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Structurally related molecules of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in gestational trophoblastic diseases

Laurence A Cole

            5.1   INTRODUCTION

            Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a glycoprotein hormone
            composed of two dissimilar subunits, a- and b-subunit, held together by
            charge and hydrophobic interactions. hCG comprises an a-subunit of 92
            amino acids and a ß-subunit of 145 amino acids (Figs. 5.1 an 5.2). hCG
            is an extraordinary glycoprotein with 8 sugar side chains (Figs. 5.1 and
              The sugar side chains account for 25% (pregnancy hCG) to 40%
            (choriocarcinoma hyperglycosylated hCG) of the composition or
            molecular weight of hCG (36,000 to 40,000). The combination of free
            and degraded subunits and different N-linked and O-linked
            oligosaccharide side chains causes significant heterogeneity in hCG
            structure. hCG, free subunits, degraded molecules, molecules with
            hyperglycosylated N- and O-linked oligosaccharide side chains, and
            fragments are present in serum, urine and other bodily fluids. They are
            detected in all pregnant women, in all women with trophoblastic
            diseases, in all men with testicular germ cell malignancies and in men
            and women with a proportion of non-trophoblastic neoplasms.

            Figure 5.1. Amino acid sequence of hCG ß-subunit and sites of attachment of N- and
            O-linked oligosaccharides.

            Figure 5.2. Amino acid sequence of hCG α-subunit and sites of attachment of N-linked

Structurally related molecules of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in gestational trophoblastic diseases

          Figure 5.3. Principal structures of O-linked oligosaccharides attached to regular
          hCG and its variants. GlcNAc is N-acetylglucosamine, GalNAc is N-
          acetylgalactosamine, Man is mannose, Gal is galactose and SA is sialic acid.

          In addition to regular hCG, 4 major structural variants are commonly
          detected in serum samples: hCG free ß-subunit; nicked hCG; hCG
          missing the b-subunit C-terminal peptide, and hyperglycosylated hCG.
          Many other variants (i.e. nicked free ß-subunit, hyperglycosylated free
          b-subunit, free ß-subunit missing the b-subunit C-terminal peptide,
          nicked free ß-subunit missing the ß-subunit C-terminal peptide) are less
          commonly detected in serum samples. The same large mixture of
          molecule plus the terminal degradation product, b-core fragment, are
          detected in urine samples. Table 1 summarizes the structure of the key
          hCG-related molecules. These vary in size from a molecular weight of
          9,500 (b-core fragment) to approximately 40,000 (hyperglycosylated
          Table 5.1. Structure of hCG-related molecules detected, to different extents, by commercial
          hCG immunoassays in serum and urine samples (1-9).

           hCG-related molecule                       Structure
           Regular hCG                                α-subunit with 92 and β-subunit with 145 amino acid residue
           (MW ~36,000)                               polypeptide
                                                      Mono- and biantennary N-linked oligosaccharides
                                                      Mostly trisaccharide O-linked oligosaccharides

           Hyperglycosylated hCG 1                    α-subunit with 92 and β-subunit with 145 amino acid residue
           (MW ~40,000)                               polypeptide
                                                      Predominance of larger triantennary N-linked on β-subunit, and
                                                      N-linked with extra fucose on α-subunit
                                                      Mostly hexasaccharide O-linked oligosaccharides

           Nicked hCG 1                               α-subunit with 92 and β-subunit with 145 amino acids residues.
           (MW ~36,500)                               β-subunit polypeptide nicked/cut at β47-48, β43-44 or β44-45
                                                      Mono- and biantennary N-linked oligosaccharides
                                                      Mostly trisaccharide O-linked oligosaccharides
           hCG missing β-subunit                      α-subunit with 92 and β-subunit with 92-122 amino acids (C-terminal
           C-terminal peptide 1                       peptide determinant, β93-145 all or partly missing).
           (MW ~29,000)                               β-subunit polypeptide also nicked at β47-48, β43-44 or β44-45
                                                      Mono- and biantennary N-linked oligosaccharides
                                                       No O-linked oligosaccharides

           Free β-subunit 1                           Only β-subunit present, no α-subunit
           (MW ~22,000)                               Biantennary N-linked oligosaccharides
                                                      Mostly trisaccharide O-linked oligosaccharides
           Urine β-core fragment                      Degraded β-subunit present (2 peptides, β6-40 and β55-92, held
           (MW ~9,500)                                together by disulfide linkages), no α-subunit
                                                      Degraded biantennary oligosaccharide present
                                                      No O-linked oligosaccharides
          1 Combinations of modification are present in serum and urine, such as hyperglycosylated nicked hCG,
          hyperglycosylated hCG missing the β-subunit C-terminal peptide, nicked free β-subunit, hyperglycosylated free β-
          subunit, nicked-hyperglycosylated free β-subunit and free β-subunit missing the C-terminal peptide.

Structurally related molecules of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in gestational trophoblastic diseases

          Over 40 different professional laboratory serum hCG tests are sold in
          the USA for quantifying serum hCG. These and many other tests
          may also be used to qualitatively assess urine hCG (i.e. positive test
          when urine concentration >20 IU/L). Almost all of these tests work
          through the contemporary multi-antibody “sandwich assay” method
          permitting sensitive labeled-enzyme, isotope, fluorimetric or
          chemilumenescent detection. Few if any assays are sold today using
          the old competitive radioimmunoassay (RIA) method which was
          developed in the nineteen fifties and has largely been displaced. Here
          we review the commonly used hCG tests and their utility for
          managing gestational trophoblastic disease cases.
            All hCG tests use at least one antibody directed against the b-
          subunit. This has led to the commonly used term “βhCG test.” Some
          tests detect hCG only and are called intact hCG, or simply hCG tests.
          Other tests detect hCG and invariable detect hyperglycosylated hCG,
          free b-subunit and possibly the hCG degradation products. These
          tests are called total hCG tests, bhCG tests, or again can just be
          called hCG tests. The names are confusing. For the purpose of this
          publication we will refer to them all as hCG tests.
            All modern professional laboratory hCG tests use a combination of
          antibodies to different sites on hCG (Table 5.1). Commonly, tests
          use an antibody to one site on the core of the b-subunit. A second
          antibody is then directed to an alternate site on the core of the b-
          subunit, on the b-subunit C-terminal peptide, on the hCG dimer or
          subunit interface, on free subunits, or on the a-subunit. Because of
          these variations in antibody combination, different commercial hCG
          tests may measure very different mixtures of hCG-related molecules.
          Some tests may detect hCG only while others may detect all major
          hCG-related molecules. This may not be a problem for monitoring
          pregnancy in serum samples, 7 weeks of gestation until term, since
          regular hCG is consistently the principal molecule present (Table
          5.2). It may, however, be a major problem in monitoring patients
          with trophoblastic diseases and non-trophoblastic malignancies. In
          such cases, different hCG variants may be the principal molecule
          present (Table 5.2). These limitations with hCG tests are carefully
          investigated in this review.

