What makes HR Professionals Effective? Qualitative Evidence from Telecom Sector of a Developing Country - Revista Argentina ...

Page created by Barbara Barnett
Revista Argentina de Clínica Psicológica
2020, Vol. XXIX, N°5, 200-214
DOI: 10.24205/03276716.2020.1021

               What makes HR Professionals Effective?
             Qualitative Evidence from Telecom Sector of a
                          Developing Country
 Muhammad Fareed*,a,b, Aqeel Ahmadc, Sri Sarah Maznah Mohd Sallehd, Oussama Saoulab

              This research aims to explore the determining factors which assist firms in driving human
              resource professionals' effectiveness in the telecom sector of Pakistan. The data was
              collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews from ten HR executives who had
              vast experience in the HR profession working in various telecom companies in Pakistan.
              The thematic analysis was implemented to analyze the data and interpret the findings.
              The qualitative evidence reveals that by developing human capital, providing strong
              organizational culture, and by a comprehensive HR system in place, firms can advance HR
              professionals' effectiveness, which in return helps them to attain sustainable competitive
              advantage. Further, this research has indicated the elements of the abovementioned
              determining factors, which are significant for HR professionals to augment their
              effectiveness. This study acts as a pioneer research study to explore the determining
              factors of HR professionals' effectiveness using qualitative research. The study also offers
              the intuitions for policymakers and HR experts of telecom companies to align their HR
              strategies with the strategic vision of the organization. Though numerous studies have
              provided valuable insights into the phenomenon of HR professionals' effectiveness, yet
              all the reviews were unable to offer profound understandings on factors that extend the
              effectiveness of HR professionals using qualitative research.
              Keywords:        Human Resource Professionals' Effectiveness, Human Capital
              Development, Organizational Culture, High-Performance Work System, Qualitative
              Research, Telecom Sector, Pakistan
              JEL Classification: M1, M2, F2

INTRODUCTION                                                            2017, while addressing a three-day international
   Today global economies are transforming their                        conference on the topic of "China-Pakistan
focus from agriculture to industrial to service and                     Economic Corridor: Political, Economic and Social
currently to knowledge-base. Similarly, a desirable                     Perceptive" at Pharmacy Auditorium University of
need to transform human resource management                             Sindh Jamshoro (Iqbal, 2017). He stated that:
(HRM) functions to sustain pace with the changes                            "The government is fully committed to make the
taking place (Ahmad, Kausar, and Azhar, 2015).                          country an economic zone for the region to address
Pakistan is also shifting its focus from an agricultural                the issues of the country, particularly
economy to an industrial and knowledgeable                              unemployment, like the developed countries have
economy. As the former Federal Minister for                             achieved their tasks by converting the agriculture
Planning, Development, and Reforms, Ahsan Iqbal                         economy into the industrial economy and currently
Quoted on the April 18th,                                               Pakistan is also moving towards industrial economy
                                                                        to reap the fruits of development..." further he
                                                                        added, "the government has worked very hard by
                                                                        leveraging the resources, investing in human
aInstitute for Business Competitiveness, Standards & Sustainability     capital, infrastructure, and transformation of
Initiative, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Malaysia
bSchool of Business Management, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia     science and technology, and also to improve the
cUCP Business School, University of Central Punjab, Pakistan
dSchool of Business Innovation and Technopreneurship, Universiti
                                                                        educational standards to achieve knowledgeable
Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia                                               economy in the country…"
Corresponding Authors: m.fareed@uum.edu.my, aqeel.a@ucp.edu.pk

                                                                      REVISTA ARGENTINA
                                     2020, Vol. XXIX, N°5, 200-214    DE CLÍNICA PSICOLÓGICA
201                     Muhammad Fareed, Aqeel Ahmad, Sri Sarah Maznah Mohd Salleh, Oussama Saoula

