TROOP COOKIE MANAGER GUIDE 2018-2019 - Girl Scouts Western PA

Page created by Clifton Wallace
TROOP COOKIE MANAGER GUIDE 2018-2019 - Girl Scouts Western PA
TROOP COOKIE MANAGER GUIDE 2018-2019 - Girl Scouts Western PA
TROOP COOKIE MANAGER GUIDE 2018-2019 - Girl Scouts Western PA
getting started		                                                                                         4
Intro			                           4    Communications                  5    Family Cookie Meeting         6
How the Cookie Program             4    Cookie Rookies                  5    Cookie Rallies                7
Benefits Girls
                                        Troop and Girl Goals            6
Cookie Program Materials           5

proceeds, rewards, and recognitions                                                                       8
Cookie Card Lineup                8     Troop Proceeds                  8    Rewards and Recognitions      9

digital cookie/safety guidelines                                                                          10
Digital Cookie                    10    Girl Delivery Option            10   Safety Guidelines             11

booth sale phase		                                                                                        12
Cookie Cupboards                  12    GSWPA-Arranged Booths           13   How to Run a Successful       15
                                                                             Cookie Booth
National Girl Scout Cookie              Service Unit and Troop-Arranged
Weekend		                         13    Booths			                     13     Accepting Credit Cards        15
Cookie Booths                     13    Booth Scheduler                 14

promotions & contests                                                                                     16
Operation: Sweet Appreciation 16        5 for Five!		                   18   GSUSA Cookie Pro 2019         18
Troop Gift of Caring              17    GSWPA Bling Your Booth          18

eBudde		                                                                                                  19
eBudde Tab Descriptions           20    Placing a Pending Order         24   Recognitions		                28
Setting up eBudde                 21    Monitoring Inventory            24   Before the Final ACH Sweep    28
Entering the Troop's Initial Order 22   Tracking Girl Cookie Activity   25
Delivery 		                       23    Entering Booth Sales            27

cookie finances		                                                                                         29
ACH Procedures                   29     ACH FAQs		                      30   Situations Requiring         30
                                                                             Delinquincy Paperwork

web resources		                                                                                           31
glossary		                                                                                                32
position description & agreement                                                                          33
timeline & checklist                                                                                      36
TROOP COOKIE MANAGER GUIDE 2018-2019 - Girl Scouts Western PA
Thank you for going BOLD!
                  With every Girl Scout Cookie sold, today’s girls are becoming tomorrow’s leaders,
                  and this couldn’t happen without you. Your hard work and dedication helps girls
                  have new adventures and life-changing opportunities.

                  Thanks so much for all you do to make the Girl Scout Cookie Program happen. 

                  Get Ready to Go for Bold this Girl Scout Cookie Season!
                  Girl Scouts are known for their infectious, go-getter attitudes. This season, we’re celebrating their
                  spirit and all the ways they are daring, creative, and innovative. Whether it’s embarking on a brave new
                  adventure or simply mustering up the courage to talk to someone new, every girl finds her own type of
                  BOLD in the Girl Scout Cookie Program.

                  How the Girl Scout Cookie Program Benefits Girls
                  Our Girl Scouts aren’t just selling Girl Scout Cookies, they’re doing
                  their part to make their communities better places as they prepare for
                  successful futures. They'll also be building lifelong skills, friendships,
                  and confidence along the way.

                  Over the course of more than 100 years, generations of girls have built
                  the Girl Scout Cookie Program into a beloved tradition and the largest
                  girl-led entrepreneurial program in the world. Each girl learns 5 Key Skills
                  while selling cookies:

                      1.   Goal Setting—as she sets cookie sales goals and makes a plan to reach them
                      2.   Decision Making—as she and her troop decide how the troop will spend the cookie proceeds
                      3.   Money Management—as she makes a budget, takes orders, and handles customers’ money
                      4.   People Skills—as she learns to talk and to listen to all kinds of people while selling cookies
                      5.   Business Ethics—as she is honest and responsible every step of the way

                  The Girl Scout Cookie Program is also essential to Girl Scouts Western Pennsylvania (GSWPA) Girl Scouts by:
                       • keeping camps affordable by subsiding registration costs,
                       • offering programs and events for girls, and
                       • providing scholarships to girls with financial barriers, so Girl Scouting is accessible to every girl.

                  The cookie program begins Jan. 4, 2019. Girls are on their honor not to sell before this date.

TROOP COOKIE MANAGER GUIDE 2018-2019 - Girl Scouts Western PA
Cookie Program Materials
Here's what you need as a troop to make the cookie program happen, including resources for troop use and
for distribution to families. For additional materials, visit,, or

                                                                                                                          GETTING STARTED
contact your service unit cookie manager (SUCM).

Troop resources:
  99 this handbook
  99 one package of Trefoils for troop sampling (unless the service unit kept this package for the service unit
     cookie rally)
  99 receipt books (for recording cookie pick-ups and money transactions with families)
  99 Operation: Sweet Appreciation (OSA) box wrap

Resources for Families:
  99 Family Guide—Inside you’ll find the Parent/Guardian Financial Responsibility and Permission Form, which
     must be signed and collected for each girl before she starts selling. Troops must keep these forms on file
     until Dec. 31, 2019. GSWPA will request your copies in the event of a girl/parent delinquency.
  99 girl order card (1 per girl)
  99 money envelope (1 per girl)
  99 Goal Getter Order Card—This printable form easily helps girls continue to take orders. Distribute to girls
     after their initial orders are turned in or if a girl requests an additional order card. The Goal Getter Order
     Card can be downloaded at Print as many as you need!

Cookie Bytes
It’s important to stay connected with GSWPA for cookie program updates and reminders throughout the
entire cookie season. Look for eBudde emails and Cookie Bytes, a GSWPA enewsletter with helpful hints
and reminders emailed to eBudde users. Please note: You’re responsible for information contained in these
communications. Please don't unsubscribe from any GSWPA or eBudde emails or you’ll miss essential
information. If you accidently unsubscribe from Cookie Bytes or emails generated through eBudde:
       • Go to the Contacts tab in eBudde
       • Click on the purple ‘Edit’ box next to your information
       • Check the box that says ‘Receives Email’
      • Click ‘Update My Preferences’

Cookie Rookies
If your girls are new to the cookie program, there’s a fun, 10-minute video to help them understand the basics.
Show the video and discuss it afterward—or stop after each section for discussion and activities. It’s
up to you and the girls! See a summary of the show and activity ideas that reinforce the learning in the
Run of Show (available on the Little Brownie Baker Volunteer Blog). Find the video on the Little Brownie
YouTube channel or at
Girls learn:
     • how the sale works                              • cookie booth essentials
     • cookie names                                    • safety rules
     • easy ways to ask a customer to buy              • how to set goals

                                                                                           Patch available for purchase
                                                                                                in GSWPA shops.                    5
TROOP COOKIE MANAGER GUIDE 2018-2019 - Girl Scouts Western PA
Troop and Girl Goals
                  How to Set Goals with Girls
                  One of the most important lessons girls learn from selling cookies is how to set and reach their goals. Help
                  girls keep goals realistic, but optimistic. It’s never too early to start the conversation. It’s important to work
                  with girls as a group and individually. (This is a great way to involve a parent or new volunteer.)