Structurally related molecules of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in gestational trophoblastic diseases

          Table 5.2

          This article considers all aspects of hCG detection in trophoblastic
          diseases. It examines the problems of false positive hCG results. It
          describes how to avoid false positive hCG results. The experience of
          the USA hCG Reference service is also presented: problems found
          with the sensitivity of specific hCG tests; confusing hCG results due
          to false positive or phantom hCG results; the complications of
          “quiescent gestational trophoblastic disease” and confusing hCG
          results due to pituitary hCG.” All of these issues are carefully
          investigated here.
            Hyperglycosylated hCG is considered here. As shown by multiple
          authors, hyperglycosylated hCG is a variant of hCG with completely
          independent biological functions to regular hCG. Hyperglycosylated
          hCG appears to be the autocrine promoter of growth and malignancy
          in gestational trophoblastic neoplasms and persistent mole. The
          pathophysiology of hyperglycosylated hCG as an independent
          molecule to regular hCG is carefully considered. The role
          hyperglycosylated hCG has in the biology of gestational
          trophoblastic diseases and the use of hyperglycosylated hCG as a test
          in the management of gestational trophoblastic diseases are
          considered as are the parallel evolutions of hyperglycosylated hCG
          and gestational trophoblastic neoplasia.
            Finally, the use of hCG free ß-subunit measurements is examined.
          Use has been indicated in the differential diagnosis of placental site
          trophoblastic tumor. The differential diagnosis of women presenting
          with persistent low levels of hCG is considered. Examination of the
          differentiation of false positive hCG, quiescent gestational
          trophoblastic disease, pituitary hCG, and placental site trophoblastic
          tumor are all appropriately considered.

Structurally related molecules of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in gestational trophoblastic diseases


               The hCG found through most of pregnancy, regular hCG, has 4
          O-linked oligosaccharides on the ß-subunit (Fig. 5.1). These are
          primarily of the trisaccharide type (Fig. 5.3). Regular hCG has 4 N-
          linked oligosaccharides, 2 on the α-subunit and 2 on the ß-subunit
          (Figs. 5.1 and 5.2). These are mixtures of monoantennary (8 sugar
          residues) and biantennary (11 sugar residues) structures (Fig. 5.4) (1-
          3). In choriocarcinoma, gestational trophoblastic neoplasm and
          persistent mole cases, the principal hCG form found is
          hyperglycosylated hCG (1-3). While this has the same peptide
          structure as regular hCG, it has varying proportion of larger N- and
          O-oligosaccharide structures (Figs. 5.3 and 5.4) (1-3). The N-linked
          oligosaccharides are fucosylated triantennary structures with 15
          rather than 8-11 sugar residues, and the O-linked sugars are
          hexasaccharide rather than trisaccharide structures. Effectively, the
          sugar structures on hyperglycosylated hCG are double size sugar
          structures, comprising as much as 40% of the molecular weight of
          hCG (1-3).

          Table 5.3

Structurally related molecules of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in gestational trophoblastic diseases

          Figure 5.4. Principal structures of N-linked oligosaccharides attached to regular
          hCG and its variants. hCG-H. GlcNAc is N-acetylglucosamine, Man is mannose,
          Gal is galactose and Fuc is fucose, and SA is sialic acid.

          As published, regular hCG is made by the differentiated
          syncytotrophoblast cells, while hyperglycosylated hCG is produced
          only in the stem cytotrophoblast cells, the invasive trophoblast cells
          (4,5). Clearly, only the invasive trophoblast cells produce
          hyperglycosylated hCG. Hyperglycosylated hCG has minimal
          regular hCG-like progesterone-promoting biological activity at the
          hCG/LH receptor (4,6). The possibility that hyperglycosylated hCG
          may have a separate biological role to regular hCG, possibly in
          promoting the growth and invasive activity in the invasive
          cytotrophoblast cells is considered.
            Three model systems have been used for investigating the invasive
          functions of hyperglycosylated hCG with malignant cytotrophoblast
          cells. The first two were JAr and JEG-3 lines of choriocarcinoma
          cells. The third system was NTERA testicular germ cell cancer cell
          line. All 3 cytotrophoblast models produce exclusively
          hyperglycosylated hCG (7). As shown by 3 independent groups using
          these models (4,8-10), hyperglycosylated hCG (also called
          choriocarcinoma hCG), but not regular hCG, directly modulates
          cytotrophoblast cell growth, tumor formation and cytotrophoblast
          cell invasion in vitro and in vivo. This was shown by a combination
          of Matrigel cell culture invasion chamber studies in vitro, cell culture

Structurally related molecules of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in gestational trophoblastic diseases

          growth studies in vitro , and confirmed by examining human
          xenograph malignancies, athymic nude mice with transplanted
          growing human choriocarcinoma cells in vivo (4,8-10). As found in
          our laboratory, addition of monoclonal antibodies to
          hyperglycosylated hCG completely inhibited the cell growth,
          invasion and tumor formation in all models in vivo and in vitro,
          preventing cytotrophoblast cell invasion, preventing cell growth and
          blocking tumor growth and progression (4,8). Addition of pure
          hyperglycosylated hCG, but not pure regular hCG, promoted both
          growth and invasion (4,8). Similarly, addition of antisense DNA to
          either hCG α-subunit or ß-subunit prevented all hCG production in
          Jar choriocarcinoma cells (hyperglycosylated hCG is the only form
          of hCG made by these cells), and similarly blocked invasion, cell
          growth and tumorigenesis in similar models in vitro and in vivo
          (9,10). Considering our published studies with monoclonal
          antibodies to hyperglycosylated hCG (4,8), and these independent
          reports with antisense DNA to hCG subunits in cells solely
          producing hyperglycosylated hCG (9,10), it is concluded that
          hyperglycosylated hCG secreted by cytotrophoblast cells, acts on
          these same cells through an autocrine receptor on the same cells to
          promote growth and invasion.
            While syncytiotrophoblast regular hCG functions as an endocrine,
          promoting progesterone production at a distant corpus luteal LH/hCG
          receptor, hyperglycosylated hCG seemingly acts as an autocrine,
          rather than endocrine, produced by cytotrophoblast cells and
          attenuating cytotrophoblast cell growth and implantation.
          Hyperglycosylated hCG is in multiple ways a distinct molecule from
          regular hCG, it has a different molecular weight to regular hCG
          (40,000 vs. 36,000), it is produced by separate cells (cytotrophoblast
          vs. syncytotrophoblast), it is has an autocrine rather than an
          endocrine action, and has a separate functions, promoting growth and
          invasion and tumor formation. This is a unique situation, specific
          genes coding for the α- the ß-subunit of regular hCG and
          hyperglycosylated hCG (the polypeptide sequences are identical (4))
          yielding two independent molecules. The same polypeptides forming
          the common backbone of two very separate molecules, regular hCG
          and hyperglycosylated hCG. It is concluded that secreted
          hyperglycosylated hCG modulates the invasion and growth of
          cytotrophoblast cells in choriocarcinoma and testicular germ cell
            Multiple publications show that tumor growth factor beta (TGFß) is
          the promoter of apoptosis in trophoblast cells (11,12). As shown,
          TGFß directly inhibits invasiveness and proliferation in
          choriocarcinoma cells and testicular germ cells. Absence of TGFß
          and smad 3 consistently occurs in cytotrophoblast cells in
          choriocarcinoma permitting growth and invasion. These findings