    Currently, Pakistan's economy establishes                   should drive the value for the organization;
considerate challenges for HR functions through                 therefore, they should have all the vital
forming a competitive environment, especially in a              competencies to advance the level of effectiveness
time when massive foreign direct investment (FDI)               (Ahmad, Kausar, and Azhar, 2015). Consequently,
in the shape of the China-Pak Economic Corridor                 the effectiveness of the HR professionals is under
(CPEC) is placing their feet in the economy. In such            scrutiny (Sultan, Wajid, Omar, Waseem & Rustam,
a milieu, Pakistan needs the pool of trained human              2012) as cited in (Fareed, Isa, and Noor, 2016a). It is
resources with state-of-the-art technologies 'to get            believed that HR professionals are not loaded with
the concrete reimbursements, to reap the greater                core competencies and are provided with the
benefits from CPEC, and to speed up the economic                culture which empowers and develops their
growth with this massive project and also for                   aptitudes. Despite the fact, human capital is
sustaining competitive advantage.' To sustain                   essential to facilitate HR professionals to perform a
competitive advantage and to perform critical roles             task or to maintain the desired organizational
more effectively, HR professionals must need to be              culture and growth (Ulrich et al., 2009). Therefore,
effective (Fareed et al., 2016b). Yet, not much                 this study attempts to offer new avenues into the
attention has been given on the issue of HR                     body of knowledge by determining the factors
professionals' effectiveness in the telecom sector of           which impact HR professionals' effectiveness.
considering the contribution of the sector in the
country's GDP (8.5%) (Ministry of Finance, 2014)                LITERATURE REVIEW
and also the significance of the sector as the engine               Since the evolution of the 21st century,
of the economy (PTA, 2012). However, owing to the               organizations can't afford to occupy their
rapid advancement and intense competition in the                competitive advantage position for granted
telecom sector, the necessity to have skillful and              anymore. Due to such an intense competitive
talented HR professionals is essential for                      environment by the globalization and revolution of
organizational effectiveness and for sustaining the             the information and communication technology
competitive advantage of a firm. This competitive               (ICT) threatens of the higher level of competitive
pressure has resulted in the shifting business                  rivalries centered on changes in ICT, which has
environment with threats of aggressive                          caused an unfavorable dynamics to shift in the
competition centered on changes in ICT, which has               industrial environment. Prior studies have
affected an unfavorable dynamics swing in the                   underlined that HR professionals can enhance value
industrial environment (Porter, 2008). As a result, it          more effectively to the organization's growth by
drives to the need to transform the required skills             improving their competitive advantage. HR
and capabilities set of the organization's human                professionals are the ones who make the physical
resources.                                                      and intellectual investment valuable and
    The scholars have conducted many pieces of                  productive (Singh et al., 2012). Over the years, the
research on the effectiveness of HR in the western              value of HR has grown from being just one source
contexts, such as (Caldwell, 2008; Guest and                    of production in the industrial economy of the 20th
Conway, 2011; Huselid, Jackson and Schuler, 1997;               century to being a key source of sustainable
Lawler III and Mohrman, 2003; Richard and                       competitive advantage in the knowledge economy
Johnson, 2001; Ulrich et al., 2011; Wright et al.,              of the 21st century. Progressively, the role of
1998, 2001). Nonetheless, the research to                       personnel managers has expected to be more
determine the effectiveness of HR professionals in              significant as HR has turned out to be the strategic
academic research is quite at an early stage in                 partners – not only inside the HR division of the
Pakistan (Ahmad, Kausar, and Azhar, 2015).                      organization but also inside the inclusive decision-
Furthermore, scholars have also witnessed the                   making process of the organization.
reflection of weaknesses of the HR professionals'
traits and competencies in Pakistan, and it is an               Human Resource Professionals' Effectiveness
obstruction to organizational effectiveness                        HR professionals perform their tasks and duties
(Ahmad, Sharif and Kausar, 2014). Fareed, Isa, and              at the head office of an organization (Dessler,
Noor (2016a) underlined that in the telecom firms,              2010). While performing these tasks and
HR professionals are incapable of developing or                 responsibilities, they can be either an HR generalist
executing profound HR practices and strategies,                 or HR specialist. Both kinds of HR professionals
which ultimately result in dissatisfaction of                   need to complete an extensive amount of work
employees who are not able to perform effectively.              practices in the discipline of HRM (Fareed, Isa, and
HR professionals in the 21st century                            Noor, 2016b). Being HR

                                                              REVISTA ARGENTINA
                              2020, Vol. XXIX, N°5, 200-214   DE CLÍNICA PSICOLÓGICA
202                     Muhammad Fareed, Aqeel Ahmad, Sri Sarah Maznah Mohd Salleh, Oussama Saoula

generalists, the HR professionals are expected to              performance and effectiveness. It is believed that
cope with all aspects and fundamentals of HR-                  human capital development is the utmost vital
related work, and they are obliged to have a wide              element in the intellectual capital of an
range of competencies (KSAOs). HR generalist is                organization. Human capital theory firmly
also responsible for engaging and contribute to the            postulates the belief that human resources must be
strategic planning process and make sure those                 equipped with updated KSAOs. The fundamental
strategies would be implemented inside the                     proposition of this theory is that individuals are
organization. Whereas, Dessler (2010) addressed                being treated as a form of capital for productivity
that HR professionals in more influential                      (Ahmed et al., 2017).
organizations usually oversee many different                       The fundamental argument is that organizations
departments. Every department may be supervised                may enjoy the latest equipment and modern
by a manager who must be the HR specialist in the              technology, but that equipment is inadequate
particular HRM function, such as staffing, training            without innovative, well trained, highly motivated,
and development, compensation, and performance                 and competent employees. An organization can
appraisal.    The     organizations expect        HR           achieve a higher level of employees' performance
professionals would execute these functions                    through comprehensive training of its employees,
efficiently and effectively.                                   which may vigorously improve the employees'
    Recently academicians and practitioners have               KSAOs critical for the development of employees
focused on the effectiveness of HR, particularly in            (Snell and Dean, 1992). Employees feel empowered
developing economies (Ahmad, Kausar, and Azhar,                to accomplish organizational goals through
2015; Mangi et al., 2012). Several scholars                    effective HRM practices that promote human
identified that HR professionals achieve their tasks           capital. However, a promising development of
in the organization and accomplish their                       human capital can be achieved by executing a high-
responsibilities associated with organizational                performance work system (Wang and Chen, 2013).
performance (Huselid, 1995; Wright, Dunford and                The prominence of developing human capital can
Snell, 2001). Research studies on SHRM somehow                 extend high performance. It has been recognized as
overlooked the impact of HR professionals'                     a useful tool for fostering human capital within an
capabilities with the association between HR                   organization (Wang and Chen, 2013). In recent
professionals' effectiveness and organizational                times, developing human capital is evolving as an
performance (Ahmad, Kausar, and Sharif, 2012).                 essential discipline of scientific research that
Organizations who are willing to enhance their                 suggests scarcity in the body of knowledge to
performance must emphasize on developing their                 address this issue (Vaitkevičius et al., 2015).
HR professionals. Given that, Geimer, Zolner, and
Allen (2017) argued recognizing the KSAOs that                 Organizational Culture
successful HR professionals need is critical. It is,               Organizational Culture is defined "in a way
however, observable that HRM, by way of                        people think," which influences how they behave
management discipline, is in relatively early stages           (Arnold et al., 2005). Eldridge and Crombie (2013)
in Asia paralleled to the western countries is as yet          classify organizational culture as a unique pattern
under-researched in these environments (Ahmad,                 of values, beliefs, norms, and ways of doing things
Kausar, and Azhar, 2015).                                      that depict how individuals and groups come
                                                               together to finish their jobs. Thomya and
Human Capital Development                                      Saenchaiyathon (2015) labeled organizational
    The exclusive abilities, competences, and                  culture as visible objects, for example, rituals,
expertise of employees within the organization are             symbols, behaviors, stories, or central values, which
termed human capital (Campbell, 1995). Ployhart                are difficult to classify. Additionally, Fareed, Isa, and
and Moliterno (2011) defined human capital                     Noor (2016b) stated that organizational culture is a
development as a unit-level resource that develops             custom in which a group of individuals thinks, which
from the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) of            precisely influences how they behave within the
individual employees. Kor and Leblebici (2005)                 organization.
outlined human capital as a firm's strategic HR, for               Numerous         researches      have      reviewed
instance, 'HR professionals' loaded with specific              organizational culture as a competitive advantage
knowledge and expertise. Hitt et al. (2001)                    (Barney, 1986; Fareed, Isa, and Noor, 2016a;
highlighted human capital elements such as                     Galperin and Lituchy, 2014; Sadri and Lees, 2001;
education, experience, and skills of top managers              Uddin, Luva and Hossain, 2012). Wagner III (1995)
affect firm outcomes, such as; organizational

