Weddings FOREVER - SPRING 2021 - Mt. Airy News

Weddings FOREVER - SPRING 2021 - Mt. Airy News


The Mount Airy News    The Yadkin Ripple
Weddings FOREVER - SPRING 2021 - Mt. Airy News
Castle McCulloch Captures Your Attention From
                   The Moment You Turn Off The Main Road &
                   Begin The Enchanting Drive Down The Winding
                   Wooded Entrance. The Castle Is One Of The
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                   Offering An Enviable Range Of Unparalleled
                   Romantic & Intimate Onsite Locations, Both
                   Indoors & Outdoors. Nothing Makes For A
                   More Romantic Wedding Backdrop Than A
                   Grand Ballroom In A Centuries-Old Venue,
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                   Crystal Chandeliers, Surrounded By Beveled
                   Glass Windows, And A Spectacular View Of
                   The Romantic McCulloch Valley And Pond.
                   The Great Hall’s Vibrant History, Unique Stone
                   Architecture, And Warm Hardwood Flooring
                   Can Make Your Wedding As Legendary As
                   The Venue Itself! We Are Firm Believers That
                   Everyone Should Feel Like Royalty On Her Or
                   His Wedding Day. Contact Us Today For A Tour
                   And A Custom Quote. 336.887.5413



Weddings FOREVER - SPRING 2021 - Mt. Airy News
Wedding Day Calm:
By Melissa Hayes
Serre Vineyards

Your wedding day: Possibly
the most memorable and
wonderful day of your entire
Every family member and
friend you love, gathered in
one place. Declaring your
devotion to your person in
front of all of your people.
An entire day dedicated to
celebrating you and your One
& Only.
• You’ve planned this magical
day for months, and it’s here.
• Have you ever been this
excited?                                                                                                         Lee Bottoms Photography
• The butterflies are
a’fluttering!                      While a small dose of butter-      feel more grounded and calm.     bring you back to the present
• Actually, wait a second...       flies can be dreamy, it’s a good   Hiking, kayaking, or even        moment. This can manage
how you ever been this ner-        idea on your wedding day           outdoor yoga are all great       stress and anxiety that cause a
vous?                              to keep the nervous system         ways to move your body on        butterfly-filled stomach. Deep
Turns out, our bodies have         somewhat calm if you can,          your big day.                    belly breaths can be especially
the same response to excite-       to prevent the fight-or-flight     (Hint hint: Serre Vineyards      helpful to bring calm to the
ment, and nervousness,             response from taking over.         offers bridal parties hiking     entire body — especially
thanks to our Autonomic            Here are some tips on calm-        trails and outdoor yoga dur-     when those deep belly breaths
Nervous System. When you           ing the wedding day nerves,        ing wedding weekends.)           are accompanied by serene
get nervous or excited, a nerve    and avoid pulling a Maggie         Speaking of yoga…                mountain views.
is stimulated that activates the   Carpenter.
                                                                      GET INVERTED                     TAKE IT EASY ON
gut and causes that fluttering     GET MOVING                         Yes, we mean get your body       THE COFFEE
                    feeling in     It’s no longer a surprise that     upside down, which can help      The caffeine can fuel nervous-
                     your stom-    there’s a proven link between      correct blood flow to the        ness and anxiety, making it
                      ach. But     physical exercise and mental       stomach, thus calming the        worse. Coffee can also have a
                      your body    health. Exercise produces          butterflies. There are a lot     major impact on the stomach,
                      can’t tell   endorphins, and can actually       of great yoga poses for this,    which is already twisty with
                        the dif-   counteract the nerves you’re       like downward dog, shoulder      nerves.
                         ference   feeling in your tummy. Doing       stand, or bridge pose. Not       But guess what?
                         between   jumping jacks, push-ups, or        into yoga? Try laying on your    Alcohol is a-okay!
                        de-        going for a run can release        back in front of a wall, with    Alcohol is a sedative and a
                     light and     some tension.                      your legs up against the wall.   depressant that affects the
           anxiousness. If         Bonus points if that exercise                                       nervous system. A moderate
either feeling is sustained long                                      TRY DEEP BREATHING
                                   is in nature! Spending time in                                      amount of drinks can calm
                                                                      AND MEDITATION
enough, our favorite response      nature can help relieve stress                                      you down and put you at
is going to kick in: fight-or-                                        Mental exercises help you
                                   and anxiety, improve your                                                         See CALM | 4
flight.                                                               focus on your breath and
                                   mood, and overall make you
                                                                                                         BRIDAL GUIDE | 3
Weddings FOREVER - SPRING 2021 - Mt. Airy News
Castle McCulloch................................. 2                  13 Bones & White Sulphur Springs.. 11
Legacy Creek......................................... 4              Turman Hardwood Flooring............ 13
Mount Airy Media Group................... 5                          Mt. Vale Highlands Event
Serre Vineyards..................................... 6               & Lodging Venue................................ 13
Welcome Home Decor & Gifts........... 6                              Mullins Pawn Shop............................. 15
Aunt Bea’s.............................................. 9           Cooke Rentals..................................... 15
Creative Designs................................. 10                 Scenic Lincoln..................................... 16

