comments on relationship sta-         400 Reddit users, a study found that individu-
tus of the stars, trollers find content to cook from    als with dark triad personality traits which are
anywhere. However, it is in the recent past that        narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy
the trollers have shifted their target to the sec-      do this more often. Let us understand the rea-
ond generation of these stars or reputed people,        sons, what the psychology behind trolling is, and
that is, their children.                                how it affects the behaviour of an individual.
   Chhaya Sharma, mompreneur and parenting              Why do we troll, especially the celebrities and
influencer,observes, “Particularly in the age of        their kids, while understanding the devastating
social media, keyboard warriors hiding behind           consequences on physical and mental health? It
their computers take the risky way of harassing         seems, they feel rewarded. It is an atypical social
and assaulting celebrities over unimportant             reward, creating positive social environment and
matters. Parents want their children to grow up         rewards with the motive of achieving negative
healthy, yet the internet culture has made              rewards. This behaviour reinforces and condi-
things flimsier than ever when it comes to chil-        tionsthem after certain period. There is an agen-
dren, particularly celebrity case. Their children       dadriven deliberately to hurt being selfish,
are sometimes too defenceless to be targeted. It        impulsive, and emotionally imbalanced, having
is scary to see sometimes how people become             no remorse, exhibiting sadistic behaviour, and
so merciless at kids and forget that they are also      engaging in malevolent trolling. We can think
human beings, and it can affect them mentally.          an individual in the real world, sometimes may
It is very easy to write bad lines about some kid       or may not be successful in his motives and
or make fun about them, but it is very tough to         extending these traits through his behaviour to
understand unless you are personally experienc-         the external and virtual world. Even though it
ing how it feels to have thousands of people            is not an independent and unique predictor, still
spewing hate at you constantly. People troll them       their motives and the type of esteem levels can
for their appearance, way of speaking, walk, talk,      determine, he/she is an antisocial or emotion-
TROLLING KIDS OF CELEBS - Inhumanly hurting tender minds P:3&4 elective surgery - Daily Pioneer
      SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2022
                                                  CELEB TALK
INSIGHTS AND BITS                       ver since her         Adding another beauti-         after the phone call was        if she has this superiority     Imtiaz had told me the
                               E        debut in Rajshri
                                        Hindi film Isi
                                        Life Mein,
                              Sandeepa Dhar has been
                                                           fully portrayed character
                                                           to her list is her most
                                                           recent character Mithali,
                                                           from Imtiaz Ali’s directori-
                                                           al Dr. Arora.
                                                                                             that Imtiaz Ali has seen
                                                                                             my test and liked it and
                                                                                             even thinks I’m a good
                                                                                             actor. Till now bass Mujhe
                                                                                             lagta tha (she laughs) he is
                                                                                                                             complex very confident
                                                                                                                             nakchadi kind of individu-
                                                                                                                             al that’s outside. Inside,
                                                                                                                             she’s completely opposite
                                                                                                                             to her husband. Sweet nice
                                                                                                                                                             entire concept on the
                                                                                                                                                             zoom call. I was very
                                                                                                                                                             intrigued by it because he
                                                                                                                                                             has always made these
                                                                                                                                                             love stories and this is not
                              one of those talents that       While it’s every actor's       one of the best ones in the     a very loving relationship      a love story. A completely
                              never fails to grab your     dream to work with Imtiaz         industry. In his films          with her husband and she’s      different story a different
                              attention. Be it Anjali in   Ali in his films, it was like     actors perform the best.”       the one who always takes        space from what he gener-
                              Dabangg 2 or Renu in         a dream come true for her            She continues, “He           charge in their marriage        ally does I was very
       “I BELIEVE THAT        Heropanti to Inaya           when the filmmaker him-           knows I exist he thinks         too there are issues hap-       intrigued to see how he
     THIS WILL START A        Siddiqui in Mai, she’s       self liked her test for the       I’m a good actor it was like    pening certain medical          has written it. And like
                              impressed one and all with   character. We connect             I had won the Oscar.            issues that he has and in       they say that as a writer
CONVERSATION, A TOPIC                     her perfor-      with the actor over a call        Getting a part or not woh       small cities in the 90’s        he’s the biggest trend as a
PEOPLE WOULD TALK                             mance.       to know some Behind The           toh baad ki baat hai but I      obviously, people were          writer is how he writes
ABOUT. EARLIER                                             Shoot of Dr. Arora, how           had won my Oscar. I had         very shy to openly go to        about interpersonal rela-
                                                           did it feel when she got to       to get on a video call with     doctors for such issues.        tionships between charac-
PEOPLE NEVER                                               know she would be work-           him. I never met him or         She’s also one of those,        ters and I think that he
SPOKE ABOUT                                                ing in Imtiaz Ali’s Dr.           spoke to him like this. It      who's been trying ‘Ghar ke      has done it so beautifully
                                                           Arora, she says for every         was just during the awards      nuske’ nothing worked           that you’ll be seeing.”
MENTAL HEALTH                                              actor it’s a dream to work        and stuff. You always           out. Mithali finally figures        She continues, “All the
BUT NOW WE SEE                                             with Imtiyaz.                     think that the first impres-    out this Dr. Arora and has      relationships have been so
                                                              Taking us through how          sion is the last impression     to somehow send her hus-        beautifully depicted and
PEOPLE TALKING                                             it all began, she says, “I        and I was like I hope I         band to go see this doctor      because of the OTT space
OPENLY. IT’S THE                                           remember when initially I         behave right and get the        but again it’s a small town.    people have become less
SAME WITH THIS.                                            got a call for the show,          part I dint even know           Anything that you do            shy and much more
                                                           they had not told me              what he is looking for I        everybody gets to know.         exposed now. Now there
THERE’S A LINE IN                                          much about the show. I            was super nervous and we        In fact, between all of this,   are so many concepts that
THE TRAILER ALSO                                           was just informed that            get on a Zoom call. It was      she has to navigate all of      you get to see, you don’t
                                                           Imtiaz Ali is doing the           just me and him on the          this and has to keep her        feel shy anymore to dis-
‘JAB TAK GUPT                                              show there’s a character          call. There was this guy        husband’s position in           cuss the subject. I believe
RAHEGA TAB TAK                                             which is very interesting         super chill and talking to      mind.                           that this will start a con-
                                                           and we want to test you           me like a normal regular           How she navigates to         versation, a topic people
ROGG RAHEGA’                                               for it. I did give the test       person. He spoke to me          get her husband to meet         would talk about. Earlier
UNLESS AND UNTIL                                             and later I just forgot         and I’m very glad he com-       the doctor and then what        people never spoke about
YOU TALK ABOUT IT,                                            about it because I was         plimented me. At the end        happens is the most hilari-     mental health but now we
                                                               shooting for another          of the call, I didn't know if   ous part, says the Cartel       see people talking openly.
