TYY GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS - 2021-2022 The Student Union of the University of Turku

Page created by Johnnie Baldwin
TYY GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS - 2021-2022 The Student Union of the University of Turku
The Student Union of the University of Turku   1
TYY GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS - 2021-2022 The Student Union of the University of Turku
TYY guide for international students 2021–2022

          DEAR STUDENT       					3
          WHAT IS STUDENT UNION?					4
          MEMBERSHIP AND STUDENT CARD				                   4
          TYY OFFICE AND SERVICE DESK				                   4
          DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION PROJECTS			               6
          STUDENT HEALTH CARE SERVICE				                   8
          STUDENT LUNCHES AND OTHER DISCOUNTS			            10
          TYY RENTAL PREMISES AND ITEMS				                 13
          KINOKOPLA – TYY FILM CLUB					                    14
          STUDENT CALENDAR						14
          INCOME AND STUDY GRANT MATTERS			                 15
          LEGAL ADVICE						16
          EARLY SUPPORT FOR STUDENTS				                    17
          STUDENT LIFE IN TURKU					18
          PROGRAMMES WITH INTAKE IN 2019-2020			            22
          TYY WINGS AND TYY ORGANISATIONS				               24
          WHO ARE WE?						38
          THE STUDENT UNION COUNCIL				                     38
          THE EXECUTIVE BOARD					38
          THE SPECIALISTS						39
          MAILING LISTS						40
          CONTACT INFORMATION					41
          FINNISH GLOSSARY						42
          WANT TO KNOW MORE FINNISH?				                    43
          CAMPUS MAP						44
          STUDEN VILLAGE MAP					47
          CITY BIKES							50

      TYY GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 2021-2022. 29th revised edition 2021.
      Last updated on May. Cover image: Frida Pessi. Editing: Satu Nurmi & Anna Ryzhova.
      Published by Turun yliopiston ylioppilaskunta (Student Union of the University
      of Turku). Please send any comments, corrections or improvement suggestions to

TYY GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS - 2021-2022 The Student Union of the University of Turku

Welcome to Turku! The Student Union of        all of our services such as the tutoring
the University of Turku (TYY) wishes you      system and the starting package. It is
a very pleasant stay.                         important for us to know how the student
     This guide will introduce you to the     life in Turku has been for you. By giving
Student Union and the student life in         us feedback, you can help us to improve
Turku. We would like to explain to you        our services.
what is a student union and how TYY can            We here at the Student Union want to
serve you. As a member, you are entitled      welcome you to join all of our activities.
to a variety of benefits which we hope        Hopefully we will have a chance to meet
will make your stay in Turku easier.          you face to face. We sincerely hope you
     This guide includes information          experience the time of your life during
about services available for students         your stay in Turku! Please, do not
(degree and exchange students and             hesitate to contact us. We will be happy
doctoral candidates) at the Student           to help you with any questions you may
Union of the University of Turku.             have – that is what we are here for!
     In addition, information on TYY and
its services in English is available on the
TYY website at www.tyy.fi/en. Please see      Best regards,
also useful answers on our “Frequently
Asked Questions” -page that is based on       Satu Nurmi & Anna Ryzhova
our previous students’ questions.             Student Union of the University of Turku
     We would love to hear your feedback      tyy-internationalspecialist@utu.fi,
on this guide and your experiences on         tyy-kv@utu.fi

TYY GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS - 2021-2022 The Student Union of the University of Turku
TYY guide for international students 2021–2022

                     WHAT IS A STUDENT UNION?
      There is a student union in every Finnish
      university, and its goal is to represent                     STUDENT CARD
      its members, advance the position of
      students in society and provide them              As a member of the Student Union, you
      with services. Membership of a student            are entitled to a Finnish student card
      union is compulsory by law for all                (opiskelijakortti) issued together by the
      undergraduate and master’s degree                 National Union of University Students in
      students studying for a Finnish degree.           Finland (SYL) and TYY. This card offers
      It is possible for the exchange students          you a variety of benefits locally and
      and doctoral students to join a student           nationwide. For more information about
      union, too.                                       the benefits, please read the information
           The Student Union of the University          in this and the next chapter and check
      of Turku (Turun yliopiston yliop-                 www.frank.fi/en
      pilaskunta, TYY) is among the oldest
      student unions in Finland. Founded                             TYY OFFICE
      in 1922, TYY has been taking a stand
      for students for almost 100 years now.            The TYY Office is located in Student
      TYY acts as an interest organisation, a           House A, ground floor, Rehtorin-
      service producer and an NGO. Students’            pellonkatu 4 A, 20500 Turku. Check the
      interests are looked after not only within        contact information on the back side of
      the University of Turku but also within           this guide. TYY web pages can be found
      the city of Turku and Finland. TYY has            at tyy.fi/en.
      approximately 14 000 members and
      acts in three different campuses: Turku,
      Rauma and Pori.
                                                                 TYY SERVICE DESK
                                                                  OPENING HOURS:

                                                               You can see TYY service desk
  26.50€ for the autumn term 2021,
                                                              opening hours on the website.
  26.50€ for the spring term 2022 and
  53.00€ for the term 2021–2022.
                                                        By visiting TYY Service Desk, you can:
                                                         • Get the sticker on the card for the
                                                           new academic year if you order a
  26.50€ for the autumn term 2021,
                                                           plastic card
  26.50€ for the spring term 2022 and
                                                         • Buy Student Union patches and pins
  53.00€ for the term 2021–2022.
                                                         • Reserve the club room Q-House,
                                                           TYY sauna, Turku Sali meeting room
                                                           and TYYMA dining set
  18.50€ for the autumn term 2021,
                                                         • Borrow bike repair kit
  18.50€ for the spring term 2022 and
                                                         • Buy season tickets of the Kinokopla
  37€ for the term 2021–2022
                                                           film club