Calm                               this is your day.                 ing, custom-built farmhouse
                                                                     tables, luxurious décor,
                                                                                                     only comfortable; they’ll feel
                                                                                                     like it’s their special day, too.
                                   REMEMBER WHAT                     indoor/outdoor bar, fire pit,   We’re here to make sure that
From page 3                        THE DAY IS ALL ABOUT              and wedding coordinator         on your wedding day, you
                                   You’re excited and nervous;       to help plan it all will make   feel on top of the world —
ease. In fact, alcohol’s effects   because this is an incredibly     sure your loved ones are not    and on top of the mountain.
can be similar to those of         important day. But remind
antianxiety medications.           yourself that it’s a day to en-
Time to pour the mimosa!           joy and to celebrate. A day
(And when you get married          to look into the eyes of your
at Serre Vineyards, there will     fella or lady and remember...                                         276-238-8597
be plenty of mimosas.)             the butterflies are worth it.
                                   At Serre, we believe life is                          Newly Renovated Rustic Barn Venue
FIND SPACE FOR                     meant to be celebrated, and                             Located in Baywood in between
YOURSELF TO RELAX                                                                         Galax and Independence, Virginia
                                   we’d love to celebrate with
Taking a little time to clear
your head and take control
                                   you on your special day.                                                &
                                   Serre’s 70-acre grounds with                          Indoor Venue located inside
of your nervousness, even          breathtaking scenery, rustic                          Downtown Galax (Main St.)
if it must be totally alone        meets modern barn that                                Indoor Venue great for Micro-Weddings,
time, might do just the            accommodates up to 200                                   Bridal Showers, Receptions & More
trick. Don’t be afraid to

                                   guests, covered patio seat-                           TUXEDO RENTAL NOW AVAILABLE
excuse yourself for a bit —

Weddings FOREVER - SPRING 2021 - Mt. Airy News
The concensus from public         ues. However, it’s essential to   food and drinks outside can           satisfy everyone’s adventurous
health professionals around the   check local regulations before    be a low-key way to spend an          side. Race tracks offer tour-
world is to maintain continued    planning festivities. Even if     evening.                              ist options where novices can
social distancing to help pre-    gathering with your wedding                                             take high-speed spins around
vent further spread of the CO-    party is doable, you may have                                           the course. When traveling in
VID-19 virus. Various events      to think outside the box when     TRY AN “EXTREME”                      small groups, these activities
have been modified due to the     it comes to how to enjoy these    ACTIVITY                              can be possible.
pandemic, and weddings and        last hoorahs before the wed-      Weekend travel has become
bachelor/bachelorette parties     ding.                             a standard option for many            VIRTUAL KARAOKE
have proven no exception.                                           bachelor and bachelorette             In-person karaoke nights may
Couples may need to make                                            parties. But travel restrictions      be unavailable, but there’s a
certain changes to traditional    HOST IT OUTDOORS                  or personal health preferences        bevy of online sing-a-long apps
gatherings like bachelor and      The likelihood of spreading       may mean it’s not prudent             that enable participants to
bachelorette parties to stay      respiratory viruses like CO-      to take a trip to Las Vegas or        sing with backing tracks either
safe. Wedding parties average     VID-19 is greatly reduced         Cancún. Booking activities            for solo performances or with
four to five close friends or     in outdoor settings where         that are a little edgy can add        others — even people around
family members on each side,      respiratory droplets are more     some adventure to the fes-            the world. Each member of the
according to Martha Stewart       likely to be dispersed rather     tivities if travel is a nonstarter.   bachelorette or bachelor party
weddings. Gatherings of five      than concentrated. Restaurants    Some amusement parks are              can download the same app
will likely comply with the       and bars still offer outdoor      still open, so an evening of          and then sing together. Laugh
limitations set for gatherings    seating options in many areas,    riding zero-gravity coasters or       along to renditions of classic
for indoor and outdoor ven-       and an intimate gathering for     free-fall bungee jumps could          tunes or modern favorites.

