UNIVERSITY Work Experience Requirements for UCAS 2021

Page created by Monica Knight
UNIVERSITY Work Experience Requirements for UCAS 2021
Work Experience Requirements for UCAS 2021


 Newcastle University

 For our Dental Surgery programme, applicants are required to have a minimum of 10 days relevant work experience.

 This should be within various fields of den stry, evidence of teamwork and leadership, personal achievements, voluntary and/or
 mentoring ac vi es, paid or unpaid work.

 Webinars and online courses
 h ps://­dental­ce­webinars.asp
 h ps://­east­

                                                          Careers Department - keeping you informed
UNIVERSITY Work Experience Requirements for UCAS 2021
Work Experience Requirements for UCAS 2021


 Newcastle University

 For Medicine and Surgery, our emphasis is on our applicants being able to show a commitment to caring. This can be accomplished
 in a number of ways, for example:
  volunteering in an elderly care home
  volunteering in a hospice
  volunteering in a nursery
  helping someone less fortunate

 With regards to how the current situa on will change these requirements for 2021 entry, this has not yet been agreed on.
 We will be developing our response to the government's plans as more informa on emerges and will be taking into account
 guidance and informa on from the exam boards, Department for Educa on and Ofqual. There are also updates for students on

 Other Notes
 There are many ways you can demonstrate to us that you are a commi ed and caring individual and these can be explored further
 at interview. Our Medical Admissions team do not specify a minimum period of me for this.

                                                          Careers Department - keeping you informed
UNIVERSITY Work Experience Requirements for UCAS 2021
Work Experience Requirements for UCAS 2021


 York University
 Medicine at Hull York Medical School.

 No prescribed pre­applica on experience.
 We advise however that applicants should try to obtain a realis c understanding of the demands of medical training and prac ce.
 We also advise that applicants explore both the posi ve and nega ve aspects of a medical career through.
 We expect applicants to demonstrate in their personal statements an understanding of the social context of healthcare and a
 commitment to teamwork.

 York are promo ng and raising awareness of a new online pla orm called Observe GP.
 Observe GP has been set­up by the Royal College of General Prac oners ­ an alterna ve to work experience, offering students
 aged 16+ the opportunity to engage in free interac ve videos.
 Observe GP provides insights in to the role of a GP and the Primary Care Team.
 The Observe GP pla orm will go live on Thursday 30 April 2020. For further informa on, please visit the following webpage:
 h ps://­exams/discover­general­prac ce/observe­gp.aspx
 To help students on their journey to medical school, we run a series of weekly live web chats for prospec ve medical students in
 school years 9­13. Our live chats is known as the MediCafé.

 Other Notes
 Our MediCafé takes place every Wednesday at 12:00 and covers topics such as applying to Medicine (including Medicine
 interviews), work experience & and student life as a medical student. Our web chats give students the opportunity to chat with
 staff and current Medicine students.
 Below are details of some books which prospec ve applicants may find useful: Learning Medicine: How to become and remain a
 good doctor by Peter Richards, Simon Stockhill, Rosalind Foster and Elizabeth Ingall (Cambridge University Press) The Essen al
 Guide to Becoming a Doctor by Adrian Blundell, Richard Harrison and Benjamin Turney (Bri sh Medical Journal books) Ge ng Into
 Medical School (2012 entry) by Simon Horner (Trotman).

 The Medical Schools Council are due to update their website shortly with some advice regarding work experience in the current
 climate. Please keep checking this website for updates.

                                                            Careers Department - keeping you informed
UNIVERSITY Work Experience Requirements for UCAS 2021
Work Experience Requirements for UCAS 2021


 All Universities
 Online resource for those interested in applying for Medicine ­ developed by the Royal College of General Prac oners
 Observe GP is an interac ve video pla orm set in general prac ce. Available 24/7, free and online, it provides aspiring medics aged
 16+, anywhere in the UK, with an element of relevant experience when applying to medical school.

 The aim is that every applicant to medicine develops an understanding of the reali es of medicine which is embedded upon a
 founda on of knowledge of general prac ce, where the majority of pa ent care takes place.