TYY GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS - 2021-2022 The Student Union of the University of Turku
The Student Union Staff and the               4) Membership payment alone is not
Executive Board of the Student Union          enough. You also need to order a student
can be found in the Student House A. The      card. You can choose from 2 options: a
staff office hours vary but most people       plastic student card or a mobile app. Please
are available at least Mon-Fri 10–14. By      see more information and the prizes at
making an appointment, you can be sure        www.frank.fi/en
to meet the person you need.
                                              5) The best option for international
                                              students is a digital student card: Please
HOW TO BECOME A MEMBER AND                    be patient as it can take some days to
   GET THE STUDENT CARD                       register your membership payment in
                                              the University’s system. It is not possible
                                              to activate before August in the autumn
In order to become a member of TYY you
                                              and January in the spring. The app can be
must pay the Student Union membership
                                              downloaded on Apple and Android phones
fee. New international students receive
                                              and it can be used offline.
their payment forms from the University
(Exchange students: the International         6) In case you choose the card: The plastic
Office, Degree students: information          card does not require a Finnish ID number.
about the payment via e-mail). You can        If you decide to order a normal plastic
pay your membership fee payment either        student card, it will be sent to your Finnish
by a regular bank transfer payment or by      address. Remember to make a notification
using your e-bank account (SEPA -area         of your move to the post office so you
payments). When paying your membership        know that your mail will be delivered to
fee payment, please remember to always        the right address. Please note that during
include your name and your personal           the busiest times in the beginning of the
reference number that can be found in your    semester getting the card might take more
payment form.                                 than two weeks. Once your card has arrived,
                                              remember to pick up an annual sticker
1) By paying the Student Union fee, you       from the TYY Service Desk. Please note that
become a member (voluntary but highly         ordering the card is not possible before 1st
recommended for exchange students,            of August.
compulsory for degree students). If you
have problems paying the fee in your          For the address and the opening hours
home country, you can wait until you are      of the TYY Service Desk, and for more
in Finland.                                   information about the Student Union,
                                              please visit www.tyy.fi/en.
2) Please put your name and the reference
number (found on the invoice) in the          If you have any questions concerning the
‘message’ part of your payment. In case       membership or the student card, please
you forget to use the reference number, we    see our FAQ-page at http://www.tyy.fi/en/
will still receive your payment. However,     students/frequently-asked-questions or
registering your payment will take a longer   contact tyy-internationalspecialist@utu.fi.
time.                                         We are here for you!

3) Please note that we do not send you a      Read more:
confirmation e-mail after receiving your      www.tyy.fi/en/students/welcome-turku
payment. Just print out the receipt of the
payment (a screen shot is also ok), because
you can use it as a proof of your payment.                                                    5
TYY GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS - 2021-2022 The Student Union of the University of Turku
TYY guide for international students 2021–2022

      You can pay an additional, voluntary fee to support TYY development
      cooperation projects. During the academic year 2021–2022, the projects is
      are as follows:

               1. ZAMBIA PROJECT 4.70 €             the Sustainable Development Goal six.
                                                    Poor sanitation, for example, increases
      The Zambia Project is s a four-year           the spread of disease and girls ’school
      project for which the Ministry for Foreign    attendance suffers during menstruation.
      Affairs has granted a grant of € 1,200,000.   Indeed, one of the aims of the project is to
      Besides TYY, Disability Partnership           mainstream the inclusion of vulnerable
      Finland is involved in the project from       groups, such as women and the disabled,
      Finland.                                      in WASH issues (Water, Sanitation and
          Currently, only 26% of Zambians           Hygiene). In addition, the project will
      are covered by basic sanitation. The          improve Zambia’s sanitation by building
      project will address the problems of          dry toilets, strengthen the capacity
      poor sanitation and has the long-term         of local partners and civil society to
      goal of helping Zambia achieve full           influence sanitation issues, and raise
      sanitation coverage by 2030 in line with      awareness of WASH issues in society.

TYY GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS - 2021-2022 The Student Union of the University of Turku
In addition to the actors in TYY’s
Development Cooperation Wing, all
students of the University of Turku
across faculty boundaries are welcome
to participate in the project. No previous
knowledge of development cooperation
is needed and new ideas are always
    In the project, the volunteers make
communicative        content,     organise
events and training and are in close
contact with the actors of the Global
Dry Toilet Association of Finland. From
the academic year 2021–2022, students
can donate to the project, for example
in connection with the academic year
    For more information, please
visit project’s website or contact the        TYY also directs 0.7 % of the budget
Specialist in International Affairs at tyy-   for operating funds to development
internationalspecialist@utu.fi.               cooperation. The 0.7 % targets are chosen
                                              every spring. In 2021 chosen projects are
                                              Food and Forest Development Finland
                                              and Global Dry Toilet Association of

                                              See more about or development
                                              cooperation projects at: https://www.
                                              t y y. f i / e n / a c t i v i t i e s / d e ve l o p m e n t -

                                              SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WEEK

                                              TYY organises annually Sustainable
                                              Development Week. Details of different
                                              events and programme will be updated
                                              on TYY’s website and social media

                                              Want to join the organising team as a
                                              Send e-mail to

TYY GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS - 2021-2022 The Student Union of the University of Turku
TYY guide for international students 2021–2022
                                                                                       PAGE 11)
                                                                   C A N D IDATES, SEE

                     TYY MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS
      Students studying degree in Finnish        Address: Kirkkotie 13, 20540 Turku
      Higher Education Institutions are          www.yths.fi/en
      entitled to the services of the Finnish
      Student Health Service (Ylioppilaiden      The phone numbers can be seen on the
      terveydenhuoltosäätiö), FSHS (YTHS in      back of this guide.
      Finnish). These services are provided by
      the Student Health Centre in Turku.        You can also use the online form at
      PLEASE NOTE THAT THE FSHS                  booking-appointment/
      THE EXCHANGE STUDENTS FROM                 For an appointment missed without
      THE BEGINNING OF 2021.                     cancellation,    FSHS     charges the
                                                 counselling fee plus €35.

