What's on for over 55s - active healthy happy - LinkAge

Page created by Theodore Evans
What's on for over 55s - active healthy happy - LinkAge
active • healthy • happy

what’s on
for over 55s
Central & East Bristol 2018
Activities available by locality
                      Area                                                Post code          Page
                      Ashley / Easton / Lawrence Hill                     BS2, BS5           7 - 10
                      Central / Clifton / Harbourside                     BS8                16
                      Greater Fishponds: Frome Vale /
                      Eastville / Hillfields and Kingswood                BS15, BS16         17 - 18
                      St George                                           BS5                12 - 15
                      Citywide                                            BS1 - BS16         5-6

                      Key to activities
Index of Activities

                              Accessible                                     Dementia Friendly

                              Parking                                        Refreshments

                              Macmillan Taster Tokens*                       Toilets
                      *See page 11 for further information about Macmillan Taster Tokens.

                      This guide has been produced in partnership with The Care Forum and
                      LinkAge Network, with funding from Bristol Ageing Better.

                      Cover photograph credit of Cheryl Martin.

                       Activity details are correct at the time of print, please call to confirm details.
Active Ageing Bristol is a collaboration between Bristol
Sport Foundation, The Anchor Society and St Monica
Trust. With support from LinkAge Network they have

                                                                                      About Active Ageing Bristol
spearheaded one of the UK’s first physical activity and
sport initiatives for older people.

The specially-targeted programme aims to get more people
from the local area and over the age of 55, involved more
regularly, in physical activity, coaching and volunteering.

Better co-ordination of sports provision, creative means for
improved participation and more accessible opportunities are
just three of the key areas Active Ageing Bristol will explore                               3
and look to implement.

Karen Lloyd, Active Ageing Bristol Manager said:
“The guides are based on the wealth of existing
provision in the greater Bristol area. Over time,
Active Ageing Bristol will both sustain and
develop new opportunities to encourage older
people to become and stay active.”
 Activity details are correct at the time of print, please call to confirm details.
About sponsors
                 Bristol Sport
                 Martin Griffiths, Chairman said: “Active
                 Ageing Bristol is an opportunity to
                 really make a difference to older
                 people across the city. What we
                 are looking to do is build pathways
                 to friendship, and put an end to

                 St Monica Trust
                 Sara Naylor-Wild, Director said: “We
About Sponsors

                 are proud to support this initiative and
                 be a key player in its development and
                 implementation. 36% of people aged
                 55+ are inactive. A 30 minute daily
                 walk for example can make a huge

   4             The Anchor Society
                 Richard Pendlebury, CEO said: “Many
                 older people can suffer from feelings of
                 isolation and loneliness. Participation
                 in physical activity is a great way to
                 meet new friends. We look forward
                 to seeing more older people getting
                 involved with the programme.”

                 Activity details are correct at the time of print, please call to confirm details.
Bristol Active Life Project                Rowing 55+
The project offers physical activity                       Come and try.
sessions across Bristol for those                          Beginners
living with long term mental                               welcome! Fun
health needs.                                              for all abilities.
When: Monday - Friday                                      Bring a change of
Time: Various                                              clothes. Limited
                                                           places available.
Cost: £3 - £4
                                           When: Wednesday
Venue: Bristol wide
                                           Time: 10am - 12pm
Contact: 0117 919 5769
                                           Cost: £7
                                           Venue: Pooles Wharf Activity
                                           Centre, BS8 4RU
                                           Contact: Booking essential - 0749
Walking Orienteering                       534 1975
                 Love Maps?

                 Come and
                 navigate your
                 own way around
                 a course as               Indoor Roped Climbing for
                 best you can.             the over 55s
                 Beginners and             An instructor-led roped climbing
over 55s welcome!                          session for beginners, held at
When: Wednesday (until 18th July)          Bristol’s famous climbing centre  5
Time: Start between 5:30pm –               ‘The Church’.
7.30pm. Finish by 8.15pm                   When: Thursday
Cost: £7.50                                Time: 12pm - 1:30pm
Venue: Various - www.                      Cost: £10
bristolorienteering.org.uk/events          Venue: St Werburgh’s Centre, Mina
Contact: Alan - 01453 899976               Road, BS2 9YT
                                           Contact: 0117 941 3489