                                                                         Your Partner
                                                                       in Planning the
                                                                      Perfect Wedding
                                                                            Get ideas, inspiration and the scoop on the
                                                                            latest wedding trends in our bridal guide!
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                                                            Announce your engagement and
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                                                                                                            BRIDAL GUIDE | 5
Weddings FOREVER - SPRING 2021 - Mt. Airy News
How to
 find your
Weddings join the lives of two
loving individuals so they can
                                  Wedding Florist
share their future with one an-
other. Various elements help
make weddings both momen-
tous and magical.
Some weddings adhere to
themes that are designed
to make an impression and
showcase couples’ personali-
ties. Floral arrangements are
key components of wed-
ding themes, as they help to
establish ambiance at both the
ceremony and reception.
Flowers can easily help
couples achieve a desired vibe,
whether that’s rustic, roman-
tic, modern, or even whimsi-
cal. Skilled florists may use a
variety of flowers and foliage,
as well as dramatic displays to
help create the couple’s wed-
ding day vision. According
                                  Metro Creative Services
to an internal study from the
wedding advice and planning       It is essential for couples to spend time vetting potential florists to find one who will
resource The Knot, which          produce their desired vision at a price that fits their budget.
surveyed more than 27,000         ding, including color scheme      to a florist with examples in       bouquet, bridesmaids’ bou-
couples who got married in        and the wedding theme. If         hand.   Show   the florist the      quets, maid of honor bouquet,
2019, the average cost of         your wedding theme ties into      types  of arrangements     you      corsages for mothers/grand-
wedding flowers was $2,000        a specific season, you will       prefer and have actual fabric       mothers, boutonnieres for
in 2019. However, the cost of     work with the florist to find     swatches from bridesmaid            groomsmen and fathers/grand-
floral arrangements can vary      blooms and other pieces that      gowns or groomsmen vests            fathers, flower girl headpiece,
depending on the scope of         coordi-                                                                        petals to sprinkle, table
the arrangements and choice       nate. For                                                                      centerpieces, altar
of flowers, including whether     example,         “Flowers can easily help couples achieve a                    arrangements, pew or
they’re in season or not.         winter           desired   vibe, whether     that’s  rustic,    romantic,      chair decorations, and
It is essential for couples to    weddings         modern, or even whimsical.”                                   cake decorations.
spend time vetting potential      with white,                                                                    • Go easy on aroma.
florists to find one who will     ice blue                                                                       Tread lightly when
produce their desired vision at   and silver color schemes may      so that colors can be comple-       selecting blooms that have
a price that fits their budget.   coordinate with white ranun- mented.                                  strong aromas. They may be
These guidelines can make the     culus flowers, dahlias, dusty     • Create a list of desired items. beautiful, but many people
process go more smoothly.         miller foliage, and viburnum      Florists may sell items a la        are sensitive to smells. Aller-
• Establish your theme early      berries.                          carte or  have  packages   of com-  gies also may be exacerbated
on. Floral arrangements will      • Bring swatches and photo-       mon   floral pieces for wedding     by flowers with strong aromas.
complement and enhance            graphs to consultations. It is    celebrations. Types of floral       Discuss options with the
other elements of the wed-        easier to explain color palettes arrangements include bridal          florist before proceeding.

