Want to work for a company that uses business as a force for good? - The University of Auckland

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Want to work for a company that uses business as a force for good? - The University of Auckland

                                                                                                           SUMMER 2021
                                         YOUR CAREER     Information from Industry for Student Engineers

Want to work for
a company that
uses business as
a force for good?
We don’t just talk about it
– we take action.


We recently became a Certified B
Corporation™ (B Corp™), and in doing
so became the largest B Corp™ in
New Zealand and Australia.
 “Doing Milk Differently For A
Healthier World is the reason Synlait
exists. It shapes who we are, what we
stand for, and what we do. Synlait’s
mission is to be a catalyst for change
in our industry and becoming a B
Corp™ commits us to balancing
people, planet and profit.” Synlait
CEO Leon Clement
B Corp™ is a global community of
for-profit leaders pledging to use
business as a force for good.            Synlait Future Leaders
Certified B Corporations are a new
                                         programme – Recruiting for the
kind of business that balance            next intake commences February
purpose and profit.                      2021, for a January 2022 start.

           For more information on       Claire Ye, Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
           the global B Corp™            specialising in Mechanical Engineering,
           movement visit:               Auckland University standing in-front of New
           https://bcorporation.co.nz    Zealands first large scale electrode boiler.
Want to work for a company that uses business as a force for good? - The University of Auckland

                    YOU SEE
                 DO         Y
             ER                                                                                                                   ING?
                                                                                                                                                Graduates – with their fresh thinking and passion for


                                                                                                                                                reimagining what’s possible – are critical to our success.

                                                                                  UR             FU
SIMONE STOOVÉ                                                                                            T U RE
                                                                                                                                                AECOM has the people, technology          As part of the program, we work with
                                                                                                                                                and vision to create smart solutions      you to develop a plan, set your goals,
BE (Hons) Civil and Environmental Engineering   |   University of Auckland                                                                      for our clients’ challenges:              and the actions required to achieve
                                                                                                                                                                                          them. We not only provide technical
Since star�ng my career at PDP, I have               iden�fy opportuni�es or methods to                                                         –   56,000+ AECOM team members
                                                                                                                                                                                          training and access to experts in
grown to love environmental                          up-skill my so� skills and deepen my                                                           working across 7 continents
                                                                                                                                                                                          the industry, but training in soft skills
engineering. Engineering is where                    technical knowledge. Our                                                                   –   3,500+ team members across            in line with our focus on effective
science meets the real world, and                    mid-morning coffee-runs, regular                                                                Australia and New Zealand             communication, client service and
environmental engineering is where                   domain lunch�me runs, 3 pm office                                                                                                      building agility and resilience.
                                                                                                                                                –   18+ offices across Australia
systems are designed and                             planking sessions, and super-social                                                            and New Zealand.
implemented to treat or reduce waste.                touch rugby have also made the                                                                                                       There are many opportunities for
                                                                                                                                                On every project and for every client,    gaining exposure or experience
                                                                                                         WHO ARE WE
                                                     transi�on enjoyable.
Last year, I assisted with re-consen�ng                                                                                                         our talented teams pride themselves       on different projects, in different
                                                                                                                                                on big ideas, positive change, and        locations and with different teams.
a wastewater irriga�on system by                     There are exci�ng changes in                        PDP is a leading environmental
assessing environmental effects and                   regula�on ahead, par�cularly around                 and engineering consultancy            on leaving lasting legacies that build    We are seeking graduates who want
developing mi�ga�on strategies for                   freshwater and environmental                        offering solu�ons for                   communities.                              to try new things and expand their
these effects. Recently, my work focus                standards, that will trigger many work              environmental issues through our       Whether we’re delivering city-shaping     skills and knowledge.
has turned to a detailed civil and                   opportuni�es in the field of water and               specialised range of services.         infrastructure or enabling clean and
hydraulic design of a                                environmental engineering. Water                                                           stable water supply to far-flung places
mul�million-dollar wastewater                        infrastructure around the country is                We are a NZ, employee owned            many of us may never visit, our work      HOW WE SELECT
treatment plant upgrade.                             becoming dated and in need of
                                                                                                         and operated company, with 35          makes a difference.                       Your application for a graduate role
                                                                                                         years’ experience in providing                                                   will be assessed through a staged
                                                     remedia�on. In terms of work                        environmental solu�ons                                                           approach, including initial application
Perhaps one of the greatest learnings                opportuni�es at PDP, in part, this will
for me has been realising that the                   look like designing upgrades to water
                                                                                                         throughout New Zealand,
                                                                                                         Australia and in the Pacific Islands.
                                                                                                                                                WHAT ARE OUR                              review, online strengths based
                                                                                                                                                                                          assessment, video interview
collec�ve experience and skill-set of a              and wastewater infrastructure and                                                          GRADUATE                                  and assessment centre/
design team leads to a well-designed                 urban stormwater systems.                           Our team of over 175 specialists
system.                                                                                                  are located in Auckland, Hamilton,     OPPORTUNITIES?                            face to face interview.

                                                                                                         Tauranga, Wellington,                  We are seeking applicants from a
                                                     Within environmental engineering
                                                                                                                                                wide range of disciplines, including
Transi�oning into the working world                  itself, there is a great diversity of               Christchurch and Invercargill.
                                                                                                                                                civil, electrical, environmental,
                                                                                                                                                                                          APPLY ONLINE
can be in�mida�ng, but the                           projects. The type of work you engage                                                      geotechnical, mechanical, structural,     aecom.com/australia-newzealand-
mul�plicity of staff at all career stages             in shapes your career, whether you are              We are recrui�ng graduates and                                                   graduate-careers/
                                                                                                         interns for our offices in Auckland,     building services and chemical
means there is always someone                        a global picture op�oneering type, or                                                      engineering, as well as design,           Applications opening, 1st March
                                                                                                         Tauranga and Christchurch.                                                       2021, closing 26th March 2021.
around who can offer support,                         a precise and prac�cal “let’s figure out                                                    planning and program and cost
technical advice, or a joke or two!                  how this thing will actually work”                  To find out more about what we          management fields.
                                                     detailed design type, there is a niche              do and apply online, go to             Our two-year Growing Professional
With support from the PDP mentoring                  to suit a range of engineering                      pdp.co.nz/careers                      Skills graduate program is designed
programme, I have been able to                       personali�es.
                                                                                                                                                to help you bridge the gap between
                                                                                                                                                formal education and the workplace.

                        GRADUATE & INTERN                                    PRESENTATION EVENING                        AUcKLAND STEM
                                                                             cONFERENcE cENTRE, 22 SYMONDS STREET
                        APPLIcATIONS cLOSE                                   ROOM 423-340 AT 6 PM                        cAREER EXPO
                        30 MAY 2021                                          27 APRIL 2021                               28 APRIL 2021                                                                                                ENGINEER YOUR CAREER   3
Want to work for a company that uses business as a force for good? - The University of Auckland
Could your career
         journey be as
         unique as you are?
         The exceptional EY experience.
         It’s yours to build.

                                          © 2021 Ernst & Young, New Zealand. All Rights Reserved. APAC no. NZ00001161. ED None. NZ202011-000465.

