Vitalhub - Healthcare Partnership Network - North 21st - 22nd September, Oulton Hall Hotel, Leeds

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Vitalhub - Healthcare Partnership Network - North 21st - 22nd September, Oulton Hall Hotel, Leeds
Healthcare Partnership Network - North
 21st - 22nd September, Oulton Hall Hotel, Leeds

                Our Headline Sponsor


            +44(0) 1293 661 044       1
Vitalhub - Healthcare Partnership Network - North 21st - 22nd September, Oulton Hall Hotel, Leeds
Introducing our Event Chairman

                                            David Walliker
                                            Chief Digital & Partnerships Officer
                                            Oxford University Hospitals NHS
                                            Foundation Trust

Sir James Mackey               Ifti Majid           Rob Webster CBE               Sonia Patel
Chief Executive Officer   Chief Executive Officer   Chief Executive Officer      Chief Information
    Northumbria           Derbyshire Healthcare      West Yorkshire and
   Healthcare NHS         NHS Foundation Trust         Harrogate ICS                  NHSX
  Foundation Trust

    Paul Jones             Emma Challans            Christine Walters            Sarah Carter
    Chief Digital &       Director of Culture and    Director of Informatics    Executive Director
 Information Officer          Improvement           St Helens and Knowsley       Nottingham and
  Leeds Teaching            Sherwood Forest           Hospitals NHS Trust        Nottinghamshire
 Hospitals NHS Trust         Hospitals NHS                                            Clinical
                            Foundation Trust                                   Commissioning Group
                                                      Mid Mersey Digital

    Lisa Emery            Alec Price-Forbes         Stephanie Lawton                Shankar
  Chief Information           Chief Clinical        Chief Operating Officer        Sridharan
       Officer             Information Officer                                     Chief Clinical
                                                    The Princess Alexandra
The Royal Marsden NHS         Coventry and                                      Information Officer
                                                      Hospital NHS Trust
   Foundation Trust       Warwickshire Health &                                Great Ormond Street
                          Care Partnership (STP)                               Hospital For Children
                                                                               NHS Foundation Trust

                           +44(0) 1293 661 044                                      2
Vitalhub - Healthcare Partnership Network - North 21st - 22nd September, Oulton Hall Hotel, Leeds
James Rawlinson           Andy Bissenden             Lucy Gardner             Heather Caudle
  Director of Health      Associate Director of    Director of Strategy &     Chief Nursing Officer
     Informatics                 Digital               Partnerships           Surrey & Borders NHS
 The Rotherham NHS       East Sussex Healthcare     Warrington & Halton         Foundation Trust
  Foundation Trust             NHS Trust           Teaching Hospitals NHS
                                                      Foundation Trust

   James Davis             Richard Moyes            Chris Reynolds             Paul Cleeland-
Director of Innovation      General Manager        Director of Informatics         Smith
                                                   (Business Intelligence    Head of UEC Operations
Royal Free London NHS      Leeds Teaching
                                                      and Information
  Foundation Trust        Hospitals NHS Trust                                 NHS England & NHS
                                                        Black Country
                                                       Healthcare NHS
                                                      Foundation Trust

Katherine Church           Wesam Baker              Karen McDowell             Richard Billam
 Chief Digital Officer     Director of Strategic   Chief Operating Officer   Deputy Director of ICT
                           Analytics, Economics    & Deputy Accountable      Barnsley Hospital NHS
Surrey Heartlands ICS     and Population Health            Officer             Foundation Trust
                              Management           Surrey Heartlands CCG
                            Mersey Care NHS                & ICS
                            Foundation Trust

                          +44(0) 1293 661 044                                      3
Vitalhub - Healthcare Partnership Network - North 21st - 22nd September, Oulton Hall Hotel, Leeds

In the aftermath of one of the most demanding and difficult periods in the
sector’s history, opportunities to collaborate, learn and find new solutions to drive
transformational change have never been more of a priority for the NHS.

Healthcare Partnership Network provides NHS senior leaders with a unique opportunity
and a safe space to share experiences and to learn about solutions from some of
healthcare’s most innovative suppliers.

              →   The event chairman - HPN North is chaired by David Walliker, Chief
                  Digital and Partnerships Officer at Oxford University Hospitals NHS
                  Foundation Trust. David will bring his wealth of knowledge and
                  experience in framing and guiding the event across the two days.

