UFS Coastal Application: An Overview and Update - DTC

UFS Coastal Application: An Overview and Update - DTC
UFS Coastal Application:
              An Overview and Update
             JULY 27, 2020
WEATHER      Presenter: Andre van der Westhuysen, IMSG at NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC
SERVICE      Patrick Burke, NOAA/NOS; Derrick Snowden, NOAA/NOS; Shachak Peeri, NOAA/NOS

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UFS Coastal Application: An Overview and Update - DTC
 • Coastal processes and application areas (2D vs. 3D)
 • Modeling framework
 • Major applications
     - NUOPC Cap development
     - Example results
 • Summary and Outlook

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UFS Coastal Application: An Overview and Update - DTC
Storm surge applications (2D approach)
             Wave-surge coupling                                       Compound flooding                                       Wave/Surge-Ice

FrankPearson at English Wikipedia - Transferred from en.wikipedia to   AP Photo/U.S. Coast Guard, Petty Officer
Commons by chris_j_wood., Public Domain,                               2nd Class Kyle Niemi, Public Domain,
                                                                       https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?    U.S. National Park Service, Public Domain, https://
https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4885372                curid=3899195                                 commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6722103

  Forecaster                     - High horizontal resolution O(50-100m) to capture spatial scale physics.
  Requirements:                  - Resolution of federal v/s non-federal levees and other sub-grid scale features.
                                 - Probabilistic approach to capture uncertainty in atmospheric forcing (tropical).
                                 - Operational turn-around time of
UFS Coastal Application: An Overview and Update - DTC
Beyond the Ocean as an Atmospheric boundary condition:
       Application areas served by ocean predictions (3D approaches)
         Emergency                                Precision                          Water Quality                                     Stock
         Response                                 Navigation                    (Ecological Forecasting)                            Assessments

                                          NOAA Center for Operational            Jesse Allen and Robert Simmon -         Jim and Becca Wicks - Snap of Snapper!, CC BY 2.0,
NOAA Office of Response and Restoration   Oceanographic Products and Services    NASA Earth Observatory                  https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2760939

Challenge: Support diverse array of NOAA mission needs

Forecaster requirements: - Provide predictive information for full 3D ocean, US coastlines, and
                           Great Lakes (potential nesting strategy).
                         - Application will define model choice(s), spatial and temporal resolution,
                           validation metrics, and operational turn-around time.
                         - Bias correction (DA).

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UFS Coastal Application: An Overview and Update - DTC
Modeling framework
                                                        Sea Ice Model

* Future inclusion for surge-ice and wave-ice effects
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UFS Coastal Application: An Overview and Update - DTC
Major applications
•    COASTAL Act (NWS, NOS): 2D Surge-Wave-River (Hindcast)
•    ADCIRC-WW3-Holland B (HSUP, NOS): 2D Surge-Wave (Ensemble)
•    NWM-ADCIRC-WW3 (HSUP, OWP): 2D Surge-Wave-River

•    NWM-FVCOM-WW3 (IJC, GLERL): 3D Circulation-Wave-River
•    FVCOM-WW3-CICE (GLERL): 3D Circulation-Wave-Ice (Planned)
•    ROMS (NOS, Rutgers, NESDIS): 3D Circulation - 4DVar
•    WRF/ROMS Coupling (NOS, NC State): 3D Circulation-Ocean-River

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UFS Coastal Application: An Overview and Update - DTC
Supporting NUOPC cap development
• Unstructured WW3 numerically optimized for
  coastal application (implicit scheme, domain
  decomposition parallelization).

• Existing WW3 NUOPC cap extended for
  unstructured triangular mesh support.

• NUOPC cap written for ADCIRC (unstructured

• NUOPC cap written for atmospheric data input
  (unstructured mesh).