 Activity details are correct at the time of print, please call to confirm details.
55+ Woodland Trail Biking Life Cycle Over 55 Group
           Sessions include; a warm up,           Cycle Rides
           bike safety check, a ride through                            Regular sociable
           flatter section of woods, option                             group cycle
           to try more challenging trails and                           rides meeting at
           basic skills training. Starting June -                       various locations
           September 2018.                                              across the City.
           When: Thursday (exc. 9th August)                             We offer one
           Time: 3:30pm - 5pm                         to one lessons, gentle returners
                                                      / beginners rides and more
           Cost: £7 (£5 extra for bike hire)
                                                      challenging rides around Bristol.
           Venue: Pedal Progression, Ashton
                                                      When: Various
           Court Estate Bike Hub, BS8 3PX
                                                      Time: Various
           Contact: 0117 973 1298
                                                      Cost: Optional £3 donation
                                                      Venue: Various
                                                      Contact: 0117 353 4580

           Life Cycle Over 55 Cycle
                         Buddy Scheme
                      Starting in June
                      2018, Life Cycle
                      UK is running                    See page 15 for citywide
                      a ‘Cycle Buddy’
                      scheme that pairs
                                                         Walking for Health
 6                                                            Schemes.
                      new or returning
   cyclists in their neighbourhood.
   When: Various                                       Walking for Health partnership offer
   Time: Various                                       over 40 free, short led walks every
   Cost: Free                                          week across the city, organised by 6
                                                                  local schemes.
   Venue: Various
                                                       Walking is a great way to be active,
   Contact: 0117 353 4580
                                                       stay healthy and meet new friends.

            Activity details are correct at the time of print, please call to confirm details.
60+ Badminton                              Gentle Dance 55+
Badminton sessions for people                                Friendly and
aged 60+.                                                    relaxed dance
When: Monday                                                 sessions on
Time: 2pm - 4pm                                              a large dance
                                                             floor. Everyone
Cost: £3.40                                                  is welcome, no
Venue: Kingsdown Sports Centre,                              partner required.
Portland Street, BS2 8HL                                     This class will
Contact: 0117 903 1633                     cover various styles and music.
                                           When: Monday
                                           Time: 1pm - 3pm

                                                                                      Ashley / Easton / Lawrence Hill
                                           Cost: £3
On Track: Easton Weekly                    Venue: Trinity Centre, Trinity Road,
            Walk                           BS2 0NW
                  A starter walk           Contact: Karina - 0117 935 1200
                  of less than 1
                  miles for those
                  recovering from
                  illness or injury.
                  Also for people
                                           Senior Badminton
wanting to get out and increase            Meet fellow senior badminton
their fitness on a gentle walk.            players from the community who
                                           enjoy playing the game not at a                    7
When: Tuesday
                                           competitive level.
Time: 12pm - 12:30pm
                                           When: Tuesday
Cost: Free
                                           Time: 2pm - 3:30pm
Venue: Easton Community Centre,
                                           Cost: £3.30
Kilburn Street, BS5 6AW
                                           Venue: Easton Leisure Centre,
Contact: Morowa (BCC Health
                                           Thissell Street, BS5 0SW
Improvement) - 0117 922 3470
                                           Contact: 0117 955 8840

 Activity details are correct at the time of print, please call to confirm details.
Skittles                                   Staying Steady Class
                                  Classic pub game for fun. Easy to                            Strength and
                                  learn, difficult to master and great                         balance class
                                  fun for beginners and experts                                to help build
                                  alike. Booking essential.                                    strength, walk
                                  When: Wednesday                                              steadily and
                                  Time: 2pm                                                    lower your risk
                                                                                               of falling. During
                                  Cost: Free                                                   the class you
                                  Venue: The Ship Inn, Redcliff Hill,        might use equipment.
                                  BS1 6PA                                    When: Wednesday
                                  Contact: 0117 305 2365                     Time: 11am - 12pm
Ashley / Easton / Lawrence Hill

