UCD INTERNATIONAL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2018/2019 - University College Dublin

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UCD INTERNATIONAL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2018/2019 - University College Dublin

UCD INTERNATIONAL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2018/2019 - University College Dublin
UCD INTERNATIONAL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2018/2019 - University College Dublin

            Welcome.....03                    1. Registering At UCD.....  04        2. UCD International
                                                                                    Orientation & Events.....  06

       3. Studying in UCD.....07                  4. Immigration.....08              5. Accommodation.....   10

6. International Student Support.....   12       7. Student Health..... 14         8. Services & Facilities.....16

     9. UCD Global Lounge.....   20           10. Clubs and Societies.....   22          11. UCDVO.....   24

12. Living and Working in Dublin.....   26      13. Transportation.....   30      14. Useful Addresses in
                                                                                  University College Dublin.....   34

UCD INTERNATIONAL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2018/2019 - University College Dublin
UCD INTERNATIONAL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2018/2019 - University College Dublin
It is a great pleasure to welcome you to University College Dublin and to Ireland.
As Ireland’s Global University, UCD is proud to host the largest community of international students in the
country and we work hard to provide a supportive environment for all students and staff, regardless of where
they’re from.
This practical handbook aims to provide you with information about life as a new international student at UCD
and as a new member of the wider Dublin community. It is designed to be particularly useful for you in your first
weeks, but please keep it for future reference during your studies.
UCD offers many learning opportunities both inside and outside the lecture
theatre. We hope that you will take full advantage of these opportunities
and become involved in the dynamic life of our university. Beyond the
campus, we also hope you enjoy exploring both Dublin and the rest
of Ireland during your time here.
The staff in UCD International are here to support
you in your transition to studying at UCD. We work
collaboratively with other support services across
campus to ensure that you receive the necessary
support during your time at UCD. If you need help or
guidance, please consult this handbook for the most
appropriate office to contact.
Thank you for choosing to study in Ireland and we
wish you all the best for your time at UCD

Douglas Proctor,
Director of International Affairs, UCD

UCD INTERNATIONAL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2018/2019 - University College Dublin
       AT UCD

UCD INTERNATIONAL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2018/2019 - University College Dublin
Registration                                      International Foundation Year Students

Before attending courses you will need to:        International Foundation Year Students will
                                                  be registered through the UCD International
–– Register for your programme (Confirmation      Study Centre.
   of attendance)
                                                  � www.ucdisc.com
–– Enrol in your programme
                                                  Erasmus/Non-EU Exchange Students
–– Pay your tuition fees
–– Receive a student card (UCARD).                Erasmus and Non-EU Exchange students
                                                  also need to register online (confirmation
Your UCARD gives you access to all student        of attendance). Your Exchange Coordinator
facilities, including the Residences, Library     will manually register you for modules. Full
and Student Centre.                               information about this process will be sent by
                                                  UCD International before arrival, along with
It is important that you upload your photo
                                                  the letter of acceptance.
for your card as early as possible. For further
information and guidelines on photo upload            www.ucd.ie/international/exchange-
please visit:                                         programmes
� www.ucd.ie/ucard                                Study Abroad Students
                                                  Study Abroad students need to register
                                                  online (confirmation of attendance). Study

How to Enrol in Your                              Abroad students are pre-registered to their
                                                  subject choices prior to their arrival at UCD
Programme                                         and should consult their Study Abroad
                                                  Coordinator for more information.
Full-time Undergraduate and
Postgraduate Students                             Visiting/Occasional Fee-Paying Students

All first year undergraduate and postgraduate     Visiting/occasional fee-paying students
students must go online to:                       need to register online (confirmation of
                                                  attendance). Students are pre-registered to
–– Confirm their attendance                       their subject choices prior to their arrival at
–– Complete module registration (where            UCD and should consult their coordinator for
   applicable)                                    more information.
–– Pay any fees owed

For most graduate taught programmes,
module registration takes place online.
For research programmes (Masters Research                Students who require registration
and PhD), module registration is done through            assistance can contact the UCD
your Graduate School or Programme Office.                Student Desk at the Tierney
You are responsible for managing your module             Building.
registration.                                            Undergraduate registration help
   www.ucd.ie/students/registration.html                 line: +353 1716 1555

Pre-Masters Students                                     or via the Student Desk Connector:
The Pre-Masters Coordinator will manually                www.ucd.ie/studentdesk/contact
register you for modules. For registration
   premasters@ucd.ie or visit

UCD INTERNATIONAL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2018/2019 - University College Dublin
Orientation and
    2. UCD          International
                    Student Welcome
    INTERNATIONAL   Welcome to UCD!
                    Here is what we have planned for Orientation
                    Week to welcome you to the campus!

                    –– Airport Welcome

    EVENTS          –– International President's Welcome for
                       Exchange and Study Abroad Students
                    –– International Student Café and Fair
                    –– UCARD Collection
                    –– Walking tours of UCD and Dublin
                    –– Cultural and Social day-trips to various
                       locations in Ireland
                    –– Programme-specific orientation events
                    –– Practical information sessions
                    –– Library tours
                    –– Computer induction courses
                    –– Erasmus & Non-EU Exchange Module
                    –– Meet and Greet in the UCD Global Lounge
                    –– International Table Quiz
                    –– Evening Social Events

                    Many more activities will take place throughout
                    the term!

                    The up-to-date orientation programme will be
                    available at:

                    The university-wide orientation programme
                    will be available at:
                    For news, updates and information you will
                    need to know during your time here,
                    follow us on social media!


UCD INTERNATIONAL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2018/2019 - University College Dublin
Academic Calendar                               Graduate Students                               Study Abroad
2018/2019                                       Course work for Masters degrees is
                                                typically examined at the end of semester       Students
The Academic Calendar for the Year              one, and in May at the end of the academic      Study Abroad students must take
2018/19 can be found here:                      year, or in August. PhD and Master by           UCD examinations or school-based
                                                Research theses only are submitted              examinations to gain credit for courses
                                                directly to the Student Desk in UCD where       taken.
                                                deadlines for the submission of theses are
                                                                                                Examination results are sent out by post
Examinations                                    available. Please ensure that your UCD
                                                registration is current or your theses cannot
                                                                                                to your home university once transcripts
Examination results, personalised                                                               become available.
                                                be accepted.
examination timetables, and other
information regarding examinations can
be accessed online by logging on to the            thesissubmission.html                        Visiting/Occasional
Student Information System (SIS Web).
                                                                                                Fee-Paying Students
   https://sisweb.ucd.ie                        Erasmus/Non-EU                                  Visiting/Occasional fee-paying students

                                                Exchange Students                               must take UCD examinations or school-