              →   Presentations - HPN North features a fantastic agenda of presentations
                  from NHS senior leaders who are at the forefront of innovation, transformation
                  and improvement in the sector. Over 2 days, you’ll hear from our speakers
                  on everything from AI-driven diagnostics to transforming patient pathways.

              →   Sponsor presentations - main room and breakout sessions giving you
                  the chance to hear from the sector’s most innovative suppliers and
                  discover solutions that will help you address the pressing challenges in
                  your trust.

              →   Dragons’ Den - a quick-fire pitch session featuring all of our sponsors.
                  Each supplier delivers a 90-second elevator pitch about their solution -
                  giving you an opportunity to earmark suppliers and solutions you are most
                  interested in.

              →   Business meetings - pre-arranged 15 minute meetings with suppliers
                  who are offering solutions most relevant to your challenges.

              →   Networking sessions - throughout the event we host a networking
                  lunch as well as a dinner and drinks reception to give you ample
                  opportunity to connect with your peers and suppliers over the learnings
                  from the event.

                     +44(0) 1293 661 044                                       4
Vitalhub - Healthcare Partnership Network - North 21st - 22nd September, Oulton Hall Hotel, Leeds
Day One

 8:10 - 8:55         Registration

 8:55 - 9:05         Chairman’s Opening Remarks
                     Welcome to the Healthcare Partnership Network.
                     HPN represents a great opportunity to network, to understand the
                     marketplace and to share ideas and challenges.
                     I’m looking forward to hearing not just about vital learnings from
                     the past year, but also about how we are continuing to transform
                     the services we deliver, how we are automating and how we
David Walliker
 Chief Digital &
                     are improving the quality and outcomes for our patients and
  Partnerships       populations.
Oxford University
 Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust

 9:05 - 9:45         Presentation

                     ICS Construct Panel Discussion
                     In this session we will have some of the top UK thought leaders
                     discussing the heavily debated ICS Construct set for April 2022.
                     The panel is chaired by David Walliker and participants include
                     Rob Webster, Sarah Carter and Karen McDowell. Topics covered
                     in this session will include Culture and Leadership, collaboration,
                     integration, overall system recovery, equality and diversity and
                     health inequalities.

                     David Walliker, Chief Digital & Partnerships Officer,
                     Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

                     Sarah Carter, Executive Director,
                     Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Group

                     Rob Webster CBE, Chief Executive Officer,
                     West Yorkshire and Harrogate ICS

                     Karen McDowell, Chief Operating Officer & Deputy Accountable
                     Officer, Surrey Heartlands CCG & ICS

                     +44(0) 1293 661 044                                      5
Vitalhub - Healthcare Partnership Network - North 21st - 22nd September, Oulton Hall Hotel, Leeds
Day One

9:45 - 10:05    3M|M*Modal Headline Sponsor

                Creating time to care
                By accelerating innovation in artificial intelligence (AI) powered
                conversational solutions. 3M M*Modal is changing the paradigm
                on patient-clinician interactions and clinical workflows. From
                struggling to get data in the EPR and spending nearly half their time
                on administrative tasks, clinicians can now use an AI–based virtual
                assistant that can capture clinical documentation from conversational
                speech between the clinician and patient.

                3M M*Modal takes its market-leading Computer-Assisted Physician
                Documentation (CAPD) technology that nudges clinicians at the point
                of care towards better care and best practices to the next level with its
                virtual provider assistant. Leveraging next- generational AI, the virtual
                assistant understands the intent and context of the clinician’s words
                for hands-free EPR documentation and conversational order entry.

                This enables it to proactively fill gaps, provide in-workflow clinician
                decision support, and improve care quality. Please join us to learn how
                University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust use our
                solutions for improving outcomes and creating time to care.

                Alex Johnston, Sales Director – UK & Ireland, 3M|M*Modal

                Alec Price-Forbes, Chief Clinical Information Officer, Coventry and
                Warwickshire Health & Care Partnership (STP)

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Vitalhub - Healthcare Partnership Network - North 21st - 22nd September, Oulton Hall Hotel, Leeds
Day One

 10:05 - 10:55 Dragons’ Den - Speed Presentations

 11:00 - 12:00        Coffee Break and Business Meetings

 12:05 - 12:25        Presentation

                      What Does Good Look Like across UK
                      Health and Social Care?
                      Sonia Patel, Chief Information Officer at NHSX, will deliver an update
                      on the ‘What Good Looks Like’ framework, identifying how the
                      guidance supports Trust boards and their leaders in making decisions
  Sonia Patel         to scale up their digital transformation. The WGLL framework sets
Chief Information     out a common vision for good digital practice to empower frontline
                      leaders to accelerate digital transformation in their organisations.
                      Going forward, this framework and its core principles will provide a
                      comprehensive set of tools, guidelines and best practices for NHS
                      leaders to achieve meaningful digital transformation.

