WEB APPLICATION PENETRATION TESTING - Certificate in - www.wallencoreacademy.com

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WEB APPLICATION PENETRATION TESTING - Certificate in - www.wallencoreacademy.com
Certificate in

WEB APPLICATION PENETRATION TESTING - Certificate in - www.wallencoreacademy.com
    The massive incorporation of web and mobile technologies has enabled organizations to improve capabilities, operations,
    performance, and output. Though the benefits have been substantial, the reliance on web applications for organizations has
    increased the level of attention that must be paid to ensure the safety of the web applications that are utilized by organizations.
    The modern business landscapes have increasingly become dependent on web and mobile applications, this has increased the
    demand for web and mobile security professionals that are capable of utilizing the most prominent security practices for ensuring
    the safety of web applications. Considering the current professional demand, Wallencore Academy is providing a professionally
    developed and CPD-certified online course accredited by The Certification Service of the United Kingdom.

    The Certificate In Web Application Penetration Testing online course provides a theoretical and practical learning framework that
    enables the student to advance professional development in web application penetration testing. Throughout this course, the
    students will learn how to exploit the vulnerabilities found in web applications by following the OWASP Testing guide framework
    and progressing from the basics of setting up the environment to the most complex vulnerabilities that the student will learn
    to exploit.

    Wallencore Academy's Certificate In Web Application Penetration Testing is a CPD-certified online course accredited by The Institute
    of Continuing Professional Development in the United Kingdom that is custom-made to prepare individuals for web application
    security positions and leading the web application security infrastructure that ensures the safety of the applications that are utilized.
    In this CPD-certified online course, the students will be presented with a practical and hands-on approach on learning the OWASP
    Top 10 security vulnerabilities, so that you understand how to exploit vulnerabilities that may be exploited by cyber-attackers.

An estimated 3-4 days to complete       Available Payment Options -          Receive a prestigious, CPD         Gain Lifetime Access to the
   the course at your own pace          Depending on your country           certified award to recognize         professionally developed
        completely online.           of residence, tax may be charged             your achievement.            course and global recognition.
                                             on the course fee.

     More than 20% of all cyberattacks in 2020
      were against web applications – Nearly
       1 in 4 cyberattacks in 2020 targeted a
                  web application.
WEB APPLICATION PENETRATION TESTING - Certificate in - www.wallencoreacademy.com
In this course, the students will be presented with professionally developed learning content that will help them comprehend the
fundamentals of web application penetration testing. The course is designed according to a special didactic concept that helps
the students learn the practical and theoretical concepts through independent study, and provides a practical and hands-on
approach for learning the most common security vulnerabilities from the list of WASP.

The course is comprised of eleven (11) manageable modules, which were proportionally divided according to the vulnerability
presented by the list of OWASP’s Top 10 attack and security vulnerabilities, with each module progressing the list of vulnerabilities.
The OWASP Top 10 testing guide helps the students in understanding how the vulnerabilities in web applications and servers can
be exploited through the utilization of the framework’s testing guide.

The course includes a wide range of web application penetration testing components and the overall relationship and opportunities
that can be utilized from exploiting the vulnerabilities. The course initiates with the environment setup for the student, and enables
them to go through each vulnerability to comprehend their characteristics so that the student becomes capable in detecting web
application vulnerabilities that may be exploited by cyber-attackers.


You wish to gain an understanding to           You aspire to orientate your future             You wish to have your knowledge
 become a web security professional              career towards the field of web                 recognized by a CPD certified
to lead your organization through the          application penetration testing and               online course that recognizes
 dynamic cybersecurity environment.                   information security.                        professional development.

             Making web applications safe is in the best interest of all
           organizations and the general economy. Providing a clearly
        defined set of web application security best practices will advance
          security professionals' ability to anticipate and rapidly address
                        potential threats to their enterprise.

