UCAS higher education exhibition 2018 - University of Bedfordshire 28-29 June 2018 at 09.30 14.30

Page created by Jose Barker
UCAS higher education exhibition 2018 - University of Bedfordshire 28-29 June 2018 at 09.30 14.30
UCAS higher education
exhibition 2018
University of Bedfordshire
28-29 June 2018 at 09.30 - 14.30

                                          In association with

                                   Organised in conjunction with

                                      In association with
UCAS higher education exhibition 2018 - University of Bedfordshire 28-29 June 2018 at 09.30 14.30

          Dear visitor,
          Welcome to UCAS’ higher education
          exhibition. Today is your chance to start
          broadening your horizons and thinking about
          what’s next.
          We all have different interests, motivations,
          strengths, and ways we prefer to learn, that will
          influence our future pathway. Friends, family,
          and teachers will most likely have an input but
          ultimately, the choice on what to do next has
          to be your decision.
          The first step is to do your research, and today is
          a great starting point – make sure you make the
          most of it!
          Don’t forget, there is a wide range of options
          available after school or college, so consider
          them all:
          •   university or college
          •   apprenticeships
          •   gap years
          •   internships
          •   volunteering
          With our exhibitors, and UCAS experts on hand
          to help, today’s the day to get answers to any
          questions you may have.
          Have fun!
UCAS higher education exhibition 2018 - University of Bedfordshire 28-29 June 2018 at 09.30 14.30
All set to start
  exploring your options?


To help you get the most out of your visit today,

here are a few reminders…                                         Y


        Be prepared and make the most of your time – if you      MY

        haven’t already, check out who’s exhibiting at today’s   CY

        event and make note of those you don’t want to miss!     CMY


        Ask questions, lots of questions – exhibitors are here
        to help. Make the most of them and the chance to
        gather information face-to-face, rather than online.

        Start thinking about what you’d like – don’t follow
        the crowd! Use today to find out what interests you
        most and the different options available in your
        preferred subject area.

        Most importantly, have fun! There’s a lot going on
        throughout the day, so get involved!                                 Call 08000 150 600 or
                                                                         search apprenticeships for
                                                                       more information on gov.uk
UCAS higher education exhibition 2018 - University of Bedfordshire 28-29 June 2018 at 09.30 14.30
27   University of Cambridge                                                                 www.undergraduate.study.cam.ac.uk

     Exhibitors and
                                                                                                                                                   28   Canterbury Christ Church University                                                     www.canterbury.ac.uk
                                                                                                                                                   29   Cardiff University                                                                      www.cardiff.ac.uk
                                                                                                                                                   30   Cardiff Metropolitan University                                                         www.cardiffmet.ac.uk
                                                                                                                                                   31   University Of Central Lancashire                                                        www.uclan.ac.uk
                                                                                                                                                   32   University of Chester                                                                   www.chester.ac.uk