                  Camp S'more is published in the winter for GSWPA families and leaders. Setting cookie program goals is
                  a great way to make Girl Scout programs (including camp) even more affordable. Remember, Girl Scout
                  Bucks are worth double when used toward a GSWPA-sponsored camp!

                  Family Cookie Meeting
                  When families are involved, girls succeed. Holding a family cookie meeting is part of being a troop cookie
                  manager (TCM). It's critical to the cookie program's success for families to gain key information, including
                  deadlines, and for them to understand their responsibilities and the troop's expectations. Too often, we
                  hear of families who don't know or don't adhere to policies and procedures. As a result, troops are often
                  faced with frustration, increased financial risk, and disappointed girls.

                  Family Review Checklist: Use this list to guide you at your family cookie meeting.
                     ɆɆ Remind parents the Girl Scout Cookie Program is much more than a fundraiser. The program helps girls
                        learn 5 Skills: goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics.
                     ɆɆ Stress to parents that all proceeds stay within our council, helping their Girl Scout, troop, service
                        unit, and GSWPA.
                     ɆɆ Hand out the Family Guide (Parent/Guardian Financial Responsibility and Permission Form). Make
                        sure families understand their responsibilities. Parents/guardians must sign the permission form
                        before girl materials are distributed. Collect and keep the form until Dec. 31, 2019.
                     ɆɆ For Junior, Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador troops: Discuss if your troop chose the additional
                        proceeds option or are receiving the recognitions.
                     ɆɆ Let parents know that order taking starts Jan. 4, 2019, and girls are not permitted to sell before that date.
                     ɆɆ Remind families of the need for timely communication, and let them know how you’ll communicate
                        with them—email, phone call, take-home flyers, etc.
                     ɆɆ Make sure families understand they are held financially responsible for all cookies they order.
                     ɆɆ Review the money collection procedures, making note of due dates for orders and money due.
                        Explain that money is collected throughout the sale so your troop can meet payment deadlines.
                     ɆɆ Review safety guidelines.
                     ɆɆ Discuss parent/guardian volunteer opportunities, like helping to pick-up your initial order, sorting
                        cookies and recognitions, and transporting girls to and from cookie booths (must be an approved
                        volunteer driver with clearances to transport girls).
                     ɆɆ Digital Cookie—Let families know to watch for their Digital Cookie invitation which will be sent to the
                        email address provided to GSWPA and review the Girl Delivery Option.

                                                                                                                          okie Pr      e
                                                                                                                   2019 Co m ily Gu id
                                                                                                                                      Fa          this                                          s the Coo ?
                                                                                                                                   for Bold                                              How doe benefit girlsour
                                                                                                                           y to Go           son!                                        Program             ial to
                                                                       Journal                                    Get read Cookie Sea                                                               is essent
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Program         of courag
                                                                                                                          ut                                                                                                           the
                                                                                                                  Girl Sco                   es. This
                                                                                                                                  ter attitud are daring,
                                                                                                                                                                                          The Cookie building girls who make
                                                                                                                                                                                                 n of                 ter,          throug
                                                                                                                                  ous, go-getways they
                                                                                                                                                                                          missio        and charac          raised           ts
                                                                                                                          infecti         the                                              confidence       place.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              many aspec
                                                                                                                for their spirit and all         Progra
                                                                                                                                                                                           world a
                                                                                                                                                                                                     better         support
                                                                                                 s are known        their               Cookie                      g                                    Program
                                                                                                                                Scout                                                       the Cookie ng by:
                                                                                     Girl Scoutwe’re celebratingin their Girl                             in runnin
                                                                                                                                                the lead She’ll gain
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ds to
                                                                                     season, and innovative                             to take        s.                                    of Girl
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Scouti           with procee service
                                                                                              e,                                tunity          dream           —and                                     ing troops activities and
                                                                                                                     the oppor ng her own rdinary things                                       • provid
                                                                                      creativ                                                                                                                  troop
                                                                                                          will havess and realizi          extrao                                                  fund their
                                                                                                  Scout                         kinds of        way.                                                                              by
                                                                                       Your Girl cookie busine and do all step of the                           muste
                                                                                                                                                                        ring                        projects;         affordablecosts;
                                                                                        her own confidence—rt her every                                 simply                                              g camp
                                                                                        skills andable to suppo                                 ture or     her own
                                                                                                                                                                      type                       • keepin izing registration experience
                                                                                                                                   new adven girl finds                                              subsid              Girl Scout
                                                                                         you’ll be                     on a brave   new, every                                                               rting the programmin
                                                                                                                rking            ne                                                                •  suppo           girl
                                                                                                  er it’s emba        to someo           m.                                                                       ing             ; and
                                                                                          Wheth             e to talk Cookie Progra                                                                   by provid and events
                                                                                                                                                                                                                lum,                         with
                                                                                           up the
                                                                                                            Girl Scout                                                                                                              to girls
                                                                                                     in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                       curricu              rships            ng is
                                                                                           of bold                                                                                                              ing schola       Girl Scouti
                                                                                                                                                                                                     • provid ial barriers so
                                                                                                                                                                                                        financ to all girls.

                                                                                                                                                              on this

                                                                                                         Line-up varieties are.
                                                                                                                                       offered                                                                          :
                                                                                                   Cookie s are back! Eight                                                                                     nt info
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Importa e Manager:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Digital Cookie                                                                                                                                            Parent/guardian responsibilities                                                2019 Cookie Program

                        Tip: The Family Guide is a great tool to use
                                                                                                                        ers for
                                                                                                    All your are sold to custom                                                                                  Cooki                                                                                                                   Operation: Sweet                         Being a Girl Scout parent/guardian during the Cookie Program
                                                                                                    card and                                                               Leadership                    Troop                 With Digital Cookie, there are more ways to sell, more ways to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Appreciation (OSA)                                                                                                       Permission Form
                                                                                                                                                              Girl Scout use for a                                             buy—and more ways to learn and have fun! Your Girl Scout                                                                                           comes with its own set of responsibilities. Before your Girl
                                                                                                                                                       of the
                                                                                                                  for girls Program is a part 5 Key Skills they’ll                                                             can use Digital Cookie to:                                                                                                                         Scout can participate, you must sign this Parent/Guardian
                                                                                                    5 Skills
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   #:                                                                                                                Last year, Girl Scouts in GSWPA sent                                                                                         Please complete this form (front and back) and
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Phone                             by: cookie business                                                                                                                  Permission Form and submit it to your troop leader.
                                                                                                                       Cookie           , girls learn                            nes;                                              • market her
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the Troop                                                                                           over 50,000 boxes of cookies to our                                                                                          return it to your troop leader or cookie manager.
                                                                                                     The Girl
                                                                                                                    By partic
                                                                                                                               ipating            to:               and deadli                              Email:        due to • build her customer list                                                                           U.S. military active duty and veteran
                                                                                                                                    girls learn to meet goals                     and when                         Order                                                                                                                                                              Make it official.                                                           I give permission for my daughter,
                                                                                                     Experience.       your help,              plan                   ng where         with                  Initial               • take each week.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          an online order with her personalized web page                           service members through our virtual gift of caring
                                                                                                              e. With                 ping a                by decidi what to do                                                  is due creditby:                                                                                                                                Girls must be registered members of GSUSA to participate and                                                                       ,
                                                                                                                    goals by
                                                                                                                                               king skills sale, and                                                       Money • accept Troop card payments                                                      program, Operation: Sweet Appreciation.                        should wear their membership pins or Girl Scout attire while selling.
                                                                                                            9 set                    on-ma            t their                                                        TANT:        to the                                                                                                                                                                                                                          to participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program, and
                                                                             Troop                                     their decisi       to marke                                 t, taking
                                                                                                                                                                                                              IMPOR       ent due
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Watch for your invitation email to get started. Emails are                          Customers can place OSA orders on the girl’s order card,
                                                                       Super                                9 hone cookies, how                                         g a budge                              Final paym                                                                                                                                                             Be safety conscious.                                                        I agree not to sell cookies before Jan. 4 2019.

