Valentines High School - Post Sixteen Prospectus 2015

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Valentines High School - Post Sixteen Prospectus 2015
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                                                                                                                                                                          Valentines High School
                                                                                                                                                                             Post Sixteen Prospectus 2015

                                Valentines High School
                                Cranbrook Road, Gants Hill, Ilford, Essex, IG2 6HX
                                Tel: 020 8554 3608 Fax: 020 8518 2621

                                                                                                                                                                                                            cut marks

                                                                                          Tel: 020 8554 3608 Fax: 020 8518 2621
                                                                                          Cranbrook Road, Gants Hill, Ilford, Essex, IG2 6HX
                                                                                                                    Valentines High School

                                                                                                                                          2. Application Form
                                                                                                                                             BTEC Courses
                                                                                                                                             Vocational A Level
                                                                                                                                             AS/A-Level Courses
                                                                                                                                        1. Course Information


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Valentines High School - Post Sixteen Prospectus 2015
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      Introduction – 1

      Resources and Activities – 2 : 4                                                                                                                   The School Badge
                                                                                                                  Valentines High School is built on part of the old Valentines Mansion
                                                                                                                     estate. The school badge shows the Valentines grapevine which
      Careers – 5
                                                                                                                               provided a cutting for the grapevine at Hampton Court.

      Responsibilities and Opportunities – 6 : 7                                                                                  The badge was designed in 1977 by Marion Molloy,
                                                                                                                                                  Head of Art at Valentines until 1992.
      Joining The Sixth Form – 8 : 9

      Curriculum Guide – 10 : 12

      Current List of Courses – 12

      Course Directory & Application Form – Located in Back Pocket
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                               Welcome to the Sixth Form at Valentines High School. Our Ofsted inspection judged our
                               Sixth Form to be outstanding in all areas and our results have been consistently excellent in
                               recent years. We offer a very wide range of academic and vocational courses. These include
                               A Levels and BTEC courses. Please look carefully through the curriculum section of this booklet
                               to see for yourself the exceptional opportunities that Valentines can offer you.

                               The Valentines Sixth Form combines academic success with                  The reputation of Valentines as a centre of excellence is well
                               personal development opportunities. Our A Level pass rate is              established and you can be certain that you will be a student in a
                               outstanding, with the vast majority of Sixth Form students                Sixth Form of the very highest calibre. This is due to the quality of
                               progressing to higher education and excellent careers. Our former         our learning environment, characterised by harmonious
                               students are currently taking degrees at a wide variety of prestigious    relationships and academic focus. Our Sixth Formers have an
                               colleges and universities throughout the United Kingdom and               important role to play in promoting this positive ethos. Not only do
                               abroad. Currently, they can be found at prestigious Russell Group         they present an important role model to the rest of the school, but
                               universities as well as a variety of 'red brick' and newer universities   they also contribute directly to community and the whole school
                               across the country.                                                       tutoring system. There is a wide-ranging extra-curricular
                                                                                                         programme in the Sixth Form ranging from social and sporting
                               We have exceptionally good Science and Mathematics facilities and         events to academic societies. There are also opportunities to take
                               we have been able to provide first class computer facilities and an       part in the decision-making process in the school. Overall the Sixth
                               impressive range of commercial and industrial links to make the           Form curriculum provides an ideal preparation to equip students for
                               curriculum relevant and exciting. It should be noted that our students    success in the twenty-first century.
                               go on to study all subjects: Sciences, Arts, Humanities and more
                               vocational disciplines such as Accountancy.                               Our Sixth Form is a community, and one which suits students with
                                                                                                         diverse personalities and ambitions. If you are willing to work hard
                               Our Sixth Form staff are second to none. They have been selected          and take advantage of the many opportunities on offer, we look
                               to teach our most senior students not only because of their thorough      forward to welcoming you to Valentines for an enjoyable and
                               subject knowledge and impressive qualifications, but also due to          rewarding Sixth Form experience. You will have the opportunity to
                               their ability to recognise the talents and aspirations of young people.   see our Sixth Form Centre at our Sixth Form Open Evening on
                               Valentines is a Teaching School meaning that all our highly qualified     Thursday 22nd January 2015 and I look forward to meeting you then.
                               Post 16 teachers have access to excellent further training. We wish
                               to encourage the potential of our Sixth Formers; fostering
                               independence, decision-making and leadership skills while providing
                               the best possible student support systems. Sixth Form staff provide
                               advice, monitor progress and provide regular feedback to students
                               and parents. Students are encouraged to take responsibility in that       Mr R D Laws – Headteacher
                               they must reflect upon their own performance and negotiate goals
                               that will lead them to success.

