Weed Control Options in Landscape Beds and Groundcovers

Page created by Jeffrey Malone
Cooperative Extension Service                                                                                                                   Landscape
                                                                                                                                                 Feb. 2001

                                  Weed Control Options
                          in Landscape Beds and Groundcovers
                              Jay Deputy and Joe DeFrank, Department of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences

W       eed management in landscape plantings can be
        complex. Challenges arise from differences in the
combinations of ornamental plants grown, the type of
                                                                                   ner” stems either underground (rhizomes) or over the
                                                                                   surface of the soil (stolons), or by both methods. These
                                                                                   grasses are especially hard to control because of the dif­
weeds that occur, and the use of mulches. Herbicide op­                            ficulty in completely killing all of the rhizomes and sto­
tions are often limited by mixtures of woody and herba­                            lons. Popular turfgrasses like bermudagrass, centipede­
ceous ornamentals in the landscape, as well as health                              grass, and zoysiagrass are warm-season perennials that
and environmental concerns. Usually, various control                               often invade neighboring landscaped garden areas by
strategies must be combined to keep weeds from de­                                 extending runners. These grasses are most likely to be a
tracting from the beauty and quality of a landscape.                               continual problem during the warm summer months
     Weeds can be grouped in three general categories:                             when they are actively growing. Repeated herbicide
broadleaf, grasses, and sedges. Each type presents its                             treatments may be necessary to maintain a killed strip
own special problems and often requires different con­                             between landscape beds and the turf.
trol measures. With Hawaii’s year-round growing sea­                                    Annual grasses are easier to control than perenni­
son, all of these weed types can constantly become es­                             als. They are classified as “summer” or “winter” types
tablished in a landscape, and a continuing year-round                              based on their emergence pattern, although both types
program is necessary to keep weeds under control.                                  tend to persist throughout the year in Hawaii. Summer
     Many of the common broadleaf weeds that infest                                annuals germinate more prolifically in the spring, grow
Hawaii’s landscape are annuals; that is, they grow from                            during the summer months, and flower in late summer
a seed, flower and produce seeds, and die within one                               or early fall, after which they gradually begin to die.
growing season—a period of weeks or months. Annual                                 Common summer annuals include large crabgrass in
weeds are most likely to enter the cultivated landscape                            landscape beds and smooth crabgrass, goosegrass, and
area through seed dispersal by wind, birds, or soil ero­                           smutgrass in turf areas. Winter annuals tend to emerge
sion. In Hawaii, many annuals do not appear seasonally                             more in the fall in Hawaii, persist through the winter
but rather occur throughout the year, with no winter dor­                          into spring, and die in the hot, dry summer months.
mancy period. They therefore have a continuous life                                     Certain sedges can be troublesome weeds. They
cycle and present a constant problem.                                              persist in the soil by producing underground tubers as
     Both annual and perennial grassy weeds occur in                               propagules, in addition to spreading by seed and rhi­
Hawaii’s landscapes. Perennial grasses live for many                               zomes. Sedges are often mistakenly identified as grasses,
years. They can spread by seed dispersal as do annuals,                            but herbicides that control grassy or broadleaf weeds
but creeping perennials also spread by extending “run­                             are usually ineffective on them. Among the most com-

Caution: Pesticide registrations frequently change. Mention of a pesticide in this publication is not a guarantee that the product
will be registered for the same use in the future. Read the pesticide label to be sure that the intended use is included on it, and
follow all label directions. Consult an agrichemical sales representative, the Hawaii Department of Agriculture, or the University of
Hawaii Cooperative Extension Service for up-to-date information on available pesticide formulations.

