Page created by Alice Schmidt


                                       COURSE OUTLINE 2015

Information correct as of July 2015.
Provider CRICOS Code 00020G
Higher Education Provider
The Administrative Information			                          Introduction

Course Title		                                             Associate Degree of Network Technology
Associate Degree of Network Technology                     This course has a balance of theory and practical skills.
Course Code                                                You are immediately employable as you use the latest
H404                                                       technologies and in very well equipped laboratories.
CRICOS Course Code                                         Studies align with Cisco and Microsoft vendor
073580D	                                                   certifications which are well recognised by industry/
                                                           employers. Research and problem-solving skills allow
                                                           them to further develop and learn once employed.
Higher Education
Course Information
+61 8 9267 7500                                            Graduates will apply underpinning technical and
                                                           theoretical knowledge in the field of Information
                                                           Technology with specialist knowledge in networking to
Course Details					                                        undertake professional work in the IT industry or as a
                                                           pathway for further learning.
Full-time students will complete the course in 2 years     The Associate Degree of Network Technology will require
studying 4 units per semester. Part-time students should     you to (have):
plan to complete the course in 4 years and will normally
complete 2 units per semester. International students      1.	Demonstrate a broad technical and theoretical
must maintain a full-time study load.                         knowledge in the field of Information Technology with
                                                              some specific knowledge in Networking and Security;
                                                              Server Operating Systems; Databases; Systems
                                                              Analysis and Project Management.
This associate degree course comprises 16 units. Some
                                                           2.	Demonstrate a sound knowledge of the concepts and
units are common with other associate degree courses.
                                                              theory associated with networking and security.
                                                           3.	Develop conceptual and theoretical understanding of
Credit points                                                 Information Technology practices with a particular in-
Each unit is allocated 3 credit points.                       depth understanding and application in the networking
A total of 48 credit points is required to complete the       industry.
Associate Degree.                                          4. Ability to effectively communicate and present
                                                              knowledge and ideas as an individual and in a multi-
                                                              cultural team.
Delivery site                                              5. Cognitive skills to identify analyse and evaluate
Thornlie Campus                                               Information Technology data from a range of sources.
                                                           6. Cognitive, analytical and creative thinking skills to
Delivery mode                                                 demonstrate a broad understanding and ability to
This course comprises a mix of lectures, tutorials,           communicate Information Technology concepts in
practical sessions and independent study. Online              some depth.
teaching and support is provided using Polytechnic         7. An ability to use initiative and judgement to solve
West’s online learning environment known as E-Campus.         problems, plan and identify solutions in Information
Onshore international students must study no more than        Technology practice.
25% of their studies online.                               8. An ability to adapt and apply fundamental Information
                                                              Technology principles, concepts and techniques to
There are usually 3.5 hours of timetabled delivery per
                                                              familiar and unfamiliar contextual situations in the field
unit per week. You are expected to attend all timetabled
                                                              of Networking.
lectures, tutorials and workshops. You are expected to
                                                           9. The capacity to practice professionally and an ability to
undertake a further 6.5 hours study per unit per week in
                                                              exercise ethical responsibility as an individual or within
their own time.
                                                              teams, and recognise the need to engage in lifelong
                                                              learning within the field of Information Technology
Delivery period
There are two semesters a year. Each semester
comprises 14 weeks of study, plus two examination

February and July.
                                                           Information extracted form Curriculum File V1.3 10.12.14
Employment outcomes

By studying an Associate Degree of Network Technology,
graduates will have the opportunity to work in roles within
business and enterprise. Possible roles available to the
graduate include System Administrator and Network

Employment opportunities with further experience
and qualifications
Network Administrator
Upon gaining experience a graduate will have
opportunities to become a Network Engineer offering the
opportunity undertake complex design, construction and
maintenance tasks.

