UNIVERSITY CHARTER SCHOOL - Parent Orientation 2021-2022 Innovators. Leaders. Trailblazers.

Page created by Wendy Phillips
UNIVERSITY CHARTER SCHOOL - Parent Orientation 2021-2022 Innovators. Leaders. Trailblazers.
Parent Orientation

UNIVERSITY CHARTER SCHOOL - Parent Orientation 2021-2022 Innovators. Leaders. Trailblazers.
UCS Leadership Team

  Dr. JJ Wedgworth           Ginger Lusty
                                               Dr. Matt Johnson    Leslie Gibbs
Chief Executive Officer/     Chief School
                                               Chief Academic     Chief Operating
    Head of School         Financial Officer
                                                    Officer           Officer
UNIVERSITY CHARTER SCHOOL - Parent Orientation 2021-2022 Innovators. Leaders. Trailblazers.
UCS Leadership Team

   Meghan Dunn            Tonya Starks
Elementary Principal   Secondary Principal
    Grades PK-6           Grades 7-11
UNIVERSITY CHARTER SCHOOL - Parent Orientation 2021-2022 Innovators. Leaders. Trailblazers.
UCS Support Personnel

Susan Sorrells   Jana Cram      Crystal Ruffin    Kristen Beard
 Receptionist     Registrar   Counselor and 504   School Nurse
UNIVERSITY CHARTER SCHOOL - Parent Orientation 2021-2022 Innovators. Leaders. Trailblazers.
UCS Support Personnel

     Greg Hughey                                              Lisa Kaeo            Ty Washington
Technology Coordinator         Meggin Mayben          Reception (Hughes) and HR   School Resource
                         Director of Communications                                    Officer
UNIVERSITY CHARTER SCHOOL - Parent Orientation 2021-2022 Innovators. Leaders. Trailblazers.
UCS Student Support Personnel

   Ashia Winston                  Kimberly Campbell
Mental Health Services           After School Director
UNIVERSITY CHARTER SCHOOL - Parent Orientation 2021-2022 Innovators. Leaders. Trailblazers.
UCS Board of Directors

Mickey Smith         Anthony Crear      Veronica Triplett
 President           Vice President        Treasurer
UNIVERSITY CHARTER SCHOOL - Parent Orientation 2021-2022 Innovators. Leaders. Trailblazers.
UCS Board of Directors

Kyle Edmonds         Dr. Natasha Satcher   Mike Davis
UNIVERSITY CHARTER SCHOOL - Parent Orientation 2021-2022 Innovators. Leaders. Trailblazers.
UCS Board of Directors

Colin McRae              Dr. Jan Miller
UNIVERSITY CHARTER SCHOOL - Parent Orientation 2021-2022 Innovators. Leaders. Trailblazers.
UCS Faculty and Staff

●   UCS released a BRAND NEW website on August

    19, 2020


●   This Parent Orientation presentation will be

    available on our website, as well as many other


●   The website is in the process of being updated

    with this year’s content, but please check back!
Presentation Topics

             UCS 101: Who we are!
Updated Student Handbook & School Operations
           Curriculum and Instruction
   Athletics and Extracurricular Opportunities
     UCS STREAM After School Program
       Parent Teacher Association - PTA
             How to Ask Questions?
●  PUBLIC School, Open Enrollment, Tuition Free
                           ● Flexibility with governance and operation
                        ● Allows for innovation and personalized learning
                                  ● Unique learning experiences
                           ● Increased accountability in exchange for
                                         flexibility in operations

What is a charter          ● Charter schools are held accountable to
                            academic achievement and are expected to be

school?                        more proficient than other local and state
                            ● State and Federal funding is similar to
                            traditional district schools and local funding is
How is UCS different?          limited due to the structure of the charter
                                                school law
                        ● Attendance is very important to all students and
                             uniquely important for start-up charter school
                                  students from a funding perspective!
                         ● UCS opened in 2018 as a PK-8 school serving
                           ~300 students. This year, we anticipate to open
                               as a PK-11 school serving ~604 students.
                          ● UCS will grow to be a PK-12 school in 2022.
State Report Card Categories
                              Academic Performance -- 40%
                                Academic Growth -- 50%
                                   Attendance -- 10%

Accountability     UCS must perform 10% higher academically when
                 compared to other local school systems by UCS Year 5.
  for UCS
                  Attending school each and every day is of the utmost
                  importance for students individually and for UCS as a
                           whole for accountability purposes.