 12:30 - 12:50        Main Room - System C & Graphnet

                      Bringing Integrated Care to Our Residents
                      St Helens suffers from high deprivation, inequality and
                      unemployment, leading to below-average population outcomes.
                      These challenges create a high demand for services, and the cost is
                      unsustainable. ‘St Helens Cares’, a place-based approach to health
   Christine          and care, was developed to bring key partners together to deliver
   Walters            integrated services aimed at improving people’s lives. Since its
    Director of       formation in 2018, the St Helens Cares initiative has changed
                      how partners work together, with sharing of data resulting in
  St Helens and
Knowsley Hospitals    coordinated service provision and, as a result, improved care.
    NHS Trust
Mid Mersey Digital

                      +44(0) 1293 661 044                                     7
Vitalhub - Healthcare Partnership Network - North 21st - 22nd September, Oulton Hall Hotel, Leeds
Day One

 12:30 - 12:50         Breakout Room 1 - WiFi SPARK

                       Reduce patient isolation and bolster
                       emotional wellbeing
                       Empower, engage and entertain your patients at no cost to them.

 Steven Killick
 Product Manager
    WiFi SPARK

 12:30 - 12:50         Breakout Room 2 - NHS SBS

                       Navigating the perfect storm – procurement
                       integration in a post-Covid world
                       Local NHS procurement teams are transforming how they buy
                       goods and services together, as Integrated Care Systems. But, as
                       NHSE/I admits, ‘the scale and complexity of the change required for
Alison Kerfoot         ICS procurement collaboration is asking a lot of the current provider
Consulting Director    landscape as it focuses on the criticality of supply chain resilience
   NHS Shared          post the COVID pandemic.’ Alison Kerfoot, Executive Director at
 Business Services
                       NHS Shared Business Services will discuss the varying levels of
                       ICS maturity across the country. How can collaboration work most
                       effectively? What are the key areas of focus? And, critically, what
                       support is available?

                       +44(0) 1293 661 044                                      8
Vitalhub - Healthcare Partnership Network - North 21st - 22nd September, Oulton Hall Hotel, Leeds
Day One

 12:55 - 13:15          Main Room - Presentation

                        Combining the digital revolution with
                        compassionate cultures
                        Digital remains the golden thread to enable and sustain such
                        transformational change. We need to future-proof our health and
                        care system, by focusing on the health and wellbeing of both ours
  Alec Price-           and our children’s generation to deliver effective population health
    Forbes              management. Health and Care Organisations are now adopting a new
   Chief Clinical
                        direction of travel away from siloed organisational thinking towards
Information Officer
  Coventry and          intentionally redesigning the health and care landscape together. This
  Warwickshire          will focus on the need for improved data quality, integrated information
     Health &
 Care Partnership       systems and the role of AI in facilitating new ways of working.

                        But, more critically we need compassionate, collaborative leadership,
                        blended together with partnership with our citizens and engaged
                        patients to ensure we meet their care needs and reduce inequalities
                        in access. This will enable truly integrated care and the move away
                        from transactional outputs towards values and outcomes based care.

 12:55 - 13:15          Breakout Room 1 - Presentation

                        Health on the high street: enabling
                        convenient healthcare and town centre
                        Lucy will share with colleagues the exciting developments placing
                        health in the heart of high streets in both Runcorn and Warrington.
 Lucy Gardner           The session will focus on the innovative partnership working
Director of Strategy    between an acute Trust, 2 Borough Councils, Commissioners and
  & Partnerships
                        a full range of health and care providers across the public and
   Warrington &
 Halton Teaching        charitable sectors, to secure funding and implement integrated
  Hospitals NHS         health and wellbeing services in 2 new purpose built high street
 Foundation Trust

                        +44(0) 1293 661 044                                     9
Vitalhub - Healthcare Partnership Network - North 21st - 22nd September, Oulton Hall Hotel, Leeds
Day One

 12:55 - 13:15         Breakout Room 2 - Presentation

                       An insight into the implementation of the
                       Digital Aspirants Programme
                       In this session Andy Bissenden, leading the digital transformation
                       within his trust, will give thoughts, views and overall vision for the
                       use of funds from the Digital Aspirants Programme. He will describe
Andy Bissenden         how he has added value of working together as part of the system
Associate Director     and give insight into how the team plan to transform community
    of Digital
                       services across Sussex using the latest innovations, technology and
   East Sussex
  Healthcare NHS       data with shared learning.

