Welcome Smart motorway M56 junction 6 to 8 public information exhibition - Highways ...

Page created by Angela Moreno
Welcome Smart motorway M56 junction 6 to 8 public information exhibition - Highways ...

   Smart motorway
 M56 junction 6 to 8
  public information

                    Highways England – Creative MCR18_0190
Welcome Smart motorway M56 junction 6 to 8 public information exhibition - Highways ...
Introducing smart motorways

Smart motorways
Smart motorways are a technology-driven             It is also used to support the response to
approach to the use of our motorways,               incidents, using the signs and signals to close
increasing capacity and relieving congestion        any lane in advance of the incident scene.
while maintaining safety. Smart motorways help
make journey times more reliable.                   Drivers are enjoying the benefits of smart
                                                    motorways across the country without safety
Technology is installed to monitor and manage       being adversely affected – our motorways
traffic flow and the hard shoulder is used for      continue to be some of the safest in the world.
traffic, either permanently or at peak times.
                                                    If you would like to know more about the M56
As well as the additional capacity from the extra   junctions 6 to 8 smart motorway scheme you
lane, the technology manages traffic using          can contact us at:
variable speed limits to smooth traffic, reducing
frustrating stop-start flow and improving journey   M56J6-8SmartMotorway@highwaysengland.co.uk
reliability (meaning people have more confidence
in getting to their destination on time).

                                                                                     Smart motorway verge-side

                                                                                                            Highways England – Creative MCR18_0190
Welcome Smart motorway M56 junction 6 to 8 public information exhibition - Highways ...
Introducing smart motorways

M56 junction 6 to 8 smart motorway
We are improving a 4-mile stretch of motorway                    installing remotely-operated temporary traffic
between junction 6 near Manchester Airport                        management signs along the entire route
and junction 8 near Bowdon by upgrading it to                     during construction, which forms a key
a smart motorway.                                                 safety feature of the work

Construction is planned to begin in spring 2019                  4 new emergency areas to provide an area
and the smart motorway is expected to be                          of safety following a breakdown
completed by spring 2020.
                                                                 new emergency roadside telephones in
The project involves:                                             each emergency area. These will connect

 converting the hard shoulder to create a new                   you directly to Highways England’s Regional
  additional permanent traffic lane between                       Control Centres and pinpoint your location
  junctions 6 to 8, increasing capacity to
  reduce congestion                                              replacing the central reservation with a new
                                                                  concrete barrier between junctions 6 and 8
 new electronic information signs and CCTV                       to help increase safety
  cameras on overhead gantries.
                                                                 new low-noise road surfacing on lanes 1
 these will show variable mandatory speed                        and 4 on both sides of the carriageway.
  limits and manage traffic flow and incidents

               A56             Bowdon

                                                                               Hale Barns

                                                            Emergency Areas
        8                                                                                          Green
A556                                                                                                             6

                                                             Emergency Areas

                        © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 OS 100030649 -- Creative MCR18_0170

                                                                                                                 Highways England – Creative MCR18_0190
Welcome Smart motorway M56 junction 6 to 8 public information exhibition - Highways ...
Introducing smart motorways

Smart technology
A smart motorway has technology installed to          CCTV and sensors detect and monitor
monitor and manage traffic flow. It is important       congestion and incidents, so we can set
that you understand the signs and comply with          appropriate speed limits and manage
them.                                                  incidents effectively.

When lanes are closed, signs display a red X          Speed limits vary and are applied at times of
showing which lanes cannot be used.                    congestion, to prevent stop - start conditions.
                                                       If no speed limit is shown the national speed
 Signs in the verge or above the carriageway          limit applies.
  advise you of the speed limit, any lane
  closures and provide information on road
  conditions such as severe weather.

                                                          new gantries

                                                                      new signals

                                                                                new CCTV cameras

        traffic monitoring        emergency areas
          radar detector

   message signs

                                                                         lower noise surfacing
                                                                            on some lanes

           concrete barriers

        cross carriageway ducts      technology ducting

                                                                                                   Highways England – Creative MCR18_0190
Welcome Smart motorway M56 junction 6 to 8 public information exhibition - Highways ...
Introducing smart motorways

Better journeys
Smart motorways are an effective way               Our M25 reports show after two years that all
to provide more capacity on our busiest            lane running smart motorways are meeting our
motorways while maintaining safety and at a        expectations; improved journey time reliability,
third of the cost of widening schemes, meaning     reductions in collisions and casualty rates while
better value for the tax payer.                    being used by more vehicles.