4   ENGINEER YOUR CAREER                                                                                                                           ENGINEER YOUR CAREER   5
Want to work for a company that uses business as a force for good? - The University of Auckland
NATIONWIDE                         ABOUT US

                                                                                                                         INFRASTRUCTURE                     Hick Bros Civil Construction Ltd specialises in combining the
                                                                                                                                                            latest heavy plant resource with a large professional team to
                                                                                                                         & DEVELOPMENT                      provide value-added engineering solutions for all facets of major
                                                                                                                         SPECIALISTS                        infrastructure projects and land development works.
                                                                                                                                                            We have been involved in major infrastructure projects such as - Taupo Bypass,
                                                                                                                                                            Te Uku Windfarm, Te Rapa Bypass, Christchurch Rebuild, Auckland Airport,
                                                                                                                                                            Taupo Geothermal Projects, Maheno and Kaitia Dams, SH16 Causeway, NGA
                                                                                                                            INTERESTED IN A CAREER          New Market Viaduct. We have continued as one of NZ’s largest development
                                                                                                                            WITH HICK BROS?                 civil contractors, completing projects such as, Stonefields, Rangitahi Peninsula,
                                                                                                                            Send your CV and cover letter   Waiata Shores, Longbay, Millwater, Milldale, Hobsonville/Westgate Industrial
                                                                                                                            to hick.jobs@hickbros.co.nz     Estates, and many more…

Sarah Innes
Water Resources Engineer

Who are we?                                                 What is the best thing about working at T+T?
                                                            The people and the culture without a doubt. T+T
T+T is a 100% New Zealand-owned specialist
                                                            doesn’t have a sense of hierarchy and everyone makes
environmental and engineering consultancy.
                                                            you feel welcome from day 1. Everyone cares about the                                                         MEET
We shape the interface between people and the
                                                            company, each other, and clients who we do work for.
environment - earth, water and air - using science
and engineering.                                            T+T focuses on projects that align with their values,                                                 TERENCE
We strongly believe that it’s our people that keep
                                                            and this feeds into an interest and eagerness to take
                                                            pride in our work                                                                                     WALLACE-
our clients coming back. Our people are our greatest
asset, and we invest in their development, well-being       What advice do you have for students looking at
and ambitions. Our national and international award-
winning engineers, scientists, planners and project
                                                            graduate jobs?
                                                            Talk to people who work there and get a gauge of the
managers stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the best in        culture of the company, as that is going to determine                                                   ENGINEER
the world.                                                  the opportunities you get. Apply for a company that
                                                            aligns with your interests and passions because
Meet Sarah!                                                 not only is that going to be naturally evident in an
                                                            interview, it’s also going to set your career on the right
              Role: Water Resources Engineer                path from the get go. You don’t have to know what you
              Time at T+T: 2 years                          want to do exactly, but you just have to know what
              Degree: Bachelor of Civil and Environmental   gets you up in the morning and what you’re passionate
              Engineering with Honours, at the University   about. Because if you are passionate about the
              of Auckland                                   outcome of the project, then that’ll get you through the     Since joining Hick Bros in         WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TO GO                    HOW HAS YOUR CAREER
                                                                                                                         February 2020, Terence’s           INTO CIVIL CONSTRUCTION?                    PROGRESSED SO FAR WITH
                                                            tricky problems you face in the project along the way
What do you actually do?                                                                                                 career has progressed beyond       Civil construction was a career I wished    HICK BROS?
                                                            and provide you with motivation to pursue the career
                                                                                                                                                            to pursue from a young age, following       In the span of a year, my progression
I’ve worked on a wide range of jobs so far, trialling       path you’ve always wanted.                                   anything he expected. Starting                                                 throughout the company has advanced
                                                                                                                                                            in the footsteps of my grandfather.
out different aspects of water engineering. Some of                                                                      as a graduate straight out of                                                  from a student with very little practical
my main projects have involved flood modelling and          We are looking for Graduates and Summer Interns with
                                                                                                                         university, in the space of        WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST ABOUT                knowledge to a site engineer given the
hazard mapping; writing a stormwater management             inquisitive minds from a range of degree backgrounds
                                                            who are looking for an exceptional, open environment
                                                                                                                         12 months Terence has been         WORKING AT HICK BROS?                       opportunity to manage my own site and
plan alongside developing a new erosion risk                                                                             promoted to Site Engineer          Along with a vast range of support,         demonstrate the knowledge acquired
assessment tool; and working on a drought resilience        to help them succeed.                                                                           guidance, and a friendly environment,       throughout the year. This has been
                                                                                                                         and given responsibility for
model as a response to the Auckland water shortage.                                                                                                         Hick Bros continues to provide me with      made possible by having awesome
                                                                                                                         running his own site. Terence      ample opportunity for learning and          mentors and managers who are really
How has T+T supported your career?                                                                                       talks about his experience.        progression in the company.                 invested in developing my career.
On an individual level, everyone I’ve worked with has
supported me by taking the time to explain concepts                                                                                                         WHAT DOES YOUR ROLE ENTAIL?                 WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU HAVE
and guide me through work that challenges me and                                                                                                            My current role as a site engineer          FOR ANYONE THINKING ABOUT
                                                            Joinn our team                                                                                  involves the management of an               APPLYING TO HICK BROS?
that is interesting. As a company, I’ve been provided
                                                            Applications are open for 2022 graduate roles from 1st                                          earthworks site. This includes              Have an open mind, a willingness to
with lots of opportunities to attend training courses                                                                                                                                                   learn and a good work ethic. In my
                                                            March 2021 and we’ll be recruiting for our 2021 – 2022                                          monitoring the progression of work
(despite covid), and I’ve been a part of a newly                                                                                                                                                        experience if you portray these traits
                                                            summer internship programme in July/ August 2021.                                               to ensure the project is completed on
developed graduate programme which has offered                                                                                                              time, and acquiring the necessary tools,    Hick Bros will be more than willing to
connection to graduates all around the country and on-      Head to our website                                                                             machinery, and staff to achieve the         acknowledge this put the time and
going training and support as I navigate the transition     www.tonkintaylor.co.nz/careers to find out more.                                                desired completion date.                    effort into developing your career.
to working life.                                                                                                             WWW.HICKBROS.CO.NZ