Lectures                                        Erasmus and Non-EU Exchange students
                                                                                                based examinations to gain credit for
                                                                                                courses taken.
Teaching is done through a combination of       must take UCD examinations or school-
                                                                                                Examination results are sent out by post
lectures, seminars, tutorials, practical and    based examinations to gain credit for
                                                                                                to your home address once transcripts
laboratory classes. Classes are generally       courses taken. Full information about
                                                                                                become available. Make sure that your
50 minutes long but may vary in length.         examination registration is provided during
                                                                                                home address on SIS Web is appropriately
You can have a smaller amount of time           your orientation session.
in formal lectures in UCD, however, you
will be required to attend tutorials and to     For Erasmus students, examination results
complete your own independent learning.         are sent out by post to your home address
                                                once transcripts become available. Make
If you are having any difficulty with your      sure that your home address on SIS Web is
studies or adapting to the style of teaching,   appropriately updated.
it is important to speak to your Study
Coordinator or Lecturer/Professor. It is very   For Non-EU Exchange students,
easy to approach academic staff and they        examination results are sent by post to the
will be able to help you or advise you who      home university once transcripts become
to speak to.                                    available.

Once you are registered as a full-time
undergraduate student you will be enrolled
to sit university examinations. Examination
timetables are posted on the Assessment
and Logistics Office website.

UCD INTERNATIONAL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2018/2019 - University College Dublin

           Registration with Irish
           Naturalisation and Immigration
           Service (INIS)
           All non-EU/EEA students, living in Dublin, must register with the
           Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service (INIS) where you will
           receive your Irish Residence Permit (IRP) card. This is done after your
           registration with UCD and prior to the date stamped on your passport
           when entering the country.
           Appointments must be made online via the Burgh Quay Registration
           Office website:
           Appointments are offered in a series of 1 hour slots 7-9 weeks in
           advance of the date and are released at 10am each day. Cancelled
           appointments are released at 2.30pm every day. Appointments are
           generally gone within 10 minutes of being released.

Required documents for first time registrations checklist:

–– Valid Passport (with entry visa if applicable)
–– Confirmation of appointment email
–– Evidence of finances for Non Visa required students – e.g. a current
   Irish bank account showing your name and a balance of €3000. A
   bank statement not more than 1 month old and matching debit card
   or a letter from your sponsoring body will also suffice.
–– Certificate of Attendance – available from SISweb after registration
–– Evidence of Private Medical Insurance (see Section 7. Student Health)
–– A credit/debit card to pay €300 registration fee
–– If you are under 18 please contact UCD International to enquire
    about guardianship and the immigration process.
If you are having any difficulties in registering with INIS please contact
the International Student Advisor.

     On Campus                                    Off Campus
     Currently UCD has 8 on campus residences     At this stage most of the on campus
     spread across Belfield and Blackrock         accommodation has already been booked
     Campuses.                                    and it is time to start looking at off campus
                                                  accommodation options.
     On Belfield campus:
                                                  UCD is located in one of the most expensive
     –– Ashfield                                  areas of Dublin, but is well connected
     –– Belgrove                                  to areas surrounding the city by public
     –– Glenomena                                 transport (see section 13. Transportation).
                                                  Google Maps is a useful way of finding out
     –– Merville
                                                  how to get from a specific address to UCD.
     –– Roebuck Hall
                                                  Useful websites for accommodation hunting:
     –– Roebuck Castle
     On Blackrock campus:                         Long Term Accommodation:
     –– Blackrock Halls
     –– Proby                                     This website is managed by our Room
                                                  Booking Support team. Though the website
                                                  asks you for a @ucdconnect.ie email
     If you have any questions or issues during   address when you register, you can do so
     your stay in the on campus accommodation,    with your personal email address. In that
     you should contact UCD Residences:           case, please email roombookingsupport
                                                  @ucd.ie and send a copy of your Offer
                                                  letter, register on the site with your
        residences@ucd.ie                         Gmail/Hotmail/university email, verify
                                                  it and the team will grant you access. The
        +353 1 716 1008
                                                  website contains a listing of available
                                                  accommodation around UCD, and provides
                                                  general advice.
                                                  Private Housing:
                                                  (Go to ‘Student accommodation’, you
                                                  will have the option to either look at
                                                  near Campus or on Transport Route
                                                  (Students -> University College Dublin)
                                                  (also non UCD-affiliated Halls of

Top tip: Unfortunately, there are scam artists
who will place fake advertisements on
websites without having any accommodation
to rent in an attempt to trick you into giving
them a deposit. We recommend never
handing over any deposit without meeting
the landlord and having a thorough
inspection of the apartment IN PERSON.
In a scam you will often get excuses
about the landlord being busy, or other
means of deflecting from getting you to
view the apartment. DO NOT hand over
any money without seeing the apartment
and meeting the landlord in person.
UCD International Accommodation has
produced a document with the Do’s and
Don’ts of renting accommodation. If you
are looking for off campus accommodation
and we will be happy to share this document
with you.


       Moving to a new country is an exciting experience for students,
       but there can also be challenges associated with moving. We are
       here to offer support and guidance specifically for international
       students along with the wider UCD support network.

       Dignity and Respect                             Chaplains
       Policy                                          Chaplains, like Student Advisers, are there to
                                                       serve students’ needs whatever they may be.
       University College Dublin is committed to       An open door policy exists to enable students
       the promotion of an environment for work        to seek assistance, especially in times of
       and study which upholds the dignity and         distress, illness, and bereavement. Chaplains
       respect of the individual and which supports    also cater for the spiritual and religious needs
       every individual’s right to study and/or work   of students.
       in an environment which is free of any form
       of harassment, intimidation or bullying. If     The Chaplaincy team can be found in the UCD
       you have any concerns, please contact UCD       Newman Building, Lochlann Quinn School of
       International for advice.                       Business, and UCD Health Sciences Building
       Student Advisers                                   +353 1 716 8372
       The Student Advisers provide support for
       all students throughout their university
       experience. Each programme has a dedicated      Prayer Rooms
       Student Adviser who is your gateway to          Prayer rooms for Muslim students are
       support services.                               available in the Woodview Building opposite
                                                       the Conway Institute on the Belfield campus.
       For further information on the Student
       Advisers log on to:
                             Students with a
       International Student Disability
       Adviser               Reasonable Accommodations for students
                             with disabilities studying at UCD are put in
       Colum Cronin
                                                       place by UCD Access & Lifelong Learning.
       UCD International, Gerard Manley Hopkins
                                                       For further information contact:
       Centre, UCD Belfield Campus
                                                       UCD ACCESS & LIFELONG LEARNING
          +353 1 716 8406

