Watt, Robert (2021): The fantasy of carbon offsetting - Climate ...

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# New Publications


Watt, Robert (2021): The fantasy of carbon offsetting

Watt, Robert (2021): The fantasy of carbon offsetting. In Environmental Politics, pp. 1–20. DOI:

"Carbon offsetting has been beset by problems and failures, and relies on the mobilisation of supportive
discourses and knowledge-claims to retain a sense of credibility. Psycho-analytical ideology critique can
help explain how these processes interact with questions of subjectivity. Analysis of interviews with
carbon offset market practitioners suggests that identification with carbon offsetting is only partial, and
that it is sustained through disavowal, through trust in the authority of the Other, and through desire for
carbon offsetting’s unrealisable promises."


Read more » Watt, Robert (2021): The fantasy of carbon offsetting

# Media


Silver Lining: U.S. National Survey: Terminology for Approaches for
Directly Influencing Climate

"SilverLining set out to better understand this effect for two of the most commonly used terms for
approaches to directly influencing the Earth’s climate to reduce global warming."


Read more » Silver Lining: U.S. National Survey: Terminology for Approaches for Directly Influencing


# New Publications

Castree, Noel (2020): The Discourse and Reality of Carbon Dioxide
Removal: Toward the Responsible Use of Metaphors in Post-normal

Castree, Noel (2020): The Discourse and Reality of Carbon Dioxide Removal: Toward the Responsible Use
of Metaphors in Post-normal Times. In Front. Clim. 2, p. 33. DOI: 10.3389/fclim.2020.614014.

"There's little doubt that a variety of CDR techniques will be employed worldwide in the decades and
centuries to come. Together, these techniques will alter the character and functioning of the biosphere,
hydrosphere, cryosphere, pedosphere, and atmosphere. More locally, they will have immediate impacts on
people and place, within diverse national state contexts. However, for the moment CDR exists more in the
realm of discourse than reality."


Read more » Castree, Noel (2020): The Discourse and Reality of Carbon Dioxide Removal: Toward the
Responsible Use of Metaphors in Post-normal Times


# New Publications

Neuber, Frederike; Ott, Konrad (2020): The Buying Time Argument
within the Solar Radiation Management Discourse

Neuber, Frederike; Ott, Konrad (2020): The Buying Time Argument within the Solar Radiation Management
Discourse. In Applied Sciences 10 (13), p. 4637. DOI: 10.3390/app10134637.

"In this article, we will establish a version of the buying time argument (BTA) in favor of Sulphur Aerosol
Injection (SAI) Climate Engineering (CE). The idea is not to promote the deployment of such scheme, but
rather to present the strongest possible argument pro SAI in order to look at its presuppositions,
implications, critical points and uncertainties."


Read more » Neuber, Frederike; Ott, Konrad (2020): The Buying Time Argument within the Solar
Radiation Management Discourse


# New Publications

Callaghan, Max W.; et al. (2020): A topography of climate change

Callaghan, Max W.; Minx, Jan C.; Forster, Piers M. (2020): A topography of climate change research. In
Nat. Clim. Chang. 77, p. 252. DOI: 10.1038/s41558-019-0684-5.

"We use topic modelling to draw a topic map, or topography, of over 400,000 publications from the Web
of Science on climate change. We update current knowledge on the IPCC, showing that compared with the
baseline of the literature identified, the social sciences are in fact over-represented in recent assessment
reports. Technical, solutions-relevant knowledge—especially in agriculture and engineering—is under-


Read more » Callaghan, Max W.; et al. (2020): A topography of climate change research


# New Publications


Sikka, T. (2018): Activism and Neoliberalism. Two Sides of
Geoengineering Discourse
Sikka, T. (2018): Activism and Neoliberalism. Two Sides of Geoengineering Discourse. In: Capitalism Nature
Socialism 3 (1), S. 1–19. DOI: 10.1080/10455752.2018.1554690.