TYY GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS - 2021-2022 The Student Union of the University of Turku
The Finnish Student Health Service
offers basic healthcare on weekdays               IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY
during office hours, Mon-Thu 8–15, Fri
8-14. Please note that FSHS is closed in       Because FSHS is only open during the
the evenings, during the weekends and          week at day time, patients must turn to
on public holidays. During the summer,         municipal health services in emergencies
FSHS is open for limited opening hours.        on weekends and evenings.
For further information on making an               Call 112 for ambulance and
appointment and opening hours please           emergency services. In emergency cases,
visit FSHS website.                            such as sudden illness, unconsciousness
    Appointments are available with            or life-threatening situation, always call
general practitioners and various              112. If in doubt as to whether it is an
specialists. FSHS offers laboratory            emergency or not, it is always better to
services, mental health care, dental           call and ask. The emergency medical
care and also health counselling on the        services helpline advises you on the help
Internet.                                      you require.
If you become acutely ill, you can call            Turku University Hospital, T-Hospital
or visit a nurse without an appointment        is now the Turku region’s accident and
between 8 and 11. All other consultations      emergency (A&E) centre for providing
and treatments require appointments.           24-hour specialised medical care and
The pricing of the health services vary, so    treatment to those who have fallen
check the pricing from the FSHS web site:      suddenly ill or sustained injury.
service-fees/                                   MUNICIPAL HEALTH CARE AND
    If you travel elsewhere in Finland and
need acute medical or dental treatment,
                                                 PRIVATE HEALTH SERVICES
you are entitled to use FSHS services in
                                               There are also other types of health care
other university towns. Please note that the
                                               that the FSHS does not provide, such as
smaller health centres are closed during
                                               hospital care and some specialist services.
the summer months from June to August.
                                               You can check the current instructions at
    Those students who have paid the
health care fee for the autumn term can
start using the services from 1 September.
                                                  Students who have registered Turku
If you have paid the health care fee for
                                               as their place of residence (kotikunta)
the spring term, you are entitled to FSHS
                                               have the right to the municipal health
services until the end of August.
                                               care. Your home address and postal
    If you get ill when FSHS is closed, get
                                               code will determine your municipal
into an accident or have to be admitted
                                               health centre. Emergency services in the
to hospital, the FSHS system will not
                                               Turku area are available on weekdays at
cover you. In these cases you should have
                                               the health centre determined by your
a European Health Insurance Card or a
                                               address. The student can also use private
personal insurance. We recommend all
international students to have a health

TYY GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS - 2021-2022 The Student Union of the University of Turku
TYY guide for international students 2021–2022

      If the student has a private health                subsidised student lunches at other
      insurance, he/she can also obtain                  student cafeterias in Turku as well as in
      services in the private health care clinics,       other Finnish cities.
      such as Mehiläinen or Terveystalo.

                                                                  OTHER DISCOUNTS
                TRAVEL DISCOUNTS
                                                         The student unions in Turku have
      When travelling in Finland, the student            negotiated local student discounts for
      card will give you several benefits,               different shops, restaurants, sporting
      which you cannot get with the ISIC                 events etc. It is always a good idea to
      (International student identity card) or           ask for a student discount. Also, check
      with any foreign student cards.                    https://www.frank.fi/en/ for different
          Trains: You are entitled to a student          discounts.
      discount of 45-55 % on all train tickets in
      Finland. The student card must be presented
      when buying the ticket, as well as on the train.
                                                            INTERNATIONAL TUTORS
          Long-Distance Buses: On the long
                                                         International students are provided
      distance buses/coaches the holder of a
                                                         with a personal tutor. Tutors are trained
      student card will get 50% discount on a
                                                         students who volunteer to help and guide
      bus ticket when the distance travelled is
                                                         new international students. Tutoring
      at least 80 km. There are also low-fare bus
                                                         is organised by the University of Turku
      companies such as Onnibus that offer
                                                         and TYY. Tutors help their students with
      information also in English (https://www.
                                                         everyday practicalities during the first
      onnibus.com/home ).
                                                         weeks and guide them through student
                                                         life in Turku. The tutor will help you
                                                         with housing matters, registering at
       SUBSIDISED STUDENT LUNCHES                        the university, handling the first stage
                                                         payments in the bank office etc.
      TYY is a co-owner of Unica, a company
                                                             Please note, however, that your tutor is
      that runs several student cafeterias
                                                         not your academic contact person. Each
      where you can get subsidised student
                                                         department at the University has a member
      meals with the Finnish student card. TYY-
                                                         of staff appointed for that task. The name
      owned cafeterias serving student priced
                                                         of your academic contact person can be
      lunches include: Assarin Ullakko and
                                                         found in your acceptance letter.
      Brygge in Student House A, Macciavelli
      in Educarium, Dental in the Dentistry
      building, Tottisalmi at the Finnish Student
      Health Service (FSHS) building and Delica
      in Pharma City.
          The     weekly     menus      of    the
      cafeterias are available in English at
      www.unica.fi/en. With your student
      card, you will also be able to get

The receipt of your student union membership fee payment will act as a temporary
Student ID card, and you will get subsidised lunches at the student cafeterias and
student health care services with it, but not the travel discounts.

If you intend to travel by long distance bus or train before your card has been processed,
you need to go to the Student Centre Disco to obtain a special form that states that you
are a student at a Finnish university. Please note that student card is not accepted as
an official identity card.

Doctoral candidates (students pursuing licentiate or doctoral degree) can become
members of the Student Union. Their membership benefits are however fewer than
those of the undergraduate and Master’s degree students. The membership fee for
doctoral candidates is 18.50€ for the autumn term 2021, 18.50€ for the spring term
2022 and 37€ for the term 2021–2022.

A doctoral candidate who is a member of TYY is eligible for the following membership
  • consultation services from the TYY specialists
  • services of the student lawyer
  • reduced lunches at Unica restaurants (except for Nutritio)
  • Turku Student Newspaper
  • membership eligibility in TYY sub-organisations: some organisations have small
    annual fee

Regardless of the TYY membership, doctoral candidates have the right to the following
benefits and services:
  • CampusSport
  • right to rent an apartment from the Student Village Foundation (TYS)

Please note that for reasons beyond the control of TYY, doctoral candidates are not
eligible for:
   • student reductions on the trains or long distance coaches
   • student priced lunches in every student cafeteria
   • Finnish Student Health Services (FSHS)
TYY guide for international students 2021–2022

      The student unions of the universities in    PAYMENT DETAILS:
      Turku (TYY, ÅAS), the student union of
      the Novia University of Applied Sciences     Recipient:
      (Novium), and the Turku University of        Turun yliopiston ylioppilaskunta
      Applied Sciences (TUAS) run a joint          Bank account number
      starting package storage where exchange      (Tilinumero in Finnish):
      students can borrow a package with           FI25 5716 9020 0256 36
      household items which they return            Reference number
      before they leave Turku. The starting        (Viitenumero in Finnish): 9111
      package is available to all exchange         Due date: Within two weeks of your
      students who are members of TYY. It is       arrival in Finland
      a non-profit service and operates on a
      first-come-first-served basis.               FROM A FOREIGN ACCOUNT:
          The starting package includes at least   Receiver: TYY/Starting Package Turku,
      one pillow, a blanket, two curtains, a       Address: Rehtorinpellonkatu 4 A,
      cooking pot, a sharp cutting knife, one      20500 Turku
      dinner plate, one soup plate, a glass, a     IBAN: FI25 5716 9020 0256 36
      mug, cooking items (spatula/ladle), one      BIC/SWIFT: OKOYFIHH
      knife, one fork, one spoon, one teaspoon     Reference number: 9111
      and a can opener.                            Bank name: Turun Seudun Osuuspankki
          Please read the current corona           Bank address: Maariankatu 4 20100
      instructions on our website before           Turku
      picking up the package. If your tutor
      borrowed a starting package for you          Please see more detailed payment
      before your arrival, make sure you go        information on the Starting package
      as soon as possible (no later than 2         invoice in or on the website: www.tyy.fi/
      weeks after your arrival) to the storage     startingpackage.
      during the opening hours and show the
      receipt of your starting package payment     Contact Information: For information
      (deposit + rent) and a receipt of your       about the Starting Package Storage,
      student union membership fee payment.        borrowing system, payment, opening
      Before leaving Finland, make sure to         hours and location check: www.tyy.fi/
      check the opening hours of the storage       startingpackage.
      well ahead, you might have to return the
      package a while before your departure        Further questions can be directed to
      day since the opening hours are limited.     startingpackage@utu.fi.