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     Valentines High School Post Sixteen

        Resources & Activities
                           To be successful, students need around them the fabric and equipment necessary
                           for study. At Valentines we have a continual programme of upgrading facilities and
                           equipment. Our Sixth Form centre provides excellent facilities for our students, in
                           a modern purpose built environment.
                           The school has a well-stocked library administered by a           Extra Curricular Activities
                           full-time and fully qualified librarian. The Private Study Area   Extra curricular and House activities are an important part
                           is open to Year 12 and 13 students, including after the           of life at Valentines High School. They provide an
                           school day. The room is well equipped with computers and          opportunity for students to take a break from studies and
                           printers. Students will also find a wide selection of             to develop new interests or continue with something that
                           university prospectuses and reference books here to assist        they have enjoyed in the previous year.
                           in the electronic application to university. We also offer a
                           comprehensive package of support for UCAS applications.
                                                                                             Work Experience
                                                                                             Valentines High School has links with business and industry.
                                                                                             Students following vocational courses often complete a full
                                                                                             time placement in industry as part of their course. Work
                                                                                             experience is encouraged for other Sixth Formers who can
                                                                                             negotiate a placement to fit their ambitions and timetable.

                        “Standards are high and students achieve outstandingly.”
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                                                                                              “The Sixth Form is
                                                                                               outstanding and
                                                                                               reflects the school’s
                                                                                               significant investment
                                                                                               in its development.”

                           Social Activities                                            Duke of Edinburgh
                           By tradition, the Sixth Form Social Calendar has always      At Valentines students have the opportunity to volunteer for
                           been very eventful. The social occasions that are            the bronze, silver and gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards. This
                           organised throughout the year allow those students who       award develops communication and leadership skills. It is
                           would not otherwise have had the opportunity to enjoy        looked on favourably by Universities and employers.
                           each other's company, to spend time with their peers.
                           This also gives students joining the school from other
                           schools the opportunity to meet the existing students on a
                           more relaxed social basis. The end of Year 13 is marked by
                           a Leavers’ Ball, a glittering occasion marking the end of
                           school life and the beginning of annual reunions.

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     Valentines High School Post Sixteen

                           The decision to continue with further education is a commitment to working hard
                           and possibly preparing for university. However, the Sixth Form at Valentines High
                           School is not just about academic learning, but also about broadening the
                           experiences and interests of our pupils.

                           The Curriculum Enrichment programme gives all Sixth            Some of the opportunities include:
                           Formers the opportunity to participate in a range of           • Working alongside Valentines staff and the lower
                           activities as part of their weekly timetable.                    school students in a range of lessons.

                           Sixth Formers who successfully complete the Curriculum         • Taking an active part in school events such as open
                           Enrichment programme receive certificates for their              evenings for parents.
                           efforts. These collected experiences and skills will play an
                                                                                          • Helping younger pupils in various before and after
                           important part in forming social awareness and in
                                                                                            school clubs.
                           developing citizenship skills. The opportunities that
                           Valentines High School offers will help prepare pupils for     • Working with our primary feeder schools.
                           their transition to higher education, the world of work and
                           adult life.                                                    • Discussion groups and conferences with Redbridge
                                                                                            council regarding issues that concern young people.

                                                                                          • Christmas shopping with the disabled and elderly from
                                                                                            the local community and the OAP Christmas party.

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                                                                                            “Students appreciate
                                                                                             the high quality of
                                                                                             teaching and support
                                                                                             they receive and
                                                                                             welcome the calm
                                                                                             learning environment.”