All-lane running, which involves permanent         The approach also supports economic
conversion of the hard shoulder as a live lane     growth. The M56 junctions 6 to 8 scheme is
for traffic to use, provides an opportunity        an important element of Highways England’s
to modernise and improve far more of our           continuing plan to improve England’s motorway
motorways than under previous approaches.          network.

                                                                                 A representation of what smart
                                                                                 motorways look like

                                                                                                                  Highways England – Creative MCR18_0190
Welcome Smart motorway M56 junction 6 to 8 public information exhibition - Highways ...
Introducing smart motorways

Emergency areas
 Emergency areas provide an area of relative               If you are driving at 60mph you will reach a
  safety following a breakdown.                              place you can stop in an emergency every
                                                             75 seconds on average.
 There will be 4 new emergency areas within
  the M56 junctions 6 to 8 smart motorway                   There is an emergency telephone in each
  scheme. Motorway service areas and hard                    emergency area. This connects you to
  shoulders where available can also be used.                Highways England’s Regional Control
                                                             Centres and pinpoints your location.

Remember to use the emergency telephone as this automatically pinpoints your location

                                                                                                        Highways England – Creative MCR18_0190
Welcome Smart motorway M56 junction 6 to 8 public information exhibition - Highways ...
Introducing smart motorways

Incident management
 Incidents such as accidents and                       manage traffic so that the people involved in
  breakdowns are managed by our control                 the incidents are protected and an access
  centre staff.                                         route is cleared for emergency vehicles.

 If the accident or breakdown means vehicles         They then continue to monitor traffic
  are unable to get off the carriageway                conditions throughout each incident and re-
  or reach an emergency area, we can                   open lanes as soon as it is safe to do so.
  use technology to close any lane on the
  motorway.                                           We are working closely with the emergency
                                                       services to develop best practice as these
 Control centre staff set signs to inform other       major improvements are rolled out on our
  road users about what is happening and               motorways.

1   Incident detection
                                                    2   Emergency service on scene

3   Incident protection and clearing
                                                    4   Incident cleared and smart motorway re-opened

                                                                                                        Highways England – Creative MCR18_0190
Welcome Smart motorway M56 junction 6 to 8 public information exhibition - Highways ...
Introducing smart motorways

Red               signs
 Red signs are used for safety reasons to
  close lanes:

    to protect road users who may have
     broken down or been involved in an
    to provide access and protection for the
     emergency services, our traffic officers
     and our road workers.

 If you see a Red symbol on a gantry sign
  over or at the side of the motorway it means
  that the lane is closed for one or more of
  these reasons.

 Driving in a lane with a Red symbol is
  illegal and dangerous and drivers must not                       A representation of a Red X
                                                                   message sign on the verge
  use it.

                                                                 A representation of a Red X
                                                                 message sign on a full gantry

                                                                                                 Highways England – Creative MCR18_0190
Welcome Smart motorway M56 junction 6 to 8 public information exhibition - Highways ...
Introducing smart motorways

Highways England is committed to delivering         The key issues considered include:
better environmental outcomes. In remaining
within current motorway boundaries, smart            Understanding the presence of protected
motorways have the built-in advantage of              species. Surveys have been undertaken for
minimising scheme environmental footprints.           bats, badger, dormouse, great crested newt,
                                                      otter and water-vole.
In addition, we carry out thorough environmental
assessments to identify and assess potential         Understanding potential changes to air
environmental impacts and recommend                   quality, particularly in relation to human
mitigation that can be included in the scheme to      receptors and within air quality management
minimise them.                                        areas.