                        when leading your family cookie meeting.
                                                                                                                 to sell                                     by makin y;                                                       specific to each girl and cannot be shared. If you do not                           the girl’s Digital Cookie web page, or by donating online at
                                                                                                                                gs;               nt skills ers’ mone                         to                                                                                                                                                                                  Adults must accompany Girl Scouts in grades K-5 while taking                    My daughter is:
                                                                                                                  their earnin manageme                custom                    (and listen)                                  receive an email by Jan. 1, go to            
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  orders and delivering cookies. Girls in grades 6-12 must be
                                                                                                                         money             handling                      to talk                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        † a registered member of Girl Scout
                                                                                                                                                                 g how other girls; and                                        and click the “Forgot password/Need a registration” email link.

                                                                                                               9 grow orders, and                     by learnin      with                                                                                                                                                                                                        supervised by an adult and should never sell alone. Girls should
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Troop #
                                                                                                                                             e skills      as a team and responsibly

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       IMPORTy not
                                                                                                                   cookie                                                                                                             Digital Cookie Girl Delivery Option                                                                                                         not enter homes or vehicles while selling/delivering cookies.
                                                                                                                              their peopl working
                                                                                                                9 impro
                                                                                                                                    ers while
                                                                                                                                                     by acting
                                                                                                                                                               hones  tly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Customers can pay for their cookies with a credit card                     OSA Troop Recognition                                            Follow safe pedestrian procedures.                                                    † an Indie Girl Scout (not in a troop)
                                                                                                                    their custom ss ethics                                                 5 Skills.
                                                                                                                                                            Program.           gain these
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Girls mae orders
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      through Digital Cookie and have your Girl Scout deliver the                Girls can earn a Go-Getter Cookie Booth Kit                                                                                                      † I’ve read the Cookie Program responsibilities
                                                                                                                             e busine          the Cookie          Girl Scout                                                                                                                                                                                                         Understand your financial role.
                                                                                                                  9 practic every step of                help your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      cookies to their door. Don’t worry—as a parent, you’ll need                for their troop! (Includes a money pouch,                                                                                                          and agree to abide by them. My daughter and I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              tak                                                                                                                                                 As a parent/guardian, you’re financially responsible for all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       sell or kies before
                                                                                                                                               ideas  to
                                                                                                                      during                                                                                                          to approve these orders for safety and practicality reasons.               button pins, yard sign, tablecloth, cookie cart,                                                                                                   will meet all deadlines.
                                                                                                                                    okies for                          s                                                                                                                                                                                                          cookies ordered on your Girl Scout’s order card and any
                                                                                                                                                         Key Date
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Ask your troop leader for more information.                                and Samoas cookie costume.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       for coo                   19 cookies purchased through Digital
                                                                                                              Visit gswpa                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         additional cookies you receive to fulfill her additional orders.                † I accept financial responsibility for all cookies
                                                                                                                                             2019             taking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Please note: 20Delivery
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   • Troops must have a minimum of five girls selling.            • Cookies cannot be returned or exchanged.                                        ordered through and/or received by my

                                                                                                                                                   Girl order      y                nd                                                                                                                             • Troops must have an OSA per girl average (for                                                                                                  daughter, and I will submit all money due from
                                                                                                                                                           deliver            Weeke                                          Cookie        count toward Digital Cookie recognitions.                                                                                              • Have a plan for safeguarding money. (Avoid walking around
                                                                                                                                                   Cookie Girl Scout Cookie                                                                                                                                          all girls selling cookies) of 20 boxes or more.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    with large amounts of cash or keeping it at home or school.)                    the sale to the troop leader (or GSWPA for my
                                                                                                                       Jan. 4                       Nation
                                                                                                                                                                    sales                                                             they will count toward the final recognitions.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Payment is made to the troop throughout the program, as                         Indie Girl Scout).
                                                                                                                        Feb. 13-21                  Cookie
                                                                                                                                                                     m ends end
                                                                                                                         Feb. 22-24 rch 17           Cookie
                                                                                                                                                                         ons                                                          Mascot Portal for Girls!                                                   Calling all Cookie Rookies!                                        directed by your troop leader.                                                † In the event that I fail to pay on time, I
                                                                                                                          Feb. 22-Ma                  OSA online                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • You should obtain a receipt for all cookies received and                        understand I am liable for the amount not paid,
                                                                                                                                 17                                                                                                                            Girls enter a fun-filled world featuring                           New to the Cookie Program? This fun,              payments made. You may be asked to produce these                                plus all costs, interest, and legal collection
                                                                                                                           May 28                                                                                                                              the go-for-bold clouded leopard                                    10-minute video can help your Girl Scout          receipts in the event of a dispute.                                             fees incurred by GSWPA in the collection of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               theme. There, they’ll find games,                                  understand the basics. Find it on our Cookie    • Customers pay for their cookies when they’re delivered (not                     this debt. In addition, I will be ineligible to be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               videos, and activities that inspire and                            Rookie page at           ordered) except for Operation: Sweet Appreciation and Troop                     appointed as a volunteer or participate in any
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               engage. They’ll even be able to vote                                                                                 Gift of Caring donation cookies.                                                volunteer/program/camp position, and my Girl
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               on next season’s mascot! Check out                                                                                 • Girls should never take credit card numbers.                                    Scout cannot participate in future product
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      for this and              Helpful selling tips for girls & families                        • For online payments, customers must purchase cookies                            sales, nor will she be approved for any financial
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    assistance, until the debt is paid.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               other fun resources.                                                                                                 through your Girl Scout’s Digital Cookie link.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   • Encourage goal-setting. Ask your Girl Scout about her        • Any fees incurred due to non-negotiable checks will be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     troop’s goals and help her set personal goals.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      All Aboard, Super Sellers!                                                                                                                    assessed back to the parent/guardian.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Parent/Guardian Signature                     Date
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      If your Girl Scout sells 600 or more boxes of                                • Support her! Ask her questions and help her practice
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  If your financial obligation is not fulfilled, you’ll be ineligible to be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      cookies, she’ll receive the Super Seller patch                                 her sales message. Help her take orders, arrange a                                                                                           Address
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  appointed as a volunteer or participate in any volunteer/program/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      AND an exclusive invite to the 2019 Super                                      booth sale site, and network with family and friends,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  camp position until the debt is paid. In addition, your Girl Scout              City                             State        Zip
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Seller Celebration. Girls can choose to hop                                    but let her do the “ask” so she can learn important          cannot participate in future product sales, nor will financial
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      aboard the Gateway Clipper in Pittsburgh OR                                    business skills.                                             assistance be approved, until the debt is paid.                                 Driver’s License #                       State
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the Oil Creek and Titusville Railroad in Titusville.                         • Use the Goal Getter Order Card after you turn in your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     initial order card. Continue taking orders to meet your          Protect your Girl Scout’s privacy.                                          Email
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Please note: The Super Seller event is a girl recognition. While               Girl Scout’s goal.                                           Girls’ names, addresses and email addresses should never be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      attending the event is free for your Super Seller Girl Scout,                                                                               given to customers. Use a group contact number or address                       Daytime Phone #

