Welcome back Sydney - Greater Sydney hotspot revoked from this Monday - Queensland

Page created by Daryl Watts
Welcome back Sydney - Greater Sydney hotspot revoked from this Monday - Queensland
View past editions of Eye on Q

                                28 January 2021

                Welcome back Sydney

Greater Sydney hotspot revoked from this Monday
Queensland's border will be open to visitors from all parts of Australia from 1:00am
AEST this Monday, 1 February 2021 when the Greater Sydney hotspot will be revoked,
re-opening up Queensland's largest domestic visitor market. There will then be no
declared hotspots around the country and domestic visitors will no longer need an
exemption or border pass to enter Queensland, nor need to quarantine on entry.
Visitation from New Zealand remains restricted (more details further below).

TEQ's Good To Go campaign will extend to target Sydneysiders immediately, rolling
out across various media channels in the coming weeks.
Welcome back Sydney - Greater Sydney hotspot revoked from this Monday - Queensland

Chinese New Year campaign
A new marketing campaign selling all of Queensland as the perfect destination for
Chinese New Year celebrations is under way. TEQ has partnered with Trip.com and
Alipay to target the almost 400,000 Chinese who call Victoria home, selling
destinations across the state as the ideal place to celebrate Chinese New Year in

While Queensland’s destinations usually enjoy an influx of international travellers for
Chinese New Year, the campaign aims to fill the gap created by the loss of international
travellers, with domestic travellers who want to celebrate in style.
Welcome back Sydney - Greater Sydney hotspot revoked from this Monday - Queensland
Best of Queensland Experiences: extension of status
An 'extension of status' will apply to Best of Queensland Experiences identified in the
2019, 2020 and 2021 programs, with TEQ continuing to prioritise these operators
across marketing and activity.

TEQ understands the significant business impacts associated with the 2019 bushfires
and COVID-19, thereby impacting operators’ ability to meet key criteria for becoming a
Best of Queensland Experience. The extension of status will apply automatically until
2022 and there is no action for operators to take in order to receive the extension.

The extension of status will ensure the depth and breadth of exceptional Queensland
experiences are showcased as visitors continue to return to Queensland.

                                 FIND OUT MORE

                                              New content you can use
                                              Inspire your fans and followers to lock in
                                              their next Queensland break during this
                                              traditionally busy period of travel
                                              planning and booking. You can share
                                              these links to TEQ’s Queensland content,
Welcome back Sydney - Greater Sydney hotspot revoked from this Monday - Queensland
or take inspiration to create your own - if
you do create your own, don't forget to
tag #thisisqueensland to give us
permission to share!

Eight must-do coastal Indigenous
experiences from the Gold Coast to the
Great Barrier Reef
More green season beauty with this
stunning video showcasing Cairns and
Great Barrier Reef's natural swimming
spots on the Waterfall Circuit road trip.
Baby turtle cuteness as hundreds of tiny
hatchlings make their way along the

Tourism Australia's Travel
Tourism Australia’s Travel Takeover
Week aims to kickstart domestic travel
for 2021 right as Australians return to
work and school from summer holidays
and start dreaming and planning of their
next break.

For the week of 31 January to 6 February
Holiday Here This Year advertising and
content will be integrated into media
roadblocks/takeovers, TV program and
event sponsorships, publisher created
content and in-program editorial
integration. Destinations, products and
experiences from across Australia will be
featured to encourage consumers to plan
and book the Australian holiday they
have always dreamed of.

Read more about the Holiday Here This
Year campaign and register for an
Welcome back Sydney - Greater Sydney hotspot revoked from this Monday - Queensland
industry toolkit to learn how you can get

                                             NZ travel bubble:
                                             temporary changes
                                             On Monday 25 January 2021 the
                                             Australian Government placed a
                                             temporary suspension on the Green Zone
                                             Travel Bubble between New Zealand and
                                             Australia, following the identification of a
                                             COVID-19 positive case (of the highly-
                                             viral South African strain) in Auckland.
                                             Queensland Health issued a Public
                                             Health Alert advising any travellers from
                                             New Zealand who had arrived since 14
                                             January, including on ‘green flights’, to
                                             be immediately tested for COVID-19 and
                                             quarantine until receiving a negative

                                                       MORE INFORMATION

Business opportunities

TEQ's Conversations with Industry

TEQ’s Conversations with Industry series continues into 2021, returning to a face-to-
face format wherever possible. Bundaberg region tourism and events businesses are
invited to join TEQ and Bundaberg Tourism to connect with the latest insights, TEQ's
marketing activities, opportunities to get involved and engage with the leadership

Friday 5 February 2021 at 11:15am, Burnett Riverside Hotel. Details and RSVP here.
Welcome back Sydney - Greater Sydney hotspot revoked from this Monday - Queensland

   Quick snippets

   The Queensland Tourism Awards will run in 2021, with some amendments to the rules
   of entry and judging criteria. Details here.

   Eligible businesses are being encouraged to apply for the Federal Government's
   COVID-19 Consumer Travel Support Program for travel agents and tour arranging
   service businesses.

    Please ensure industry.news@corp.e.queensland.com is on your ‘safe’ list to ensure you continue to receive our updates.

                             Feedback on Eye on Q is welcomed at industry.news@queensland.com.

                            TEQ is working towards becoming a White Ribbon Accredited Workplace.

                                                 View past editions of Eye on Q

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                                               © Tourism and Events Queensland
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