• NUOPC cap for NWM currently being finalized.   ADCIRC/WW3
                                                 unstructured mesh
• NUOPC cap for WRF/ROMS with 4D-Var DA.         cell sizes

• NUOPC cap for FVCOM in development (NOS,
                                                                                Abdolali et al. (2020)

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UFS Coastal Application: An Overview and Update - DTC
COASTAL Act Named Storm Model (NWS, NOS)
• An ADCIRC-WW3 application                                     Driver
  in NUOPC/NEMS, for high-
  resolution hindcast application                                                   Data cap:
  (post-storm assessments).                  Model:
                                                                   Wind,           HWRF/URMA/
                                             NWM                                      LES
• One-way atmospheric forcing
  from gridded data file (from                         WL,
                                     Dis-                                          Wind
  HWRF/URMA/LES models)                               Current
• Two-way exchange between                                      Water level,
  ADCIRC and WW3 models                  Model:                                      Model:
• To include river discharge             ADCIRC                                      WW3
  from NWM                                                       Radiation

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UFS Coastal Application: An Overview and Update - DTC
Sign Wave Height (Hs)

                                                           ∆Hs: Coupled - Stand Alone WW3

Ike (2008)                Galveston Bay detail

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UFS Coastal Application: An Overview and Update - DTC
• An ADCIRC-WW3 forecast
  application in NUOPC/NEMS.                      Driver
• One-way atmospheric forcing         Data cap:                        Holland B
  from parametric Holland B              RTOFS        Wind,           (Best Track
                                                     Pressure            data)
  model (from best track data).
• Two-way exchange between         Barocl.                          Wind
  ADCIRC and WW3 models.
                                                  Water level,
• One-way forcing from RTOFS                       Current
  data cap, to account for              Model:                        Model:
                                        ADCIRC                        WW3
  baroclinic effects.
• Run with ensemble members.                        stress

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• Three-way exchange between                                Driver
  models, for forecast
  application.                           Model:                                Data cap:
                                         NWM                                   GFS/HWRF
• One-way atmospheric forcing
  from gridded data file                           WL,
                                 Dis-                                         Wind
  (GFS/HWRF).                                     Current
• Potential application in                                  Water level,
  NUOPC/NEMS.                        Model:                                     Model:
                                     ADCIRC                                     WW3

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International Joint Commission Lake
Champlain Forecasting System
• Real-time flood forecasting for the                  Driver
  Lake Champlain-Richelieu River
  basin.                                    Model:                        Data cap:
                                            NWM                              HRRR
• NWM providing inflows to the                           Pressure
  hydrodynamic model.
• FVCOM to predict lake levels and      Discharge                        Wind
  circulation, accounting for
  hydrologic inflows and wind                          Water level,
  effects.                                              Current
                                             Model:                        Model:
• WW3 component to predict the               FVCOM                         WW3
  effects of wind waves on
                                                       3D radiation
  circulation, flooding, and run-up.                  stress, Mixing

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West Coast Operational Forecast System
• Phase 1: IOOS COMT project is
  transitioning to become NOS’s first data
  assimilative ocean model (ROMS with
• Operations transition complete: Feb 3
• First data assimilative ocean model in
  the NOS portfolio: SSH, SST, high-freq
                                             •   Phase 1 operational model focusing on the
• Phase 2: Extensive outreach and                physics/hydrodynamics (OCS + CO-OPS)
  extension to biogeochemistry and           •   Phase 2 research into Biogeochemistry and
                                                 fisheries applications (coordination with
  ecosystems.                                    NMFS and GFDL to be planned)

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WRF/ROMS Coupling: Ocean-River (HSUP)

                       Salinity    Salinity
      St. Johns
      River, FL

                      Salinity     Salinity


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IOOS Coastal Ocean Modeling Testbed
Mission: To use applied research and development to accelerate the transition of scientific and
technical advances from the coastal ocean modeling research community to improved operational
ocean products and services (i.e. via research to operations and also operations to research).

