WHAT'S Coastal Bend Co-op - NEW - London ISD

WHAT'S Coastal Bend Co-op - NEW - London ISD
2020        OPEN          ENROLLMENT

  Coastal Bend Co-op

New Medical Plan Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX)
FSA Allowable Max Increase for 2020
HSA Allowable Max Increase for 2020

WHAT'S Coastal Bend Co-op - NEW - London ISD

Due to COVID 19 Pandemic, you will complete
your enrollment online. There will not be                                  VIRTUAL ENROLLMENT DATES
enrollers on site. Call center assistance is                               JULY 15, 2020—AUGUST 21, 2020
available to help with any questions.
Now is the time to make your supplemental                                  BENEFIT WEBSITE
benefit elections for a 09/01/2020 effective                               WWW.CBEBC.COM
date. During your annual enrollment period, you
may enroll for additional benefits, change plan
options, or change dependents. For
supplemental benefits that require Evidence of                             CALL CENTER
Insurability, a later effective date may apply.                            (866) 914-5202
                                                                           8 AM TO 7:00 PM
If you experience a special enrollment event
outside the annual enrollment period, changes
in employee and/or dependent coverage must                                 DOWNLOAD APP:
be submitted to the benefits office within 30
days of the event date. For more information,                              TEXT FBS CBEBC
please contact your benefits administrator.                                TO 313131


            CLICK LOGIN:

    3       All login credentials have been RESET to the following defaults:
            The first six (6) characters of your last name, followed by the first
            letter of your first name, followed by the last four (4) digits of
            your Social Security Number.

            If you have six (6) or less characters in your last name, use your
            full last name, followed by the first letter of your first name,
            followed by the last four (4) digits of your Social Security
            Default Password:
            Last Name* (lowercase, excluding punctuation) followed by the
            last four (4) digits of your Social Security Number.
WHAT'S Coastal Bend Co-op - NEW - London ISD

EFFECTIVE 9/1/2020, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) will be the new health plan administrator for TRS-
ActiveCare medical benefits. Benefit and premium changes will apply to all TRS-ActivCare plans for the next plan year.

Plan Options

      TRS-ActiveCare Primary NEW

      TRS-Active Care HD (formerly 1-HD)
     If currently enrolled in TRS-AC1HD and make no changes, you will be enrolled in this plan.

      TRS-ActiveCare Primary+ (formerly Select)
     If currently enrolled in TRS-AC Select and make no changes, you will be enrolled in this plan.
      To review new premiums and plan options, refer to 2020-21 TRS-ActiveCare Plan Highlights on your benefit website.

South Texas Blue Essentials HMO
If currently enrolled in an HMO in South Texas, you will be enrolled in this plan.

Social Security Numbers for your dependentss are required regardless if they are enrolled in coverage or not. Please make sure
you have these items on hand when going through your open enrollment.

Telehealth services allow you the ability to save on out-of-pocket expenses and will reduce time away from your work and your
family. Please remember to utilize your Telehealth services for minor medical needs.

Please remember, in order to maximize insurance coverage and reduce out of pocket expenses you should utilize In-Network
providers for both Dental and Vision benefits.

Benefits elections will become effective 9/1/2020 (elections requiring evidence of insurability, such as life insurance, may have a
later effective date if approved.) After annual enrollment closes, benefit changes can only be made if you experience a qualify-

     Please note, the information provided in this flyer is a highlight of your benefits options. For full policy details, limitations
           And exclusions, please review the corresponding Plan Information documents available on the benefit website
WHAT'S Coastal Bend Co-op - NEW - London ISD
2020 OPEN

DISABILITY                                                     CRITICAL ILLNESS
Disability insurance protects one of your most valuable        Critical illness insurance can be used towards medical or
assets, your paycheck. This insurance will replace a portion   other expenses. It provides a lump sum benefit payable
of your income in the event that you become physically         directly to the insured upon diagnosis of a covered
unable to work due to sickness or injury for an extended       condition or event, like a heart attack or stroke. The money
period of time.                                                can also be used for non-medical costs related to
                                                               the illness, including transportation, child care, etc.
Dental insurance is a coverage that helps defray the costs     ACCIDENT
of dental care. It insures against the expense of routine      Do you have kids playing sports, are you a weekend
care, dental treatment and disease.                            warrior, or maybe accident prone? Accident plans are
                                                               designed to help pay for medical costs associated with
VISION                                                         accidents and benefits are paid directly to you.
Vision insurance provides coverage for routine eye
examinations and can help with covering some of the costs      TELEHEALTH
for eyeglass frames, lenses or contact lenses.                 Telehealth provides 24/7/365 access to board-certified
                                                               doctors via telephone or video consultations that can
HOSPITAL INDEMNITY                                             diagnose, recommend treatment and prescribe medication.
This is an affordable supplemental plan that pays you          Telehealth makes care more convenient and accessible for
should you be in-patient hospital confined. This plan          non-emergency care when your primary care physician is
complements your health insurance by helping you pay for       not available.
costs left unpaid by your health insurance.
                                                               Cancer insurance offers you and your family supplemental
                                                               insurance protection in the event you or a covered family
Group term life is the most inexpensive way to purchase
                                                               member is diagnosed with cancer. It pays a benefit
life insurance. You have the freedom to select an amount
                                                               directly to you to help with expenses associated with
of life insurance coverage you need to help protect the
                                                               cancer treatment.
well-being of your family.

Accidental Death & Dismemberment is life insurance             MEDICAL TRANSPORT
coverage that pays a death benefit to the beneficiary,         Medical Transport covers emergency transportation to and
should death occur due to a covered accident.                  from appropriate medical facilities by covering the out-of-
Dismemberment benefits are paid to you, according to           pocket costs that are not covered by insurance. It can
the benefit level you select, if accidentally dismembered.     include emergency transportation via ground ambulance,
                                                               air ambulance and helicopter, depending on the plan.
                                                               IDENTITY THEFT
Individual insurance is a policy that covers a single person
                                                               Identity theft protection monitors and alerts you to
and is intended to meet the financial needs of the
                                                               identity threats. Resolution services are included should
beneficiary, in the event of the insured’s death. This
                                                               your identity ever be compromised while you are
coverage is portable and can continue after you leave
employment or retire.

                                                                    CALL CENTER INFORMATION
                                                                    Number: (866) 914-5202
                                                                    Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 A.M. - 7:00 P.M.
                                                                    Spanish Assistance Available
WHAT'S Coastal Bend Co-op - NEW - London ISD
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