                   Funding is determined by the number of students in
                 seats for the first 20 days post Labor Day. As a start up
                 charter school, this funding is VERY critical to success.
UCS Mission, Vision, & Core Values

                          Mission, Vision,
                                               Core Values
The vision of UCS is to become the rural leader for producing adaptable learners that have a strong sense of place
 and mission who recognize the value of collaboration within a school, across a community, and between diverse
                                                  rural regions.


       The mission of University Charter School is to be an innovative, rural, diverse K-12 school that values
collaboration with key stakeholders to cultivate independent thought, promotes the building of character and civic
     responsibility, and is committed to preparing all students for personal and professional success through the
 discovery of individual learning pathways in a rigorous and integrated Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering,
                Arts, and Mathematics (STREAM) focused, project-based and place-based curriculum.

                                                CORE VALUES:

                                     Compassion, Integrity, Perseverance
What does it mean to be a Trailblazer?

                        Mission, Vision, Core Values
    Founding UCS students were given the very unique opportunity to brand their school by choosing their mascot
    Mascots are a very important part of an academic institution.
●   The mascot is a visual representation of a sense of belonging to something that is very unique and special.
●   UCS Trailblazers (Blazers for short) are pioneers and innovators.
●   A Trailblazer is defined as a person who makes a new track, one who blazes a trail to guide others, a person
    who makes, does, or discovers something new and makes it acceptable and popular, and a person who
    marks or prepares a trail for others to follow.
●   University Charter School is leading the way and "blazing the trail" to something new and exciting and
    successful here in rural, Sumter County and new to our state as well
●   The Trailblazer mascot displays an intrepid and courageous spirit and connects us to our rural setting.
●   Being a Trailblazer is a very important part of who you are and who we are at UCS. It gives us all (students,
    parents, teachers, administrators, community members) a sense of pride, loyalty, unity, and belonging, and
    these are feelings that will stick with us for life.
Student Handbook & School
 *UCS Parents, please review the 2021-2022 Student Handbook.
 A link will be sent to you to digitally sign acknowledging you have
       received a copy of the 2021-2022 Student Handbook.

The 2021-2022 UCS Policy Manual is located on the UCS website.
2021-2022 School Calendar
Student Handbook

It is the belief of University Charter School that regular school attendance is
  important to all students and to UCS. One of the most important things a
 parent or guardian can do for their child is to ensure that they are in school
and on time every day. Attendance in school is key to their learning, success
                     in school, and ultimately success in life.
   University Charter School students are expected to attend school daily.
Learning opportunities are missed when students are absent from school, and
                 cannot be replaced through make up work.

Returning students will receive an email soon from PowerSchool to update
contact information. It looks like re-registration, but is an important update!
Student Handbook
                          Student Attendance (On-Campus Students)

●   Students are allowed up to 10 excused absences a year with a written note from
    parent/guardian. All absences after 10 will be coded as UNEXCUSED with a physician’s note.
●   For an absence to be considered excused, documentation must be received in the central
    office within 3 days of absence. Please include your name, your child’s name, and the date
    and reason for the absence.
●   A physician must certify all health related absences of two or more consecutive days.
●   In order to be counted present, students must be in attendance for at least one-half of the
    school day. One half-day is equivalent to 11:30am. Late arrivals must be present 3.5 hours in
    the day to be counted present.
●   Students are expected to arrive to school and class on time. Reoccurring tardiness (5 or
    more) will result in disciplinary action.
●   All work missed due to an excused or unexcused absence must be completed within five
    days from the student’s return to school.
Student Handbook
Student Attendance (On-Campus Students)
Student Handbook
                                         Student Code of Conduct