     UCD Student Health                                Outside Hours:
                                                       Doctor’s Appointments - East Doc
                                                                                                       Important to note: Some types of
                                                                                                       medication are not available in Ireland or
     and Counselling                                      +353 1 209 4021
                                                                                                       are under stricter licencing laws. Medication
                                                                                                       may also be more expensive due to these
     Services                                          Weekdays: 18:00 - 22:00                         tighter controls. If you are taking medication
     The Student Health Centre is located in the                                                       in your home country please make sure to
                                                       Weekends/Bank holidays: 10:00 -18:00
     Student Centre on the Belfield campus. It is                                                      research its availability and cost in Ireland.
     staffed by                                        House Calls – Contractors Medical Bureau

     –– Doctors/General Practitioners (GPs) (€25
                                                         +353 1 830 0244
                                                       Accident and Emergency at St. Vincent’s
                                                                                                       UCD Mental Health
        per visit) and Nurses (€10 per visit)
     –– Psychiatrist (€40 per visit).
                                                       University Hospital – Reception:                and Wellbeing
                                                          +353 1 221 4358                              UCD encourages the promotion, protection,
     –– Student Counselling                                                                            and restoration of mental health and
                                                       For Fire, Ambulance and Police Emergency
     –– Addiction Counsellor                           Services: Tel: 999 or 112                       wellbeing amongst all its students. Visit
                                                                                                       the UCD Mental Health Website for more
     Appointments                                                                                      information.
                                                       Emergencies on Campus:
     All consultations are strictly by appointment                                                        www.mentalhealth.ucd.ie
     (except in cases of emergency). The Student       In the case of a medical emergency on
     Health Service does not provide full 24-hour      campus, call the 24-hour emergency line at
     cover and students are advised to register        ext. 7999 (or +353 1 716 7999), or pick up
                                                       a red emergency telephone. UCD Services
                                                                                                       Dental Treatment
     with a general practitioner (GP) on arrival.                                                      There is no dental service attached to the
                                                       will then contact the emergency services,
     If you need to see a doctor urgently you          and ensure that the relevant traffic barriers   Student Health Service. For details of a
     should contact the Student Health Service         are raised for an ambulance. They will also     dentist in your area of residence please see:
     in the morning to avail of the daily clinic for   send a patrol jeep to meet the ambulance           www.dentist.ie
     urgent appointments only.                         at the campus entrance and guide it to its
        +353 1 716 3133/3143                           destination. If you are resident in UCD make
                                                       contact with the residential assistants/
         www.ucd.ie/stuhealth                          residences staff – keep the contact number
                                                       on your phone.

Health Services in                                Health Insurance
Ireland                                           While non-EEA students are advised to
                                                  obtain private health insurance in Ireland,
EU Nationals                                      you can also purchase it in your own
                                                  country. If doing so, you must ensure that it
Students from EU Member States in
                                                  is valid in Ireland and in any other countries
possession of the European Health Insurance
                                                  you plan to travel to. The policy must cover
Card (EHIC) are entitled to public health
                                                  you for any period of hospitalisation in an
services in Ireland. The EHIC card is available
                                                  Irish hospital.
from the health authorities in your home
country. For further information on your          Basic medical expenses insurance which
entitlements to healthcare while in Ireland,      satisfies visa/immigration requirements
please see:                                       for private health insurance and can be
                                                  obtained before students arrive in Ireland
                                                  is available from Study and Protect and
                                                  Halligan Insurances. More comprehensive
Non-EU/EEA Nationals                              policies are available from the following
Due to the Irish Naturalisation and               private health insurance companies in
Immigration Service (INIS) and the Garda          Ireland: VHI, AVIVA, Laya Healthcare or
National Immigration Bureau (GNIB)                GloHealth
regulations, non-EU students must obtain          Please note that in order to apply for a
private health insurance.                         policy from one of these companies you will
UCD does not arrange health insurance             need to provide an address in Ireland and
for students, but see information below           for AVIVA’s service you need to have a PPS
regarding health insurance.                       number. Also note that medical cover does
                                                  not normally begin immediately with VHI
The Irish Naturalisation and Immigration          or AVIVA.
Service website provides full information
on immigration rules in relation to health        Private Health Insurance Companies
insurance requirements.
                                                  Study and Protect:
    www.inis.gov.ie                               www.studyandprotect.com
For information on the Irish public health        Halligan Insurances: www.halligan.ie/ucd
care system see HSE (Health Service
Executive).                                       VHI Healthcare: www.vhi.ie
                                                  Aviva: www.aviva.ie
                                                  Laya Healthcare: www.layahealthcare.ie
                                                  Glo Health: www.glohealth.ie


     Student Desk                                    Opening a Bank Account
                                                     To open a bank account in Ireland you will
                                                                                                      libraries and the Royal College of Surgeons.
                                                                                                      The SCONUL scheme allows access and
     The Student Desk is located on the ground                                                        borrowing rights to participating university
                                                     need to have an address in Ireland and have
     floor of the Tierney Building. It is the                                                         libraries in UK and Ireland.
                                                     completed your registration at UCD. Make
     Administrative Hub of UCD. It provides
                                                     sure that you have your correct address on          www.ucd.ie/library
     assistance to students with administrative
                                                     your SISWeb account as this will be on your
     needs in the areas of fees & grants queries,
                                                     Certificate of Attendance.
                                                                                                       /      UCDlibrary
     UCD transcripts & official documentation.
                                                     To open your bank account you will need:
        +353 1716 1555                                                                                Computing services
     Student Desk Connector:                         –– Valid Passport/National ID Card               All students have access to high speed
     www.ucd.ie/studentdesk/contact                  –– Certificate of Attendance with Dublin         internet, computers, and an email account.
                                                        address (can be downloaded from SISWeb        At the beginning of your studies you will
                                                        under the Electronic Documents tab)
     Restaurants                                                                                      also be issued with a UCD student email
     There are a number of restaurants and cafés
     on the Belfield campus open Monday to
                                                     Library                                          Getting Started
                                                     The UCD library service operates from            Throughout Orientation week UCD IT
     Friday during the academic year. The Main
                                                     five locations: James Joyce Library, Health      Services provide free 20 minute student
     Restaurant is located on the first floor of
                                                     Sciences Library, Veterinary Library and         IT Induction courses from the Daedalus
     the Gerard Manley Hopkins Centre upstairs
                                                     Richview (all on Belfield campus), and UCD       building. The orientation at the Smurfit
     from the UCD Global Lounge. There is also a
                                                     Library Blackrock. A student card (UCARD)        School also includes a session on IT services
     restaurant located on the Smurfit Blackrock
                                                     is required to gain entry to the James Joyce,    on the Blackrock campus.
                                                     Health Sciences and Blackrock libraries, and
        www.ucd.ie/students/guide/food.html          is always needed to borrow in any library        For more information see
                                                     location. All registered UCD students are
     Bank Services                                   entitled to use and borrow from all locations.
     There is a branch of Allied Irish Banks (AIB)   Laptop loans are available in James Joyce
     on campus and a branch of Bank of Ireland       Library (self- service) and in the Health        All the main campus buildings are wireless
     located opposite the main entrance.             Sciences library (counter service). The          enabled. Before using the network, laptops
                                                     library provides a variety of study spaces,      must be registered with IT Services, located
     ATMs or cash machines are located outside       many of which are networked, and group           in the Daedalus Building (Belfield). Note that
     the Library Building, the Main Restaurant,      study rooms can be booked online.                laptop loans are available from the IT Centres.
     AIB bank, and the Student Centre at the
     Belfield Campus. There is also an AIB ATM       Graduate students can also apply for an          The Smurfit School is also wireless. Before
     located on the Smurfit School Campus.           ALCID card which allows them access and          using the network, laptops must be
                                                     reference rights to all other University         registered with IT Services, located beside

