WHITE PAPER Proposed Ventilation and Energy Efficiency Verification/Repair Program for School Reopening

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WHITE PAPER Proposed Ventilation and Energy Efficiency Verification/Repair Program for School Reopening
                           Proposed Ventilation and Energy Efficiency
                        Verification/Repair Program for School Reopening

                                              Prepared by
                             Christopher Ruch, NEMI – Director of Training
          Theresa Pistochini, UC Davis Energy and Efficiency Institute – Engineering Manager

                                                First published: July 1, 2020
                                  Current version: February 15th, 2021, Version 4

This paper presents a proposal for a Ventilation and Energy Efficiency Verification/Repair
Program that would prepare schools for reopening during the COVID-19 crisis and provide
lasting improvements in indoor air quality. This program includes a procedure to verify school
facilities have functioning heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems and
filtration systems that meet or exceed recommendations for reopening schools set forth by the
World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and
the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), as
well as any applicable local and state agency school reopening guidance. Providing adequate
ventilation and filtration, however, can increase energy demand if not done correctly or where a
system is already inefficient or poorly maintained. The program would also ensure that systems
are operating efficiently and will identify recommendations for efficiency and safety upgrades.

This program would require recipients to (1) assess, maintain, adjust, and, if necessary, repair
existing heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to verify proper and efficient
operation, as well as compliance with health and safety standards; (2) install carbon dioxide
(CO2) sensors in classrooms to verify that proper ventilation is maintained throughout the school
year; and (3) prepare an HVAC Assessment Report documenting the work performed and
identifying any additional system Testing, Adjusting and Balancing (TAB) requirements,
upgrades, replacements or other measures recommended to improve health and safety, and/or
efficiency of the HVAC system. School Facilities that comply with these requirements would be
able to provide the final HVAC Ventilation Verification Report to students, parents, school
personnel, and the public as a demonstration that adequate measures have been taken to ensure
the HVAC system is operational and meets all applicable codes and standards.

State building codes generally specify minimum ventilation rates based on building occupancy
type which are often based on the national ASHRAE standard “62.1-2019 Ventilation for
Acceptable Indoor Air Quality”. In California, the Building Energy Efficiency Standards
requires minimum ventilation rates for classrooms, for which the current rates have been in place
since 1992.1 In California, The California Education Code requires school districts to maintain
schools in good repair, including HVAC systems that are functional, supply adequate ventilation

1   See Cal. Code Regs, tit. 24, Part 6, Section 120.1 and Table 120.1-A (Minimum Ventilation Rates).

to classrooms, and maintain interior temperatures within acceptable ranges.2 Despite these
requirements, significant research has demonstrated that poor performing HVAC systems and
underventilation of classrooms continues to be a persistent problem in California.

A 2003 report to the Legislature by the California Air Resources Board and the State Department
of Health Services found significant indoor air quality problems in California schools, including
problems with ventilation, temperature and humidity, air pollutants, floor dust contaminants,
moisture, mold, noise, and lighting. The report found that ventilation with outdoor air was
inadequate during 40% of classroom hours and seriously deficient during 10% of classroom
hours, in both portable classrooms and traditional classrooms.3

A 2020 report by the University of California-Davis Western Cooling Efficiency Center
(WCEC) and the Indoor Environment Group of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory found
over half of new HVAC systems in schools had significant problems within three years of
installation, and that the vast majority of classrooms in California continue to fail to meet
minimum ventilation rates.4 Nearly 20% of classrooms had average daily maximum CO2
concentrations above 2,000 ppm, where an adequately ventilated classroom should not exceed a
concentration of 1,100 ppm. The researchers recommended periodic testing of HVAC systems
and continuous real-time CO2 monitoring to detect and correct these problems.