Structurally related molecules of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in gestational trophoblastic diseases

          suggest that invasiveness and growth in choriocarcinoma malignancy
          may be controlled through blockage to TGFß activity and apoptosis
          (13,14). As reported, choriocarcinoma hCG or hyperglycosylated
          hCG work by promoting cell invasion and growth, by blocking the
          normally TGFß modulated apoptosis (10).
            TGFß promotes apoptosis in all tissues. In promoting apoptosis it
          blocks tissue invasion and proliferation. TGFß activity is limited or
          absent in most cancers permitting growth and invasion. Malignancy
          may be modulated by blockage of TGFß activity and apoptosis (over
          4000 citations, references limited to recent reviews: 15,16). As
          published, hyperglycosylated hCG also promotes cell invasion and
          proliferation through blocking apoptosis in trophoblast cells (10), or
          works by a TGFß receptor-like controlled apoptosis mechanism.
            The ß-subunit of hCG has structural homology with TGFß. Both
          the ß-subunit of hCG and TGFß (and platelet derived growth factor
          and nerve growth factor) contain a exclusive cystine knot structure in
          which multiple disulfide bridges uniquely link anti-parallel peptides
          in the center of the molecule (17). A molecule the exact molecular
          size of hyperglycosylated hCG, has been shown to bind the TGFß
          receptor on choriocarcinoma cytotrophoblast cells (18). The binding
          of hyperglycosylated hCG to the TGFß receptor is inferred by both
          these molecular size studies and by obviousness (hyperglycosylated
          hCG functions by blocking apoptosis in choriocarcinoma, TGFß-
          regulates apoptosis and is absent in choriocarcinoma). It is inferred
          that hyperglycosylated hCG acts in an autocrine manner on the TGFß
          receptor, to antagonize TGFß action. In so doing it blocks apoptosis,
          as demonstrated (10), permitting cell growth and invasion. Through
          this pathway, cytotrophoblast hyperglycosylated hCG promotes
          invasion and growth in choriocarcinoma.
            As described above, blockage of hyperglycosylated hCG with a
          monoclonal antibody to hyperglycosylated hCG in nude mice
          xenograph       cancer   models,      completely    blocks     human
          choriocarcinoma growth and invasion or induces oncostasis (4,8). It
          is inferred, that administration of human antibodies to
          hyperglycosylated hCG or administration of a vaccine to
          hyperglycosylated hCG to humans would perform similarly in
          humans,       blocking     gestational    trophoblastic    neoplasm,
          choriocarcinoma and testicular germ cell malignancy growth,
          inducing oncostasis or effectively curing disease. Efforts have been
          made to license this technology and manufacturers to produce human
          antibodies for this purpose. There has been no interest because the
          diseases are rare and they would not make enough money. A
          company called CG Therapeutics Inc. in Seattle WA, is, however,
          producing a vaccine, that should be very useful for treatment of
          gestational trophoblastic disease and testicular germ cell
          malignancies in the future.

Structurally related molecules of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in gestational trophoblastic diseases


            Humans are unique in that over 60% of the energy intake in utero
          is used to support the developing brain’s nutritional needs, compared
          with just 20% used by 4300 other mammalian species (19,20). For a
          human to evolve there was a need for gestational mechanisms to
          support such a nutritionally demanding nervous system (19, 20). An
          ultra-deep hemochorial placental implantation mechanism evolved
          with humans to accommodate this human fetal nutritional need.
          Examining the evolution of hyperglycosylated CG, reveals that this
          molecule is the signal for placental invasion in humans, whether as in
          choriocarcinoma or at implantation as in pregnancy (4, 8). It also
          reveals the parallelism between the molecular evolution of this
          molecule and its biological activity and the evolution of the advanced
          systems in primates and humans. The evolution of hyperglycosylated
          CG appears to be at the root of the evolution of placental
          implantation to accommodate nutritional needs for human brain
            It appears that the amount of nutritional support or supply of
          energy in a species limits brain size and the development of the brain
          throughout gestation (19,20). Brain size is therefore related to the
          combination of body mass and the metabolic support of the
          developing progeny (21). How then did humans evolve an
          exceptionally large brain relative to body mass? They appear to have
          evolved a unique very deeply implanted placental mechanism to
          support the nutritional demands of the embryonic brain (Table 5.3).
          Primates have a two-fold greater brain to body mass than other
          mammals (22). At embryo implantation, cytotrophoblast cells of the
          placenta invade more deeply into the endometrium permitting greater
          vascular contact than occurs in other species (19-22). Uniquely in
          humans, under influence of high acidity hyperglycosylated hCG,
          cytotrophoblast cells invasion is deepest going to the inner third of
          the myometrium and permitting hemochorial bleeding of spiral
          arteries directly onto placental cells (19, 20, 23). This nutritionally
          supports supports development a cranial capacity relative to body
          mass that is three-fold greater than those of the most advanced
          primates. Evolution of primates and, to a greater extent, humans is
          marked by hemochorial placentation, deeper placental invasion,
          which thus provides the nutrients for brain development (Table 5.3).
          We ask, what are the mechanisms that have evolved in primates and
          humans that initiated this sequentially deeper invasion at
            CG is part of a family of hormones that includes luteinizing
          hormone (LH). These hormones are the glycoproteins hormones that
          share a common α-subunit coded by a single gene, and a separate ß-