     stand numbers
                                                                                                                                                   33   University of Chichester                                                                www.chi.ac.uk
                                                                                                                                                   34   Cleveland College of Art & Design                                                       www.hartlepool.ccad.ac.uk
                                                                                                                                                   35   University Centre Colchester                                                            www.colchester.ac.uk/degree/
                                                                                                                                                   36   Coventry University                                                                     www.coventry.ac.uk
                                                                                                                                                   37   CU Coventry, CU London and CU Scarborough –
Here is a list of everyone exhibiting – time to get researching!                                                                                        Part of the Coventry University Group                                                   www.coventry.ac.uk/cuc
                                                                                                                                                   38                           Visit our stand to find out about our courses and why we were   www.coventry.ac.uk/london
STAND EXHIBITOR                                                                                     WEBSITE                                                                     awarded Gold in the Teaching Excellence Framework
2     University of Aberdeen                                                                        www.abdn.ac.uk/study                           39   University for the Creative Arts                                                        www.uca.ac.uk
3     Aberystwyth University                                                                        www.aber.ac.uk                                 40   De Montfort University                                                                  www.dmu.ac.uk
4     The Academy of Contemporary Music                                                             www.acm.ac.uk                                  41   University of Derby                                                                     www.derby.ac.uk
5     Anglia Ruskin University                                                                      www.anglia.ac.uk                              42   University of Dundee                                                                    www.dundee.ac.uk
6     AECC University College                                                                       www.aecc.ac.uk                                 43   Durham University                                                                       www.dur.ac.uk/
7     Aston University                                                                              www.aston.ac.uk                                44   University of East Anglia (UEA)                                                         www.uea.ac.uk
8     Bangor University                                                                             www.bangor.ac.uk                               45   University of East London                                                               www.uel.ac.uk
9     University of Bath                                                                            www.bath.ac.uk/study                           46   Easton and Otley College                                                                www.eastonotley.ac.uk
10    Bath Spa University                                                                           www.bathspa.ac.uk
                                                                                                                                                   47   Echo Factory                                                                            www.echofactory.co.uk
21 		                                                                                               www.beds.ac.uk                                 48   Edge Hill University                                                                    www.edgehill.ac.uk
		                              Offering an unforgettable academic and social experience the University of Bedfordshire is a modern and vibrant   49   The University of Edinburgh                                                             www.ed.ac.uk
                                 university, as well as one of the worlds top young universities (The Times Higher Education 2017).
                                                                                                                                                   50   University of Essex                                                                     www.essex.ac.uk
11    The Bedford College Group                                                                     www.bedford.ac.uk and www.tresham.ac.uk
                                                                                                                                                   51   University of Exeter                                                                    www.exeter.ac.uk
12    Birkbeck, University of London                                                                www.bbk.ac.uk
                                                                                                                                                   52   Falmouth University                                                                     www.falmouth.ac.uk
13    Birmingham City University                                                                    www.bcu.ac.uk
                                                                                                                                                   53   Glasgow Caledonian University                                                           www.gcu.ac.uk
14    University of Birmingham                                                                      www.birmingham.ac.uk
                                                                                                                                                   54   University of Gloucestershire                                                           www.glos.ac.uk
15    University College Birmingham                                                                 www.ucb.ac.uk
                                                                                                                                                   55   Wrexham Glyndwr University                                                              www.glyndwr.ac.uk
16    Newman University Birmingham                                                                  www.newman.ac.uk
17    Bishop Grosseteste University                                                                 www.bishopg.ac.uk
18    Bimm Institutes                                                                               www.bimm.co.uk
19    Bournemouth University                                                                        www.bournemouth.ac.uk
20    University of Brighton                                                                        www.brighton.ac.uk                                                                                                             Don’t forget to keep your ticket handy
22    University of Bristol                                                                         www.bristol.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/                                                                                         – if you want to know more about a
23    UWE Bristol                                                                                   www.uwe.ac.uk                                                                                                                  particular exhibitor, ask them to scan the
24    Brunel University London                                                                      www.brunel.ac.uk                                                                                                               unique barcode on your ticket so they can
25    The University of Buckingham                                                                  www.buckingham.ac.uk                                                                                                           send you further information.
26    Bucks New University                                                                          www.bucks.ac.uk

