Page created by Wesley Simpson

                        SEE PAGE 3

                                                 Lasean Bully of Cashew Hill (l)
                                                 Wayne Thomas of Hatton (r)

“WE MUST NOT BE LEFT BEHIND!”: SIR MOLWYN                            PAGE 6
PAGE 2                                                        FRIDAY 9TH APRIL 2021


             HOORAY FRONT LINE
It was refreshing to        the virus themselves,       of emergency. It has           Minister         Gaston
hear speaker after          in the process putting      not been an easy task          Browne, Sir Molwyn
speaker at Thursday’s       their families at risk; a   and the security forc-         and Foreign Affairs
ceremony at the V.C.        remarkable act of sac-      es have been the sub-          Minister, E.P. Chet
Bird       International    rifice and service.         ject of much ridicule          Greene who have
airport to welcome          But it was not just the     and derision. Yet they         been ‘working the
the arrival of the lat-     healthcare      workers     persevered. The na-            phones,’ negotiating
est batch of vaccines       who placed them-            tion must also salute          with suppliers of vac-
into the country tak-       selves in the service of    those volunteers who           cines to ensure that
ing time out to lavish      the nation in its hour      organised and execut-          Antigua and Barbuda
praise on the country’s     of need. The workers        ed what Health Minis-          receives enough vac-
front line workers.         at the airport – cus-       ter, Sir Molwyn Joseph         cines over the coming
It is not hyperbolic to     toms and immigration        has described as one           weeks to fully inocu-
say that All front line     – were ever ready to be     of the most effective          late the population.
workers performed a         on hand to welcome          vaccine roll out pro-          Thursday’s announce-
herculean task in the       back visitors to the        grammes not just in            ments from the prime
service of the nation       country when the bor-       the Caribbean but the          minister are an indica-
when Antigua and            ders were reopened,         world. What Antigua            tion that those efforts
Barbuda needed them         following the closure       and Barbuda achieved           by his team have not
most. The coronavirus       for the months of April     in a matter of weeks           been in vain. Vaccines
pandemic was total-         and May last year. The      much larger, more              will arrive from China
ly new to healthcare        taxi drivers had to un-     resourced countries,           and the Russian Fed-
workers the world           dergo special training      have not been able to          eration in the coming
over. Little was known      and were required to        achieve. With more             weeks.
of this virus at the very   make adjustments to         than      twenty-seven         It has been a team ef-
beginning; only that it     their vehicles, yet they    thousand people re-            fort at every step of
was highly contagious       complied        willing-    ceiving their first dos-       the way. It is now up to
and it was spread           ly. They too deserve        es, it means that close        all residents to make
through the air. It was     our praise. The secu-       to one-third of the            themselves available
also known that it was      rity forces – the po-       resident population            to be vaccinated as the
deadly in some cases.       lice and the defence        has received at least          country is depending
With very little infor-     force – were called to      one dose of the vac-           on this to happen in
mation to work with,        perform two very im-        cine. The figure would         order for us to return
our healthcare work-        portant tasks: Firstly,     have been much high-           to normality. Ending
ers placed themselves       they had the security       er had it not been for         the curfew, getting rid
at great risk to treat      of the nation to safe-      the fact that enough           of the need to wear a
those residents who         guard and secondly,         vaccines were just not         mask and life to return
not only contracted         they were the ones          available.                     to pre-COVID days
the disease but who         that had to enforce         Kudos also to the se-          depend on us all; let
also became very ill.       the restrictions im-        nior government of-            us not fail Antigua and
Some even contracted        posed under the state       ficials, led by Prime          Barbuda!
FRIDAY 9TH APRIL 2021                                       LOCAL NEWS       PAGE 3


There has been a major break-       of Friday 10th July 2020. He       He was of high praise for the
through in the Nigel Chris-         was later found dead in the        team of police investigators
tian murder case which has          Thibou’s area, with what ap-       and commended them for
gripped the nation’s attention      peared to be multiple gunshot      their professionalism, perse-
for the past nine months.           wounds to his body.                verance and commitment to
Late Thursday afternoon, the        Commissioner of Police, Mr.        the task. He also expressed
police announced the break-         Atlee Rodney, said he is pleased   gratitude to other local, re-
through with the arrest and         with arrest and the significant    gional, and international law
charging of two men for Chris-      amount of progress that has        enforcement agencies, which
tian’s murder last July.            been made into the investi-        offered and continues to pro-
In a press statement, STRAT-        gation so far. He pointed out      vide invaluable assistance to
COM identified the two as           that the investigation, to be-     the investigation. Commis-
Lasean Bully (thirty years old)     gin with, was a very complex       sioner Rodney also acknowl-
of Cashew Hill and Wayne            matter, one which required         edged the role of the govern-
Thomas (twenty-eight years          in-depth forensic analysis and     ment of Antigua and Barbuda
old) of Hatton. Both have           the interviewing of several in-    in providing additional re-
been charged in connection          dividuals as well as constant      sources to the investigation,
with the alleged murder of the      consultation with the Director     and thanked the general pub-
senior customs officer. Both        of Public Prosecution.             lic for their support and coop-
men were taken into custody         He used the opportunity to         eration, especially those who
earlier this week and ques-         thank the family of Nigel Chris-   came forward and shared in-
tioned.                             tian for their patience and un-    formation with the police.
Christian was allegedly ab-         derstanding, along with the        The accused men are expect-
ducted from his home at             level of trust and confidence      ed to make their first court ap-
McKinnon’s on the afternoon         they placed in the police force.   pearance today, Friday.
PAGE 4   LOCAL NEWS                                     FRIDAY 9TH APRIL 2021


COVID-19-related deaths in      the Mount St. John’s Medical         ical Centre on 6th April, at
Antigua and Barbuda have        Centre (MSJMC) in a state-           11:03a.m. He had tested posi-
climbed to thirty with the      ment issued to the public.           tive for COVID-19.”
confirmation Thursday eve-      Dr. Albert Duncan, MSJMC             He continued: “Our thoughts
ning that another person suc-   Medical Director said: “We can       and condolences remain with
cumbed to complications         confirm that sadly, a male pa-       the patient’s family and loved
caused by the disease.          tient, age fifty-four, has passed    ones at this difficult time.”
The confirmation comes from     away at Mount St. John’s Med-
FRIDAY 9TH APRIL 2021                                              LOCAL NEWS        PAGE 5