Looking beyond research conducted in California, a 2020 report by the United States
Government Accountability Office (GAO) estimates that 41% of school districts need to update
or replace the HVAC systems in at least half of their schools. This would represent
approximately 36,000 schools requiring an update or replacement their HVAC systems. Per the
report, “If not addressed, HVAC issues can result in health and safety problems.”5

The persistence of underperforming HVAC systems and inadequate ventilation rates in the
classroom is of particular concern as states and provinces look to reopen schools during the
COVID-19 pandemic. An April 2020 paper by ASHRAE found that viruses such as COVID-19
can spread through the air in two ways. Larger droplets travel between 6 and 7 feet before
dropping to the ground, but smaller droplets can evaporate and become aerosolized, remaining
airborne for extended periods.6 SARS-CoV-2 virus has been found within aerosols for 3 hours in

2 Cal. Education Code §§ 17070.75 & 17002.
  Whitmore, et al., California Portable Classrooms Study, Phase II: Main Study, Final Report, Volume II., Report to the
California Air Resources Board and California Department of Health Services (2003) at pp. xxii & xxiii
4 Chan, et al, Ventilation rates in California classrooms: Why many recent HVAC retrofits are not delivering sufficient

ventilation, Building and Environment Journal 167 (2020)
5 K-12 Education School Districts Frequently Identified Multiple Building Systems Needing Updates or Replacement (Rep. No.

         GAO-20-494). (June 4th, 2020). United States Government Accountability Office.
6 ASHRAE, ASHRAE Position Document on Infectious Aerosols. ASHRAE (April 2020),


one study7 and viable up to 16 hours in another study8. Additionally, 239 scientists have signed
on open letter urging the WHO to recognize and mitigate the potential for airborne spread of
COVID-19.9 Increasing filtration levels and ventilation rates removes and dilutes these
aerosolized viruses, reducing the risk of infection for occupants. For that reason, WHO10, the
CDC11 and ASHRAE12 recommend ensuring HVAC systems operate properly, increasing
ventilation rates, and installing filters with a minimum efficiency rating value (MERV) of 13 or
better where possible in order to reduce the spread of COVID-19. A May 2020 report by Dr.
Jovan Pantelic at U.C. Berkeley further recommends continuous CO2 monitoring and
maintaining relative humidity in the range of 40%-60%.13

These steps can however increase energy consumption, particularly in systems that are already
inefficient due to age, deferred maintenance or improper installation. Studies have shown that
the efficiency of an HVAC system is highly dependent on the quality of its installation. Poor
quality installation of HVAC systems results in a 20% to 30% increase in energy use.14
Moreover, poor quality installation is pervasive. A study by the California Energy Commission
found that over 50% of new HVAC systems and 85% of replacement HVAC systems that they
evaluated were not performing correctly due to poor quality installation.8 Utility-funded studies
have found the vast majority of HVAC installers don’t have the technical training, knowledge,

  Van Doremalen N, Bushmaker T, Morris DH, Holbrook MG, Gamble A, Williamson BN, et al. Aerosol and surface stability of
SARS-Cov-2 as compared with SARS-Cov-1. N Engl J Med. 2020;382:1564-7.
8 Fears, A. C., Klimstra, W. B., Duprex, P., Hartman, A., Weaver, S. C., Plante, K. S....Roy, C. J. (June 22, 2020). Persistence of

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 in Aerosol Suspensions. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 26(9), 2168-2171.
9 Lidia Morawska, Donald K Milton, It is Time to Address Airborne Transmission of COVID-19, Clinical Infectious Diseases, ,

ciaa939, https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/ciaa939
10 World Health Organization, Considerations for school-related public health measures in the context of COVID-19 (September

14, 2020) (https://www.who.int/publications-detail/considerations-for-school-related-public-health-measures-in-the-context-of-
covid-19); World Health Organization, Considerations for public health and social measures in the workplace in the context of
COVID-19 ( May 10, 2020) (https://www.who.int/publications-detail/considerations-for-public-health-and-social-measures-in-
the-workplace-in-the-context-of-covid-19); World Health Organization, Q&A: Ventilation and air conditioning in public spaces
and buildings and COVID-19 ( July 29, 2020) https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-ventilation-and-air-conditioning-in-
11 Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, Operating schools during COVID-19: CDC's Considerations