"The paper provides a comparative, critical discourse-driven analysis of activism for and against climate
engineering. Arguments in support of this approach to climate remediation are quintessentially neoliberal
and can be found in discourses that fetishize entrepreneurialism, support a market driven ideology, and
amplify creative destruction."


Read more » Sikka, T. (2018): Activism and Neoliberalism. Two Sides of Geoengineering Discourse


# New Publications


Gannon, Kate Elizabeth; Hulme, Mike (2018): Geoengineering at the
“Edge of the World”. Exploring perceptions of ocean fertilisation through
the Haida Salmon Restoration Corporation

Gannon, Kate Elizabeth; Hulme, Mike (2018): Geoengineering at the “Edge of the World”. Exploring
perceptions of ocean fertilisation through the Haida Salmon Restoration Corporation. In Geo: Geography and
Environment 5 (1), e00054. DOI: 10.1002/geo2.54.

"More broadly, the controversy illustrated long‐standing arguments about the desirability and feasibility of
ocean fertilisation as a geoengineering response to the threat of anthropogenic climate change. Using the
HSRC case, this paper reports a novel situated study of public perceptions of geoengineering that
combines ethnographic engagement with Q‐methodology."


Read more » Gannon, Kate Elizabeth; Hulme, Mike (2018): Geoengineering at the “Edge of the World”.
Exploring perceptions of ocean fertilisation through the Haida Salmon Restoration Corporation


# New Publications


Tingley, Dustin; Wagner, Gernot (2017): Solar geoengineering and the
chemtrails conspiracy on social media

Tingley, Dustin; Wagner, Gernot (2017): Solar geoengineering and the chemtrails conspiracy on social media.
In Palgrave Commun. 3 (1), p. 211. DOI: 10.1057/s41599-017-0014-3.

"But unlike scientific discourse, a majority of online discussion focuses on the so-called chemtrails
conspiracy theory, the widely debunked idea that airplanes are spraying a toxic mix of chemicals through
contrails, with supposed goals ranging from weather to mind control. This paper presents the results of a
nationally representative 1000-subject poll part of the 36,000-subject 2016 Cooperative Congressional
Election Study (CCES), and an analysis of the universe of social media mentions of geoengineering."

Read more » Tingley, Dustin; Wagner, Gernot (2017): Solar geoengineering and the chemtrails conspiracy
on social media


# New Publications


Minx, Jan C.; et al. (2017): Fast growing research on negative emissions

Minx, Jan C.; Lamb, William F.; Callaghan, Max W.; Bornmann, Lutz; Fuss, Sabine (2017): Fast growing
research on negative emissions. In Environ. Res. Lett. 12 (3), p. 35007. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/aa5ee5

"In this paper we use scientometric methods and topic modelling to identify and characterize the available
evidence on NETs as recorded in the Web of Science. We find that the development of the literature on
NETs has started later than for climate change as a whole, but proceeds more quickly by now. A total
number of about 2900 studies have accumulated between 1991 and 2016 with almost 500 new publications
in 2016."


Read more » Minx, Jan C.; et al. (2017): Fast growing research on negative emissions

# New Publications


Curvelo, Paula; Guimarães Pereira, Ângela (2016): Geoengineering:
Reflections on Current Debates

Curvelo, Paula; Guimarães Pereira, Ângela (2016): Geoengineering: Reflections on Current Debates. In: Ana
Delgado (Hg.): Technoscience and Citizenship. Ethics and Governance in the Digital Society, Bd. 17. Cham:
Springer Verlag (The International Library of Ethics, Law and Technology), S. 163–184.

"In this paper we propose to investigate the current debates on geoengineering, here considered as an
illustrative metaphor of particular technoscientific promises and ‘techno-fix’ narratives that are emerging
in our society."


Read more » Curvelo, Paula; Guimarães Pereira, Ângela (2016): Geoengineering: Reflections on Current

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