 The videos include a variety of pa ents and condi ons and allow the viewer to meet many of the general prac ce team including
 the Prac ce Manager, Recep onist, GP Trainee, Pharmacist, several GP's and an Advanced Nurse Prac oner. Themes of the
 videos include long term condi on management, self­care, and person­centred care. Key terminology and ac vi es appear on
 screen to reinforce learning and prompt reflec on. Please find more informa on at

 Webinars and online courses
 h ps://­we­do/keeping­informed­and­in­touch­during­coronavirus/connec ng­people­
 h ps://

                                                            Careers Department - keeping you informed
UNIVERSITY Work Experience Requirements for UCAS 2021
Work Experience Requirements for UCAS 2021


 Bradford University

 We have added a sec on to our website with some handy FAQ's as this is one we have been asked about a lot:
 h ps://

 "The University will be aware of the challenges you will have faced in finding and comple ng work experience and will take this into
 account when shortlis ng our applica ons next year.

 The NHS has launched a volunteering scheme with several different types of volunteer opportuni es, which are available during
 the coronavirus outbreak. These opportuni es will provide you with a range of transferable skills, which you will be able to tell us
 about in your personal statement.

 You can also let us know about anything you have done to support elderly or vulnerable people in your community."
 We will of course take into account all the extra things that students will have done over these difficult months, such as helping
 family and neighbours. We will be s ll looking to ensure that they have researched their course, so any virtual events that they can
 a end we would highly recommend.

 Following the Professional bodies would be good as well: h ps:// and reading around on subjects:
 h ps://­careers/changing­career­or­returning­nursing
 We are also running webinars and will be doing some academic ones as well we are just finalising the dates:
 h ps://

                                                             Careers Department - keeping you informed
UNIVERSITY Work Experience Requirements for UCAS 2021
Work Experience Requirements for UCAS 2021


 Sheffield Hallam University

 Your students can find the work experience requirements for each of these courses on the relevant course page on our website. As
 they will see, they do not necessarily need to have experience in the exact se ng which relates to their desired course. The course
 pages o en feature guidance and links to external resources to help students understand what is required and how they can best
 communicate the value of their experience (this was the case prior to the pandemic). The Adult Nursing page provides one
 example of this.

 At this point I am unaware of any official changes to work experience requirements for courses star ng September 2021, but
 students can con nue to check our main website and the course pages themselves (par cularly a er the 2020 applica ons period
 concludes) in case any amendments are announced.

                                                            Careers Department - keeping you informed
UNIVERSITY Work Experience Requirements for UCAS 2021
Work Experience Requirements for UCAS 2021


 Bradford University
 Mental Health

 We will be s ll looking to ensure that they have researched their course, so any virtual events that they can a end we would highly
 Following the Professional bodies would be good as well: h ps:// and reading around on subjects:
 h ps://­careers/changing­career­or­returning­nursing

 We have added a sec on to our website with some handy FAQ's as this is one we have been asked about a lot:
 h ps://

 "The University will be aware of the challenges you will have faced in finding and comple ng work experience and will take this into
 account when shortlis ng our applica ons next year.

 The NHS has launched a volunteering scheme with several different types of volunteer opportuni es, which are available during
 the coronavirus outbreak. These opportuni es will provide you with a range of transferable skills, which you will be able to tell us
 about in your personal statement.

 You can also let us know about anything you have done to support elderly or vulnerable people in your community."

 We will of course take into account all the extra things that students will have done over these difficult months, such as helping
 family and neighbours.

 We are also running webinars and will be doing some academic ones as well we are just finalising the dates:
 h ps://

                                                             Careers Department - keeping you informed
UNIVERSITY Work Experience Requirements for UCAS 2021
Work Experience Requirements for UCAS 2021


 Derby University
 With NBC registra on.
 Mental Health

 All of these courses include work experience and placements. However, work experience prior to joining the courses is not part of
 the entry requirements.

 Leeds Beckett University
 Mental Health

 Direct and relevant experience is advantageous but not essen al for entry to this course.
 There are other aspects that we ask applicants to include in their personal statements that are listed on our online prospectus that
 are equally valuable in the applica on process.