                                                                             Cost: £3.50
                                                                             Venue: Easton Leisure Centre,
                                                                             Thissell Street, BS5 0SW
                                  SwingTrain                                 Contact: 0117 955 8840
                          SwingTrain is
                          a swing dance
                          inspired workout
                          programme that
                          brings the joy, fun                                Pilates (Women Only)
                          and community                                      A lovely women’s only Pilates
                          feeling of swing                                   class run in our main hall.
       8                  dance to the gym!                                  When: Thursday
         When: Wednesday                                                     Time: 1:35pm - 2:45pm
         Time: 7:45pm - 8:45pm                                               Cost: £3
         Cost: £6                                                            Venue: Easton Community Centre,
         Venue: Easton Community Centre,                                     Kilburn Street, BS5 6AW
         Kilburn Street, BS5 6AW                                             Contact: Daisy Rajput - 0117 922
         Contact: www.swingtrain.com                                         3422 / 0787 681 4565

                                   Activity details are correct at the time of print, please call to confirm details.
Softball Cricket                           Energise
Established group playing fun,                                 Exercise for
non-competitive cricket. Open to                               individuals
everyone experienced or not, to                                who have been
get you moving and improve co-                                 affected by
ordination.                                                    cancer, whose
When: Thursday                                                 quality of life can
Time: 3pm - 4pm                                                be maintained
                                                               through activity.
Cost: £3
                                           When: Thursday
Venue: Easton Leisure Centre,
Thissell Street, BS5 0SW                   Time: 12:45pm
Contact: Kelvin - 0117 924 4401            Cost: Call for details

                                                                                      Ashley / Easton / Lawrence Hill
                                           Venue: Easton Leisure Centre,
                                           Thissell Street, BS5 0SW
                                           Contact: 0117 903 8600

Tai Chi for over 55s
                  Gentle Tai Chi
                  with Dennison, a
                  very experienced         Zumba Gold
                  teached for              Active older adults who are
                  people aged 55+.         looking for a modified Zumba
                  No experience is         class, at a lower intensity.
                  needed, just drop        When: Friday                                       9
                  in and have a go.
                                           Time: 2pm - 3pm
When: Friday
                                           Cost: £3.65
Time: 2pm - 3pm
                                           Venue: Easton Leisure Centre,
Cost: £3                                   Thissell Street, BS5 0SW
Venue: St Werburgh’s Community             Contact: 0117 955 8840
Centre, Horley Road, BS2 9TJ
Contact: 0117 955 1351

 Activity details are correct at the time of print, please call to confirm details.
Over 50s Swimming                          Exercise Referral Scheme
                                  Casual swimming for the over 50                                A 12 week tailor-
                                  age group.                                                     made package
                                  When: Various                                                  of exercise
                                  Time: Various                                                  sessions,
                                                                                                 especially for
                                  Cost: £2.50                                                    people with or at
                                  Venue: Easton Leisure Centre,                                  risk of developing
                                  Thissell Street, BS5 0SW                                       health problems.
                                  Contact: 0117 955 8840                     When: Various
                                                                             Time: Various
                                                                             Cost: Call for details
Ashley / Easton / Lawrence Hill

                                                                             Venue: Kingsdown Sports Centre,
                                  Dementia Friendly                          Portland Street, BS2 8HL
                                              Swimming                       Contact: 0117 903 1637
                     Dementia friendly
                     swimming are
                     quieter sessions
                     at swimming
                     pools with
                                                                             Exercise Referral Scheme
                     trained staff and                                       A 12 week tailor-made package
   appropriate facilities. Carers go                                         of exercise sessions, especially
   free!                                                                     for people with or at risk of
10 When: Various                                                             developing health problems.
                                                                             When: Various
   Time: Various
                                                                             Time: Various
   Cost: £2.50
                                                                             Cost: Call for details
   Venue: Easton Leisure Centre,
   Thissell Street, BS5 0SW                                                  Venue: Easton Leisure Centre,
                                                                             Thissell Street, BS5 0SW
   Contact: 0117 955 8840
                                                                             Contact: 0117 903 8600

                                   Activity details are correct at the time of print, please call to confirm details.
Macmillan Prevention and
Re-enablement Project
Get active, have fun, feel better
LinkAge Network and Macmillan Cancer Support are working
together to support people aged 55+ living with and beyond
cancer, to access a range of inspiring activities across Bristol.
What do we offer?
• Exciting opportunities from volunteering
  to becoming more socially engaged, we’ve

