US East Coast 2018 Special Report - Theorem Fund Services

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US East Coast 2018 Special Report - Theorem Fund Services
US East Coast 2018
Special Report
FEATURING FundCount // Opus Fund Services //
Theorem Fund Services // U.S. Bank // Withum
US East Coast 2018 Special Report - Theorem Fund Services

 Crypto portfolio accounting:
 data and reporting challenges
 Pat Mulkern, of Theorem Fund Services, speaks with some of the industry’s
 service providers about the importance of crypto specific portfolio accounting
 systems and the challenges around reporting for the cryptocurrency asset class

              f I were to pose the
              question to a random
              audience ‘What is an
                                                     Pat Mulkern
                                                     Theorem Fund Services                                                       A    Yes, this is where things get
                                                                                                                                      much more technical. There are
                                                                                                                                 three main parts to this challenge:
                                          Pat Mulkern is a director of business development at Theorem Fund Services. He has
              ERC-20     token?’,   the   worked in sales in the financial industry for over 10 years. Prior to Theorem, Mulk-    1. Decimal    precision: The deci-
                                          ern was a vice president in sales at SS&C and Citco, in charge of generating new
large majority would fall into a blank    business across the US. He holds a Bachelor’s degree from Penn State University            mal precision for crypto can go
stare with no answer. This is an ele-     with a Finance major and Economics minor.                                                  further than 18 digits. The rea-
mentary way to explain exactly how                                                                                                   soning for this is because of the
traditional portfolio accounting sys-        These are all new places where                                                          ability to purchase extremely
tems would react to the crypto-as-           transactions take place com-                                                            small fractions of coins. While
set class. Throughout this article, I        pared to historical equity ex-                                                          seemingly a simple problem, it
interviewed some industry experts            changes. There are more than                                                            is very difficult to modify current
to shed light on the importance              120 exchanges where crypto                                                              software to accommodate.
of having crypto-specific portfolio          trades can take place which                                                          2. Fees: In traditional equities trad-
accounting systems compared to               makes         obtaining          data       even                                        ing, an investor would pay their
traditional systems. We will take a          more challenging. Also, these                                                           fees in a single fiat currency. Fees
journey through the complexities             exchanges are far less mature                                                           for crypto can be charged in ei-
of dealing with crypto assets from a         than       equity        exchanges           that                                       ther fiat or crypto. When fees
technical perspective.                       have been around for a very long                                                        are charged in crypto, they are
                                             time. To add additional com-                                                            treated as a disposal creating
Q&A with Jake Benson, founder                plexity, most funds also need to                                                        a realised gain/loss event. This
and CEO of Libra Tech                        track a complete set of transac-                                                        causes     reporting   challenges
                                             tions that may also reside at OTC                                                       that can be laborious without

Q    From your technological per-
     spective, what are the main
                                             desks and wallets.
                                          • Lack of standard terminology:
                                                                                                                                     the proper software.
                                                                                                                                  3. Cost basis and lot tracking:
challenges our industry faces with           The naming and symbology for                                                            When it comes to equities, tax
respect to the crypto-asset class?           each coin can be different across                                                       lot IDs are applied, and the cost

A    To make things easy, I would list
     the challenges into three main
                                             the exchanges, OTC and wallets.
                                             This inconsistency leads to in-
                                             efficiencies when normalising
                                                                                                                                     basis goes right to the IRS. As for
                                                                                                                                     crypto, there is not yet an official
                                                                                                                                     lot ID system. The lot splits can
 1. Ecosystem level challenges               and comparing records from dis-                                                         get very complicated for a few
 2. Crypto-specific challenges               parate sources. One example of                                                          reasons:
 3. Protocol-specific challenges             this is not being able to report                                                        • Partially due in part to the
                                             specific transactions that are or                                                         precision in the number of

Q    To start, may I have you de-
     scribe some of the ecosystem
                                             are not done on margin. Anoth-
                                             er example, even bitcoin itself
                                                                                                                                       decimal points
                                                                                                                                     • Fragmented purchases (par-
level challenges?                            can be referred to as BTC or XBT.                                                         tial coins)