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  +                     =
UCAS higher education exhibition 2018 - University of Bedfordshire 28-29 June 2018 at 09.30 14.30
STAND   EXHIBITOR                                                                               WEBSITE                   89    SOAS University of London                                         www.soas.ac.uk
56      University of Greenwich                                                                 www.gre.ac.uk             90    UCL                                                               www.ucl.ac.uk
57      Heriot-Watt University                                                                  www.hw.ac.uk              92    Loughborough College                                              www.loucoll.ac.uk
58      University of Hertfordshire                                                             www.herts.ac.uk           93    Loughborough University                                           www.lboro.ac.uk
59      University of Huddersfield                                                              www.hud.ac.uk             94    The University of Manchester                                      www.manchester.ac.uk
60                       Inspired by our academic heritage, innovative teaching and beautiful   www.hull.ac.uk            95    Manchester Metropolitan University                                www.mmu.ac.uk
                         campus, Hull graduates are transforming lives around the globe.
                         Visit our stand to find out how we can help you find your light                                  96    MetFilm School and ScreenSpace	www.metfilmschool.ac.uk and
61      ICAEW                                                                                   www.icaew.com/careers                                           www.screenspace.ac.uk
62      Institute of Contemporary Music Performance                                             www.icmp.ac.uk            97    Middlesex University London                                       www.mdx.ac.uk
63      Imperial College London                                                                 www.imperial.ac.uk        98    Moulton College                                                   www.moulton.ac.uk
64      The London Institute of Banking & Finance                                               www.libf.ac.uk            99    Newcastle University                                              www.ncl.ac.uk
65      Keele University                                                                        www.keele.ac.uk           100   University of Northampton                                         www.northampton.ac.uk
66      University of Kent                                                                      www.kent.ac.uk            101   Norwich University of the Arts                                    www.nua.ac.uk
67      Kingston University                                                                     www.kingston.ac.uk        102   New College of the Humanities                                     www.nchlondon.ac.uk
68      Lancaster University                                                                    www.lancaster.ac.uk       103   Northumbria University, Newcastle                                 www.northumbria.ac.uk
69      University of Law                                                                       www.law.ac.uk             104   University of Nottingham                                          www.nottingham.ac.uk
70      University of Leeds                                                                     www.leeds.ac.uk           105   Nottingham Trent University                                       www.ntu.ac.uk
71      Leeds Trinity University                                                                www.leedstrinity.ac.uk    106   University of Oxford                                              www.ox.ac.uk/study
72      Leeds Beckett University                                                                www.leedsbeckett.ac.uk    107   Oxford Brookes University                                         www.brookes.ac.uk
73      University of Leicester                                                                 www.le.ac.uk              108   Pearson College London                                            www.pearsoncollegelondon.ac.uk
78      University of Lincoln                                                                   www.lincoln.ac.uk         109   Pearson College London - Escape Studios                           www.pearsoncollegelondon.ac.uk
79      University of Liverpool                                                                 www.liverpool.ac.uk       110   University Centre Peterborough                                    www.ucp.ac.uk
80                       Top 3 UK university for Teaching Quality and top 5 for Student         www.hope.ac.uk            111   The University of Plymouth                                        www.plymouth.ac.uk
                         Experience (The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2018)                                         112   Plymouth College of Art                                           www.plymouthart.ac.uk
81      Liverpool John Moores University                                                        www.ljmu.ac.uk            113   University of Portsmouth                                          www.port.ac.uk
82      The London College UCK                                                                  www.lcuck.ac.uk           114   Queen’s University Belfast                                        www.qub.ac.uk/
83      Anglia Ruskin University London                                                         www.lca.anglia.ac.uk/     115   University of Reading                                             www.reading.ac.uk
84      London Metropolitan University                                                          www.londonmet.ac.uk       116   Regent’s University London                                        www.regents.ac.uk
85      London School of Business and Management                                                www.lsbm.ac.uk            117   Richmond the American International University in London          www.richmond.ac.uk
91      London South Bank University                                                            www.lsbu.ac.uk            118   University of Roehampton, London                                  www.roehampton.ac.uk
74      The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama                                            www.cssd.ac.uk            119   Royal Agricultural University                                     www.rau.ac.uk
75                City, University of London, home to Cass Business School, located in the      www.city.ac.uk            120   University of Salford                                             www.salford.ac.uk/
                  heart of London. Come and visit us www.city.ac.uk/open-days
                                                                                                                          121   SAE Creative Media Institute                                      www.sae.edu
76      Goldsmiths, University of London                                                        www.gold.ac.uk            122   The University of Sheffield                                       www.sheffield.ac.uk
77      King’s College London                                                                   www.kcl.ac.uk             123   Sheffield Hallam University                                       www.shu.ac.uk
86      Queen Mary University of London                                                         www.qmul.ac.uk/           124   University of Southampton                                         www.southampton.ac.uk
87      Royal Holloway University of London                                                     www.royalholloway.ac.uk   125   Solent University                                                 www.solent.ac.uk
88      RVC, University of London                                                               www.rvc.ac.uk             126   University of St Andrews                                          www.st-andrews.ac.uk