                                                                                     About Macmillan Taster Tokens
  got you covered
• Macmillan Taster Tokens*
• Tailored information and guidance to help
  you get moving
• Wellbeing Days showcasing activities and
  services in Central/East Bristol (taking
  place later this summer, so register today!)
Macmillan Taster Tokens*
The Macmillan project has teamed up with activity providers                          11
across Bristol to offer people who have been affected by cancer,
the opportunity to access five activitiy sessions for free.
The Macmillan ‘Taster Tokens’ can be used at activities
marked with an on the LinkAge Network website and
associated activity brochures.
To find out more call
the Macmillan team on:
0117 353 3042
Activity details are correct at the time of print, please call to confirm details.
Table Tennis                               Gentle Exercise
            Get active by joining The Beehive                                 This low-impact
            Centre’s friendly table tennis.                                   class is designed
            It’s great for balance and co-                                    specifically
            ordination. The rules are easy to                                 for those with
            learn.                                                            reduced mobility.
            When: Monday and Friday                                           Inc. chair-based
            Time: 1pm - 4pm                                                   exercises to
                                                       Photo: Artur Tixiliski improve mobility,
            Cost: £2                                   posture, strength and balance.
            Venue: The Beehive Centre, 19a             When: Tuesday
            Stretford Road, BS5 7AW                    Time: 2pm - 3:30pm
            Contact: 0117 935 4471                     Cost: Free
                                                       Venue: Wellspring Healthy Living
                                                       Centre, Beam Street, BS5 9QY
                                                       Contact: 0117 304 1400
St George

            Walking Group
                              A level 1/2 walk
                              around St Georges
                              Park. Especially
                              suitable for             Keep Fit
                              people with              Improve fitness and flexibility,
                              limited mobility         with a stretch and tone. Can be
                              who want to get          done both seated and standing.
                              active.                  Company is great too!
            When: Tuesday                              When: Wednesday
            Time: 10:30am - 11:30am                    Time: 2pm - 3pm
            Cost: Free                                 Cost: £3.50
            Venue: The Beehive Centre, 19a             Venue: The Beehive Centre, 19a
            Stretford Road, BS5 7AW                    Stretford Road, BS5 7AW
            Contact: 0117 935 4471                     Contact: 0117 935 4471

             Activity details are correct at the time of print, please call to confirm details.
Tai Chi (Beginners)                          Tai Chi (Advanced)
Friendly beginners class focusing                             A more advanced
on balance, health with a gentle                              class focusing on
workout. You only require flat                                balance, health
shoes and comfy clothes.                                      and wellbeing.
When: Wednesday                                               You only require
Time: 10:30am - 11:30am                                       flat shoes and
                                                              comfy clothes.
Cost: £4
                                             When: Wednesday
Venue: The Beehive Centre, 19a
Stretford Road, BS5 7AW                      Time: 11:30am - 12:30pm
Contact: 0117 935 4471                       Cost: £4
                                             Venue: The Beehive Centre, 19a
                                             Stretford Road, BS5 7AW
                                             Contact: 0117 935 4471

Bellyfit for women

                                                                                       St George
                         A fun class that
                         aerobic dance       Yoga with Mindfulness
                         moves to improve    This is a class for mind and body
                         fitness, strength   which works on both at the same
                         and coordination.   time! We use yoga stretches and
                         Not suitable for    breathing exercises as a focus.
Photo: Artur Tixiliski   those with joint    When: Wednesday                           13
problems.                                    Time: 7:30pm - 8:30pm
When: Wednesday                              Cost: £6
Time: 6:45pm - 8pm                           Venue: S.E.A ‘School of Exception
Cost: £2                                     Arts, 1 Greenbank Road, BS5 6EZ
Venue: Wellspring Healthy Living             Contact: 0790 394 0694
Centre, Beam Street, BS5 9QY
Contact: 0117 304 1400