A    Yes, I would say there are two          Without normalising the data,                                                           • No system for transferring the
     main challenges when it comes           you end up with several differ-                                                           cost basis information due to
to this:                                     ent P&Ls on what is actually a                                                            the inability to track across
 • Obtaining data: Recordkeeping             single asset.                                                                             the blockchain
    software has never had to inter-                                                                                                 • You can deposit coins into one
    act with the venues that allow
    the trading of cryptocurrencies.      Q    Now let’s dive into the cryp-
                                               to-specific challenges.
                                                                                                                                       exchange and transfer to an-
                                                                                                                                       other. The cost basis will not

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US East Coast 2018 Special Report - Theorem Fund Services

           move along with it due to the         to the necessity to store for          concerns that need to be considered,
           lack of mechanisms.                   more information and accom-            evaluated and addressed.
                                                 modate for new data structures.

    Q    Lastly, let’s talk through the
         challenges around protocol.
                                              3. Smart
                                                                            systems     Q   May I have you talk through
                                                                                            some of the ways you consult

    A                                                                                   your clients to deal with some of
         There are many types of pro-            cannot process these new as-
         tocols, which adds to the com-          sets natively. Expecting current       the challenges we have discussed?

     plexity of this asset class and how         software to be able to read the             One of the biggest challenges
     challenging it can be to handle             values and terms of a smart con-            that we find solutions to is un-
     without the proper knowledge and            tract would be like expecting a        derstanding the underlying trade
     technology.                                 record player to read a USB drive.     data and transactions to facilitate
      1. Protocol and tokens: A proto-                                                  the process of originating financial
        col is the platform crypto are       Q&A with Christopher Mora,                 statements. Depending on the type
        built on top of. There are many      CPA at Centri Business Con-                of organisation and crypto asset the
        types of protocols, each with        sulting, LLC                               organisation is trading, accounting
        their own intricacies and tech-                                                 presentation and treatment can be
        nical nuances, which adds to the
        complexity of this asset class       Q     Being that you are a leader in
                                                   Centri’s Digital Currency Prac-
                                                                                        different. Each type of cryptocurren-
                                                                                        cy an entity holds has to be evaluat-
        and how challenging it can be        tice, could you sum up what you see        ed to see if it meets the definition of
        to handle without the proper         as the main challenges with this as-       an asset in accordance with gener-
        knowledge and technology. One        set class?                                 ally accepted accounting principles
        of the most well-known proto-
        cols to the public is Ethereum.
        Back to the beginning of this ar-
                                             A   Obtaining and understanding
                                                 the trade data is one of the most
                                             challenging aspects of this asset
                                                                                        as well as fair value determination.
                                                                                        We are often helping companies de-
                                                                                        velop internal accounting policies
        ticle, ERC-20 tokens are built on    class. Every exchange has different        and procedures so transactions are
        top of the Ethereum protocol.        ways of presenting its trade infor-        accounted for systematically and
      2. Accounts: Traditional bank ac-      mation and new exchanges continue          consistently.
        counts have a single account         to come online, shutter their doors
        number applied to an account         or evolve on a daily basis. Keeping up     Conclusion
        which is tied to an individual       with the ever-changing landscape           To wrap up this topic, it is no secret
        or company. For example, any         will remain a challenge for the fore-      the crypto asset class is and will be
        time you received or transferred     seeable future. Unlike traditional         evolving. As the asset class contin-
        money, it would always come          equity markets, crypto markets have        ues to grow and mature, technol-
        to and from that account num-        to be monitored 24/7. Service pro-         ogy will continue to improve with
        ber. When it comes to crypto,        viders, management and their advi-         expanded capabilities. The use of
        you may have different crypto        sors have to plan accordingly. What        Libra’s technology has played an in-
        addresses   (account     numbers),   happens when there are issues with         tegral part in our success as a fund
        sometimes a unique one for each      data aggregation? What do you do           administrator. It has allowed us to
        transaction. Each protocol has       if you lose trade exchange data or         service some complex clients in this
        its own convention for generat-      there are connectivity issues? These       asset class in an efficient manner
        ing crypto addresses. This leads     are just some of the questions and         with a high level of confidence.

US East Coast 2018 Special Report - Theorem Fund Services
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