 (February 3, 2021) https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/schools-childcare/schools.html; Centers For Disease
Control and Prevention, Interim Guidance For Businesses and Employers Responding To Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-
19) (January 4, 2021) (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/guidance-business-response.html)
     ASHRAE, ASHRAE Epidemic Task Force: Building Readiness (February 1, 2021)
(https://www.ashrae.org/file%20library/technical%20resources/covid-19/ashrae-building-readiness.pdf); ASHRAE, ASHRAE
Epidemic Task Force: Core Recommendations for Reducing Airborne Infectious Aerosol Exposure (January 6, 2021)
infectious-aerosol-exposure.pdf); ASHRAE, ASHRAE Epidemic Task Force: Schools & Universities (October 7, 2021)
13 Pantelic, Using IoT Environmental Sensing to Reopen Spaces, SenseWare (May 2020)

14 California Energy Commission, Strategic Plan to Reduce the Energy Impact of Air Conditioners (June 2008), CEC-400-2008-

010, at p. (v) (http://www.energy.ca.gov/2008publications/CEC-400-2008-010/CEC-400-2008-010.PDF); see also Zabin, et. al,
Workforce Issues and Energy Efficiency Programs: A Plan for California’s Utilities, Don Vial Center for Employment in the
Green Economy (2014), at pp. 32-34 and Appendix 2B (http://laborcenter.berkeley.edu/workforce-issues-and-energy-efficiency-

skills, or abilities to properly install systems, resulting in high failure rates for job performance
on even routine tasks.15

This program would prepare schools to reopen with functional ventilation systems that are
verified as having been tested, adjusted, and if necessary repaired or replaced, by qualified
personnel in order to provide recommended ventilation rates as reliably and energy efficiently as
possible. Ventilation rates will be documented in an HVAC Assessment Report submitted to the
program administrator and available to the public upon request.

Improving the performance of school HVAC systems not only saves energy and provides a safer
and healthier building environment, it also has a significant correlation to student performance.
In a 2017 literature review, W. J. Fisk summarized that 8 studies reported statistically significant
improvements in some measures of student performance associated with increased ventilation
rates or lower CO2 concentrations, with performance increases up to 15%.16

A 2018 report in the Environment International Journal found that short-term CO2 exposure
beginning at 1000 ppm affects cognitive performance, including decision making and problem
resolution.17 The Wisconsin Department of Health states that CO2 levels between 1000 and 2000
ppm are associated with drowsiness and attention issues. CO2 levels above 2000 ppm affect
concentration and can cause headaches, increased heart rate, and nausea.18

This program will thus also provide the additional benefit of addressing the numerous studies
finding that the widespread underventilation of classrooms is negatively impacting student health
and learning.

   SCE Energy Efficiency Business Plan 2018-2025 at p. 63; SDG&E Energy Efficiency Business Plan 2018-2025 at p. 216;
PG&E Energy Efficiency Business Plan (2018-2025), Residential Appendix at p. 30; see also C. Zabin, et. al, Workforce Issues
and Energy Efficiency Programs: A Plan for California’s Utilities, Don Vial Center for Employment in the Green Economy
(2014), at p. 34 (http://laborcenter.berkeley.edu/workforce-issues-and-energy-efficiency-programs-a-plan-for-californias-
16 Fisk, W. J., The ventilation problem in schools: literature review, Indoor Air. 2017;27:1039–1051

17 Azuma, et al, Effects of low-level inhalation exposure to carbon dioxide in indoor environments: A short review on human

health and psychomotor performance, Environment International 121 (2018)
18 Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Carbon Dioxide (Dec. 20, 2019)



School Ventilation and Efficiency Verification and Repair Program. The appropriate state or
province agency shall create and administer a School Ventilation and Efficiency Verification and
Repair Program that shall allocate grants to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) to prepare
schools to reopen with functional ventilation systems that are tested, adjusted, and if necessary
repaired, by qualified personnel in order to provide recommended ventilation rates as reliably
and energy efficiently as possible. Recipients shall: (1) assess, maintain, adjust, and, if necessary,
repair existing HVAC systems to ensure ventilation rates meet or exceed the standards set forth
in ASHRAE 62.1-2019 Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, Table 120.1-A of the
2019 Title 24 California Building Energy Efficiency Standards, or current locally adopted
Mechanical Code; (2) provide MERV 13 filtration or better where feasible, or the maximum
MERV filtration compatible with the system design and airflow requirements; (3) install CO2
sensors in classrooms as an indication that proper ventilation is maintained throughout the school
year; and (4) prepare an HVAC Ventilation Verification Assessment Report documenting the
work performed and identifying any additional system balancing, upgrades, replacements or
other measures recommended to improve the health, safety, and/or efficiency of the HVAC
system. School facilities that comply with these requirements shall provide the final Ventilation
Verification Report to students, parents, school personnel, and the public as a demonstration that
adequate measures have been taken to ensure the HVAC system is operational and meets all
applicable codes and standards.