Want to work for a company that uses business as a force for good? - The University of Auckland
Who are we?
                                                                                                       Aurecon is more than an engineering, design and
                                                                                                       advisory company.
                                                                                                       The Australian Financial Review (AFR) named us
                                                                                                       Australasia’s Most Innovative Company and Most
                                                                                                       Innovative Professional Services Company for 2020.
                                                                                                       We were also honoured to be the first New Zealand
                                                                                                       engineering company to achieve The Rainbow Tick
                                                                                                       certification for diversity and inclusion in 2019. We
                                                                                                       maintained our accreditation in 2020.
                                                                                                       Hardwired in our DNA are engineering, design and
                                                                                                       the deep need to leave a legacy. We believe humanity
                                                                                                       depends on engineering; and we recognise we have a
                                                                                                       broader stewardship role to play. A deep responsibility     Meet Shannie Su
                                                                                                       to hold. As we continually strive for a life in balance,    Graduate Transport Engineer
                                                                                                       Aurecon clients will be ready for the future and
                                                                                                       engineered for life.                                        Location: Auckland, New Zealand
                                                                                                                                                                   Time at Aurecon: 10 months
                                                                                                       What makes us unconventional?                               University attended: University of Auckland
                                                                                                                                                                   Degree(s) completed: Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours)
                                                                                                       The people who design a better future for humanity are      Strongest Aurecon Attribute: Sense maker
                                                                                                       the brave new thinkers like you.
                                                                                                                                                                   As a graduate transport engineer, I work on multiple transport
                                                                                                       We need you to draw upon unconventional ideas and           projects of varying sizes and at different design stages such as
                                                                                                       piece together solutions to complex challenges.             business cases, preliminary designs, and detailed designs. The 2D
                                                                                                                                                                   design and drafting skills I’m developing now will provide a solid
                                                                                                       From using digital technology to plan and restore safe      foundation for when I learn 3D modelling design, while project
                                                                                                       transport access from Manawatū to Hawkes Bay after          administration helps me understand the fundamental parts of
                                                                                                       major landslips, to advising on innovative infrastructure   running a project, such as the project cost control, communication
                                                                                                       solutions to support the growth and regeneration of         with different stakeholders and programming. Learning these skills
                                                                                                       Eastern Porirua. To designing a breakthrough solar-         will keep my career path open to project management roles instead of
                                                                                                       powered water treatment plant that provides drinking        being restricted to only technical roles.
                                                                                                       water to Indigenous and remote communities across
                                                                                                                                                                   What are you currently working on?
                                                                                                                                                                   I’m currently working on an Issue for Construction (IFC) Rotorua
                                                                                                       Join us and together we’ll make an impact that shifts the   roading design deliverable. The team’s design manager runs a daily
                                                                                                       world. Apply for a role and start exploring your future     catch-up to go through tasks and have a discussion where we can ask
                                                                                                       with us today.                                              design questions or talk about any roadblocks. In these meetings, I
                                                                                                                                                                   develop both my technical and my communication skills, asking the
                                                                                                                                                                   senior engineers technical questions and understanding the current
                                                                                                       Our graduate programme                                      project’s progress and what other people are working on. Working on
                                                                                                                                                                   a project like this is an awesome opportunity to learn how Aurecon
                                                                                                       As an Aurecon graduate, you will work in a collaborative
                                                                                                                                                                   designs and manages projects by listening to the discussion between
                                                                                                       environment where you have the flexibility to pursue        all roles and positions.
                                                                                                       your passions, design your own pathway, and fast track
                                                                                                       your career.                                                What tools do you use on projects?
                                                                                                       As part of a diverse and inclusive team, you’ll             I draft up road geometry and road designs using modelling software,
                                                                                                       collaborate with others across geographies and              such as AutoCAD and CIVIL3D. Normally I’ll get instruction or mark-
                                                                                                                                                                   ups on what standards I should refer to or the design mark-ups. On
                                                                                                       markets, applying your skills to re-imagine engineering
                                                                                                                                                                   some days, I use my CAD skills to help the digital specialist clean up
                                                                                                       and design a better future.                                 old design files so that they can build up an Infraworks design model
                                                                                                                                                                   compiled with the bridge and architectural design.
                                                                                                       You will also work alongside industry leading
                                                                                                       professionals, mentors and peers. If you would like to      Presenting the design in a conveyable way to help people visualise it is
                                                                                                       experience numerous areas of Aurecon’s business, we         important when communicating within teams or with the client. It plays
                                                                                                       can facilitate that too.                                    a big part in a project’s success and in delivering an excellent client
                                                                                                                                                                   experience, which I’m always passionate about!
    The people who design a better future for humanity are the brave                                   Apply now                                                   Tell us something you do outside of work
    new thinkers like you.
                                                                                                       www.aurecongroup.com/careers/graduates-interns              Since I have a strong interest in empowering female engineers
                                                                                                                                                                   and promoting engineering, I signed up to be an industrial mentor
    We need you to draw upon unconventional ideas and piece together                                   Graduate applications close: 11 April 2021                  for University of Auckland engineering students via the Women in
    solutions to complex challenges. Join us and together we’ll make an                                Internship applications close: 16 August 2021               Engineering Network (WEN) and Civil Engineering Student Association
                                                                                                                                                                   (CESA) mentoring programme. I had an amazing mentorship experience
    impact that shifts the world.                                                                                                                                  as a mentee back at university. My mentor was approachable, insightful
                                                                                                                                                                   and was always willing to listen and be open to share her experience and
    Aurecon is more than an engineering, design and advisory company—                                         Whakaha nga whakaaro                                 thoughts. Being able to help others develop and grow is one of my major
                                                                                                                                                                   motivations for becoming a mentor and, more importantly, for making a
    we were named Australasia’s Most Innovative Company for 2020.                                         Kia maia, kia kaha, mahi tahi                            positive impact.

    Pictured: Aurecon Civil Engineer, Shabiha Sultana                     aurecongroup.com/graduates

8   ENGINEER YOUR CAREER                                                                                                                                                                                                 ENGINEER YOUR CAREER   9
Want to work for a company that uses business as a force for good? - The University of Auckland
Why choose Jacobs?
                                                                                                                                                                    µ We offer a flexible programme enabling       I joined Jacobs as a First Look student
                                                                                                                                                                      you to work in various disciplines.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   in the power team during 2019. In
                                                                                                                                                                    µ We’re involved in major infrastructure       just one summer with Jacobs, I have

                                                                                                                                                                      programmes in NZ and around the globe.       not only learnt valuable technical
                                                                                                                                                                    µ The JacobsGo programme gives                 skills, but I have also gained a great
                                                                                                                                                                      you the opportunity to explore new           insight into the management of

                        your purpose
                                                                                                                                                                      places while working in one of our           large engineering projects. All my
                                                                                                                                                                      400+ locations around the globe.             colleagues at Jacobs took a genuine
                                                                                                                                                                    µ Our Culture of Caring places                 interest in my development and I
                                                                                                                                                                      significant value on aspects such as         was trusted to undertake work on
                                                                                                                                                                      inclusion and diversity, sustainability      a variety of interesting projects.
                                                                                                                                                                      and work-life balance.                       The supportive team environment
                        At Jacobs, every day is an                 We’re always looking for dynamic and                                                             µ We hold a YWCA Equal Pay Compact
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Jacobs offers has helped me build
                                                                   engaged people to join our team. Bring your                                                                                                     confidence in my ability, make new
                        opportunity to make the                    passion, your ingenuity and your vision. Let’s
                                                                                                                                                                      Award for our commitment to equal pay.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   friends, and have fun while I learn.
                        world better, more connected,              see the impact we can create, together.
                        more sustainable.                                                                                                                           We hire:                                       Jared Gebert
                                                                   Together with the University of Auckland
                        We’re powered by more than 55,000 people   and the University of Canterbury, Jacobs has                                                     µ Geotechnical             µ Economists        Undergraduate First-Look Student
                        across the globe who deliver innovative    developed the First Look Student Scholarship                                                       Engineers
                                                                                                                                                                                               µ Geologists
                        scientific, technical, professional and    Programme for summer work experience.
                                                                                                                                                                    µ Drafters
                        program-management solutions for public    Join us and you’ll have the support, means                                                                                  µ Sustainability
                        and private clients around the world.      and space to deliver the boldest solutions                                                       µ Transport                  Consultants
                                                                   for the extraordinary and the everyday.                                                            Planners
                                                                                                                                                                                               µ Process
                                                                                                                                                                    µ Bridge Engineers           Engineers
                                                                                                                                                                    µ Mechanical               µ Environmental
                                                                                                                                                                      Engineers                  Planners
                                                                                                                                                                    µ Technicians              µ Risk Management
                                                                   Jacobs’ First Look programme has been                                                                                         Consultants
                                                                   an exceptional experience. I spent last                                                          µ Project
                                                                                                                                                                      Controllers              µ Safety Managers
                                                                   summer working with Jacobs’ power
                                                                   systems team while studying electrical and                                                       µ 3D Modellers             µ Cost Managers
                                                                   electronic engineering at the University                                                         µ Water Resource           µ Civil Engineers
                                                                   of Auckland. Already as an intern, I                                                               Engineers
                                                                                                                                                                                               µ Ecologists
                                                                   can see my designs getting built and
                                                                                                                                                                    µ GIS Consultants
                                                                   making an impact on the community I                                                                                         µ Geothermal
                                                                   live in. I even assisted on an international                                                     µ Electrical                 Scientists
                                                                   project - a geothermal power plant in                                                              Engineers
                                                                                                                                                                                               µ Commercial
                                                                   Indonesia. This was only possible because                                                        µ Designers                  Advisors
                                                                   of the stimulating, inclusive environment                                                        µ Data Scientists          µ Estimators        Apply for the First Look
                                                                   created at Jacobs. I’ve truly grown as
                                                                   an engineer and learnt so much.                                                                  µ Architects               µ Project           Programme by 4 April 2021
                                                                                                                                                                    µ Hydrologists                                 Visit jacobs.com/careers
                                                                                                                                                                                               µ Land Surveyors    for more information.
                                                                                                                                                                    µ Sales
                                                                   Aditi Ramalingam                                                                                   Representatives          µ Structural
                                                                   Undergraduate First-Look Student                                                                                              Engineers