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203                     Muhammad Fareed, Aqeel Ahmad, Sri Sarah Maznah Mohd Salleh, Oussama Saoula

affirmed that organizational culture strongly                   essential to implement the firm's competitive
influences employees' behavior and attitudes. In                strategy. Organizations that implement HPWS
comparison, Denison and Mishra (1995) indicated                 often recognize as per "high-performance culture
that specific traits of organizational culture might            organizations." These organizations practice
be useful predictors of performance and                         distinctive managerial method, which ensures high
effectiveness. Once employees recognize with                    performance through individuals (Tomer, 2001).
organizational culture, the work environment is                     Even though positive evidence of the
likely to be more pleasing, which increases the                 effectiveness of HPWS, research studies up till now
morale of the employees, the teamwork,                          point out that the implementation of these types of
information sharing, and openness to new ideas                  practices is slightly limited and infrequent (Godard,
(Goffee and Jones, 1996).                                       2004; Posthuma et al., 2013; Roche, 1999). Many
    Although organizational culture offers an                   scholars (Bartram et al., 2007; Huselid, 1995;
employee a shared structure of position for                     Purcell et al., 2008; Stanton et al., 2010; Zacharatos,
variations in an organization, thus it is an essential          Barling, and Iverson, 2005) have studied HPWS to
factor for successfully executing any variations in             enhance         employees'      and      organizational
the system, structure, or process to enable                     effectiveness. Further, Purcell et al. (2008) argued
employee creativeness (Škerlavaj, Song and Lee,                 that HR has an influence on performance by leading
2010). Sadri and Lees (2001) underlined                         or contributing to the expansion through practical
organizational culture intensely plays an influential           implementation of HPWS, which explicitly focuses
role within organizations to affect employees and               on job and work design, flexible working
organizational operations throughout a firm.                    environment,            resourcing,         employees'
Besides, organizations that can form and nurture a              development, rewards and by giving employees the
robust organizational culture are more profiled.                freedom of expression. Therefore, it is crucial to
The common theme is that to achieve and sustain                 customize HPWS as a viable instrument inside and
high levels of performance, and an organization                 beyond the industries (Batt, 2002).
needs a constructive work setting that advances
and leverage employees' KSAs to generate value                  Resource Based-View as Theoretical Foundation
(Appelbaum, Gittell, and Leena, 2011). Highly                       This study uses resource based-view (RBV) of
effective organizations own a culture that inspires             the firm as an underpinning theory by way of HR
employee involvement, which ultimately leads to                 professionals as a source of competitive advantage
employees' productivity. However, employees                     for the firm. Conferring to RBV, organizations that
show a willingness to become involved in such a                 possess superior resources that are rare, unique
culture where goal-setting, decision-making, or                 and there should not be an adequate replacement
problem resolution have always been encouraged,                 for these resources, such organizations might
which successively leads to more significant                    perceive and execute distinctive strategies that
employees' performance (Hellriegel, Slocum Jr, and              competitors could not imitate easily (Barney, 1991).
Woodman, 1998). Consequently, firms need to                     The hypothetical argument is that employees'
identify that their HR developing practices are                 unique skills are likely to be the source of
essentially harmonized with the organizational                  competitive edge, which is difficult to replicate by
culture.                                                        others, at least in the short term. As rivals permit to
                                                                replicate the superiority of physical and financial
High-Performance Work System                                    resources, experts and scholars have focused on
         Wang and Chen (2013) defined a high-                   the distinctiveness of HR as an aspect that can bring
performance work system (HPWS) as it refers to "a               a firm's sustainable competitive advantage (Barney,
set of separate but interrelated HR practices that              1991; Barney et al., 2001). In conformity with the
are designed to attract, retain, and motivate                   RBV of the firm, it is required for organizations to
employees." Shih, Chiang, and Hsu (2006) used the               classify, evaluate, and improve key HR
term HPWS for a set of HRM practices that can                   professionals' competencies permitted to achieve
enhance firm performance, including financial and               an adequate level of competitive advantage. It is HR
non-financial performance. Huselid (1995) denoted               professionals' primary obligation to enable the
HPWS as a system which comprises rigid staffing                 organization's corporate vision, mission, and
protocols, managing performance, incentive                      objectives through individuals since they are the
management systems, and training and                            ones who contribute to the organizational goals
development activities that are intended to obtain,             (Priem and Butler, 2001). RBV
polish, and highlight employee skills and behaviors