IT IS GOING TO BE A                                              show. One random            I’m getting the role or not     actress. She adds, “My          It’s the same with this.
DISEASE WE NEED                                                    day when I was            but I knew makers like          relationship is also the        There’s a line in the trailer
                                                                    shooting in              him are appreciating my         subplot of how we meet          also ‘Jab tak gupt rahega
TO TALK ABOUT IT                                                      Pondicherry, it        work and that was defi-         on a very wrong foot and        tab tak rogg rahega’ unless
IN ORDER TO                                                             was boring as        nitely the biggest takeaway     how he becomes a friend         and until you talk about it,
                                                                          hell there was     out of all of that. I was       and a confidant. There’s        it is going to be a disease
NORMALISE IT.                                                              no proper         overjoyed when I got the        another twist that comes        we need to talk about it in
HOW PEOPLE                                                                   network. I      part.”                          in and then her character       order to normalise it. How
HAVE OTHER                                                                     somehow          Sandeepa further shares      goes through a lot of ups       people have other issues
                                                                                got a call   that since it is a comedy       and downs and yeah it’s         it’s the same thing. Our
ISSUES IT’S THE                                                                  from        show, the whole cast and        very weird and complex in       effort is to normalise it,
SAME THING.                                                                                  team laughed throughout         that way.”                      how successful we are we’ll
                                                                                             while shooting.                    Being able to work in a      get to know and in fact, I
OUR EFFORT IS                                                                                   She plays the character      web series like Dr. Arora,      think Sony liv has been
TO NORMALISE                                                                                 of Mithali and everyone         which talks about sexolo-       doing some really interest-
                                                                                             calls her Mitthu. She is        gist and sex problems,          ing stuff with bringing
IT, HOW                                                                                      from Morena in Madhya           Sandeepa shares that she is     some issues to the masses
SUCCESSFUL                                                                                   Pradesh. Dr. Arora is basi-     glad to be a part of some-      they take the stories from
WE ARE WE’LL                                                                 Window          cally the story of the 90’s.    thing different you would-      the heartland of India and
                                                                            seat films       Mithali is an independent,      n’t have seen such a show       bringing it to the main-
GET TO                                                                      of Imtiaz        strong, and kind woman          before.                         stream audience in a nice
KNOW”                                                                   Ali they called      who is the wife of                 To this, she explains,       way.” As an actor, she feels
                                                                 up and said Imtiaz          Morena’s Superintendent         “It’s unique and different      grateful to be playing
- SANDEEPA                                                       really liked your           of Police.                      and that’s why I think it’s     completely opposite char-
                                                                 work but he wants to           She’s like those ‘Chai se    catching everyone’s atten-      acters. She further signs
DHAR                                                            talk to you before we        garam ketli’ she’s one of       tion you might shy away         off saying that she wants
                                                                finalise on anything.        those who acts as if she’s      from the topic or whatever      to be completely diametri-
                                                               You know the thing            the SP. She walks in atti-      but you’ll still be intrigued   cal and not limit herself
                                                               that came to my head          tude and talks to people as     by it. I remember when          from doing different roles.
TROLLING KIDS OF CELEBS - Inhumanly hurting tender minds P:3&4 elective surgery - Daily Pioneer
                                                      HEALTH                                                                       SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2022

Effectively scheduling
      elective surgery
         ou know of multiple sur-
         gical options, of which
         one of them is elective
         surgery. Seemed new to
us, we tried finding out what is it
in precision and that led us to
speak to three experts in the
medical field.
   Elective surgery does not
always mean it is optional. It sim-
ply means that the surgery can be
scheduled in advance. It may be a
surgery you choose to have for a
better quality of life, but not for a
life-threatening condition. But in
some cases it may be for a serious
condition such as cancer.
Examples of elective surgery
include removing a mole or wart,
and having kidney stones
removed. It may also be done if
other forms of treatment are not
   What Dr. Preetpal Thakur at
Glamyo Health told us exclusively
was, “What's concerning is the
fact that the very term elective is
impeding quality healthcare.
Many medical sociologists believe
that the current binary system of
                                                 There are several surgical options              famous university hospital in the
                                                                                                 British Isles or mainland Europe
                                                                                                                                        capacity. A number of health care
                                                                                                                                        providers have urged patients to
lifesaving versus elective care               available now. Thanks to technology.               about a hundred years ago.             register for the surgical procedure
exacerbates social inequalities for                                                                She also informed, “Due to var-      because any further delay would
marginalised members of society,                 How about elective surgery? The                 ious government restrictions,          mean inviting death in a time of
especially women and the LGBTQ                                                                   hospitals were forced to close         crisis. In order to prevent future
community. Many diseases like
                                                    Pioneer brings to you a detailed             their OPDs during the recent           surgical care shutdowns, health-
cataract, gynecomastia, gallstone,                   analysis of the pros and cons of            Covid-19 pandemic, and now that        care providers need to significant-
hernia, lipoma, etc. have no other                                                               restrictions have been eased.          ly improve infrastructure and
cure other than undergoing elec-                                     elective surgery            Many patients who had been             plan in the long term, especially
tive surgery. While home reme-                                                                   postponing elective surgery are        since the COVID-19 crisis is
dies, medications and non-surgi-                                                                 returning to hospitals. As a result,   looming.”
cal treatments can stop the condi-
tion from worsening, it cannot
                                                                               - Shikha Duggal   hospitals are not only overbur-
                                                                                                 dened but also operating at full
cure these diseases. In such a
case, surgery is the only left          scheduled in advance, patients are
option that gives prolonged and         advised to be under medical
effective cure.”                        supervision to avoid any worst-
   In India, the elective surgery       case scenario. It is possible for
market is worth USD 30 billion.         certain cancers to advance into
Yet 90% of the elective surgery         later stages within a short period
industry is unorganised, meaning        of 4-8 weeks, well within the esti-
that healthcare providers, doctors,     mated delays of elective surgical
and insurance companies are con-        procedures. Many elective surg-
nected through a single interface.      eries are postponed due to surgi-
   Approximately five lakh elec-        cal phobia. Aside from the loss of
tive surgeries in India were            revenue and resources to hospi-
pushed back by the global Covid-        tals, postponing surgical care can
19 pandemic in 2020 as India's          result in worsening medical con-
already inadequate and substan-         ditions, longer hospital stays, low-
dard medical health facilities          ered quality of life for patients,
failed to cope.                         and increased costs for more seri-
   She continued, “Elective proce-      ous health conditions.”
