WELCOME! Facebook: @HolyFamilyCCPSL Website: holyfamilyccpsl.com

Page created by Irene Santiago
WELCOME! Facebook: @HolyFamilyCCPSL Website: holyfamilyccpsl.com

Address: 2330 Mariposa Avenue
Port Saint Lucie, FL 34952
Phone: 772-335-2385
Website: holyfamilyccpsl.com
Facebook: @HolyFamilyCCPSL
Pastor: Reverend Tri Pham

Mon-Fri: 8:30am - 3:00 pm | Closed 12 - 1pm
Saturday Vigil …………………...………………….4:00pm
Saturday Spanish ……………………...………...6:00pm
Sunday …….... 8:00am, 10:00am & 12:00 noon
Mon. – Fri. ..................................................... 8:00am
Saturday ....................................................... 8:30am
Holy Days
Vigil 5:30pm, 8:00am, 10:00am, 7:00pm
Saturday……………...………...10:00am—11:00 am
Summer Hours for Private Prayer
Mon-Thurs 8:30-2:00pm

Deacon Ron Beres—Weddings, Baptisms,
Deacon Gerry Bott– RCIA, Teens,
Deacon Martin Sándigo—Spanish,
Weddings, Annulments
Ellen & Fred Bradley—Marriage Encounter
Deacon Richard Dingee– Deacon Emeritus
Deacon Bob Golden –Deacon Emeritus

Parish Secretary, Lorna Beres
Business Manager, Lorraine Walter
Director of Religious Ed., Mary Acevedo
Music Director, Pat Nelson

                                                                           MISSION STATEMENT
                                                                           We, the people of Holy Family Catholic Church, coming from diverse
                                                                           ethnic and cultural backgrounds, have a commitment to meeting the
                                                                           spiritual needs of our members and to building a strong community of
                                                                           worship. It is in mutual understanding and respect of this diversity that
                                                                           we will grow in our faith, bringing honor and glory to God and to the
                                                                           Holy Family for which we are named. In this, we also commit ourselves
                                                                           to the Catholic Church's mission of evangelization.
WELCOME! Facebook: @HolyFamilyCCPSL Website: holyfamilyccpsl.com
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time / August 15, 2021
                                                                       BREAD AND WINE
                                                                      Great Grand Children

                                                                            Altar Candle
8:00 am        † Michael Cusmano
                                                                      Great Grand Children
                                                                              August 15, 2021
8:30 am        † Josephine Cantone
                                                                            The Assumption of the
               † Jerry Solomon                                               Blessed Virgin Mary
4:00 pm
               † Madeline McAdam                                        “And Mary said, “My soul proclaims the
               †   Jose Castaneda                                       greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices
6:00 pm
               †   Jose Villamil                                            in God my savior.”  Luke 1: 46
                                                                       After Jesus, we look to Mary as our
                                                  model of stewardship. Her entire life was lived in
               † In Honor of the Blessed Mother   obedience to God’s will. Just as the moon reflects the light
8:00 am
                 Our Lady of Assumption           of the sun, Mary reflects the light of Christ. Like Mary, we
10:00 am       † Saverio & Crescenzo Stasi        too are called to reflect Christ to the world. We do this by
                                                  living grateful and generous lives. We do this by putting
12:00          † Charles McKinley                 other’s needs before our wants.
8:00am         † Maria Vu Pham
                                                  That just like Mary, we too reflect the light Christ
TUESDAY, AUGUST 17                                to the world!
               † Maurie & Elza Walme
8:00 am
                Mary Colombo (Birthday))
               †Deacon Jim Brooks
8:00 am
                Mary Colombo (Birthday)
THURSDAY, AUGUST 19                                          Our Goal for 2021 Is $146,000
8:00 am        † Carolina Nazareno                          Payments Received thru : 7/2/21
FRIDAY, AUGUST 20                                                      $97,990.00
               † Anna Mabel Wiswell                                   Donors: 658
8:00 am
               Rosa Strahan ( Birthday)                     Outstanding Balance $48,010.00
                                                                St. Vincent De Paul
8:30 am        † Dorothy Virginia Muir             Thank you for your donations, they are appreciated.
               † Thomas McGarry                                     This weeks donations
4:00 pm
6:00 pm        † Gilbert Parades                  WEEK OF AUGUST 8, 2021
SUNDAY, AUGUST 22                                 Finance Information       Year: 2021        Year: 2020
               † Mary Reagan                      First Collection          $ 8,592.11        $ 5,672.00
8:00 am
               † David Eustis                     Mail in-Drop Off          $ 490.00          $ 3,965.00
10:00 am       † Bernard Power                    Parish Improvement        $ 582.00          $   756.00
                                                  Online Giving             $                 $
12:00          Parishioners of Holy Family
                                                  Total                     $ 9,664.11        $ 10,393.00
                        HOLY FAMILY CHURCH | 2330 SE MARIPOSA AVE, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL

                 Prayer to Avert Hurricanes
God our Father, Creator of the Universe and Lord over all creation, we
   humbly stand before you as your children in thanksgiving for your
   loving care and protection. We ask that you keep us safe from all
  hurricanes and illness which may threaten us in the coming seasons.
  Protect us from all fear and anxiety and give us an ardent trust and
hope in Your love and mercy. You alone bring peace, calm, and safety.
 Father, we thank you in advance, for you are our only refuge. We ask
 this through Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with you and Holy
Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen. Mary, Queen of the Apostles, and
                  Patroness of our Diocese, pray for us.

*Printed in the Aug 15 Church Bulletin
**Table excludes an SBA grant/loan
+ Ministries, Capital Campaign & pass through
  financials are excluded
A more detailed report is available at the parish

                                                    Table -The table above compares actual with budgeted
                                                    finances for fiscal year 2020-21
                                                    Our actual revenue was more than budgeted and expenses
                                                    were less than budgeted resulting in a net of $52,276.
                                                    Our net was positive for the first time since 2014-
                                                                                                  2014 -15

Three factors contributed to the positive net:
              1st – The continued parishioner support during pandemic
              2nd – A large Bequest (see above) as well as a onetime interest “bonus”
                                                                               bonus ” from the Diocese
              3rd – A significant decrease in expenses

Graph – The graph above compares our finances over the last three years
      During these three years expenses decreased $350,000!
      However, our offertory over these same three years has decreased $250,000!

We encourage parishioner input and questions. In order to facilitate this we intend to schedule a “Town Hall
Meeting” in the near future.
Prepared by,
          by Holy Family Finance Council
              DEL 15 DE AGOSTO DE 2021 |                  La Asunción de la Bendecida Virgen María
María, causa de nuestra alegría,
ruega por nosotros.     
                                              MINISTRY HISPANOS
El niño Jesús en el vientre de María          1) ACCIÓN SOCIAL
fue motivo de alegría para Isabel y           San Vicente de Paul ............................................................................................ (772) 335 8621
Juan, su hijo por nacer. Cristo está          Inmigración, Caridades Católicas ................................................................ (772) 463 0445
presente en nosotros mediante el don          Classes de Idiomas .......................................................... Nelson Merchan . Lunes, 7:00PM
de la Eucaristía. ¿Dónde está nuestra         Bienvenido a Casa .............................................................................................. Fausto Rosario
alegría? ¿Se desborda y atrae a otros
                                              2) PASTORAL FAMILIAR Y JÓVENES
a conocer y amar al Hijo de María,
                                              Preparación Matrimonial ................................................................ Diacono Martin Sándigo
Jesús? María es nuestro modelo y              FOCCUS en Español
nuestra ayuda. Ella se regocija al            Consejería Familiar ................................................... Hellen Kelly, MSW | (772) 463 0445
interceder para que todos puedan
confiar en Jesús.                            3) FORMACIÓN RELIGIOSA