8    UCAS Higher Education Exhibition 2018                     Exhibition Guide                                                                                           UCAS Higher Education Exhibition 2018       Exhibition Guide   9
UCAS higher education exhibition 2018 - University of Bedfordshire 28-29 June 2018 at 09.30 14.30
STAND EXHIBITOR                                                         WEBSITE
127   South Essex College University Centre                             www.southessex.ac.uk
128     St Mary’s University Twickenham London                          www.stmarys.ac.uk

                                                                                                             Remember to keep
129     Staffordshire University                                        www.staffs.ac.uk
130     University of Stirling                                          www.stir.ac.uk
131     University of Strathclyde                                       www.strath.ac.uk
132     University of Suffolk                                           www.uos.ac.uk
133     University of Sunderland                                        www.sunderland.ac.uk
        University of Surrey
        University of Sussex
        Swansea University
                                                                                                             your ticket handy
137     Teesside University                                             www.tees.ac.uk
138     University of Wales Trinity Saint David                         www.uwtsd.ac.uk
139     Two Mile Ash Initial Teacher Training Partnership               www.mkitt.co.uk
140     UCFB                                                            www.ucfb.com
141     Ulster University                                               www.ulster.ac.uk
142     University of the Arts London                                   www.arts.ac.uk
143     University of South Wales                                       www.southwales.ac.uk
144     University of West London                                       www.uwl.ac.uk                     If you would like
                                                                                                          to receive further
145     University of Warwick                                           www.warwick.ac.uk
146     University Of Westminster                                       www.westminster.ac.uk
147     University of Wolverhampton                                     www.wlv.ac.uk                     information from
        University of Winchester
        University of Worcester
                                                                                                          a particular exhibitor,
150     Writtle University College                                      www.writtle.ac.uk                 scan your unique
151     University of York                                              www.york.ac.uk
                                                                                                          barcode at
152     York St John University                                         www.yorksj.ac.uk
                                                                                                          their stand.
155     Barclays                                                        www.barclays.co.uk
153     British Army                                                    www.army.mod.uk/join/                  +      =
1       National Apprenticeship Service                                 www.getingofar.gov.uk
154     Royal Air Force                                                 www.raf.mod/recruitment
156     UCAS                                                            www.ucas.com

10    UCAS Higher Education Exhibition 2018          Exhibition Guide                                                         UCAS Higher Education Exhibition 2018   Exhibition Guide   11
UCAS higher education exhibition 2018 - University of Bedfordshire 28-29 June 2018 at 09.30 14.30
Who is where?
Marquee Floor Plan

                                                                   146        147        148    149      150        151                   152   153    154         155         156
                           Entrance / Exit

                                                                         145    144      143    142      141        140    139      138   137   136    135      134    133     132
            Teacher and Exhibitor Lounge
                                                                         119    120      121    122            123         124      125   126   127    128      129    130     131

                                                                   118   117    116      115    114      113        112                   111   110    109      108    107     106

Sports Hall Floor Plan                                                   97         96   95         94    93         92        91   90    89    88         87    86
See campus map on pages 16 and 17
for location of Sports Hall
                                                                         67         68         69         70         71        72   73    74    75         76    77                                 85
                                                                         66         65   64         63    62         61        60   59    58    57         56    55                                 84
                                                                         43         44   45         46    47         48        49   50    51    52         53    54                                 82
                                                      101                42         41         40         39         38        37   36    35    34         34    32
                                                      103                      22        23         24    25              26        27    28    29         30    31                                 79
                                                      104                      21        20         19    18         17        16   15    14          13         12                                 78