                                                          [Federation].”                 medical schools’ stu-
                                                          He disclosed that “the         dents, they are now con-
                                                          first one thousand [doses      templating whether or
                                                          from Russia] will arrive       not they should return in
                                                          this Saturday on British       September if the preva-
                                                          Airways about 1:00 p.m.,       lence of COVID remains
                                                          and two weeks later we         high in this country.
                                                          should get another thou-       Prime Minister Browne
                                                          sand [doses of vaccine].”      restated what he has
                                                          The head of government         pointed out countless
                                                          stressed how important         times previously: that
                                                          it is “for citizens and res-   mass vaccination is the
                                                          idents to take these vac-      only known route of es-
                                                          cines” as they become          cape from the grip of the
Prime Minister Gaston Browne                              available, “because they       coronavirus pandemic.
                                                          are all efficacious,” re-      “Those who believe the
By Shelton Daniel            decision in the national     gardless of brand name         last twelve months were
                             interest … Those of us       or country of origin.          extremely challenging, if
Even though vaccination      who have the capacity to     “I know that traditionally     we fail to return to nor-
against the COVID-19 vi-     get vaccinated … need to     we are more comfortable        malcy within the next few
rus is entirely voluntary,   do so to protect others,”    with Western vaccines,         months … the scars we
Prime Minister Gaston        the Prime Minister stat-     but the data would have        have experienced during
Browne has encouraged        ed.                          shown that all of the vac-     the last year would turn
Antiguans and Barbu-         He went on to disclose       cines – the Russian vac-       into deep economic
dans to weigh their per-     that Antigua and Barbu-      cine, the Chinese vac-         wounds with significant
sonal choices in this        da, to date, has “commit-    cines – that they are all      socioeconomic conse-
matter against a broader     ments for one hundred        … effective; therefore we      quences,” was how he
responsibility to the na-    and two thousand vac-        need to avail ourselves of     put it on Thursday.
tion’s collective well-be-   cine [doses].” Provid-       these vaccines,” he add-       Never one to sugar coat
ing.                         ing a breakdown of that      ed.                            realities, however un-
The Prime Minister was       number, PM Browne said       Prime Minister Browne          pleasant, Prime Minis-
speaking on Thursday         it consisted of approxi-     noted that Antigua             ter Browne revealed that
during a function mark-      mately forty-one thou-       and Barbuda needs to           “Antigua and Barbuda
ing the receipt of twen-     sand from the COVAX          achieve the desired “herd      has one of the highest
ty-four thousand doses       facility; “forty thousand    immunity in lockstep           prevalence [rates] of ac-
of the Oxford-AstraZen-      that we received from        with our international         tive COVID cases in the
eca vaccine, the coun-       the Indian government;       partners, especially our       entire world on a per cap-
try’s first batch of sup-    twenty thousand from         major tourism source           ita basis.”
plies procured under the     the People’s Republic        markets. If we were to         He warned that “this
WHO-coordinated CO-          of China (to arrive here     fall behind, then clearly      means the entire world is
VAX arrangement.             within a matter of weeks);   it will have serious impli-    watching us, and if we do
“The decision to get vac-    and two thousand [dos-       cations for us. It means       not get those COVID cas-
cinated is not simply a      es of vaccine] that were     our tourists would go          es down, the implications
personal decision. It is a   donated by the Russian       elsewhere … Even our           will be very serious.”
PAGE 6   LOCAL NEWS                                             FRIDAY 9TH APRIL 2021

                 “We must not be left
                 behind!”: Sir Molwyn
                                                          vaccines. We cannot suc-       the ministry staff for ex-
                                                          ceed unless the people         ecuting “one of the most
                                                          come out to be vaccinat-       effective roll out of a vac-
                                                          ed.”                           cination programme not
                                                          The minister announced         just in the Caribbean but
                                                          that the second phase          the entire world.”
                                                          of the vaccination pro-        He indicated that the gov-
                                                          gramme starts next Tues-       ernment has been relent-
                                                          day and that this will         less in its efforts to secure
                                                          be “the most important         sufficient vaccines to in-
                                                          phase we are entering          oculate the entire popu-
                                                          in.”                           lation. He disclosed that
                                                          Sir Molwyn commended           on Wednesday he was in
                                                          the front line workers for     a virtual meeting with
                                                          their unwavering sup-          the drug manufacturer
                                                          port for government’s ef-      Pfizer in the continuing
                                                          forts to keep the spread       efforts to purchase vac-
                                                          of the virus within grasp      cines for the country.
Health Minister, Sir Molwyn Joseph                        and he also commended
Health Minister, Sir Mol-     as tourist arrivals plum-
wyn Joseph, is issuing        meted. However, the
a clarion call for all res-   minister noted that the
idents of Antigua and         major countries, partic-
Barbuda to make them-         ularly the source markets
selves available to be        for tourists for Antigua
vaccinated as the coun-       and Barbuda – the Unit-
try’s future may depend       ed States and the United
upon it.                      Kingdom – are likely to
Speaking at the V.C. Bird     achieve herd immuni-
International       airport   ty within another two to
where an official party       three months and that
was on hand for the ar-       Antigua and Barbuda
rival of a further twen-      must achieve this goal
ty-four thousand doses        within that time frame.
of vaccines, Sir Molwyn       According to Sir Mol-
declared, “We must not        wyn, if the country fails
be left behind!”              to achieve this it would
He noted that the coro-       not because the govern-
navirus pandemic is           ment did not provide
perhaps the first such        the necessary vaccines.
disease to have totally       “I am sending a clear
decimated internation-        invitation to all Antigua
al travel and commerce,       and Barbuda residents
resulting in lost revenues    to be vaccinated; we (the
for Antigua and Barbuda       government) will get the
FRIDAY 9TH APRIL 2021              LOCAL NEWS   PAGE 7

Antigua and Barbuda          This funding brings the
and other developing         UK’s total contribution
countries have been able     towards the global re-
to benefit from the World    sponse to the
Health       Organisation    coronavirus pandemic
(WHO) facility COVAX,        to over 4.8 billion East-
which gives them access      ern Caribbean dollars.
to coronavirus vaccines      “My Foreign Secretary,
at prices cheaper than       Dominic Raab, has said
what obtain on the com-      we have both a moral
mercial markets.             duty and strategic ne-
That is the view of the      cessity to make sure
United Kingdom High          there is global access to
Commissioner         Rep-    vaccines to end the pan-
resentative,       Lindsy    demic. The UK’s support
Thompson, who was            to COVAX has made sure
one of the speakers at       that no country has been
Thursday’s brief airport     left behind and that the
ceremony to mark the         most vulnerable get vac-
arrival of twenty-four       cinated first,” she told
thousand doses of vac-       the gathering.
cines made available         Thompson also com-
through the COVAX ar-        mended the Antigua and
rangement. “The UK was       Barbuda      government
one of the first countries   for the swift manner in
to support COVAX, with       which it rolled out the
a grant of over two bil-     vaccine in the first phase
lion Eastern Caribbean       of the vaccination pro-
dollars. Indeed, we were     gramme.
the first major donor,       “This is another land-
and our early support        mark for Antigua and
gave COVAX the pur-          Barbuda, and the wider
chasing power to allow       world, as it moves to-
access to the market. To     wards the end of this
put it in to real terms,     awful pandemic. We
the billion Eastern Ca-      have all seen the im-
ribbean dollars we have      pressive speed at which
donated equates to over      Antigua and Barbuda
one billion doses of vac-    has administered its first
cine. These vaccines will    twenty-seven thousand
be distributed across the    vaccine doses. The CO-
world this year, with the    VAX-provided vaccines
most vulnerable receiv-      we see here today will al-
ing their vaccines by the    low that progress to con-
end of June,” Thompson       tinue,” she added.
PAGE 8   LOCAL NEWS                                             FRIDAY 9TH APRIL 2021