System Administrator
With experience and further study the graduate will
have opportunities in system design, construction and

Further study outcomes
Polytechnic West maintains strong relationships with a
number of universities. On successful completion of a
Polytechnic West Associate Degree or Higher Education
Diploma, students are eligible to take advantage of
articulated pathways and apply for credit (advanced
standing) towards a Bachelor degree at one of our
university partners. For details of our university pathway
options, visit the Polytechnic West website.
Course Structure

      Unit Code     Unit Name                        Contact   Credits EFTSL      Pre-requisites
                                                     hours             Value **
 #    First Year – Semester 1
 1    HHW101        Operating Systems Fundamentals   3.5       3       0.125      Nil
 2    HNW101        Introduction to Networking       3.5       3       0.125      Nil
 3    HPR101        Programming Principles           3.5       3       0.125      Nil
 4    HSU101        Business Communication           3.5       3       0.125      Nil
      First Year – Semester 2
 5    HHW103        Computer Architecture            3.5       3       0.125      HHW101
 6    HWD101        Web Programming                  3.5       3       0.125      Nil
 7    HNW102        Routing Protocols                3.5       3       0.125      HNW101
 8    HSV101        Server Network Infrastructure    3.5       3       0.125      HHW101
      Second Year – Semester 1
 9    HPR201        Database Development             3.5       3       0.125      HPR101
 10   HSU201        Systems Analysis and Design      3.5       3       0.125      HSU101
 11   HSV201        Server Administration            3.5       3       0.125      HSV101
 12   HNW205        LAN Switching and Wireless       3.5       3       0.125      HNW102
      Second Year – Semester 2
 13   HSU202        Project Management               3.5       3       0.125      HSU101
 14   HNW202        Network Security                 3.5       3       0.125      HHW101
 15   HNW206        WAN Technologies                 3.5       3       0.125      HNW205
 16   HSV202        Server Management                3.5       3       0.125      HSV201