Published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June
30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Andrew G. Hashimoto, Director/Dean, Cooperative Extension Service/CTAHR, University
of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawaii without
regard to race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
CTAHR publications can be found on the Web site  or ordered by calling 808-956-7046 or sending e-mail to ctahrpub@hawaii.edu.
L- 12                          Weed Control Options in Landscape Beds and Groundcovers              CTAHR — Feb. 2001

mon weedy sedges in Hawaii are purple and yellow nut­         stone are generally more expensive than organic
sedge (nutgrass), green and white kyllinga, and McCoy         mulches, they are stable over time, allow good water
grass. (See also CTAHR publication L-9, Nutgrass con­         drainage and air flow, and can make a very attractive
trol in the lawn, landscape, and garden.)                     addition to the landscape.
                                                                   Coarse-textured organic mulches such as wood chips
Design and prepare the ornamental planting                    can be applied up to 4 inches deep and provide long­
bed with weed control in mind                                 term weed control. Fine-textured mulches pack more
Grouping similar plant types together allows for more         tightly and should be limited to a depth of 2 inches. They
weed control options in landscape beds. Herbaceous            degrade more quickly and consequently provide weed
plants, especially annual flowers, are more sensitive to      suppression for a shorter period of time. The optimum
herbicides than ornamental shrubs or trees. In such           mulch is relatively coarse-textured with a low water­
flower beds, the preferred weed control options are use       holding capacity.
of preemergence herbicides, mulching, and hand pull­               Perennial weeds such as bindweed, oxalis, and plan­
ing. More herbicides are registered for use around woody      tain often have sufficient root reserves to penetrate even
ornamentals, which also help shade out weeds that might       thick mulch layers. Some annual weeds can grow
otherwise germinate.                                          through mulches or germinate on top of a mulch as it
     A rich variety of plant types and colors is desirable    decomposes. Weeds with wind-borne seeds, such as
and attractive in a landscape, but designers should care­     horseweed, fireweed, and dandelion, are most likely to
fully consider the requirements for maintaining the land­     become established in a mulch.
scape over time. Before establishing a planting, evalu­
ate the site’s soil type and slope and identify existing      Weed barriers can improve the weed control
weeds so suitable plants, mulches, and herbicide options      obtained with mulches
can be selected. Before the beds are planted, control         Solid black plastic film under a mulch dramatically im­
existing weeds with a nonselective herbicide such as          proves weed control compared to mulch alone. Black
RoundUp® or Finale™.                                          plastic has been used for years and provides excellent
     Avoid introducing weeds or their propagules (seeds,      control of annual weeds and suppression of perennials.
rhizomes, stolons) into the landscape with soil or plant­     However, nonporous black plastic restricts water pen­
ing materials, or on equipment. Eliminate emerging            etration and air exchange; thus, it is not recommended
weeds before they begin to form seed. Soil of container­      for long-term use in landscape plantings.
grown stock and root balls of field-grown nursery stock            Porous, black landscape fabrics (geotextiles) have
may contain weed seeds, tubers, or fragments of rhi­          been developed to replace black plastic film in land­
zomes, which are also transplanted into the landscape.        scapes. Landscape fabrics form a barrier and block sun­
                                                              light from reaching weed seeds but allow the water and
Mulches are an effective tool                                 gas exchange necessary for plant health. However, weed
Mulches are commonly used in landscape beds to im­            shoots can penetrate up through any openings in the fab­
prove appearance, conserve moisture, and control weeds.       ric, and grass roots can penetrate down through open­
Mulches work well in suppressing annual weeds but gen­        ings in the fabric if they are allowed to germinate on the
erally will not suppress perennials as effectively. Mulches   surface of the mulch. Therefore, the fabric should be
can be classified as organic (bark, wood chips, compost,      free of rips and other openings for maximum weed con­
leaves), inorganic (crushed rock, crushed coral, gravel),     trol. A key to the successful use of fabrics is maintain­
and synthetic (black plastic, landscape fabric). Mulches      ing the mulch layer free of weeds, either by hand-weed­
limit light and physically block seedling growth.             ing or the use of herbicides. Some brands of fabric, such
     As organic mulches break down into finer particles,      as Biobarrier II®, contain a preemergence herbicide. Al­
the mulch layer becomes a good growing medium for             though relatively expensive and labor intensive to in­
weeds. Inorganic and synthetic mulches therefore usu­         stall, landscape fabrics are cost effective if the planting
ally provide better weed control than organic mulches.        is to remain in place for several years.
Although natural inorganic mulches such as gravel or               Landscape fabrics are most useful for long-term