dures are important not just               The first time the abdomen was
because they are urgently needed,       opened at an elective operation,
but also because the underlying         the pathology excised and made a
condition can be fatal. As most         smooth recovery was not, as you
elective surgeries are usually          might guess, performed in some
TROLLING KIDS OF CELEBS - Inhumanly hurting tender minds P:3&4 elective surgery - Daily Pioneer
             SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2022

Alas, think before you stuff it                                                                                                                                   attacks and strokes occurring as a
FOOD EATING CHALLENGES                                                                                                                                            result of the stress of competitive
                                                                                                                                                                  eating. The stress of the activity can
LOOK FUN BUT THEY HAVE                                                                                                                                            induce acute surges of adrenaline
GOT SOME DARK SIDE. THE                                                                                                                                           that can hurt the heart. Audience
                                                                                                                                                                  should avoid getting influenced by
PIONEER BRINGS TO YOU                                                                                                                                             these challenges as they have long
THE DARK SIDE OF THESE                                                                                                                                            term health effects. The harm
                                                                                                                                                                  caused by such challenges on the
CHALLENGES, WHICH YOU                                                                                                                                             body are often irreversible. For
MIGHT NOT KNOW OR EVEN                                                                                                                                            instance, binge eating can cause
                                                                                                                                                                  stomach perforations in those with
THOUGHT OF.                                                                                                                                                       ulcers and gulping large quantities
                                                                                                                                                                  of water during training can lead to
                                                                                                                                                                  water intoxication, a condition
           - Tejal Sinha                                                                                                                                          caused by diluted electrolytes in the
         ave a Super jumbo size plate                                                                                                                             blood. Competitors will be at risk of

         of Biryani and win a cash                                                                                                                                becoming obese as they age, and
         prize. Have a Baahubali size                                                                                                                             binge-eating may become normal
         samosa and win Rs 51,000.                                                                                                                                for them. Competitive eaters may
         Biggest shawarma eating                                                                                                                                  not be able to shrink back their
challenge or 200 panipuri’s in a                                                                                                                                  stomachs or relieve themselves from
minute.                                                                                                                                                           solid foods. As a result, they can
   Earlier, there was a time, when                                                                                                                                become nauseous to food and lose
they were such food challenges                                                                                                                                    their ability to eat,” Dr. Veerendra
being organised in villages during                                                                                                                                Sandur, Lead Consultant - Med.
festivals. Looks like now, people                                                                                                                                 Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
have been inspired by the past.                                                                                                                                   Aster RV Hospital, highlights fur-
These food challenges are all over                                                                                                                                ther.
on the internet now. These food         lenges are safe. These challenges can                                                                                        Wait! Wait! This is not just the
challenges are now like the most        result to choking, an immediate            There have been specific reports of heart attacks                              least. There have been several peo-
viral concept, that the influencers
have been putting it up on their
                                        danger that often becomes very
                                        apparent and very quickly.
                                                                                   and strokes occurring as a result of the stress of                             ple who had participated in these
                                                                                                                                                                  competitions ended up using strong
accounts. But are these videos really   According to a report published in         competitive eating. The stress of the activity can                             medications, that further resulted in
inspiring the viewers in a good way?    the Canadian Medical Association           induce acute surges of adrenaline that can hurt                                much stronger side effects.
   No doubt, these challenges are       Journal, choking is one of the                                                                                               We speak to a senior diabetolo-
pretty entertaining. In fact, we        biggest risks faced by anyone who          the heart. Audience should avoid getting                                       gist, who shared with us one such
might have for once started craving     enters any kind of eating contest.         influenced by these challenges as they have long                               case, where the patient had partici-
to have those foods while seeing
these challenges. And, might have
                                          This is just not the end. People
                                        who have participated in these chal-
                                                                                   term health effects.                                                           pated in one such competition while
                                                                                                                                                                  watching a video on YouTube.
even thought to give this challenge a   lenges have died for various reasons.                                                                                     During, this the patient obviously
try.                                    While no one is sure about what can                                       - Dr. Veerendra Sandur                          could not complete the entire
   But, wait! Can you really do this    be the long term effects of these                                                                                         amount of food, and started practic-
challenge? Is it safe for you to par-   challenges, one might end up hav-                                                                                         ing for the competition. This result-
                                                                                What do the experts have
ticipate in such challenges? You got    ing various eating disorders.                                                    be immediate or long term detri-         ed in the patient not only gaining
to really think about it now, before                                            to say?                                  mental impact for continued prac-        weight but ended up being diag-
you give it a shot.                     Why does this happen?                      Dr Naveen Polavarapu, MBBS,           tice among such competitors. While       nosed with Type 1 diabetes. On one
   While, these challenges might be        During these challenges, people      MRCP (UK), FRCP (UK), CCT                eating there are possible risks          side, while the patient was on
entertaining and you might be curi-     don’t generally chew the food prop-     (Gastro), Liver transplant fellow,       involved due to the time constraint      insulin, the patient also turned out
ous to try it out. But on the long      erly. Not chewing the food properly     Senior consultant                        involved in the competition such as      being diagnosed with extreme
term side, this can badly effect your   and consuming it one-by-one can         Gastroenetrologist, Apollo hospitals.    choking, vomiting, lack of supply of     depression for their excess weight.
health in a numerous ways.              block the foodpipe. Not only this,      Hyderabad explains to us and says,       oxygen(asphyxia) and                     Without consulting anyone and
   People might take in a sporting      but you can end up having issues        “In these challenges, they don’t         aspiration(food moving to wind-          browsing on internet, the patient
way. But, lets just clear it for you.   related to digestion. We speak to       actually chew the food properly. If      pipe) that can even lead to death.       ended up taking regular drugs like
From all the data that The Pioneer      some senior doctor and nutritionist     they don’t chew the food properly,       Ideally, an average adult should con-    Marijuana. The patient's condition
had researched on, not even one         who explain us about the same.          the gastric juices wont be released      sume around 1700-1800kcal dis-           got so worse, that the patient had to
report suggested that these chal-                                               properly and its going to effect their   tributed over a day but not recom-       get into rehab.
                                                                                health in multiple ways like diges-      mended to consume at one meal               While entertainment is impor-
                                                                                tion will be a problem, then they        with high speed due to which there       tant, remember don’t let your enter-
                                                                                will start gaining wait very easily.     is increased metabolic stress on         tainment effect your physical and
                                                                                Having a heavy meal at one go and        your gut, liver , kidneys, pancrease,    mental health.
                                                                                then a long gap is not good. You         etc. It expands the size of the stom-
                                                                                need to have small meal at once and      ach and thereby post competition         Effects of these chal-
                                                                                that is what is advisable. When you      one may experience severe nausea ,       lenges
                                                                                stuff the food or your basis
                                                                                metabolic rate is getting low, the
                                                                                                                         vomiting , dizziness, stomach ache,
                                                                                                                         bloating , indigestion, diarrhoea
                                                                                                                                                                  • Poor Digestion
                                                                                body recognises the excess stuff will    and heart burn.”