the printing and photocopying facilities for
students. Students can also top-up their
                                                machine on campus!
                                                Copi-Print UCard machines are available in
                                                                                               Students’ Union
UCARD here.
                                                the following locations:                       Shops
To find a hotspot on campus log on to:                                                         The main shop is located on the ground floor
                                                –– Arts J/K Area
    www.ucd.ie/itservices/itsupport                                                            of the Library Building, with smaller shops
                                                –– Quinn Business School                       in the Science Centre, Engineering Building,
Any computer queries can be directed to the     –– Smurfit Business School                     and the Student Centre.
UCD IT Services Helpdesk
                                                –– Engineering
   +353 1 716 2700                              –– Health Sciences                             Campus Bookshop
   ithelpdesk@ucd.ie                            –– Campus Libraries                            The Campus Bookshop sells a wide variety
   ucd.ie/itservices                                                                           of prescribed texts. Only new books are sold
                                                Students’ Union                                here. There is also a small bookshop on the
                                                                                               Smurfit School campus.
UCARD: print, copy                              The Students’ Union provides a number
                                                of services to UCD students, from shops        Check out the Facebook page UCD Book
and scan                                        to free entertainment. Most importantly
                                                they provide extra peer support to all
                                                                                               Exchange to buy, sell and swap books with
                                                                                               other students online.
Money can be added to your UCARD. This
                                                students. Four full time elected SU officers
credit allows you to pay for services such as
                                                sit on UCD’s Governing Authority - the
                                                highest decision making committee of the
You can top up your UCARD online via            University. They run a number of campaigns
SISWeb.                                         throughout the year. The Union also offers
                                                advisory services in education, welfare,
Alternatively you can top up your UCARD at      employment, and accommodation matters.
the top-up machine in the main restaurant       International Students are represented
or outside the main library. These machines     through the UCDSU International Students
accept coins or notes.                          Coordinator.
Copi-Print                                          www.ucdsu.ie
There are printing and photocopying services        info@ucdsu.ie
located in the Newman Building, Quinn
School of Business, and Blackrock Campus.          +353 1 716 3108
                                                   +353 1 716 3109
Copi-Print offer a ‘Follow Me Print’ service,
which means you can print from your laptop          @UCDSU
and collect your job at any Copi-Print              UCD Students’ Union

Lost and Found                                  Student Centre                                     Sports Centre
     The UCD Lost and Found is operated from         The UCD Student Centre and UCD Sport &             Uses of UCD’s sports facilities (excluding
     Campus Services in the UCD Agriculture          Fitness are at the heart of student life in UCD.   the natural grass pitches) are open to all
     Science Building.                               The Centre provides students with the most         students, staff, graduates, and members of
                                                     diverse student facility in Ireland.               the public. You don’t have to be a member
     If you have lost anything always report it to
                                                                                                        of a sports club to use the sports facilities.
     UCD Services as it may have been handed         In the Student Centre, students can spend
                                                                                                        Booking is easy, just drop into the Sports
     in. If you find anything around campus,         time in the state of the art 3D cinema, where
                                                                                                        Information Office. Please note that during
     please bring it to the Campus Services Desk     the latest blockbusters and classic films are
                                                                                                        term time priority is given to UCD Sports
     located at the lower ground level in the UCD    screened.
                                                                                                        clubs in terms of booking facilities.
     Agriculture and Food Science Building or
     Blackrock services desk.                                                                           For queries and booking:
                                                     You can also find a 600-seat auditorium,
         www.ucd.ie/students/guide/lost.html                                                                +353 1 716 3839
                                                     seminar rooms, meeting rooms, a radio
                                                     pod, a medical centre, pharmacy, barbers,          For full details on all the sports facilities and
     Post Office                                     Students’ Union, Students’ Union shop, and
                                                     a host of great places to eat or just chill out.
                                                                                                        fitness classes please log on to:
     A post office is located at the rear of the                                                            www.ucd.ie/sport
     ground floor in the Gerard Manley Hopkins
     Centre where all regular post office services
     are available. There is a post-box situated
                                                     The Clubhouse                                         UCD Sport

     outside the post office as well as near the
     Library Building.
                                                     The Clubhouse is UCD’s only student bar on
                                                     campus. It is conveniently located within the      Bicycle Shop
                                                     Student Centre, close to all other student         The Belfield Bike Shop, situated at Belfield
                                                     leisure facilities. Offering a variety of meals    House, sells new and second-hand bicycles,
                                                     and deals the UCD Clubhouse sports bar is a        and cycling accessories. It also offers a
                                                     great place to meet friends, chat or relax and     bicycle repair service and bicycle rental
                                                     watch sport on the big screens.                    service.
                                                        UCD Clubhouse Bar                                  +353 1 716 1697