          Preschools and daycare services
             likely to reopen next week
The Cabinet is likely to give the     private sectoroperations to open        a determinant factor, as well. Ev-
green light for preschools and day-   next week, also,” informed sourc-       eryone is encouraged to get vacci-
care centres to re-open next Mon-     es say. The country’s highest ex-       nated, especially those who will be
day alongside the limited face to     ecutive authority also determined       in close contact with students, the
face classes announced earlier.       that a single national policy should    elderly, and the vulnerable.
This comes as the Cabinet on          guide both public and private           Additionally, the Cabinet will
Thursday took into consideration      schools; hence, until primary and       also give consideration to allow-
the readiness of preschools and       secondary schools are permit-           ing more visitors to elderly-care
kindergarten to reopen, informed      ted to return to a more expansive       homes as more residents and citi-
by the requirements of parents to     schedule, private schools are also      zens are vaccinated, especially el-
secure childcare services as older    governed by the policy decisions        derly residents of these homes and
siblings leave home for school.       rendered by the Cabinet.                those relatives who wish to visit
“The Cabinet therefore decided        The Cabinet has also given a com-       them.
that the Central Board of Health      mitment to review the policy re-        The need for closer contact be-
(CBH) will                            garding a return to a shift system,     tween the elderly and their fami-
examine all daycare and childcare     as previously existed as well as to     ly members is evident, and those
centers, determine the level of       review or alter the decision to limit   wishing to make visits are encour-
readiness for                         face-to-face exposure to only a few     aged to take the vaccines that are
receiving the infants, and to pro-    grades/forms. The degree to which       being offered.
vide licences that will allow these   the infection rate declines will be
FRIDAY 9TH APRIL 2021                                             LOCAL NEWS                 PAGE 9

            Financial Services Regulatory
           Commission issues statement on
               fintech-related activities

The Financial Services
Regulatory Commission
                             digitally traded, or trans-
                             ferred, and can be used
                                                           (e) participating in and
                                                           provision of financial
                                                                                          LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION
(“the Commission”) is        for payment or invest-        services related to an              FORM P7, Rule 15
charged with the licens-     ment purposes and does        issue or sale of a virtual       THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN
                                                                                                SUPREME COURT
ing, regulation and su-      not include digital rep-      asset;
pervision of the financial   resentations of fiat cur-                                          IN THE HIGH COURT
                                                                                                    OF JUSTICE
services sectors in Anti-    rency or security; and        While fintech initiatives
gua and Barbuda, except      “virtual asset business”      have the support of the            ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA
for Commercial Banks         means the conduct of          Commission, the gener-
                                                                                           In the Estate of MIGNONETTE
and designated Credit        one or more of the fol-       al public is advised that       JACQULINE WILLIAMS late of
Institutions which fall      lowing activities or oper-    the legal framework for           Swetes Village, St. John’s,
                                                                                                 Antigua, Deceased
under the mandate of         ations for or on behalf of    supervising such activ-
the Eastern Caribbean        another person—               ities is not yet fully in      ADVERTISEMENT OF APPLICA-
                                                                                               TION FOR GRANT
Central Bank.                                              place; therefore, these
                                                                                          FIRST (SECOND) PUBLICATION
The Commission is            (a) exchange between a        transactions do not have
aware of a number of         virtual asset and fiat cur-   any protection by stat-          TAKE NOTICE that an applica-
                                                                                             tion has been filed by NAKIMA
individuals and entities     rency;                        ute as obtains for oth-            WILLIAMS of Swetes Village,
                                                                                            St. Paul’s, Antigua for a Grant of
who have taken the ini-      (b) exchange between          er licensable activities          Letters of Administration to the
tiative of engaging in       one or more forms of          such as banking or mon-          Applicant who is the daughter of
                                                                                          the deceased, the deceased having
fintech-related activities   virtual assets;               ey service business.             died intestate on the 26th day of
within the jurisdiction,     (c) transfer of a virtual                                     May, 2020. Any person having an
                                                                                           objection to the grant of Letters of
including the use of vir-    asset whether or not for      Individuals are therefore      Administration to the Applicant shall
tual assets and espe-        value;                        urged to fully assess their       file an objection within fourteen
                                                                                           (14) days of the publication of this
cially the use of virtual    (d) safekeeping or ad-        risks, before investing                        Notice.
coins. The Commission        ministration of a virtual     funds in any financial
                                                                                          DATED the 4th, day of April, 2021
defines “virtual asset”      asset or instruments en-      transactions relating to
                                                                                          CUMBERBATCH & ASSOCIATES
as a digital representa-     abling control over a vir-    virtual assets business,
tion of value that can be    tual asset; and               including virtual coins.              Attorneys-at-Law for
                                                                                                     the Applicant
PAGE 10                                                      FRIDAY 9TH APRIL 2021

    Vandalism at Potters Primary School

An investigation is un-      turn for the worse on       they have wondered            Primary to investigate
derway to determine          Thursday, when hu-          out loud what may have        these acts of vandalism.
the person or persons        man faeces was dis-         triggered someone to          The police have dis-
responsible for a series     covered in one of the       target the school in this     patched officers from
of acts of vandalism         teacher’s drawers. The      manner.                       the Criminal Investiga-
perpetrated against the      incidents have left the     “On three consecutive         tion Department and I
Potters Primary School.      teaching and janitori-      days, I have been forced      have also called the su-
Principal Jacinter At-       al staff at the school in   to call the police to ask     pervisor of the securi-
hill is reporting that for   a depressed mood as         them to come to Potters       ty firm assigned to the
three consecutive days,
beginning on Tuesday
this week, staff turn-
ing up to the primary
school for the restart
of in-class teaching on
Monday, have arrived at
the school to discover
various acts of vandal-
On Wednesday, tro-
phies and certificates
that were to be present-
ed later in the day to
graduates of the school
were found smashed
and broken when the
teachers arrived early
in the morning.
The situation took a

                                                                                               Cont’d on pg 11
FRIDAY 9TH APRIL 2021                                                        PAGE 11

school because there is sup-          between one and two securi-         The matter has also been re-
posed to be round-the-clock se-       ty officers at the school at all    ported to the Ministry of Ed-
curity at the school,” Athill told    times. She reported that the se-    ucation, bringing it to the at-
PointeXpress newspaper. Athill        curity firm gave a commitment       tention of both the education
is of the view that the securi-       to launch its own investigation     officer responsible for that
ty arrangements at the school         into the matter and to report its   zone and the Director of Edu-
need review as there are to be        findings to the principal.          cation, Clare Browne.

