VEHICLE RECALIBRATION - what insurers need to know - Key Media

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VEHICLE RECALIBRATION - what insurers need to know - Key Media

what insurers need to know
VEHICLE RECALIBRATION - what insurers need to know - Key Media
You don’t
                                    Just as the human brain controls
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                                    At Auto Windscreens we only
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                                    experts recalibrate the Advanced
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VEHICLE RECALIBRATION - what insurers need to know - Key Media

                                                                           ADAS VEHICLE CALIBRATION

Insurers – this is vital
for your reputation
The vehicles your customers drive have changed – and if you’re not careful
you could effectively be encouraging them to put the wrong fuel in the tank

                                                                                                AT A GLANCE

                                                                                                             The number of dealerships
                                                                                                             Auto Windscreens is working
                                                                                                             with to ensure it uses the
                                                                                                             latest vehicle manufacturer

                                                                                                             ICDP recently stated that ADAS
                                                                                                             could help cut crashes by 15%
                                                                                                             in the main European markets
                                                                                                             by 2030

SELF-DRIVING CARS may still be
another five-10 years from going main-
                                                crashes by around 15% - with Mercedes-
                                                Benz collecting data back in 2014 to suggest
                                                                                                             The year in which Auto
stream, while flying cars may never stretch     they could cut rear-end collisions by 30%.                   Windscreens launched the UK's
beyond the realms of fantasy – but make no         Yet despite the emergence of ADAS into                    only manufacturer-approved
mistake, the vehicles we drive are not just     the mainstream, some insurance companies                     ADAS recalibration solution
changing, they have already changed.            are yet to implement one vital approach to
   Does your car boast cruise control?
Emergency braking? How about assisted
                                                their repair – and in the process are effec-
                                                tively encouraging their customers to put                    2021
                                                                                                             Auto Windscreens expects all
parking? These are just some of the features,   the wrong fuel in the tank.
                                                                                                             new vehicles by 2021 to have
collectively known as advanced driver-as-          Find out more about Auto Windscreens                      some form of ADAS
sistance systems (ADAS) that have already       ADAS recalibration now.
made their way into the vehicles most of                                                       like the tyres or oil of a car. If the customer
us drive – and there are plenty more inno-      What’s the problem?                            needs a windscreen replacement or is
vations to come. According to conservative      While these systems can be a massive boost     involved in an accident, it’s likely that their
estimates, these features are helping to cut    to drivers, they need to be maintained just    sensors will require some form of recalibra-

VEHICLE RECALIBRATION - what insurers need to know - Key Media


tion as they’re usually located in vulnerable   was to look after insurers, policyholders and
areas of the car like the windscreen itself,    the business by being as up to date with new
behind bumpers or in the grille at the front    tech as possible and ultimately protecting
Auto Windscreens’ MD Rupert Armitage            our reputation.”
tells Insurance Business. Unfortunately,           Now Armitage is urging insurers to do
in an effort to save on claims costs, some      the same – to ensure that all ADAS recali-
insurers are misguidedly reaching out to the    bration is carried out by the manufacturers
after-market he says.                           themselves.
   “When I joined the business three years         “Every time a vehicle goes back to the
ago, it was looking at after-market solu-       manufacturer, there is more and more tech-          Use Auto Windscreens for 100% guaran-
tions,” he says. “ADAS and recalibration was    nology in the software,” he says. “The reality   teed manufacturer ADAS recalibration.
in its infancy then. We trialled the after-     is that you could go and have everything
market and at the same time went out and        checked and it could be out-of-date the next     What are the consequences of
talked to a large number of manufacturers to    day, even with a manufacturer. But that’s a      relying on the after-market?
ask their advice on how they saw the picture    worst-case scenario - the problem we had         In an era in which insurance purchases
emerging.”                                      with the after-market is that the system         are often driven by comparison websites
   “Ultimately, we went with the manufac-       could be six months or 12 months old by the      and price is seemingly everything to many
turers,” he continues. “It was nothing to do    time it is reverse engineered and sent out       customers, it can be tempting for insurers
with the cost of after-market equipment, it     to the network. This is a problem you don’t      to grab a cheaper option – but that is a false
was not viewed as a revenue stream – but it     have with the manufacturer.”                     economy, insists Armitage.