Campus Garda                                      campus at night a Services staff member will
                                                  accompany you to your residence.
(Police)                                             +353 1 716 7999
The Campus Garda Office is located at
Campus Services Agriculture Building. A
Community Garda answers any queries and           UCD Career                                            UCD Career Development Centre
                                                                                                        (University College Dublin)
to help process forms such as applications for    Development Centre
grants, passports, driving licences, visas etc.
Local Donnybrook Garda Station:
                                                  The Career Development Centre offers a            UCD Smurfit Career
                                                  range of services and programmes designed
   +353 1 666 9200
                                                  to:                                               Development Centre
                                                                                                    A dedicated MSc and MBA careers advisory
Campus Garda Opening Hours: Mon, Tues,            –– Enable students to make career decisions
                                                                                                    service is available in Blackrock. Visit the
and Wed: 12:00-13:00                                 and develop career action plans.
                                                                                                    UCD Career Development Centre website or
                                                  –– Develop employability skills required for      log into CareersConnect for all information
                                                     success in graduate recruitment.
Unicare                                           –– Facilitate effective transitions to graduate
                                                                                                    on how to meet with a Career and Skills
                                                                                                    Consultant and to keep track of careers
UNICARE is a university service designed             study or work, by developing effective CVs,    fairs, skills seminars, company visits and
to enhance the security of property and              and interview skills and techniques.           job vacancies. For more information speak
the personal safety of students, staff, and                                                         to your Programme Manager or visit our
                                                  Services and products include:
visitors on the UCD Belfield campus. The                                                            website.
programme operates through the combined           –– One-to-one career information and
                                                     guidance                                          www.smurfitschool.ie/careers
efforts of students, staff, the local Gardaí,
Buildings and Services, and various groups        –– A Resource Room packed with information
within UCD.                                          on career entry requirements, industrial/
                                                     employment sectors, and graduate study.
UNICARE red emergency phones are located
throughout the campus. In the event of            –– Workshops on effective CVs, going for
an emergency on campus call UNICARE                  interview, and writing personal statements
rather than the emergency services directly.         for graduate study.
UNICARE can inform emergency services             –– A comprehensive programme of employer
and direct them through the campus via               events including recruitment fairs.
the best route. Services personnel provide
vehicle and foot patrols on a 24-hour
basis throughout the campus. If you are              +353 1 716 7574
uncomfortable walking alone through                  careers@ucd.ie

9. UCD
     The UCD Global Lounge is a relaxed space for international and Irish students to meet
     and hang out during their time in UCD. It is designed for you so please let us know if
     there are any events that you would like to organise!
     Based in the Gerard Manley Hopkins Centre right beside the International Office
     reception, the UCD Global Lounge is the International Student hub on campus.
     Students can keep up to date with news from home on the large screen TV or 12
     smaller plasma TVs with international TV channels including Sky Sports and ESPN.
     Wireless headsets are available for students to listen to individual TV stations also.
     UCD Global Guides are current students who will be on duty to answer any questions
     you may have. They will also be happy to set up any of the games or help you tune
     into the channel you would like to watch.

     A wide range of events take place in the UCD Global Lounge. For information on
     using the UCD Global Lounge or to view upcoming events, check out our website,
     Facebook, and Twitter pages.

     Opening hours: (during term)
     Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
     Saturday: 14:00 - 18:00
     Sunday: Closed (excluding September)



     Get Involved in UCD Life                                                     UCD Erasmus Student Network
     There are over 100 clubs and societies registered with the Students’         Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is a non-profit international student
     Union ranging from sports to academic interests.                             organisation. Their mission is to represent international students, thus
                                                                                  provide opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development
     You can join any of these clubs and societies during Freshers’ Week
                                                                                  under the principle of Students Helping Students. Erasmus Student
     (second week of Semester 1). This is a very important aspect of student
                                                                                  Network UCD was established in 2006 by Irish students who had
     life in the university. Joining clubs and societies is a great way to meet
                                                                                  returned from their exchange experience.
     people in UCD - and most sports clubs cater for beginners. There are
     opportunities to join clubs and sports societies during Refreshers Week      ESN run trips, social events, language tandems and lots of other
     in Semester 2 also!                                                          activities. ESN is a great place to meet new friends both international
                                                                                  and Irish. Their aim is to ensure students get as much out of the
     For further information visit:
                                                                                  exchange experience in every way possible.
     UCD International Students’                                                     @esn_ucd
     Society                                                                         hello@ucdesn.org
     The UCD International Students’ Society organises social and cultural
     events throughout the year. It is open to both international and Irish           www.esnireland.com
     students, with the aim of encouraging integration and creating an
     atmosphere from which all students will benefit.
     UCDISS organize free coffee afternoons, diverse events, and discounted
     trips around Ireland & the UK. All nationalities including Irish are
     welcome. ISS is the 4th largest society in UCD with over 2000
     members. ISS is your opportunity to meet new people from all over
     the globe and the society is as much about you as it is about the ISS

                                        UCD Dance Society

    I joined about ten societies when I first got to UCD (and used
    that for the free food events, covering the two euro charge
    alone), but there are two that I really recommend joining
    because they are the ones I ended up sticking around for: LitSoc
    and GameSoc. Every night of the week, there is a GameSoc
    event where you can play games and meet people. LitSoc has
    a writer’s group that meets once a week (along with other          www.societies.ucd.ie
    events). Between those two, I had a full social calendar.”
    Blake Oliver

        UCD Volunteers Overseas is a charitable                              Applications for the UCDVO
                                                                             Programme open online via the
        organisation which offers students, staff                            website in September each year and following an interview
                                                                             process, places are offered to successful candidates by mid-
        and alumni of University College Dublin                              November. Each volunteer has a fundraising target of €2,650
        the opportunity to engage in a year-long                             which must be reached before travelling in June. These funds
                                                                             support the volunteers’ participation costs as well as the project
        Volunteering and Development Education                               implementation.

        Programme.                                                                I think VO is about creating an alternative
                                                                                  and much more real image of the developing
        Throughout the Programme, volunteers take part in a series of             world. However, even more so I believe VO is
        development education workshops, health and safety training               a challenge, a challenge in asking you what
        and team-building activities while also carrying out their own
                                                                                  will you do with this. How will this experience
        individual fundraising throughout the year. Overseas placements
        are for four weeks and normally take place from mid/end of June           shape what you do, at home in Ireland and in
        to mid/end of July. On return from overseas, volunteers take part         the world? Will those wonderful people you
        in a debriefing course, including both operational and personal           met and the challenges of that place you loved
        debriefing.                                                               remain in your mind?”
        UCDVO currently has partnerships with organisations in                    - Róisín O'Donnell, Morogoro, Tanzania 2017
        India, Haiti, Nicaragua, Tanzania, and Uganda and work in the

        areas of education, infrastructure, healthcare and community              To use fingers as forks, to calm a class of a hundred
        development. Volunteers work alongside local communities in               and twenty five, to squat and not to sit, to fix a
        carrying out small-scale development projects in response to local
                                                                                  rusty bicycle chain on a dusty orange track under
                                                                                  the pressure of dozens of giddily amused, wide

        UCDVO offers a wide range of opportunities for returned                   eyed kids. Pure learning from sun up to sun down."
        volunteers to build on their learning from the Programme and
        further actively engage in development education activities.               - Kevin Byrne, Ruaha, Tanzania 2017
        Returned volunteers and the wider UCD community can take part
        in the Be The Change Course (an introduction to activism course),
        the Skills in Development Education course (a course which equips
        participants with the skills to facilitate development education
        workshops), attend the UCDVO annual conference (Semester 1),
        attend the UCDVO Development Education Film Series (Semester
        2) or take part in events run as part of the UCD Festival.