Antiguan families in Canada make donations
  to Potters and Browne’s Avenue clinics

Two Antigua and Bar-       the Henry and Janzen        nicable diseases.          Clinic received the do-
buda families who          families     who    were    They came through on       nations and expressed
are now based in Van-      drawn to the demands        their promise and as       their appreciation with
couver, Canada, have       on the facilities while     a result, Avery Henry      the assurance that they
made much-welcomed         on a visit to Antigua.      (Constance’s husband)      put the donations to
donations to two local     Leona Janzen, orig-         presented a set of four    the very use for which
medical facilities.        inally of Potters and       blood pressure ma-         they were intended.
Both the Potters and       her husband Wilfred,        chines to the Browne’s     On behalf of the fami-
the Browne’s Avenue        and Constance Henry,        Avenue Clinic and two      lies, Henry noted “We
clinics were present-      also originally of Pot-     blood pressure ma-         are really delighted to
ed with a set of medi-     ters, who now reside in     chines and two infra-      help. Antigua and Bar-
cal tools each that the    Canada, gave commit-        red thermometers to        buda will always be
nursing staff will find    ments to the nursing        the clinic in Potters on   home for the Henrys
useful in serving the      staff they would make       behalf of the two fam-     and Janzens and we
health needs of the re-    every effort to assist      ilies.                     only hope that we can
spective communities       the staff of the commu-     Nurse in Charge at         continue to be of some
where they operate.        nity clinics, especial-     Browne’s Avenue, Jo-       meaningful assistance
The    donation     was    ly in supporting their      seyan Campbell, and        to the people and land
made possible through      work in diagnosing and      Nurse Josephine Wil-       we will forever love.”
the combined efforts of    treating non-commu-         liams of the Potters
FRIDAY 9TH APRIL 2021                                     LOCAL NEWS      PAGE 13

 Teachers at the Parham Primary School receive
        free Google Classroom training
                                                     ordinators from the      some of the difficul-
                                                     ministry should try to   ties being faced first-
                                                     conduct    workshops     hand and I have an
                                                     and provide addition-    appreciation for the
                                                     al resources on how      amount of work that
                                                     to integrate technol-    has to be done to ef-
                                                     ogy into the various     ficiently run a virtual
                                                     aspects of the curric-   classroom.”
                                                     ulum. Imhoff added,      She added that the
                                                     “Often when we talk      objective of the train-
                                                     about education, we      ing session was to not
                                                     tend to focus only on    only demonstrate a
During the ongoing         having the necessary      the students and par-    commitment to the
coronavirus pandem-        skills. So that’s what    ents and not on the      school but to equip
ic which has forced        we’re prepared to do,”    educators that have      the teachers with the
schools to close their     when asked about          been given such a        tools they need in or-
doors and transi-          their partnership with    daunting task. As a      der to be successful.
tioned into an online      Imhoff ’s team for this   parent, I have seen
learning       environ-    activity.
ment, parents, stu-        The two-hour ses-
dents, and teachers        sion facilitated via
have been having           Zoom and a blended
varying experiences.       learning environment
On     Thursday     8th    covered the basics of
April, alongside Tan-      Google Classroom and
ice Powell Williams        equipped the teach-
of Project Jaguar - an     ers with tools and re-
award-winning digital      sources that will im-
education hub - Cha-       prove their knowledge
neil Imhoff conduct-       of the education plat-
ed a Google Class-         form.
room training session      Grade Six Teacher,
with the teachers of       Miss Alexis Murray
the Parham Primary         noted that, “The train-
School.                    ing was very informa-
President and CEO of       tive and enlightening.
Project Jaguar Trev-       She says that it is im-
aun     Solomon      re-   portant because there
marked that, “Profes-      are still teachers who
sional development         are not familiar with
has always been an         Google Classroom and
important goal to us.      the training would
We’re always ready to      have shown them how
work towards that. In-     to make their class-
creasing accessibility     rooms more interac-
to quality education       tive for the students.”
for students definite-     Murray also said that
ly starts with teachers    the subject area co-
PAGE 14   LOCAL NEWS                                    FRIDAY 9TH APRIL 2021

Cabinet to place more emphasis
on the blue economy
Cabinet is taking        This inaugural plan
steps that will result   provides an over-
in greater reliance      view of the existing
on the blue econo-       maritime economy
my as Antigua and        of Antigua and Bar-
Barbuda charts the       buda and sets out
way forward for the      priorities and ac-
local economy. The       tions that aim to
government aims to       help the country
strengthen the econ-     demonstrate a clear      Dean Jonas
omy of Antigua and       vision and direction     “The events of 2020,          Marine Economies
Barbuda      through     that takes account       most notably the              Programme (CME),
sustainable      blue    of national issues,      COVID -19 pandem-             the UK government
economy,      accord-    international com-       ic, have brought              and the many local
ing to the minister      mitments and the         home the urgent               stakeholders     who
responsible for the      challenges of a small    need to diversify our         made this document
blue economy, Dean       island state.            economy so that our           possible,     notably,
Jonas.The Cabinet        This original plan       island nation can             the Department of
of Antigua and Bar-      provides actions to      better handle the             Marine Services and
buda, on Wednesday       support economic         shocks of such un-            Merchant Shipping
31st March 2021, ap-     growth, livelihoods      precedented events.           (ADOMS).”
proved the first Mar-    and jobs, while it       In one fell swoop, our        To implement this
itime Blue Economy       reduces losses from      foremost contribu-            plan, the Depart-
Plan (MBEP), and a       natural       hazards,   tor to our nation’s           ment of the Blue
blue economy de-         weather events and       economy, tourism,             Economy will work
partment gap anal-       climate change.          was      significantly        closely with and co-
ysis for the formal      The overall objective    impacted with lit-            ordinate the efforts
establishment       of   is to help grow the      tle or no notice. Our         of key blue econ-
the Department of        national economy         government,        cog-       omy     stakeholders
the Blue Economy,        in a way that reflects   nizant of the need            and investors to
charged with the im-     the aims of the Com-     to    identify     new        broaden economic
plementation of this     monwealth Charter,       economic        sectors       opportunities which
plan.                    including good gov-      which will result in          will translate to in-
This MBEP is a part-     ernance,      sustain-   growth, innovation,           creased     economic
nership     initiative   able development,        jobs and investment           resilience, improved
between the govern-      gender       equality,   while       safeguard-        socio-economy
ments of the United      and recognising the      ing healthy ecosys-           standards, and ad-
Kingdom (UK) and         needs of small and       tems is very grate-           vancements in cli-
Antigua and Barbu-       vulnerable states.       ful for the work of           mate adaptation.
da.                      According       Jonas:   the Commonwealth
PAGE 16   FEATURES                                            FRIDAY 9TH APRIL 2021