 The team has undertaken an environmental           Minimising the loss of existing visual
  assessment that covers topics including             screening provided by vegetation where
  noise and vibration, air quality, ecology and       possible, and designing replacement
  landscape and visual impacts.                       planting to reinforce visual screening for the
 The results will be presented in the
  Environmental Study Report. This will also         Understanding whether existing noise
  describe the measures to mitigate adverse           barriers need to be upgraded to ensure their
  effects and enhance the environment for             functionality remains and understanding
  human and environmental receptors.                  potential noise and vibration changes and
                                                      identifying measures needed to minimise
 A Construction Environmental Management             disturbance to human and ecological
  Plan will be prepared and used by the               receptors.
  contractor to avoid, minimise or mitigate
  adverse construction effects on the
  environment and surrounding communities

                                                                                  Great crested newts being
                                                                                  observed in nearby ponds

                                                                                                              Highways England – Creative MCR18_0190
Welcome Smart motorway M56 junction 6 to 8 public information exhibition - Highways ...
Introducing smart motorways

 Roadworks will be in place while we construct      The main scheme works will involve
  the smart motorway and we will do all we can        installation of gantries and monitoring
  to keep traffic moving and keep disruption to       equipment, new drainage.
  a minimum while we are working.
                                                     The construction of the scheme will be
 It is anticipated that the traffic management       governed by the Construction, Design and
  in place will include the use of narrow             Management Regulations. Further details
  lanes, temporary safety barriers and speed          will be provided on the scheme web page
  restrictions to ensure the safety of the            as it becomes available both before and
  workforce and travelling public. In addition        during construction.
  to this, junction layouts may be temporarily
  altered to allow for resurfacing and other         Construction is planned to start in spring
  improvement.                                        2019 and we expect to open the smart
                                                      motorway before the end of 2020.
 If you live near the motorway, your view of the
  M56 between junctions 6 and 8 may change           Post-construction involves a period of testing
  during construction as we will need to remove       and commissioning of new technologies
  some vegetation to build new gantries, but          where there may be no appearance of work
  this will be kept to a minimum. We will aim         physically taking place. During this period,
  to be replant where we can to help screen           speed restrictions will be in place for safety
  views of new motorway equipment.                    reasons before the scheme becomes fully
 There will be temporary closures of the
  carriageways at night on some occasions.
  In these instances, clearly signed diversions
  will be put in place and advance notice
  given of the closures at the roadside and
  Traffic England.

                                                                                 Working on building retaining
                                                                                 walls for EAs

                                                                                                                 Highways England – Creative MCR18_0190
Introducing smart motorways

North West smart motorways
As our region continues to see rapid growth,                                     These include M56 junction 6 to 8, M62 junction
we are committed to ensuring our roads have                                      10-12, M6 junction - to 26 and M62 junction 20
the capacity to support it. That’s why we’re                                     to 25.
creating over 100 miles of extra lanes to tackle
congestion and improve journey times in the                                      We recognise this means there will be a
North West.                                                                      significant amount of work taking place within
                                                                                 a short space of time but delivering it now will
Now the Manchester smart motorway (M60                                           allow us to improve journey times for all road
junction 8 to M62 junction 20) is fully operational                              users, reduce congestion and connect families,
and M6 junction 16 to 19 in Cheshire is well                                     friends and businesses more quickly.
underway, we are progressing with four new
smart motorway schemes, which are worth                                          We will be doing everything we can to keep
around £500 million and start being built                                        disruption to a minimum during construction.
between summer 2018 and the end of 2019.

  North West
             smart motorways programme
                              Burnley                                                                                   Bradford
                          Preston            Blackburn                                                                        M606
                                                                 M65                                             Halifax

                               M6                                                                                 M62
    Southport                                                                                                                Huddersfield
                                                  M61                       M66
                                                        Bolton                                                   Starting autumn 2019
                                                                       Open                        A627(M)
                M58                      Wigan                                        18

                                            Opening spring 2020                   M60              M60
  Crosby                                                                    Manchester

                                                                       10                              M67
            M57      Starting spring 2019
                                                 10         M62                       M60
                            M62                                                             Stockport
                              Widnes                                    M56
                                                                                                                                                      © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 OS 100030649

                                                                   8              6
                                                                        Starting spring 2019

           M53                 M56                                     Knutsford
                                                Northwich                                          Macclesfield
                                                                   M6                                               Buxton

           Chester                                                              Opening spring 2019

                                            Nantwich                        16
                                                                                            Stoke-on-Trent                                   MCR18_0018

                                                                                                                                                     Highways England – Creative MCR18_0190
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