Weddings FOREVER - SPRING 2021 - Mt. Airy News

Your big day is all about you and your partner. But                                them in the welcome
if guests are coming from afar or if you’re having a                               bags. Make the notes
destination wedding, you need to show some love to                                 special by hand-
your guests, too.                                                                  writing them and
                                                                                   personalizing them to
                                                                                   each guest. Tell them
Put together welcome bags,           reception locations, along                    how thankful you
boxes or baskets to make your        with transportation informa-                  are that they traveled
attendees feel like they’re a        tion. You can include tickets                 to be a part of your
special part of your wedding.        to popular local attractions,                 festivities.
                                     ideas for sightseeing and a list
START WITH SNACKS                    of your favorite restaurants.                 SOWING SEEDS                                   be seen on the grounds during
Start off with things to make        Toss in travel-sized goodies                  OF LOVE                                        the ceremony. You can also
your guests feel more at home        like sunscreen for a beachy                   For an outdoor wedding, con-                   include gardening gloves or a
on the road. These can in-           locale or handwarmers for a                   sider dropping in packets of                   small pot with your monogram
clude snacks, candies, bottled       snowy destination.
water, specialty coffees, or                                                       seeds or young plants that will                and the date of your nuptials.
tiny bottles of bubbly to kick       PARTY TIME
off your celebrations. Lend          Another clever addition to
a local flavor to your gifts by      your welcome boxes is a
choosing local brands. Ven-          post-wedding recovery kit.
dors may even be willing to          Put in travel-sized bottles of
add a monogram and date to           Advil or Tylenol, cooling eye
the labels to make your gifts        masks, do-not-disturb signs
more special.                        and anything else your guests
                                     might need to recover from a
GET OUT                              little too much fun.
Also include travel guides
and suggested destinations           DROP A NOTE
for guests who aren’t familiar       Get ahead of the game by
with the area. Include direc-        writing thank-you notes to                                                                      • Bridal Registry
tions to the ceremony and            your guests and including                                                                  • Unique Decorative Styles
                                                                                                                                       • Retail Shop
                                                                                                                                    • Home Accessories
                       70 acres of breathtaking scenery with mountain
                                                                                                                                 • and much, much more!
                       views accompanies our rustic-modern barn venue.                        Located in the historic district
                       Our venue accommodates up to 200 guests, and                           of Downtown Mount Airy, Welcome
                       comes complete with covered patio seating,
                                                                                              Home Decor & Gifts offers a curated
                                                                                              collection of unique, decorative accessories
                       custom-built farmhouse tables, outdoor bar, fire pit,
                                                                                              to suit a variety of tastes.
                       and a wedding coordinator to help plan it all.
                                                                                               In addition to home products, we can also connect
                                                                                              you to local interior design professionals who are
                                                                                              available for consultation. With a dash of Southern
                                                                                              hospitality, we hope to create a relaxed shopping
                                                                                              environment where everyone feels at home.

                                                                                              235 Market St. • Mount Airy, N.C.

                                                                                              336.648.8025 •

                                                                                                                                     BRIDAL GUIDE | 7
Weddings FOREVER - SPRING 2021 - Mt. Airy News


Outdoor weddings are gor-          vendors and guests. This can        • Check on noise rules and        • Plan for hydration and
geous and romantic. But they       be a note on your wedding           regulations. Check on local       shade. If you’re in a warmer
present a special challenge        website or on social media,         laws and venue rules when it      locale, you’ll want to provide
when it comes to planning.         or you can turn over all the        comes to volume and times         cooling shade and drinks for
Follow this easy checklist to      responsibility to your wedding      for your musicians and DJs.       your guests to keep everyone
make your outdoor wedding          planner or coordinator. Set         • Restrooms. Does your locale     safe.
day as stress-free as possible.    up a plan to have bridesmaids       have ample restrooms for the      • Plan for the pandemic.
• Have an alternative location.    or other trusted friends mind       number of guests you’ll have?     Outdoor weddings are par-
No one likes to think of it        the phones if you don’t have a      If not, you can rent portable     ticularly attractive to those
raining on their wedding day,      planner or coordinator.             restrooms for your guests.        hoping to gather safely despite
but it’s a possibility that must   • Have a plan for parking.          • Consider electricity needs.     COVID-19. Make sure you
be considered. Have a backup       This is especially true if you’re   Outdoor weddings usually          have hand sanitizing stations,
plan if you wake up and the        getting married in a backyard       don’t have convenient power       consider hosting groups in
weather is out of sync with        or at a restaurant or park.         plugs hidden amongst the          shifts, and have guests that are
your plans.                        If you don’t have enough            trees and grass. Check with       able to stand so that there’s
• Have a communication plan.       space, try to make an arrange-      your vendors to see what their    more distance between them.
If anything big comes up (like     ment with a nearby school           electrical needs are, including   Minimize sharing of items
that big location change), have    or church and include the           the caterer, baker and florist.   such as photo booth pops,
a quick and easy way to com-       parking info on your wedding        Then coordinate their needs       serving utensils and guestbook
municate those changes with        website.                            with your location.               pens.