                                                                                                                                                                  • Obese
                                                                                get stored as excess calories.”             “Health effects of competitive eat-   • Asphyxia
                                                                                   Edwina Raj, Senior Clinical           ing include delayed stomach empty-       • Increased metabolic stress on sev-
                                                                                Dietician further explains us more       ing, aspiration pneumonia, perfora-        eral organs
                                                                                about the risks and says, “Through
                                                                                these eating challenges, there are
                                                                                                                         tion of the stomach, Boerhaave syn-
                                                                                                                         drome, and obesity. There have
                                                                                                                                                                  • Diabetes
                                                                                possible risks involved which could      been specific reports of heart
                                                                                                                                                                  • Anxiety and Depression
TROLLING KIDS OF CELEBS - Inhumanly hurting tender minds P:3&4 elective surgery - Daily Pioneer
It takes a lot of grit for a self-willed woman to strike out                                                                                          In love with her
                                                                                                                                                                                         Quest towards
  on her own when she is the daughter of an influential and                                                                                                birthplace
    sassy father, who, at 68, is at his highest degree of giving                                                                                              I grew up in
                                                                                                                                                           Chennai, where the
                                                                                                                                                                                            I discovered religion
                                                                                                                                                                                         quite latein my life. In
          young actors a run for their money. By choice Shruti                                                                                             weather is too hot.           fact, my parents are
                                                                                                                                                           Although it is a cos-         spiritual, but do not use
           Haasan works hard and remains out of the radar of                                                                                               mopolitan hub, there          the labels of God and
                                                                                                                                                           is ancient temple             religion even at home.
  nepotism. “I never tried it,” says the actress, who is also a                                                                                            architecture you will         My father is an atheist.
                                              bomb-ass musician.                                                                                           see with some classi-
                                                                                                                                                           cal music. This city is
                                                                                                                                                                                         I have read scriptures
                                                                                                                                                                                         and all of them taught
 In a freewheeling conversation with The Pioneer’s Shikha                                                                                                  a miraculous gift to          me different kinds of
                                                                                                                                                           Tamil Nadu. The               lessons. My religious
   Duggal, Shruti Haasan, who has been appointed by Pulp                                                                                                   development has               belief is to practice
                                                                                                                                                           been awe-inspiring.           gratitude; that's how I
  as its brand ambassador, shares how caring for oneself and                                                                                               You walk down the             roll. The way I observe
     being different, even if it means weird, counts. She also                                                                                             city and can have             spirituality is like bliss
                                                                                                                                                           gastronomical                 for me; you suddenly
  lends her voice to informed discussions on mental health,                                                                                                delights of local cui-        feel very much alive. It
                                                                                                                                                           sine as well as mod-          is a life-altering experi-
          PCOS, child education, adoption system, and more.                                                                                                ern fast food.                ence for me.

     Quite serious kid                                                 In the spotlight                                           The break from                                                                                   Giving back to the com-
                                      complexes between us.                                       from the industry just          showbiz                        to step off the treadmill      doing gigs at my favourite                                            should be given societal sup-        when I walk the ramp, I, as an
        I was quite a serious         There is a sense of belong-         Very early on I         made me sure of how                                            back then. There was a         venues. There used to be           munity                             port. I would love to take           insider, also am aware of how
     child in my growing years.       ing. I started giving her        started writing prose      tough it is, and I did             Then came the break         time when I stopped            some Indians there, and               To have a blockbuster film in   ahead the topic of adoption too      much waste the fashion and
     My parents used to say I         priority when she was a          and poetry. I graduat-     feel maybe I am not             from this industry. It was     enjoying movies and            they would sweetly ask             the bag once a while is no         because our adoption system is       make-up industry produce,
     had the habit of ponder-         beautiful baby in my             ed from a music            the pretty chick. The           necessary because I want-      music. I needed some           me why I wasn’t perform-           harm. It draws the massive         a little messed up. I know a few     which is not cool. It is lovely to
     ing for everything. I            hands. In my childhood, I        school. During Math        way I started in this           ed to realign myself. I felt   quiet time to reinvent         ing my film songs. But I           crowd; there are high-stake        children who are waiting to be       see celebs vocalising their voic-
     found myself as a weirdo         had the habit of concoct-        classes in school, I       industry was awful, as          like I was doing things        myself as an artiste. I took   was on the route of mak-           scenarios. Who wouldnot want       adopted, and some families           es. When I opened about my
     back then (laughs). But          ing stories and that always      used to write stories      compared to others! I           that werenot making me         off on a path where I          ing and presenting my              to be associated with a popular    that are desperately in queue to     PCOS issue, a lot of women
     the day Akshara was born;        landed me in trouble!            instead, because I was     at times even felt out          happy, personally and          aimed to cleanse my            original creations. I want-        film? And, if done right, they     adopt them. Going ahead, all of      were relieved knowing that
     it changed a lot of feelings     Going to the circus was          so terrible at numbers.    of place. Maybe my              professionally. At that        mind, body and spirit. I       ed to test my music, and           can be a critical darling too!     us should understand the             have someone relatable in the
     in me. She is my best            my fondest memory can            And then, I thought of     contemporaries were             time, a lot of people          wanted to start from a         if it wasnot good, I knew          But as a star we must give back    broader aspects of ecological        community. Sanitary napkins
     friend today. I am very          never forget what the ani-       becoming an actress at     more intelligent than           thought that it was an         scratch. I focused a lot on    that I would get an honest         and Istaunchly believe in the      balance too. Animals are being       given in black polybags isnot
     protective towards her.          mals did there, especially       a very young age. But      me. But none could              insane step that I was tak-    music. I started perform-      response from the audi-            progression of child education.    endangered. So, adopt sustain-       the way to go, but eradicating
     There had never been             a Pomeranian dog.                assessing the insides      intimidate me.                  ing, but it was important      ing live and enjoyed           ence.                              Women and stray animals            able living simultaneously. And      these taboos are.

     Being different                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Complimenting her ally
                                                                                                                Practicing self-care               the big step was taking thera-     Anxiety never goes away                                                                                      time we don’t, and it was just      the key towards the begin-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Santanu's lifestyle
        Our family celebrates                                                                                      Getting comfortable and         py, acknowledging, and             fully, but therapy taught me                                                                                 getting silly to like being pho-    ning of this attractive rela-
     being different. We are very                                                                               embracing my real self has         working through with com-          to atleast acknowledge it.                                                   I hid a lot in the past. I      tographed. But I honestly           tionship! There are times
     artistic. I have never denied,                                                                             been a process for me. It is       passion! That is why I talk        After taking this therapy in                                              have been like ‘Oh my God, I       think it would be much more         when I buzz off to work, he
     and I don’t think you                                                                                      funny because when I think         about loving yourself. It is       London, I feel rejuvenated                                                have been totally single’ for      annoying for him than for           starts to paint on the canvas
     should, when you have a                                                                                    back to my childhood, we all       something that requires            and energised to take up new                                              the longest time. Because          me. Also, I think my parents        then and when I return —
     surname. I know it opened                                                                                  had our insecurities. We all       kindness from you. Forget          challenges. I must say 2022 is                                            people were like ‘you have to      had the most beautiful inten-       there is a whole world paint-
     a door for me. But I also                                                                                  had our little bag of worries.     other people being kind to         looking quite promising. It                                               appear that way, you have to       tions about their marriage.         ed on it. His style of painting
     know, with my hand on my                                                                                   But we also had clarity as a       you or understanding you.          began with the release of my                                              appear desirable, available’.      When it worked, it was a fan-       is intricate, forget about his
     heart, that I have never                                                                                   child about who we are, and        You need to ask yourself how       web show, for which I got                                                 And one day I was like, ‘For       tastic marriage and that is         eyes, I get lost in his art-work
     used my parents’ name or                                                                                   what you like, and what you        much of that you do with           immense love and apprecia-                                                whom? For what?’ I also felt       what I chose to take away           too. People like him are rare.