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  10 ENGINEER YOUR CAREER                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ENGINEER YOUR CAREER          11
Want to work for a company that uses business as a force for good? - The University of Auckland
AN ENGINEERING                                                                                                                                                        1920   2020

      CAREER LIKE NO OTHER                                                                                                 Inspiring one century. Innovating the next

                                                                                                                            Q&A with Mana Carr, Graduate ICT
                                                                                                                            Design Engineer

                                                                                                                           Can you tell us about the Beca grad programme?
                                                                                                                           Landing a grad role at Beca is a great way to start your professional
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Bel nging
                                                                                                                           career. There are many opportunities provided to develop                    at Beca
                                                                                                                           and expand your skill sets through technical
                                                                                                                           development, leadership exposure, community
                                                                                                                           engagement and everything in between. Beca puts
                                                                                                                           a lot of effort into tapping into the potential of
                                                                                                                           their graduates.                                                        A    Cook Islander
                                                                                                                           What’s the best part of your job?
                                                                                                                           Being able to see the real-world results
                                                                                                                                                                                                   B    Lego collector
                                                                                                                           of the design work that I do is very
                                                                                                                           rewarding, but the best part about my                                   C    Comic reader
                                                                                                                           job is the people I work with. I am
                                                                                                                           surrounded by people that are invested
                                                                                                                           in my growth and that challenge me                                      D    Burger lover
      Marine Engineering Officer (MEO)                          Engineering Officer                                        to become better every day.

      Marine Engineering Officers are the Navy’s experts on     Engineering Officers actively manage the engineering       How has Covid-19 impacted
      ship structure, propulsion, power generation, hydraulic   and maintenance of RNZAF aircraft and its mechanical,      your grad experience?
      and habitability systems. MEOs onboard ship lead          avionics and armament systems. You will be responsible     Thankfully, during the lockdowns
      teams of skilled hands on technicians who operate,        for the safety, airworthiness and availability of the      I was well supported by my team
      maintain and repair this diverse range of equipment.      aircraft.                                                  and able to continue working and
                                                                                                                           learning. Networking functions were
      A diverse range of shore based positions include          Engineering Officers work across all engineering           the most significantly affected events
      management of complex projects, equipment                 disciplines, including the research and development of     but Beca was still able to provide some
      procurement, ship system and physical upgrades,           aircraft, equipment modifications, managing budgets        socialising and workshop opportunities for
      and performance analysis.                                 and financial systems, and designing structural repairs.   the graduates to build relationships.
                                                                                                                           What advice would you give to
      Eligible degrees: BE(Hons) or BEngTech in:                Eligible degrees: BE(Hons) or BEngTech in:
                                                                                                                           someone who is not sure which pathway
      • Mechanical                  • Process                   • Mechanical                 • Mechatronics                to take after university?
      • Electrical                  • Materials                 • Electrical                 • Aeronautical Engineering    It’s ok to not have a clear career path straight out
      • Mechatronics                • Electronics                                                                          of university. It can be daunting trying to decide what
                                                                Scholarships                                               you want to pursue but having options is a great way
      • Chemical                                                                                                           to start. You’ll never know if you never try so put your
                                                                Undergraduate Scheme                                       best foot forward at every opportunity until you find
      Weapons Engineering Officer (WEO)                         RNZN Chatham Scheme                                        something that you enjoy and remember that it’s never
      Weapon Engineering Officers are the Navy’s experts        Recipients are able to study at a university of their      too late to change lanes and try something new.
      in weapon systems, communication, sensors, and            choice while the Navy pays for all course fees.
      combat management systems. WEOs onboard ship              There is a year for a year return of service attached
      lead a team of skilled technicians who maintain and       to this scheme.                                             How to apply for our grad programme
      repair the sophisticated equipment that provides our
                                                                Graduate Schemes                                            and summer internships
      fighting capability.
                                                                RNZN Amokura Scheme and RNZAF Graduate
      WEOs are also involved in complex multi-million dollar                                                               Each year, we employ up to 150 graduates and 70 summer
                                                                Incentive Scheme
      project management, equipment procurement and                                                                        interns across Australia and New Zealand. We have a range
      upgrades, system optimisation and maintenance planning.   Engineering graduates and final year students are          of different graduates joining us from science, engineering,
                                                                eligible for the graduate scholarship schemes. In          planning, arts and IT, just to name a few!
      Eligible degrees: BE(Hons) or BEngTech in most            addition to your normal salary, you will receive annual
                                                                                                                           Applications for our 2022 grad intake will be open from
      engineering specialties (excluding Civil). Degrees in     payments totalling $40,000 over four years (for a four
                                                                                                                           15-29 March. Applications for our 2021/22 summer
      Computer Science, Systems or IT are also accepted.        year degree). There is no minimum time to serve or         internships will open in July. Follow us on Facebook and
                                                                return of service attached to this scheme.                 Instagram @BecaGraduates. Join the Beca family!