                                                                          1         2     3         4           5              6     7     8     9         10   11

12   UCAS Higher Education Exhibition 2018   Exhibition Guide                                                                                               UCAS Higher Education Exhibition 2018   Exhibition Guide   13
UCAS higher education exhibition 2018 - University of Bedfordshire 28-29 June 2018 at 09.30 14.30
Seminars are available to students on a first-come, first-served basis –                                   All subject talks are colour coordinated. Please see campus map on
tickets are not required.                                                                                  pages 18 and 19 to see the location of each of these talks.

Please follow the signs or ask an event ambassador for directions to the
seminar rooms.                                                                                             This schedule was correct at the time of going to print – June 2018

                          The below sessions will run at the following times:   The below sessions will run at the following times:               The below sessions will run at the following times:
                          10am-10.30am                                          10.30am-11am                                                      11am-11.30am
                          11.30am-12pm                                          12pm-12.30pm                                                      12.30pm-1pm
     Room                 1pm-1.30pm                                            1.30pm-2pm                                                        2pm-2.30pm
     D1.02                Applying to University through UCAS                   Student Finance                                                   Nursing & ODP
     D1.01                Art & Design                                          Drama & Theatre                                                   Dance & Performance
     P0.32                Routes into Teaching                                  Psychology                                                        Geography & Environmental Sciences
     P0.33                Sports and related courses                            Student Life                                                      Fashion & Textiles
     G0.11/G.012          Opportunities with a Law degree                       Applying to Oxford and Cambridge                                  Medicine
     G1.11                Business & Management                                 Biomedical & Biological Science                                   History
     G1.14                Marketing, Advertising & Public Relations             English                                                           Computing & IT
     G2.11                Film & Media                                          Social Work                                                       Accounting & Finance
     G1.17                Engineering                                           Midwifery                                                         Dentistry
     G2.21                Criminology                                           Apprenticeships                                                   Theology & Religious Studies
     G0.13                Politics                                              Music                                                             Teachers & Advisors session
     G2.01                Journalism & Creative Writing                                                                                           Forensic Science
     G1.15                Paramedic Science                                     Working with children and young people                            Travel & Tourism
     G1.16                Event Management                                      Airline & Aviation Management                                     International opportunities within your course

14     UCAS Higher Education Exhibition 2018   Exhibition Guide                                                                                            UCAS Higher Education Exhibition 2018   Exhibition Guide   15
UCAS higher education exhibition 2018 - University of Bedfordshire 28-29 June 2018 at 09.30 14.30
Who is where?

                                                                                                                      zone                  Catering

Bedford                                                                            h
                                                                                 ac ito
                                                                               Te hib e
                                                                                     er rs 2                                                                                           Band and

campus map
                                                                                 ex ung

                                                                                   lo               n
                                                                                           h ibi uee      1
                                                                                        Ex arq                                                          Photo
                                                                                           M                                                            booth                 Campus refectoryExhibitor
                                                                                                           Registration, ticket                                               and cash point
      Exhibitions and subject talks                                                                        scanning and                           Student
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   T   Exhibi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Teachers r and
                                                                                                           student experience                     Experience                                                                 quiet zone
                                                                                                           tours                       Welcome    tours
      1    Exhibition marquee                                                                                                                                                                                                             T    Teachers
                                                                                                                                       Marquee         Pavillion & External                                                                   exhibitorsand
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        quiet zone

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
                                                                                                                                                       Changing Rooms
      2    Teachers and exhibitors lounge                                                                                                                                                                                                                Teachers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         exhibito and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 rs loung
      3    Sports Hall exhibition                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        e

     4    Yellow subject talks                                                                                                                           Stude
                                                                                                                                                         car pa t
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Sports Hall