Structurally related molecules of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in gestational trophoblastic diseases

          subunit which dictates hormone function (24,25). Fiddes et al., 1980
          (24) examined the DNA sequence for the ß-subunits of CG and LH
          and showed evolution of CG from LH in primates by a single
          deletion mutation in LH DNA and read-through into the 3’-
          untranslated region. Maston et al., 2002 (25) examined the DNA
          sequences of the ß-subunit of 14 primates and showed that CG was
          not present in prosimians the more primitive primates, but evolved
          with anthropoid primates. Frequent gene and sequence changes have
          occurred in the sequence of the CG ß-subunit with the evolution of
          anthropoid primates to catarrhine primates (orangutan and baboon)
          and hominids (25).
            The acidity of CG and LH in species affects their circulating half
          times and thus their serum concentrations and therefore their
          biopotency. Human CG has 4 O-linked oligosaccharides, all on its ß-
          subunit. These acidify it resulting in a molecule with a mean
          isoelectric point (pI) of 3.5, and a circulating half time of 2400
          minutes (26). Human LH, by comparison, has no O-linked
          oligosaccharides, a pI of 8.0 and circulating half time of just 25
          minutes. As such, CG circulates for approximately 100 times longer
          than hLH and is therefore approximately 100-fold more biologically
          active than LH.
            LH was the only progesterone promoting gonadotropin produced
          by early primates and other species (25). The rapid circulating half-
          time of LH very much limited its serum circulating concentration or
          biological activity.
            The earliest CG in anthropoid primates had 2 O-linked
          oligosaccharides on the ß-subunit at serine residues 121 and 132
          (25). This had a mean isoelectric point of 6.25 (Table 3). As a result
          of a point mutation at residue 127 (Asn→Ser), the more advanced
          catarrhine primates evolved further with 3 O-linked oligosaccharides
          (25,27). Then with the evolution of the hominoid ancestor, a point
          mutation occurred at residue 138 (Ala→Ser) and molecules were
          developed with 4 O-linked oligosaccharides (25). The 4 O-linked
          oligosaccharide molecule was the most acidic CG (26). The
          sequentially increasing circulating half-time of LH and then CG with
          0, 2, 3 and 4 O-linked oligosaccharides (pI 8, pI 6.3, pI 4.9 and pI
          3,5, respectively) with primitive species, anthropoid primates,
          catarrhine primates and then hominoid ancestors was associated with
          sequentially increasing serum concentrations or biological activities
          over the 100-fold range. As discussed in this article,
          hyperglycosylated CG is the cytotrophoblast cell or the stem placenta
          cell glycosylation variant of CG. The hyperglycosylated CG made by
          cytotrophoblast cells and regular CG made by syncytiotrophoblast
          cells status seemingly occurred with all primates. As such
          hyperglycosylated hCG evolved with increasing numbers of O-linked
          oligosaccharides parallel to the evolution of regular hCG.

Structurally related molecules of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in gestational trophoblastic diseases

          Hyperglycosylated CG therefore evolved with anthropoid primates
          and      exponentially    increasing    serum     concentrations    of
          hyperglycosylated CG with the evolution of species with molecules
          containing 2, 3 and 4 O-linked oligosaccharides respectively, leading
          to greater and greater acidity or biological activity which correlated
          with deeper and deeper implantation (Table 5.3).
            As discussed in this article, CG-H has separate biological functions
          to CG in cytotrophoblast invasion.             It is associated with
          cytotrophoblast growth and invasion through a TGFß - apoptosis
          mechanism. Hyperglycosylated CG with 2 O-linked oligosaccharides
          seemingly was expressed initially in anthropoid primates, this led to
          minimal invasion at implantation. Hyperglycosylated CG was then
          raised in concentration and biological activity with addition of a
          further O-linked oligosaccharides with the evolution of advanced
          catarrhine primates leading to deeper implantation (Table 5.3). It was
          raised further in activity with the addition of a one more O-linked
          oligosaccharide with the evolution of hominoid ancestors leading to
          the ultra deep implantation seen in humans.
            The hyperglycosylated hCG-associated evolution model may be
          optimal for nutrition and brain development in human but clearly
          comes with complications. As published, hyperglycosylated hCG is
          critical for appropriate implantation in humans, insufficient
          hyperglycosylated hCG leads to miscarriages (28). The incidence of
          pregnancy failures (miscarriages and early pregnancy losses) is much
          higher in humans (40%) than in rodents (10%) and all other species
          (10%). Furthermore, human placentas harbor hyperglycosylated
          hCG, an invasion-promoter critical for the super-implantation needed
          for human placentation to support the nutrition for brain
          development. As a complication of humans having this invasion
          promoting molecule, humans uniquely develop persistent mole,
          gestational trophoblastic neoplasm or choriocarcinoma.
            It is hypothesised that there is an evolutionary connection between
          the nutritional requirements for brain development in humans,
          placental invasion and implantation, advances in the development
          and glycosylation of hyperglycosylated CG, and the development of
          neoplastic gestational trophoblastic disease in humans.


          In the USA, all professional laboratory and point of care hCG tests
          are approved by the Food and Drug Administration for serum
          pregnancy testing only. All tests provide assistance in their

Structurally related molecules of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in gestational trophoblastic diseases

          information leaflet and guidance values for pregnancy testing only.
          Most test manufacturers recommend that the use of the test be
          confined to pregnancy testing. Currently, however, only about 65%
          of laboratory hCG testing is for pregnancy detection, approximately
          20% is for Down syndrome screening (triple and quadruple screen
          protocols) and 15% is for trophoblastic diseases and cancer
          applications. The proportion of tests for trophoblastic diseases and
          cancer applications is quite high because the average pregnant
          women has only two hCG tests, one to confirm pregnancy and one
          for Down syndrome screening. In contrast, the person with
          trophoblastic disease has as many as 80 or more hCG tests during
          multi-year monitoring. There is clearly a need for manufacturer’s to
          consider these “off label” applications, and to verify and certify use
          for serum and urine trophoblast disease management and other
          common applications.
             As described earlier in this review, hyperglycosylated hCG is the
          principal      form       of     hCG       produced      in     active
          choriocarcinoma/gestational trophoblastic neoplasm cases, hCG free
          ß-subunit is the principal hCG variant made in PSTT and non-
          trophoblastic neoplasms. Yet very few manufacturers, however, have
          calibrated their so called “total hCG” tests for equally detecting
          regular hCG, hyperglycosylated hCG and free ß-subunit (76). This is
          in part due to a lack of availability from WHO of a
          hyperglycosylated hCG standard. The FDA in the USA only requires
          calibration against the molecule called hCG or regular hCG (41, 76).
             Hyperglycosylated hCG is the predominant form of hCG produced
          in the three weeks following implantation in pregnancy (Table 5.1.
          During the first, second, third and subsequent weeks after
          implantation, hyperglycosylated hCG is gradually replaced with
          hCG; hyperglycosylated hCG accounting for >80%, 63%, 50% and
          25 to
Structurally related molecules of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in gestational trophoblastic diseases