** Equivalent Full-time Study Load
UNIT SYNOPSES                                                Web Programming (HWD101)
                                                             This unit exposes you to the basic principles of web
Operating System Fundamentals (HHW101)
                                                             development and writing small scale static web pages.
This unit provides the student with the understanding of     You will learn XHTML, HTML5 and CSS3, and the
the function, structure and operations of an operating       processes of development, testing and implementing web
system as well as the ability to apply practical processes   sites. You will also learn JavaScript and its uses for small
within an operating system environment. They will also be    scale webpage automation.
able to apply scripting language programs to solve basic
operating system challenges.                                 Routing Protocols (HNW102)
                                                             This unit exposes you to the basic principles of
Introduction to Networking (HNW101)
                                                             Networking using the Cisco Network Academy program.
This unit exposes you to the basic principles of             This provides you with the capability to understand
Networking using the Cisco Network Academy program           the basic concepts of Network Types, Network Media,
providing you with the capability to understand the basic    TCP/IP, Operating and Configuring IOS Devices, and
concepts of Network Types, Network Media, TCP/IP,            Managing Network Environments.
Operating and Configuring IOS Devices, and Managing
Network Environments.                                        Server Network Infrastructure (HSV101)
                                                             This unit introduces the student to the Windows Server
Programming Principles (HPR101)
                                                             network infrastructure and services. Specifically, they
This unit exposes you to the basic principles of             will learn to configure IPv4 and IPv6 networks, configure
developing solutions to problems by creating software        name resolution and DNS zone infrastructure, create a
applications. Through the creation of small scale            DHCP infrastructure, configure IP routing and protect
applications in Java, the student will learn and apply       network traffic with IPSec; connect to networks (using
the principles that undergird software development.          NAT, wireless and remote access methods), configure
The student will learn to identify the problem to solve,     Windows firewall and network access protection (NAP);
analyse the key components of the problem, design a          manage software updates and monitor and manage
solution to the problem, implement the solution in the       computers, files and printers.
Java programming language and test and document the
solution.                                                    Database Development (HDB201)
                                                             This unit prepares the student with the theory and skills
Business Communication (HSU101)
                                                             to administer Relation Database Management Systems
This unit focuses on the skills, knowledge, behaviour        (RDMSs) This includes the knowledge to design, develop
and strategies used when communicating in a range of         and maintain RDBMSs using entity relationship modeling
contemporary work environments. It will include aspects      and normalisation. The student will develop programming
of developing and implementing presentation skills,          skills for the Structured Query Language (SQL) through
individual and team skills, coaching and mentoring,          the development of a mid-sized, multi-table database
organisational culture, conflict management, negotiation     to client specifications along with interaction with a
and cross cultural interaction. Various communication        managed RDBMS and its administrator.
processes and systems are covered to ensure that
the gathering and dissemination of information and           Systems Analysis and Design (HSU201)
organisational knowledge is effectively implemented          This unit provides the knowledge and skills to use
in the organisation. The importance of professional          the standard methods for analysing and converting
networking is discussed and strategies are devised to        business requirements into system specifications. These
develop and capitalise on networking opportunities.          specifications can then be used to implement computer
Academic writing skills including referencing, report        programs, hardware configurations and related manual
writing and essay writing are included to ensure you are     procedures in a new system or to enhance and/or fix
better prepared for your studies.                            issues in an existing system. The student will gain an
                                                             understanding of the process of System Analysis and
Computer Architecture (HHW103)
                                                             Design, be able to work effectively on a project in the
This unit introduces the student to the fundamentals of      analysis and design stages, being able to generate the
computer system design and architecture. Throughout the      required documentation for each stage of the analysis
unit relationships between the computer hardware and         and design process.
software will be examined, so that you can understand
the factors that affect computer performance. The unit
provides knowledge of computer structure and operation
including; memory hierarchies, input/output processing,
interconnects and assembly language instruction set.
Server Administration (HSV201)                               Network Security (HNW202)
In this unit the student will work with Windows Server       Network Security consists of the policies and settings
Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) and learn           for controlling and monitoring access to a network and
to effectively manage users, groups, and computers           the resources used by a Network Administrator. This
in a domain and forest. They will also learn to install,     unit provides both a practical (using the CCNA Security
configure and troubleshoot the various Roles and             program) and theoretical grounding in enterprise level
Services of Windows Servers. These include: AD               Network Security covering aspects of the design,
Lightweight Management Services (AD LS), AD Directory        implementation, configuration and monitoring of
Services (AD DS), Read Only Domain Controller (RODC),        enterprise grade networks. Current security threats to