TYY members and its organisations have the possibility to rent different
spaces and items.

• Annual Balls, Parties      • Get-Togethers, Meetings,    • Get-Togethers,
• Tables, Chairs and           Theme Evenings                Afterparties, Theme
  Tableware                  • Microwave oven, fridge        events
• Kitchen                    • Sofas, speakers             • Kitchen and Sauna, TV,
• Sound equipment                                            DVD-player, Stereo

• Meetings, game evenings, • Meetings, game                • Sitz parties, Annual Balls,
  dance and play training     evenings, Get-togethers        Meetings and Theme events
• Data projector            • Free to use, Alcohol free    • Fridge and possibility to use
• Free to use, Alcohol free   space, may be reserved         combined Kitchen
  space                       for a suitable use

TYY is also renting out useful items for its members: Tyyma dining set, bike repairing
set, button maker and laminating machine; and gear for anniversary celebrations.
Please see the full information at: www.tyy.fi/en/students/tyy-rentals

TYY guide for international students 2021–2022

                                                      “TURUN YLIOPPILASLEHTI”
      The TYY Film Club shows a wide variety
      of films, including recent blockbusters,     Turku Student Newspaper (Turun
      alternative movies, classics and Finnish     ylioppilaslehti aka Tylkkäri) comes
      films. Please note that the subtitles are    out 6 times during the academic year.
      usually only in Finnish and Swedish.         The newspaper is published mainly
      For more information on the films being      in Finnish, but you can find articles
      shown as well as on other activities         in English as well. You can pick up the
      organised by Kinokopla, please visit         newspaper at any of the stands around
      the website http://www.kinokopla.fi/         the campus. We are always happy to
      inenglish.html. Season tickets for the       have new international writers! Contact
      main series can be bought at the TYY         information:     tyl-paatoimittaja@utu.fi
      Service Desk (with a student friendly        (Editor-in-Chief).
      price) as well as from the theatre before
      the shows. You can also buy single tickets
      with price of €5.

                STUDENT CALENDAR
      Every year, the Student Union publishes
      a TYY pocket calendar free of charge for
      all its members. It has also information
      on TYY and studying in Turku. You can
      get your free copy from the TYY Service
      Desk or during Orientation Course.

          INCOME AND                              STUDY MATTERS AND LEGAL
The Specialist in Social Affairs acts as a     The Specialist in Academic Affairs is
contact person between different groups        specialised in issues related to the
working in his or her field and distributes    supervision of students’ rights. He or
information about current issues related       she can tell you what to do or who to
to social policy. You can ask the Specialist   turn to if you feel that you have been
in Social Affairs for advice when you          treated unequally for example in the
don’t know who to turn to when it comes        evaluation of a course or a thesis. Any
to matters such as well-being, housing         faults concerning studies or teachers’
or income. The Specialist in Social            actions should be brought out. It may be
Affairs can also tell you about the ways       difficult for a single student to fight for
in which the students can take action in       his or her rights alone, but the Student
the field of social policy. All discussions    Union is big enough to make itself
about difficult life situations are strictly   heard.

Specialist, Social Affairs                     Specialist, Academic Affairs
Student House A, ground floor                  Student House A, ground floor
E-mail: tyy-sopoasiantuntija@utu.fi            E-mail: tyy-kopoasiantuntija@utu.fi

TYY guide for international students 2021–2022

                    LEGAL ADVICE                  CONTACT PERSON FOR VICTIMS
      The TYY student lawyer can be met
                                                       OF HARASSMENT
      during the academic year on Tuesdays
                                                  Improper treatment, discrimination
      from 18 to 19. He gives advice on legal
                                                  and sexual harassment may take many
      problems free of charge. If you are
                                                  forms. Sexual harassment and assault
      wondering about legal issues related
                                                  are defined as an unwanted and one-
      to rental agreements, employment
                                                  sided physical or verbal behaviour that
      contracts, taxation or marriage etc., do
                                                  the victim never approves. Harassment
      not hesitate to contact the TYY lawyer!
                                                  is therefore a subjective experience for
                                                  the victim. It can become apparent for
      Available on Tuesdays from 18-19
                                                  example, as sexually suggestive gestures,
      On duty in the meeting room Virtanen,
                                                  obscene language or e-mails, suggestions
      Student House A, 1st floor (TYY Office)
                                                  concerning intercourse or sexual
                                                  interaction. Bullying and discrimination
                LEGAL AID COMMISSION:             include for example, repeated humbling
                                                  of a student or unequal treatment based
      The Association for Law Students in         on age or handicap. No one needs to
      Turku – Lex ry provides a cost free legal   tolerate bullying or discrimination from
      aid service for the members of the          university personnel or from other
      Student Union of The University of Turku    students.
      (TYY). If you have any questions about          If you face discrimination or
      legal matters concerning, for example,      improper treatment in the academic
      lease, employment, or inheritance, you      community, it is important that you tell
      can visit the legal aid committee.          a member of the University personnel
                                                  about it. You can ask the University’s
      Available Wednesdays from 18-20             Advisor of Equality Issues for support
      On duty in the the meeting room             or talk confidentially with the TYY
      Virtanen, Student House A, 1st floor (TYY   Specialists in Social Affairs, Academic
      Office)                                     Affairs or International Affairs. The TYY
                                                  Specialists work as contact persons for
      You can also contact the commission by      students subjected to harassment.
      email: oikeusapu@lex.fi.
                                                  The specialists can be contacted for
      Please see more about legal aid and         example by e-mail at:
      consultation services at www.tyy.fi/en/        tyy-internationalspecialis@utu.fi,
      students/consultation-services                 tyy-sopoasiantuntija@utu.fi or