Weddings FOREVER - SPRING 2021 - Mt. Airy News
Go Cheesy
Cheese is definitely hav-      Gruyere, sharp cheddar         sauces with your guests’     CHEESE CAKE
ing a moment. As part          and gooey fontina. Next,       choices of pasta and         Instead of a multi-tiered
of charcuterie boards,         consider the bread. Think      toppings. Pasta shapes       confectionary glory of a
displays and other elegant     sourdough, rye and other       to look at include maca-     wedding cake, consider
meals, the cheesier the        easily sliceable breads.       roni, cavatappi, rotini or   stacking up wheels and
better. Put this trend front   You can also add a variety     penne. Sauces can include    servings of cheese for an
and center at your recep-      of fruits – apple is a great                                eye-catching and delicious
                                                              a creamy alfredo, clas-
tion with these ideas.         choice – herbs, aromatics,                                  wedding cake alternative.
                               veggies and more.              sic cheddar, Swiss and
                                                              Gruyere, or blue cheese.     Garnish with fresh fruits
GRILLED CHEESE BAR                                                                         and flowers. This is a great
Talk to your caterers                                         For toppings, think about
                                                              crispy bacon or pancetta,    idea if either the bride
about a custom grilled         MACARONI AND                                                or groom is gluten-free
cheese bar with different      CHEESE BAR                     cool diced tomatoes,
                                                                                           or low carb. Note: Make
flavors of breads, spreads     Similarly to the grilled       steamed broccoli, spicy      sure you precut your cake;
and cheeses. Choose            cheese bar, this station       jalapenos and chopped        those wheels can be really
melty cheeses like nutty       combines different cheese      herbs.                       tough to cut.

                               cAtEring to fit EvErY BudgEt.
    Our catering features an array Of enticing appetizer trays, hOrs d’Oeuvres, small bites,
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                                                                                            BRIDAL GUIDE | 9
Weddings FOREVER - SPRING 2021 - Mt. Airy News
According to the photo           Brides magazine states that,
   TOOLS FOR KEEPING                                              and invitation specialists at    during the typical 15-month
WEDDING GUESTS INFORMED                                           Shutterfly, it’s customary       engagement period, 48
                                                                  to send save-the-date notes      percent of couples will
Weddings give couples an         ing regarding the upcoming       around six months before         launch a wedding website.
opportunity to share the joy     nuptials is a courtesy couples   the wedding. For a destina-      A wedding website is a
of joining their lives to-       can provide. Couples can         tion wedding, which will         versatile tool that can help
gether with a host of friends    explore various avenues for      require extra travel plans, an   answer questions that guests
and family members. Guests       keeping guests informed and      eight- to 12-month advance       may have. The website can
liven up the party and help      ensuring they’ll be able to      can be helpful.                  spell out specifics, including
make the celebration that        take part in the festivities.    Save-the-date cards gener-       dress code, whether children
much more memorable.             SAVE-THE-DATE AN-                ally have basic information,     are invited, the names of
According to The Knot 2019       NOUNCEMENTS                      including the wedding date       wedding party participants,
Real Weddings Study, the         Save-the-date announce-          and the venue. Many will         overnight accommodations,
average wedding in the           ments have become an             feature a photo of the couple    transportation providers,
United States hosts 131          increasingly popular compo-      as well. If you’re planning      and even restaurants near
people. Data indicates this      nent of wedding planning.        on sending save-the-date         the hotel for a quick bite
number has been slowly           Instead of waiting on the        announcements, coordinate        between ceremony and
decreasing over the years,       wedding invitation, which        with your photographer to        reception.
after the average wedding        traditionally arrives one or     have a photo taken exclu-        Wedding websites also can
size reached an all-time high    two months prior to the          sively for these cards.          be used as fun ways to keep
of 153 in 2007. No matter        wedding itself, save-the-date    WEDDING WEBSITE                  guests engaged. “Throwback
how big or how small the         cards provide guests with        Couples are increasingly         Thursday” photos or funny
guest list, keeping guests       an advanced advertisement        embracing technology as          memories and anecdotes can
informed of what’s happen-       of the celebration to come.      they plan their weddings.        be included.

