VicRoads Transformation - ASU Victoria & Tasmania

Page created by Judy Nichols
VicRoads Transformation - ASU Victoria & Tasmania
VicRoads Transformation
VicRoads Transformation - ASU Victoria & Tasmania
Why we need to change:

We are setting VicRoads up to meet the challenges Victoria’s road network is facing and to deliver as a
modern, innovative and responsive organisation.

VicRoads transformation began in 2018 with the:

     • Creation of Regional Roads Victoria to uplift the safety, quality & engagement on regional roads
     • Transfer of major projects to the Major Road Projects Victoria
     • Combining R&L and IM&T into Customer and Technology division ensures the collaboration
       required from both teams to deliver for their customers
     • Establishment of a Corporation Secretary to improve capability in governance and compliance
     • Establishment of an Enterprise Portfolio Management Office (EPMO) to ensure alignment
       between business objectives and the way projects and programs are delivered.

VicRoads transformation in 2019 will focus on the following areas:

     • Realigning our structure and setting up several new essential functions
     • Refining our operating model
     • Reviewing our financial needs and sustainability
     • Establishing a stronger focus on asset management and statutory planning
     • Centralising major decisions about the road network that relate to the Big Build, growth corridors
       and significant policies
     • Improving the performance of our metro and greater Melbourne roads, and keep up with the
       suburban population growth
     • Improving network performance and our management of planned and unplanned disruptions.
VicRoads Transformation - ASU Victoria & Tasmania
Operating model and structure
VicRoads Transformation - ASU Victoria & Tasmania
Operating model
VicRoads Transformation - ASU Victoria & Tasmania
VicRoads Structure Realignment
Effective on 4 February
VicRoads Transformation - ASU Victoria & Tasmania
Engineering and Road
VicRoads Transformation - ASU Victoria & Tasmania
Engineering and Road
  Engineering and Road Management Division will be led by the Chief Engineering and Road Management
  Officer. Andrew Wall will be acting in this role.

  This division is established to:
  • Centralise major decisions on all aspects of the road system including infrastructure, growth corridors
     and policies in relation to access, vehicle safety and standards, and road user requirements to ensure
     that we are making the right decisions for the greatest positive impact
  • Statutory planning on major matters, uplift capability and have a consistent and coordinated approach
     to statutory planning
  • Better respond to the challenges presented by the “Big Build” including setting of requirements for
     asset standards and performance, assurance, and integration with current assets
  • Centralise integration and assurance function for major infrastructure projects impacting the network
  • Significantly uplift asset management capability and function.
  • All teams currently under Investment & Design Services plus Road User and Vehicle Access and
     Smart Journey Services (renamed as Intelligent Transport Services) will form the new Engineering
     and Road Management division.

  Chief Engineer function
  • Represent VicRoads on key external governance committees requiring VicRoads technical and
    decision-making input
  • Strengthen technical capability development across the organisation
  • Provide services internally and externally where there are gaps in industry or it is in VicRoads
    interests to do so
  • Lead Research and Development.
VicRoads Transformation - ASU Victoria & Tasmania
Metropolitan Operations

                          A new focus on metropolitan roads with the creation of a Chief
                          Metropolitan Roads Officer, mirroring the design of Regional Roads
                          Victoria. Robyn Seymour (DCE) will be acting in this role.

                          The creation of a third metropolitan region (Central) is designed to
                          focus on the needs of inner Melbourne, with a tie into disruption
                          coordination, big build interface, become the metro lead for public
                          transport and active travel, working closely with Network Operations
                          and Engineering & Road Management.

                          This change frees up Metro North West and Metro South East to focus,
                          plan, respond, manage the issues in the established suburbs and
                          growth areas.

                          Emergency Management will report to the Chief Metropolitan Roads
                          Officer and will continue to provide state wide services.

                          Network Operations
                          Network Operations will look after the operation of the road network
                          day to day. In partnership with Regions it will progressively improve
                          network performance to meet customer needs, support the growing
                          demand for travel, and manage planned and unplanned impacts on the

                          The growth and change in peak travel has meant that we need to
                          rethink real time operations covering morning and afternoon peak,
                          construction activity and events.

                          Anita Curnow leads Network Operations as Executive Director Network
                          Operations and will be part of Metropolitan Operations division.
VicRoads Transformation - ASU Victoria & Tasmania
Corporation Secretary

                        The Corporation Secretary division has been established to drive
                        significant improvements in governance and compliance
                        capability. The Corporation Secretary:

                        • Provides advice and implement good governance practices
                          across the organisation in a proactive manner
                        • Promotes the compliance framework to safeguard the integrity
                          of the organisation
                        • Ensures regulatory obligations are met
                        • Develops, implements, communicates and maintains
                          compliance policies, processes and procedures.

                        • The following functions and teams now report to the
                          Corporation Secretary:
                              • Legal Services
                              • Procurement
                              • Procurement Strategy (will report to Procurement)
                              • Risk and Compliance
                              • Governance team
                              • Records Management team
VicRoads Transformation - ASU Victoria & Tasmania
Public Engagement and Commercial

                          Two key functions will join Public Engagement as part of the

                          Commercial Enterprises and Sprayline Road Services join Public
                          Engagement under the leadership of the General Manager,
                          Commercial and EPMO

                          Public Engagement has significant expertise in external
                          stakeholder management and marketing, both of which will bring
                          significant benefits to our commercial functions.

                          A new Enterprise Portfolio Management Office (EPMO) function
                          has been established. The EPMO is designed to ensure strategic
                          alignment between business objectives and projects executed.

          Strong financial management is a hallmark of every organisation.
          This is a critical area that heavily influences our reputation with
          Government and enables us to plan more effectively.

          With the creation of the Corporation Secretary division, Finance
          is now positioned to better focus on the following:
          • Financial sustainability of VicRoads
          • Financial reporting and forecasting
          • Funds management
          • TEC and contract financial management
          • Managing financial risk
          • Building financial capability within the organisation
          • Improving business operations management.
What we need from you….

Change is needed from all of us. We need you on board.

We need to work together to identify how we can be more focussed, innovative
and dynamic in our work to ensure the success of our new operating model.

Please reach out to me, your mangers or directly to the transformation team on if you have any questions.

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