Early support for students is a model        studying. For this reason, if a problem
for situations where there is concern        arises, your concerns are always taken
about a student or conflict in the           seriously, whether they are major or
student community as well as situations      minor. Don’t hesitate to contact the early
where students notice inappropriate          support contact persons even if you feel
behaviour or face other difficulties.        like you a facing a minor problem.
These problems can range from learning            Solving problems is often easier at
difficulties and coping with daily life to   an early stage. You can read more on
harassment and bullying. Solving the         intranet: https://intranet.utu.fi/index/
problems can be begun through two            e a r l y s u p p o r t - f o r- s t u d e n t s / Pa g e s /
basic ideas: discussing about the issue      default.aspx
with the person or people involved and,           TYY and the University of Turku are
if necessary, contacting early support       also involved in On My Mind Project
contact persons. This intranet page          (Mielen päällä -hanke) that improves the
includes tips for handling difficult         capacity of students and staff by using
conversations, examples of situations        peer support in a variety of mental health
where early support for students can         issues. The first steps in the project have
be helpful, and contact information          already been taken and you can read
for different sources of support. The        more on TYY website: https://www.tyy.
University of Turku aims to be a place       fi/en/activities/my-mind-project
where everyone feels comfortable

TYY guide for international students 2021–2022


                                   ANNUAL STUDENT TRADITIONS
            SHROVE TUESDAY – LASKIAINEN                       1ST OF MAY – VAPPU

      In February, when the Brasilians do the       You cannot ignore this ultimate spring
      carnival samba, the Finns go sliding          festival – no matter where in Finland
      down snow-covered hills. Laskiainen           you happen to be. In Turku, practically
      is a real winter festival - you get to play   everybody is outdoors, wearing overalls
      in the snow, see various winter sports        (haalarit) and white student caps
      and eat traditional laskiaispulla, a bun      (ylioppilaslakki) that students get when
      filled with whipped cream and yam.            they graduate from high school. The
      Fastlaskiainen is one of the winter-          action starts on the 30 April – a couple of
      themed student events in February. It is      days earlier for some brave ones. At half-
      a downhill sledge competition organised       past five the Finnish speaking people
      by student unions of Turku. The event         gather outside Turku Art Museum and
      is held on Shrove Tuesday near the            the Swedish-speaking people gather on
      city centre on Vartiovuori hill. You will     Vartiovuori hill to listen to the music
      have a great time watching homemade           played to celebrate the start of spring. In
      vehicles competing, even if there is no       the morning of the 1st of May, students
      snow, which is the case very often here       gather on the Vartiovuori hill for a
      in Turku.                                     picnic. Bring a blanket, food and drinks
                                                    and come to listen to bands, choirs and
                                                    general entertainment.

The Student Union and many of
its     organisations    celebrate    their    Many student organisations arrange
anniversaries. These annual parties are        Christmas parties, some as early as
usually quite formal – yet laid back at        one month before Christmas. With a
the same time. The fancy dinner with           small entrance fee, you will get to taste
several courses – and speeches – is often      some glögi, the hot Finnish Christmas
followed by ballroom dancing. When the         drink with spices. The glögi and a bowl
more formal party is over, the informal        of riisipuuro, delicious rice porridge,
celebration will go on and on through          will be just the thing to get you into the
the night. The next day, at around noon,       Christmas spirit.
there is a brunch for those who feel up to
it. If you want to see Finnish student life           FINNISH INDEPENDENCE DAY
at its most traditional and craziest at the               ITSENÄISYYSPÄIVÄ
same time, don’t miss out on the annual
ball celebrations!                             Do not expect the 6 December to be
                                               the wildest party of the year. The words
                                               that best describe this festival would
Many of these student traditions might         probably be “solemn” and “quiet”. The
seem strange at first – especially when        traditional way for students to spend
you see people running around in               Independence Day is to form a torchlight
coloured overalls or fancy evening gowns       procession, walking from the Student
and don’t really know what the occasion        Union to the Unknown Soldier’s grave
is. But if you want to take part in Finnish    at the Turku cemetery. In the evening,
student life and get to know other             most Finns spend the night by watching
students, it is worth it to join in and find   the Presidential Independence Day
out!                                           reception “Linnanjuhlat” with family
                                               and friends.

TYY guide for international students 2021–2022

               SAVE THE DATE!
   Here are some dates for events
   throughout the student year:

   8 September University Opening Carnival an opening

   13 November Student Union Annual Ball

   6 December Finnish Independence Day torch procession

   30 April to 1 May May Day Celebration

   Please note that changes are possible.

   Stay TYYned for more info and follow
   TYY Calendar of events:


1.  Build your network and make local friends
2.  Get to know local traditions and student culture
3.  Be involved in a wide range of free time activities with very affordable prices
4.  Get access to old exams and study materials to support your studying
5.  Improve your academic skills
6.  Learn the locations of student organisations offices and get to know where your
    classmates hang out on the campus
7. Influence on a bigger scale: Organisations act as a link between staff & students
8. Help Finnish students to internationalise at home
9. Gain voluntary working experience which is highly valued in Finland
10. Buy overalls and patches, and be part of Finnish student life


Collaborating with the Student Union of the University of Turku (Turun yliopiston
ylioppilaskunta, TYY), for example:
• Student Union Council or Board
• TYY Wings (International, Development Cooperation, Environmental, Equality)
• Subject-specific and hobby organisations
• TYY International Council

Participating in various decision and policy-making processes within the
University at different levels
• University Collegium
• Faculty boards
• Department working groups
• The Student Union organises trainings for international student representatives

You will hear about trainings and events during Orientation Course


Visit our website www.tyy.fi/en, Facebook TYY and contact us at

TYY guide for international students 2021–2022


      Find your Programme here:
       • Degree Programme in Primary Teacher Education, BA (Rauma) and MA (Turku)
       • Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Early Childhood Teacher Education
       • Master’s Degree Programme in Education and Learning
      Find your organisation here:
       • Opekas (Rauma), opekas@gmail.com
       • Katko, katko@utu.fi
       • Opex, opex@utu.fi