L- 12                           Weed Control Options in Landscape Beds and Groundcovers                CTAHR —Feb. 2001

weed control around trees, shrubs, and woody ornamen­               Herbicides are classified according to their mode of
tal plantings. They are less suitable for annual flower        action and the kinds of weeds they control. Some classes
beds that are replanted periodically, or in plantings where    of herbicides are effective either on grasses or broadleaf
a fabric could inhibit rooting and spread of groundcover       weeds but not both. Many herbicides that are effective
plants. Landscape fabrics can eventually be damaged            on grasses or broadleafs are not at all effective on sedges.
by tree and shrub roots, and pulling up a fabric may be        Therefore, management strategies can be very differ­
difficult due to root growth within the material.              ent, depending on the weeds present and their location
     When installing a fabric, first remove existing weeds     within the landscape bed.
and stones. Cut the fabric to fit loosely around tree trunks
and shrubs, leaving enough room for future growth and          Preemergence herbicides
also to inspect the root crown for injury. For unplanted       Preemergence herbicides affect germinating seeds and
beds, cut an “H” in the fabric for each planting hole.         are generally used to control annual grasses and broad­
Avoid leaving soil from the planting hole on top of the        leaf weeds that spread primarily by seed dispersal. To
fabric, because this will serve as a source of weed seeds.     be effective, this type of herbicide should be applied to
     After planting, fold the fabric back down to keep         the soil several weeks before weed seeds would nor­
the sheet as continuous as possible, and secure it with        mally germinate. In Hawaii, seeds are continually being
U-shaped pegs. Apply a thin layer of organic or rock           disbursed and germinating, which necessitates periodic
mulch on top of the fabric to prevent its deterioration        applications of preemegence herbicide throughout the
from exposure to UV light (photo-degradation). If weeds        year.
grow into or through the fabric, remove them when they              Granular preemergence herbicide formulations may
are small to prevent holes from forming in the fabric.         be applied with a fertilizer spreader. The spreader must
                                                               be calibrated to apply the rates specified on the product
Mulches in combination with herbicides                         label. Liquid formulations can be applied with com­
improves weed control                                          pressed-air or hose-end sprayers. Both granular and liq­
Because mulches rarely provide complete weed control,          uid preemergence herbicide formulations can be applied
preemergence and postemergence herbicides can be ap­           over the top of existing ornamentals and groundcovers,
plied to improve the level of control. Some factors to         if the label allows. Preemergence herbicides must cover
consider before selecting an herbicide are                     the area uniformly and come in contact with the soil,
• Which weeds are present and which weeds are ex­              and most of them need to be activated by irrigation or
   pected to emerge? Are the grassy weeds annual or            rainfall within 1–2 weeks of application. Best results
   perennial? Choose an herbicide or combination of her­       are obtained when at least 1⁄2 inch of water is applied to
   bicides that will be effective on these weeds.              the area immediately after applying the herbicide. This
• Which ornamental species are present in the plant­           also helps to wash the herbicide off the foliage of any
   ing? Is it safe to over-spray a grass herbicide? Be sure    existing plants and onto the soil surface.
   the herbicide is registered for use on these species.            Preemergence herbicides differ in the length of their
• How close are susceptible ornamentals and turf, and what     residual effect and should be reapplied accordingly.
   is the risk that they will be injured by the herbicide?     Some preemergence formulations are volatile and must
• What is the potential for residual effects of the herbi­     be cultivated into the soil for maximum effectiveness;
   cide on subsequent plantings, especially those con­         others form a thin film over the surface of the soil and
   taining annual flowers?                                     are ineffective if the soil surface is disturbed after appli­
• What precautions need to be taken to protect the ap­         cation. Generally, herbicides degrade faster under wet,
   plicator and property owners?                               warm conditions than under dry, cool conditions.
• What method will be used to apply the herbicide                   Dinitroanilines are a group of preemergence herbi­
   (granular or spray formulation)?                            cides that are most effectively used on groundcovers or
• How much will the treatment cost?                            plantings that contain only herbaceous plants. This group
• How long will it take for the treatment to be effec­         includes Treflan® (trifluralin), Surflan® (oryzalin), Pen­
   tive, and how long will it last?                            dulum ™ and PreM ™ (pendimethalin), Barricade ™