     connections to get through                                                                                 don’t. I think that slowly         yourself? And that is really       tion. With that, I do look for-                                           like it was disrespectful to my    from it. Things may or may          I have dated actors before,
     a job, get something done,                                                                                 erodes over time. For me, it       something I am really enjoy-       ward to taking up more                                                    partner to hide it. It may or      not work out. I always like to      and it was terrible because
     or even pay my bills after I                                                                               has been a process about           ing doing with myself right        Hindi projects. I have a few                                              may not work out, we don’t         look at what was the good           they didnot prioritise kind-
     started working. I have                                                                                    conversing with myself.            now. Then there are trolls         South projects, including                                                 know but I think it is impor-      side of it. My parents went         ness at all. I love my heavy
     worked through this busi-                                                                                  There have been times when         who we got to deal with as         Salaar with Prabhas, Chiru                                                tant to respect your environ-      through a lot, and they stuck       metal and my dark graphic
     ness like any other person,                                                                                I have not had important           celebs; they do affect me.         154 with Chiranjeevi and                                                  ment and the people in it. But     it out. Just because their mar-     novels, but actors just don't
     and I am proud of that. But                                                                                conversations with myself. I       Negativity on social media is      NBK 107 with Balakrishna. I                                               now, Santanu is my best            riage didnot work, it doesnot       get it, I guess! It was only
     I never take away from the                                                                                 had avoided things. I have         toxic! It's baffling to me that    am also glad about the kind                                               friend. People think that a lot    mean that I would write off         after I dated outside the film
     fact that my surname                                                                                       gone down a road that I have       their inherent abusive cycle       of reception south Indian                                                 of the times we call paparazzi,    the idea of marriage. When it       community was when I start-
     opened doors. When I                                                                                       not liked mentally. For me,        comes out like this onto us.       films are getting today.                                                  and yes there are times we do      worked, they were a brilliant       ed discovering like-minded
     came to the industry, there                                                                                                                                                                                                                                when we are looking extra          couple, and that is what I          people.
     was a buzz around my sur-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  cute (laughs). But a lot of the    chose to look at. His art was
     name. But the truth
     remains that staying was                       Stereotyped to be eerie               ple don't understand it and says        immediately expresses and shows         wear such clothes. So, it has come
     really hard and challenging                       Goth is just a word for me. It     she looks like a vampire, horror        people a part of what you are.          back to what I always loved. I          Taking the industry             that race where people say      can someone from the             get, I have the most amaz-
     for me. I was pretty much                      signifies that I am a dreamy real-    or ‘chudail’. I used to be like it is   Even for my films, I would be like      always loved this sort and always       head on!                        that as an actor, you must      Hindi film industry say          ing circle of female friends
     written off after my first                     ist. I find beauty in macabre. I      okay you can call it whatever you       can we do more of this just for a       felt comfortable dressing in that.         I understand that            do one Hindi film a year. I     things like, ‘Oh, but you are    they didnot have to be an
     film. But to come back and                     love all things heavy metal. It has   want. You can keep calling me           song or can I help with the stylish     Because being different made you        Mumbai feels like the cen-      moved to Mumbai ever            a south Indian’. And, I have     actor to get through
     stay there, mainlybecause of                   made me more open-minded              'chudail', that is my aesthetic, and    of the song and have black leather.     special and not weird. Now I have       tre of the universe to so       since my parents split. I       a fresh wave of understand-      Shruti Hassan. One is
     the love for what I was                        instead and I vibe with a person      it makes me feel powerful. Now          But after a point, I got advised by     two sides, one is what I show to        many people, but it isn’t the   have been living here for       ing and I don't shy away         a HR, one is a crew
     doing,has been a wonderful                     who has similar traits that way. I    they have given up. It is inspira-      people you cannot dress like this       play the characters and the rest of     centrefor me. I feel nobody     many years. I speak in          from saying it that a lot of     member, one is a
     learning experience for me                     love going all black! The sounds      tional to me; so, who cares. When       for events. They were not wrong I       the time I can be Shruti and get        should feel apologetic          Hindi with my mother. So,       it is illusional in the indus-   lawyer, and I am
     on a human level. We all                       of wolves, the wind howling,          I was younger, I loved being that       think. Then I used to be like           permission to be what I want to         about where they choose to      when I consider Mumbai          try. My mom keeps us             not a star to
     last only as long as the                       thunderstorms stir me. Some peo-      unexpected package in all black. It     when I would go abroad I can            be.                                     spend most of their time        my home and the city con-       grounded because she has         them.
     opportunities we have.                                                                                                                                                                                       working. I have been in         siders me its own, then how     seen it all! And, not to for-

08                                                                                                                                                                                                  SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2022                                                                                                                                                 09
TROLLING KIDS OF CELEBS - Inhumanly hurting tender minds P:3&4 elective surgery - Daily Pioneer
                                                 AVENUES                                                                                                SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2022

                                        TIME TO MAJOR IN
                                        CLOUD COMPUTING

         ata is everywhere and this

         access to information has
         become one of the most
         impactful events in modern
         history. And, we live in the
         age of ubiquitous cloud
computing. It offers agility, lower
cost, and better access to resources
on a global scale. So how did we get
here? Bhavesh Goswami, CEO &
Founder at CloudThat tells us
exclusively, “Cloud computing
careers have witnessed rapid
changes in recent days due to two
primary reasons. First, major cloud
providers are expanding their offer-
ings by embracing advanced tech-
nologies like Artificial Intelligence
and the Internet of Things. Second,
a spree of organizations are moving
to the cloud for the first time, and
the challenge of procuring skilled
cloud professionals is huge.” A
recent research report by Gartner
emphasizes that 85% of organiza-
tions will be cloud-first by 2025.          As every organization moves to the cloud, cloud computing                   ing, which went mainstream at           Further, as cloud developers, you
The social benefits of cloud-based          will be ingrained in every infrastructure and development                   Apple-spawned General Magic in          should have serverless computing
data are still being discovered as we       position you take up soon. Moreover, as a cloud professional,               the early 1990s, with even earlier      knowledge. Importantly, with rapid
continue to explore how our new             you are expected to gain expertise in hybrid cloud                          mentions in academic work before        cloud adoption and enormous data
technological era is evolving. As           management and hone competency to work in a multi-cloud                     that. The concept was initially dis-    availability on the cloud, you need
more and more complex applica-              environment. In the future, organizations will be functioning               cussed by J.C.R. Licklider, the first   AI/ML and IoT skills to extract
tions are no longer confined to one         with a multi-cloud setup. As a cloud professional, you should               director of Information Processing      meaningful insights,” he throws
physical location, this growth is           know the intricacies of different public cloud environments.                Techniques Office at the Pentagon’s     some more light on this interesting
becoming exponential. In our life-                                                                                      ARPA division in the 1960s,             field. Going back to history, Google
time, we have seen the progression                  - BHAVESH GOSWAMI, CEO & FOUNDER AT CLOUDTHAT                       according to Computerworld. This        and Microsoft were in an arms race
from floppy disc to zip drives, from                                                                                    statistic depicts how career oppor-     to build more and more market
CDs to USB storage drives and           tion, the most sought-after trait is     competency. Broadly you can take       tunities in the cloud space are         share of this virtual environment.