      Find your Programme here:
       • Master’s Degree Programme in Finnish and Other Finno-Ugric Languages (Suomen
         ja sen sukukielten maisteriohjelma, taught in Finnish)
      Find your organisation here:
       • Sugri, sugri-hallitus@lists.utu.fi
       • Kanta, kanta@lists.utu.fi
       • All studies in the Faculty of Humanities: Humanitas, humanitas-hallitus@lists.utu.fi

      Find your Programme here:
       • Master’s Degree Programme in Law and Information Society
      Find your organisation here:
       • LEX, hallitus@lex.fi
       • ELSA, board.turku@fi.elsa.org

      Natural Sciences
      Find your Programme here:
       • MDP in Food Development
       • MDP in Physical and Chemical Sciences: Astronomy and Space Physics
       • MDP in Physical and Chemical Sciences: Materials Chemistry
       • MDP in Physical and Chemical Sciences: Materials Physics
       • MDP in Physical and Chemical Sciences: Theoretical Physics
       • MDP in Biosciences: Evolutionary Biology
       • MDP in Biosciences: Molecular Systems Biology

      Find your Programme here:
       • Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology
       • MDP in Software Engineering (in Windhoek, Namibia)

• MDP in Information and Communication Technology: Cyber Security
 • MDP in Information and Communication Technology: Smart Systems
 • MDP in Information and Communication Technology: Digital Health
 • MDP in Information and Communication Technology: Cryptography
Find your organisation here:
 • See the full list of all organisations on Hybridi’s page: Hybridi ry, hybridi@utu.fi

Health and Biomedical Sciences
Find your Programme here:
 • MDP in Biomedical Sciences: Biomedical Imaging
 • MDP in Biomedical Sciences: Drug Discovery and Development
 • MDP in Biomedical Sciences: Medicinal and Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry
 • MDP in Biomedical Sciences: Molecular Biotechnology and Diagnostics
 • MDP in Future Health and Technology
 • MDP in Human Neuroscience
Find your organisation here:
 • IVA ry, iva@utu.fi
 • All studies in the Faculty of Medicine:
 • Turun Lääketieteenkandidaattiseura, ulkoasiat@tlks.fi
 • FiMSIC (Finnish Medical Students’ International Committee), lc_turku@fimsic.org

Master’s Degree Programme in Futures Studies
 • Black Swans, blackswansfsst@gmail.com
Master’s Degree Programme in Global Innovation Management
 • Systeemi, KY-Systeemi-Hallitus@utu.fi
All studies in Turku School of Economics TuKY, info@tuky.fi

Master’s Degree Programme in East Asian Studies
 • Taotao, tyy-taotao@utu.fi
Master’s Degree Programme in Inequalities, Interventions and New Welfare State
 • S-Klubi
Master’s Degree Programme in Gender Studies (no intake in 2020)
 • F-piste, f-hallitus@lists.utu.fi

                                        Click the link
                   and find more information about the Degree Programmes
                      and their own organisations from TYY’s webpages:

TYY guide for international students 2021–2022

                                                    cooperation and the environment. When
                                                    people who do not speak Finnish attend
                                                    the meetings, the meetings are held in
                                                    English so everyone can understand
                                                    each other.
                                 TYYn SIIVET        The regular members of the Wings are
                                 TYY WINGS          chosen twice a year, in November and
                                                    in April. The meetings of the Wings are
                                                    open for everyone and you do not have
                                                    to be a member to join the meetings. The
                                                    meetings are held in English.

                                                    TYY’s Wings are a great place to get to
                      TYY WINGS                     know people, promote values that are
                                                    important to you and other students and
      There are four TYY Wings which are            learn collaboration skills!
      volunteer groups that promote TYY’s
      values at the campus. All of the Wings        www.tyy.fi/en/activities/tyy-wings
      focus their activities on specific themes:
      internationality, equality, development

      TYY has over 140 organisations.
      Please see the full list at: www.tyy.fi/en/sub-organisations
      Find also your subject-specific organization at: www.tyy.fi/organisations

      TYY has many different organisations that support active student movement and often
      work independently, however, still following TYY guidelines. Organisations are divided
      in subject-specific organisations for different faculties, internationally oriented
      organisations, student nations, ideological organisations, cultural organisations, sport
      organisations and other organisations.

      You can find a complete list with contact details of all the student organisations at our
      website: www.tyy.fi/en/sub-organisations.

particular region in Finland. The Nations
  FACULTY AND DEPARTMENTAL                   provide their members with many
       ORGANISATIONS                         services and social activities. The concept
                                             of membership based on regional origin
There are a number of subject-oriented       is interpreted very loosely nowadays – if
departmental and faculty organisations       you wish to join a Student Nation, you
at the University of Turku. They arrange     will be welcome. Just choose yourself a
parties, excursions and discussion events    region of origin in Finland!
and often publish small magazines for
their members. In addition to this, the
subject and faculty organisations take                HOBBY AND OTHER
care of the students’ interests in the                 ORGANISATIONS
university, collect student feedback about
the education and are in contact with the    With its 14 000 members, the Student
staff. International students are welcome    Union of the University of Turku has
to join these organisations – joining one    the potential to offer a wide variety of
is probably the best way to meet Finnish     hobbies. Many of these hobbies are
students and people who study with you,      centered around a student organisation
and to get truly involved in the Finnish     that organises free time activities, parties
student life! Do not hesitate to contact     and other social gatherings which
the subject organisation from your major     international students are welcome
subject at home or here in Finland - just    to join in. Whether you are into heavy
join a party, excursion or other event and   metal music, organically grown food,
find out what Finnish student life is all    rowing or photography - there is a whole
about.                                       range of groups to check out. The best
                                             ways of finding out about the numerous
                                             hobby organisations are the TYY Office
         STUDENT NATIONS                     and the Internet. International students
                                             are welcomed by all the organisations.
A system particular to the Nordic            If you want more information, do not
countries is the existence of student        hesitate to ask the chairpersons of the
nations (osakunta) in some old               organisations, your tutor or the staff of
university towns. The basic idea behind      the Student Union.
these organisations is to bring together
students who originally come from a