L- 12                          Weed Control Options in Landscape Beds and Groundcovers             CTAHR — Feb. 2001

(prodiamine), and TeamPro® (trifluralin + benefin). They     Mulches can interact with herbicides
inhibit root development in germinating seedlings and        The placement of an herbicide in relation to an organic
are most active on annual grasses but also prevent the       mulch can affect the herbicide’s performance, especially
emergence of some broadleaf weeds. Other preemer­            the preemergence formulations. In addition, specific
gence herbicides for landscapes are Devrinol ®               characteristics of organic mulches can affect how her­
(napropamide), Pennant™ (metolachlor), and Dacthal®          bicides work. A mulch that is primarily fine particles
(DCPA), all of which prevent the emergence of annual         can reduce the availability of some herbicides. The finer
grasses and some broadleaf weeds. Pennant, in addition,      the organic material (peat moss or manure, compared to
has preemergence activity on yellow nutsedge. Gallery®       bark), the greater the binding of the herbicide. Most her­
(isoxaben) controls a wide spectrum of broadleaf weeds,      bicides are tightly bound by soil organic matter, less with
and Goal® (oxyfluorfen) has greater preemergence ac­         mulches, and although the binding may minimize leach­
tivity on broadleaf weeds than grasses.                      ing, it can also minimize the activity of the herbicide.
     Additional choices are available for annual grass and   Mulch that is made up of larger, coarse particles will
broadleaf control in woody ornamental plantings. In          have little effect on reducing herbicide activity.
addition to the other preemergence formulations, con­            A more important factor is the depth of the mulch.
trol of annual grasses and some broadleaf weeds is also      A preemergence herbicide applied on top of a thin mulch
obtained with Casoron™ (dichlobenil), Ronstar™ (oxadia­      may be able to leach through to where the weed seeds
zon), and the combination products Regal O-O® (oxy­          are germinating, but when applied to the top of a thick
fluorfen + oxadiazon), Rout® (oxyfluorfen + oryzalin),       layer of mulch it may not get down to the zone where
Ornamental Herbicide2® (oxyfluorfen + pendimethalin),        the seeds are germinating. Products like Ronstar and
Snapshot TG® (isoxaben + trifluralin), and XL™ (oryzalin     Goal that require a continuous surface layer must be
+ benefin). These products are best for woody ornamen­       placed on the soil surface under the mulch. Most
tal plantings because of their potential for injuring her­   preemergence herbicides work best when applied un­
baceous plants. Ronstar has greater preemergence ac­         derneath the mulch layer. Such placement is possible
tivity on broadleaf weeds than grasses. Casoron con­         only if the herbicide is applied before the mulch is de­
trols annual weeds and also certain perennial grasses        posited or if additional mulch is spread after herbicide
and tough-to-control weeds like thistle, horsetail, oxa­     application. Another reason to apply herbicides under
lis, wood sorrel, and plantain. It can be used around es­    mulch is to reduce volatilization losses.
tablished woody ornamentals such as yews, arborvitae,            In general, the preemergence herbicides listed above,
and juniper, but not around firs, spruces, or hemlocks.      with the exception of Casoron, do not control established
Casoron should be applied during cooler weather and          perennial grasses. Preemergence herbicides for crabgrass
covered with mulch or watered in soon after applica­         do control perennial grasses germinating from seed, and
tion. Of the herbicides registered for landscapes, Casoron   some inhibit pegging down of creeping perennials. How­
is one of the best for preemergence control of biennial      ever, to effectively control perennial grasses in ground­
and perennial weeds. Because Casoron affects some turf­      covers and ornamental landscape beds, postemergence
grasses, care must be taken to prevent the granules from     herbicides should be used.
reaching turf areas when applying it to ornamental beds.
Also, Casoron and Ronstar should not be used in herba­       Postemergence herbicides
ceous ornamental beds.                                       Postemergence herbicides are used to kill weeds after
     Use the information contained in herbicide labels       they have germinated and are growing. To be effective,
to determine tolerance of ornamental plants to a given       most postemergence herbicides must be absorbed
herbicide. Match herbicides with weeds present and           through the leaves; therefore, liquid sprays generally
consider using herbicide combinations. Combinations          work better than dry, granular materials. Postemergence
of herbicides increase the number of species of weeds        herbicides are effective against grasses, sedges, and broa­
controlled and provide effective control of grasses and      dleaf weeds. They are most effective when applied to
many broadleaf weeds.                                        young, vigorously growing weeds. Postemergence her­
                                                             bicides generally provide little residual weed control.