 13:15 - 14:00         Networking Lunch

 14:05 - 14:25         Presentation

                       Culture Transformation:
                       You Said, Together We Did
                       Emma will share with colleagues the continuous improvement in
                       Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS FT - 2020 HSJ Trust of the Year.
                       The session will focus on organisational improvement and the
    Emma               aspirational system culture transformation objectives during 2021-
   Challans            24. It is an exciting time for Sherwood and the Nottinghamshire
Director of Culture
                       Health and Care system, firmly placing cultural development at the
and Improvements
 Sherwood Forest
                       centre of our success.
  Hospitals NHS
 Foundation Trust

                       +44(0) 1293 661 044                                    10
Day One

 14:25 - 14:45       IMMJ Systems

                     Enabling Digital Transformation and
                     improving patient experience with digitised
                     medical records
                     IMMJ Systems are a Digital Health Innovator who have an award-
                     winning Electronic Document Management (EDM) solution known as
                     MediViewer which has been sold extensively across the NHS. Barnsley
                     Hospital, one of our latest clients to deploy MediViewer will share their
                     EDMS journey to date, particularly how they’ve managed to reach
                     this significant milestone during the global pandemic. Lisa Harris
                     (IMMJ) and Richard Billam (BHNFT) will walk through the typical NHS
                     business drivers for EDM and those pertinent to the BHNHT business
                     case. Richard will summarise on clinical feedback to date since the
                     early September go-live across the Rheumatology service.
                     Lisa Harris, Chief Operations Officer, IMMJ Systems
                     Richard Billam, Deputy Director of ICT, Barnsley Hospital NHS
                     Foundation Trust

 14:50 - 15:10       Main Room - Visiba Care Presentation

                     Reimage care pathways and reduce
                     elective waiting lists
                     In this showcase, Karen will present Visiba Care, a virtual care
                     solution which allows a digi-physical approach to create flexible
                     patient pathways, enhance efficiency and productivity, and deliver
 Karen Jones         improved patient outcomes.
Regional Business
Manager North &
   Visiba Care

                     +44(0) 1293 661 044                                      11
Day One

14:50 - 15:10    Breakout Room 1 - Objectivity

                 Digitising Health and Local Government in
                 the North West, a model to follow?
                 Listen to how the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care
                 Partnership is taking manual paper based processes into a full
                 digital model reducing staff resources and assisting parents across
                 their Smart Resident Platform using a Low code solution to deliver
                 applications 90% faster than traditional software development. Hear
                 how Health Innovation Manchester created a smoke free pregnancy
                 application which has reduced smoking during pregnancy from 15%
                 to 8%.
                 Nigel Lomas, Public Sector Lead, Objectivity
                 Andy Smith, Director of Healthcare Services, Objectivity

14:50 - 15:10    Breakout Room 2 - Netcall

                 Delivering on your digital vision – wherever
                 you’re starting from
                 Joined-up patient support created by collaboration and
                 interoperability is likely to be key to your ICS’s strategy. You’ll be
                 building on local strengths to make ongoing improvements. Join
                 us to learn how your NHS peers are delivering on their visions and
                 business cases. Hear how hospitals are innovating to improve
                 patient journeys and create team efficiencies. Then they’re reaching
                 out to their local partners too. We’re an agnostic UK supplier. We
                 work hard to support your data integration and third-party working.
                 Find out how our Liberty platform will empower you, whatever your
                 vision or starting point.
                 Clare Rafferty, Transformation Lead for Health, Netcall
                 George Aristidou, Head of Public Sector Sales, Netcall

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Day One

15:15 - 16:30    Coffee Break and Business Meetings

16:35 - 17:15    Presentation

                 How will the ICS construct impact Digital
                 Transformation across health and social care?
                 In principle, Intergrated Care Systems will remove organisational
                 boundaries making it easier for digital pathways and data to flow
                 more efficiently, but is that the reality in practice? In this session
                 leading senior NHS figures will discuss the theory behind the ICS
                 construct and what benefits will come from this.