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      there is a fee for one accompanying adult, if adult attendance               • Canvas your community with cookies! Load up the              overseen by an adult for customers to request information,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     sled, wagon, or turn the family vehicle into a cookie-                                                                                       Evening Phone #
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      is desired. Adult attendance is NOT required. Transportation to/                                                                            reorder, or give comments. Protect customer privacy by not
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      from the event is not provided by GSWPA.                                       mobile. (Be sure to keep safety rules in mind.)              sharing their information.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   • Visit neighborhoods one more time before the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     cookie season ends. Give your customers a second                 Be Internet wise. Staying safe is our priority.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      How the cookie crumbles                                                        chance to stock up before cookies are gone for               Girls are permitted to email friends and family to promote their            NEW! Personalized
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Troop proceeds, girl recognitions ,                                                                    sales and where they can get cookies. Before girls start any online
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           and service unit bonuses— 23%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     another year. Tip: Leave a door hanger including an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  activities, whether sending emails to friends and families, using           Crossover Patch
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Cost of                                                                    adult’s contact info. (                                                                                       Get a fun crossover patch for participating in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Digital Cookie or using social media, girls should read and discuss the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          cookies                                                                  • Become a registered volunteer. Her troop needs help                                                                                      both the MagNut and Cookie Programs:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Cost of Cookie Program                                                                            Girl Scout Internet Safety Pledge. Print the pledge, review, and sign
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                support — 3%                         chaperoning booth sales, picking up cookies, and more.       the pledge together. Download the pledge at      • Created your avatar during the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   • Say thank you! Add a thank you note with an adult’s                                                                                         MagNut Program
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Council-sponsored programs,                                                                          Learn more about the Cookie Program and find resources for                   • Sent 15 emails during the MagNut Program
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     contact information when delivering cookies so customers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             events, properties, training, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             scholarships — 50%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     can order more! (                 your Girl Scout at:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    • Sell 250 packages in the 2019 Cookie Program

Cookie Rallies
Start the cookie fun for girls with a Cookie Rally!

                                                                                                                 GETTING STARTED
What’s a Cookie Rally?
It's an event that combines learning and cookie fun to inspire and prepare girls to have a great cookie
season. Research shows that girls who attend a cookie rally have much higher cookie sales than those who
don’t get the chance. Certainly, they have more confidence in their sales and lots of fun!

How It Works
Rallies usually start with the girls in a large group and then break into smaller groups to visit activity
stations. Girls gather again at the end for a high-energy send off.

Connect with your SUCM to see if a service unit cookie rally is planned in your area. If there isn't one, host
one for your troop! Find these and other rally activity ideas on

Cookie Card Lineup
                                   All your favorites are back! Eight varieties are offered on this year’s order card and are sold to
                                   customers for $5 per box.

                                   Troop Proceeds
                                   Troop proceeds help fund a troop’s community projects and the BOLD troop activities girls participate in
                                   throughout the year.

                                    This year, troops can earn up to $.98 per package!

                                                                            Troop Proceed Tiers
                                    Troops earn the following proceeds for participating in the 2019 Girl Scout Cookie Program:
                                    $.80 per package    Base rate for troop proceeds
                                    $.85 per package    Super Troop—Troops that reach a PGA* selling of 175 packages or more
                                    $.90 per package    Super Troop—Troops that reach a PGA* selling of 225 packages or more
                                    Additional $.05 per
                                                        Additional Proceeds Option (see below)
                                                        Troops with a minimum of 5 girls selling in the MagNut and Girl Scout Cookie Programs AND
                                    $.02 per package
                                                        reach a PGA* selling of $175 in the MagNut program and a PGA* selling of 160 packages in the
                                    MagNut bonus
                                                        cookie program will receive a $.02 bonus per package of cookies.
                                                        Troops with a minimum of 5 girls selling in the MagNut and Girl Scout Cookie Programs AND
                                    $.03 per package
                                                        reach a PGA* selling of $250 in the MagNut program and a PGA* selling of 160 packages in
                                    MagNut bonus
                                                        the cookie program will receive a $.03 bonus per package of cookies.
                                                                                                                                  *PGA = Per Girl Average

                                   Additional Proceeds Option
                                   Junior, Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador troops can opt out of receiving individual recognitions and earn
                                   an additional $.05 per package sold. The entire troop must participate in this option, because opting out
                                   can’t be done on a girl-by-girl basis.

                                   To decline recognitions and receive additional proceeds:
                                   1. Submit the Opt-Out Form to your SUCM by the deadline.
                                   2. Check the Opt out for additional proceeds box on the Settings tab in eBudde.
                                   3. Allocate cookies to girls through the Girl Orders tab in eBudde. For troops opting out of recognitions,
                                       girls will still receive all patches, the initial order recognitions, the Super Troop T-shirt, and any of the
                                       1,000-package level and above recognitions, if earned.

Service Unit Bonus
Help your service unit earn a $.01 per package bonus on all sales for the service unit treasury. Last year,
18 service units earned almost $3,000 for their treasuries!

                                                                                                                                                                                          PROCEEDS, REWARDS & RECOGNITIONS
                       Service unit requirements to earn the bonus:
                         99 have a combined troop sales increase of 5% or more
                         99 host a cookie rally
                         99 all troops must be paid in-full by April 12 or have submitted the
                            required girl delinquency paperwork by April 1

Check with your SUCM throughout the sale to see how close your
service unit is to reaching the bonus goal!

Rewards and Recognitions
Along with the 5 Skills girls learn through the cookie program and proceeds earned by troops, girls earn
individual recognitions for their efforts. They can choose between specific items or Girl Scout Bucks at
select levels. Check out the Family Guide and order card for recognitions and levels.

Girl Scout Bucks
                                                                                                            Have your girls thought about Girl Scout Bucks as a recognition choice? Use
                        $5 Girl Scout Bucks
                        In recognition of the 2019 Girl Scout Cookie Program                                them as payment toward any GSWPA-sponsored camp or service unit day
                                                                                                            camp, at camp Trading Posts, at GSWPA Shops, and for annual membership fees
                        This certificate is awarded to

                        Troop #                                 Service Area #

                                                                              OFFICE USE ONLY

                                                                                                            processed through GSWPA. Remember: Girl Scout Bucks are doubled when used
                        Girl Scout Bucks may be used as payment for
Corporate Office        council-sponsored programs and camps, annual          REDEEMED AT:
30 Isabella Street      registration, service unit day camps, and purchases   DATE:
Pittsburgh, PA 15212    at GSWPA Shops and Camp Trading Posts. No change      Expires: September 30, 2019
800-248-3355            will be given when redeemed. Awards that are not      Acct. # 8136-320-1300               redeemed by the expiration date are void.             �Used at 2X value

                                                                                                            toward a GSWPA-sponsored camp. See your Camp S'more for camp details.