  2018 – 2021 Themes                        •   6 projects; 3 years
  •   Coastal Coupling with                 •   Readiness Levels: 4-6 -> Advance 2
      National Water Model                      steps over the course of the project
  •   Ecoforecasting                        •   Community development plus
  •   Enhancements to the                       stakeholder engagement (Science PI
      NOS OFS portfolio                         and Transition PI)

Focusing on transition of research to operations; other testbeds prioritize more rigorous
testing of forecast improvement.

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Summary and Outlook
1.   Various UFS coupling projects underway in the coastal realm.
2.   For storm surge: Need for high-resolution (
Summary and Outlook (2)
6.   Further coordination needed across NOAA to finalize Coastal Application
     Team representation and scope, i.e. Inundation (2D) and Coastal
     Processes (3D).
7.   Recognition of additional coastal models within UFS modeling framework to
     support NOAA mission needs.
8.   Development of a 3D ocean modeling strategy that describes how NOAA
     will support the temporal and spatial scales required to effectively fulfill
     NOAA’s diverse missions in a changing climate.
9.   Integrate existing and emerging data assimilation capabilities into Marine
10. Align NOAA operational oceanographic enterprise with GODAE
    OceanPredict US activities.

NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE                                Building a Weather-Ready Nation // 17
  Abdolali, A., Roland, A., van der Westhuysen, A., Meixner, J., Chawla, A., Hesser, T. J., Smith, J. M., & Sikiric, M. D. (2020).
    Large-scale hurricane modeling using domain decomposition parallelization and implicit scheme implemented in
    WAVEWATCH III wave model. Coastal Engineering, 157, 103656. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2020.103656.

  Moghimi, S., A. Van der Westhuysen, A. Abdolali, E. Myers, S. Vinogradov, Z. Ma, F. Liu, A. Mehra, N. Kurkowski.
    Development of an ESMF Based Flexible Coupling Application of ADCIRC and WAVEWATCH III for High Fidelity Coastal
    Inundation Studies. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, 308. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse8050308

  Moghimi, S., S. Vinogradov, E. Myers, Y. Funakoshi, A.J. Van der Westhuysen, A. Abdolali, Z. Ma, F. Liu. Development of a
    Flexible Coupling Interface for ADCIRC Model for Coastal Inundation Studies. NOAA technical memorandum, NOS CS
    41, 2019, doi: doi.org/10.25923/akzc-kc14.

  Moghimi, S., E. Myers, S. Vinogradov, B. Trimble, J. Zhang, F. Ye, J. Calzada, A. Van der Westhuysen, Y. Funakoshi, R.
    Bakhtyar, K. Maitaria, A. Abdolali, D. Rosen, C. Lemmen (2020), A flexible infrastructure for coastal ocean and inland
    hydrology models coupling, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, 16-21 February 2020 in San Diego, CA, USA, 2020.

  Moghimi, S., E.P. Myers, S.V. Vinogradov, A.J. Van der Westhuysen, A. Abdolali, L. Shi, Z. Ma, A. Chawla, H. Mashriqui, T.
    Flowers, N. Kurkowski. Application of ESMF/NUOPC Coupled Framework for Total Water Level Studies. In AGU fall
    meeting 2018, DC, USA, 2018.

  Moghimi, S.,S. Vinogradov, E. Myers, A. Van der Westhuysen, Y. Funakoshi, F. Liu and C. Massey. Effects of waves on
    storm surge inundation using flexible coupling framework. In Coastal Ocean Modeling - Gordon Research Conference,
    Maine, USA, 2017.

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Additional projects
   NOAA Climate and Fisheries Initiative
   Great Lakes Ice
   Lake Erie HAB Forecast
   COMT Project: WCOFS Phase 2 - includes biogeochemical module
   COMT Project: Salish Sea OFS
   COMT Project: Northeast Coastal Ocean Forecast System (NECOFS)
    (Ocean-NWM coupling)

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