●   All UCS students will be held accountable to Policy 1015: UCS Code of Conduct. Please review the policy in
    its entirety.
●   For Level 1 Violations, there is a 7 tiered response system designed to hold the students accountable. Each
    sequential offense carries an appropriate and clear consequence.
              ○ Habitual Level 1 violations (violation # 3-7) will result in referral to support staff (counselor,
                  etc.) for work detail assignments, referral to the Principal for Out of School Suspensions, and
                  referral to the HOS for long term suspensions or unenrollment depending on severity and
                  habitualness of the level 1 offense.
●   For Level 2 Violations, there is a 3 tiered response system designed to hold students accountable.
    Appropriate administrative interventions include Out of School Suspensions, long term suspensions,
    unenrollment, and/or expulsion dependending on the severity and habitualness of the level 2 offense.
●   Level 3 Major violations are those that are serious enough to require expulsion. These violations will be
    immediately reported to the Principal.
Student Handbook
Student Code of Conduct (continued)
●   In the document to the right, you will see
    the specific level 1, level 2, and level 3
●   At the bottom of the document, you will
    see the consequence for each offense.
●   For example, if a student shows
      ○   1st time - verbal warning and parent
      ○   2nd time - verbal warning and parent
      ○   3rd time - verbal warning, parent contact,
          behavior conference, and 1-day of work
      ○   4th time - verbal warning, parent contact,
          behavior conference, and 3-days of work
      ○   See document to the right for additional
          offense penalties.
Student Handbook
          Teacher Conferences                              Homework

●   Request to meet with teachers or       ●   Students may be assigned homework
                                               at the teacher’s discretion.
    administrators in advance by
                                           ●   Homework should not encompass
    contacting them via email or calling       much time outside of school.
    the main office.                       ●   Its design should be enrichment-based
●   Please reach out to your child’s           and tied to relevant content and skills.
    teacher regarding concerns first
    before bringing concerns to
●   Teachers are encouraged to reach
    out to parents frequently.
Student Handbook

                  Electronic Devices

●   Cell phones must be off/silent and stowed in the
    student’s backpack.
●   Phones are not allowed before school, in
    transitions, at lunch, or for use after school or in
●   Teachers may allow use of cell phones for
    instruction at times.
●   Parents who need to touch base with their children
    should always contact them through the UCS
    Central Office, 205-652-3848.
Student Handbook

                  School Visitors

●   Visitors must enter through the main doors of UCS.
●   Visitors must report directly to the central office.
●   Visitors must present photo identification when
    signing out a student.
●   Schedule teacher visits in advance.
●   Families may sign in to eat with children during
●   Parties should be scheduled in advance during non-
    instructional times
Student School Uniforms

●   PE uniforms will also be required for students in grades 7-10 beginning on Day 1 of school.
●   Wednesday dress uniforms will not be required until the first Wednesday after Fall Break.
    October 13th will be the first Wednesday students will be required to wear dress uniforms
    (assuming they are available from the vendor at that time).
●   Uniforms are REQUIRED daily and parents will be asked to bring a uniform for a student
    that is not in compliance with dress code.
●   The next two slides show school uniform options for girls and boys.
●   Please refer to UCS Policy 6030 for details
●   Please visit with password “ucstrailblazers”
    to shop or stop by the storefront, Uniforms & Accessories (The Liberty Shop), @ 404 22nd
    Avenue Meridian, MS 39301, Phone: (601) 693-5331
Dress Student Uniforms Options for Girls
●   Girls Dress Uniform (Wednesday ONLY)
Casual Student Uniform Options for Girls
Casual Student Uniforms for Boys
Dress Student Uniform for Boys
Arrival to School
●   Drop off times are from 7:25 - 7:45. School starts at 7:45 AM.
●   After school begins at 7:45 AM, students are considered
    tardy (at 7:46 AM, students are TARDY).
●   Tardy students will be checked in on the front porch until 8:00
    AM. After 8:00 AM, the student will need to be checked-in or
    out by a parent in the front office.
●   All students in Grades 1-6 and Grades 9-11 will be dropped off
    in front of Lyon Hall in the main drop off lane at the main
●   All students in Grade 7 and 8 will be dropped off in front of
    Hughes Gym.
●   All Pre-K and K students should be dropped off on Tutwiler
    Street side of the building (end closest to the Touch of Home
    Bakery) in front of the awning leading into their entrance/exit
●   Parents, please pull into Drop-off lane and follow the guidance
    of on-duty staff.
●   Do not allow the student to exit the vehicle any place other than
    the drop off lane.
●   All students will report directly to their classrooms.
Dismissal from School
●   Due to the shared facilities with UWA, cars may not line up prior to
    3:10 PM (or 12:50 on Wednesday).
●   Dismissal begins at approximately 3:20 (and 1:00 on Wednesdays).
●   Pre-K and K students will be picked up at the awning near the Pre-K entrance
    on Tutwiler Street. Students in Grade 1 through Grade 5 and Grades 9 & 10
    will be picked up in front of UCS at the main entrance. Students in Grades 6-8
    and Grade 11 will be picked up in front of Hughes Gym.
●   Parents with multiple children at UCS should use the carline for
    their youngest child. All siblings will be in the youngest sibling’s
●   For the 2021-2022 school year, all students will remain in their
    classrooms for dismissal.
●   As students’ rides arrive onto UCS campus, UCS staff will radio into the
    classrooms to dismiss students to await their ride at their respective
●   Students will then walk down to the drop off area to get into their car in
    the order in which it is lined up by UCS staff.
●   In order to ensure safety for all students, students will only be allowed
    to enter vehicles that display the appropriate UCS-issued car rider
    identification tag(s).
Pick Up ZONES:

Brown= Grades 1-5 and Grades
9 and 10

Blue= PreK and K

Teal = Grades 6-8 and Grade 11

*IMPORTANT: Car line for pick
Up can’t form until 3:10 PM
(12:50 PM on Wednesdays)

*Please carpool when possible!

*For Pick UP, remember to pick
up at the location for your
youngest child.
UCS Car Dash Tags
●   A Dash Tag will be required for each student that you plan to pick up from UCS
●   Remember that you will go to the Drop Off Zone for the youngest student you are picking up
●   You will receive your Dash Tags during UCS Open House
●   Please place them in your front dash on the passenger side, face up, so that car line attendants
    can easily read them
●   Blue = Grades PK and K, Tutwiler St. Drop Off Zone
●   Teal = Grades 6-8 and Grade 11, Hughes Gym
●   Brown = Grades 1-5 & 9-10, Lyon Main Entrance
             GRADE PARENTS:

First Day of School

●    For the first day of school, we will not be allowing
    parents/guardians to escort their students to their
    classrooms. We ask that you please drop them off in car-
    line. We are very sorry for the inconvenience that this will
    cause, but we hope that you understand that we feel this is
    what is best for the safety of our students
●   Bring your child’s school supplies to Open House or
    drop them off at the Central Office at a later date.
●   Uniforms must be worn Day 1.
●   Meet with Nurse Kristen Day 1 to bring required medication
    for your child to have at UCS.
Student Fees

●   Students in grades K-6, please log into
    MyMealOrder and pay your student fees
    ASAP. You will need to pay the grade level
    appropriate General Fees.
●   Students in grades 7-11, on or after August
    16, please log into MyMealOrder and pay
    your students fees as assigned. You will
    have general fees and optional participation
    fees assigned based on your individual
●   Student Athletes, please pay the participation
    fee associated with each sport that you play.
Food Services

●   We are excited to offer a new meal program at UCS for the 2021-22 school year at no cost to
●   We will initially serve LUNCH ONLY and the breakfast program will launch at a later date.
●   MyMealOrder for lunch ordering is temporarily disabled as we transition to new processes for the
    National School Lunch Program.
●   In the next few days, we will release a new order form to use for ALL students for ordering lunch for
    the first few weeks. This new order form will NOT require a student ID or login information.
●   Please stay tuned and watch your email and social media for updates.
Food Services

● Students may bring lunch from home or request/order a free lunch
  from school.
● Only in emergency situations where health/dietary restrictions are an
  issue are parents allowed to bring in lunches to a student if the student
  did not bring a lunch.
● A student that forgot their lunch is able to request a lunch during
● Lunch and breakfast will be served in the classroom.
Technology Agreement

   Every parent/guardian is required to sign the
Technology Acceptable Use Agreement for the use
   of iPads, laptops, tablets and desktops. This
   Agreement will be emailed to all parents and
                 completed online.

Devices will not be able to go home with students
        unless the Agreement is signed.