Please note: Girl Scout Bucks expire Sept. 30, 2019.

Super Troop
Get Super Troop rewards by reaching a PGA selling of 160, 175, and 225
packages! Girls who don’t participate aren’t included in the PGA selling
calculation even though they're listed in eBudde on the Girls tab. Check
your troop’s PGA selling on the Sales Report tab in eBudde throughout
the program to monitor your progress.

Tiered Levels for Super Troop
When troops reach a PGA selling of 160 packages or more, each girl
selling receives a Super Troop T-shirt, and two T-shirts are allotted for
troop volunteers.* Additional volunteer T-shirts are available for purchase,
if your troop earns them. Log on to or to
download the order form. Order forms MUST be received by the deadline date to ensure order fulfillment.

                        *The two T-shirts alloted to troop volunteers must be manually entered into eBudde as part of the
                        troop's final recognition order. If the volunteer T-shirts are not ordered through eBudde, GSWPA may not
                        be able to fulfill the recognition.

When troops reach a PGA selling of 175 and 225 packages or more, the troop also earns an additional
$.05 in proceeds on every package of cookies the troop sold.

                   Tip: Additional cookies are available at cookie cupboards to help reach Super Troop status. You can
                   also get additional cookies from another troop; ask your SUCM to do a troop-to-troop transfer.
Cookie Program Opportunities
                                   Digital Cookie
                                   The iconic Girl Scout Cookie Program you know and love has gone beyond the booth and allows girls to sell
                                   in their native digital space, offering them new ways to learn 21st century business skills. It’s easy, safe, and
                                   full of FUN! Last year, more than 2,800 girls in GSWPA sold cookies through their personalized web page.

                                   Through Digital Cookie, a girl can:
                                     • share her cookie story
                                     • earn recognitions
                                     • access Cookie Business badges online
                                     • track customer info, orders, and data
                                     • send cool, ready-to-use marketing emails
                                     • play games, watch videos, enjoy printable activities, and take fun quizzes
                                     • use the smart goal-setting calculator
                                     • make it easy for friends and family near and far to get their favorite Girl Scout Cookies

                                   Digital Cookie will email parents and troop leaders a registration link in late December to the email
                                   address identified in the parent’s/leader’s ‘MyGS’ membership profile. Registration emails are
                                   specific to each girl and cannot be shared with others. The email will come from “Girl Scout Cookie
                                   Program” ( Be sure to have parents check their junk/spam/promotions
                                   inboxes. If a parent doesn't receive an invitation email by Jan. 1, direct them to digitalcookie.
                          and click the “Forgot password/Need a registration” email link.

                                   Girl Delivery Option
                                   Please note: Girl Delivery cookies purchased through Digital Cookie DO NOT count toward Digital Cookie
                                   recognitions. However, they will count toward the final recognitions.

                                   Customers can pay for their cookies with a credit card through Digital Cookie and have your Girl Scouts deliver
                                   the cookies to their door. Don’t worry—parents must approve these orders for safety and practicality reasons.

                                   Parents receive an email from with the subject “You have a Digital Cookie in-person
                                   delivery approval request!” letting the parent know their Girl Scout has received an order for delivery.

                                   The parent must approve this order within 10 days or risk losing the sale. The parent should approve the
                                   order before delivering it to make sure the customer’s payment is accepted. If the parent has not approved
                                   the sale within 10 days, the customer’s second choice for the order is selected. The customer’s second
                                   choice could be Cancel, Ship, or Donate. A tip sheet of steps for parents to approve a girl delivery order can
                                   be downloaded from and

                                      Because these cookies are physically handled by the girls in your troop, you must order these cookies
                                      on the troop’s initial order (if order is placed before the initial order deadline), fill them from the troop’s
                                      ‘extra’ inventory, or place a pending order to a cupboard for additional cookies. The girl order card has a
                                      designated line for parents to include Digital Cookie Girl Delivery orders, so they can be included with the
                                      troop's/girl's initial order and delivered to the troop with the initial order.

                                   Be sure to communicate with your parents on the status of the troop’s cookie inventory. Your troop may
                                   need to pick-up cookies from a cookie cupboard. Only registered eBudde users can place a pending order
                                   to a cupboard; however, anyone can be designated to pick-up the cookies (even the parent that needs
                                   them!). To allow the parent to pick-up the cookies from a cookie cupboard, edit the information in the
                                   ‘Contact Info’ box to the parent's name and phone number.

   10                              More information on Digital Cookie will be communicated through Cookie Bytes.
Safety Guidelines
All girls selling cookies must follow Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) safety guidelines:
    • Show you’re a Girl Scout. Wear a Girl Scout membership pin and/or Girl Scout clothing over your

                                                                                                                 DIGITAL COOKIE/SAFETY GUIDELINES
      coat to identify yourself as a Girl Scout.
    • Buddy up. Always use the buddy system. It’s not just safe; it’s more fun!
    • Be street wise. Become familiar with the areas and neighborhoods where you’ll sell cookies.
    • Partner with adults. Adults must accompany Girl Scouts in grades K-5 when taking orders, selling,
      and delivering product. Girls in grades 6–12 must be supervised by an adult when selling door-to-
      door and must never sell alone. Approved volunteers must be present at cookie booths in any public
      place at all times.
    • Plan ahead. Always have a plan for safeguarding money. Girls should avoid walking around with large
      amounts or keeping it at home or school. Girls should give cookie money to supervising adults who
      will deposit it in the troop’s bank account as soon as possible. Girls should never take credit card
    • Do not enter. Girls should never enter the home or vehicle of a person when selling or making
      deliveries and should avoid selling to people in vehicles or going into alleys.
    • Sell in the daytime. Sell only during daylight hours, unless accompanied by an adult.
    • Protect privacy. Girls’ full names, addresses, and email addresses should never be given out to
      customers. Use a group contact number or address overseen by an adult for customers to request
      information, reorder, or give comments. Protect customer privacy by not sharing their information.
    • Be safe on the road. Always follow safe pedestrian practices, especially when crossing at
      intersections or walking along roadways. Be aware of traffic when unloading product and passengers
      from vehicles.
    • Be net wise. Take the GSUSA Internet Safety Pledge (find it at before
      going online and follow the specific guidelines related to marketing online. Girls can’t collect money
      online (except through Digital Cookie).

Online Marketing
    • Girls can market cookies by sending emails to friends, family members, and former customers.
    • Girls age 13 and older can use social networking sites that are closed communities, such as
      Facebook, to market cookies.
    • Sales may not occur online (for example, through a site that has an electronic shopping cart, online
      auction sites, or public sale sites such as eBay and Craigslist) outside of Digital Cookie.

  Guidelines for Online Selling
   • Girls can use the Internet to market the cookie program to friends and family.
   • The Girl Scout Cookie Program is a girl-led program and online marketing and sales efforts should
     always be led by a girl while also being supervised by her parents or caretakers.
   • For safety purposes, online marketing activities should always be done through accounts set to “private."
   • Parents, girls, and volunteers should contact and collaborate with GSWPA in advance on any
     news media opportunities.
   • GSWPA reserves the right to intervene and request removal or remove any post.