                                                                Find out more information on these trades go to:
                                                                0800 1 FORCE
Want to work for a company that uses business as a force for good? - The University of Auckland
Life @ Holmes
                                                                                                                                     Hugo Brown
                                                                                                                                     Graduate Engineer

                                                  H OW D I D YO U F I N D T H E            W H AT ’ S B E E N YO U R M O ST        B E ST T H I N G A B O U T WO R K I N G
                                                  TRANSITION FROM BEING A                  C H A L L E N G I N G P R O J E CT ?    F O R H O L M E S C O N S U LT I N G ?
                                                  H O L M E S I N T E R N TO C O M I N G
                                                                                           Definitely the project I’m currently    The people. Holmes has a very
                                                  BAC K A S A G R A D UAT E ?
                                                                                           working on. I’m going in-depth with     flat structure and everyone is
                                                  After interning at Holmes Consulting,    Etabs modelling, learning python        approachable and willing to take
                                                  I knew I wanted to come back as          and C# as well as writing full          the time to help you, which I’ve
                                                  a Graduate. The transition was           capacity design procedures.             appreciated as a graduate.
                                                  smooth, you already know the             I always thought this type of work
                                                  processes as well as the people.         was reserved for Senior Engineers,
                                                  It felt like I had never left.           so it’s been great to be exposed as a   M O ST C H A L L E N G I N G
                                                                                           graduate. It’s challenging, technical   PA RT O F STA RT I N G O U T ?
                                                                                           work but I’m loving it.

“ Holmes gives off
                                                                                                                                   The non-design elements have been
                                                  W H AT I N S P I R E D YO U TO
                                                                                                                                   the most challenging. Things like
                                                  BECOME AN ENGINEER?
                                                                                                                                   how to interact with external parties

 a small company vibe…
                                                                                           I N T H R E E WO R D S H OW
                                                  I had a knack for math’s and physics                                             like the architect or what proprietary
                                                                                           WO U L D YO U D E S C R I B E
                                                  during high school and loved                                                     products are used in reality. There’s
                                                                                           H O L M E S C O N S U LT I N G ?

 Everyone knows everyone.
                                                  problem solving. Solutions are not                                               been a lot of learning on the job
                                                  linear in engineering, there’s always    Collaborative, innovative and           which has been challenging but also
                                                  a different problem to solve and this    engaging.                               knowing that there’re people to turn

 You don’t feel like you’re                       is ultimately why I chose to pursue
                                                                                           H OW WO U L D YO U D E S C R I B E
                                                                                                                                   to has made a world of difference.

 a tiny cog in a huge                             YO U A L S O ST U D I E D A
                                                                                           T H E C U LT U R E AT H O L M E S
                                                                                           C O N S U LT I N G ?
                                                                                                                                   T H I N G T H AT S U R P R I S E D
                                                                                                                                   YO U M O ST A B O U T

 machine.”                                        BAC H E LO R O F C O M M E RC E ,
                                                  W H Y D I D YO U G O D OW N
                                                  T H E E N G I N E E R I N G CA R E E R
                                                                                           The culture at Holmes cannot be
                                                                                           beaten. Not only is the variety
                                                                                                                                   STA RT I N G WO R K ?
                                                                                                                                   People always say a job is a job but
                                                                                           and scale of work great but being       I genuinely enjoy coming to work.
                                                  PAT H WAY I N ST E A D ?
                                                                                           surrounded by the best in the           I didn’t expect to enjoy working
 Hugo Brown                                       The problem-solving aspect of            industry, who both want to deliver      as much I do. I think it’s a mix of
                                                  engineering is what really drew          great work and ensure you get           working with great people and being
                                                  me to the profession and why I           development out of every project        challenged in my work every day.
                                                  decided to specialise in structures.     you work on, has been awesome.
                                                  Being able to interact and build
                                                                                           Holmes gives off a small company
                                                  relationships with external parties
                                                                                           vibe for a company that isn’t small.
                                                  was also a driver for me and Holmes
                                                                                           Everyone knows everyone. You don’t
                                                  has enabled me to do just that.
                                                                                           feel like you’re a tiny cog in a huge

                                                  Join us at our University of Auckland careers evening
                                                  Tuesday, 16 March, 2021 at 6pm
                                                  Faculty of Engineering, Lecture Theatre 401-439
                       Commercial Bay, Auckland   or apply today for structural graduate and summer intern roles at
Want to work for a company that uses business as a force for good? - The University of Auckland


Sharon was an intern with Tidy in 2020 while completing her Biomedical Engineering
degree at the University of Auckland. Now she works full time for Tidy as a software
engineer specialising in health tech, helping us with research and development for a
new product, TidyClinic.

                                             WHAT DID YOU DO DURING
                                             YOUR INTERNSHIP?
                                             I met clients and learned about the
                                             current medical software used in
                                             surgical environments.

                                             WHAT MOST SURPRISED
                                             YOU ABOUT YOUR
                                             It was just how much hands-on work I
                                             got to do with our clients. I spent 6
                                             hours per week during the University
                                             semester at the Tauranga Oral &
                                             Maxillofacial Surgery and was involved in
                                             everything from consultation sessions
                                             between doctors and patients, to the
                                             reception desk, and surgical procedures.


 “Eventful, intense (but in a good way), eye-opening. I didn't actually
 think I would be watching real surgeries on my first day! My
 internship with Tidy showed me that I was going to get a really
 hands-on experience and be in the thick of things with this

Tidy International provides cloud software products to small and medium-sized
enterprises in many parts of the world. Our HQ is in the beautiful, sun drenched city
of Tauranga, the largest city in the Bay of Plenty region and one of the fastest
growing areas of NZ.

We're a game-changing mix of talent working on every aspect of selling, supporting
and continuously developing our software and services into many exciting markets.

We’re not just looking for software engineers. We employ people in roles ranging
from marketing and storytelling to management and financial accounting, legal to
engineering, user experience and design to help our customers to run their
businesses better with the very best digital solutions.

Our internships offer a chance to get involved from day one. In 2020/2021 three of
our interns secured permanent, full-time roles working for Tidy.

We’re interested in a range of factors that will give you the opportunity to reach new
levels. We look at your capabilities and potential, your attitude and motivation to
make a positive, high-quality difference to our customers, partners and products.

We want people who will further enrich the teams you will work with and embrace,
enjoy and thrive within Tidy's culture.

Talk to us and find a match to your unique skills and potential at Tidy.

Want to work for a company that uses business as a force for good? - The University of Auckland
The future is                                                   Looking to be               MEET ONE OF OUR GRADS

                                                                                                                           part of an                  MORAG ROSS

                                                                                                                                                       - University of Auckland Graduate
                                                                                                                           organisation                - Chemical & Materials Engineer
                                                                                                                                                       - Loves Baking
                                                                                                                           with a diverse
                                                                                                                                                       After two years in the Frequency
                                                                                                                           range of                    Graduate Programme, Morag was
                                                                                                                                                       recently promoted to Associate.
                                                                 yours.                                                    and an                      WHAT OPPORTUNITIES HAVE YOU HAD WORKING FOR FREQUENCY?
                                                                                                                                                       I’ve had the opportunity to find what I want to do with my career. As a first
                                                                                                                           energetic                   job out of uni, being a Graduate at Frequency is fantastic as you get exposure

                                                                                                                                                       to various different roles in the company. You’re able to move around and

                                                                                                                                                       find the place you want to be, supported the whole time by the amazing
                                                                                                                                                       people that work here.