                           The School's policy of establishing close links between        Partnership In Higher Education
                           staff, students, parents and the local community is further    There are close links between the school and many
                           developed in the Sixth Form.                                   Universities. These are made full use of to the benefit of
                                                                                          students in their progression to higher education.
                           All students in the Sixth Form receive Careers Education
                           as part of their PSHE Programme delivered by their Tutor.
                           Careers’ Consultants work closely with students and staff.

                           Form Tutors are responsible for small groups of students.
                           They meet both as groups and on a one-to-one basis. The
                           Tutor monitors the progress of the students and is the first
                           point of contact for advice and support on academic and
                           other issues. Parents’ consultation evenings are used to
                           formalise communication between home and school.

                           Careers’ Consultants are attached to the school and work
                           with the students to produce action plans for entry into
                           Higher Education or into a particular career.

                           The PSHE programme also provides help with the
                           preparation of University applications, CVs and the
                           completion of job application forms.

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     Valentines High School Post Sixteen

        & Opportunities
                           Sixth Form students are both role models for younger pupils and the public face of
                           the School within the local community. Our students are aware of this and have
                           worked with us to produce a number of Codes of Practice that give everyone the
                           opportunity to distinguish themselves as Sixth Form students in a positive and
                           productive manner.
                           The School's high expectations are reflected in its dress
                           code. Students are expected to dress in a style that
                           would be suitable in a professional office environment.
                           This enables students to be smart in appearance without
                           having to conform to a uniform.

                           The Sixth Form Dress Code involves
                           wearing business style clothing
                           Students are expected to dress smartly and modestly.
                           They will be required to follow the dress code and wear
                           an identification card.

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                                                                                             “Students leave well
                                                                                              equipped as citizens,
                                                                                              ready to continue
                                                                                              their studies and
                                                                                              for employment.”

                           Dress Code                                                       Registration
                           • For boys, smart trousers and suit jacket or blazer worn        The register is taken in lessons, as well as in tutor groups
                             with a shirt and tie. For girls, smart trousers or skirt and   at the start of both morning and afternoon sessions.
                             suit jacket or blazer worn with a blouse.
                                                                                            Lunch time
                           • Jewellery and make-up should be modest and sensible            Students are permitted to leave the premises during lunch
                             additions to dress.                                            time. In addition to the Cafeteria, students have access to
                                                                                            a Common Room where they can relax in a comfortable
                           • Colour schemes are at the discretion of individual
                             students but it is expected that a sensible approach
                             will be adopted.
                           • Jeans, leisure wear, trainers and other casual clothing        Many Sixth Form students are elected as Prefects. In
                             are not permitted.                                             addition, there is a Head Boy and Head Girl. Their role is
                                                                                            to represent the school community at all official functions,
                                                                                            share in the planning and management of the Sixth Form
                                                                                            area, oversee and manage the School Prefect Team and
                                                                                            provide regular communication links between Sixth Form
                                                                                            students, the School community and outside agencies.
                                                                                            They are assisted by two male and two female deputies.
                                                                                            Students can also apply for the positions of Senior House
                                                                                            Captain and Student Learning Consultants.

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     Valentines High School Post Sixteen

        Joining the
        Sixth Form
                           With this prospectus is an application form. Please complete it and return it to the
                           school office. If you are already here at Valentines your application will be
                           considered by the Sixth Form staff. You may be asked about the subjects which you
                           wish to study, and your longer-term ambitions. Your trial examination results and
                           predicted grades will be consulted, as we will want to make sure that you are
                           applying for appropriate courses. We will also be making sure that you have a back
                           up plan in mind in case your eventual results are not as good as you hope they will
                           be. After this stage your name will be added to the list for each subject.

                           We see it as our duty to offer existing students a Sixth     If you are applying from another school you should also
                           Form education. But not everyone gets a place. All           submit an application form. Then we will want some
                           students must achieve the minimum grade requirements         information about you:
                           for the courses for which they have applied and,
                                                                                        • Please pass the application form on to
                           regardless of grades, a small number of people will be
                                                                                          your referee who will return it to us.
                           rejected if they have a poor record of work and behaviour.
                                                                                        • We will ask about your achievements,
                                                                                          your attitude to study and your likely
                                                                                          GCSE grades.