  Activity details are correct at the time of print, please call to confirm details.
Yoga (Beginners)                           Vinyasa Flow Yoga
            Join The Beehive Centre for                                    In vinyasa
            beginners yoga in our beautiful                                yoga classes
            Sunlife Room, for a gentle session.                            you coordinate
            When: Thursday                                                 movement with
            Time: 7pm - 7:45pm                                             breath to flow
                                                                           from one pose
            Cost: £6                                                       to the next. An
            Venue: The Beehive Centre, 19a                                 advanced yoga.
            Stretford Road, BS5 7AW                    When: Thursday
            Contact: 0117 935 4471                     Time: 8pm - 9pm
                                                       Cost: £7.50
                                                       Venue: The Beehive Centre, 19a
                                                       Stretford Road, BS5 7AW
            Ballroom Dance                             Contact: 0117 935 4471
                              Learn to Waltz,
St George

                              Quickstep, even
                              Foxtrot at The
                              Beehive Centre!
                              Join us for a cuppa      Line Dancing (Beginners)
                              and a chat after         Learning to dance in formation.
                              the session.             Come and learn the basic steps,
   When: Thursday                                      then join in with the main class.
14 Time: 12:30pm - 1:30pm                              When: Friday
   Cost: £3                                            Time: 10am - 10:30am
   Venue: The Beehive Centre, 19a                      Cost: £4
   Stretford Road, BS5 7AW                             Venue: The Beehive Centre, 19a
   Contact: 0117 935 4471                              Stretford Road, BS5 7AW
                                                       Contact: 0117 935 4471

             Activity details are correct at the time of print, please call to confirm details.
Line Dancing                               Gentle Exercise - Women Only
Line dancing is a fun exercise,                                   Low-impact
which involves learning to dance                                  class for those
in formation. No partner required.                                specifically with
When: Friday                                                      reduced mobility.
Time: 10:30am - 11:30am                                           Inc. chair-based
                                                                  exercises to
Cost: £4                                                          improve mobility,
Venue: The Beehive Centre, 19a             Photo: Artur Tixiliski posture, balance.
Stretford Road, BS5 7AW                    When: Call for details
Contact: 0117 935 4471                     Time: Call for details
                                           Cost: Free
                                           Venue: Wellspring Healthy Living
                                           Centre, Beam Street, BS5 9QY
                                           Contact: 0117 304 1400
Walking for Health

                                                                                      St George
Schemes Across Bristol
Scheme: Downs Walking Group                Scheme: Hengrove Park Leisure
Contact/s: Jeff Rowland - 0798             Centre
502 4650 / timothydowling12@               Contact: Naomi Button - 0117
gmail.com                                  937 0200 / hengrove.referral@
Scheme: Knowle West Health Park                                                       15
Contact: Laura Hathway -                   Scheme: Scheme: Ramblers
0117 377 2255 / lhathway@                  Walking for Health
knowlewesthealthpark.co.uk                 Contact: Darron Hamilton - 0791
                                           750 3766 / darron.hamilton@
Scheme: St Monica Trust                    bristol.gov.uk
Contact: Dan Lewin - 0117 305
2365 / dan.lewin@stmonicatrust.            Scheme: WalkOut Bristol
org.uk                                     Contact: David Sully - 0781 440
                                           3123 / walkout@lgbtbristol.co.uk
 Activity details are correct at the time of print, please call to confirm details.
Tai Chi                                    Jacob Wells Tai Chi
                                  Classes are mixed ability. Half                              Come and meet
                                  hour warm up followed by group                               other people in
                                  work, each run by a senior student                           your community
                                  and overseen by Mark.                                        in a friendly and
                                  When: Monday                                                 relaxed class.
                                  Time: 7pm - 9pm                                              Can be done
                                                                                               standing, sitting
                                  Cost: Call for details                                       or a mixture of
                                  Venue: Victoria Methodist Church,          both. Beginners and those with
                                  1a Whiteladies Road, BS8 1NU               experience are welcome.
                                  Contact: 01934 621184                      When: Thursday
                                                                             Time: 10:30am
Central / Clifton / Harbourside

                                                                             Cost: £5 (£4 for those on benefits)
                                                                             Venue: The Students Union, The
                                  Ballet Seniors for over 55s                Richmond Building, 105 Queens
                    A fun, friendly                                          Road, BS8 1LN
                    class for                                                Contact: Judy Goldsmith -
                    beginners and                                            jwrhub@gmail.com
                    those with
                    experience, that
                    includes barre and
                    centre work using
16                  classical ballet
   exercises, music and repertoire.
   When: Friday
   Time: 11:15am - 12:15pm
   Cost: £5 drop in / £25 for 6 classes
   Venue: The Station, Silver Street,
   BS1 2AG
   Contact: Anna - 0785 298 8895