 The K-12 Technology Maintenance Fee ($100) is
            required for all students.
Instructional Technology

                                      1:1 IPads pk-2
                                  1:1 Chromebooks 3-8
                                    1:1 HP laptops 9th
                                  1:1 MacBook Air 10-11

1:1 iPads Grades PreK-5
Curriculum and
Instruction Updates
Elementary Academic Curricula and Scheduling
                 Grades K-2                                        Grades 3-6
                                                   ●   Extended reading and math blocks that are 2-
●   60+ minutes each for reading (phonics
                                                       2.5 hours in duration; a healthy mix of direct
    instruction), math, and reading
                                                       instruction, personalized learning, and
    comprehension development.
                                                       centers/stations will occupy this long block.
●   Science and social studies standards and
                                                   ●   Science and social studies is integrated into
    concepts are integrated into the reading
                                                       the reading curriculum, but additional time for
    curriculum each day.
                                                       this content is part of the weekly schedule
●   30 minutes of PE daily, plus recess
                                                   ●   30 minutes of PE daily, plus recess
●   Scheduled time daily for intervention and
                                                   ●   Scheduled time daily for intervention and
    centers-based activities
                                                       centers-based activities
●   Students will engage in project-based
                                                   ●   Students will engage in project-based
    learning opportunities throughout the year
                                                       learning opportunities throughout the year
●   Students will have Art and STEM as Specials,
                                                   ●   Students will have Art and STEM as Specials,
    one each semester
                                                       one each semester
Required Testing for UCS

            ACAP Summative                          Other Required School-wide Testing

●   New state accountability measure            ●   DIBELS literacy assessment (K-3)
●   Grades 2-8 in are required to test in the   ●   AlaKIDS (Kindergarten)
    subject areas of math and reading           ●   Scantron Performance Series (Grades
●   Grades 4, 6, 8 must also participate in         2-8)
    testing for science                         ●   Diagnostic screening to identify areas
●   This test is given in late April and            of reading and math deficiency (all
    factors into our School Report Card.            grades throughout the year)
●   The test is digital and is completed on     ●   Pre-ACT (10th)
    iPads and laptops.                          ●   ACT (11th)
Elementary Grade Promotion Requirements

In order to be eligible for promotion to the next grade level, students must
demonstrate proficiency of at least 60% of the standards in each core academic
course (English/reading, math, science, and social studies) AND must benchmark
(score on-grade level) in reading and mathematics.

Elementary classes are on a year-long grading system where a student’s overall
grade/level of proficiency calculates from August through May.
Secondary Academic Curricula and Scheduling

                        Secondary (7-11)

            ●   6-period schedule on Mondays, Tuesdays,
                Thursdays, Fridays
            ●   ~60 minute periods for all classes
            ●   Daily PE (7-9) or Athletic PE
            ●   Elective course options
            ●   Wednesdays are designed for academic
                remediation, ACT test prep, additional
                exposure to elective courses, and project-
                based learning opportunities.
Secondary Promotion Requirements

In order to be eligible for promotion to the next grade level, students in Kindergarten through Grade
11 must demonstrate proficiency of at least 60% of the standards in each core academic course
(English/reading, math, science, and social studies) and must benchmark (score on-grade level) in
reading and mathematics. Students enrolled in high school credit-bearing courses must
demonstrate a proficiency of at least 60% in each course in order to earn course credit.

Secondary classes are on a semester grading system where a student’s overall grade/level of
proficiency calculates from August-December (for ½ of the full credit) and from January-May (for
the other ½ of the credit). Some exceptions apply for courses that may only be a semester-long in
duration .
Graduation Distinctions

UCS will recognize the distinguished academic performance of students at the conclusion of each
academic year as part of formal graduation ceremonies. The graduating senior with the highest
cumulative weighted grade point average (GPA) will be recognized as valedictorian. The graduating
senior with the second highest cumulative weighted grade point average (GPA) will be recognized as
salutatorian. In the event of a tie, UCS will use students’ numerical GPA to determine valedictorian and

UCS will also recognize Honor Graduates as students who have demonstrated proficiency in advanced
coursework opportunities throughout their tenure as a Trailblazer. Honor Graduates will be recognized
in the following categories:
  ● Summa Cum Laude: Students graduating with a cumulative weighted GPA of 4.2+
  ● Magna Cum Laude: Students graduating with a cumulative weighted GPA of 4.0-4.19
  ● Cum Laude: Students graduating with a cumulative weighted GPA of 3.7-3.99
Secondary Grade Promotion Requirements

High school students must accrue a minimum amount of course credits (or
Carnegie units) to be promoted and classified as sophomores, juniors, and
seniors according to the expectations outlined below:
 ● Tenth Grade – students who have earned five (5) Carnegie units will be
    classified as tenth graders.
 ● Eleventh Grade - students who have earned ten (10) Carnegie units will
    be classified as eleventh graders.
 ● Twelfth Grade – students who have earned seventeen (17) Carnegie
    units, three of which must be English, will be classified as twelfth
Reporting Student Progress
                                                Grade Reporting