beyond. While millennials may           to possess business acumen along         up two paths: the Infrastructure &     expanding for students.                 Suddenly, the cloud was everywhere
believe that the cloud belongs to       with cloud skills. Earning certifica-    Automation path or the                 Interestingly, startups, unicorns,      and the expansion of PaaS, SaaS,
their generation, the roots of non-     tions from major public cloud            Development & DevOps path. To          and big, small, and medium-sized        and IaaS became a brand new
local computing can be traced back      providers is a definite advantage for    take up the Infrastructure &           businesses from all verticals require   industry with its offshoot, the
to the early 1950s. According to        professionals as it helps to endorse     Automation path, you must master       cloud skills in the current scenario.   cyber-security enterprise. In addi-
another survey from Gartner, the        your skill levels,” adds the expert.     tools like Terraform and earn AZ-      “Cloud computing offers a broad         tion, The most crucial turning
talent shortage is the most signifi-    Do you know? Cloud computing             104: Microsoft Azure Administrator     spectrum of job roles to develop as     point in the wide adoption of cloud
cant adoption barrier to 64% of         was already an important compo-          certification. And, if you take up     competent professionals. Important      came with the onslaught of the pan-
emerging technologies in 2021 as        nent in military too. It had cost sev-   Development & DevOps path, mas-        job roles that are popular are Cloud    demic in 2019 as organizations
against just 4% in 2020. “Also, the     eral million dollars and the need for    tering generic programming lan-        Administrator, Cloud Developer,         across all verticals were forced to
recent push for remote working has      multiple people to access the tech-      guages like Java, JavaScript, and      Cloud Engineer, Cloud Architect,        embrace digital transformation, and
aggravated the IT talent scarcity in    nology and that's how it became a        Python and gaining competency in       Cloud Security Professional and         remote working was accepted as the
the domains of cloud computing,         necessity. Moving on, according to       tools like Ansible, and Jenkins is     eventually, you can progress to top-    new normal by many organizations.
automation, and continuous deliv-       the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.     essential. In addition, you should     most level as a Chief Cloud Officer.    This phenomenal growth has fueled
ery. In my opinion, recent develop-     Approximately 531,200 new job            have advanced computing skills in      As every organization moves to the      the demand for cloud computing
ments expect cloud professionals to     openings are expected to be created      the areas of cloud orchestration,      cloud, cloud computing will be          professionals across the globe. The
have dexterity in handling multi-       from 2019 to 2029, at a growth rate      linux administration, performance      ingrained in every infrastructure       data from a leading online recruit-
cloud environments. That means          of 11%. The statistics from India are    analytics, cost & workload manage-     and development position you take       ing firm clearly depicts the rising
the current job roles require you to    also promising and as per a recent       ment, a grasp of serverless comput-    up soon. Moreover, as a cloud pro-      demand for cloud professionals." It’s
have the skills to set up and run       NASSCOM report, India will need          ing, and an understanding of the       fessional, you are expected to gain     impossible to fully predict what
multi-cloud environments. Also, a       20 lakh cloud professionals by 2025.     intricacies of infrastructure as a     expertise in hybrid cloud manage-       cloud technology will become in
fundamental expectation from aspi-      With the current growth rate, India      code, and the ability to work in a     ment and hone competency to             the near, mid, and far future, but it’s
rants is to have cloud plus skills      is expected to supply only an esti-      multi-cloud environment,” informs      work in a multi-cloud environment.      likely to continue to evolve beyond
along with other IT expertise.          mated 14-15 lakh cloud profession-       Bhavesh. The term cloud comput-        In the future, organizations will be    its current status. Here’s hoping that
Therefore, they need to possess         als during this period. “In my more      ing itself was coined in 1996 within   functioning with a multi-cloud          we will all continue to reap the ben-
cloud plus development, cloud plus      than a decade journey in the cloud       a Compaq internal document. The        setup. As a cloud professional, you     efits while avoiding the pitfalls of
data, cloud plus operations, and        arena, I suggest you take a path that    term cloud was originally linked to    should know the intricacies of dif-     such widespread access to data and
cloud plus security skills. In addi-    addresses your area of interest and      the concept of distributed comput-     ferent public cloud environments.       information.
TROLLING KIDS OF CELEBS - Inhumanly hurting tender minds P:3&4 elective surgery - Daily Pioneer
           SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2022
         Snack time recipes by
          Chef Kunal Kapur !
 Grey skies, light driz-
 zles and the earthy                                   CHATPATA TANDOORI                                       For all of us, cheela for breakfast is    make it tastier.