            Proposed global minimum
            tax rate would be crippling
                                                         drive economic and             administration at the
                                                         social development.            OECD, welcomed the
                                                          The U.S. government           U.S. proposals, saying
                                                         is exercising its sover-       “This reboots the ne-
                                                         eign right to raise its        gotiations and is very
                                                         domestic       corporate       positive.” If this prop-
                                                         tax to 28 per cent, par-       osition is accepted, it
                                                         ticularly as it wants to       will be enforced on all
                                                         spend $2 trillion over         countries. Experience
                                                         the next eight years on        with the OECD, the
                                                         building expensive in-         European Union (EU)
                                                         frastructure in a range        and the U.S. demon-
                                                         of areas. There should         strates that by various
                                                         be every appreciation          methods, Caribbean
                                                         of this ambition. How-         countries have been
By Sir Ronald Sanders        ed at the proposition       ever, conscious that           coerced into compli-
                             by the U.S. Treasury        this high tax rate might       ance with rules or de-
 (The writer is Antigua      Secretary, Janet Yellen,    push U.S. companies            mands to their disad-
and Barbuda’s Am-            for a global minimum        to migrate to lower            vantage.
bassador to the United       corporate tax rate of 21    tax countries, the U.S.         Once the OECD
States and the Orga-         per cent. Developing        government wants a             member states agree it
nization of American         countries, including        global minimum tax             amongst themselves,
States. He is also a Se-     those in the Caribbean,     rate of 21 per cent. Its       they will enforce it. The
nior Fellow at the Insti-    need to monitor this        belief is that a suffi-        method in the past on
tute of Commonwealth         development closely.        ciently high minimum           matters such as what
Studies at the University    Their already suffering     global tax rate would          they called “harmful
of London and Massey         economies could end         discourage U.S. com-           tax competition”, has
College in the Universi-     up being hurt by it even    panies from leaving.           been to identify coun-
ty of Toronto. The views     more. Tax rates are a       The U.S. proposal has          tries they pejoratively
expressed are entirely his   sovereign matter. Gov-      been welcomed by the           list as ‘uncooperative
own)                         ernments set tax rates      OECD and the Euro-             jurisdictions’. The mere
                             in the context of several   pean Union nations,            naming of countries
 Officials of the Organ-     factors including their     France and Germany,            injures the standing
isation for Economic         domestic financial de-      that have always been          of their financial ser-
Co-operation and De-         mands; a judgement          the ‘hawks’ on setting         vices sectors, causing
velopment (OECD) –           on the ability to pay;      and enforcing global           loss of business and
the rich countries’ club     and the need to attract     tax rates. Pascal Saint-       the capacity to partic-
– are no doubt delight-      foreign investment to       Amans, head of tax             ipate effectively in the
                                                                                                    Cont’d on pg 17
FRIDAY 9TH APRIL 2021                                        FEATURES     PAGE 17

world’s trading and         at the behest of the      “that would hinder has helped its growth
financial systems. To       OECD. The tax would       poor countries’ ability and raised its living
avoid these conse-          apply to global profits   to attract investment”. standards.
quences,       countries    of large companies,                                  No doubt, Ireland
have complied, erod-        including big U.S.         And, this really will be will face considerable
ing sovereignty over        technology groups, re-    the crux of the issue. pressure from other
their tax policies and,     gardless of their phys-   Every country has the OECD and EU coun-
importantly, jobs and       ical presence in any      right to set its own do- tries to accept the pro-
income.                     country. Agreement        mestic tax rates, but posed new corporate
 Remarkably,          the   on the tax would allow    not to impose rates on tax rate, but it has re-
OECD has described          the U.S. administra-      others – which is what sisted bullying in the
its efforts for ‘tax har-   tion to increase cor-     the OECD has been past, and it is likely to
monisation’ and an          porate taxes on U.S.      trying to do since do so again. If that is
end to ‘tax competi-        companies without         1998.                     the case, other small-
tion’ as “levelling the     fear of competition        Small countries, in- er countries, includ-
playing field”. In oth-     from other countries.     cluding those in the ing Caribbean ones,
er words, the playing        Alarmingly, a senior     Caribbean, have low- should join it in argu-
field for competition       representative of the     er corporate tax rates ing for a sensible min-
in taxation, is levelled    International Mone-       because they need in- imum corporate tax
by forcing develop-         tary Fund (IMF) has       vestment not only to rate that is agreed and
ing countries to meet       already       endorsed    compete with larger not imposed.
high taxation levels        the U.S. government       countries but also to The World Bank’s
needed by the rich.         proposal. IMF Chief       survive. A mandated David Malpass has
Other areas, in which       Economist, Gita Gopi-     tax rate of 21 per cent set a reasonable tone
level playing fields are    nath, said that “We’re    would cripple many stating that any new
necessary, are con-         very much in support      of them and retard minimum tax should
veniently ignored. A        of having this kind of    their growth.             not be too high. Hith-
current example is the      global minimum cor-        An example of this erto, the OECD itself
purchase and hoard-         porate tax.” It is un-    currently exists in the has been working on
ing of COVID-19 vac-        clear if she was speak-   OECD and the EU. a rate of 12.5 per cent.
cines by many OECD          ing for the Board of      Ireland, one of the On this matter, Carib-
countries. At the time      the Fund or for her       smallest of their mem- bean and other small
of writing, of the 674      division. Fortunately,    ber countries, has a countries            should
million vaccines that       the Head of the World     corporate tax rate of stand up in unison for
have been adminis-          Bank, David Malpass,      12.5 per cent and has their rights by strong
tered globally, 77 per      has taken a more bal-     been one of the big- representation and in-
cent are in the 10 rich-    anced position on         gest beneficiaries of formed argument.
est nations. The U.S.       the matter. He has        foreign investment. A
has reportedly sent         warned against setting    few decades ago, Ire- Responses and pre-
documents, propos-          a global minimum tax      land was much poor- vious commentaries:
ing the new tax, to 135     rate that is too high,    er than Britain, but its www.sirronaldsand-
countries negotiating       adding that he did not    implementation of a
international taxation      want to see new rules     low corporate tax rate
PAGE 18   ENTERTAINMENT                             FRIDAY 9TH APRIL 2021

                               ANTIGUA AND
                               BARBUDA MUSIC
                              WEEK TO TURN
                              SPOTLIGHT ON LOCAL MUSIC
The music of Antigua and Barbuda will take centre stage during the first-ever Antigua Music
Week, planned for April 19 to 25 being organized by Limerz INC, creators, and producers
of numerous high powered successful events in the United States.
One of the organisers, Clint James, who is based in Atlanta, Georgia, said his group is pro-
posing that the Antigua and Barbuda Music Week be observed in different ways. Firstly, the
group wants all local radio stations and DJs to switch their music formats during the period
to all Antigua and Barbuda music. Additionally, Limerz wants to engage the local stations in
seven nights where the music will be featured following a theme specific to the night.
The format the group is proposing is as follows:
     •      Monday (April 19) Opening
     •      Tuesday (April 20) – Classics night
     •      Wednesday (April 21) – Girls Power night (featuring female artistes)
     •      Thursday (April 22) – Jam Band
     •      Friday (April 23) Revival night
     •      Saturday (April 24) Jam session (J’Ouvert)
     •      Sunday (April 25) – Last lap
FRIDAY 9TH APRIL 2021                                 ENTERTAINMENT      PAGE 19