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204                     Muhammad Fareed, Aqeel Ahmad, Sri Sarah Maznah Mohd Salleh, Oussama Saoula

also recommends the HR system can contribute to                firms for asking their permission to conduct an
sustainable competitive advantage through                      interview. In the email, the research objective and
facilitating the development of HR professionals'              methodology were briefly explained. Once the
capabilities that are firm-specific and also via               human resource department of the telecom firms
establishing organizational Culture (Barney, 1992;             responded, and HR professionals indicated their
Wright and Mcmahan, 1992).                                     willingness to participate in the study, they were
    HR is also an infrequent resource because it is            further contacted to fix the time and place.
challenging to find employees with similar skill-set,          Primarily, the researcher has established contacts
mind-set, and cultural-set in the organizations.               with the initial tier of HR professionals from
Inyang (2010) claimed that the essential notion of             telecom firms. Based on the responding behavior
RBV of the firm is resource heterogeneity. It                  and pattern of participants, the study has used a
identifies that the resources that organizations               convenient sampling technique. This is because HR
have are unlikely to be identical, and they must               professionals were too resilient and busy in
encounter four requirements. They must be valued,              performing day-to-day responsibilities; therefore,
exceptional,     unique,   and    non-compatible.              those HR professionals who have shown willingness
Moreover, (Snell, Youndt, and Wright, 1996)                    to participate and who were convenient to reach
believed that HR comes across these four                       were approached to be a part of the study.
requirements, which eventually can create a vital              However, it should be noted that all the HR
source of competitive advantage for the firm. Ever             professionals who were involved in the field study
since Barney (1991) has drawn the elementary                   were HR executives of telecom firms who have
theoretical model and measurement for the                      enormous exposure and experience in the area of
sources of sustainable competitive advantage, the              HR within and outside the country.
RBV theory has become the most frequent                            Kadir and Noor (2015) stated that qualitative
philosophy in the discipline of SHRM, both in the              field studies could help society understand the
expansion of theory and the foundation for                     complexities that business organizations face
empirical research (McMahan, Virick and Wright,                today. Further, semi-structured interviews are
1999). Consequently, this study intended to use                usually constructed on a flexible procedure that
RBV as a foundation to explore those determinants,             offers a loose arrangement of open-ended
which might lead to a sustainable competitive                  questions to examine the experiences and
advantage in the shape of HR professionals'                    viewpoints of the participants (Pope, Van Royen
effectiveness.                                                 and Baker, 2002). The population of the study was
                                                               not vibrant, and it was challenging to find the
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY                                           appropriate HR professionals. Hence, the study has
    To achieve the research objective of the study, a          used convenient sampling due to its subjective
qualitative    study     through    semi-structured            nature and because it is advantageous when the
interviews was carried out. Semi-structured                    researcher has limited resources, time, and
interviews included in-depth but open-ended                    workforce (Etikan, Musa and Alkassim, 2016).
questions (Interview Protocol), which followed the             Zikmund et al. (2013) also suggested that a
guidelines given by Jacob and Furgerson (2012). The            convenient sampling technique can obtain
researchers have developed the interview protocol              extensive information quickly and effectively.
(see Appendix A) through an extensive literature                   Guest, Bunce, and Johnson (2006) suggested
review. Jacob and Furgerson (2012) elaborated the              that in qualitative research, mostly sample size
interview protocol as a procedural guide for                   relies on the idea of 'saturation.' They endorsed
directing a researcher through the interview                   that for most research initiatives in which the
process. A group of practitioners and academicians             purpose is to understand shared perceptions and
has substantiated the interview protocol in                    experiences among a homogeneous group, six to
Malaysia and Pakistan to reflect expert                        twelve interviews are sufficient. Consequently,
interpretations. Moreover, it was refined based on             interviews were conducted with ten HR
the external validity checks by these experts who              managers/executives of the five telecom firms,
are specialized in the content area. These experts             which are; Mobilink, Telenor, Ufone, Zong, and
endorsed      that     the    interview     protocol           Warid. Interviews were led at the offices of the HR
predominantly is relevant and appropriate to                   professionals as per their comfort. Each interview
achieve the focal research objective.                          took about 40 to 50 minutes, and it was recorded
    In the beginning, emails were sent to each                 by a Micro-audio recorder (MP3) with the
human resource department of Pakistan's telecom                permission of the participants. The most