          Table 5.4

            Circulating hCG (from hydatidiform mole) and hyperglycosylated
          hCG (from invasive trophoblast disease or choriocarcinoma)
          commonly becomes nicked as levels diminish after therapy (Table
          5.2) (5,6). hCG and hyperglycosylated hCG are nicked or cleaved at
          ß43-44, ß44-45 or ß47-48. This is a major a-subunit:ß-subunit
          hydrophobic and charge interaction or linkage point. As such,
          nicking leads to rapid dissociation of molecules (1), releasing the
          nicked free ß-subunit (34). In trophoblastic disease cases, when hCG
          values fall below 100 mIU/ml, nicked hCG and free ß-subunit often
          become the major or even sole sources of hCG immunoreactivity in
          serum (Table 5.2) (35,36). Cases have been reported in which a
          recurrence of invasive disease has been completely missed by use of
          an assay that does not detect nicked hCG (Table 5.4) (35). False
          negative results have also been observed using assays that do not
          detect free ß-subunit or nicked hCG. It appears that measurement of
          these molecules is essential for accurately monitoring hCG levels
          until they become undetectable, or reach background (
Structurally related molecules of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in gestational trophoblastic diseases

            In two independent studies we have observed nicked hCG missing
          the ß-subunit C-terminal peptide in trophoblast disease patient serum
          (32, 37). As shown in Table 5.4, only one of 11 tests appropriately
          detects nicked hCG missing the ß-subunit C-terminal peptide. In a
          recent study, 5 of 76 cases of complete mole and choriocarcinoma
          were shown to have significantly lower hCG values when tested with
          any one of 9 tests requiring the ß-subunit C-terminal peptide to be
          present (32). As found, 6 of 86 gestational trophoblastic disease cases
          (about 1 in 14) required detection of hCG missing ß-subunit C-
          terminal for meaningful management of trophoblastic disease.
            Multiple blind studies with no financial or commercial bias have
          been completed by the USA hCG Reference Service to investigate
          abilities of common commercial immunoassays to detect the
          different hCG-related molecules associated with trophoblastic
          diseases and cancers (32,41,76). As found, the Siemens Immulite
          hCG test is the only one that efficiently detects all of the hCG variant
          antigens in serum samples on an equimolar basis (Table 5.4). This is
          clearly the only appropriate test for management of cases with
          gestational trophoblastic disease and non-trophoblastic malignancies.
          All other tests either inappropriately failed to detect molecules
          missing the ß-subunit CTP, or failed to appropriately detect
          hyperglycosylated hCG, free ß-subunit or other molecules critical to
          gestational trophoblastic disease and cancer detection (Table 5.4).
          Centers managing gestational trophoblastic disease cases need to
          change to the Siemens Immulite test. We also blindly investigated
          the Charing Cross RIA (Table 5.4). This is the test used by the
          Charing Cross Gestational Trophoblastic Disease Center. This center
          has been at the root of many discoveries regarding gestational
          trophoblastic disease management and they have claimed that their
          RIA is the best assay alternative for them. As found in blind studies
          (Table 5.4), this RIA test inappropriately detects hCG free ß-subunit,
          nicked hCG missing the ß-subunit C-terminal peptide and urine ß-
          core fragment (32,41). Furthermore, as described later in this review,
          this type of assay has clear problems with false positive hCG results
            Blind studies were also carried out examining the abilities of
          different assay to appropriately detect 76 cases of gestational
          trophoblastic disease. As shown in Table 5.5, the Siemens Immulite
          assay once again proved to be the best test, with only 6 of 76 results
          varying from the median test result for 8 assays by more than 25%.
          By far the poorest results (72 of 76 values varying from the median
          result by more than 25%) were observed with the Charing Cross RIA
          (Table 5.5).

Structurally related molecules of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in gestational trophoblastic diseases

          Table 5.5

            It is concluded that hCG-related molecules may vary greatly in
          structure and size. In cases of trophoblast disease or non-
          trophoblastic malignancies, any one of the variants may constitute
          the sole form of hCG in serum or urine samples. It is important to
          talk with your laboratory and make sure that they are using an
          appropriate test which detects all the pertinent hCG-related
          molecules, before submitting samples for monitoring patients with
          trophoblastic diseases or other malignancies, or before making
          important decisions from the results. Based on blind and non-biased
          studies the Siemens Immulite is seemingly the only appropriate test
          for this purpose.


          The USA hCG Reference Service was started in January 1998 in
          response to repeated requests from physicians for help with
          confusing or inconsistent hCG results (28, 33, 42). It is a consulting
          service that investigates patient medical history, laboratory hCG
          records, and brands and versions of hCG tests used. It also
          independently measures in a single test concentrations of all common
          hCG-related molecules listed in Table 5.1 (Siemens Immulite hCG
          test), and regular hCG only, nicked hCG only, hyperglycosylated
          hCG only, free b-subunit only, and b-core fragment only in parallel
          serum and urine samples provided by patients (28, 33, 42). Dilution
          parallelism is investigated (1X value in undiluted sample and 1/3rd
          and 1/10th of the value in 3-fold and 10-fold diluted sample), as is the
          affect of HBT (Scantibodies Inc.), a heterophilic antibody/interfering
          substance blocking agent on all assay results (28,33, 42). A clinical
          records report is prepared for the physician on the nature of the hCG
          detected by the clinical laboratory, on the most likely source of the
          immunoreactivity (malignant gestational trophoblastic neoplasm,
          placental site trophoblastic disease, pituitary hCG, non-trophoblastic
          neoplasm, or false positive hCG) and on the suggested management
          of the case.