TYY guide for international students 2021–2022

                     AT TYY

                                                                    ESN UNI TURKU
     INTERNATIONAL WING            ESN Uni Turku organises activities targeted at
                                                    especially for international students. ESN is a
      The International Wing functions as part      Europe-wide student organization whose aim
      of TYY’s international sector. The purpose    is to help the students to get the best out of their
      of the wing is to serve as a low-threshold    exchange period. ESN Uni Turku organises
      working group, in which every member          a wide range of activities throughout the
      of the Student Union is welcome. The          academic year. The aim of ESN Uni Turku is to
      wing provides the possibility to organise     make all international students feel welcome
      international events together with            and offer them unique Finnish experiences
                                                    such as skiing and skating, sauna parties and
      students with different backgrounds.
                                                    trips around Finland and to the neighbouring
      The wing aims at internationalising the       countries. All of the organised events are open
      university campus by promoting the            to all internationally-minded people. Some
      interaction of international and Finnish      of the events are organised together with the
      students and encourages Finnish               other ESN sections in Turku. The best way to
      students to leave for an exchange period.     get information on the upcoming activities is
      The wing contributes to developing TYY’s      to subscribe to the ESN Uni Turku mailing list
      multilingual communications and the           through our Facebook page ESN Uni Turku
      influencing possibilities of international    or website www.esnuniturku.fi. For more
      students. The International Wing is also      information on ESN go to www.esnuniturku.fi
                                                    or write to board@esnuniturku.fi.
      a great channel to influence TYY and the
      university in pressing issues.
          In addition to the International Wing,
      TYY has also Development Cooperation,
      Environmental and Equality Wing. Read
      more at: www.tyy.fi/en/activities/tyy-
          Next     we     have    listed    some
      organisations      of   TYY      that   are
      internationally active. Please see our                               ISTU
                                                    ISTU (International Students of Turku
      full list on our website: www.tyy.fi/en/
                                                    Universities is a sub-organisation of
      suborganisations/ list-sub-organisations      international degree students who aim at
                                                    completing an entire Master’s or Doctoral

degree in the higher education institutions
in Turku. ISTU organises leisure activities
and promotes the interests of international
degree students. ISTU’s activities are open to
all students, and, in addition to international
degree students, exchange students and
international students participate regularly
in the events. The most popular events
have been relaxed board game and karaoke                 ELSA TURKU (LAW STUDENTS)
evenings. ISTU also has its own mailing list      ELSA, aka European Law Students’ Association
worth joining. Further information on ISTU        is the largest international organisation
can be found at the organisation’s webpages.      of Law students and young lawyers. The
                                                  purpose of ELSA is to increase the border-
                                                  crossing interaction of Law students and to
                                                  increase the knowledge and understanding
                                                  of foreign jurisdictions and cultures. The
                                                  local organisations, such as ELSA Turku, ELSA
                                                  Rovaniemi, ELSA Helsinki and ELSA Joensuu,
                                                  organise activities ranging from visits to wine
                                                  evenings, and they handle the mediation
                                                  of internship positions at their locations.
                                                  Larger events include bilateral exchange visits
                                                  with foreign members of ELSA and National
                                                  Council Meetings, in which ELSA people
                                                  from different parts of Finland can share their
    CIA TUKY (ECONOMICS STUDENTS)                 experiences. For more information on ELSA go
CIA TuKY (Committee for International             to fi.elsa.org/turku or email us board.turku@
Affairs) is the association that takes care of    fi.elsa.org. You can also find us on instagram:
international students studying economics         elsaturku.
in Turku. However, CIA’s activities are open
for everyone who wishes to have a good time
and loves the international atmosphere.
We organize awesome events that connect
international and Finnish students and
promote the interests of international
students at TSE. CIA TuKY also offers plenty
of opportunities to have fun and meet new
people. For example, the cottage weekend
in the autumn and a couple of sitz parties,              FIMSIC (MEDICAL STUDENTS)
where you get to experience a traditional         FiMSIC      (Finnish     Medical      Students’
Finnish student party. For Finnish students       International Committee) is officially the
CIA TuKY offers information about studying        International Committee of the Finnish
and working abroad Go follow us on social         Medical Student’s Association, but in practice
media for more information about our events       it is independently responsible for the
and we hope to see you all in our upcoming        international issues of Medical students.
events. Stay tuned! If you have any worries       Through the exchange programmes of IFMSA
or questions, please contact us. E-mail:          (International Federation of Medical Students’
international@tuky.fi Facebook: Committee         Associations) and FiMSIC, each year 20–30
for International Affairs – Turun KY Instagram:   exchange students arrive in Turku, in addition
cia_tuky                                          to which FiMSIC is also responsible for the

TYY guide for international students 2021–2022

      leisure activities of other Medical exchange       of ISHA can be obtained by mail from the
      students, together with TLKS. In addition          board Ishahallitus@utu.fi or by following us
      to student exchange activities, FiMSIC has         on Instagram and Facebook.
      diversified project operation, including those
      related to global health and development
      cooperation. The activities are open to all
      interested, and Turku FiMSIC can be reached
      at lc_turku@fimsic.org and at their webpages.

                                                                       EGEA TURKU RY
                                                          EGEA Turku ry is an entity of an organisation
                                                         called EGEA (European Geography Association
                                                         – for Students and Young Geographers). All
                                                         geography students and other people just
                                                         interested in geography are welcomed. EGEA
                                                         Turku ry arranges short exchanges with other
                                                         EGEA entities all over Europe. We also have
                                                         meetings every month and occasional casual
                                                         member hang-arounds. There is also lots of
            ISHA (INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS                 different activities everywhere in Europe,
               OF HISTORY ASSOCIATION)                   for example congresses and fun cultural
      ISHA (International Students of History            weekends. More info can be found on the
      Association) represents history students at        website: egea.eu. If you are interested in
      the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi            joining us, contact “turku@egea.eu”. You can
      University. The organisation aims at creating      also join our Facebook-group “EGEA Turku”
      contacts between history students from             and show up to our meetings! P.S. Follow our
      different countries, thus breaking the limits of   Instagram account “egea_turku” to see what
      history in the favour of a more international      fun stuff we have been doing lately.
      view. ISHA promotes cooperation between
      students interested in the same areas of
      history and provides publication channels for
      history students. If your exchange students
      study history, you should encourage them to
      contact ISHA. We arrange remotely different
      online events during pandemic including
      online game nights, hangout events and
      quizzes. Online events are usually organized
      for all ISHA members including those who
      come from aboard. It is a good opportunity
      to meet students from different countries
      and have a good time. During normal times                  TURKU UNIVERSITY CHOIR
      we organize pub quizzes, local trips to the        Turku University Choir is a mixed choir of
      historical places and sitting parties. We          around 70 singers. Though most of the singers
      welcome everybody who are interested to            are students from University of Turku, Åbo
      our events. Further information on activities      Akademi and Turku University of Applied