                                                                                                                                                               rk                                                                             Studio
     5    Red subject talks                                                                                                                                                               Campus                                                                                  3

                                                                                                                                                 Taxi           Campus
      6    Orange subject talks                                                                         Stude                                                     Centre
                                                                                                        tours nt accommod                         drop-o
                                                                                                                                                         ff                        Theatre
                                                                                                                          atio     n
     7    Staff lounge and media centre
                                                                                                                                                                                  Centre            Learning
                                                                                                                                                                  hie Ba

          Campus Centre and Theatre                                                                                                                          Reception
                                                                                                                                                             & Student
          Gateway                                                                                                                                            Desk
                                                                                     Coach pick-up and drop-off                                                       Gateway
J-L       Teacher Education Centre

          Dance Studios and Sports facilities                                                           Yellow talks

          Library                                                                                                                                 Gateway Cafe

                                                                                                                                                 Campus Centre:

                                                                                                                                                                                                         
          Student Accommodation
                                                                                                                                                 Theatre and
                                                                                                                Yellow talks 4                   D1.01                                       Orange talks      6
          The Tower – Student Accommodation                                                                                                      (Red talks)

          Student Accommodation
T         Teachers and exhibitors quiet zone

16        UCAS Higher Education Exhibition 2018   Exhibition Guide                                                                                                                                     UCAS Higher Education Exhibition 2018                             Exhibition Guide   17
UCAS higher education exhibition 2018 - University of Bedfordshire 28-29 June 2018 at 09.30 14.30
CHECK OUT THE LIVE BANDS IN                                                                                                                   DOs and DON’Ts
THE ENTERTAINMENT MARQUEE!                                                                                                                     for personal statements

LIVE MUSIC BAND SCHEDULE                                                                                                                     DOs
Thursday 28 June 2018                                                  Friday 29 June 2018                                                   • Do show that you know your strengths and can
                                                                                                                                               outline your ideas clearly.
10.00am-11.00am                 The Toffees                            10am-11am                       Connor Adams
                                                                                                                                             • Do be enthusiastic – if you show you’re interested in
11.15am-12pm                    The Maida Vales                        11.15am-12.15pm                 The Toffees
                                                                                                                                               the course, it may help you get a place.
12.15pm-1.15pm                  The Toffees                            12.30pm-1.30pm                  Beyond 94                             • Do expect to produce several drafts
1.30pm-2.15pm                   The Maida Vales                        1.45pm-2.45pm                   The Toffees                             of your personal statement before
                                                                                                                                               being totally happy with it.
                                                                                                                                             • Do ask people you trust for their feedback.

TOFFEES                                                                                                                                      DON’Ts
Toffees are a fast-rising young band playing “Club rock” with original heavy hooks. They deliver fresh and exciting live performances        • Don’t exaggerate – if you do you may get
featuring truly dynamic and soulful vocals fused with epic melodies and beats. Gaining new audiences everywhere they perform,                  caught out in an interview when asked to
they have been featured on BBC Introducing, as well as live sessions for BBC Radio. Well ‘Oh’ Well has recently been voted                     elaborate on an interesting achievement.
Amazing Radios 2017 track of the year!
                                                                                                                                             • Don’t rely on a spellchecker as it will not pick up
                                                                                                                                               everything – proofread as many times as possible.
                                                                                                                                             • Don’t leave it to the last minute – your statement
THE MAIDA VALES                                                                                                                                will seem rushed and important information
Four North London lads on a musical mission to fill your heads with melodic madness and musical genius! Their refreshing approach to music     could be left out.
sees The Maida Vales avoid the usual suspect sounds that we’ve heard time and time again. Instead, the band favor the more eccentric tones   • Don’t let spelling and grammatical errors spoil
and feel good numbers of the early Rolling Stones, The Kinks, The Doors and the more recent, Dandy Warhols and Supergrass.
                                                                                                                                               your statement.
                                                                                                                                             REMEMBER you can write up to 4,000 characters
CONNOR ADAMS                                                                                                                                 of text to show why you’d make a great student.
Connor Adams, released his debut EP – Locked Doors, earlier last year reaching no.5 in the singer-songwriter charts on iTunes.
Gaining instant recognition for his songwriting style Connor then began performing across the UK at events such as The John Peel             For more information visit
Centre, Camden Worlds End, London Bridge Festival, BBC Introducing, Landslide Skate Festival and many more.
A student band from Redborne Upper.