Structurally related molecules of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in gestational trophoblastic diseases

            The USA hCG Reference Service is United States Department of
          Health and Human Services CLIA certified for preparing data/reports
          for inclusion in patient records (CLIA ID# 32D0972561). The USA
          hCG Reference Service is monitored for consistency in results by the
          College of American pathologist. While called the USA Service,
          they consult on approximately 70 cases from throughout the USA
          and 20 cases from around the world (from Europe, Middle East,
          South America, South-east Asia) each year. In seven years there have
          been over 500 patient referrals to the USA hCG Reference Service
          for various reasons. Commonly the USA hCG Reference Service
          data confirms physician’s diagnoses of gestational trophoblastic
          diseases, persistent mole, ectopic pregnancy, placental site
          trophoblastic disease, testicular choriocarcinoma, or ovarian germ
          cell or other non-trophoblastic neoplasms. The USA hCG Reference
          Service also discusses and advises on a large number of cases of
          gestational trophoblastic disease on the telephone (over 500 further
          cases), making recommendations or suggesting tests that can be
          carried out in the patient’s locality. In addition the web site
          (www.hcglab.com) attracts approximately 200 e-mails from patients
          each year. Questions about hCG results, pregnancy, trophoblast
          disease and the soundness of the hCG test are addressed. Often
          patient inquiries by e-mail lead to home urine hCG testing, and
          sometimes to further outside hCG testing, physician involvement and
          USA hCG Reference Service testing to determine the validity of hCG
            Of particular interest has been the observation of numerous cases
          peri-menopause, post-menopause or following oophorectomy with
          pituitary hCG. This is very commonly mistaken for gestational
          trophoblastic neoplasm, or persistent malignancy if patient has no
          history (42). A very large number of false positive or phantom hCG
          cases have been identified, in which the patient received unnecessary
          therapy for the diagnosis of gestational trophoblastic disease
          (invasive/malignant disease or choriocarcinoma not confirmed by
          pathology). Also of interest has been the observation of a significant
          number of women producing low levels of normal pregnancy hCG
          with no clear physical evidence of tumor or new or recurrent
          trophoblastic disease, this is quiescent gestational trophoblastic
          disease.    The USA hCG Reference Service now uses the
          hyperglycosylated hCG test to identify quiescent gestational
          trophoblastic disease, and an hCG free ß-subunit test to identify
          patients with placental site trophoblastic disease. Here we will
          describe each one of these common findings of the USA hCG
          Reference Service, false positive hCG, pituitary hCG, quiescent
          gestational trophoblastic disease, placental site trophoblastic tumor.
          We also describe how the USA hCG Reference Service distinguishes
          each diagnosis.

Structurally related molecules of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in gestational trophoblastic diseases

          5.4.2 FALSE POSITIVE hCG

            In the first few months of operation of the USA hCG Reference
          Service, 3 unusual cases were investigated for gestational
          trophoblastic disease or choriocarcinoma (40). In all 3 cases the
          woman had an incidental pregnancy test prior to surgery which was
          positive. The positive hCG value persisted with small rises and
          reductions in reported hCG results. Ultrasound, dilation and curettage
          and laparoscopy ruled out pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy. The
          diagnosis of gestational trophoblastic disease or choriocarcinoma
          was made, even though there was no previous history of
          trophoblastic disease or physical evidence of tumor. In two of the 3
          cases chemotherapy was started, and in 1 case a hysterectomy was
          carried out. All 3 cases were then referred to the emerging USA
          hCG Reference Service (the need for the Service emerged from cases
          like this). At that time the reported hCG concentrations were 17, 53,
          110 IU/L, respectively. It was a surprise when false positive hCG
          results were demonstrated in these individuals. The findings
          indicated that the hCG test used by the physicians was detecting
          interfering antibodies rather than hCG (40).
            Now, after eight years of operation, and multiple publications on
          the false positive hCG problem (37-40,42-44), over 400 women have
          been referred to the USA hCG Reference Service for investigating
          potential false positive hCG results. To date (October 2007) 91
          women were shown to have had false positive hCG result. False
          positive results are due to interfering antibodies in the patient’s
          serum, whether human anti-animal antibodies gained from exposure
          to animals or human heterophilic antibodies. Human heterophilic
          antibodies are gained from immunoglobulin A deficiency disorder or
          history of mononucleosis (42-45). The interfering antibodies, just
          like hCG, can bridge the capture and tracer animal anti-hCG
          antibodies used in the hCG assay. In our experience, false positive
          hCG results can range from 2 to 1100 mIU/ml. We have never
          observed a false positive case with erroneous levels exceeding 1100
          mIU/ml (42-44).

          False positive results were identified by the following criteria (42-
              1. The finding of more than 5-fold differences in serum hCG
                 results with alternative immunoassays.
              2. The presence of hCG in serum and absence of detectable hCG
                 or hCG related molecule immunoreactivity in a parallel urine
                 sample (interfering antibodies are large glycoproteins. The do
                 not cross the glomerular basement membrane so do not
                 interfere with urine measurements).
              3. The observation of false positive results in other tests for

Structurally related molecules of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in gestational trophoblastic diseases

                 molecules not normally present in serum, such as urine b-core
              4. The finding that a heterophilic antibody blocking agent
                 (Scantibodies Inc. HBR) prevented or limited false detection
                 (confirmatory criterion).
              5. The finding that hCG results differ greatly when tested
                 undiluted, and diluted with serum.

            Other laboratories around the world have also identified cases
          having needless therapy due to false positive hCG results in modern
          hCG tests (45-50). Many false positive hCG results were reported in
          the nineteen eighties using the older RIA technology, and more
          recently false positive results coming from very few testing by
          centers still using the RIA technology today (41,51-53).
            The USA hCG Reference Service has also investigated cases with
          proven history of hydatidiform mole or choriocarcinoma with
          recurrence of disease. In 6 cases the recurrence was all or in part due
          to false positive hCG results. In 3 of these 6 cases chemotherapy or
          surgery was needlessly carried out to treat a phantom or false
          positive recurrence.
            In the remaining 85 false positive cases observed by the USA hCG
          Reference Service there was no history of trophoblastic disease and
          no direct physical evidence of a tumor. Patients were investigated
          and then treated according to protocol for a diagnosis of gestational
          trophoblastic disease or choriocarcinoma. The history of each of the
          85 false positive cases started with a positive incidental pregnancy
          test. Seventy of the cases had dilation and curettage and/or
          laparoscopy to exclude ectopic pregnancy. Fifty three received
          needless single agent chemotherapy or underwent high risk
          etoposide-based multi-agent chemotherapy. Nine had needless
          hysterectomy and/or bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy; in addition
          some had further major surgical procedures. Among the cases, false
          hCG immunoreactivity (at the time of USA hCG Reference Service
          consultation) ranged from 9 to 900 mIU/ml. Earlier false positive
          values of up to 1,100 IU/L were recorded. It is our understanding that
          in all cases after false positive hCG demonstration all treatment was
          halted, even though physician’s laboratory test remained positive. It
          is our experience that false positive results in a specific hCG assay
          may remain false positive for 3 or more years. Women having false
          positive hCG results can also have falsely elevated results in other
          immunoassays. The history of a representative false positive hCG
          case is outlined in Table 5.6.