                 However, as we know just because something works on paper
                 does not mean it can be translated into the real world. Topics
                 being covered will include shared care records, integrated clinical
                 workflows, data sharing and information governance.

                 David Walliker, Chief Digital & Partnerships Officer,
                 Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

                 Lisa Emery, Chief Information Officer,
                 The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust

                 Paul Jones, Chief Digital & Information Officer,
                 Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

                 Katherine Church, Chief Digital Officer,
                 Surrey Heartlands ICS

                 James Rawlinson, Director of Health Informatics,
                 The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust

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Day One

17:15 - 17:35    Blue Prism

                 How Leeds Teaching Hospitals have
                 transformed their outpatient service
                 delivery with automation
                 It has long been said that technology holds the key to unlocking
                 time and resources for the NHS, and that has never been more true
                 than now. For many Trusts and healthcare practices, technologies
                 such as Automation have been crucial to seeing them through the
                 pandemic, and now they’re seeing them out of it, too.

                 One of these Trusts is Leeds Teaching Hospital, who with the help
                 of automation, is working to transform their outpatient services in
                 order to empower better patient interactions and outcomes while
                 keeping operations efficient.

                 Join Richard Moyes, General Manager of Leeds Teaching Hospitals,
                 and Patrick Shephard, Healthcare Director at Blue Prism, to hear
                 how this has been possible.

                 Patrick Shephard, Healthcare Director, Blue Prism

                 Richard Moyes, General Manager, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS

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Day One

17:35 - 17:55    Closing Keynote

                 Moving beyond collaboration to achieve
                    → Innovation does not thrive in isolation.
                    → The Innovation Units at the Royal Free and Great Ormond
                      Street have come together for a 12 month science-experiment
                      of true joint working as a single team.
                    → The why?
                    → We describe an enhanced way of working (above partnership
                      or collaboration) to harness data, analytics and tech to provide
                      smarter, better and kinder care.
                    → What success looks like and requirements to get there.
                    → Creating ecstasis and team-flow.
                    → Beyond the fairy-tale – we are not experts here and have never
                      done this before! We will share what we did badly and what
                      we are doing to mitigate numptiness.
                    → We have a lot to learn and are keen to share.

                 James Davis , Director of Innovation,
                 Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust

                 Shankar Sridharan, Chief Clinical Information Officer,
                 Great Ormond Street Hospital For Children NHS Foundation Trust

17:55 - 18:00    Chairman’s Closing Remarks

18:00 - 20:00 Hotel Check-in / Free Time

20:00 - 22:00 Drinks Reception & Networking Dinner

                 +44(0) 1293 661 044                                 15
Day Two

8:30 - 8:35    Chairman’s Opening Remarks

8:35 - 8:55    Presentation

               Whole system partnership approach to
               support the operational delivery of patient
               centred urgent & emergency care
               The Princess Alexandra Hospital is on an improvement journey
               on route to the development of our new hospital. Recognising
               increased pressures and demand and challenges with flow and
               performance, how local, ICP/ICS and NHSI colleagues have come
               together to develop an approach for whole system
                  → Recognising when to seek support
                  → Supporting teams on their improvement journey
                  → Addressing ongoing and sustained increases in demand
                    on emergency services (within Urgent & Emergency Care
                  → Using data to inform areas for development
                  → System and partnership relationships key to improving patient
                    and staff experiences
                  → Acute and Regulator joint working, working together to
                    facilitate sharing of best practice across the region
                  → Continuous learning and improvement journey
                  → Keeping going even when the going gets tough.
                  → Development of the weekly COO network to share information
                    and ideas
                  → Local and regional escalation calls to support mutual
                    Aid and assistance
                  → Regional networking with UEC and EEAST colleagues to
                    ensure effective communication channels - Round table
                    discussions on key subjects with COO and NHSI representation

               Stephanie Lawton, Chief Operating Officer,
               The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust

               Paul Cleeland-Smith, Head of UEC Operations,
               NHS England & NHS Improvement