                                                                                                                                                       WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR FAVOURITE PROJECT SO FAR?
                                                                                                                                                       That would have to be my current role assisting with the integration of
                                                                                                                                                       KiwiRail’s capital works programmes. The interdependence of the New
                                                                                                                                                       Zealand rail network and gaining visibility over a high level of the different
                                                                                                                                                       programmes is fascinating, and on a basic level I just really like trains.
                                                                                     The opportunities at                  We are seeking self-
     Frequency NZ Ltd                                                                                                                                  HOW HAS FREQUENCY SUPPORTED YOUR CAREER?
     is a growing New Zealand-owned project advisory and                           Frequency are endless!                  motivated, energetic        Frequency has been great with providing external and internal training
     project management firm with four offices throughout the                We understand that it’s not always clear      and ambitious               opportunities, always pushing us to grow and better ourselves. The
     country. Our expertise spans multiple sectors including                which career path to take. That’s why the                                  Graduate Programme was in its infancy when I started and it's still growing
     rail and road infrastructure, housing, airports, education,            Frequency Graduate Training Programme          graduates with a            and developing so even though I'm now an Associate I'm still invited to be
                                                                            will get you involved in multiple projects                                 part of the Graduate training sessions to ensure that there are no gaps in my
     and commercial/logistics.                                                                                             can-do attitude             learning and that I'm continuously developing to the best of my abilities. As
                                                                              across all our service lines - so that you
                                                                                                                                                       an Associate I'll now be able to attend our Associate Forums as well, which
     We provide a wide range of services to some of New Zealand’s           can get real-world experience and decide       to join our team.           include more focussed sessions on the various different services lines that
     most influential clients including ASB, KiwiRail, Auckland Council,     for yourself where your passion lies. We
     Piritahi, The Ministry of Education, The Ministry of Defence, City       want to know what you think, so you’ll       Ideally you will have       Frequency offer. This keeps your knowledge fresh and diverse, which is
                                                                            be involved in decision-making and have                                    great, especially if you’re still deciding which service line you want to settle
     Rail Link, Kāinga Ora, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, Auckland                                                      recently completed          in.
                                                                                                      your voice heard.
     Transport, Foodstuffs, CentrePort and Auckland International
     Airport Ltd.                                                                You will have the autonomy to get on      an Engineering              WHAT IS THE BEST THING ABOUT WORKING FOR FREQUENCY?
                                                                             with the job but will be supported every
     Frequency is a values-driven organisation and we believe our             step of the way by our amazing team at
                                                                                                                           degree majoring             It’s got to be the people and culture. Everyone is so nice and supportive,
                                                                                                                                                       always willing to lend a hand, their experience, and an ear. I'm glad I work for
     greatest asset are our people. Our team is made up of highly
     capable professional staff, selected for their technical ability and
                                                                                 all levels, from management through       in structural, civil,       a smaller firm particularly after being exposed to some of bigger companies.
                                                                                   to current graduates, learning from                                 It has given me the opportunity to see the whole business working, rather
     their personal alignment to our core values of understanding,              some of the most talented thinkers in      geotech, transport          than just being a piece of the puzzle, and the chance to work on a number
     leadership, teamwork and agility. Our team are experts in their             the industry. Our Graduates enjoy an                                  of different projects with different teams.
     field, bringing a wealth of experience from different backgrounds      inclusive culture where issues are shared      or similar (e.g.
                                                                              and problems solved by employing the
     and numerous local and international projects, as well as a desire
                                                                              wealth of knowledge that runs through
                                                                                                                           architecture) and           WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO STUDENTS THINKING ABOUT
     to improve and test the boundaries of what’s possible through                                                                                     APPLYING FOR FREQUENCY'S GRADUATE PROGRAMME?
     smart, innovative thinking.                                                the team. We offer clear development       most, if not all, of        Do it. But be true to yourself. Academic ability is one aspect of being fit for a
                                                                               paths which are complemented by our
                                                                                                                                                       job, but what’s more important is your fit with the culture of the company.
     At Frequency we work hard, but we believe that playing hard is             Learning & Development programme.          your practical hours.       It doesn’t matter if you’re shy at first, nervous about the job interview, as
     also important to ensure a happy team, so we encourage our                                                                                        long as you’re you. Also, once you get in, you need to be aware that you will
     Graduates to get involved with our social club activities, visit                                                                                  be doing basic work at the beginning, but as you prove yourself and show
     teams at our branches throughout the country, and attend our                                                                                      you can be trusted, your responsibility and the level of work you are given
     annual retreat where all of our four branches come together over                                                           frequency              will grow.
     two days of engaging presentations and fun activities.
     If this sounds like you or you’d like to find out more, come and
     see us at the University of Auckland 2021 CDES STEM Career
     Expo on 28 & 29 April.                                                                                                     frequency.nz
18 ENGINEER YOUR CAREER                                                                                                                                                                                                 ENGINEER YOUR CAREER   19
Calibre is growing.                                                                                                                    Josh Blackmore, Graduate Engineer

                              Grow with us.                                                                                                                          Electrical, shares what a day in his life
                                                                                                                                                                     as a WSP Graduate is like:


Evelyn Baxter                           Bachelor of Civil Engineering                                                               WSP is a world-leading
                                                                                                                                    design, engineering
                                                                                                                                                                         My morning starts on two
                                                                                                                                                                         wheels. The city is quickly
                                                                                                                                                                         becoming a great place to

                                                                                                                                    and environmental                    cycle around, and I find that a
                                                                                                                                                                         quick blast on the legs and the
Thriving as a graduate                          also the ability to build close connections

during a pandemic
                                                with my peers.                                                                      consultancy.                         lungs sets me up well for the day.