and Active Directory Federation Service (AD FS). They        organisations are examined and analysed along with the
will also learn to create and maintain AD objects, create    necessary security processes required to mitigate these
and apply group Policy Objects GPO’s; configure backup       threats..
and recovery, monitor AD, and configure and manage
Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS).               WAN Technologies (HNW206)
                                                             Wide Area Networking or the WAN uses a different set
LAN Switching and Wireless (HNW205)                          of technologies to Local Area Networks (LANs). This unit
This unit helps students develop an in-depth                 discusses WAN standards, technologies, and their uses.
understanding of switching in the LAN environment for        It covers selecting the appropriate WAN technologies,
small and large networks. Students will undertake the        services, and devices to design a solution to meet
application of complex technologies including LAN switch     the changing business requirements of an evolving
operations, VLAN implementation, Rapid Spanning Tree         enterprise. This unit helps students develop an in-depth
Protocol (RSTP), VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP), Inter-        understanding of the WAN for inter-connecting small and
VLAN routing, and wireless network operations. Students      large networks.
are expected to be able to develop a campus network
design including the application of Layer 3 switching        Server Management (HSV202)
concepts.                                                    This unit will provide the student with the skills necessary
                                                             to function as a server administrator. The unit builds on
Project Management (HSU202)                                  the preceding two server units: HSV101 Server Network
This unit focuses on the methods and problems of             Infrastructure and HSV201 Server Administration that
managing and assuring the quality of projects. The unit      examined Windows Server Active Directory and Network
reflects the role of individuals required to effectively     Infrastructure. In this unit the emphasis will be on the
initiate, plan, execute, monitor and control tasks and       following areas:
resources to successfully manage a project from start to
finish. It defines fundamental skills in time management,    • Planning for server deployment and server
cost estimations and budgeting techniques. The student         management,
will identify and interact with project stakeholders,        • Monitoring and maintenance of servers,
plan and document a simple project, establish time           • Application and data provisioning, and
management requirements to achieve milestones,               • Business continuity and high availability.
manage cost and human resources to achieve project
goals and ensure Quality Assurance processes are
maintained. The student will gain an understanding of
the project life-cycle, required project documentation and
project timelines through participation in a project team.
Admission and Enrolment Requirements                         Alternative Admission Requirements
                                                             Students may be of mature age with relevant work
To enter a higher education qualification at Polytechnic
                                                             or other practical experience and a demonstrated
West, you should have:
                                                             level of general education, which provides them with
• Successfully completed Western Australian Certificate      a reasonable chance of successfully completing the
  of Education (WACE) or its year 12 Australian or           program.
  International equivalent with a score of at least 50 in,
                                                             Mature age selection criteria will be based on an
  English, Literature or EALD, or
                                                             assessment of the applicant’s previous educational
• Successfully completed the full International
                                                             record, work and other relevant experience and interest in
  Baccalaureate Diploma with a minimum of 24 points
                                                             the field of study.
  from six subjects at one sitting. Three of the subjects
  must be at the higher level. One of the six subjects       Students meeting admission requirements will be offered
  should be English, or                                      a place in the course and invited to enrol. You must
• Successfully completed a 12 month VET Certificate IV       complete the approved enrolment form and pay your fees
  in a relevant area, or                                     to secure your place in the course.
• Completed a relevant qualification in another country
  that is deemed by the National Office of Overseas          All enrolled students agree to abide by PWA’s General
  Skills Recognition (NOOSR) as being at least               and Academic Regulations and Student Code of Conduct.
  comparable to an AQF Certificate IV.                       These are available in the Higher Education Student
                                                             Handbook or from our website at
School Leavers
Polytechnic West will accept an AQF/TAFE Certificate IV      International students please refer to the Education
as a basis for admission to most courses, however school     and Training International (ETI) website for further
leavers using a Certificate IV achieved during their Years   responsibilities as an international student in Australia.
11 and 12 must also have:
                                                             To Apply Online
• achieved a WACE; and                                       Domestic Students can apply online at our website
• meet Polytechnic West’s English Language         
                                                             International Students can apply online to study at
                                                             Polytechnic West on the ETI website at
English Language Requirements                      
Entrance is subject to English Language Admission            ETI is the unit within the Western Australian Government
requirements, such as:                                       responsible for the recruitment and admission of
• IELTS score of 6.0 (Academic Version) overall with no      international students into studying at Western Australian
  individual band lower than 5.5; or                         TAFE Institutes.
• TOEFL score of 530 or above; or
• Medium of instruction at school being English, and
  satisfactory grades in English in final examinations
  (such as “C” grade at 0 level).
Enrolment with Advanced Standing

