Welcome New Members - Associated Builders and Contractors ...

Page created by Clifford Wolfe
Welcome New Members - Associated Builders and Contractors ...
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                                                                                                            Welcome New Members
                                                                                                             Burke Concrete Construction LLC
                                                                                                            Primary: Lauren Pinkston

                                                                                                            Cover It Wallpaper and Paint, Inc.
                                                                                                            Primary: Ryan Sheely
                                                                                                            Sponsor: Cliff Ringenberg, Ringenberg

              Award Winners Recognized at                                                                   Croessmann & Westberg, P.C.
              37th annual ABC of Metro                                                                      Primary: Thomas Croessmann
              Washington & ABC Virginia
              Excellence in Construction                                                                    E-Landscape Specialty Solutions, LLC
                                                                                                            Primary: Erk Drenner
              Awards                                                                                        Sponsor: Jeff Clements, Hoar
                                                                 Two Branch & Associates                    Construction, LLC
              Last Thursday, September 13th, ABC of
              Metro Washington and ABC Virginia                  Leaders Selected as "2018                  EMC Mechanical Services, LLC
              hosted the 37th annual Excellence in               Women in Construction Awards"              Primary: Bruce Tibbetts
              Construction Awards at the Ritz Carlton            Winners
              in Tysons, Virginia. Nearly 600 ABC                                                           Industrial Alloy Welding, LLC
              members attended the event dressed in                                                         Primary: Michael R. Robinson, Jr.
              their Sunday best.                                 We take great pride in the fact we have    Sponsor: Mike Reff, Towne Insurance
                                                                 so many accomplished women involved
              More than 100 projects were entered in             in the leadership of our firm. Cathy       James River Electric, Inc.
              categories including commercial,                   Underwood (VP – Preconstruction) and       Primary: Kent Butler
              commercial/residential renovation,                 Heather Bowman (Director of Operations
              drywall, educational, electrical,                  – Northern Virginia) were both recently    SYTE Corp
              excavation/site preparation,                       selected by the national publication,      Primary: KT Prosise
              heavy/industrial/transportation, historic          Constructech magazine, to receive
              restoration, industrial, institutional,            “2018 Women in Construction” awards.
              interiors, landscaping, masonry,                   The winners were selected for the award
              mechanical, medical renovation, mega               because they demonstrate strong
              project, mixed use, residential,                   leadership, technological expertise and
              restaurant interior build-out, retail, and         integral involvement in the growth of
              specialty.                                         their companies, generally speaking,
                                                                 and with regard to technology
              We would like to thank all of the judges           implementation.
              for their hard work and dedication to
              this event. We would also like to                  Please join us as in congratulating them
              congratulate the nominees and winners              as they continue Building Legacies.
              for their extraordinary accomplishments.

Welcome New Members - Associated Builders and Contractors ...
9/24/2018                                                        Award Winners Recognized at EIC Awards...

              READ THE PRESS
                                                                                                           Regional Courses, News &
              VIEW THE PHOTO ALBUM>>                          Strategic Partner United Rentals             Northern Virginia
                                                              to Sponsor Diversity Program
                                                                                                           Central Virginia
                                                              WASHINGTON, Sept. 6, 2018—
                                                              Associated Builders and Contractors          Hampton Roads
                                                              recently announced that United Rentals,
                                                              Inc., the world’s largest equipment rental
                                                              company, has signed on as the sponsor
                                                              of ABC’s diversity and inclusion             Download 'Save the Date' Calendars
                                                              initiatives, including the Diversity &
                                                              Inclusion Summit and National Diversity
                                                              Excellence Awards... READ