Structurally related molecules of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in gestational trophoblastic diseases

          Table 5.6

            In the experience of the USA hCG Reference Service, most false
          positive hCG results have occurred in patients monitored by their
          medical center’s laboratory using the Abbott AxSym hCG test, the
          Siemens ACS180 and Siemens Centaur tests, by the Beckman
          Access and Dade Dimension tests, and the Ortho Vitro test. No cases
          referred to us were being monitored by their medical center using the
          Siemens Immulite or Roche Elecsys tests, indicating that these tests
          are less prone to false positive hCG test problems.
            False positive hCG results in the USA hCG Reference Service
          assay were prevented by pre-treatment of serum with the heterophilic
          antibodies blocking agent HBR (54). Heterophilic antibodies are
          bivalent human antibodies against other human antibodies, or against
          animal-like antibodies. Human antibodies can cross species and bind
          animal antibodies, like the mouse, rabbit, sheep and goat antibodies
          used in hCG tests. These cross species, bivalent, antibodies are able
          to act like hCG linking the capture and tracer antibodies. Their
          presence in blood can cause persistent false positive hCG results. The
          USA hCG Reference Service experience with HBR indicates that
          circulating heterophilic antibodies in patient blood are the cause of
          false positive results. The problem of human heterophilic antibodies
          and human anti-animal immunoglobulins is well known by
          commercial test manufacturers. Commonly, manufacturers add an
          excess of non-specific antibodies or animal serum to samples to
          avoid false positive results.
            Many of the medical doctors that managed the 91 cases referred to
          the USA hCG Reference Service, in which hCG was shown later to
          be due to false positive hCG results, observed a transient decrease in
          the hCG values in the time following chemotherapy or surgery. This

Structurally related molecules of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in gestational trophoblastic diseases

          misled physicians by wrongly indicating presence of disease and
          successful therapy of disease. The transient decrease may be due to
          an interim weakening of the immune system as a result of
          chemotherapy or surgery. This could reduce circulating antibody
          concentration, leading to decreased false hCG results.

          5.4.3 QUIESCENT               GESTATIONAL              TROPHOBLASTIC

          Among other unexpected results recorded by the USA hCG
          Reference Service are the finding of persistent low real (not false
          positive) hCG values in women, lacking evidence for tumor, rising
          hCG or any evidence of clinically active disease. These inactive
          gestational trophoblastic disease cases are called quiescent
          gestational trophoblastic disease cases (quiescent GTD). Quiescent
          GTD was diagnosed in these cases by the observation of persistent
          low levels of hCG (always
Structurally related molecules of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in gestational trophoblastic diseases

          Table 5.7

          Table 5.8

            Quiescent GTD, in our experience, always follows a history of
          choriocarcinoma/gestational trophoblastic disease, hydatidiform
          mole or occasionally an ectopic pregnancy or spontaneous abortion.
          A recent study by Sebire et al (54). indicates that all cases of
          gestational trophoblastic neoplasm following an ectopic pregnancy or
          spontaneous abortion are likely following an aborted or ectopic
          hydatidiform mole, though confirmatory pathology is often lacking.
          As such, the study by Sebire et al (54) confirms our observation that
          all cases of quiescent GTD are limited to cases with gestational
          trophoblastic disease.

Structurally related molecules of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in gestational trophoblastic diseases

            Hyperglycosylated hCG (hCG-H) testing aids in the diagnosis of
          quiescent GTD and the early detection of active GTN or
          choriocarcinoma. As discussed in a previous section of this review,
          hyperglycosylated hCG is the promoter or driving force of
          trophoblast cell growth and invasiveness or malignant disease. As
          such it is no surprise that absence of hyperglycosylated hCG
          production marks non-invasive non-propagating disease or quiescent
          GTD. Choriocarcinoma and choriocarcinoma cell lines comprise
          mainly invasive cytotrophoblast cells producing primarily the
          hyperglycosylated form of hCG (1,4,8-10). hCG-H is the
          predominant form of hCG in the circulation in invasive cases, GTN,
          and choriocarcinoma (1, 33, 42), but is not prominent or is absent in
          benign cases of hydatidiform mole or quiescent GTD. It is therefore
          likely to be a useful marker of invasive trophoblast behavior. Here
          we review the most recent publications on this possibility and
          compare findings with other reports.
            The recent papers by Cole, et al. demonstrates the usefulness of
          total hCG and hyperglycosylated hCG in detecting active GTN and
          quiescent GTD (33, 42). In these studies 83 women or histologically
          proven choriocarcinoma were compared with 95 benign disease
          controls, 26 patients with self resolving hydatidiform mole and 69
          with quiescent GTD. In addition, serial samples were collected from
          23 women with recurring disease. All were tested for total hCG and
          hyperglycosylated hCG. Hyperglycosylated hCG was calculated as
          the percentage of total hCG (percent hyperglycosylated hCG). There
          was no significant difference in the spread of hCG values between
          choriocarcinoma and gestational trophoblastic neoplasm, and no
          difference between quiescent GTD and self-resolving hydatidiform
          mole cases. In contrast, the percent hyperglycosylated hCG was very
          significantly higher in choriocarcinoma/GTN cases than in quiescent
          GTD (P
Structurally related molecules of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in gestational trophoblastic diseases