                                                             REVISTA ARGENTINA
                             2020, Vol. XXIX, N°5, 200-214   DE CLÍNICA PSICOLÓGICA
205                     Muhammad Fareed, Aqeel Ahmad, Sri Sarah Maznah Mohd Salleh, Oussama Saoula

challenging thing in qualitative research is data              participant from each telecom firm.
analysis and its formulation (Folkestad, 2008).
Numerous tools and techniques were available;                  A Brief Overview of Human Resource
nonetheless, the selection of tool(s) or technique(s)          Professionals
must be based on the objectives of the study. Since                Table 1 indicates that the total number of HR
it is stated previously, each interview was recorded           professionals who have been involved in the
through (MP3) recorder. Subsequently, the data                 qualitative field study are ten participants.
was apprehended by interpreting the interview                  However, out of ten participants, seven
tapes into the interview transcripts. Therefore,               participants are HR executives, and one each
content analysis has been recognized as an                     participant is the HR director, HR manager, and
appropriate technique for analyzing the interview              manager of organization development (OD). Each
transcripts.                                                   participant has sufficient experience in the field of
                                                               HR within their current company, which assisted
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION                                        the researcher in getting profound information and
    As stated earlier, data has been collected from            in gaining insight into their experiences at the
HR executives of five telecom firms. These firms are           workplace. The table shows working experience for
the leading telecom firms in Pakistan as per their             each HR professional ranges between 5 to 11 years,
market share and subscribers. They hold 99% of the             whereas 7 of the HR professionals had six or more
market share in the sector as per PTA Annual                   years of working experience and three HR
Report (2012). Researchers have interviewed two                professionals had five years of working experience
HR managers/executives, each from all five telecom             in their current position. It must be noted that these
firms. The aim behind was to precisely point out the           HR professionals also had previous working
experiences related to the performance of HR                   experience in the HR department before their
managers themselves. It is supported by Ahmad,                 current company has recruited them. Their
Sharif, and Kausar (2014), who encouraged future               companies have endorsed them to key HR positions
researchers to study HR managers in assessing HR               after specific years of working experience and
professionals' effectiveness. The intention behind             training. All of the HR professionals are having a
taking two HR managers from each telecom firm                  master's in HR as their highest qualification. HR
was to retain the consistency of the qualitative data          professionals' working experience and their
by pointing out the experiences related to the                 qualifications symbolize them appropriate for the
effectiveness of HR managers. Letter A, B, and C are           interviews to gain insight into their experiences and
indicated      with     each     participant      (HR          to recognize the progressions. Consequently, these
executive/manager) in the document to signify                  HR professionals were reliable for qualitative field
first, second or third                                         research.

Table 1: Participants' Demographic Information
 Participants Company Current                                             Working              Highest
                              Position                                    Experience           Qualification
 1                C1A         HR Executive                                11 Years             MBA (HR)
 2                C2A         HR Operations Executive                     6 Years              MBA (HR)
 3                C3A         HR Executive                                6 Years              MBA (HR)
 4                C3B         HR Executive                                7 Years              MBA (HR)
 5                C4A         HR Executive                                5 Years              MBA (HR)
 6                C5A         HR Executive                                8 Years              MBA (HR)
 7                C1B         HR Director                                 6 and half Years     MBA (HR)
 8                C4B         HR Manager                                  5 Years              MBA (HR)
 9                C4C         Manager (Organizational                     5 Years              MSC (HR)
 10               C5B         HR Executive                                6 Years              MBA (HR)
Note: C1 = Telenor, C2 = Warid, C3 = Mobilink, C4 = Ufone, C5 = Zong
   A = First, B = Second, C = Third

Human Resource Professionals' Effectiveness and                   HR professionals have underlined various key
Human Capital Development                                      ideas in developing human capital besides the
                                                               advancements of KSAOs. For instance, they believe

                                                             REVISTA ARGENTINA
                             2020, Vol. XXIX, N°5, 200-214   DE CLÍNICA PSICOLÓGICA
206                    Muhammad Fareed, Aqeel Ahmad, Sri Sarah Maznah Mohd Salleh, Oussama Saoula
developing human capital is a comprehensive                    Indeed, organizations are required to develop their
process of developing, retaining, and enabling key             human capital with updated knowledge and skills to
talent and their potential to achieve targets. It is           encounter new challenges