                Bridal Bouquets | Ceremonies | Receptions | Showers

          Let us add the perfect touch
           of natural beauty to your
          wedding with breathtaking
           custom florals designed to
           complement the style and
              color palette of your
                   special day.                                            Flowers & Gifts

                                     1220 S. Main St., Mount Airy, NC 27030
                                336.719.2333 |


Charity Registry
A charity registry gives your    beginning and give their       check their site to confirm          There are several websites
wedding guests the option to     guests a great way to honor    the status.                          that can help you set up a
give to your selected charity    their love.                    Take a look at the charity’s         charity registry that’s easy for
in lieu of giving you a wed-     Here are some things to        finances. Healthy organiza-          you to use and for guests to
ding gift.                       consider when looking for      tions are financially effi-          give. allows
With more couples opting         charities for your guests to   cient and sustainable. The           you to add charity links
for minimalist weddings and      support on your behalf.        organization should also be          using a simple browser but-
lifestyles, charity registries                                  accountable and transpar-            ton. The Good Beginning
are growing in popularity.       EVALUATING CHARITIES           ent. Charities should be an          allows couples to choose
Furthermore, couples are liv-    The charity evaluation site    open book, the site says,            organizations and gives them
ing together before marriage     Charity Navigator said to      and follow good governance           a simple dashboard for iden-
and getting married later        make sure the charity you      practices. Other than that,          tifying, giving and tracking
in life. These couples don’t     are considering is a tax-      make sure to choose an orga-
                                 exempt 501(c)(3) public                                             gifts. Blueprint allows guests
need or want the traditional                                    nization that supports causes
                                 charity. You can ask for the                                        to give a custom cash gift
wedding gifts on most regis-                                    that are close to your heart.
tries, but donating to charity   organization’s Employer                                             that you can donate to the
can give them an auspicious      Identification Number and      CHOOSE A SITE                        charity in your own name.

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                                                                                                      BRIDAL GUIDE | 11
                                                         OF 2021

Picking your wedding colors         GREEN                               pale lilac and lavender paired      YELLOW
is a huge decision in planning      A recent trend of tropical          with pastel yellow and mint         Unlike other colors, yellow is
your special day. Here are the      themed weddings has brought         green for a whimsical, ethereal     going more vibrant for 2021.
top trendy colors for 2021          green shades back into the          wedding palette. Incorporate        Look for a sunflower yellow
from the wedding experts at         spotlight. For 2021, look for a     these hues’ namesake flowers        that’s also popping in roses,
The Knot.                           more retro look with mid-           in your bouquet and use edible      lemons and peonies. Accent
                                    range greens. Pistachio and         flowers in your cake and treats     your tables with bright yellow
BLUE                                                                    for maximum punch.
                                    avocado greens will give your                                           candles and linens or gold
In the past few years, jewel
                                    nuptials a cool vibe. Look for      ORANGE                              flatware.
tone blues in deep blues have
                                    green dresses, ties and other ac-   Coral and peach have been
been all the rage. But this year,
                                    cessories because green’s range     the hit oranges, but this year      NEONS
look for lighter tones to take
                                    makes it flattering for almost      they’re making way for a            We’ve seen the 1980s back in
the stage. The dark blues will
                                    any skin tone. Look for flowers                                         fashion, now it’s in wedding
stay around as accent colors to                                         darker, warmer papaya orange.
                                    such as palms and ferns to add                                          palettes. Look for screaming
set off powder blue, cornflower                                         This orange is also not as dark
                                    more green to your floral ar-                                           hot fuchsia, teal and cobalt
and French blue hues. Light                                             as a rust orange, making it a
                                    rangements.                                                             blue in trendy 2021 weddings.
blues work great with other                                             great middle ground if you’re       Don’t just pick one neon for
pastels and even earth tones.       PURPLES                             wary of this bold color. Think      your wedding, choose a whole
Choose light blue ribbons,          Once again, these aren’t the        terracotta vases, orchids and       pack of them to go together
glassware and flowers such as       punchy, bold purples popular        lilies to work this vibrant color   for a bold, non-traditional
sweet pea and hydrangeas.           in the past. Instead, look to       into your big day.                  look.