 aroma of monsoons                                                                                             an all-time winner in any North
 give us that much-                                    MUSHROOM CHEELA                                         Indian household. It is light, healthy    Ingredients:
 needed escape from the                                                                                        and can be a quick-fix for time-          • Besan- 1 cup
 sweltering heat. There’s                                                                                      pressed mornings. For this delicious      • Sooji- less than half cup
 a misty veil over the
 city, and the moment
                                                                                                               chatpata tandoori mushroom, mari-
                                                                                                               nate the mushroom in ingredients
                                                                                                                                                         • Water- as much needed (to bind)
 calls for a hot cup of                                                                                        like salt, ajwain, sooji, water and
                                                                                                                                                         • Salt- as per taste
 tea or filter coffee. But                                                                                     leave for 15-20 minutes and in            • Ajwain- half teaspoon
 is the moment really                                                                                          another bowl prepare cheela batter        • Haldi- a pinch
 complete without a                                                                                            with besan, sooji, ajwain, haldi, salt    • Saffola Gold Cooking Oil- For
 steaming plate of tasty                                                                                       and water. Make sure, the batter gets        cooking the cheelas
    Try some of the
                                                                                                               a dosa like consistency. Then, heat a
                                                                                                               kadhai or frying pan and add the
                                                                                                                                                         • Ingredients for Tandoori mush-
                                                                                                                                                            room filling:
 snack recipes suggested                                                                                       marinated mushroom to it and toss
 by Celebrity Chef                                                                                             on high flame to soak excess mois-        • Mushroom- 2 cup (each sliced into
 Kunal Kapur that fulfil                                                                                       ture. You can also use a microwave           two halves)
 your cravings without                                                                                         or oven to prepare the tandoori           • Onion- 2 (finely sliced)
 compromising on taste                                                                                         mushroom. Now, place a tawa on            • Capsicum- 1(finely sliced)
 and won’t set you back
 when it comes to your
                                                                                                               medium flame and grease it with
                                                                                                               some oil. Pour some cheela batter at
                                                                                                                                                         • Green chillies- 2 (chopped)
 fitness goals. These                                                                                          the centre of the tawa and spread it
                                                                                                                                                         • Tandoori masala- 1 tablespoon
 recipes have ingredi-                                                                                         out. Cook till the edges turn golden      • Dahi- 3-4 tablespoon
 ents that are not only                                                                                        brown in colour. Flip and cook the        • Fresh coriander leaves- 1-2 tea-
 good for your heart but                                                                                       other side. Add more oil if needed.          spoon (chopped)
 also for your overall                                                                                         Add some mushroom filling on one          • Salt- for taste
 health.                                                                                                       half of the cheela and fold. You may      • Lemon juice- 1-2 teaspoon
                                                                                                               add some cheese to the filling to            (optional)

   Makhanas are rich in protein           don’t burn. Alternatively, you    honey. They will cook in the
and hence make an amaz-                          can roast them in the      residual heat. Pour this mixture
ing addition to fasting                            oven at 170ºC for 5-6    over the makhanas and mix till                                                                    OATMEAL
food. The health bene-
fits of makhanas are
                              HONEY                  minutes. This will
                                                      make the
                                                                            they are evenly coated. You can
                                                                            have them any time as a snack!                                                                  AND RAISIN
attributed to its             CHILLI                  makhanas crunchy.                                                                                                      PANCAKES
antioxidant and                                       Remove from the       Ingredients:
aphrodisiac properties       MAKHANA                 pan and set aside to
since it improves physi-                            cool at room tem-       • 150 g plain makhana
cal strength, increases                           perature. In the same     • 25 g Saffola organic honey
stamina, and helps to man-                     pan, heat ghee and add       • 40 g organic jaggery                                                                          Ingredients:
age diabetes and other diseases.      jaggery. Keep stirring till all the   • 10 g chilli flakes                       Perfect for those with     ingredients into the
Dry roast the makhana with a          jaggery melts and there are no
                                                                            • 5 g sea salt                             a sweet-tooth who          dry ones. Fold till the   • 2 large eggs
small portion of Saffola cooking      lumps. Turn off the heat. Once
                                                                            • 1 tsp of Saffola Gold cooking
                                                                                                                       like to lead a healthy     dry ingredients are       • 2 tbsp Saffola honey
oil in a pan for 5 minutes, tossing
them regularly to make sure they
                                      the flame is off, immediately add
                                      chilli flakes and Saffola organic       oil
                                                                                                                       life, these Oatmeal
                                                                                                                       and Rasin Pancakes
                                                                                                                                                  just incorporated; do
                                                                                                                                                  not over-mix. Now
                                                                                                                                                                            • 2 tsp vanilla extract
                                                                                                                       will become your go-       the next step is to
                                                                                                                                                                            • 1.5 tbsp Saffola gold
                                                                                                                                                                              cooking oil
                                                                                                                       to monsoon meal.           cook the pancakes.
                                                                                                                       Start by preparing the     Preheat your griddle      • 1 1/2 cups rolled
                                                                                                                       pancake batter by          or frying pan to            oats (quick oats)
                                                                                                                       whisking the eggs,         medium-high and           • 1/3 cup raisins
                                                                                                                       honey, vanilla extract,    then lightly brush the    • 2 cups buttermilk
                                                                                                                       and Saffola gold oil       oil onto the griddle.       (or plain yogurt)
                                                                                                                       together. Add the oat-     Ladle the batter and      • 3/4 cup whole
                                                                                                                       meal, raisins, and but-    let it cook for a few       wheat flour
                                                                                                                       termilk. Mix and set
                                                                                                                       aside for the oatmeal
                                                                                                                                                  minutes, before flip-
                                                                                                                                                  ping and let it cook
                                                                                                                                                                            • 1/2 tsp baking soda
                                                                                                                       to soften. In a sepa-      through. Keep in
                                                                                                                                                                            • 2 pinches freshly-
                                                                                                                                                                              grated nutmeg
                                                                                                                       rate bowl, mix togeth-     mind these pancakes
                                                                                                                       er the whole wheat         do take longer to         • 1/2 tsp baking pow-
                                                                                                                       flour, baking soda,        cook than regular           der
                                                                                                                       nutmeg, baking pow-        pancakes. Serve           • 2 pinches ground
                                                                                                                       der, cinnamon, and         immediately with            cinnamon
                                                                                                                       salt. Mix the wet          warm Saffola honey.         1/2 tsp sea salt
                                         WHAT’S NEW                                                                                                         SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2022

Choose Minimalist for your                                                                         BODEN
serum requirements                                                                                 SUSTAINABLE
            e have multiple     dants like Vitamin C. You                                          ‘REMIX EDIT’

            brands with         can also layer multiple
            multiple face       serums to target more                                            Fashion and lifestyle
            serum options       than one goal, but before                                        brand Boden has
            where the num-      that, you should know                                            launched a new limited-
            ber keeps           which one goes together                                          edition sustainable col-
increasing day by day.          and which do not. At                                             lection made from off-
Some serums are ingredi-        Minimalist, we stand by                                          cuts of its most loved
ent specific whereas some       transparency, efficacy and                                       styles for women and
are concern specific.           affordability which are                                          children. The line is the     tiered linen dresses for
Finding a serum that is         embedded in the crux of                                          first of its kind for Boden   both women and chil-
not only trustworthy but        all our serums. Read                                             and has been developed        dren, including a match-
also effective is an impor-     through some of                                                  in response to its goal for   ing ‘Mini me’ moment,
tant task for us. Once you      Minimalist’s bestseller                                          all clothing to be made       alongside iconic Bretons
find the perfect serum for      serums that will feel light                                      from sustainable materi-      that have also been
your skin, your skin con-       on your skin, rooted in                                          als by 2025. There are        reworked with a patch-
cerns are better at bay.        scientific research and        and keeps your oils in            three repurposed styles,      work of classic stripes.
Serum is your skin's BFF        radical transparency.          check for that flawless                                                                            Freiq unveils
but fancier. When select-
ing the serum, look for         Vitamin C Serum
                                                               matt looking skin.