                                                                    national pride for Antigua
                                                                    and Barbuda Music Week
                                                                    from 19th April to 25th April
                                                                    2021.“We are requesting
                                                                    artists, radio stations, mas’
                                                                    bands, all DJs local and
                                                                    abroad, blogs, social media
James noted that the events         ing, and supporting the mu-     influencers to join this histor-
of Antigua and Barbuda Mu-          sic of Antigua and Barbuda      ic initiative. Let us celebrate
sic Week must be held virtu-        for one entire week. “Let us    Antigua and Barbuda in a
ally this year because of the       celebrate Antigua and Bar-      big way this year and every
pandemic but the plan is that       buda in a big way this year     coming year,” James said.
by next year with the antic-        and make ABMW an annual         This year’s event will salute
ipated end of the pandemic          event!” it declared. LIMERZ     the career of King Swallow.
more activities will be added       INC is an innovative enter-     “We need to create a festival
to the week’s events and ev-        tainment company focused        experience that delivers a
erything will be done face to       on conceiving, creating, and    message to the community,
face. “The launch of Antigua        executing impactful, mu-        love, laughter, fun, and em-
and Barbuda Music Week              sic-based live experiences      powerment that the ABMW
(ABMW), a new and bold              delivered across multiple       will become known for and
initiative geared towards           mediums. Its founders, Clint    leave our audience feeling
publicising music from An-          James, Marsha Martin, and       inspired and uplifted, espe-
tigua and Barbuda globally.         Franklyn Benjamin, each         cially during these times.
We are inviting your com-           has over ten years of expe-     ”The multi-day event will ex-
pany to partner with us and         rience in production and cre-   tend to a global audience of
support ABMW 19th April, to         ative development.In their      viewers that will feature vir-
25th April, 2021. ABMW will         sixth year as a company,        tual performances and in-
be an annual event for the          LIMERZ INC is proud of its      terviews which will include
music of Antigua and Barbu-         work on large-scale events,     leading musical artists, influ-
da,” a Limerz circular to local     such as The Annual NYC La-      encers, and experts. “ABMW
radio station management            bour Day Camouflage Boat        is not just about soca music,
stated. The circular added          Ride, Shades of Sexiness        Antigua and Barbuda has a
that this is a time to reflect,     Day concert, PECKISH,           pulsing dance hall communi-
honour the past, observe the        and SOCAVILLE.“We are           ty along with a growing Hip
present and look to a bright-       asking everyone to join the     Hop and R&B sound that has
er future by playing, promot-       movement by showing their       to be heard.”
PAGE 20    REGIONAL NEWS                                        FRIDAY 9TH APRIL 2021

                                                         mic research center.           idents, a spokesperson
                                                         Trinidad and Tobago            told CNN. “Each ship
                                                         Prime Minister Keith           will accommodate up to
                                                         Rowley has spoken to           1,500 residents who will
                                                         Gonsalves and offered          be transported to neigh-
                                                         assistance, according to       boring islands which
                                                         the Ministry of Nation-        have agreed to offer
                                                         al Security for Trinidad       refuge out of harm’s
                                                         and Tobago.                    way. All precautions
                                                         Venezuela will send            will be taken to protect
                                                         humanitarian supplies          the health and safety of
                                                         and risk experts, Vene-        Carnival crew and the
                                                         zuelan Foreign Minister        passengers who board
                                                         Jorge Arreaza said on his      the ships,” the spokes-
                                                         Twitter account.               person said. The ships
                                                         Cruise lines to help           will arrive Friday, the
(CNN) - St. Vincent and      and the Grenadines          Cruise ships are heading       spokesperson said.
the Grenadines Prime         chain in the Caribbean.     to the islands to assist       Royal Caribbean and
Minister Ralph Gon-          Scientists at the Bel-      in evacuations, NEMO           Celebrity Cruises are
salves on Thursday de-       mont Observatory in         officials wrote on their       each sending one ship
clared a disaster alert      St. Vincent observed a      Twitter account.               and should have arrived
prompted by a change         volcanic tremor on the      Carnival Cruise Lines          Thursday night, accord-
in the eruptive activ-       island at about 3 a.m.      is sending two ships --        ing to a statement from
ity at the La Soufrière      local time, according to    the Carnival Paradise          Statement from Royal
volcano, according to        UWI-SRC.                    and the Carnival Leg-          Caribbean Internation-
the country’s National       The first band of trem-     end -- to evacuate res-        al.
Emergency        Manage-     ors was followed by five
ment Organization.           more throughout the
The island is on red         day. This type of seismic
alert, meaning an erup-      signal is usually associ-
tion is “imminent now,”      ated with movement of
NEMO said.                   magma and fluids close
Evacuation orders are        to the surface, accord-
in place in about a doz-     ing to UWI-SRC.
en districts of St. Vin-     “Ash venting was also
cent, affecting roughly      observed during the
6,000 to 7,000 people,       most recent tremor ep-
a spokesperson for the       isode,” the center re-
University of the West       ported on Facebook.
Indies Seismic Research      The      volcano      has
Centre, or UWI-SRC,          had five explosive erup-
told CNN.                    tions -- in 1718, 1812,
St. Vincent is the largest   1814, 1902/03 and 1979
island of the St. Vincent    -- according to the seis-
FRIDAY 9TH APRIL 2021                             REGIONAL NEWS           PAGE 21

….as Barbadian specialist takes over top tourism post
                                                    to the six candidates     international market-
                                                    that we interviewed,      ing network, some-
                                                    there [were] two out-     one who has been to
                                                    standing candidates.      the trade shows, who
                                                    The last one we in-       knows all the players,
                                                    terviewed, afterwards     who can pick up the
                                                    when we were dis-         phone and call Amer-
                                                    cussing, we said ...      ican Airlines, who can
                                                    that’s the best one.      pick up the phone and
                                                    And I’m delighted         call British Airways.
                                                    that she’s accepted       “The important thing
                                                    and delighted that        is not just that we re-
                                                    we’ve got someone         start tourism, but it is
                                                    who, in my opinion, if    how we restart. So we
                                                    we were in the Olym-      thought that one of
                                                    pics we’d have Kirani     the main criteria was
New head of the Grenada Tourism Authority,          James on our team.        to have someone who
Petra Roach                                         She is amazing. “Her      could do that and lead
(Barbados Advocate)       new assignment at         background is amaz-       to restart very quick-
- “We’re in a good po-    the GTA. During the       ing and she’s going       ly to get businesses
sition.”                  question-and-answer       to do a lot for Grena-    open, to get people
This observation was      segment of a virtual      da, because she’s got     coming here as quick-
made by President         post-Cabinet brief-       passion ... She is an     ly as possible. Having
of the Grenada Hotel      ing yesterday, Garbutt    amazing person. And,      an international mar-
and Tourism Associa-      likened Roach’s ap-       I must say, I congratu-   keting network [is]
tion (GHTA), Leo Gar-     pointment to having       late the Chairman on      important as it relates
butt, as he respond-      Kirani James on their     getting her to come to    to what I think it says
ed to a query from a      Olympic team.“When        us. We’re in a good po-   about Grenada.”
member of the Gre-        we were discussing        sition.”                  He revealed that two
nadian press about        the situation of the      Chairman of the GTA,      Grenadians applied
the criteria used to      new CEO, I thought        Barry       Collymore,    for the post, but none
hire the new head of      the sensible thing that   while responding to       of them had an inter-
the Grenada Tourism       was stated is that we     a member of the Gre-      national marketing
Authority (GTA), Petra    should concentrate        nadian press, said: “In   network.
Roach. News broke         on marketing the des-     terms of the interview    Meanwhile, Grenada
on Tuesday that the       tination.” He lament-     – selection, criteria,    is making it mandato-
Interim Chief Exec-       ed that the promotion     process – one of the      ry for all hotels work-
utive Officer of the      of tourism has never      things that we thought    ers to be vaccinated
Barbados       Tourism    been high on the pri-     was very important to     if they want to keep
and Marketing Inc.        ority list in Grenada.    have a quick restart      their jobs in the sec-
resigned from that        “My feeling is that       for Grenada was to        tor.
post to take up her       when it came down         have someone with
PAGE 22    REGIONAL NEWS                                          FRIDAY 9TH APRIL 2021