18     UCAS Higher Education Exhibition 2018                Exhibition Guide                                                                                                     UCAS Higher Education Exhibition 2018   Exhibition Guide   19
Notes page
Use this as a guide and reminder of information you should be
gathering, to help you start thinking about your future.

 Where do I start?                                                                            How do I make the most of today? What’s next?
 Check out who’s at today’s event and make a note of the exhibitors you don’t want to miss.   Gather as much information as possible – ask questions,       Reflect on the information you have received
                                                                                              explore your options, and start to think about what you’d     today, and start planning your next steps.
                                                                                              really enjoy.

Name of exhibitor                                     Course or subject area                  Entry                 Open days       Likes and               Notes                            Rank your
                                                      of interest                             requirements          or visit days   dislikes                                                 top five

                                                      ‘What do I enjoy most and                                                     ‘Is it a academic
                                                      what are my strengths?’                                                       or practical based

                                                                                              ‘Do I need to be
                                                                                              studying a specific
                                                                                              course or get
                                                                                              certain grades?’

‘Do I only want to explore options
close to home, or try somewhere new?’

                                                                                                                                    ‘Are there any unique
                                                                                                                                    opportunties, like a
                                                                                                                                    year abroad?’

                                                      ‘Am I aware of the wide
                                                      range of courses available?’

‘Is it definitely uni I’m interested in or                                                                                                                  ‘If I have questions later on,
are there other options I should consider?’                                                                                                                 where can I find out more?
Keep up-to-date                                                                                       Contact details
 with the latest
 UCAS news
Follow us on                                                                                           Venue:
Twitter @ucas_online                                                                                   Bedford campus
                                                                                                       Polhill Avenue
Facebook @ucasonline                                                                                   Bedford
                                                                                                       MK41 9EA

                                                                                                       Opening hours:
                                                                                                       Thursday 28 June 2018: 09.30 - 14.30
                                                                                                       Friday 29 June 2018: 09.30 - 14.30

                                                                                                       Contact details before the exhibition
                                                                                                       01242 544 808 or email events@ucas.ac.uk

                                                                                                       During the exhibition
                                                                                                       07900 996 736 or www.ucas.com/exhibitions

 Study in the City Of London                                                                           General enquiries
                                                                                                       Event staff wearing red UCAS t-shirts, will also be available to offer help
 • BA (Hons) Global Business Management                                                                and advice if you have any queries.
 • BA (Hons) International Finance and Accounting
 • BA (Hons) International Fashion Management and Marketing
 • BA (Hons) International Hospitality and Tourism Management

                      Coventry University

        Ranked 12th in UK
              Guardian University Guide 2018

 Register for an Open Evening at www.coventry.ac.uk/london
 Coventry University London is the trading name of Coventry University London Limited, a company
 wholly owned by Coventry University, registered in England and Wales under company number 06997944.
 Registered office: Coventry University, Priory Street, Coventry, United Kingdom CV1 5FB.

                                                                                                       Thank you for registering to attend the UCAS Bedfordshire higher education
                                                                                                       exhibition on 28-29 June 2018
Art & Design                       Media & Culture
Business                           Nursing, Midwifery & Health
Computer Science & Technology      Performing Arts Psychology
Education & Training               Social Sciences
English Language & Communication   Sport Science & Physical
Law                                Activity
Life Sciences

                                       VISIT US AT STAND 21

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