24 24
    Personal development is a term
    that’s meaning can be elusive.
    It’s not quantifiable, it’s not even
    definable. It’s easy to talk about
    but it’s hard to live out. We all
    have moments of enlightenment
    that come and go, that ebb and
    flow, but it’s hard to consolidate
    these moments into something

    lasting and positive. Hard, but not
    impossible. Personal development,
    I now recognise, is nothing more
    than a collection of experiences
    bound together as a change, large
    or small, in the way one views life
    and indeed the way one lives life.
    Experience manifest.”
    - Kevin Byrne, Ruaha, Tanzania 2017

    For more information please visit:
        Website: www.ucdvo.org
       Facebook: ucdvo
        Twitter: @ucdvo
    UCD Volunteers Overseas
    UCD International
    Gerard Manley Hopkins Centre
    University College Dublin
    Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
        +353 1 716 8570

     Everyday Life                                  Language                                       English Language
     Cultural Adjustment                            English                                        Courses
     Moving to a new country is exciting but        English is the common language in Ireland.     The UCD Applied Language Centre (ALC)
     it can also be quite stressful. Moving to a    Accents differ from county to county and       provides a range of programmes for
     new country, away from friends and family,     even different areas of Dublin. If you don’t   students. They have programmes suitable
     and to a new culture can sometimes cause       understand what someone is saying, or if       for students who require an intensive
     students to feel homesick or upset. It is      you find a person is speaking too quickly,     period of English language preparation
     also important to note that these feelings     just explain to them that you are having       for students who have already met the
     may not affect you straight away and may       difficulty understanding and ask them          conditions of entry but wish to improve
     only set in after the hype of orientation      politely to speak a little slower!             their proficiency. Foreign language electives
     week has worn off. If you are finding the                                                     are offered for students in 10 different
     experience hard initially there are supports                                                  languages at various levels of ability.
                                                    Irish (Gaeilge)
     available in UCD such as the International                                                       www.ucd.ie/alc/programmes/flm/
     Office, Student Advisers, Students’ Union      Irish is a Celtic language which was spoken
     and Counselling services here to help. (See    countrywide until the middle of the                alc@ucd.ie
     section 6. International Student Support)      nineteenth century. Today, Irish is spoken
                                                    in the Gaeltacht (Irish-speaking) areas and
                                                    is an official language of the EU. It is not   Day to Day Living
                                                    spoken very widely in Dublin though many
                                                    Irish people are now taking a new interest     Currency
                                                    in learning it.                                The official currency of Ireland is the Euro
                                                    If you are interested in learning a cúpla      (€). One euro is equivalent to 100 cent.
                                                    focail (couple of words) in Irish contact      Coins come in 1c, 2c, 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c,
                                                    UCD’s Bord na Gaeilge.                         €1, and €2 denominations. To convert the
                                                                                                   currency of your country into Euro, visit:
                                                                                                   Food & Cooking for Yourself
                                                                                                   If you are cooking for yourself, you will
                                                                                                   find all of the basic foods in the main
                                                                                                   supermarkets such as:

                                                                                                   –– Tesco: www.tesco.ie
                                                                                                   –– Dunnes Stores: www.dunnesstores.com
                                                                                                   –– SuperValu: https://supervalu.ie
                                                                                                   –– Centra: https://centra.ie
                                                                                                   –– Aldi: www.aldi.ie
                                                                                                   –– Lidl: www.lidl.ie
                                                                                                   These are located all around Dublin and
                                                                                                   you should have a number of options
                                                                                                   in your locality. Some of them
                                                                                                   provide delivery services. Lidl and
                                                                                                   Aldi are popular with students due
                                                                                                   to their low prices. Check out the
                                                                                                   websites for more information
                                                                                                   and locations.

Cost of Living                                  Mobile Phones                                   Gardaí
The UCD International Office has given          You may want to buy a mobile phone when         The police in Ireland are called ‘Garda
estimates of expenses for living in Dublin      you come to Ireland. We would advise you        Síochána’ or for short ‘Garda’ (pronounced
which you can find here:                        to compare the cost of a ‘pay as you go’        ‘gar-da’), plural ‘Gardaí’ (pronounced
                                                mobile phone and a phone with a monthly         ‘gardee’). They patrol the streets on foot,
                                                bill as well as SIM only plans if you wish to   on bicycles, and in cars, and are unarmed.
                                                keep your current phone, though you may         They are very helpful and can be asked
                                                need to get your phone unlocked to take an      for assistance if you are lost and in need
                                                Irish network.                                  of directions, or have encountered any
 EVERYDAY ITEMS                                                                                 trouble. There is a Garda Office located on
                                                Phones can be purchased in the shop
                                                                                                UCD Campus. The nearest Garda station to
                                                or online, and each website gives you a
 Milk (1 litre):                        €1.00                                                   Belfield is located in Donnybrook opposite
                                                store locator. If you purchase a ‘pay as
                                                                                                the Bank of Ireland. For further information
 Loaf of bread:                         €1.50   you go’ mobile phone you can buy credit
                                                                                                go to:
                                                in newsagents. Once you open a bank
 Butter (454g)                         €2.99    account you can also buy credit at the             www.garda.ie
 Sugar (1kg)                            €1.50   ATM, or online using Internet banking.
 Coffee (200g):                        €4.50
 Tea (40 bags):                         €2.25

The Competition and Consumer Protection
Commission has an easy and useful
spending and budget calculators that can be
used to budget your finances:

Dublin Social Life                             Working in Dublin                             PPS Number
     Dublin is a cultural and social hotspot with   Entitlement to Work (Casual                   PPSN applications will only be accepted
     something to do and places to go to suit       Employment)                                   with a pre-booked appointment from
     every tastes! There are lots of amenities                                                    the Department of Social Protection.
                                                    Students who are attending a full-time
     such as cinemas, theatres, cafés and                                                         Appointments can be made online at
                                                    course of one year’s duration or more are
     restaurants. The Visit Dublin app is very
                                                    entitled to seek employment on a casual          www.mywelfare.ie
     useful for finding out what is going on
                                                    basis. Casual employment means you can
     around the city:                                                                             Before arriving for your appointment,
                                                    work for 20 hours per week during term
        www.visitdublin.com/home/                   time or full-time (up to 40 hours) during     please ensure you have been allocated
                                                    June, July, August and September, and         a date, time, and desk number. Without
     University Events                              also from 15th December to 15th January       these you may not have a valid
     Make sure to stay connected to UCD             inclusive.                                    appointment.
     International Facebook page for events         One semester (non-EU) students cannot         You need to provide the following:
     taking place at the Global Lounge.             seek employment.
                                                                                                  –– Passport
     For general university events, check with      EU/EEA students are entitled to work in
     UCD Ents, UCD Societies, the International                                                   –– Proof of Address (utility bill in your name,
                                                    Ireland without an IRP card or work permit.      bank statement, or UCD Certificate of
     Students’ Society, ESN, the Students’
     Union, and on the noticeboards around                                                           Attendance. See www.ucd.ie/students/
     UCD campus.                                                                                     studentdesk/onlinedocuments.html).
                                                                                                  –– Evidence as to why a PPS number is
                                                                                                     required (e.g. scholarship, job offer). Please
                                                                                                     note that seeking employment is not
                                                                                                     accepted as evidence of requirement.