Going Green
Your wedding can be green             with great vintage vibes.              emissions reduction, indoor           or mirrors, send them to local
without a single splash of the                                               environmental quality and             thrift stores.
color appearing. Making your          RECYCLABLE INVITATIONS                 stewardship of resources.
big day sustainable and eco-          Pick wedding stationery that’s                                               RENT, DON’T BUY
friendly gets easier every year as    printed on recycled paper or           DON’T TRASH YOUR DECOR                Look into renting items instead
the wedding industry hops on          uses alternatives like upcycled        Find ways to reuse, recycle or        of buying single-use dispos-
board the green trend.                fabrics or even wood. Seed             donate the decorations you            ables. Some of the things you
Here are some tips for having         paper, a biodegradable mate-           use in your wedding. Send the         can rent are glassware, linens
a big day with a little carbon        rial that sprouts into flowers         flowers to local hospitals, senior    and more. If you do have to use
footprint.                            when planted in a pot of soil,         centers and homeless shelters.        disposables, try to choose paper
                                      is a great and whimsical choice        Gift food and favors to your          things that you can recycle
RESPONSIBLE RINGS                     for your wedding invitations,          venue’s service staff, family or      or will biodegrade instead of
Well before getting to the de-        RSVP cards, thank-you notes            guests. For things like lanterns      plastics.
tails of your wedding day, you        and more.
can make sure your engagement
and wedding bands are sourced
responsibly. Use the Kimberly         CHOOSE AN
Process Certification Scheme to       ECO-FRIENDLY VENUE
track your stones and ask your        Look for hotels and event
jeweler if they’re committed          spaces that are LEED certified
to using conflict-free stones.        and have Energy Star ratings.
Lab-created stones may have a         LEED means Leadership in
bad rap, but they’ve got a lower      Energy and Environmental
impact on the environment.            Design, and it’s an independent
And recycling isn’t just for the      verification that a venue was
empty bottles of bubbly. Reus-        designed and built using` strate-
ing estate jewelry is an envi-        gies that try to improve energy
ronmentally responsible choice        savings, water efficiency, carbon
                                                                                          We invite you to plan your special event in a
                                                                                          beautiful private setting at the foothills of the
                                                                                              Blue Ridge mountains in Galax, VA

                                                                                Mt. Vale Highlands Event and Lodging Venue
                                                                                        3222 Meadow Creek Rd.
                                                                                           Galax, VA 24333
         Est. 2002
                                     Galax, VA                                          Facebook: Mt Vale Highlands
                                                                                        Instagram: @mtvalehighlands
         Quality Appalachian Hardwood flooring
           available at a Distributer near you.                            70046452                                                   Photos by Randi Shutte Photography