                                                                                        • If the references and predicted grades are very
                                                                                          good we will make you an offer of a place subject
                                                                                          to availability, on condition that you meet our
                                                                                          entry requirements.

                                                                                        • You will be invited to visit us to meet
                                                                                          Sixth Form staff and students.

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                                                                                            “Students’ personal
                                                                                             is outstanding.”

                           Studying at Valentines
                           To ensure that every student maintains a good standard of      The Tutoring System:
                           work throughout his or her course we provide a number of       Every Sixth Form student will be part of a tutor group with
                           support activities.                                            an assigned tutor who has responsibility for overseeing
                                                                                          students' progress. Deciding on academic targets,
                           Private Study                                                  discussing progress and working on applications to
                           Some of every student's time out of lessons is timetabled      university or college are undertaken in conjunction with
                           as Private Study. This is supervised time in the Sixth Form    the tutor.
                           Block when students are expected to quietly get on with
                           work from their courses. Private Study periods help            Personal and Social Education:
                           students to get through all the work required at this level.   In the Sixth Form PSHE concentrates mainly on issues of
                           They help students to organise themselves and make a           direct relevance to students' work and futures. Time is
                           little space in the evenings for some social life.             spent on developing study skills, in working on careers
                                                                                          guidance and in preparing students for the move into
                           Monitoring and Target Setting:                                 higher education or into a job.
                           Every student’s progress is reviewed termly. Students
                           receive termly predicted grades which are compared with
                           their target grades, based on prior achievement. In addition
                           students have a termly meeting with their tutor to discuss
                           progress and to set specific targets for improvement.
                           These are reviewed regularly. This process ensures that
                           students keep their aims in mind throughout their courses,
                           remain well motivated and retain a sense of realism about
                           their academic performance and possible career.

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     Valentines High School Post Sixteen

         Curriculum Guide
                           Welcome to the Valentines High School Curriculum Guide. In the following pages
                           you will find information about the courses and programmes of study available at
                           the School. Consider these pages as a starting point in finding out about your
                           future studies. Read all of the information and talk to the Course Leaders. Make
                           your choice from a good knowledge and understanding of what is available. Make
                           sure that you enjoy your life at Valentines High School by selecting courses that
                           appeal to you.

                           Do I study at Advanced or                                      BTEC Level 3 courses:
                                                                                          A minimum of 5 A*–C grades in 5 different subjects is
                           Intermediate Level?                                            required for BTEC Level 3 courses.

                           Advanced Courses:
                           GCE AS/A2 and BTEC courses are studied by students
                                                                                          BTEC Level 2:
                                                                                          BTEC Level 2 courses are taken by students who achieve 5
                           who have gained good GCSE grades.
                                                                                          or more D grades in 5 different subjects at GCSE. Many
                                                                                          students who do not do as well as they wish at GCSE take a
                           AS/A Level:
                                                                                          Level 2 course for one year, then progress to an advanced
                           For entry at AS and A Level a minimum of a B grade is
                                                                                          course and higher education.
                           required in each subject to be studied (or a related subject
                           if applicable).

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                                                                                          “Racial harmony
                                                                                           is impressive.”

                           GCE AS/A2:                                                   BTEC Level 2 Course – Business:
                           Students usually take 3 or 4 A Level subjects in Year 12     BTEC Level 2 is a one year course and is equivalent to
                           (depending on their GCSE results) and continue with at       four A-C grades at GCSE and may enable students with
                           least 3 courses into Year 13.                                these qualification to progress to A Level or BTEC Level
                                                                                        3. This is primarily assessed by coursework but there is
                           The Government is introducing reforms to the operation of    also a test and an online examination.
                           A Levels and this will commence for some subjects in
                           September 2015. We will be posting more information as       Possible Combinations:
                           it becomes available on our website.                         Possible course combinations are given on the green
                                                                                        options block information in the back pocket. There is no
                           BTEC Level 3 Courses –                                       one prescribed route through the Sixth Form and it is
                           ICT and Business:                                            important to discuss all options with members of staff.
                           These 2 year full time courses also cover the knowledge,
                           understanding and skills of the subject but in the context   For students who have not achieved a grade C GCSE in
                           of vocational situations. A BTEC Level 3 in Business is      English and/or Mathematics, there is a requirement to
                           worth 2 A Levels; in ICT it is worth 1 A Level. The main     retake these examinations.
                           method of assessment for these courses is through
                           coursework assignments. This style of study may suit
                           some students who prefer not to rely on performance in
                           end year examinations.