Volunteer Work                                Employment
Many students like to work in voluntary
organisations during their stay in Ireland.
                                                                                               Definitely do
Students choose to volunteer through UCD      There are many websites which cater              everything you can
Clubs and Societies such as:                  to specific searches for jobs. These sites       in Dublin and in
                                              give tips on how to apply for jobs and           Ireland in general.
–– UCDVO (see section 11. UCDVO)              help you to build a CV. The UCD Career
                                                                                               Whether it’s the
–– UCD Saint Vincent De Paul                  Development Centre provides a great range
                                              of services to help you get a job.               Guinness storehouse,
                                                                                               Christchurch Cathedral,
–– UCD ISS                                    � www.ucd.ie/careers                             or Sandymount Beach,
–– Relay for Life and many more               � www.monster.ie                                 It’s such an incredible
Extensive information on volunteering can                                                      country that offers so
be found via:                                 � www.jobs.ie
                                                                                               much to people who
   www.volunteer.ie                           � www.irishjobs.ie
                                                                                               live here and that’s
                                                                                               what I love about it! I
                                              UCDSU Job Listings:                              still go into Dublin all
                                                 www.ucdsu.ie/welfare/jobs                     the time and it never
                                                                                               gets old for me because
                                                 Facebook: UCDSU Job Listings
                                                                                               I always find a new
                                                                                               hidden bar, or a place
                                                                                               I haven’t previously
                                                                                               been. Hit Kilkenny,
                                                                                               Cobh, Cliffs of Moher,
                                                                                               Kinsale, Galway and
                                                                                               Cork when you have
                                                                                               the chance to do so. It’s
                                                                                               so much fun to explore
                                                                                               Irish cottages that are
                                                                                               a bit kept away from
                                                                                               everything else. Castles
                                                                                               and pubs are great
                                                                                               too! They can be found
                                                                                               anywhere in any city or
                                                                                                Sydney Turner

                                                                                               Kilmainham Gaol is one
                                                                                               of my favorite spots,
                                                                                               and also go to a GAA
                                                                                               match at Croke Park
                                                                                               or a Rugby or Football
                                                                                               match at Aviva Stadium
                                                                                               and grab pre-drinks
                                                                                               at a pub close to the
                                                                                               Miesha Roberts

     Buses from City                                   Luas                                               Taxis from Dublin
     Centre to UCD                                     The Luas is the name of the Dublin City
                                                       Tram-Service, operating on two tramlines.
     Dublin Bus runs all public bus services in the    The Green Line connects Brides Glen to St.         If you arrive in the airport after 20:00,
     greater Dublin area.                              Stephen’s Green and trams run every 3-6            you should take a taxi to your destination.
                                                       minutes during peak times. The Red Line            A taxi from the airport to the city centre
     Please note that Dublin Bus operates an
                                                       connects Tallaght and Saggart to the 3 Arena       costs approximately €25 and an additional
     exact fare system and the driver does not
                                                       and Connolly Station and trams run every           €15 from the city centre to UCD, Belfield.
     give change if exact fare is not given. You can
                                                       3-5 minutes during peak times. Please note         Taxi drivers may add extra charges for each
     pay for the bus using coins or your Student
                                                       that the Green Line and Red Line currently do      passenger and for luggage. If staying on
     Leapcard (details below).
                                                       not directly connect however the Abbey St.         the Belfield campus, you should advise taxi
                                                       Stop on the Red Line sits between the Green        drivers to enter the campus via the Fosters
     Bus routes directly servicing UCD
                                                       line stops of O’Connell GPO (northbound            Avenue entrance. The student residences are
                                                       line) and Marlborough (southbound line).           signposted.
     1 Santry (Shanard Rd) Towards Sandymount          The Student Travelcard is valid on the Luas.
     (St. John’s Church)                               For more information regarding fares and
     11 Wadelai Park towards Sandyford Business        operating times please see their website:
     District                                              www.luas.ie
     17 Rialto to Blackrock
     25x Lucan to UCD Belfield                         Taxis in Dublin
     27x Clare Hall to UCD Belfield                    Taxis are available in all cities throughout
                                                       Ireland at hotels, rail stations, bus stations,
     32x UCD Belfield to Malahide                      and taxi ranks which are clearly marked. If a
     39a UCD Belfield towards Ongar                    taxi is ordered, there may be a pickup charge.
                                                       Many taxi firms operate via a free app for
     41x UCD Belfield Towards Knocksedan               convenience such as Mytaxi - NRC - Lynk
     46a Phoenix Park towards Dún Laoighaire           Transport for Ireland has developed a new
     47 Poolbeg St. to Belarmine                       app called Taxi Driver Check. This app helps
                                                       you verify who your driver is and their
     51x Dunawley to UCD Belfield                      credentials. There is also the facility to email
     66x Maynooth to UCD Belfield                      a friend with trip details:

     67x Celbridge to UCD Belfield                        www.transportforireland.ie/taxi/
     77x Citywest to UCD Belfield
     84x Hawkins ST towards Newcastle/Kilcoole
     142 Portmarnock to UCD Belfield
     145 Ballywaltrim to Heuston Station

     –– Timetables of the buses serving UCD
        are available on the website www.
     –– Use the free Dublin Bus App, to get
        real-time departure information by stop
        number, route, address or GPS position.
     –– For information on transport options,
        interactive maps, directions, and
        estimates of cost and duration of travel
        we recommend the following websites/
     –– Transport for Ireland (www.
     –– Hit The Road website or app (www.