Cookie Cupboards
                   Troops can use cookie cupboards to get additional cookies or to exchange damaged product. They're
                   located throughout the council at select GSWPA offices and volunteers’ homes, so you have access to
                   additional cookies.
                   Find a complete list of cookie cupboards on eBudde (Reports tab, Cupboards). We consolidate the
                   number of cupboards throughout the sale by moving cookies to well-used locations. The Cupboard report
                   automatically updates when cupboards open/close.
                       • Troops can take full cases and/or single packages from a cookie cupboard.
                       • Have damaged packages? Take them to your local cupboard to exchange for the same variety.
                       • Troop-owned cases/packages can’t be exchanged for a different variety or returned.
                       • Troops must place a pending order through eBudde on the Transactions tab to the cupboard for
                         additional cookies. Please place your order by Monday at 9 a.m., so we can facilitate the movement of
                         cookies to the desired locations. While you can still place orders after Monday at 9 a.m., these orders
                         may not be included in the cookie distribution planning for the upcoming weekend.
                       • Cupboards will "gray out" cookie varieties when they are no longer available.
                       • Only select GSWPA offices and select volunteer cupboards will be restocked.
                       • When you pick up the cookies, you’ll sign and receive a copy of the receipt.
                       • Troops are financially responsible for all cookies they pick up. Verify all cupboard receipts against the
                         Transactions tab in eBudde.
                       • Keep all receipts until Dec. 31, 2019.

                   Please note: There’s a limited availability of Savannah Smiles, Girl Scout S'mores, and Toffee-tastic at
                   cookie cupboards.

                   Service units are encouraged (but not required) to place a small service unit cookie order so troops in that
                   service unit can easily access additional cookies instead of going to a cupboard. Contact your SUCM to see
                   if an order has been placed in your area.

                   Who Can Pick Up Cookies?
                   When a troop places an order, the eBudde user placing the order can designate anyone to pick up those
                   cookies. Enter the name and contact information of the person picking up the cookies in the contact
                   section when you place your pending order.

                   Volunteer Cookie Cupboards
                   These cupboards are typically located in volunteers’ homes with their own hours of
                   operation. After you place your pending order through eBudde, check the Cupboard
                   Report (on the Reports tab) to see if your selected cupboard has any requests to verify
                   pending order, i.e., call before coming, use back door, text communicate only, etc.
                   (Look for a tip sheet in Cookie Bytes for details on how to place a pending order.)

                   GSWPA Cookie Cupboards—800-248-3355
                   These council cookie cupboards are open Monday-Thursday 8:45 a.m.-4:45 p.m.
                   and 9:15 a.m.-2:45 p.m. on Fridays, Feb. 22-Mar. 17.

                   Edinboro—Cupboard #001                Johnstown—Cupboard #006
                   Beaver—Cupboard #002                  Kittanning—Cupboard #007
                   Greensburg—Cupboard #005              Pittsburgh—Cupboard #009

National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend is Feb. 22-24! This special weekend is also the start of GSWPA’s
booth sales. It’s a great opportunity to share the news about the Girl Scout Cookie Program. On National Girl
Scout Cookie Weekend, Girl Scouts across the nation will celebrate and promote the 5 Skills girls learn while
participating in the Girl Scout Cookie Program. Special marketing campaigns will run to help promote this
weekend. Get a jump start to the booth sale time by holding your own booth sale during National Girl Scout
Cookie Weekend.

Cookie Booths
Booth sales are a great way to increase your troop’s and service unit’s success. Cookie booths are girl-
operated direct sale opportunities where customers purchase cookies from the troop. Booth sales can
be scheduled Feb. 22-Mar. 17. All Girl Scout grade levels (Daisies-Ambassadors) can participate in booth
sales. Adequate volunteer-to-girl ratio is required at all cookie booths.

GSWPA-Arranged Cookie Booths
GSWPA-arranged cookie booths are set up by the product sales team or submitted to GSWPA by SUCMs and
are entered in eBudde. All GSWPA-arranged cookie booths are available to all GSWPA Girl Scout troops.

Service Unit and Troop-Arranged Booths
All booth sales at large businesses and outside of GSWPA-sponsored booths are considered to be service
unit booths sales. Select booth sale sites are set up by your SUCM or service unit booth coordinator who
will tell you how and when to sign up.
SUCMs enter all service unit booth sales on the Booth Scheduler in eBudde. This allows the booth sale to
be posted on the online Cookie Locator, as well as the Cookie Finder and Cookie Locator smartphone apps!
(It’s extra marketing just for you!)

Troops may NOT approach large businesses/big box stores (i.e., Walmart, Giant Eagle, etc.) for cookie booths.
When a service unit sets up cookie booths, they’re able to request multiple days and times to accommodate the
most troops and girls. This avoids multiple troops approaching the busy retail manager and double scheduling.          13
Troops may only approach small businesses (i.e. local hair salons, small gift shops, family-owned
                   businesses, etc.). Ask your SUCM or service unit cookie booth coordinator if there’s a site you want to
                   schedule that’s outside your service unit area.
                   Follow the steps below to set up your troop’s booth sale.
                     1. Verify with your SUCM that the site is not part of the service unit's schedule or too close to a service
                        unit location.
                     2. Ask permission from the location.
                     3. Enter the details on the Booth Sites tab in eBudde thereby allowing your booth sale to be posted on
                        the online Cookie Locator, as well as the Cookie Finder and Cookie Locator smartphone apps!
                     4. Submit your request in eBudde to the SUCM for approval.
                     5. Your SUCM must confirm or deny the request. Possible reasons for denial: the site location is
                        inappropriate for girls or prohibited by GSWPA or the booth site location is out of your service unit area.

                   Cookie Booth Locations Guidelines
                   We encourage volunteers to use their best judgement in setting up cookie booths in locations that will be
                   open, accessible, and safe for all girls and potential customers.
                     • Certain locations may be inappropriate for young girls based on the standards of the local
                       community, may negatively impact the cookie program experience for girls, and/or may negatively
                       impact the Girl Scout Cookie brand in the community.
                     • For additional clarity, girls should not sell in front of establishments that they themselves cannot
                       legally patronize.

                   Think Beyond the “Booth”
                   A cookie booth doesn’t have to be a table set up in front of the grocery store. Maybe girls want to sell
                   with wagons through the neighborhood or have a drive-up cookie booth. Girls will have lots of ideas. Just
                   ask them! Remember, be sure to involve your SUCM in your booth sale plans.

                   Booth Scheduler
                   The eBudde Booth Scheduler will open on Jan. 10, 2019, at 7 p.m. This time-slot scheduler lists GSWPA-
                   arranged sites and sites submitted to GSWPA by SUCMs. It operates on a first-come, first-served basis.
                   Available booth time slots will be shown in green. You may sign up for one time slot the first week the
                   scheduler opens, one additional slot the second week, and an unlimited number of slots beginning the
                   third week. Check back! More sites may have been added, or a troop may have cancelled.

                   Booth-Specific Information
                   Most Booth Scheduler time slots will show specific information in the Notes section
                   regarding the location of the booth within the store, if it's indoors or outdoors, and what
                   you may need to bring with you. Do not contact businesses with questions about booth
                   time slots or booth-specific information. Please contact the individual identified on the
                   Booth Scheduler with any questions (most likely your SUCM).