L- 12                          Weed Control Options in Landscape Beds and Groundcovers             CTAHR —Feb. 2001

They are either inactivated by binding to soil particles     compound in this group; it controls both annual and pe­
or rapidly degraded by soil microorganism. The               rennial grasses, including bermudagrass, in a wide range
postemergence products that are available for control of     of ornamentals.
perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds include both se­            Sedges such as nutgrass (purple and yellow nut­
lective and nonselective materials. Nonselective herbi­      sedge), green and white kyllinga, and McCoy grass are
cides kill all plants, including desirable ornamentals and   perennials that present their own special problems. They
turfgrasses, so extreme care should be used when ap­         are not affected by most of the grass or broadleaf herbi­
plying them. Selective postemergence products carry less     cides, although the preemergence herbicide Pennant™
risk of injury to desirable plants, and many can be ap­      will control yellow nutsedge. The most effective con­
plied directly over the top of ornamentals and turf.         trol for most sedges is with the postemergence products
                                                             Image (imazaquin) and Manage™ (halosulfuron). Both
Selective postemergence herbicides                           can be applied over many broadleaf ornamentals and
The selective herbicides for grass control, generally re­    turfgrasses. Always read the label to be sure it is safe to
ferred to as postemergence grass herbicides, are the com­    over-spray the existing plants.
pounds of choice in broadleaf groundcovers and orna­              Very few if any postemergence herbicides can safely
mental beds due to their high degree of safety to desir­     be over-sprayed against broadleaf weeds in groundcovers
able plants. This group of selective herbicides includes     or ornamental beds. This is because most plants used
Poast™ and Vantage™ (sethoxydim), Fusilade ™ and             for groundcover or ornamentals are also broadleaf plants
Ornamec™ (fluazifop), Acclaim™ (fenoxaprop), and             that will be affected by the herbicide. In these cases,
Envoy™ (clethodim). These products are systemic, mean­       selective and nonselective post-emergence herbicides
ing that they are taken up into the plant’s system and       may be used as a spot spray on existing broadleaf weeds
affect the roots as well as rhizomes and stolons of pe­      if they are located away from the desirable plants, such
rennial grasses. Repeat treatments are usually necessary     as on top of mulch, and there is little danger of over­
for long-term control of established grasses. Members        spray. Because most broadleaf weeds in Hawaii are an­
of this class of herbicide only control grasses and have     nuals, the best control is obtained with one of the
practically no effect on most broadleaf weeds, sedges        preemergence products mentioned above.
such as nutgrass and kyllinga, and other nongrass mono­           Herbicide combinations increase the weed control
cots such as wild onion and wild garlic. These herbi­        spectrum. When allowed by the labels, some of the grass
cides must not be applied over the top of ornamental         and broadleaf herbicides discussed previously may be
grass or to many of the turfgrasses, and care should be      mixed. Product labels must be checked carefully for lists
taken to prevent drift into areas planted with these when    of ornamental species that the product has been regis­
applying the products to ornamental beds.                    tered for use in.
     Sethoxydim (Poast, Vantage) and fluazifop
(Fusilade, Ornamec) have been used extensively for           Nonselective postemergence herbicides
annual and perennial grass control in a wide range of        In some situations it is desirable to eliminate all vegeta­
herbaceous and woody broadleaf ornamentals. These two        tion for renovations, vegetation management, or simple
types of herbicides are commonly used to control estab­      spot spraying. Herbicides used for this purpose fall into
lished Johnsongrass, bermudagrass, and quackgrass, te­       the general category of nonselective postemergence
nacious weeds with few control options when growing          products. These herbicides can further be separated into
among ornamentals. Sethoxydim does not affect                several different types based on their mode of action.
centipedegrass if used at recommended rates, and is               Some are soil-applied and enter plants through root
therefore very effective in controlling most grassy weeds    uptake, providing immediate as well as residual con­
in centipedegrass turf. Fluazifop is effective on all an­    trol. Examples of this type are Pramitol® (prometon) and
nual and perennial grasses including all warm-season         Spike® (tebuthiuron). Others are applied to the foliage
turfgrasses used in Hawaii. Acclaim effectively controls     and primarily used to eliminate existing vegetation.
annual grasses, with suppression of certain perennial        RoundUp Pro™(glyphosate) and Finale™ (glufosinate­
grasses including bermudagrass. Envoy is the newest          ammonium) both use this mode of uptake. Some herbi­