An LEA that accepts a grant under this Program for verification of a school facility shall perform
all of the following tasks for all air handling units, exhaust units, roof top units and unitary and
single zone equipment in that facility:

Assessment, Maintenance, Adjustment and Repair of Existing Facility Ventilation System.

1.       Filtration. Consistent with the recommendations of the ASHRAE Guidance for
Reopening Schools and Universities, MERV 13 or better filtration shall be installed in the
facility’s HVAC system where feasible. Qualified Testing Personnel shall review system
capacity and airflow to determine the highest Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV)
filtration that can be installed without adversely impacting equipment, shall replace or upgrade
filters where needed, and shall verify that such filters are installed correctly. Recommendations
for additional maintenance, frequency of filter replacement, replacement or upgrades to allow for
more protective filtration shall be recorded in the HVAC Assessment Report.

2.      Ventilation and Exhaust. Following the assessment of the filtration, Qualified Testing
Personnel shall assess the ventilation rates in the facility classrooms, auditoriums, gymnasiums,
nurses’ offices, restrooms, and other occupied areas to determine whether they meet the
minimum ventilation rate requirements set forth in ASHRAE 62.1-2019 Ventilation for
Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, Table 120.1-A of the 2019 Title 24 California Building Energy
Efficiency Standards, or current locally adopted Mechanical Code. Assessment shall include:

       (i).   Calculation of the required minimum outside air ventilation rates for each
       occupied area based on the anticipated occupancy and the minimum required ventilation

rate per occupant set forth in ASHRAE 62.1-2019 Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air
         Quality, Table 120.1-A of the 2019 Title 24 California Building Energy Efficiency
         Standards, or current locally adopted Mechanical Code. Calculations shall be based on
         maximum anticipated classroom or other occupied area occupancy rates and determined
         by the performing technician.

         (ii).   Measurement of Outside Air per Section B of NRCA-MCH-02-A – Outdoor Air
         Acceptance19 and verification of whether the system provides the minimum outside air
         ventilation rates calculated in subsection (i).

         (iii). Verification of coil velocities and unit discharge air temperatures required to
         maintain desired indoor conditions and to avoid moisture carry over from cooling coils.

         (iv). Verification that separation between outdoor air intakes and exhaust discharge
         outlets meet code requirements.

         (v).   Confirmation that the air handling unit is bringing in outdoor air and removing
         exhaust air as intended by the system design.

         (vi) Measurement of all exhaust air volume for exhaust fans, including restrooms.
         Document any discrepancies from system design.

         (vii) Energy Recovery Ventilation (ERV) system operation and leakage concerns should
         be addressed according to the recommendations of the ASHRAE Building Readiness

3.     Economizer. For systems with economizers, Qualified Testing Personnel shall test
system economizer dampers per Section B of NRCA-MCH-05-A – Air Economizer Controls21
and repair any economizer dampers and controls that are not properly functioning.
Recommendations for additional maintenance, replacement or upgrades shall be recorded in the
HVAC Assessment Report.