VEHICLE RECALIBRATION - what insurers need to know - Key Media
“I had a conversation with someone over       have the equipment to do it properly.
in the USA this summer who told me he             Fitting windscreens like this is like putting      ADAS FEATURES
made about $400 by turning to the after-          substandard fuel in your car.”
market instead of a manufacturer to recali-                                                          Here is a list of ADAS features commonly
brate a windscreen with ADAS – but I said         So what should insurers do?                        incorporated into vehicles
to him, ‘the first time there’s a death linked    When it comes to vehicles with ADAS,
to a failing ADAS, it’s going to come back        Armitage firmly believes that insurers have          Adaptive cruise control (ACC)
and bite you properly,’” he says.                 to insist on working with the manufac-
                                                                                                       Adaptive light control: swivelling curve
    For proof, look no further than State         turers and using approved original equip-            lights
Farm Auto Insurance in the US. In August          ment (OE) – something he has demanded                Automatic parking
2017 it was slapped with a federal lawsuit        from Auto Windscreens.
                                                                                                       Automotive navigation system with
for its supposed involvement in a defective           “The complexity surrounding each                 typically GPS and TMC for providing
car repair which allegedly contributed to a       manufacturer’s own intricate recalibration           up-to-date traffic information.
horrific accident. The insurer was accused        process can be akin to a car having brain            Automotive night vision
of ‘forcing’ a car repairer to cut corners        surgery,” he explains. “Therefore you need           Blind spot monitor
and costs by using an untested adhesive           the right specialists and tools.”
                                                                                                       Collision avoidance system (Precrash
to replace the hail-damaged steel roof of a           “That’s why we only work with OE 100%            system)
used 2010 Honda Fit. The lawsuit blamed           of the time with ADAS and have links
                                                                                                       Crosswind stabilisation
the suspect car repair for the crushing and       to more than 4,000 dealerships. You get
                                                                                                       Cruise control
burning of the car owners when the vehicle        manufacturer advice, a manufacturer part,
                                                                                                       Driver drowsiness detection
was struck in a collision. The body shop          a manufacturer’s recalibration and they
director admitted under oath that the busi-       do a full diagnostic check. The customer             Driver monitoring system
ness violated the 2009-2013 Honda Fit             of that insurer leaves with a vehicle that           Electric vehicle warning sounds used in
Body Repair Manual when it used glue to           is 100% guaranteed the ADAS works.                   hybrids and plug-in electric vehicles
replace the roof.                                 Without it, there’s no guarantee.”                   Emergency driver assistance
    It’s an example that is likely to be repli-       With ADAS becoming ever more                      Forward collision warning
cated closer to home too. In January this year,   frequent in vehicles, so do the risks that           Intersection assistance
a car smashed into the back of another close      surround them – fleets that do not use orig-         Hill descent control
to junction 25 of the M62. The driver claimed     inal equipment can lose their value when
                                                                                                       Intelligent speed adaptation or
he had expected the anti-collision system to      returned to the manufacturer at the end of           intelligent speed advice (ISA)
brake automatically. Has he had a windscreen      a lease; while the ever-increasing threat of         Lane departure warning system
replaced recently? How was it recalibrated?       cyber breaches is another serious risk for
                                                                                                       Lane change assistance
Were a case like this to lead to a legal chal-    systems that are not maintained properly.
                                                                                                       Night vision
lenge over the use of after-market recalibra-         “The reality is this is supposed to be life-
tion, the repercussions for the insurer could     saving equipment,” says Armitage. “But it            Parking sensor
go far beyond any saving it hoped to make         is only life-saving if you maintain it as it         Pedestrian protection system
with a cheaper repair option.                     should be. It’s up to insurers to insist that’s      Rain sensor
    “[Using the after-market] is like going       the case – every time. I don’t believe there         Surround view system
to an optician, taking the prescription away      is a significant cost difference between the         Traffic sign recognition
and going to the supermarket and saying:          two solutions now but the cost benefits are
                                                                                                       Turning assistance
‘have you got anything near to this’,” said       potentially enormous.”
                                                                                                       Tyre pressure monitoring
Armitage. “When it comes to windscreens               Learn more about Auto Windscreens’
                                                                                                       Vehicular communications system
there is no such thing as a ‘manufacturer         ADAS recalibration and how it can help
approved equivalent’. Some of these places        you maintain your relationship with your             Wrong-way driving warning
making after-market glass simply don’t            customers now.

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