gratifying employees' needs in terms of functional,             and to achieve their tasks effectively. HR
behavioral, and leadership; it also includes career             professionals' responses also affirm that
progression, succession planning, on the job                    developing human capital has a decisive positive
training, and e-learning. It is verified by the                 impact on their effectiveness. Such as:
responses of HR professionals, for example:                         "Absolutely, KSAOs enhance the effectiveness.
    "Human capital development is a process of an               Because whenever we can grasp the new
employee's life cycle, which starts from acquiring,             knowledge and skills, we can apply these things into
developing, and retaining the key talent. So, human             the modern one. It's a dynamic world; every day is a
capital development starts with identifying the                 new thing, so it's better that any HR professional
functional and competency requirements of a job.                he/she should be able to deal with the new things
Moreover, it assesses and develops the potential of             which will help." (HR Executive, Telenor-A)
an employee." (HR Manager, Ufone-B)                                 "As I mentioned earlier, through training, we
    "I think human capital development is about                 develop the skills, knowledge, and abilities of
enabling your employees, looking at their                       employees, making them able to do their job
performance gaps and how they are performing in                 effectively. It is vital for the organization as if we
their current role and how they need to be                      grow our employees, then our organization grows
developed in terms of their career plan." (HR                   as well. It is challenging to achieve our targets and
Executive, Mobilink-B)                                          encounter new challenges without having updated
    "Human capital development is not only the                  knowledge and skill." (HR Operations Executive,
behavioral part. It is functional needs along with              Warid-A)
behavioral and leadership needs. These are three                    "If I will be fully loaded with advanced
dimensions that we have to consider while                       knowledge and skills, it will help me to face radical
developing any individual." (HR Executive, Telenor-             challenges and accomplish my tasks effectively. I
A)                                                              believe Mobilink must develop human resources to
    "Human capital development is employees' on                 sustain competitive advantage since Mobilink is the
the job training, succession planning, e-learning,              market leader in Pakistan." (HR Executive, Mobilink-
educate them and make them able to do their job."               A)
(HR Executive, Zong-A)                                              Technology is changing every day. The telco is a
    "I believe human capital development is                     very dynamic industry. Now we have a license of 3G
providing      employees      with      development             and 4G, so if we will not educate our employees or
opportunities in terms of career progression and in             give them training on these technologies, then I
terms of train those in the right skills set. In                think our competitors will have a competitive
whatever they lack, it is offering the route to                 advantage over us, and we will be less effective."
improve upon that through consoling them,                       (HR Executive, Zong-A)
through mentoring them." (HR Executive, Ufone-A)                    Based on the above findings, it is incredibly
    In addition to that, HR professionals also certify          crucial for organizations to focus on developing
that developing KSAOs are extremely important to                KSAOs of their HR professionals. It is because
comprehend their effectiveness. If companies are                technological changes require HR professionals to
unable to develop competencies' KSAOs' of their                 tackle advanced talents to survive in a competitive
people and if these individuals stay in the                     environment. Nonetheless, organizations should
organization, ultimately, it impacts negatively on              develop various training sessions for HR
the organizational effectiveness. Nevertheless,                 professionals to enhance competencies, which will
organizations must develop their human capital                  ultimately result in higher HR professionals'
through formal or informal training programs.                   effectiveness. These findings support the results of
Precisely, in this highly competitive environment,              earlier studies which highlighted that developing
companies strive for a sustainable competitive                  human capital can advance individuals' and
advantage, which is not likely without developing               organizational effectiveness (Albanese, 1989; Hsu
their human capital. Even though employees also                 et al., 2007; Pfeffer, 1994; Selvarajan T et al., 2007;
seek developmental opportunities to enhance their               Ulrich et al., 2009; Wang and Chen, 2013). Equally
knowledge and skills-set, especially in this dynamic            important, the findings also provide strong support
environment where every day, there is something                 for the resource-based view (RBV) of the firm,
new to learn and every day is a new challenge.                  which specifies that distinctive capabilities (KSAOs)

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207                    Muhammad Fareed, Aqeel Ahmad, Sri Sarah Maznah Mohd Salleh, Oussama Saoula
of HR can acquire employees' effectiveness, which             our culture, and our culture is our strength. Here
ultimately advances the                                       people treat each other with respect, they trust

sustainable competitive advantage of the firm                  each other by fulfilling their commitments, help and
(Barney, 1992; Wright and Mcmahan, 1992).                      support their colleagues, and communicate openly,
                                                               which impacts every employee's effectiveness." (HR
Human Resource Professionals' Effectiveness and                Operations Executive, Warid-A)
Organizational Culture                                             "We have a robust Culture because Telenor is
    HR     professionals     state    that     strong          built around people. So culture is driving very
organizational culture constructively can lead to              strongly from the Telenor group. And we have a
employees' effectiveness as it enables employees               talent and culture team as well, and we feel that it
to perform the best they can. Constructive                     is our culture that sets us apart from our
organizational culture similarly empowers                      competition. So anything we do today, we are
employees and give them decision making                        accounted for our culture. In fact, everything that
autonomy in the light of cultural values which                 we do shapes our effectiveness. Because as HR
inspire employees to perform their tasks                       where supposed to walk and talk, we are the
effectively. Such cultural values are the building             custodian of the culture, so if we don't do it, then we
blocks of employees' daily interactions between                can't ask people to do it as well." (HR Director,
themselves and all other stakeholders. Moreover,               Telenor-B)
constructive organizational culture sets an                        "I believe that our culture is strong because of its
organization apart from its competition and                    core values which are; leadership with passion,
sustains a competitive advantage.                              teamwork and innovation, entrepreneurship,
    HR professionals believe that they are all driven          freedom with responsibility, commitment with fun,
by organizational ethics and values, the first                 and humility in relationships. Our core values are
important thing which they have to practice and                the pillars upon which our organizational culture
preach.     In    fact,   organizational     culture,          and business practices are based. We call this the
organizational beliefs, values, and ethics, are the            Ufone way, and it is all about translating our basic
bible for any organization, thus, employees and                cultural ingredients into our lifestyle." (Manager
essentially HR professionals have to live by it and            OD, Ufone-C)
they have to set the example in these values and                   "Yes, we have firm culture because our values
descriptive behaviors. Since it is HR professionals            are teamwork, passion, openness, integrity &
who have more responsibility to provide the right              accountability, and efficient execution, which
kind of tools, the right information, the right                enable employees to behave professionally within
knowledge and the right behaviors to the                       the company. Our values teach our employees to
employees. In addition to that, HR professionals are           show descriptive behaviors that bring effectiveness,
accountable to make organizational culture as a                and the same goes to my effectiveness as well." (HR
win-win culture for all stakeholders, internal                 Executive, Zong-A)
'employees, and management' or external                            "Our culture is so strong, and that is our
stakeholders' customers,' since they are the                   strength. And the main pillars for us are our values
custodians of the organizational culture. It is not            and our people. Because everyday behavior which
only what employees are striving to achieve,                   we are exhibiting that is the culture. We do not have
culture is also how they are determined to                     cubicles; we do have open-door policies. I can simply
accomplish. Therefore, HR professionals can create             go and discuss with the CEO or VP, and this is the
a winning culture by focusing on both measures'                beauty of this culture, which brings a lot of
what and how'. Eventually, HR professionals play a             innovation and creativity." (HR Executive, Telenor-
pivotal role in implementing cultural interventions,           A)
so having a healthy organizational culture aligned                 Arguably, organizations are required to create a
with organizational philosophies makes it easy for             high-performance        culture,      which     enables
HR professionals to perform effectively. For                   employees to augment higher effectiveness. Such a
instance, various HR professionals verify that:                culture helps organizations to realize employees'
    Culture is essential for any organization as it            commitment, involvement, and participation. Once
teaches employees how to behave with each other                employees recognize with the organizational
and within the organization. In Warid telecom, we              culture, the work environment prospective to be
have six values that shape our organizational                  more gratifying, which enhances the morale of the
culture. These values are; integrity, ownership,               employees, teamwork and information sharing,
unity, care, openness, and clarity. Our values shape           also openness to new ideas (Goffee and Jones,