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     Valentines High School Post Sixteen

                                                             List of courses at
                                                             Advanced Level
                                                             AS/A Level                                   BTEC
                                                             Art                                          BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Business
                                                             Biology                                      BTEC First Level 2 Diploma in Business
                                                             Business Studies                             BTEC ICT Level 3 Diploma
                                                             Drama and Theatre Studies                    GCSE
                                                             Economics B                                  English
                                                             English Literature                           Mathematics
                                                             Further Mathematics
                                                             Government and Politics
                                                             Media Studies
                                                             Physical Education
                                                             Product Design (3-D Design)
                                                             Product Design (Textiles)

                          Year 12                                                      Entry to Year 13
                          • 3 or 4 subjects at AS Level                                Progression into Year 13 is dependent on good
                            or                                                         achievement in Year 12. Currently, students are required
                          • 1 BTEC Level 3 course (and possibly 1 AS course)           to gain at least grades DDE at AS. BTEC Level 3 students
                            or                                                         are required to be up to date with their work and have the
                          • 1 BTEC Level 2 course                                      equivalent of grade DE. All students must have a good
                                                                                       record of attendance, punctuality and conduct if they wish
                          Year 13                                                      to progress to Year 13.
                          • 3 or 4 subjects at A2 Level (continued from Year 12)
                            or                                                         AS resits are now only available in the summer term of
                          • 1 BTEC Level 3 course (and possibly 1 A2 course            Year 13. Students are permitted to re-sit 3 module
                            continued from Year 12)                                    examinations at their own expense. More than 3 modules
                                                                                       may only be re-taken in exceptional circumstances.
                          Entry to Year 12                                             Re-sits are not permitted in a subject where an
                          Students must                                                unclassified grade has been achieved.
                          • meet the specific entry requirements for their
                            chosen subjects

                          • be motivated and hard working                                  If we do not offer a course you want, please make
                                                                                           a note of this on your application form. If there is
                          • be prepared to fulfil our Sixth Form contract                  sufficient demand we may be able to offer other
                          Completion of Year 12 is dependent on good progress,
                                                                                           The school reserves the right not to offer a course at
                          conduct, attendance and punctuality.                             AS/A2 Level where there are too few students
                          Students who do not fulfil the terms of the home school          wishing to take it. In this event every effort will be
                          agreement are unlikely to remain in the Sixth Form.              made to assist students in continuing with alternative
                                                                                           courses, although no guarantees can be made.

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      Introduction – 1

      Resources and Activities – 2 : 4                                                                                                                   The School Badge
                                                                                                                  Valentines High School is built on part of the old Valentines Mansion
                                                                                                                     estate. The school badge shows the Valentines grapevine which
      Careers – 5
                                                                                                                               provided a cutting for the grapevine at Hampton Court.

      Responsibilities and Opportunities – 6 : 7                                                                                  The badge was designed in 1977 by Marion Molloy,
                                                                                                                                                  Head of Art at Valentines until 1992.
      Joining The Sixth Form – 8 : 9

      Curriculum Guide – 10 : 12

      Current List of Courses – 12

      Course Directory & Application Form – Located in Back Pocket
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                                                                                                                                                                          Valentines High School
                                                                                                                                                                             Post Sixteen Prospectus 2015

                                Valentines High School
                                Cranbrook Road, Gants Hill, Ilford, Essex, IG2 6HX
                                Tel: 020 8554 3608 Fax: 020 8518 2621

                                                                                                                                                                                                            cut marks

                                                                                          Tel: 020 8554 3608 Fax: 020 8518 2621
                                                                                          Cranbrook Road, Gants Hill, Ilford, Essex, IG2 6HX
                                                                                                                    Valentines High School

                                                                                                                                          2. Application Form
                                                                                                                                             BTEC Courses
                                                                                                                                             Vocational A Level
                                                                                                                                             AS/A-Level Courses
                                                                                                                                        1. Course Information


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