4.       Demand Control Ventilation.
If installed, Demand Control Ventilation (DCV) systems shall be verified for proper operation.
The ASHRAE Epidemic Task Force recommends that DCV systems be disabled during the
COVID 19 pandemic. However, an alternative option is to lower the CO2 setpoint of the DCV
system to 750 ppm, as recommended by the WCEC22, which will provide additional ventilation
while still saving energy during reduced occupancy periods.
   State of California, California Energy Commission. (01/20). OUTDOOR AIR ACCEPTANCE - CEC-NRCA-MCH-02-A
(Vol. 2019, p. 2). CA. https://energycodeace.com/download/39543/file_path/fieldList/2019-NRCA-MCH-02-
   ASHRAE, ASHRAE Epidemic Task Force: Building Readiness (February 1, 2021)
   State of California, California Energy Commission. (01/20). Air Economizer Controls Acceptance - CEC-NRCA-MCH-05-A
(Vol. 2019, p. 2). CA. https://energycodeace.com/download/39547/file_path/fieldList/2019-NRCA-MCH-05-A-
22 The CO set point of 750 ppm is recommended by the UC Davis Western Cooling Efficiency Center. A setpoint of 750 ppm
will approximately double the ventilation provided when compared to a typical setpoint of 1,000-1,100 ppm.

If the demand control ventilation cannot maintain average daily maximum CO2 levels below
1,100 ppm, it shall be disabled until the DCV system can be repaired, unless disabling the
control would adversely affect operation of the overall system. When disabling a demand control
ventilation system, the system must be configured to meet the minimum ventilation rate
requirements and tested and adjusted in accordance with section 2.

DCV systems shall be tested by per Section B of NRCA-MCH-06-A – Demand Control
Ventilation Systems Acceptance23. Recommendations for additional maintenance, replacement
or upgrades shall be recorded in the HVAC Assessment Report.

5. Air Distribution and Building Pressurization
       (i).    Survey readings of inlets and outlets to verify all ventilation is reaching the served
       zone and that there is adequate distribution. Verify if inlets and outlets are balanced
       within tolerance of the system design. Document measured values and deficiencies. If
       the original system design values are not available, document available information and
       note unavailability of system design values in the HVAC Assessment Report.

         (ii).    Verification of building and space pressure to ensure:
                  a. Pressure differential is within tolerance of design.
                  b. Building is not over pressurized.
                  c. Contaminant rooms to be temporarily occupied by sick students or staff,
                     maintain a negative pressure, as designed.

6.      General Maintenance. Qualified Testing Personnel or a Skilled and Trained Workforce
shall verify coil condition, condensate drainage, cooling coil air temperature differential
(entering and leaving dry bulb), heat exchanger air temperature differential (entering and leaving
dry bulb), and drive assembly. Recommendations for additional maintenance, replacement or
upgrades shall be recorded in the HVAC Assessment Report.

7.      Operational Controls. Qualified Testing Personnel shall review control sequences to
verify systems will maintain intended ventilation, temperature and humidity conditions during
school operation. Verify a daily flush is scheduled for 3 changes of building volume using
outdoor air as demonstrated by a calculation of flush times per ASHRAE Guidance for Building
Readiness or otherwise applicable local or state guidance.
Verify that HVAC system operational times (occupied hours and flush times), exhaust fans
operation times, setpoints, and enabled features meet ASHRAE Guidance for Reopening and
Operating Schools and Buildings or otherwise applicable local, state, or provincial guidance.

8.     CO2 Monitoring. As an indicator of proper ventilation throughout the school year, all
classrooms shall be equipped with a CO2 monitor that:

 State of California, California Energy Commission. (01/20). Demand Control Ventilation Systems Acceptance - CEC-NRCA-
MCH-06-A (Vol. 2019, p. 2). CA. https://energycodeace.com/download/39548/file_path/fieldList/2019-NRCA-MCH-06-A-

(i) Is hard-wired or plugged-in and mounted to the wall between 3 – 6 feet above the
       floor and at least 5 feet away from the door and operable windows.

       (ii) Displays the CO2 readings to the teacher through a display on the device or other
       means such as a web-based application or cell-phone application.

       (iii) Notifies the teacher through visual indicator on the monitor (e.g., indicator light) or
       other alert such as e-mail, text, or cell phone application, when the CO2 levels in the
       classroom have exceeded 1,100 ppm.

       (iv) Maintains a record of previous data which includes at least the maximum CO2
       concentration measured.

       (v) Has a range of 400 - 2000 ppm or greater.