                                                Something that really stood out to me                                               We are local experts with 150
Evelyn Baxter started as a graduate with        was the focus across the organisation on                                                                               8.30am
Calibre just two short months before the        well-being. I think our leaders stepped up
                                                                                                                                    years in Aotearoa.
COVID-19 pandemic hit. She shares some          and led with their hearts as well as their                                          We harness the know-how of           Cracking into work, my first
of her personal experiences from this           heads and my colleagues were looking                                                our 50,000 global specialists        task is to update a lighting
challenging time and offers tips to help                                                                                                                                 model for a new primary school
you thrive as a graduate engineer during
                                                out for me. My manager put my well-                                                 to solve our local challenges.       we’re designing. It’s pretty cool
                                                being first, remained proactive about my
a pandemic.                                     development and looked for opportunities                                            We’re looking for fresh talent       to know I’m helping provide
                                                                                                                                                                         world-class teaching facilities
I was very excited to start my first real job   to give me challenging work.                                                        to bring a new outlook and           for future generations of
as an engineer. I had some preconceived         Over the last year I have helped manage                                             help create what matters for         New Zealanders.
ideas of what my first year of work             (from concept to construction) and                                                  future generations. Start your
would be like, but I was about to gain a        design the warehouses for the Totalspan                                             career at WSP and make the        10.00am
completely different experience. Having         portfolio. I am the first point of contact for   Evelyn’s top tips                  extraordinary everyday.
spent the last couple of months settling        the client, providing advice on costing,
in and getting into a routine, the news of      innovation and improvements – I did not
                                                                                                 for graduates                                                           It’s time for my monthly catch
moving to a lockdown made me feel quite                                                                                                                                  up with my mentor. WSP has
                                                expect to lead a large client account so         1    Make sure you bring your                                           a mentorship scheme that pairs
                                                                                                                                    Apply Now
anxious. So many questions popped into          early in my career.
my head: How can I stay connected with                                                                own unique skills to the                                           new graduates with experienced
                                                I have also had the opportunity to lead               workplace and make them                                            professionals to help us develop
my team? How will I make an impact? Will
I have enough support? How will I achieve       the design for Penrhyn Island Medical                 known. Don’t be afraid to     Applications for our 2022            personally and professionally.
to my full potential?                           Centre in the Cook Islands. This project              show who you are.             Graduate Development
One of the biggest challenges of working
                                                involves designing for tsunami and
                                                                                                 2.   Don’t be afraid to ask for    Programme are open                 1.30pm
                                                cyclone loads, which is very different
remotely was not having the opportunity         from what I have done before. In both                 help. It can seem more        8-28 March 2021.                     I’ve come up against a tricky
to bond with others on a personal level.                                                              formal to ask for help over
When you’re in the office, conversations
                                                these projects, I have been able to test
                                                my boundaries, while knowing that there               Teams or Zoom but don’t let   Apply here:                          problem in my design, so I’m
                                                                                                                                                                         seeking the advice of one
happen organically and it’s how you             is a safety net with my team and manger,              this discourage you.          wsp.com/nz/graduates                 of our Senior Engineers.
develop relationships. You naturally chat       there to support me.
                                                                                                 3.   Regularly meet with your                                           It’s great to know I have
to people by the coffee machine, talk
about projects or ask for their opinion         I am also part of the Young Professionals             manager and other team        Meet Us                              his experience to consult if
                                                                                                                                                                         I ever feel out of my depth.
                                                Group, which connects our young                       members over Teams or
on work. Now that I had to use Teams or
Zoom for all my conversations, I had to         professionals, expands on knowledge                   Zoom to discuss daily         Learn about WSP and our
overcome the fear of “bothering” people         obtained through everyday experiences                 projects, group work, and     Graduate Development               3.00pm
                                                and supports each other through
with my questions and make the effort to
connect socially.                               challenges and career development.
                                                                                                      individual assignments.
                                                                                                                                    Programme.                           This afternoon I’m
                                                You get a mix of work related and non-           4
                                                                                                 4.   Offer to help - you’ll be
                                                                                                                                    Pizza and networking to              heading out to site
The collaborative organisational culture,                                                             surprised how many doors
together with the relationship I have with
                                                work related support through initiatives
                                                like technical sessions, CPEng café and               this will open for you and    follow the presentation.             to discuss one of my
                                                                                                                                                                         designs with a client.
my manger and the support from my               discussions on how to save for your first             will cement your own          5.15 pm Monday 15 March,             We try to minimise the
peers, were critical factors that enabled                                                                                                                                impact our work has
me to operate successfully.
                                                house and general life hacks.                         knowledge.
                                                                                                                                    Engineering Lecture                  on the environment,
We have a very positive and inclusive
                                                The COVID-19 pandemic has really given           5
                                                                                                 5.   Set up one-on-one             Theatre 405-470.                     so I take one of our
                                                us a chance to change how we work. It                 meetings with your team                                            snazzy EVs for the trip.
culture at Calibre. I feel like everyone        has been a crash course in adaptability               members so they can get to
wants you to succeed and you can bring          and am grateful that I’ve continuously                know you.
                                                                                                                                    Summer Internship roles are
your ‘true self’ to work. We have smaller       had the opportunity to stretch myself,                                              expected to open mid-2021.         5.30pm
teams than what you would normally              learn new skills and gain a broad range of       6
                                                                                                 6.   Get to know the other         wsp.com/nz/summer-interns
see at some of the bigger firms and this        experience while being able to manage                 graduates across the                                               Work is done for the day,
provided me with the opportunity for            my well-being.                                        business and start building                                        and now it’s time to pop
development and personal growth, and                                                                  your network.                                                      across the road for our
                                                                                                                                                                         weekly social touch game.
                                                                                                                                                                         It’s a great way to get to know
                                                                                                                                                                         my colleagues outside of work
                                                                                                                                                                         and to keep myself fit.
Renita.Rajan@calibregroup.com | 09 525 9770                                                                    calibregroup.com

                      CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING                           |   ADVISORY      |    SURVEYING
UoA Magazine Advert (PRINT).pdf 2 19/02/2021 4:12:01 PM









22 ENGINEER YOUR CAREER                                                                   ENGINEER YOUR CAREER   23
                                                                                                   PLAY HARD AT EROAD                                                                         We’re a growing technology company,
                                                                                                                                                                                              inspired by an ambitious purpose – to make

                                                                                                                                                                                              our roads safer and more productive.

                                           “THERE’S          EMPHASIS
                                                                                                                                                                                              Our engineering team is passionate about
                                                                                                                                                                                              quality and building products that our
                                                                                                                                                                                              customers can rely on 24/7, 365 days a year.
                                                                                                                                                                                              These incredible humans are the beating

                                             ON SUSTAINABILITY AND
                                                                                                                                                                                              heart of EROAD. But don’t be fooled by the
                                                                                                                                                                                              casual appearance, our team is incredibly
                                                                                                                                                                                              talented – we just prefer sneakers over

                                                ENVIRONMENTAL WORK –                                                                                                                        Besides, who plays table tennis in a suit?
                                                                                                   We work hard, but we know how to have fun too. Whether it’s video games, guitars, table tennis, magic tricks or just catching up over

                                             WE CARE FOR THOSE
                                                                                                   We’re investing in young engineers so they can learn and develop the skills they need to set them up for a successful career. We asked
                                                                                                   3 of our interns to share their thoughts on EROAD.

                                                  AROUND US.”
                                                                                 JAKE NARAN
                                                                                                   Describe      LUCAS                               FRANCHESKA                                   FELIX
                                                                               Graduate Engineer   EROAD
                                                                                                   TEAM in       Kind, passionate and have a         A passionate team that strives to make       Family of great people who work
                                                                                                   10 words      growth mindset                      a difference                                 hard, and play hard

                                                                                                   How has       The products that each team         The support that EROAD gives                 Lots of after-work activities.How
                                                                                                   EROAD         was working on were very            their employees with their career            friendly and relaxed the environment
                                                                                                   surprised     interesting and exciting            development. I had a catch up with           and team members are while also
                                                                                                                                                     my manager and she asked me what             working very hard and getting so
                                                                                                   you?                                              my goals are for the future. She             much done.
     When Arup people say we want                      Our team is part of a generous,                                                               introduced me to the idea of looking
                                                                                                                                                     into the other departments in the            How serious table tennis is
     to shape a better world, we really                collaborative network of passionate                                                           company to diversify my knowledge
                                                                                                                                                     and have other prospects outside of          The wide variety of roles and skillsets,
     mean it. Sustainability is at the                 specialists: we learn from each                                                               engineering.                                 e.g. legal, sales, customer support

     heart of our way of working, and                  other as we tackle projects together.       Funniest      Slack emojis were funny             Wearing a sumo suit and trying to            There were so many funny moments,
                                                                                                   memory                                            tackle the other workers at the              but one of them would be when I got
     our projects across New Zealand                   And as a global firm, it doesn’t            from your                                         Christmas party was funny                    pranked into believing Jacob was
                                                                                                   internship?                                                                                    half Korean after he started randomly
     including: water, transport, energy,              matter where you’re based, you                                                                                                             speaking Korean phrases while
                                                                                                                                                                                                  playing table tennis.
     and healthy and safe precincts                    could be contributing to a project
                                                                                                   Top           Having the privilege to touch       You want to be in a place where              How to manage a healthy work-life
     and places.                                       in one of 140+ countries.                   learnings?    on both frontend and backend
                                                                                                                 has allowed me to learn a new
                                                                                                                                                     there’s growth in the company. It
                                                                                                                                                     shows that the company will be able