Sciences, the choir is open for everyone of
age. In addition, a great number of exchange
students have sung in the choir. The choir
performs in a multitude of languages and our
versatile repertoire is mainly built of a variety
of a Capella pieces from the Renaissance to
the twenty-first century, not forgetting our
                                                        AKATEEMINEN PURJEHDUSSEURA
speciality - the traditional academic songs
and drinking songs. The choir makes regular                 (ACADEMIC YACHT CLUB)
appearances in concerts several times a             Akateeminen purjehdusseura (Academic
year. Auditions are held twice a year, at the       yacht club) is the place to start sailing,
beginning of each semester. We welcome              continue sailing or hook up with sailors. We
everyone interested in choir singing. See you       have courses teaching how to sail and the
in the auditions!                                   sailing trips vary from evening trips to several
                                                    week-long voyages. Contact us through

Collegium Musicum Turku is a student
symphony orchestra that comprises mostly
university students from all faculties. The
orchestra is conducted by Satu Simola. Every                    UTU FOOTBALL
year CMT gives spring and autumn concerts             (TURUN YLIOPISTON AMERIKKALAISEN
and an Advent concert in December. We are                  JALKAPALLON SEURA RY)
now looking for new musicians to join us!           Your UTU Football, the American Football
Rehearsals are held on Tuesday nights. We           team at the University of Turku. College
look forward to having you as part of our           Football is a staple of student life in the US,
orchestra! Intrested? Contact us for more           but we play American football between
information: hallitus@cmtorkesteri.fi               universities and colleges in Finland too. UTU
You can also find us on:                            Football’s mission is to bring the sport we love
our website: www.cmtorkesteri.fi                    to the campus, build a team to compete for the
Facebook: @Collegium Musicum Turku                  National Championship and provide all UTU
Instagram: @cmtorkesteri                            students with quality sports entertainment.
                                                    Our activities are open to all UTU students,
                                                    and we’re always looking for new players
                                                    and support staff. Most of our players have
                                                    never played American football before, and
                                                    our coaches start the practices from the basic
                                                    techniques to make sure everyone can take the
                                                    field safely. We also have equipment for loan,

TYY guide for international students 2021–2022

      so you don’t need to buy any expensive gear
      either. If you don’t feel like playing, but would
      love to be a part of the team in some other
      role, just get in touch and we’ll find something
      for you as well.We have numerous exchange
      and degree students practice and play with
      us every year, and we take great pride in being
      able to act as a link between our international
      and Finnish students.
      https://tyyala.utu.fi/utufootball/                                      TUTKA
      FB: utubeaverhunters                                Tutka (Science Fiction Culture Cabinet at the
      Twitter & Instagram: utufootball                    University of Turku) is the science fiction and
                                                          fantasy club of the University of Turku. Its
                                                          primary target group are the students of Turku
                                                          university, but anyone interested is welcomed
                                                          to join. Tutka shares an office and a clubhouse
                                                          called Terrakoti with five other geek societies,
                                                          located at Student House B. On Terrakoti
                                                          Tutka arranges movie nights, parties and other
                                                          events for its members. One such is a weekly
                                                          gathering of fans which is held every Thursday
                                                          from 6 PM and is open to everyone. You can
                                                          find information on Tutka’s activities as well as
                                                          the location of Terrakoti on our webpages at
                           TYRMY                          tieteiskulttuurikabinetti.fi and terrakoti.net.
      The University of Turku Metal Club TYRMY
      connects metal heads on campus and around
      Turku. Students are welcome from all majors
      and academic focuses as well as exchange
      students. The musical preferences of our
      members vary from classical heavy metal to
      brutal death metal and everything in between.
      TYRMY regularly organizes band nights,
      parties, sauna evenings, game nights and
      many other metal oriented events. TYRMY
      works with other Finnish academic metal
      clubs for example in organizing the annual
      academic heavy metal cruise.
      TYRMY fb-group in Finnish:
      in Englsih:
      www.facebook.com/                                                     SENPAI RY
      groups/844290968917125/                             Senpai is an association founded at the end
                                                          of the year 1999. Club’s purpose is to promote
                                                          the hobby and knowledge of Japanese comics
                                                          (manga) & animation (anime), also promoting
                                                          communication and interaction between
                                                          Japanese pop culture enthusiasts.
                                                              Senpai organises a wide range of activities
                                                          and events for its members, including video

nights, karaoke, hangouts and annual events
like Bartender party. Our events are always
exchange student friendly and easy to access
for everyone; in screenings we use English
subtitles. We host our events almost every
Friday starting at 5 PM, there is occasionally
events between our regular events. Our very
wide manga library also locates in our office
and is available to use freely for our members.
    More information and exact dates of
the upcoming events can be found on our
website senpai.fi, At Facebook (Senpai ry)
                                                  Anglica ry is the student organisation for
and Instagram (Senpai_ry). We also have very
                                                  English students at the University of Turku.
active Discord community, join link is found
                                                  We are the people who love speaking English!
at our website! Irasshai mase!
                                                  Besides English majors, our members also
                                                  include for example minor and international
                                                  students. We provide help, information and
                                                  tutoring on all aspects of university life,
                                                  function as a bridge between the students and
                                                  the staff, and organize all kinds of awesome
                                                  events and parties. You can find out more
                                                  about us from our website www.anglica.org.
                                                  We are also on Facebook (Anglica ry), Twitter
                                                  (@anglicautu) and Instagram (@anglicautu)!

The Savo-Karelian Nation of the University
of Turku (also known as SKO) is one of the
university’s student nations (FIN ‘osakunta’).
Founded in 1925, our members were originally
from the Eastern Finnish provinces of Savonia,
Karelia and Kymenlaakso. Nowadays we are
open to students from all parts of the world
regardless of what they study, but we still
maintain many regional traditions in addition
to organizing more modern activities. If                          GERMANICA
you’re interested in trying out Karelian pies     Germanica ry is the German students’ student
or ‘kalakukko’, maybe attending a meeting of      organization in the University of Turku. We
our red wine club or trying out the traditional   are a small but active organization, and we
Finnish sport of ‘kyykkä’, or perhaps just want   welcome anyone with interest in the German
to join us for a cup of coffee between lectures   language and culture. We organize some of
at the comfy couches of our common room;          the best student parties in Turku, and also
come check us out! We have many clubs and         smaller activities such as movie nights and
other activities for our members, so there’s      sport events. We also organize a few times
something for everyone.                           a semester a coffee break session, where
                                                  it is easy to gather around and make new
                                                  international friends. If you want to join us

You can also read