               +44(0) 1293 661 044                               16
Day Two

9:00 - 9:20        Main Room - Patchwork

                    A new approach to tackling the NHS staffing
                    crisis: Outcomes-Based Staffing
                    The NHS is facing a staffing crisis. Tech-enabled workforce solution,
                    Patchwork Health, is working with over 60 NHS organisations to
                    introduce Outcomes-Based Staffing: a revolutionary approach to
   Sharan           tackling rising levels of workforce burnout and exit.
  Chief Growth      Chief Growth Officer at Patchwork Health, Sharan Ahluwalia, will
                    discuss what this new workforce model means for health and care
Patchwork Health
                    staff, and share how NHS leaders can best embrace this approach,
                    creating workforce systems that achieve optimal outcomes for the
                    patient, the worker and the employer.

9:00 - 9:20        Breakout Room 1 - Maintel

                    Disruptive but not disrupted - how critical
                    communications services are being
                    This session looks at how communications technology is being
                    disrupted by three of the biggest technology disruptions: cloud,
                    Artificial Intelligence, and the Internet of Things. It will examine
                    the opportunities, the risks, and the imperatives of these forces on
                    how we communicate internally and externally and what changes
                    we will need to make to the technology we deploy, the devices we
                    use and the way we work. Find out how you can unlock new IT and
                    business insights by pushing the boundaries of technology, and
                    leveraging Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Automation.
                    Adam Seymour, Account Director: Health & Housing Vertical, Maintel
                    Yogi Pareshar, Senior Account Executive, Extreme

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Day Two

9:00 - 9:20   Breakout Room 2 - Vital Hub

               How to Utilise Data Integration to Support
               Improved Patient Flow
               The core foundations of effective patient flow aim to improve
               patient experience, achieve higher levels of operational efficiency,
               and enable more coordinated, safer care for patients.
               Often, the main barrier to addressing fragmentation in services, is
               having access to real-time data. Typically, siloed working practices
               cause unnecessary supplemental pressure when support could be
               easily accessed through a joined-up technological infrastructure.
               Learn more about how we are providing a comprehensive range of
               live data sharing tools to over 30% of the entire NHS, across multiple
               health and social care providers, to achieve streamlined integration
               of care services and enhanced patient flow.
               Mike Sanders, Group CEO, Vital Hub
               Pete Beaumont, Sales Director, Vital Hub
               Lisa Riley, Vice President of Strategic Product and Partnership
               Development, Vital Hub


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Day Two

9:25 - 10:15    Panel Discussion

                Equality, Diversity & Inclusion and Health
                Inequalities in health and social care
                In this session we have some of the country’s leading advocates
                for equal health opportunities discussing how COVID has
                exasperated gross health inequalities in the population, equal
                opportunities for all candidates across the board from starting
                their career in the NHS and right up to the C-suite level.
                Sir James Mackey, Chief Executive Officer,
                Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
                Alec Price-Forbes, Chief Clinical Information Officer,
                Coventry and Warwickshire Health & Care Partnership (STP)
                Ifti Majid, Chief Executive Officer,
                Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
                Heather Caudle, Chief Nursing Officer,
                Surrey & Borders NHS Foundation Trust

10:20 - 10:40 Main Room - Block

                Connecting the Digital Dots: How to Ensure
                Your Digital Infrastructure Is Built on a
                Future Ready Foundation
                Every organisation is on an accelerated digital journey right now. And
                whilst many are embracing new and innovative technologies, we’re
                often seeing them fail to meet expectations because the underlying
                infrastructure isn’t delivering as it needs to. Our NHS clients tell us of their
                desire to improve the experience of staff and patients alike through these
                new innovations. So how can we shift the infrastructure foundation from
                operational to enabling, and ready to support the digital journey ahead?
                We’ll be exploring our modern approach to digital maturity modelling and
                sharing our stories of helping many of the largest and highest-profile NHS
                Trusts to leverage their infrastructure and enable impactful change.
                Dan Whiston, Director of Transformation, Block
                Dave Hutton, Chief Revenue Officer, Block