Dublin Bikes                                                               Buses from Dublin Airport to City
     Dublin Bikes is a self-service bike rental system that enables you to
     travel through the city centre, commute, and get out and about to
     enjoy Dublin city at your leisure. Stations are scattered throughout the   Dublin Airport is 10 km north of the city centre. Aircoach is a private
     city and over 100 locations. All stations are equipped for Long Term       bus service from Dublin Airport to the city centre and to destinations
     Hire Card and 3 Day Ticket users.                                          south of the River Liffey. The recommended route is the Leopardstown
                                                                                route which passes by the main entrance to UCD on the Stillorgan
     Subscription Fees                                                          Road.
     Annual card €25                                                            For UCD Belfield campus please depart the Aircoach at the UCD Slip
     3 day ticket €5                                                            Road stop. If you are staying in Blackrock residences you can take the
                                                                                Leopardstown Aircoach to UCD and then take a taxi to Blackrock. This
     Bike Hire Fees                                                             will cost €10 or less. For full details and the route map please see the
                                                                                Aircoach website.
     First ½ Hour : free
     1 hour : €0.50
     2 hours : €1.50                                                               Don’t forget that we offer an
     3 hours : €3.50                                                               Airport Welcome for UCD Incoming
                                                                                   International Students!
     4 hours : €6.50
                                                                                   When you arrive in the airport look
     Every extra ½ Hour : €2                                                       for members of the team who will be
         www.dublinbikes.ie                                                        wearing distinctive UCD t-shirts. They
                                                                                   will direct you to the UCD booth. The
                                                                                   team will be on hand to answer any
     DART (Dublin Area Rapid Transit)                                              questions and assist you with your
                                                                                   transfer to UCD. This service is offered
     The train service in Dublin city is known as the DART (Dublin Area Rapid
                                                                                   at specified times and dates which may
     Transit). It runs along the coast from Howth in the north of Dublin to
                                                                                   be subject to change.
     Greystones near the south.
                                                                                   For more information about our Airport
     The nearest station to UCD Belfield is Sydney Parade – the number
                                                                                   Welcome please see our website:
     47 bus can then be taken to Belfield. Alternatively, a new shuttle
     bus service between UCD and Sydney Parade Dart Station is now in                  www.ucd.ie/international/
     operation between the hours of 8am to 10am, and from 4pm to 6pm.                  study-at-ucd-global/coming-
     This service operates Monday to Friday excluding Bank Holidays with a             to-ireland/orientation
     charge of €1 per trip.
     From the campus the shuttle bus departs from the O’Reilly Hall car
     park, adjacent to the School of Veterinary Sciences Centre.
     The nearest station to Blackrock Campus is Blackrock Station.

Ferry Terminals                                                            Student Travelcard / Student
Sea ferries operate between France and Ireland, and Britain and Ireland.
Dublin has two ferry terminals, located at the North Wall and Dun
                                                                           Leap Card
Laoghaire.                                                                 Student Travelcard offers discounts with Irish Rail, Dublin Bus, DART,
                                                                           LUAS, Bus Éireann and other carriers. Your Leap Card can also be used
                                                                           for travel on bus services including Airlink, Xpresso and Nitelink.
Driving Licence                                                            If you are enrolled full-time at UCD, you can purchase a Student Travel
If your driving licence is issued by an EU/EEA member state you can        Leap Card. The card costs €10.00 from on campus agents.
drive in Ireland provided that your current licence is valid.
                                                                           You can Top-Up your Student Travel Card in over 400 agents
If you are not from within an EU/EEA member state and you possess          throughout Dublin as well as at all Luas, DART and Commuter Rail
a national driving licence or an international driving permit from your    ticket machines in the ‘Short Hop Zone’. On Belfield campus you can
own country, you are permitted to drive in Ireland for the duration of     do that in Centra or the Student Union Shop. Alternatively you can
your temporary visit (up to 12 months). However, if you plan on staying    Top-Up online at:
in Ireland for longer than 12 months you must apply for an Irish driving
                                                                           Electronic ticketing on Dublin Bus: The Student Travel Leap Card will
For further information, visit:
                                                                           allow you to travel for unlimited number of times on Dublin Bus for 5
   www.ndls.ie                                                             or 30 non-consecutive days, depending on the Rambler purchased. 5
                                                                           Day Rambler Student tickets and 30 Day Rambler Student tickets cost
                                                                           €22.90 and €114.50 respectively, which is 27% cheaper than travelling
                                                                           without a card for 30 days (29% cheaper for 5 days).
                                                                           A price cap has been introduced for regular Student Leap Card users.
                                                                           For students the maximum daily cap is €5.00, the weekly cap is €20.
                                                                           Once you hit the Cap value you can continue as normal, but at no
                                                                           cost, no matter whether you have been using Dublin Bus, Luas, Dart or
                                                                           Commuter rail.
                                                                           To get your Student Travel Card in UCD go to the reception desk in the
                                                                           UCD Student Centre or apply online:


     Accommodation Office                      UCD Registry                               Belgrove Accommodation Office
     UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4.                  Student Desk
                                                                                          UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
        +353 1 716 1031                        Tierney (Administration) Building,
                                                                                             +353 1 716 8777
        +353 1 716 1154                        UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4.
                                                                                             +353 1 716 1154
        residences@ucd.ie                         +353 1 716 1555                            residences@ucd.ie
     Admissions Office                            www.ucd.ie/registry                     Blackrock Accommodation Office
     Student Desk
                                                                                          UCD, Carysfort Avenue, Blackrock, Co
     Tierney (Administration) Building, UCD,                                              Dublin, Ireland.
     Belfield, Dublin 4.                       Student Health Service
                                                                                             +353 1 716 8807
        +353 1 716 1555                        Student Centre, UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4.      +353 1 716 8072
        admissions@ucd.ie                                                                    blackrock.residence@ucd.ie
                                                  +353 1 716 3134
        www.myucd.ie                              +353 1 716 3145
                                                                                          Proby Accommodation Office
                                               Students Union                             UCD, Carysfort Avenue, Blackrock,
     Assessment and Logistics Unit                                                        Co. Dublin
     (Examinations)                            Student Centre, UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4.
     Student Desk                                                                            +353 1 716 8807
                                                 +353 1 716 3108
                                                                                            : +353 1 716 8072
     Tierney (Administration) Building, UCD,      info@ucdsu.ie
     Belfield, Dublin 4.
       +353 1 716 1555                         Merville Accommodation Office
        assessment@ucd.ie                                                                 Main UCD Website:
                                               UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.          www.ucd.ie
                                                  +353 1 716 1008
     Fees and Grants Office                       +353 1 716 1154
     Student Desk                                                                         UCD Library:
     Tierney (Administration) Building,
     UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4.
                                               Roebuck Hall Accommodation Office
       +353 1 716 1555                                                                    Student Information System:
                                               UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.             https://sisweb.ucd.ie
                                                  +353 1 716 1005
     UCD Graduate Studies                         +353 1 716 1154
                                                  residences@ucd.ie                       Applied Language Centre:
     Tierney Building,                                                                       www.ucd.ie/alc
     Room 014,
     UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4.
                                               Glenomena Accommodation Office
        +353 1 716 4043
        graduatestudies@ucd.ie                 UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
        www.ucd.ie/graduatestudies                +353 1 716 1030
                                                  +353 1 716 1154

TOP 1%
UCD International
Gerard Manley Hopkins Centre,
University College Dublin,
Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.

   +353 1 716 8500
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