 We would consider other examples of work experience, not directly related, that demonstrate the applicants ability to learn from
 their experiences and iden fy transferable skills

                                                             Careers Department - keeping you informed
Work Experience Requirements for UCAS 2021


 Nottingham Trent University

 These courses do not require compulsory work or school experience prior to applying.
 Advise to check out the following website
 h ps://­and­courses/courses/find­your­course/social­sciences/ug/2020­21/adult­nursing

 Sheffield Hallam University
 Your students can find the work experience requirements for each of these courses on the relevant course page on our website. As
 they will see, they do not necessarily need to have experience in the exact se ng which relates to their desired course. The course
 pages o en feature guidance and links to external resources to help students understand what is required and how they can best
 communicate the value of their experience (this was the case prior to the pandemic). The Adult Nursing page provides one
 example of this.

 At this point I am unaware of any official changes to work experience requirements for courses star ng September 2021, but
 students can con nue to check our main website and the course pages themselves (par cularly a er the 2020 applica ons period
 concludes) in case any amendments are announced.

                                                            Careers Department - keeping you informed
Work Experience Requirements for UCAS 2021


 Sheffield University
 01142 222077

 For the Undergraduate Adult Nursing programme it's important that applicants know what they're ge ng into before they apply.
 We therefore look for experience which shows that they have some idea about what nursing involves ­ this could be anything from
 volunteering in a hospital or nursing home se ng to shadowing a prac ce nurse.

 However whilst we value caring experience, it is also important that applicants meet the academic entry requirements of the
 programme. The entry requirements for this course can be found here: h ps://­

                                                           Careers Department - keeping you informed
Work Experience Requirements for UCAS 2021


 York University
 01904 321625

    Direct and relevant experience is advantageous but not essen al for entry to this course.
    Require a real insight into the course & understand what they are applying for.
    Demonstrate their willingness to learn, work hard and be the best person possible.
    Consider other examples of work experience, not directly related, that demonstrate the applicants
     ability to learn from their experiences and iden fy transferable skills.
    Communica on is key ­ be able to demonstrate the ability to talk to people.
    Have an understanding of social aspects of nursing ­ e.g how postcodes influence/determine life expectancy.
    Have an understanding of safeguarding and demonstrate the different types of abuse.
    Have an understanding of how psychology links to biology. E.g, when blood is taken, a pa ent may be anxious, this then affects
     emo onal wellbeing which then has an impact on heart rate (emo onal link to physiology).
    It is also important that applicants meet the academic entry requirements of the programme.
    Have an understanding of why English, Maths & Biology are used in Nursing. E.g. Maths ­ measurement used to administer
     drugs. English ­ used to communicate, talk to people, write reports etc. Biology ­ human anatomy.

 Advise to checkout ­ Open day online June 2020

 Webinars and online courses
 h ps://­we­do/keeping­informed­and­in­touch­during­coronavirus/connec ng­people­
 h ps://

                                                            Careers Department - keeping you informed
Work Experience Requirements for UCAS 2021


 Bradford University

 We will be s ll looking to ensure that they have researched their course, so any virtual events that they can a end we would highly

 We have added a sec on to our website with some handy FAQ's as this is one we have been asked about a lot:
 h ps://

 "The University will be aware of the challenges you will have faced in finding and comple ng work experience and will take this into
 account when shortlis ng our applica ons next year.

 The NHS has launched a volunteering scheme with several different types of volunteer opportuni es, which are available during
 the coronavirus outbreak. These opportuni es will provide you with a range of transferable skills, which you will be able to tell us
 about in your personal statement.

 You can also let us know about anything you have done to support elderly or vulnerable people in your community."
 We will of course take into account all the extra things that students will have done over these difficult months, such as helping
 family and neighbours.

 We will be s ll looking to ensure that they have researched their course, so any virtual events that they can a end we would highly

 We are also running webinars and will be doing some academic ones as well we are just finalising the dates:
 h ps://

                                                             Careers Department - keeping you informed
Work Experience Requirements for UCAS 2021


 Nottingham Trent University

 These courses do not require compulsory work or school experience prior to applying.
 Advise to check out the following website
 BSc(H) Paramedic Science
 h ps://­and­courses/courses/find­your­course/social­sciences/ug/2020­21/paramedic­science

 Sheffield Hallam University
 Your students can find the work experience requirements for each of these courses on the relevant course page on our website. As
 they will see, they do not necessarily need to have experience in the exact se ng which relates to their desired course. The course
 pages o en feature guidance and links to external resources to help students understand what is required and how they can best
 communicate the value of their experience (this was the case prior to the pandemic). The Adult Nursing page provides one
 example of this.