L- 12                             Weed Control Options in Landscape Beds and Groundcovers                      CTAHR — Feb. 2001

cides have both types of activity; examples are Hyvar®               jury to nontarget plants with any of these products, and
(bromacil), Krovar® (bromacil + diuron), Arsenal®                    especially those that translocate, extreme care must be
(imazapyr), and Sahara® (imazapyr + diuron).                         taken when applying them around desired plants. Shield­
     Some of these herbicides are systemic and are more              ing nontarget plants to prevent spray contact can mini­
effective in killing woody and perennial plants. Sys­                mize the potential for systemic injury.
temics tend to be slow acting but result in total kill of                It is important to identify by name the grassy and
the entire plant. Others are contact herbicides and tend             broadleaf weeds and sedges that infest the landscape beds
to work very quickly, earning them the nickname of                   and groundcovers you maintain. Determine if they are
“burndown” herbicides. These rapidly “top-kill” all veg­             annual or perennial, and then develop a control strategy
etation contacted by their spray, but perennial weeds can            that accommodates the ornamentals being maintained
regrow. Common contact herbicides include Reward™                    and the weeds that need to be controlled. Depending on
and Aquatrim II (diquat), Scythe® and Quick® (pelar­                 the situation, you may need methods that are cultural,
gonic acid), and Montar® and Weed Ender® (cacodylic                  chemical, or a combination of these to control weed prob­
acid). Finale also produces a rapid burndown.                        lems.
     Fumigants are a valuable type of nonselective herbi­
cide used for treating soil prior to planting. They may              Herbicide injury to nontarget plants
control nematodes, insects, and plant diseases in addition           Soil-applied herbicide damage to established ornamen­
to weeds. Methyl bromide has been the mainstay soil fu­              tal plants is often temporary, but serious growth inhibi­
migant for many years. However, its use has become re­               tion can occur with newly planted plants. Preemergence
stricted in recent years and will be completely banned by            herbicides that contain oryzalin or isoxaben may be more
the year 2005. Two newer preplant fumigants are metham               likely to cause injury to nontarget plants. Some meth­
sodium, sold under the brand names Metham CLR ®,                     ods are available to remove unwanted herbicide toxic­
Vapam HL®, Soil Prep®, and Sectasory®, and dazomet,                  ity from the soil, but usually it just takes time for the
sold under the brand name Basamid™ Granular.                         herbicide to completely degrade. To speed degradation,
     It is important to understand that all nonselective             supplement soil organic matter by incorporating com­
herbicides kill any plant they contact and can cause un­             post, and keep the soil moist but not wet during periods
wanted injury to desirable plants upon contact with green            of hot weather. Herbicide injury symptoms vary with
stems, roots, or foliage. All must be applied only as di­            the plant species and the herbicide and can include yel­
rected or used as spot treatments in which ornamentals               lowing (chlorosis), bleaching, root stunting, distorted
and turf are not contacted. Due to the potential for in­             growth, and death of leaves or the entire plant.

    Mention of a trademark, company, or proprietary name does not constitute an endorsement, guarantee, or warranty by the
    University of Hawaii Cooperative Extension Service or its employees and does not imply recommendation to the exclusion of
    other suitable products or companies.

    Caution: Pesticide use is governed by state and federal regulations. Read the pesticide label to be sure that the intended use
    is included on it, and follow all label directions.

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