                                                                                                                 tech stack                          to provide you with the opportunity          Understanding the development,
                                                                                                                                                     to learn.Remember to take notes and          testing, and release process in a
                                                                                                                                                     study hard.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  software team.
                                                                                                                                                     Get involved in the company. This
                                                                                                                                                     means joining the events they have,          How to make coffee using the manual
                        Mayurie Gunatilaka                                                                                                           talking to lots of people within the         machine.
                                                                                                                                                     company (especially ones that aren’t
                        Group Leader, New Zealand                                                                                                    within your department), and taking
                                                                                                                                                     other opportunities that may come
                                                                                                                                                     your way.
                                                                                                                                                     Learn how to formulate your
                                                                                                                                                     questions. It will save you and the
                                                                                                                                                     person you’re asking a lot of time.
     If meaningful work is important to you, Arup offers unlimited                         APPLY
     opportunities. Think about joining us in Auckland.                                   NOW!     Describe
                                                                                                   manager in
                                                                                                                 Initially Ivan was assigned as
                                                                                                                 my buddy, but throughout the
                                                                                                                 internship process the entire
                                                                                                                                                    My manager is an inspiring and caring
                                                                                                                                                                                                  smart, reliable, supportive, troll,

                                                                                                                 team became my buddy and
                                                                                                   5 words       helped me out.

     Our Graduate Development Programme closes on 14 April.                                                      Answer in 5 words:
                                                                                                                 Supportive and helpful
                                                                                                                                                                                       Find out more at www.eroad.com
     Find out more at arup.com/careers/early-careers/graduates/australasia-graduate-programme
24                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ENGINEER YOUR CAREER   25
Meet the Faculty of Engineering’s                                                                                              Faculty of Engineering
    Student Development and Engagement Team                                                                                        UPCOMING RECRUITMENT EVENTS
                                                                                                                                    WSP INFORMATION SESSION
                                                                                                                                    15 March, 6pm | 405-470 | 3 Grafton Road

                                                                                                                                    HOLMES CONSULTING INFORMATION SESSION
                                                                                                                                    16 March, 6pm | 401-439 | 20 Symonds Street

                                                                                                                                    DOWNER INFORMATION SESSION
                                                                                                                                    17 March, 6pm | 401-439 | 20 Symonds Street

                                                                                                                                    GHD INFORMATION SESSION
        The Student Development and Engagement team provides support to help our students have the best possible
        experience at the University.                                                                                               18 March, 12pm | 401-439 | 20 Symonds Street
                                                                                                                                                                                              STEM EXPO
        We support our diverse range of engineering students – under-represented groups at University, students
        transitioning into tertiary study, and more – from Orientation through to employment. Our team can also act as a                                                                      28 and 29 April
        central point for help if you’re struggling, stressed, or have experienced a traumatic event that will have impact on       JACOBS SCHOLARSHIPS INFORMATION EVENING
        your study. Students are welcome to drop by and see us on Level 4, 20 Symonds Street, or reach us via email at                                                                        10:30am – 2:30pm
                                                                                                                                    22 March, 6pm | 405-460 | 3 Grafton Road
        foe-engagement@auckland.ac.nz.                                                                                                                                                        Science Centre Foyer, Building 302
                                                                                                                                    This event is specifically for Part II and III students
        The Student Development and Engagement team also works closely with our faculty’s student clubs to help provide                                                                       23 Symonds Street
        engineering students with social, professional and academic opportunities, and can also link you to support                                                                           No registrations needed — just turn up!
        services such as counselling, financial assistance, mentoring, and childcare.                                               FONTERRA INFORMATION SESSION
        We are also responsible for initiatives such as Orientation, the Part I Assistance Centre, Women in Engineering             23 March, 6pm | 401-439 | 20 Symonds Street
        Network (WEN), Tuākana for Māori and Pacific students, the Rainbow Engineering Network, information evenings                                                                          Places are limited for most events. To register
        with prospective employers, and the Postgraduate Buddy programme.                                                                                                                     for an event, visit
                                                                                                                                    TONKIN + TAYLOR INFORMATION SESSION
        Michael Willimott | Student Development and Engagement Manager | 09 923 7881 | m.willimott@auckland.ac.nz
        Michael manages development, engagement, support and retention initiatives to enhance students’ experience.                 24 March, 5.15pm | 401-439 | 20 Symonds Street

        Chris McClymont | Student Development and Engagement Team Leader | 09 923 2927 | c.mcclymont@auckland.ac.nz                 STANTEC INFORMATION SESSION
        Chris works closely with the Student Experience Advisers and Student Support Advisers to support undergraduate and
        postgraduate students, and provide development opportunities for all students.                                              25 March, 6pm | 401-439 | 20 Symonds Street
        Alcione Fagundes | Student Support Adviser (Equity) | 09 923 2990 | a.fagundes@auckland.ac.nz
        Alcione supports all engineering students with their wellbeing, pastoral care and learning support. She is also the
        primary Student Support Adviser for equity students.
                                                                                                                                    FREQUENCY INFORMATION SESSION
                                                                                                                                    29 March, 6pm | 405-460 | 3 Grafton Road
        Steve Roberts | Student Support Adviser (Māori and Pacific) | 09 923 4538 | s.roberts@auckland.ac.nz
        Steve supports all students with their wellbeing, pastoral care and learning support. He is the primary Student Support
        Adviser for Māori and Pacific students.
                                                                                                                                    EY ENGINEERING STUDENT & GRADUATE
        Jonathan Culley | Employer Liaison Manager| j.culley@auckland.ac.nz                                                         INFORMATION EVENING
        Jonathan facilitates employer networking and fosters industry relationships, along with graduate and intern                 30 March, 6pm | 401-439 | 20 Symonds Street
        recruitment. He also provides advice and support to students on career options.

        Kelly Moodie | Women in Engineering Adviser | k.moodie@auckland.ac.nz                                                       PDP INFORMATION SESSION
        Kelly supports WEN, as well as provides advice and support strategies for Women in Engineering.
                                                                                                                                    27 April, 6pm | 423-340 | 23 Symonds Street
        Meleane Akauola | Student Support Adviser | m.akauola@auckland.ac.nz
        Meleane supports all engineering students with their wellbeing, pastoral care and learning support. She is also the
        primary Student Support Adviser for international students.                                                                 SOCIETY OF FIRE PROTECTION ENGINEERS
                                                                                                                                    (SFPE) INFORMATION SESSION
        Monique Warder | Project Manager, WIE33 Project | m.warder@auckland.ac.nz
        Monique manages our WIE33 project, designed to increase the representation of undergraduate engineering students.           11 May, 6pm | 401-439 | 20 Symonds Street

        Caitlin Scragg | Student Experience Adviser | c.scragg@auckland.ac.nz
        Caitlin supports all engineering students with their wellbeing, pastoral care and learning support. She also coordinates
        our Part II Academic Assistance Centres.

        Courtney King | Student Experience Adviser | courtney.king@auckland.ac.nz
        Courtney provides a range of development, transition and engagement activities for all students. She works closely with
        Campus Life and the faculty’s student clubs.

26 ENGINEER YOUR CAREER                                                                                                                                                                                               ENGINEER YOUR CAREER   27
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