          hyperglycosylated hCG in identifying quiescent disease (55, 56).
            Follow-up data indicated that most cases of quiescent GTD lead to
          the diminution of hCG, or loss of hCG producing trophoblast cells.
          In the majority of cases this occurred within 6 months of the
          identification of quiescent gestational trophoblastic disease. In one
          rare case it persisted for 9 years (33,42-44). To date, in 23 cases,
          active disease followed the diagnosis of quiescent GTN (24% of
          cases). While the majority of cases that led to active disease were
          those       with     history      of     gestational      trophoblastic
          neoplasm/choriocarcinoma, a few were patients with history of non-
          invasive hydatidiform mole. We estimate an approximate 40%
          incidence of recurrent disease in patients with history of gestational
          trophoblastic neoplasm/choriocarcinoma and 10% incidence in those
          without history of invasive disease. Data suggests that quiescent
          GTD is a transient condition or pre-malignant disease.
            Repeat consultations were performed in 23 of 23 cases in which
          active disease was subsequently demonstrated. In 12 of 23 cases,
          proportion hyperglycosylated hCG results were able to first identify
          active disease 0.5 to 11 months prior to rapidly rising hCG or
          detection of clinically active neoplasia. In the remaining 11 cases
          proportion hyperglycosylated hCG showed active disease (needing
          chemotherapy) at the same time as rising hCG or demonstrable
          clinical tumor.
            Hyperglycosylated hCG is made by only cytotrophoblast cells, the
          invasive trophoblast cells (5,6). Since regular hCG is produced by
          syncytiotrophoblast and hyperglycosylated hCG by cytotrophoblast
          we conclude that the absence of detectable hyperglycosylated hCG in
          patients with quiescent GTD must be associated with conversion of
          cytotrophoblast to syncytiotrophoblast or by the total loss of all
          cytotrophoblast cells in patients. Clearly, when quiescent GTD
          transforms to active disease the number of cytotrophoblast cells must
          increase sufficiently to produce detectable hyperglycosylated hCG .
            Currently, multiple measurements of rising hCG results are
          required to identify new or recurrent choriocarcinoma/GTN. As
          shown by this data, a single measurement showing the presence of
          hCG-H is sufficient to demonstrate the presence of active disease and
          to initiate chemotherapy. This data presented on hyperglycosylated
          hCG in identifying quiescent GTD and in the early detection of
          recurrent active disease is seemingly sufficient to encourage the
          immediate adoption of hhcg as a marker for gestational trophoblastic
            With the availability of such an accurate diagnostic tool, physicians
          can avoid two pitfalls inherent in current hCG testing regimens.
          First, the use of an hyperglycosylated hCG assay allows physicians
          to determine the presence or absence of invasive disease, to treat
          those with active GTD or choriocarcinoma, and avoid unnecessary

Structurally related molecules of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in gestational trophoblastic diseases

          treatment in those with quiescent GTD. Second, the use of an hCG-
          H test would allow the physician to diagnose active disease in the
          timeliest fashion (without waiting for serial increases in hCG or
          physical observance of tumor) and thus initiate treatment at the
          earliest sign of actual invasive disease
            Physicians treating gestational trophoblastic disease are encouraged
          to use the hyperglycosylated hCG test to avoid unnecessary
          chemotherapy and surgery, and to initiate treatment of neoplastic
          disease as early as possible.

          5.4.4 PITUITARY hCG

          It is now 30 years since human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
          production was first demonstrated in healthy non-pregnant women
          (57). This hCG was shown in 1980 to be coming from the pituitary
          gland (59). As described in numerous publications, low level hCG
          production accompanies luteinizing hormone (LH) production at the
          time of the mid-cycle pre-ovulatory surge, as a normal part of human
          physiology (42, 57-64). Furthermore, significant pituitary derived
          hCG is normally present alongside LH due to the lack of suppression
          by estrogen and progesterone, and is measurable in serum and urine
          samples of postmenopausal women (59-63). In medical practice, a
          positive hCG test prior to menopause suggests a gestational event;
          either pregnancy or gestational trophoblastic disease (42,61,64). In
          practice, a positive hCG in menopausal women represents a
          quagmire, and a malignancy is commonly considered. The detection
          of hCG in blood after menopause often creates confusion in
          physicians unaware of the normal pituitary production of hCG which
          can lead to the erroneous assumption of malignant disease
          (42,61,64). When this assumption is made, necessary treatments may
          be delayed, expensive invasive testing initiated or toxic treatments
          given resulting in poor patient outcomes.
            In this past year, the USA hCG Reference Service has consulted on
          120 cases of peri-menopausal and postmenopausal women with
          measurable hCG. Nearly all cases had analogous histories and
          conclusions. In most of these, we informed the referring physicians
          about the normal physiology of pituitary hCG and suggested how to
          clinically confirm it. In almost every history, hCG was detected as
          part of pre-operative or pretreatment evaluation. Surgery, therapy or
          renal transplants were then postponed pending these consultations
          investigating the positive hCG result. In multiple cases needless
          hysterectomy was performed or chemotherapy given for assumed
          gestational trophoblastic neoplasm or assumed other malignant

Structurally related molecules of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in gestational trophoblastic diseases

            In cases evaluated by the USA hCG Reference Service, the age
          range was 29-69 year, (median age 52), 9 women were menopausal
          following oophorectomy (ages 29 to 40) and the balance were
          naturally menopausal due to age (age 45 to 69). The average hCG
          results at the time of consultation were 9.5 ± 6.5 mIU/ml and the
          range was 2.1 to 32 mIU/ml. In all cases low positive serum hCG
          results persisted from 3 months to 10 years. In the majority of cases
          attending physicians had inferred the presence of gestational
          trophoblastic disease or cancer.
            In all cases serum was tested for hyperglycosylated hCG (indicates
          active gestational trophoblastic disease, see previous section). No
          significant hyperglycosylated hCG was detected in any case
          (hyperglycosylated hCG 15 mIU/ml and >20 mIU/ml).
            It was concluded in all cases that the source of the persistent low
          levels of hCG were menopause and normal pituitary gland function.
          In all cases it was recommended that the source of hCG be confirmed
          by treatment of these women for 3 weeks or longer with a high
          estrogen contraceptive pill. If the hCG was of pituitary origin this
          should suppress production. To the best of USA hCG Reference
          Service knowledge, from feedback received, a high estrogen pill
          suppressed hCG production in all cases, confirming the pituitary
            This information about normal pituitary production of hCG peri-
          menopause (approximate age 40-55, and post-menopause
          approximate age 55>) is of great importance to physicians managing
          cases with persistent low levels of hCG and those managing cases
          with gestational trophoblastic disease (42-44). These findings show
          that persistent low levels of hCG (
Structurally related molecules of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in gestational trophoblastic diseases

          5.4.5 FREE ß-SUBUNIT                       AND      PLACENTAL             SITE

          Placental site trophoblastic tumors (PSTT) usually presents with
          amenorrhea or irregular vaginal bleeding commonly following a
          normal pregnancy, spontaneous abortion or occasionally after a
          hydatidiform mole (65-68). PSTT is generally associated with
          significantly lower hCG levels than choriocarcinoma (
Structurally related molecules of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in gestational trophoblastic diseases

          Table 5.9

            Two types of PSTT patients were referred to the USA hCG
          Reference Service. Firstly, those with history of PSTT to determine
          whether a new elevation of hCG was real (hCG was confirmed as
          real and not false positive). Secondly, those with persistent low levels
          of hCG of unknown source, in all these cases PSTT was later
          identified by histology. At total of 7 cases were referred between
          2001 and 2004 (Table 9). When examined collectively, persistent
          low hCG ranged from 0.77 to 236 mIU/ml, and no significant
          hyperglycosylated hCG was identified (
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