              October is Careers in
              Construction Month
              October is just around the corner and so
              is Careers in Construction Month. With
              shortages of craft professionals across
              the country, now is the time to promote
              construction careers in each state. Build
              Your Future (BYF) has created “how to”
              guides for planning, organizing and
              celebrating Careers in Construction                                                          Thanks to Our
              Month (CICM). BYF has provided
              materials to include suggested
                                                                                                           Executive Club
              community activities and ways of                ABC Virginia's Annual Strategic
              working with your local television and          Planning Conference Begins
              radio stations. Each guide is embedded          November 2nd at The Omni
              with implementation samples to make             Homestead Resort
              celebrating even easier. LEARN
              MORE>>                                          Come and have a hand in mapping out
                                                              ABC-Virginia's future during our             Click Here to View a Full List.
                                                              Strategic Planning Conference at the
                                                              beautiful Omni Homestead Resort in Hot
                                                              Springs, Virginia. We’ll review our
              ABC National Chairman, George                   strategic plan and discuss issues and
              Nash: a DC Dancing Star?                        areas of effort ABC Virginia needs to        Upcoming Events
                                                              focus on in the years ahead. The
                                                              conference will kick off with lunch at       Northern Virginia:
                                                              noon on November 2nd and continue
                                                              through noon on November 3rd. We
                                                              encourage our members to come early
                                                              (November 1) or stay longer (November
                                                              4) to enjoy all the resort has to offer.
                                                              When booking your hotel, please
                                                              mention that ABC-VA has a room block.

                                                              For questions, e-mail Patrick Dean or
                                                              call him at (703) 968-6205.                  Fall Golf Classic on October 22
              On Friday, Sept.14th, DC's Dancing
              Stars Gala hosted a Launch Party to kick                                                     Central Virginia:
              off its fifth annual charity fundraiser. Gala
              Co-Chairs Maria Coakley David and Jim
              David hosted this Pre-Gala event at the
              Mosaic Ballroom in Fairfax. Dance
              enthusiasts and community leaders
              alike were invited to enjoy drinks, hors
              d'oeuvres, and dancing, while mingling
              with contestants who will compete at the
              November 10th event for the coveted
              2018 Mirror Ball Trophy and $10,000 for                                                      Membership Mixer at Casa del Barco
              the charity of their choice. Over the last                                                   on October 17
              four years, the gala has contributed over       The Latest on WOTUS: Legal Ac on and
              $1 million to various charities....READ         Upcoming Rulemakings                         Hampton Roads:

                                                              In February 2017, President Trump
                                                              signed an executive order directing the
                                                              U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                              and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to
                                                              review the 2015 final Clean Water Rule:
                                                              Definition of "Waters of the United
                                                              States," also known as the WOTUS final
                                                              rule, and accordingly revise or rescind it
                                                              through public comment.....READ

Welcome New Members - Associated Builders and Contractors ...
9/24/2018                                                            Award Winners Recognized at EIC Awards...
                                                                                                                  Membership Mixer at Boat House Live
                                                                                                                  on November 8

                                                                 Safety Excellence Academy
              Don't Forget to Nominate an                        begins October 18th
              Emerging Young Leader for 2018
                                                                 "The ABC Safety Academy is the
              As we approach the end of another year,            premier event designed to help                   ABC Users Summit
              we encourage you to nominate a young               attendees understand the importance of           October 10 - 12, 2018
              professional who has devoted his or her            leadership commitment, cultural                  Dallas, TX
              time to giving back to our industry. The           transformation and safety management
              2018 Emerging Leaders Award will be                processes in achieving a zero-incident
              presented to one recipient from each               job-site. As many of you know, the
              region; Northern Virginia, Central                 Safety Academy is different from any
              Virginia and Hampton Roads, who has                other safety training as it goes beyond
              shown exemplary achievements and                   the “technical” side of safety and
              demonstrated outstanding professional              explores the emotional and behavioral
              accomplishments within ABC-VA and the              components that take safety from one of
              construction industry. The award will be           many priorities to the core value upon
              presented during ABC-VA's January                  which all decisions are based."
              2019 event.
                                                                 - Stephen M. Wiltshire, MS, STSC
              Click here to nominate an emerging                 Director of Safety, ABC National
              leader for 2018.                                                                                     Download the ABC Action App!
                                                                 This program is intended for the C-suite,         Download the ABC Action
                                                                 SVP’s, EVP’s, Operations Managers and             app for iPhone and Android smartphones.
                                                                 other executive decision makers.                  The app is an advanced advocacy tool
                                                                 REGISTER YOUR TEAM TODAY>>                        that enables users to take action in
                                                                                                                   grassroots campaigns and push for pro-
                                                                                                                   merit shop legislation in
                                                                                                                   Congress. LEARN MORE

                                                                                                                  For advertising opportunities, contact
                                                                                                                  Amber Stricker


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