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Day Two

10:20 - 10:40 Breakout Room 1 - Apira

             Electronic Document Management
             Mary and Geoff will provide a warts and all canter through an
             Electronic Document Management deployment at London North
             West Healthcare. The programme was called “MedRecsOnline”
             and involved the use of software from IMMJ called MediViewer
             and a scanning provider called EDM Group. Whilst the challenges
             have often been profound including COVID related curve balls, the
             outcome has been fantastic. We have digitised over 40,000 records
             and have nearly 2,000 users of the system, access to notes has never
             been easier or more infection control friendly!
             We will describe how front line staff were kept fully on-
             board with a significant change to their working lives.
             Geoff Broome, Founder and Director, Apira
             Alan Brown, Director of Professional Services, Apira
             David Corbett, Director of Client Engagement, Apira

10:20 - 10:40 Breakout Room 2 - Fujitsu

             Trusts can’t run faster, so it’s time for IT to
             work smarter
             The NHS is being asked to do more and this is putting huge
             pressure on its IT teams. Trust IT leaders need to take a holistic
             approach to recover and rebuild rooted on tackling two priorities:
             the backlog and their workforce.
             Fujitsu will be sharing their insights and experience from across the
             globe, sharing success stories of Apotti in Finland, as well as best
             practise from across the UK. Find out how you can work smarter to
             recover and rebuild by:
                → Finding the right partner
                → Prioritising and planning
                → Creating the right platform
             Jamie Whysall, Head of UK Healthcare, Fujitsu
             Mat Chase, Healthcare CTO, Fujitsu (Formerly Deputy CTO at
             Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust)

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Day Two

  10:45 - 12:00 Coffee Break and Business Meetings

 12:05 - 12:35 Keynote

                         Sustained performance through effective
                         culture & leadership
                         In this keynote Sir James Mackey, Chief Executive of Northumbria
                         Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, will describe how this multi-site
                         trust has sustained continuous outstanding CQC ratings whilst
   Sir James             also being one of the highest operationally performing trusts in the
    Mackey               country. Sir Jim will share his views on what it means to have the right
  Chief Executive
                         culture to deliver outstanding care through effective leadership.
  Healthcare NHS
 Foundation Trust

 12:35 - 12:55           Presentation

                         Digital Strategy, Development to Delivery -
                         Supporting Mental Health Transformation
                         A how-to guide on the specific challenges associated with mental
                         health and learning disabilities in a developing ICS. Chris explains
                         the journey of a young agile organisation who have embraced
 Chris Reynolds          technology to make a clear and real difference to staff experience
      Director of        and patient care. The journey has only just started but there will be
Informatics (Business
                         plenty to learn along the way.
   Intelligence and
    Black Country
   Healthcare NHS
  Foundation Trust

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Day Two

  12:55 - 13:15         Presentation

                        Digital Excellence at St Helens & Knowsley
                        St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is midway
                        through an ambitious Digital Aspirant Programme where
                        enhancements to System C’s Careflow EPR are enabling the Trust
                        to achieve a level of digital maturity to match its Outstanding CQC
    Christine           rating and the 5-star care it already provides.
    Walters             Hear how STHK is using technology to enable health and care
    Director of
                        professionals to communicate and collaborate better, with
  St Helens and         improved and more timely access to the rich data needed to make
Knowsley Hospitals
                        better decisions. Digital collaboration across the healthcare provider
    NHS Trust
     Director           footprint is also giving patients better access to their records and to
Mid Mersey Digital      online advice and guidance that will improve health for all.

 13:15 - 13:35         Presentation

                        Population Health Management, Complex
                        Lives Segmentation in Liverpool
                        Wes will describe the Population Segmentation work developed in
                        Liverpool, which has a particular focus on “complex lives”. The aim
                        of this work is to support system integration and improve patient
 Wesam Baker            outcomes.
    Director of
Strategic Analytics,
  Economics and
Population Health
 Mersey Care NHS
 Foundation Trust

 13:35 - 13:45 Chairman’s Closing Remarks

 13:45 - 14:30 Networking Lunch

                        +44(0) 1293 661 044                                   22
MARCH                                           2022 Events Timeline

        MATPN North               HPN North            LGPN North
        1st - 2nd March           3rd - 4th March      29th - 30th March
        Oulton Hall, Leeds        Oulton Hall, Leeds   Oulton Hall, Leeds

             HEPN North
             26th - 27th April
             Oulton Hall, Leeds

             17th - 18th May
             Horwood House, Milton Keynes

             MATPN South                       HPN South
             28th - 29th June                  30th June - 1st July
             Beaumont Estate, Windsor          Beaumont Estate, Windsor

 +44(0) 1293 661 044  
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