 At this point I am unaware of any official changes to work experience requirements for courses star ng September 2021, but
 students can con nue to check our main website and the course pages themselves (par cularly a er the 2020 applica ons period
 concludes) in case any amendments are announced.

                                                            Careers Department - keeping you informed
Work Experience Requirements for UCAS 2021


 Bradford University

 We will be s ll looking to ensure that they have researched their course, so any virtual events that they can a end we would highly

 We have added a sec on to our website with some handy FAQ's as this is one we have been asked about a lot:
 h ps://

 "The University will be aware of the challenges you will have faced in finding and comple ng work experience and will take this into
 account when shortlis ng our applica ons next year.

 The NHS has launched a volunteering scheme with several different types of volunteer opportuni es, which are available during
 the coronavirus outbreak. These opportuni es will provide you with a range of transferable skills, which you will be able to tell us
 about in your personal statement.

 You can also let us know about anything you have done to support elderly or vulnerable people in your community."

 We will of course take into account all the extra things that students will have done over these difficult months, such as helping
 family and neighbours.

 We are also running webinars and will be doing some academic ones as well we are just finalising the dates:
 h ps://

                                                             Careers Department - keeping you informed
Work Experience Requirements for UCAS 2021


 Leeds Beckett University

 We accept any relevant volunteering experience, including D of E etc. This is discussed at interview – it is up to the applicants to
 demonstrate its relevance to the occupa on.

 Sheffield Hallam University

 Your students can find the work experience requirements for each of these courses on the relevant course page on our website. As
 they will see, they do not necessarily need to have experience in the exact se ng which relates to their desired course. The course
 pages o en feature guidance and links to external resources to help students understand what is required and how they can best
 communicate the value of their experience (this was the case prior to the pandemic). The Adult Nursing page provides one
 example of this.

 At this point I am unaware of any official changes to work experience requirements for courses star ng September 2021, but
 students can con nue to check our main website and the course pages themselves (par cularly a er the 2020 applica ons period
 concludes) in case any amendments are announced.

                                                              Careers Department - keeping you informed
Work Experience Requirements for UCAS 2021


 York St John’s University
 Emma Robertson <

 For 2021 entry onto Physiotherapy, we feel that it would be unfair to make specific work experience an essen al criteria and it was
 best to consider candidates experiences of and understanding of the profession more pragma cally and in a wider context.

 We will s ll be looking for candidates to demonstrate awareness through various methods e.g. talking to health professionals,
 research, volunteering roles (where possible), caring roles etc and being able to show how this experience linked to the health
 profession they were applying for, alongside academic targets.

 Webinars and online courses
 h ps://­we­do/keeping­informed­and­in­touch­during­coronavirus/connec ng­people­
 h ps://

                                                            Careers Department - keeping you informed
Work Experience Requirements for UCAS 2021


 Derby University

 All of these courses include work experience and placements.
 However, work experience prior to joining the courses is not part of the entry requirements.

 Nottingham Trent University

 These courses do not require compulsory work or school experience prior to applying.
 Advise to check out the following website
 h ps://­and­courses/courses/find­your­course/educa on/ug/2020­21/primary­educa on

 Leeds Beckett University

    Work experience is no longer required for this programme.
    The values of the occupa on are discussed at interview.
    Applicants should demonstrate a good understanding of the challenges of teaching.

                                                            Careers Department - keeping you informed
Work Experience Requirements for UCAS 2021


 Sheffield Hallam University

 The Teacher Educa on courses no longer require that you hold relevant experience before applying, rather applicants need to
 demonstrate a sound understanding of teaching and how children learn, where possible within a school se ng (but other learning
 se ngs are accepted) Demonstra ng an ability to make links between experience and knowledge, and their proposed career
 would be desirable. These courses will s ll require some kind of selec on event (F2F/Virtual) as part of the applica on process.

 We understand it will be difficult to get hands on experience in the current circumstances so students shouldn't worry about
 ge ng classroom experience for these types of courses.

                                                           Careers Department - keeping you informed
Work Experience Requirements for UCAS 2021


 Liverpool University

 Vets have now reduced their work experience requirements to FIVE weeks compared to TEN, and will update their guidelines in
 the near future, once they have a clear picture of the situa on.

                                                          Careers Department - keeping you informed
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