                                                                                                                      BRIDAL GUIDE | 13
Tiny is Big
Your wedding is a big day, but
what’s really huge right now
are things that are tiny. Min-
iature foods, drinks, favors
and even cakes are all the rage.
Here are some ideas to help
you incorporate this trend
into your wedding.
Finger sandwiches are a great
idea for a garden wedding, but
you can take this even farther.
Mini tacos, sliders, pigs in a
blanket all can be miniatur-
ized. Serve these tiny dishes as   the tiny train. Keep your tiny     and offers couple a stunning    ability but still wanted those
passed dishes or on distanced      favors local to give your guests   backdrop for their big day.     Instagram-worthy photos,”
tables.                            a great memento of the day.        “When we first came up with     said Jamie Gray, the farm’s
                                                                      this, a pandemic not being      marketing and communica-
A TASTE OF CAKE                    CLOTHING                           considered, we said it was      tions manager, in The Detroit
Wedding cakes have been            Even clothes are getting in on     designed for couples who        News. “They kind of get the
shrinking lately. Full cakes       the trend, including shorter       wanted simplicity and afford-   best of both.”
became cupcakes and are            skirts that bare knees and legs
now cake pops and cake             for warmer days for brides
balls. These tiny treats can be    and bridesmaids.
stacked in layers and arranged
in adorable ways to comple-        CROWDS
             ` and theme.
ment your decor                    As the pandemic rolls on,
                                   couples are trimming guest
DRINKS                             lists to accommodate local
We all know a tiny drink           rules on gatherings and to
is most commonly a shot.           make their ceremonies safer.
There are ways, however, that      And it’s a trend that may
your bartender can craft little    stick, experts say.
specialty shots that are more      It also plays into a more
elegance and less frat party.      enduring trend of minimalism
                                   and choosing experiences over
Think little bottles of local      Cornman Farms in Michi-
honey or wine, miniature           gan offers a small wedding
chocolate bars with your           package and noticed the
monogram and the date, itty        trend before COVID-19. It
bitty bottles of liquor —all       accommodates a tiny crowd
are great ideas for jumping on

                                             FOR WEDDINGS
The question was popped; the           services and items cost in the        SET UP A DEDICATED                     AVOID OVERSPENDING
engagement ring presented.             region where you live. A wed-         SAVINGS ACCOUNT                        An analysis of your spending
What’s the next step on the            ding in New York City will            One of the easiest ways to             habits will likely reveal areas
road to the wedding? Sav-              be expensive, while a wed-            save for big-ticket items like         where you can scale back so
ing should definitely be on            ding in Mississippi will cost a       a wedding, home purchase or
                                                                                                                    you can devote more funds to
couples’ minds.                        lot less, indicates SuperMon-         other financial goals is to use
A wedding is likely the most           ey’s guide to wedding costs.          an automatic savings account           wedding savings. Do you need
costly party couples will ever         Conduct some research and             that may be available through          a takeout coffee in the morn-
throw. According to The                find out what photographers,          your bank or employer. An au-          ing or can you brew a pot at
Knot’s 2019 Real Wed-                  florists, transportation provid-      tomatic savings plan will pull         home? Might you be able to
dings Study, the average cost          ers, reception halls, and wed-        a set amount from a personal           scale back on streaming ser-
of a wedding in 2019 was               ding wardrobe vendors charge          checking account into a sav-           vices? Do you feel comfortable
$33,900. There are many                for common services. This will        ings account through auto-             buying less expensive store
different costs associated with        paint a vivid picture of what a       draft. The bride and groom
                                                                                                                    brand groceries over name
weddings. Some are predict-            wedding may cost in your area.        can link individual checking
able, while others are unex-                                                 accounts to one savings ac-            brands? Small cost savings can
pected.                                                                      count to contribute jointly.           quickly add up.
                                       FLESH OUT THE BUDGET
Investopedia says the vast             Once you have gathered
majority of couples budget             estimates, you can then figure
too little for their weddings          out a financial goal. This also
and also end up spending               is when you can determine
more than they had planned.            where to rein in spending
Various strategies can make            and where you might want
it easier to save for a wedding        to splurge. If having a video
and avoid a post-wedding               memory of the wedding is not
financial hangover.                    a top priority, you can skip
                                       videography services. If you               Providing quality equipment and event rentals to Mt. Airy NC, Pilot
GET INFORMED                           have a special flower that you          Mountain NC, Dobson NC, Hillsville VA, Galax VA and surrounding counties
It’s impossible to budget for a        like, you may want to budget                      in Northwest North Carolina and Southwest Virginia.
wedding and ultimately save            more for that bloom even if it
without knowledge of what              isn’t in season.
                                                                                          Wedding Equipment Rentals

                              Engagement Rings | Jewelry Repair
                               Custom Design | Wedding Bands
                                                                                 660 W. Lebanon St., Mount Airy, NC
                                       1911 Caudle Dr., Mount Airy, NC
                                        336-786-6417 • 336-789-7109                         336.789.5068
 Need A Dollar Give Mullins A Hollar      70045975

                                                                                                                     BRIDAL GUIDE | 15
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