                                     Yuval Ben-Itzhak
                                CTO and Co-Founder KaVaDo
WEB APPLICATION PENETRATION TESTING - Certificate in - www.wallencoreacademy.com
TAKE THIS COURSE?                                                             WALLENCORE ACADEMY

The Certificate In Web Application Penetration Testing online course
                                                                              Advance Your Career
aims to support you in enhancing your understanding of web application
                                                                            with Wallencore Academy
penetration testing, being aware of the potential risks that surround       www.wallencoreacademy.com
the process, and developing capabilities for assuming the web application
security role. This online course is ideal for web application security
professionals who want to further expand their knowledge and
understanding of the vulnerabilities that surround web applications
and become an expert in mitigating risks. The course is also beneficial
for web administrators, penetration testing professionals, and security
analysts who aspire to obtain a leading role in web application security
for their organization.

The following online course has been designed with professionally
developed content that includes interactive online learning elements
supported by traditional learning media derived from professional
resources and literature. The course provides a collection of the most
common web application vulnerabilities which may be exploited in a
safe environment so that the student can understand how web
application penetration testing works, and it can be used to increase
the security of web applications.

In the first module, the students will be introduced with a short
description of Web Applications and with the list of OWASP Top 10,
which contains the most common vulnerabilities found in the web
applications, and with OWASP Mutillidae II which provides a dedicated
environment to practice web application penetration test. This module
will contain step-by-step guidance for students on how to set up their
lab environment for web application penetration testing.
WEB APPLICATION PENETRATION TESTING - Certificate in - www.wallencoreacademy.com
A1 - INJECTION                                                                                 95% +
In the second module, the students will explore Injection vulnerabilities
of web applications starting from extracting data, inserting data, bypass
authentication, etc. Understating the importance of identifying and
exploiting the Injection vulnerabilities is very important before starting     THE COMPLETION RATE OF THE COURSE
                                                                               Supporting individuals through an online
to implement security features on your web application.                        learning, people driven model that enables
                                                                                         self-paced completion.
Broken authentication refers to several vulnerabilities that are exploited
by attackers for impersonating legitimate users. The third module will
enable the students to understand the importance of properly
implementing authentication and session management functions, and
how to exploit broken authentication vulnerabilities so that they have a
clear understanding of these processes.

Sensitive data exposure refers to a case when an entity inadvertently
exposes personal data. In the fourth module, the students will understand
the importance of properly securing sensitive data, and a hands-on
example of exposing sensitive data and as well as how to prevent
Sensitive Data Exposure.

The XML external entities are a focus point for security professionals
because they enable entities to be defined on the file path or URL contents.
In this module, students will be exposed to learn what is XXE, and risk
and impact that an XXE attack may have, and learn how to exploit XXE.

The sixth module will teach the students the importance of properly
implementing access control on what users are permitted to access or
not and learn how to exploit these vulnerabilities to access unauthorized
WEB APPLICATION PENETRATION TESTING - Certificate in - www.wallencoreacademy.com
                                                                              WALLENCORE ACADEMY
In the seventh module, students will learn the importance of properly         Advance Your Career
implementing all security controls for server or web application, and       with Wallencore Academy
they will be exposed to the hands-on exercises and will focus on            www.wallencoreacademy.com
identifying and exploiting the list of all the Security Misconfiguration

In the eighth module, students will have a clear understanding of what
is XSS and learn how to exploit the reflected, stored, and DOM XSS, and
as well as how to prevent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks.

The ninth module will teach the students what Insecure Deserialization
is, what causes it, and what its impact is, and also how you can learn to
prevent the Insecure Deserialization vulnerability.

In the tenth module, students will understand the fact that using
components with known vulnerabilities may weaken the defense of
the web application.

The eleventh and last module of this course will teach the students the
importance of Logging and Monitoring on the web application, and as
well as how to prevent Insufficient Logging and Monitoring.
WEB APPLICATION PENETRATION TESTING - Certificate in - www.wallencoreacademy.com
HOW YOU                                                         TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS

WILL LEARN                                                      BASIC REQUIREMENTS
                                                                In order to partake in the course, you will be required to have
                                                                access to the computer and the internet along with an email
At Wallencore Academy, we uphold the values of quality
                                                                account which will serve as the connection point between your
education and content development; our developers have
                                                                account and the academy. The course is may be selected from
given careful attention to developing quality content that
                                                                the presented collection on the Wallencore Academy website;
incorporates the knowledge and insights of experts and
                                                                once you have found your desired course, you add them to the
professionals in the spectrum of web application penetration
                                                                cart and proceed to the checkout. After you conclude the
testing. The course emphasizes the importance of
                                                                purchase, an automatic invoice will be sent to your email so that
developing practical competencies that enable the students
                                                                you can beginning your journey of professional development.
to utilize the available frameworks for gaining a higher
understanding of the web application security concepts.         BROWSER REQUIREMENTS
                                                                For the browser requirements, it is recommended that you use
The following online course integrates modern and interactive   Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox as your selected internet
methods of content development with traditional learning        browser when accessing the online courses. Though this is not
components in order to integrate the most prominent levels      a requirement from our part and you are free to utilize whatever
of learning and knowledge exchange and to make sure             browser you prefer, we recommend these browsers based on
that the learning experience produces the desired results.      the previous experiences that our students have shared which
The course is comprised of a total of 11 modules that are       made us conclude that these browsers perform better in
broken down into manageable unit sections. The progression      compliance with the course requirements and provides easier
through each module enables the student to further progress     access.
in the path of professional development and concluding with
the multiple-choice quiz which will make you eligible for       ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS
achieving your professional CPD certification.                  Specific courses may require additional resources and software.
 • Utilize the available online instructional material that     These additional resources and software will be communicated
   contains every information that you need to know             to you upon registration and/or at the beginning of the course.
  regarding the course.                                         Please note that Vimeo, Google, and YouTube may be used in
 • Learn about the concepts and spectrums derived from          our course distribution, and if these services are blocked in your
  professional frameworks and examples.                         jurisdiction, you may have difficulty accessing the course content.
 • Incorporate the knowledge that is gained from the            Please check beforehand with our communication line before
  modules into the final assessment quiz to receive the         registering for this course if you have any concerns about this
  certification.                                                affecting your experience throughout the duration of the
                                                                online course.

     Cybercrime as a whole is expected to inflict
        a total of $6 trillion USD in damages
    globally in 2021. Estimates expect this to rise
       to $10.5 trillion USD annually by 2025.
Education and personal development are achievements that individuals continuously aim to improve and progress. Regardless
of professional competency, individuals are always prompted to elevate their professional capabilities so that they can become
valuable to their organizations. Professional development has become a highly required mechanism for individuals aiming to
earn or maintain professional competencies. Professional development possesses various approaches that are made available for
individuals who wish to elevate their professional competencies further.

In the United Kingdom, the leading institute concerned with continuing professional development is the Institute of Continuing
Professional Development. The term CPD is used for describing the learning activities which professionals undertake for enhancing
their skills, abilities, and competencies. Continuing Professional Development enables professionals to become proactive in
relation to professional skills and competencies. The benefit of such an approach is crucial for the modern and dynamic landscape
because it enables professionals to develop competencies even though they might not directly be required.

Continuing Professional Development is important for individuals because it ensures that their professional and academic
qualifications do not become obsolete or outdated. In the rapidly shifting professional environment, keeping your skills and
knowledge up to date is crucial for staying relevant. Through partaking in CPD accredited courses and training, you will steer
yourself in the right professional direction that enables you to become a professional asset for your organization.

The Certificate In Web Application Penetration Testing online course is a professionally developed and CPD certified learning
material that provides you an opportunity to progress and expand your web application knowledge capabilities and becoming
a valuable asset in the professional sense. The course is divided into manageable sections that enable you to work and learn at
your own pace, it is intentionally designed to provide an adequate level of engagement and interaction so that you enjoy your
professional development process. Regarding the cost, the course price displayed on the front includes all the costs
of assessment and certification. After you have covered all the course modules, you will be subjected to an online multiple-choice
quiz taken at your time and place of preference. The successful completion of the final quiz will make you eligible to receive a fully
recognized CPD certification that recognizes your professional development and is verifiable by your employee through the
unique ID number that is provided.

Once the course is purchased, it is compatible with all major browsers and devices, the mobile design of our platform enables you
to take the course at your own pace and preference, as we recognize the importance of professional development. Upon the
successful completion of the course modules and quiz, you will receive your CPD professional certification, which you may print
off a copy of immediately and add to your list of professional qualifications.
Certificate in

         ENROLL NOW

Email: bdm@wallencore.com
Call: +1-613-800-5579

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