If you have undertaken previous study in a similar field
you may be eligible to enrol with “advanced standing” and
have your previous learning recognised.

Advanced Standing is the granting of credit towards the
completion of a course based on previous studies that
has been judged to have units that are equivalent to
those in the course.

International students should refer Advanced Standing
enquiries to Education and Training International.

If you have completed VET courses, you may be eligible
to receive advanced standing as set out in the table

                                  ASSOCIATE DEGREE OF NETWORK TECHNOLOGY
 Institute            VET                Level          Maximum           Exemptions awarded in Higher Education
                      Qualification      required       Advanced          course based on successful completion
                                                        Standing          of VET qualification.
 CISCO Academy Completed                 Up to 4        Up to 4 units     1. HNW101 Introduction to Networking
 Version 5      modules and              units
 or CCNA        challenge test                                            2. HNW102 Routing Protocols
 Certification*                                                           3. HNW205 LAN Switching and Wireless

                                                                          4. HNW206 WAN Technologies
 Diploma of IT        Completed          Up to 2        Up to 2 units**   1. HHW101 Operating System Fundamentals
 Technology           diploma            units**
 Networking                                                               2. HSV101 Server Network Infrastructure

 Diploma of           Completed          Up to 2        Up to 2 units**   1. HHW101 Operating System Fundamentals
 Computer             diploma            units**
 Systems                                                                  2. HPR101 Programming Principles

 Diploma of           Completed          Up to 2        Up to 2 units**   1. HHW101 Operating System Fundamentals
 Electronics &        diploma            units**
 Communications                                                           2. HPR101 Programming Principles

 Diploma of           Completed          Up to 1 unit   Up to 1 unit      1. HPR101 Programming Principles
 Software             diploma
 Diploma              Completed          Up to 1 unit   Up to 1 unit      1. HWD101 Web Programming
 of Website           diploma

* Note: this is a vendor certification

** Students studying this course may also be eligible for advanced standing based on Cisco Academy Version 5
Study Fees

                                                               Associate Degree of Network Technology
                                                               International Students
                                                               The tuition fee for international students is:
                                                               $1,900.00 per unit.

Student Rights and Responsibilities                            This fee is paid to ETI. Please
                                                               refer to the Education and Training International
It is the responsibility of every student to be aware of       website for payment details and refund policy.
Polytechnic West’s General and Academic Regulations,
the Student Code of Conduct and the policies and               Domestic Students
procedures that relate to your rights and responsibilities     The tuition fee for domestic students is
as a student. These can be found in the Higher                 $1,410.00 per unit paid using one of PWA’s payment
Education Student Handbook and on the Polytechnic              options; or
West website at

International students please refer to the Education and       $1,762.50 deferred (includes 25% FEE-HELP Loan Fee)
Training International website for further responsibilities
as an international student in Australia.                      A full-time study load consists of four units per semester.
                                                               These fees are valid for Semester 1 and Semester 2,
You are advised to obtain a Student I.D. card which will       2015.
provide you with access to library services at Polytechnic
West campuses and with our partner organisations. The          Fees are reviewed on an annual basis.
Student I.D. card will also be required as proof of identity   The Higher Education tuition fee statement is available
when you attend examinations.                                  on the Polytechnic West website http://higheredu.
Assessment of the Associate Degree of
Network Technology                                             Course Costs
Assessment information and marking criteria for each           In addition to the fees payable for this course, you may
unit will be provided in the Unit Guide at the start of your   need to pay for textbooks and any additional costs
study semester and you must abide by the assessment            associated with your chosen course.
requirements set by the Polytechnic West Academic
                                                               Higher Education Student Services
Regulations and in the Unit Guide. You will be given
feedback on your performance in all assignments                Higher Education Student Services staff can offer advice
including the criteria against which the final mark was        and support to make your education experience as
determined. Submission dates will not be altered unless        successful as possible. If they cannot directly assist,
an Application for Deferred Assessment has been                suggestions can be made about referral to other staff or
completed and approved.                                        appropriate agencies which may be able to help if you are
                                                               experiencing personal problems or difficulties with your
Graduation with the Associate Degree of
Network Technology
                                                               Appointments with Client Services staff may be arranged
To be awarded this qualification you must pass all
                                                               at a Customer Service Centre by phoning +64 8 9267
the required units within the course. Once these are
                                                               7500 or via email
completed you will be entitled to apply to graduate with
an Associate Degree of Network Technology.                     Disclaimer
Pathways                                                       The information contained in this publication is correct
                                                               at the time of publishing but may be subject to change
Students graduating with the Associate Degree of
                                                               without notice. For up-to-date and current information,
Network Technology are eligible for credit towards a
                                                               please check our website.
Bachelor degree at one of Polytechnic West’s articulating
Universities. Check our website for up-to-date credit
recognition arrangements.
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