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                             2020, Vol. XXIX, N°5, 200-214   DE CLÍNICA PSICOLÓGICA
208                   Muhammad Fareed, Aqeel Ahmad, Sri Sarah Maznah Mohd Salleh, Oussama Saoula
1996). It leads to increased interaction and                 rewards      and       recognition,  development
continuous learning among employees, and                     opportunities and promotions, empowerment,

employees tend to be more effective in                          engagement, transparency and fairness. It also
accomplishing their tasks and responsibilities                  incorporates greater opportunity in strategic
(Fareed, Isa, and Noor, 2016b). Organizations need              decision making, training & development,
to strengthen their culture with constructive ethics,           performance appraisals and technology, leadership
norms, and values if they want to have a high-                  support and commitment, effective talent
performance culture. Cultural values also help                  management,            useful     feedback,       open
nurture specific standards in a high-performance                communication, and taking responsibility in making
culture where employees can exceed the                          decisions are the crucial components which focus
performance expectations set by higher                          on the key business processes rather than
management. Findings have revealed that effective               individual HR practices. High performance work
organizations can create a healthy organizational               system is the combination of all of these
culture where employees' creativity, innovation,                components, which help organizations to create a
engagement, and commitment are encouraged to                    high-performance culture, which is the
boost employees' effectiveness. Since the telecom               fundamental of HR policies and practices. Besides,
industry is a vivacious and ICT extensive industry, it          HR professionals also endorse that high
demands a robust and influential organizational                 performance work system supports them to
culture that inspires employees' development for                enhance their effectiveness. For instance;
sustaining competitive advantage (Fareed et al.,                    "We have programs developed in place, which
2016a). It is inconsistent with Fareed, Isa, and Noor           promote and support high-performance culture. I
(2016b), who stated that organizations should                   believe that there is an element of competitiveness.
develop a strong organizational culture where                   And we also have the mechanism to identify the
growth and empowerment of employees are                         high performers. We identify high performers, we
encouraged to achieve common goals and to attain                offer them development opportunities, and we
competitive advantage. Further, if management                   support them." (HR Executive, Ufone-A)
wishes to achieve and sustain high performance, it                  "Yes, it is. At the end of the year, there are very
needs a constructive workplace environment that is              few high performers, so everyone tries to compete
probable owing to the strong organizational culture             with each other and tries to perform high. We are
which advances and leverage employees'                          promoting high-performance culture within our
competencies to create value (Appelbaum, Gittell,               company as we started sessions, and we just did
and Leena, 2011). An organization that can                      psychometric exercises with our high-performance
maintain a positive culture is likely to enjoy higher           employees to help them in developing their future
employee effectiveness (Sadri and Lees, 2001).                  goals and career plans. Those high performers are
                                                                the mentors of other employees who are unable to
Human Resource Professionals' Effectiveness and                 perform high in a way low performers tend to learn
High-Performance Work System                                    from high performers which enable effectiveness."
    The responses of HR professionals reveal that               (HR Executive, Zong-A).
although their organizations are practicing various                 "Yes, absolutely high performance work system
systems with different names, for instance, HR                  enhances effectiveness. Since we do have a high-
information system, HR management system, 360 o                 performance culture and talent differentiation
performance            system,          performance             culture which is part of HR policies and practices. I
evaluation/appraisal system, and talent review                  know if I will perform better, then I will be rewarded
system. However, components of all of these HR                  higher accordingly. The need to perform higher
systems are associated with the elements of a high-             would be much greater instead that if I would know
performance work system.                                        I would get the same benefits as the one who
    HR professionals identify various components of             performs low because talent differentiation needs
a high-performance work system in the current                   to be there." (HR Director, Telenor-B)
study. These components enable HR professionals                     "I think a high-performance work system is a
to attain organizational goals and objectives,                  system that creates a competitive environment in
enhancing HR professionals' effectiveness. For                  terms of setting the right kind of goals and
example, HR professionals certify that high                     objectives for the employees. We are practicing this
performance work system embraces 'SMART goals,                  system because our performance appraisal system
teamwork, collaborations, and identified behaviors,             is considered to be very fair and transparent. It is
                                                                the most important part of