                   Cancelling a Time Slot in the Booth Scheduler
                   If you need to cancel a cookie booth assigned to you in the Booth Scheduler, please do so as soon as you
                   know by going to the Council Sales section of the Booth Sites tab. This gives other troops an opportunity
                   to sign up for the time slot.

Cookie Locator
All approved booth sales are automatically uploaded to Little Brownie Baker’s online Cookie Locator
( The Cookie Locator allows customers to search for nearby cookie
booths by zip code. Be sure to follow the procedures regarding cancelling either Booth Scheduler or

                                                                                                                BOOTH SALE PHASE
service unit/troop-arranged cookie booths as soon as you’re sure your troop cannot make it. This
ensures the Cookie Locator remains accurate for hungry customers.

How to Run a Successful Cookie Booth Sale
Supplies to Bring to Your Cookie Booth Include:
  ɆɆ at least one cash box/bag with an appropriate amount of change
     (Remember, cash cannot be withdrawn at an ATM from a troop account.)
  ɆɆ calculator
  ɆɆ poster with troop number and troop goal(s)
  ɆɆ Operation: Sweet Appreciation display or Troop Gift of Caring box
  ɆɆ 5 for Five! promotional materials
  ɆɆ anything extra to Bling your Booth (Details on page 18.)

While at your Cookie Booth:
  ɆɆ Check in with the store management when you arrive. They’ll let you know where you'll be located.
     Be careful not to block doorways and entrances.
  ɆɆ Only plan to stay for the time you’re scheduled. There may be other troops scheduled before or
     after you. Please be patient and allow for transition time between troops.
  ɆɆ If there’s a conflict or if there was an error made in scheduling troops, it was surely unintentional.
     The troop with the printout from the ‘Current Signups’ page from the Booth Scheduler
     corresponding with the time and location in dispute has priority. Remember, conflicts among
     volunteers and parents are evident to the girls, the public, and the business management. Do not
     bring the business management into the conflict. It could risk future booth sales at this location.
  ɆɆ Girls should not yell at or disrupt customers. Always be kind.
  ɆɆ Leave the area cleaner than you found it. Do not leave anything behind (empty boxes, bags, paper,
     pens, etc.).
  ɆɆ Girls may not sell products other than Girl Scout Cookies.
  ɆɆ Girls must stay at their designated booth location. No wandering through the store.

                          Booth sale patches are available for purchase at
                          GSWPA shops and online.

                          Accepting Credit Cards
                          Many customers don’t carry cash these days and rely on their debit/credit cards.
                          Troops have reported an increase in sales when they accepted debit/credit cards at
                          booth sales. It’s a great way to increase your sales while at the booth sale! GSWPA
                          encourages troops to explore using a swipe device to accept credit cards at booth
                          sales. Please note: GSWPA will NOT reimburse swipe fees. Accepting credit cards
                          and paying all fees associated is a troop decision.

Operation: Sweet Appreciation and Troop Gift of Caring
                        Girl Scouts have a tradition of giving back to their communities. One way girls can give back is through
                        GSWPA's two cookie donation programs—Operation: Sweet Appreciation (OSA) and Troop Gift of Caring
                        (TGOC). Troops can choose to participate in one or both donation programs.

                                                       Cookie Donation Programs Summary
                          Cookie Donation
                                                 Inventory Source for Donation             Recipient           eBudde            Cost

                                                Cookies are ordered and shipped        Active military and
                          Operation: Sweet
                                              directly from the bakery and GSWPA.       veteran support         OSA                  $5
                                                 (Troops won’t handle cookies.)          organizations

                                                  Troops deliver donated cookie           Organization
                             Troop Gift
                                               packages to the organization of their      selected by          TGOC                  $5
                             of Caring
                                                   choice using troop inventory.           the troop

                        Cookie donations are tax deductible. Look for cookie donation receipts at and

                        Operation: Sweet Appreciation
                        In this program, GSWPA cookie customers purchase cookie packages to donate to our             Operation:
                        U.S. military active duty and veteran service member organizations. Last year, GSWPA          Appreciation

                        customers donated more than 50,000 packages of cookies! Promote Operation: Sweet
                        Appreciation to your customers door-to-door and at booth sales!

                        How does Operation: Sweet Appreciation work?
                        1. Customers make donations to girls at any time during the cookie season and at booth sales.
                        2. Girls collect $5 per package and turn it in to the troop leader.
                        3. Operation: Sweet Appreciation donations are recorded in eBudde on the Girl Orders tab in the OSA
                           column. Operation: Sweet Appreciation orders are included in the sales totals for recognitions.
                        4. Girl Scout troops never take physical possession of these cookies. These cookies are delivered to
                           support organizations directly from the bakery and GSWPA.

                        Troop OSA Cookie Challenge
                        Earn a Go-Getter Cookie Booth Kit for your troop! The kit includes:
                           • Samoas cookie costume               • cookie cart
                           • button pins                         • yard sign
                           • tablecloth                          • money pouch

                        Requirements to earn the Troop OSA Cookie Challenge:
                           99 Troops must have a minimum of five girls participating in the cookie program.
                           99 Troops must have an OSA PGA selling (for all girls selling cookies) of 20 boxes or more.

OSA Star Patches                                                                  OSA and Star
Do your girls already have the OSA patch? Girls can add a star patch               patches are

                                                                                                                  PROMOTIONS & CONTESTS
                                                                                   available for
(placed next to the OSA patch) to signify each year they participate in            purchase at
OSA. There are no requirements to purchase this patch.                            GSWPA shops!

Operation: Sweet Appreciation Online Promotion
From Jan. 4 through Memorial Day (May 27), troops can earn credit for cookies purchased online.
Here's how it works:
     • Customers make donations of any amount through—no minimum or maximum.
     • Customers can select a specific girl or troop to benefit from their donation.
     • For donations made after Mar. 17, troops and Indie Girls receive proceeds or program rewards,
       respectively, for 10 or more donated packages. Donations less than 10 packages will go toward
       GSWPA programming.
     • Cookies sold through this online promotion don’t count toward recognitions if the donation was made
       after Mar. 17.

Troop Gift of Caring
In this program, customers make a donation of Girl Scout Cookies from the troop's
inventory to a worthy organization, such as a local food pantry, shelter, care center, or
hospital. Encourage your troop to learn about the organization to truly provide the girls
with a full community experience.

How does Troop Gift of Caring work?
1.   Customers purchase cookies from girls at any time during the cookie season.
2. Girls collect $5 per package and turn it in to the troop leader.
3. Troop Gift of Caring donations are recorded in eBudde on the Girl Orders tab in the TGOC column. Troop
   Gift of Caring orders are included in the sales totals for recognitions.
4. These orders are filled from the troop's extra cookies at the end of the cookie program. The troop
   delivers these cookies directly to their Troop Gift of Caring project organization. Please verify in advance
   that the organization can take cookies. If your troop needs additional cookies to fulfill the Troop Gift of
   Caring donation program, please place a pending order with a cookie cupboard.

                                                         The Gift of Caring patch is available for
                                                         purchase at GSWPA shops.