                                              Preparación Bautismal/RICA .......................................................... Fausto y Noris Rosario
La visión de Juan sobre el Apocalipsis        .............................................................................................................................. Miércoles, 7:00PM
habla de una gran señal, una mujer            Escuela de Formación Cristiana ……………Diacono Martin Sándigo, Jueves, 7:00pm
vestida con el sol, y el dragón que
estaba listo para devorar a su hijo.          4) MINISTERIOS LITÚRGICOS Y DE ORACIÓN
Dios protegió tanto a la madre como al        Coro hispano .................................................................... Maria Romero Miércoles, 7:00PM
                                              Coro de niños ............................................................................ María Romero Lunes, 5:15PM
hijo. En la segunda lectura, Pablo            Lectores ..................................................................................................................... Noris Rosario
anima a los corintios: así como Cristo        Ministros de la Comunión ................................................................................ Matilde Bayona
ha destruido la muerte mediante su            Servidores del Altar ........................................................................................... Fausto Rosario
resurrección, sus creyentes serán             Ugieres ....................................................................................................................... Jesús Bayona
resucitados en el momento oportuno.           Grupo de Oración, El Consolador ……………Eva Sánchez/María Martínez .Lunes, 7:00PM
En el Evangelio, María viaja para
                                              5) PASTORAL DE CONJUNTO
visitar a Isabel. María viaja para visitar
                                              Asociado Pastoral ............................................................................................... Fausto Rosario
a Isabel, y cuando la saluda, el bebé         Contacto Diocesano ............................................................................................. María Rosario
que esta última llevaba en el vientre
saltó de alegría                             6) SACRAMENTOS
                                              Eucaristía ............................................................................................................. Sábado, 5:30PM
Las lecturas de la semana del                 ............................................................................................................ 1er Viernes de Mes, 7:00PM
     15 de agosto de 2021                    Bautizos ......................................................................................... 1er Sábado de Mes, 6:30PM
                                              Confesiones ..................................................................................... Sábado, 2:45PM a 3:45PM
Domingo: Vigilia: 1 Cr 15, 34. 1516; 16,    Matrimonio ............................................................................................................ (772) 335 2385
12/Sal 131, 67. 910. 1314 [8]/1 Cor 15,   Unción de los Enfermos ................................................................................... (772) 335 2385
5457/Lc 11, 2728Día: Ap 11, 19; 12, 1
6. 10/Sal 44, 10. 11. 12. 16 [10]/1 Cor 15,   7) CELEBRACIONES
2027/Lc 1, 3956                            Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe .................................. Nuestra Señora de la Providencia
                                              Nuestra Señora de la Altagracia ................................. Nuestra Señora de Chiquinquirá
Lunes: Jue 2, 1119/Sal 105, 3435. 3637.
3940. 43 y 44 [4]/Mt 19, 1622
                                                                                                            15 de agosto de 2021
Martes: Jue 6, 1124/Sal 84, 9. 1112. 13                                                    La Asunción de la Bendecida Virgen María
14 [cfr. 9]/Mt 19, 2330                                                                     "Y María dijo, Mi alma proclama la grandeza del Señor;
                                                                            mi espíritu se regocija en Dios mi salvador."  LUCAS
Miércoles: Jue 9, 615/Sal 20, 23. 45. 6                                                            1:46
7 [2]/Mt 20, 116                                                         Después de Jesús, miramos a María como nuestro
                                                   modelo de corresponsabilidad. Su vida entera la vivió en obediencia de la
Jueves: Jue 11, 2939/Sal 39, 5. 78. 89.         voluntad de Dios. Así como la luna refleja la luz del sol, María refleja la luz de
10 [8 y 9]/Mt 22, 114                            Cristo. Como María, nosotros también somos llamados a reflejar a Cristo al
                                                   mundo. Lo hacemos viviendo una vida generosa y agradecida. Lo hacemos
Viernes: Rut 1, 1. 36. 1416. 22/Sal 145,         poniendo las necesidades de los demás antes que nuestros deseos.
56. 67. 89. 910 [1]/Mt 22, 3440

Sábado: Rut 2, 13. 811; 4, 1317/Sal
127, 12. 3. 4. 5 [4]/Mt 23, 112
                                                   Dios Padre, Creador del Universo, te pedimos humildemente que
                                                   calmes las tormentas que nos amenazan para que seguros por tu
Domingo siguiente: Jos 24, 12. 1517. 18/
Sal 33, 23. 1617. 1819. 2021. 2223            protección amorosa te sirvamos siempre con corazones
[9]/Ef 5, 2132 o 5, 2. 2532/Jn 6, 6069          agradecidos. Por Jesucristo, Nuestro Señor. Amén.
                                                       HOLY FAMILY CHURCH | 2330 SE MARIPOSA AVE, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL

ALZHEIMER’S CAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP: Second Thursday of the                            KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: 2nd Thursday of the month Officers Mtg
month, from November to May. 2:00pm Parish Hall.                                        6:00pm and General Mtg at 7:00pm, Parish Hall.
DAILY ADORATION: Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed                                LEGION OF MARY: Weekly meetings, Saturday, 9:00am in the Parish
Sacrament is Mon-Fri after the 8:00am morning Mass until 3:00pm, in                     Hall, Community Room. For more information call Michael Gangloff 561-
the Chapel. Summer hours 8:30-12Noon. Eve Brooks,                                       308-3950.
call 772-971-6671
ANOINTING AND VISITATION OF THE SICK: Please call the Parish                            MARIAN MOVEMENT: Weekly Rosary & prayers Monday, following
Office regarding Pastoral Visits by a Priest, Deacon or Eucharistic                     morning Mass.
Minister.                                                                               MARRIAGE: Please call the Parish Office at least six months in advance
BAPTISM: Baptisms are celebrated on Saturday, immediately following                     to make the necessary arrangements.
class. Please call 335-2385 at least three months in advance to make the                NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP: Wednesday, after
necessary arrangements.                                                                 8:00am morning Mass.
BIENVENIDOS A CASA: Fausto Rosario, 335-2385                                            PADRE PIO: Monthly Mass and meeting 2nd Saturday of the month,
BLACK CATHOLIC MINISTRY: For more information Please call Andrew                        9:30am Rosary, 8am Mass in the Chapel.
McIntosh, 954-857-7790                                                                  RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Classes begin September, Levels 1-9 Mary
CORO HISPANO: Llame a Maria Romero, 335-2385                                            Acevedo, Director. Phone 337-4313.
COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN: General meetings alternate monthly,
10:00am and 7:00pm (Sept-May) on the First Wednesday of the month.                      RESPECT LIFE: Monthly Rosary/meeting,, 4th Thursday, 7:00pm in the
DIVINE MERCY: Weekly prayer meeting and Chaplet, 9:30am Friday                          Parish Hall. For referrals, call Project Rachel 561-775-9565; Pregnancy
Morning                                                                                 Care Center, 772-232-3222.
FILIPINO MINISTRY                                                                       ROSARY MAKERS: 2nd Tuesday of the month, 1:00pm in the Parish Hall.
Contact: Marie Reyes, 200-0381                                                          Call Monyque Machews 772-337-5575
FOOD ADDICITION MINISTRY: Meeting every Thursday, at 10:00am in                         RCIA: Inquiry Class, learn more about Catholicism, Wednesday 7:00pm
the Community Room                                                                      Community Room in the Parish Hall, Deacon Gerry Bott, 335-2385.
GARDEN GROUP: Meets Monday Mornings 9:00am Church grounds.                              SANTO NINYO PRAYER GROUP: 3rd Monday, 6:30pm Novena at St.
GIFT SHOP: Open before and after weekend Masses.                                        Nino Statue & prayer meeting in Parish Hall. Contact Maria Reyes 200-
GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP: Please call Parish Office to set up an                             0381
appointment for Grief Support. 772-335-2385                                             SPANISH PRAYER GROUP: Every Monday, 7:00pm Parish Hall.
HOLY FAMILY PARISH MEN’S CLUB: General Meeting 7:00pm (Sept-                            ST. VINCENT de PAUL: Hotline, 335-8621.
May) on the Third Thursday of the month, Parish Hall.
 Bob West 802-371-8824                                                                  YOUTH MINISTRY: Grades 6-12, Deacon Gerry Bott, call 335-2385.
HOLY FAMILY THRIFT SHOPPE: Located at 1028 SE Port St. Lucie Blvd                       Due to Covid 19 some meetings are canceled until the Church is
(Bridge Plaza). For more information call 398-0122.                                     fully re-opened. Please call meeting director for information

    Holy Family Parish invites you to join or become part of any of the above ministries. Please call the Parish Office, 335-2385.

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