       (vi) Is certified by the manufacturer to be accurate within 75 ppm at 1,000 ppm CO2
       concentration and is certified by the manufacturer to require calibration no more
       frequently than once every five years.

If a classroom CO2 concentration exceeds 1,100 ppm more than once a week as observed by the
teacher or the facilities staff, the classroom ventilation rates shall be adjusted by Qualified
Adjusting Personnel to ensure peak CO2 concentrations in the classroom remain below the
maximum allowable CO2 PPM setpoint. Verification of the installation of CO2 Monitors in all
classrooms shall be included in the HVAC Assessment Report.

10. Limited or No Existing Mechanical Ventilation. In cases where there is limited or no
existing mechanical ventilation, the assessment would then focus on available options and
provide the design professional with documentation to provide ventilation options with limited

       (i)     Verify the functionality and document nameplate data on any existing HVAC
               equipment (i.e., heating only units, exhaust fans, etc.)
       (ii)    Verify and document the location of windows and doors that can be opened.
               a. Verify if windows have any switches or controls that initiate exhaust fans,
                   motorized dampers or other devices.
       (iii)   Verification or installation of the CO2 sensor per section 8.
       (iv)    Collection of the following information, in addition to any information requested
               by a design professional to evaluate options for adding mechanical ventilation.
               a. Verify existing mechanical, architectural, structural drawings match current
                       i. Provide a sketch of actual roof penetrations, penetration type (i.e., vent
                           pipe) and approximate locations if different from drawings.
               b. Document locations of any vents could contaminate Outside Air (OSA) intake
               c. Document locations for potential installation of mechanical ventilation

d. Photograph existing building, existing mechanical equipment (if applicable)
                  and potential locations for mechanical ventilation equipment.
               e. Document roof and wall type/material to the best of the technician’s ability.
               f. Document if existing mechanical equipment can be altered to provide outside
                  air (OSA) or if a Dedicated Outside Air System (DOAS) is required.
               g. Obtain information on central plant capacity (if applicable)
               h. Document whether outside air conditions may make reliance on windows or
                  other sources of non-filtered outside air potentially hazardous to occupants.
               i. Document recommendations for adding mechanical ventilation and filtration
                  where none currently exists or for replacing a mechanical ventilation system
                  where the current system is non-operational or is unable to provide
                  recommended levels of ventilation and filtration.

9.     HVAC Assessment Report. Qualified Testing Personnel shall prepare an HVAC
Assessment Report for each school facility. The HVAC Assessment Report shall include the
following information:

       (i)     Name and address of school facility and person/contractor preparing and
               certifying Report.

       (ii)    Description of assessment, maintenance, adjustment and repair activities and

       (iii)   Document HVAC equipment model number, serial number, general condition of
               unit, and any additional information that could be used to assess replacement and
               repair options given potential for increased energy efficiency benefits.

       (iv)    Verification that all requirements of the program have been satisfied.

       (v)     Either verification that MERV 13 filters have been installed or verification that
               the maximum MERV-rated filter that the system is able to effectively handle has
               been installed and what that MERV-rating is.

       (vi)    The verified ventilation rates for facility classrooms, auditoriums, gymnasiums,
               nurses’ offices, restrooms, offices, and other occupied areas and whether those
               rates meet the requirements determined in Section 2. If ventilation rates do not
               meet requirements in Section 2, then an explanation for why the current system is
               unable to meet those rates should be provided.

       (vii)   The verified exhaust for facility classrooms, auditoriums, gymnasiums, nurses’
               offices’, restrooms, and other occupied areas and whether those rates meet the
               requirements determined in Section 2.

       (viii) Clearly define system deficiencies and provide recommendations for additional
              maintenance, replacement, or upgrades, such as upgrading systems to allow for
              additional ventilation and filtration and/or to improve energy efficiency.

(ix)     Reports shall clearly document initial operating verifications, adjustments and/or
                  repairs, and final operating verifications.

         (x)      Verification of installation of CO2 Monitors, including make and model of

The HVAC assessment report must verify that all work has been performed by qualified
personnel, including the provision of the contractor’s name and license, acceptance test
technician name and certification number (where applicable), TAB technician name and
certification number (where applicable) and verification that all construction work has been
performed by a skilled and trained workforce.