5 for Five! Customer Contest
                         The 5 for Five! contest helps girls and troops exceed their goals. When taking individual orders and/or
                         making sales at cookie booths, ask Girl Scout Cookie lovers to purchase five packages of cookies to
                         participate in the drawing to win five cases of their favorite Girl Scout Cookies. Last year, we received over
                         6,000 entries!
                             • The 5 for Five! promotion runs the entire program—Jan. 4-Mar. 17.
                             • For every five packages purchased, customers can enter at for a chance to win five
                               cases of cookies.
                             • Troops can print their supply of 5 for Five! entry forms to give to customers. Entry forms are sent as
                               an attachment in Cookie Bytes or can be downloaded from
                             • The drawing will be held in April 2019. This is a GSWPA-wide drawing. Five winners will be selected
                               and announced online at
                             • Volunteers and members are eligible to win, but GSWPA employees and members of their
                               immediate family aren’t eligible.

                               This is a great way to boost your booth sales and encourage customers to learn about the 5 Skills
                               girls learn from participating in the cookie program.

                        GSWPA Bling Your Booth Contest
                                                           Who can participate? All GSWPA troops!

                                                           How does my troop enter?
                                                           Use your imagination and get creative to design a blinged-out booth to
                                                           spice up your booth sales. Each troop may submit one photo by visiting
                                                  and completing the entry form. The deadline to enter
                                                           is Sunday, Mar. 24, at 11:59 p.m. Be sure to have a photo release for each
                                                           girl pictured.

                        How does voting work?
                        Photo entries will be posted to the GSWPA Facebook page ( the week of Mar. 25,
                        and voting will be open for one week after the photos are posted. Friends, family, and cookie customers
                        can vote for your booth by “liking” your troop's photo on our page. The three photos receiving the most
                        votes (likes) will win!

                        What can my troop win?
                        Winning photos will be featured on the GSWPA Facebook page.
                        First Place—$100 GSWPA Shop certificate
                        Second Place—$75 GSWPA Shop certificate
                        Third Place—$50 GSWPA Shop certificate

                        GSUSA Cookie Pro Contest 2019
                        Join us in celebrating the cookie entrepreneurial skills of Girl Scouts nationwide! Girl Scouts of
                        the USA's Cookie Pro Contest 2019 is an exciting opportunity to highlight the amazing skills and
                        experiences that girls gain through participating in the Girl Scout Cookie Program. See the inside back
                        cover of this guide for more details!

eBudde, the online cookie management system provided by Little Brownie Bakers, is where you place
your troop’s initial order, track cookie packages, credit payments received from girls, record troop cookie

transactions, and select girl recognition items.

                         Visit eBudde at to get started.
                                Hint: There’s also a link on

Check out the Quick Links to get to cookie resources even faster!

eBudde Help Center
The eBudde Help Center is a dedicated website that provides even more direct support for digital and
traditional sales. You can access this resource by clicking the Help Center tab.

eBudde Users and Girls
All eBudde users MUST be registered, approved GSWPA volunteers.* GSWPA will process an initial upload
of troop leaders. If you're a troop leader not included in the upload, please ask your SUCM to add you. All
troop cookie chairs (i.e. cookie moms) must be manually entered into eBudde by the troop leader.
                      *With the exception of Indie Girl Scout parents managing their daughter's cookie sales.

Girls must be registered members to sell Girl Scout Cookies. Only GSWPA can add girls to eBudde.
GSWPA will begin uploading registered girls in December and will continue to regularly upload girls
throughout the cookie season.

                                                                                       Troop Rew
eBudde Evolution to Mobile                                                                Order

Little Brownie Bakers is making it even easier for volunteers to manage their cookie sale on-
the-go with the eBudde Troop App. While the full functionality of eBudde is not available on
the app, volunteers can perform key eBudde functions while on the move.

eBudde Tab Descriptions
         Dashboard — Default screen that shows important messages, calendar, checklist, dates, and your SUCM's
         name and email address.

         Contacts — Allows you to edit your contact information. This includes name, address, and phone number.
         This does not include changing the email address. That must be done by the user from the login screen. Do
         not uncheck the "Receives email" or "Active" boxes.

         Settings — Allows you to select the proceeds option (for Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors
         only). Add additional troop eBudde users by clicking "Edit Settings" at the top of the screen.

         Girls —Displays girl members registered to the troop. Please contact GSWPA Customer Care at or 800-248-3355 if a girl is not listed.

         Init. Order — This is where you enter your troop’s initial cookie order. You can also order cookies for booth
         sales, which will be delivered with the girls' initial orders.

         Delivery — Allows you to view your delivery information, print your troop’s delivery confirmation, select
         a delivery time from the clock (count-n-go & warehouse only), designate your troop or another troop as
         picking up the cookies, and designate if you're picking up cookies for another troop.

         Girl Orders — Track girl initial, booth, and additional orders and payments. To see an individual girl's details,
         click on her name.

         Booth Sites — Allows you to select council booth sale sites and/or request a troop booth sale site. You can
         also distribute approved booth site cookie sales to the girls.

         Transactions — Record of all cookie transactions (initial order, cupboard pickups, and troop-to-troop
         transfers). This is where a troop places a pending order to a cookie cupboard.

         Rewards — Where the girls' recognition choices are selected.

         Deposits — Troop deposit recording. This tab is view-only and displays all deposits/debits made
         throughout the troop's cookie sale.

         GOC Org — Allows you to record the Troop Gift of Caring donation organization, if participating. If your
         troop participates in TGOC, please input the organization receiving your cookie donations.

         Sales Report — Recap of all troop financial information, including the amount due to GSWPA.

         Reports — The Cupboard report lists all open cupboards and their location/hours of operation. The Delivery
         Station report lists the delivery site information, including address and contact information. The Delivery
         report will only display sites available to the troop. The DOC report provides Digital Cookie information.

         Help Center — This tab provides direct support for both digital and traditional sales.

Setting Up eBudde
NEW! Single Sign-On Portal

For all users:
The single sign-on portal will connect you to eBudde™, eBudde™ DEMO, Girl Scouts® VIP eTraining™, or Girl
Scouts® Cookie Locator. Your username (email address) and password designate your level of access to the
Little Brownie Technology Tools.

To access the Little Brownie Technology Tools, eBudde will send users an email invitation. Email invitations
are specific to each user and cannot be shared.

Forgot your password? Go to the Login page and click Forgot Password.

Note: Only the user can change their email address. This is done on the login screen.

Important First Steps in eBudde
When logging into eBudde for the first time, please:
    Contacts Tab
      • Update your contact information.
    Settings Tab
      • Add additional users, including your adult troop helpers, i.e., troop cookie managers, booth helpers,
        etc. All must be approved volunteers.
      • Enter your troop’s goal.
      • Verify your troop's level. If your troop's level is incorrect, contact Customer Care at 800-248-3355 or
    Girls Tab
      • GSWPA uploads the first and last name, grade level, and ID of each girl to eBudde who's
        successfully registered by the time of uploads (starting in December).
      • For registered girls that need to be added, please contact Customer Care at 800-248-3355 or
        • Enter each girl’s sales goal and T-shirt size.

Access previous season’s data (for returning troops/users only) by clicking the desired sales season from the
dropdown menu at the top left of the screen.

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