Jamaica Observer - Peo-
ple’s National Party
spokesperson on Educa-
tion and Training, Dr. An-
gela Brown-Burke, is call-
ing on the Government
to make proper repre-
sentation for Jamaican
students to be allowed to
defer all aspects of their
Caribbean Examination
Council (CXC) exams
until January or June of
According to the state-
ment from Dr. Brown-
Burke, the concern
comes in light of com-
plaints from students
and teachers that, con-
trary to previous under-
standings, students who
initially thought they
had the ability to defer
are now being told that
the rule only applies to
written exams and that       Jamaica Opposition spokesman on Education and Training Angela Brown
School-based       Assess-   Burke.
ments (SBAs) should still    most all of this one, and     count for up to 40 per-        half of our students,” the
be submitted this year.      are therefore at a disad-     cent of the overall grade      statement said.
“Education in Jamaica        vantage when compared         for most subjects, Dr          Dr. Brown-Burke called
has been significantly       with students from oth-       Brown-Burke said the           on the Ministry of Educa-
impacted by COVID-19,        er Caribbean islands. A       Opposition is concerned        tion to acknowledge that,
and while some schools       request for deferral on       that students may end          “Our students have faced
were allowed to reopen       this basis is not unrea-      up with automatic fails.       significant and unequal
for face-to-face classes,    sonable, and a caring         “Jamaica has the largest       odds over the last several
many students have not       government should do          number of students sit-        months, and are deserv-
had in-person teaching       all that’s within its power   ting CXC examinations          ing of the Government’s
since March 2020,” she       to negotiate favourable       on a yearly basis, and         full support to give them
said.                        terms for its students        this provides significant      a fair shot at securing the
“Many of our students        with the CXC board,” she      leverage for our Govern-       best CXC grades possible
have missed half of the      added.                        ment to make effective         and safeguarding their
last school year and al-     Noting that SBAs ac-          representation on be-          future.”
FRIDAY 9TH APRIL 2021                    REGIONAL NEWS   PAGE 23

(News 784) - As the pan-
demic drags on and
with low uptake in vac-
cines, it appears that St.
Vincent and the Grena-
dines is on a long road
to recovery.
Prime Minister Ralph
Gonsalves, on Wednes-
day morning, said the
government might not
be able in the next cou-
ple of months to pay
“In one or two months,
or sometime if the
strained economic ac-
tivity continues, the
government may not
have the 30 million to
pay civil servants and
contribute to the NIS for
pensioners payments”.
Gonsalves said they
have held the economy
together; however, there
is real pressure on the
“Our revenue dropped
by 15 million, and we
recouped in February.
That’s because there
were a couple of big
alien landholding li-
cense        transactions
from Mustique. There
is a couple more in the
pipeline,”     Gonsalves
The World Bank indi-
cates that St. Vincent’s
economy is expected to
grow by 0.2 percent in
2021.                      Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves,
PAGE 24   FUN ZONE                FRIDAY 9TH APRIL 2021

                     YOUR DAILY HOROSCOPE

                      An inspiring idea can be refreshing and            If you rush in to do a job without thinking
                     stimulating. Certain actions might be mis-         it through first, you can end up entangled
                     construed, or a sincere explanation could be       in messy details. Straighten things out by
                     thought inappropriate, so consider staying         showing your trustworthiness and people will
                     silent if love or money is a primary issue.        rely on your sincerity.

                                                                        There may be very little opportunity or little
                      Gather all the facts before you implement in-     time to put your knowledge to use. Someone
                     novative techniques. Wait for better timing to     may become uncomfortable if you ask them
                     revise your schedule or adjust your agenda.        personal questions. However, a partner or
                     Use your people skills to navigate challenging     loved one will likely be glad to take your side.

                      Misunderstandings are possible, so it’s a
                     good idea to tread carefully around topics that    If you turn on the charm, it will be easy to
                     might be considered sensitive. Discuss the         get along with others and do a difficult job.
                     most important matters with your most loyal        Organize your thoughts so you can present a
                     friends before acting.                             convincing argument if needed.

                      It might be tempting to overreact or lose your     It may be difficult to make progress if you are
                     temper due to a mystery or a misunderstand-        faced with talented competition. There may
                     ing. You could feel threatened by someone’s        be great pressure on you to perform at your
                     avid interest, but it might only be a bit of       absolute best, so schedule plenty of breaks
                     self-doubt at work.                                and get lots of rest.

                                                                        Avoid making crucial financial decisions or
                     Working conditions can quickly improve if you
                                                                        major expenditures at this time, and delay
                     can negotiate a better distribution of duties. A
                                                                        the signing of any agreements. Some of your
                     friend or partner might be able to offer some
                                                                        spur-of-the-moment decisions may help you
                     inventive ideas that will make everything run
                                                                        achieve your primary goals but won’t grant all
                     more smoothly.
                                                                        your wishes.

                     It’s not wise to test the depth of the water by
                                                                        Your day may feel like you are playing a
                     jumping in headfirst. Loved ones might be
                                                                        game of musical chairs. Someone might urge
                     overly sensitive if you challenge their ideals
                                                                        you to try something that isn’t a fit for your
                     or actions. Say the right things to reassure
                                                                        abilities, leaving you feeling out of the loop.
FRIDAY 9TH APRIL 2021                          WHAT’S UP      PAGE 25


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                                         IN YOUR
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                                 COMMUNITY NOTICES

                                   SOCIAL SECURITY
                                   PENSION NOTICE
                                 Please be advised that pension pay-
                                 ments for March 2021, will commence
                                 on Monday 12th, April 2021 according
                                 to the following distribution schedule:

                                 A-F Mon 12 April
                                 G-K Tues 13 April
                                 L-P Wed 14 April
                                 Q-T Thurs 15 April
                                 U-Z Fri 16 April

