Welcome! 5th March 2021 - First Carrick Presbyterian

Page created by Darrell Sparks
Welcome! 5th March 2021 - First Carrick Presbyterian
5th March 2021

     Sunday Service at 11am online.
    We look forward to you joining us!
   Followed by Coffee & Chat on Zoom
    ID: 317 512 8712 p/w: 411773

  For the beauty of the earth,

   for the beauty of the skies,

for the love which from our birth

     over and around us lies
Welcome! 5th March 2021 - First Carrick Presbyterian
Online Meetings this week
         Friday 5th
        Kids Crew
         Sunday 7th
         Sunday 7th
  Empowered Book Club
  Monday 8th & Tuesday 9th
        Tuesday 9th
      Young Adults
      Wednesday 10th
        Thursday 11th
Welcome! 5th March 2021 - First Carrick Presbyterian
Hope for Carrickfergus
        Easter Outreach

To help our local families in need during this time
    we are asking you to supply toiletries and
          cleaning products as follows:

Toothpaste & Toothbrushes (adults/children)
Shower Gel & Bath Wash (adults/children)
Shampoo (adults/children)
Baby Wipes
Washing Up Liquid
Washing Powder Tablets
Bathroom Spray Cleaner (no bleach)
Antibacterial Spray
Antibacterial Wipes

      Please deliver to the church office on
  Wednesday, Thursday or Friday mornings only.
   Final date is 12 noon on Friday 26th March.
    Thank you very much for your support.
Welcome! 5th March 2021 - First Carrick Presbyterian
Let’s Pray
Sunday 7 March
Moderator | Ministers and kirk sessions across Ireland are praying about the life of the
 church as they adapt and adjust their plans for congregations in the light of changing
 and evolving legislation. They need the encouragement of the entire church as they
 seek God’s direction.
Worshipping with Easter in sight | Today as we worship with Easter in sight, ask God
 that he would help us to walk the path set before us in today’s difficult circumstances
 with the same faithful determination with which Jesus set himself to go to Jerusalem.

Monday 8 March
Diane Cusick (global mission worker in Zambia) | Pray for Diane as she continues to
  lead CCAP’s Zambia Synod Early Childhood Development work, mainly from her home
  in Lusaka. Pray for teachers and children who are back in school, that they will be
  able to manage the health and safety guidelines and for good teaching.
Myanmar | Pray for Myanmar following the recent military coup. Pray for peace, for a
  fair & just government for all the people of the country. Pray too for the leaders and
  members of the Presbyterian Church of Myanmar.

Tuesday 9 March
Rev John Gilkinson (chaplain, Belfast Nightingale Hospital) | Pray for John and all
  healthcare chaplaincy staff. Pray for all those ill in hospital, for a full and quick
  recovery and that patients who don’t have Covid-19 will be protected from it. Pray
  too for staff working in very challenging conditions and for families unable to visit.
Craigavon | Praise God for the encouraging Community Bible Experience held online in
  January and February. Pray that those who have been reading the New Testament for
  the first time would come to know Jesus.

Wednesday 10 March
Edwin & Anne Kibathi (global mission workers to East Africans in the UK) | Pray for
  Edwin and Anne as they offer pastoral care and support to people affected by
  Covid-19 and hold church services and meetings online.
South Sudan |The UN has recently reported that the scale of violence there is now
  worse than in the five-year civil war which ended in 2018. Pray for peace and for
  those suffering due to violence, displacement and food insecurity. Pray for the
  Presbyterian Church of South Sudan’s peace-building and humanitarian relief work.
Welcome! 5th March 2021 - First Carrick Presbyterian
Thursday 11 March
Rebecca Smyth (community outreach worker in West Kirk, Belfast) | Pray for
  Rebecca as she continues her work reaching out to and supporting women, whilst
  complying with all the ongoing restrictions.
Donegal & Stranorlar | In the past year they’ve been able to meet for public
 worship on only 15 Sundays – every other church activity has been even more
 limited. Thank God for the ability to meet online in various ways & pray for the
 sustaining of our faith, work and witness through very challenging times.

Friday 12 March
Social Witness | Pray for the Taking Care Office as it adjusts to new methods of
  working during the Covid-19 crisis. Pray for Jacqui Montgomery-Devlin as she
  oversees this important work and meets the daily challenges of her job. Give
  thanks that our church invests so much in the “Taking Care of All”.
Legislation | Pray that new legislation proposed by Paul Givan MLA that seeks
  to provide protection for pre-born babies diagnosed with a fetal abnormality
  would receive a fair hearing in the N.I. Assembly. Pray women and their families
  who receive a pre-natal diagnosis of disability would receive the support and
  care they need.

Saturday 13 March
General Council | Pray for the staff who work in the Financial Secretary’s
  Department, led by Clive Knox, who keep this essential aspect of the work of the
  General Assembly moving forward. Give thanks for those who, in these most
  challenging days of lockdown, are able to keep providing our payroll, pension and
  general payments.
Council for Training in Ministry | The Council convener is Rev Nigel McCullough,
  minister of Hill Street, Lurgan. Pray for Nigel as he ministers there, and devotes
  the time needed to the work of the Council. Pray that the Lord
  will give him energy and wisdom, and that he will be filled with, and led by, the
  Holy Spirit in all that he does.

        If you would like Let’s Pray emailed directly to you every Thursday
                   from PCI, you can sign up at their webpage:

Welcome! 5th March 2021 - First Carrick Presbyterian
We had a great time at Kids Crew last
Sunday. We looked at the story of the
Workers in the Vineyard and how we can
receive the gift of eternal life.
We made a craft, sang some songs and
played traffic lights.
Welcome! 5th March 2021 - First Carrick Presbyterian
Thank you to those who have already
                      signed up for the study of

The same study will take place on both Monday 8th &
Tuesday 9th March. You choose which evening suits
you best! Zoom room opens at 7.20pm. Come along
 with your cuppa and we’ll begin at 7.30, finishing at
         9pm. There is still time to sign up.
         Contact Sonya: 07796 148090 or

In the meantime, read, reread and reread
           the Book of Ruth!
Welcome! 5th March 2021 - First Carrick Presbyterian
In the month of March, the church office will be closed
       every Monday and Tuesday, just for annual leave.
       Rosalind will be in the office Wednesdays-Fridays

                                                   Minister: Rev Dr Cecil Grant
                                                         Mobile: 07989 353732
If you would like something to be added into    cgrant@presbyterianireland.org
  the announcements, please have it in the     Church Office Tel: 028 9336 1480
    church office by Wednesday mornings.              www.firstcarrickpres.co.uk
                  Thank you.                       NI Charity Reg: NIC105433

   Have I not commanded you? Be strong and

     courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be

    discouraged, for the Lord your God will

     be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
Welcome! 5th March 2021 - First Carrick Presbyterian
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