The LEA shall maintain a copy of the HVAC Assessment Report and make it available to any
member of the public upon request.

10.     Design Professional Review. A design professional shall review the assessment report
and determine what, if any, additional adjustments, or repairs would be necessary to meet the
minimum ventilation and filtration requirements, determine whether any cost-effective energy
efficiency upgrades or replacements are warranted or recommended.

Factors to determine HVAC replacements and upgrades:
   • Consider the general condition of the unit and the cost to repair the unit versus cost to
       replace. Consider equipment service life and maintenance costs with the ASHRAE
       Service Life and Maintenance Cost Database. 24 Replacement costs should consider
       potential energy savings.
   • Consider energy usage over life of unit by a comparison of the unit’s Seasonal Energy
       Efficiency Ratio (SEER) to that of potential replacement options.25
   • Improper airflow and temperature differentials determined in the assessment should be
       diagnosed as they signal reduced energy efficiency.26
   • Units containing R-22 refrigerant or has a history of refrigerant leaks to be considered for
   • Units with manual thermostats shall be upgraded to programmable thermostats.
   • Units without a functional economizer to be considered for repair or economizer upgrade.
   • Units with indoor fan motors not meeting the NEMA Premium Efficiency Electric Motor
       standard should be considered for a replacement with a NEMA Premium Efficiency
       Electric Motor.
   • Units with a Fixed Orifice (FXO) to be considered for replacement with a unit with a
       Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV).

24 “ASHRAE: Service Life and Maintenance Cost Database.” ASHRAE, http://xp20.ashrae.org/publicdatabase
   2017 Standard for Performance Rating of Unitary Air-Conditioning & Air-Source Heat Pump Equipment. AHRI, 2017.
   Kim, Woohyun and Braun, James E., "Impacts of Refrigerant Charge on Air Conditioner and Heat Pump Performance" (2010).
International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference. Paper 1122.

11.    Repairs and Adjustment. If installed HVAC systems or system components fail to
meet minimum ventilation requirements, as determined in Section 2 – Ventilation and Exhaust,
corrective work shall be prioritized for further funding. Additionally, buildings with limited or
no mechanical ventilation shall be prioritized for funding.

All repairs or installation of upgrades or replacements shall be performed by a Skilled and
Trained Workforce.

Qualified Personnel Definitions

        Certified Testing, Adjusting and Balancing (TAB) Technician. A technician certified
        to perform testing, adjusting, and balancing of HVAC systems by the Associated Air
        Balance Council (AABC), the National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB), or the
        Testing, Adjusting and Balancing Bureau (TABB).

        Design Professional. A licensed mechanical engineer, certified industrial hygienist
        (CIH), or mechanical design professional as defined by state or provincial guidelines.

        Qualified Adjusting Personnel. Qualified Adjusting Personnel shall either be: (1) a
        Certified TAB technician; or (2) a skilled and trained workforce under the supervision of
        a certified TAB Technician.

        Qualified Testing Personnel. Qualified Testing Personnel shall either be: (1) a certified
        TAB technician.; or (2) a person certified to perform ventilation assessments of heating,
        ventilation, and air conditioning system as a technician through a program accredited by
        ANSI under the ISO/IEC 17024 standard.

        Skilled and Trained Workforce. A skilled and trained workforce is a workforce in
        which at least sixty percent of the workers are graduates of a registered apprenticeship
        program, in state or province for which the work is being performed, for the applicable
        construction occupation.


Christopher Ruch is a field experienced Testing Adjusting and Balancing (TAB) technician and
supervisor who is currently working for the National Energy Management Institute (NEMI) as the
Director of Training. NEMI serves by providing valued education of emerging markets, new technology
and advances in manufacturing and construction processes in the sheet metal industry. Inquiries can be
made to cruch@nemionline.org.
Theresa Pistochini is the Engineering Manager at the UC Davis Energy and Efficiency Institute with 12
years of experience in applied research in energy efficiency and building operation, primarily in the areas
of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. Theresa earned her M.S. degree from UC Davis and is a
registered professional mechanical engineer in California. Inquires can be made to

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