       Biden tightens some gun controls,
           says much more needed
— President Joe Biden,
in his first gun control
measures since taking
office, on Thursday an-
nounced a half-dozen
executive actions aimed
at addressing a prolif-
eration of gun violence
across the nation that he
called an “epidemic and
an international embar-
  “The idea that we have
so many people dying
every single day from        President Joe Biden speaks about gun violence prevenmtion in the Rose Garden at the White
gun violence in America      House
is a blemish on our char-    diate “common-sense            on homemade guns and            with anyone to get it
acter as a nation,” Biden    steps” to address gun          provide more resources          done,” gun control mea-
said during remarks at       violence, after a series       for gun-violence preven-        sures face slim prospects
the White House.             of mass shootings drew         tion but fall far short of      in an evenly divided Sen-
  Family         members     renewed attention to           the sweeping gun-con-           ate, where Republicans
whose children were          the issue. His announce-       trol agenda he laid out on      remain        near-unified
killed at the Sandy Hook,    ment came the same day         the campaign trail.             against most proposals.
Connecticut,        school   as yet another, this one         Indeed, Biden again             Biden was joined at the
massacre in 2012 and         in South Carolina, where       urged Congress to act,          event by Vice President
the shooting at Marjo-       five people were killed.       calling on the Senate to        Kamala Harris and At-
ry Stoneman Douglas            Biden emphasized the         take up House-passed            torney General Merrick
High School in Parkland,     scope of the problem:          measures closing back-          Garland. Garland said he
Florida, in 2018 attended    Between the mass kill-         ground check loopholes.         was “under no illusions
the hearing, and Biden       ings at the Atlanta mas-       He also said Congress           about how hard it is to
thanked them for attend-     sage businesses and the        should pass the Violence        solve the problem of gun
ing, saying he under-        Colorado grocery store         Against Women Act,              violence” and empha-
stood it would remind        shooting last month,           eliminate legal exemp-          sized a need for a “collec-
them of the awful days       there were more than 850       tions for gun manufac-          tive effort to keep guns
when they got the calls.     additional shootings that      turers and ban assault          out of the hands of crimi-
  He assured them,           killed 250 and injured         weapons and high ca-            nals and save lives.”
“We’re absolutely deter-     500 in the U.S., he said.      pacity magazines.                 The Justice Depart-
mined to make change.”         But Thursday’s an-             “This is not a partisan       ment cannot solve the
  Biden’s Thursday an-       nouncement          under-     issue among the Amer-           problem by itself, he said,
nouncement delivers on       scores the limitations of      ican people,” Biden in-         but “there is work for the
a pledge the President       Biden’s executive power        sisted.                         department to do, and
made last month to take      to act on guns. His or-          While Biden asserted          we intend to do it.”
what he termed imme-         ders tighten regulations       that he’s “willing to work

 Eleven killed as Myanmar protesters fight
  troops with handmade guns, firebombs
                                                                                          “Taze, Kale have many
                                                                                        hunters in the jungle,”
                                                                                        said Hein Min Hteik, a
                                                                                        resident of the region
                                                                                        and a youth activist.
                                                                                        “They have handmade
                                                                                        firearms. And now they
                                                                                        came out with their
                                                                                        weapons in order to pro-
                                                                                        tect the locals, while the
                                                                                        people were under attack
                                                                                        by the junta.”
                                                                                          A     spokesman       for
                                                                                        the junta could not be
                                                                                        reached for comment.
                                                                                          “People will try to de-
                                                                                        fend their own lives and
                                                                                        their rights,” said a for-
                                                                                        mer government min-
                                                                                        ister who is part of the
                                                                                        CRPH, a group of law-
                                                                                        makers representing the
                                                                                        ousted civilian govern-
  (Reuters) - Anti-coup       guns, knives and fire-        cording to the Assistance     “People will not wait for
demonstrators in Myan-        bombs, five more truck-       Association for Political   CRPH to act,” the min-
mar fought back with          loads of troops were          Prisoners (AAPP). It had    ister said in a video call
handmade guns and             brought in.                   a toll of 598 dead as of    with Reuters. “The CRPH
firebombs against a             Fighting      continued     Wednesday evening.          cannot stop the possible
crackdown by security         into Thursday morning           Taze is near the town     armed resistance by the
forces in a town in the       and at least 11 protest-      of Kale, where at least     people from the people.”
northwest, but at least       ers were killed and about     12 people were killed in      The junta on Thursday
11 of the protesters were     20 wounded, the media         a similar clash between     arrested Paing Takhon,
killed, domestic media        said. There was no word       troops and protesters on    a model and actor who
reported on Thursday.         of any casualties among       Wednesday, according to     had spoken out against
  Initially, six truckloads   the soldiers.                 news media and witness-     the coup, his sister told
of troops were deployed         That would take the toll    es. Security forces fired   Reuters. In Yangon, the
to quell protesters in the    of civilians killed by se-    live rounds, grenades,      country’s biggest city, ac-
town of Taze, the Myan-       curity forces to over 600     and machine-guns on         tivists placed shoes filled
mar Now and Irrawaddy         since the junta seized        protesters who were de-     with flowers to com-
news outlets said. When       power from the elected        manding the restoration     memorate dead protest-
the protesters fought         government of Aung San        of Suu Kyi’s government,    ers.
back with handmade            Suu Kyi on Feb. 1, ac-        AAPP said.

       Expert says George Floyd
       died from lack of oxygen
                                                             The trial is in its sec-     cuffs was also signifi-
                                                          ond week and is expect-         cant. “It’s how they’re
                                                          ed to last for at least one     being pushed, where
                                                          month. The defence is           they are being pushed,
                                                          due to begin arguing its        that totally interfere
                                                          case next week.                 with central features of
                                                             The prosecution in           how we breathe.”
                                                          the case against Chau-            Dr. Tobin said the po-
                                                          vin has now begun               sition of Chauvin’s knee,
                                                          hearing from medical            pushing down against
                                                          experts.                        the left side of Floyd’s
                                                             Asked about the posi-        chest, meant that it was
                                                          tioning of the handcuffs        “almost ... as if a sur-
                                                          behind Floyd’s back,            geon had gone in and
                                                          coupled with the down-          removed the [left] lung”.
                                                          ward pressure of Chau-            “Not quite, but along
Dr Martin Tobin testifies as an expert witness            vin’s weight against him,       those lines. He has
in the George Floyd murder trial                          Dr. Tobin - an expert in        used up his resources
                                                          pulmonary medicine              and is literally trying to
   (BBC World News) -        against him.                 - said Floyd’s ability to       breathe with his fingers
George Floyd died from         Dr. Tobin also contra-     expand his chest was            and knuckles against
a lack of oxygen as he       dicted the defence’s ar-     severely impaired. He           the street to try to crank
was pinned “in a vice”       gument that the pain-        said it was his medi-           up his chest, to try to get
against the street during    killer Fentanyl was the      cal opinion that Floyd          air into his right lung,”
his arrest, a doctor at      cause of Floyd’s inability   died after a low level          he added.He added
the trial of ex-police of-   to breathe. A toxicology     of oxygen stopped his           that Floyd had already
ficer Derek Chauvin in       report released last June    heart. “[George Floyd] is       shown signs of brain in-
Minneapolis has said.        said Floyd had Fentanyl      jammed down against             jury about four minutes
Intensive care doctor        in his system.               the street, so the street       before Chauvin took his
Martin Tobin said Mr.          However, Dr .Tobin         is playing a major role         knee off his neck, and
Floyd died of asphyxia       said Floyd’s breath-         in preventing him from          that a healthy person
from the way he was re-      ing did not slow down        expanding his chest.            who was put through
strained.                    enough for the drug             “He’s against a hard as-     this “would have died”
   Chauvin, 45, was          to have been a factor        phalt street, so the way        too.
filmed kneeling on           in his total loss of ox-     they’re pushing down              About three minutes
Floyd’s neck for more        ygen. The footage of         on his handcuffs com-           before Chauvin re-
than nine minutes            Chauvin, who is white,       bined with the street ...       moved his knee, Dr To-
during his arrest last       with his knee on Afri-       it’s like the left side is in   bin said, there was “not
May. The ex-officer is       can-American Floyd’s         a vise.”                        an ounce of oxygen left
on trial for murder and      neck sparked global             Dr. Tobin said the po-       in his body”.
has denied the charges       protests against racism.     sitioning of the hand-
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