                                                                 Priced at: 549/-                                                                                 trendy streetwear
your target points. Take
your time and read the
                                  A glow-boosting daily
                                serum packaged with the                                                                           SUPPORTIN                       for millennials
                                                               Niacinamide 10%
ingredients mentioned in        goodness of Vitamin C &                                                                                                           Hyderabad based streetwear
the bottle. That step is        Polyhydroxy Acid (PHA)           A nourishing, daily                                              G THE NEXT                      apparel, Freiq has unveiled
super important. If you         that brightens and tones       serum packed with pure                                                                             trendy streetwear collections at
wish to target acne, look       sun damaged and dull skin      Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide)                                           GENERATION                      a pop-up exhibition in Banjara
for treatment serums with
Benzoyl peroxide or sali-
                                with dark spots.
                                  Priced at: 699/-
                                                               and powerful antioxidant
                                                               EUK-134. Together they
                                                                                                                                  OF INDIAN                       Hills. The expo saw renowned
                                                                                                                                                                  fashion connoisseurs checking
cylic acid. For dull, dry                                      reduce sebum, acne                                                 BEAUTY                          out the latest apparel range
skin, look for serums with                                     marks, erythema and                                                                                launched by the brand which
ingredients of Glycolic
                                Salicylic Acid 10%
                                                               inflammation, and also                                             ENTREPREN                       were on display at the show.
acid, Vitamin E,
Hyaluronic acid, Ferulic
                                  A daily gentle exfoliant
                                with 2% salicylic acid that
                                                               protect skin against UV-
                                                               induced DNA damage.
                                                                                                                                  EURS                            Freiq is a brand breathing life
                                                                                                                                                                  into streetwear and avant-garde
acid, and other antioxi-        wards off acne, blackheads       Priced at: 599/-                                                                                 fashion in India by rebirthing
                                                                                                                                                                  the concept of bold simplicity in
                                                                                                 The Estee Lauder              pel the next generation of         streetwear culture with interest-
 Fastrack to launch                                                                              Companies and NYKAA,
                                                                                                 one of India's leading
                                                                                                                               Indian beauty brands.
                                                                                                                               BEAUTY & YOU aims to
                                                                                                                                                                  ing artistic graphics. Freiq’s aim
                                                                                                                                                                  is to elevate streetwear's culture

 their new smartwatch                                                                            omnichannel beauty and
                                                                                                 lifestyle retailers, are
                                                                                                                               help founders, innova-
                                                                                                                               tors, and creators grow
                                                                                                                                                                  and develop India into the next
                                                                                                                                                                  fashion focal point. Every single
                                                                                                 excited to announce the       their businesses holisti-          design has a story behind it.
  India's largest youth and      comes with a 1.3"                                               launch of BEAUTY &            cally by identifying brand         Frieq has taken inspiration from
  accessories brand              AMOLED Display and            compared to other display         YOU India. Created by         goals, achieving scale             various activities and emotions
  Fastrack is all ready to       features such as Blood        technologies. Available in        ELC's New Incubation          ambitions, and curating            humans go through in their
  launch its next range of       Pressure Monitoring, and      four fun colours Fastrack         Ventures and launched in      product portfolios that            lives. The founders have spent
  smartwatch Reflex Play.        SPO2 monitoring. The          Reflex Play has a variety         partnership with              speak to a new genera-             hours drawing and painting the
  Fastrack Reflex Play is a      1.3" AMOLED feature of        of Animated Watch Faces           NYKAA, BEAUTY &               tion of consumers in the           artistic graphics and have done
  fun fashionable and fea-       the smart watch renders       and also supports Built-in        YOU India looks to dis-       Indian market.                     the same to transfer it onto the
  ture-rich smartwatch that      the best performance as       Games.                            cover, spotlight, and pro-                                       clothing.

                                                                                 orange flower come together in a        cramps. The roll on is effective for    Aqua Wave Bath Salt by
Skincare, home decor, coffee,                                                    creamy, exotic bouquet.
                                                                                   Fragrance Type: Floral Notes:
                                                                                                                         cramp relief on abdomen, lower
                                                                                                                         back and legs. The roll on comes
                                                                                                                                                                 Body Cupid
                                                                                 Tuberose Blanche, Camellia,             with no harsh chemicals and has a          Body Cupid Aqua Wave Bath
perfume and much more                                                            Orange Flower Eau De Parfum is
                                                                                               our most concentrat-
                                                                                                                         smooth application.                     Salt is infused with Sweet Almond
                                                                                                                                                                 Oil, Peppermint Essential Oil, Mint
                                                                                                                         Coffee percolator gift box
Friendship Day is around the cor-        have added immense                                    ed, pure version of                                               Leaves and Epsom Salt. Cool and
                                                                                                                         by Something’s Brewing
ner and like every other friend you      value to our beautiful                                the fragrance                                                     invigorating like an ocean dip.
also might be confused on the            lives. Here’s sharing a                                 Priced at: INR             The elegant Moka Pot from            Gives your skin rich hydration,
options for gifting. Well, fret not!     roster of gifts that you                              8999/-                    Budan can be used to brew black         helps with skin detox, soothes
For here we are, with a variety of       can gift to your friends                                                        coffee, filter coffee and tea. This     fatigue and eases sore muscles.
gifts that you can gift to your friend   and appreciate them                                   OR Sirona                 comes along with a pack of special-     Priced at: INR 399/-
who was your dance partner during        for being your                                        launches                  ty coffee. The unit offers a pressur-
school annual day, to your friend        Chandler, Jake,                                       Menstrual                 ized extraction for optimal brew-       Health & Glow Cosmetics
with whom bunking classes was a          Timon, Meredith and                                                             ing. The Moka Pot is easy to use        Lipstick Energetic 4.2gm
                                                                                               Cramp Relief
fun activity, to your friend who         Patrick.                                                                        and is compatible with all types of        Health & Glow Cosmetics
                                                                                               Roll On
made college life bearable, for a                                                                                        stoves thanks to its unique base        Lipstick Energetic is a highly pig-
friend who shared his first drink        Oasis Eau de                                             Sirona launched        design. It is engineered from high      mented, rich color lipstick that
with you, for a friend who is a great    Parfum by                                             the Menstrual Cramp       quality stainless steel for a robust    stays for long hours. The lipstick
listener, for a friend who first         Victoria Secrets                                      Relief Roll which is a    build and has a pressure relief valve   offers full coverage to lips and
taught you how to ride a bike and                                                dermatologically tested solution        for safety. The plastic handle makes    offers creamy matte texture upon
to your first friend who helped you        Chance upon a blooming secret         made up of all natural ingredients      handling the unit comfortable.          wearing. The unique formulation of
from the police if you never had         garden. A trio of Heady, White          with no side effects. The solution      Priced at: 2349/-                       the lipstick doesn’t make lips sticky
license. They are precious and they      Florals - Tuberose, Camellia and        provides quick relief from periods                                              or dry. Priced at: INR 245/-
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