                                                              REVISTA ARGENTINA
                              2020, Vol. XXIX, N°5, 200-214   DE CLÍNICA PSICOLÓGICA
209                     Muhammad Fareed, Aqeel Ahmad, Sri Sarah Maznah Mohd Salleh, Oussama Saoula
                                                                   Second, our study makes experimental
developing a high-performance culture. So you have             contributions to the literature. To the best
transparency and fair kind of performance                      knowledge of the researchers, prior studies on the
appraisal system where employees feel that they                subject matter have focused merely on quantitative
have been treated equitably." (HR Executive,                   field studies. In contrast, the current study
Mobilink-B)                                                    contributes to the concept of HR professionals'
    It is believed that organizations have to give             effectiveness by adopting a qualitative research
equal importance to every component of high                    approach through determining the originating
performance work system, or else it might not work             factors which add to the phenomenon.
effectively. Organizations also need to have specific          Additionally, the current study offers the additional
standards in a high-performance culture where                  components and elements of determining factors
employees can exceed performance expectations.                 which previous studies have not yet established.
As writing SMART goals sets the baseline for                   The study also adds to the literature by offering
effective performance. Setting the goals right along           experimental evidence of the strong association
with mapping the expectations to achieve them                  between        human       capital     development,
helps the employees and line managers to stay on               organizational culture, and high performance work
the same page. Previous literature confirms the                system with HR professionals' effectiveness in the
effect of high performance work system on HR                   context of a developing country (Pakistan). It is well
professionals' effectiveness (Purcell et al., 2008;            documented that the emerging economies of Asia,
Ryu and Kim, 2013). Additionally, RBV theory also              for instance, Pakistan has experienced little
endorses the HR system can assist firms in                     academic research in the area of HR professionals'
triumphing sustainable competitive advantage by                effectiveness (Ahmad, Kausar, and Azhar, 2015;
enabling employees to develop their competencies               Han et al., 2006). At the same time, the importance
and embedding organizational Culture (Barney,                  of the country in the global business community has
1992; Wright and Mcmahan, 1992).                               grown enormously, particularly once heavily
                                                               foreign direct investment by China inwards in the
IMPLICATIONS FOR RESEARCH AND PRACTICE                         country in the shape of the China-Pak Economic
Theoretical implications                                       Corridor (CPEC). By exploring the contributing
    The theoretical arguments and findings of the              factors to advance HR professionals' effectiveness,
present study contribute to HR literature in several           this study offers new insight into strategic HRM in
ways. First, we offer a theoretical and insightful             the emerging Asian economy.
explanation of the positive association between
human capital development, organizational                      Practical Implications
culture, and high performance work system with HR                  This research paper offers implications for HR
professionals' effectiveness. The existing literature          practitioners and organizations to assume a
on HR effectiveness has focused only on the                    resilient and active role in revealing issues
competency-based model to enhance HR                           embedded in HR professionals' effectiveness,
professionals' effectiveness, paying insufficient              which are often underemphasized in the
attention to the factors undertaken in the current             organization. The study is also essential for HR
study, despite having a robust association amongst             specialists and decision-makers as it offers
them. Drawing from RBV theory (Barney, 1991), we               suggestions and guidelines for a managerial
propose that attention should also be given to                 understanding of the importance of HR
strategic or resource-based factors (human capital             professionals' effectiveness to sustain competitive
development, organizational culture, and high                  advantage. A primary message of our findings for
performance work system) to sustain the                        HR practitioners is that competent HR has a high
competitive advantage. Theory notes that the                   potential to benefit organizations. Another
distinctiveness of an employee's skills and                    significant practical implication of our findings is
capabilities is a critical requirement for gaining a           that organizations should ensure that HR
competitive advantage. The RBV perspective                     professionals are loaded with advanced knowledge,
inspires a shift in prominence towards the essential           skills, and abilities and provided with organizational
characteristics of employees' skills and their                 support in the shape of strong organizational
relative contribution to value creation (Wright,               culture and HR systems to develop HR strategies
Dunford, and Snell, 2001; Barney et al., 2001).                which will help organizations to enhance
                                                               employees' and organizational

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210                     Muhammad Fareed, Aqeel Ahmad, Sri Sarah Maznah Mohd Salleh, Oussama Saoula
                                                                practices is crucial for organizations to achieve a
effectiveness. Further, HR professionals not only               higher level of HR professionals' effectiveness and
need to be certain that they have all the necessary             to sustain the competitive advantage.
competencies for using HR systems, but they must
also be able to measure the effectiveness of these              REFERENCES
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                                                               REVISTA ARGENTINA
                               2020, Vol. XXIX, N°5, 200-214   DE CLÍNICA PSICOLÓGICA
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