●   Teachers will enter in grades to PowerSchool. Weekly updates are expected beginning in
●   All reported “grades” will continue to be on a 1-4 scale:
      ○   1 -- Little to no current understanding of the required skill and content
      ○   2 -- Approaching proficient understanding, but requires prompting, support, and assistance
      ○   3 -- Proficient understanding
      ○   4 -- Mastery level of understanding (can apply, evaluate, and transfer learning)
●   Students are marked “proficient” on a standard once they obtain a score of 3; for students
    who score a 1 or 2, they have opportunities to receive further instruction and support in
    order to obtain proficiency
●   UCS is on a semester system where grades are final in December (for the first semester)
    and in May (for the second semester).
Individualized Education Coordinators

Special Education   English Language Learners   Gifted Education
  Coordinator              Coordinator            Coordinator

  Lisa McHugh             Libba Reed            Jessie Johnson
Intervention and Support

 Libba Reed                    Alison Myers              Dana Freeman
Interventionist      Instructional Support Specialist   Reading Specialist
Ms. Crystal Ruffin
Guidance Counselor,
    System Test
Coordinator, and 504

                                   Crystal Ruffin
                       Counselor and System Test Coordinator
504 Coordinator
A 504 Plan gives accommodations to students that have a medical diagnosis that substantially limits
                               one or more major life activities.

  ● If your child is coming to UCS with a current 504 Plan, please see Ms.
       ○ If you have a copy of your child’s current 504 Plan, please give Ms. Ruffin a
         copy. Your child’s teachers will continue to implement the accommodations
         on your child’s current 504 Plan during this transition period.
       ○ Ms. Ruffin will need your consent to evaluate/reevaluate your child so UCS
         can update your child’s 504 Plan.

  ● If you have any questions about 504 Plans, please contact Ms. Crystal
    Ruffin at

                   ●   myON Reading Coordinator

                   ●   Support teachers by checking out books from
                       the library for teacher use

                   ●   Collaborate with the Ruby Pickens Tartt Library
                       and UWA’s Julia Tutwiler Library

Annie Granec
UCS Career Coach
                              ●   Assist students in understanding the value of
                                  personal interests and skills assessments and
                                  the role each plays in career development
                              ●   Assist students and parents in making educated
                                  and informed career decisions
                              ●   Cultivate student understanding of the process
                                  necessary to obtain their career goals
                              ●   Encourage and advise students to pursue the
                                  process for college and career readiness and
                              ●   Responsible for networking with local
                                  businesses and industry members
                              ●   Responsible for making connections with local
       Tracy Bryan                organizations (chambers of commerce, regional
Sumter County Career Coach        workforce development councils, etc.)
Athletics & Extra-
Curricular Activities
UCS Athletic Opportunities

  Football, Volleyball, Cross
   Country, Cheerleading

       M&W Basketball

Softball, Baseball, Tennis, Golf

                                                       Sam Mosley
                                                   UCS Athletic Director &
                                                      Football Coach

                                   UCS Athletics
UCS Extra-Curricular
Agriculture and Rodeo Club




      Jr. Beta Club

 National Honors Society

      Peer Helpers

    SGA coming soon!

UCS Extra-Curricular
 School Program
After School Extended Day Program

                            Kimberly Campbell
                           After School Director
Courtney Vick
          UCS PTA President

UCS Parent Involvement Opportunities
Upcoming Events and
Open House

Tuesday, August 10th, @ 5:30 for A-L

Tuesday, August 10th, @ 6:00 for M-Z

  *Please bring student’s school
 supplies with you to Open House
UCS Mass Communications

                                                   UCS Mass Communications will
                                                   be reaching out to UCS Families
                                                   through several different
                                                   platforms this year.

                                                   Look for our posts on social
                                                   media in addition to texts,
                                                   emails, and phone calls.

                                                   We want to make sure our
                                                   parents are informed, and we
                                                   want to show you the great
                                                   things our students are
          @UCSTrailblazers on Twitter
      @universitycharterschool on Instagram        achieving at UCS.
If you have further questions, please stay after and see
one of UCS’ Leaders. We look forward to a great school
You can also read