                                   Activity details are correct at the time of print, please call to confirm details.
Walking Rugby                              Walking Football
Outdoors Walking Rugby sessions                                Weekly walking
for men and women at King’s Oak                                football sessions
Academy 3G. Turn up and play.                                  for people over
When: Tuesday                                                  the age of 55
Time: 8pm - 9pm                                                at Fishponds
Cost: £3                                                       Academy.
Venue: King’s Oak Academy 3G,              When: Tuesday
Brook Road, Kingswood, BS15 4JT
                                           Time: 8pm - 9pm
Contact: Declan - 0117 958 1651
                                           Cost: £3
                                           Venue: Fishponds Metropolitan

                                                                                      Greater Fishponds / Kingswood
                                           Academy, Snowdon Rd, BS16 2HD
                                           Contact: Matt - 0117 952 2581
Fishponds Friendship and
            Exercise Club
                Aimed at older
                people who want
                to keep active in          Time to Move
                older age, improve         Stay Active - keep young and
                self-confidence            flexible. Friendly, supportive and
                and maintain               fun! Improve balance, coordination
independence. Gentle exercises,            and mobility. Gain confidence and
light refreshments and games.              a positive sense of wellbeing.     17
When: Tuesday                              When: Wednesday
Time: 10am - 11:30am                       Time: 10am - 11am
Cost: £4                                   Cost: £5
Venue: Fishponds Baptist Church,           Venue: Stapleton Church Hall, 23
9 Downend Road, BS16 5AS                   Park Road, BS16 1AZ
Contact: Spencer - 0782 515 5954           Contact: 0750 593 7156

 Activity details are correct at the time of print, please call to confirm details.
Walking Rugby                              Walking Football
                                Walking Rugby, gender neutral. All                             Weekly walking
                                welcome. Touch Rugby, minimal                                  football sessions
                                contact. Strict adherence to the                               at SGS College
                                laws of Walking Rugby.                                         Wise Campus for
                                When: Wednesday                                                people aged 55+.
                                                                                               Term time only.
                                Time: 6:30pm - 8pm
                                Cost: £3 (+ mem. £20 per season)
                                                                           When: Wednesday
                                Venue: Kingswood RFC, Grimsby
                                                                           Time: 11am - 12pm
                                Road, BS15 9RA
                                                                           Cost: £3
                                Contact: John - 0795 416 4590
                                                                           Venue: SGS College Wise Campus,
Greater Fishponds / Kingswood

                                                                           New Road, Stoke Gifford, BS34
                                                                           Contact: Matt - 0117 952 2581
                                Staying Steady Class
                                                  Strength and
                                                  balance class
                                                  to help build
                                                  strength, walk           Walking Badminton
                                                  steadily and             An indoor all abilities opportunity
                                                  lower your risk of       to try or return to slower paced
                                                  falling. During the      badminton fun!
                                                  class you might          When: Thursday
                                                  use equipment.
                                                                           Time: 11am - 12pm
                                When: Thursday
                                                                           Cost: £3 - £4
                                Time: 1:30pm - 2:30pm
                                                                           Venue: Kingswood Leisure Centre,
                                Cost: £3.50                                Church Road, BS16 4RH
                                Venue: Brunel Fitness Centre,              Contact: Claire - 0770 341 5975
                                Speedwell Road, BS15 1NU
                                Contact: 0117 377 0098

                                 Activity details are correct at the time of print, please call to confirm details.
Your online guide to health and wellbeing
       activities, groups, events and organisations

                                                                                     About Well Aware
       in Bristol.
       For inclusion in future guides please add
       your group or activity details onto
       Well Aware at: www.wellaware.org.uk
               or call our free phone helpline on:
                              0808 808 5252

     It is free to register and our team
     are always happy to help during
     office hours Monday to Fridays.

Activity details are correct at the time of print, please call to confirm details.
‘Healthy mind, healthy body.’
Regular exercise bolsters mental health by
protecting against depression. It can also help
you sleep better, improve your memory, reduce
stress and boost energy levels.

Active : Happy : Healthy
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