Big Deal The Why the battle for IKEA's new Atlantic Canada store was over before it started

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Big Deal The Why the battle for IKEA's new Atlantic Canada store was over before it started

     Big Deal
          Why the battle for IKEA’s new
           Atlantic Canada store was
              over before it started
                   By Stephen Kimber

                                  | Atlantic Business Magazine   119

Date:16-04-20           Page: 119.p1.pdf
Big Deal The Why the battle for IKEA's new Atlantic Canada store was over before it started
consumers in the Halifax area,
                                                                                        but it’s also in the crosshairs of a
                                                                                        web of major highways that lead
                                                                                        to and from every populated nook
                                                                                        and cranny in Nova Scotia, not to
                                                                                        forget New Brunswick and Prince
                                                                                        Edward Island, making it a potential
                                                                                        shopping destination for close to
                                                                                        two million Maritimers.
                                                                                           No wonder its 500-acre site
                                                                                        already boasts 1.3 million square
                                                                                        feet of shopaholic heaven with
                                                                                        over 100 retailers and services,
                                                                                        including five of those anchor-type
                                                                                        destinations: Walmart, Home Depot,
                                                                                        Costco, Canadian Tire and Cineplex
          Glenn Munro was apologetic. I’d been                                             All it needed was an IKEA.
          calling and emailing him to follow up on
          January’s announcement that IKEA — the
          iconic Swedish furniture retailer with 370
          stores and $46.6 billion in sales worldwide
                                                                                               y now, the IKEA creation
          last year — would build a gigantic (for us                                           story has morphed into myth:
                                                                                               in 1947, Ingvar Kamprad,
          at least) $100-million, 328,000-square-                                       an eccentric, dyslexic 17-year-old
          foot retail store in Dartmouth Crossing. He                                   Swedish farm boy, launched a
                                                                                        mail-order company called IKEA.
          hadn’t responded.                                                             He’d invented the name using his
                                                                                        initials and his home district. Soon
                                                                                        after, he also invented the “flat
             I wanted to know how and why                                               pack” to more efficiently package
          IKEA had settled on Halifax and
          not, say, Moncton as the site for              328,000                        and ship his modernist build-it-
                                                                                        yourself furniture. In 1953, he
          the first of a dozen new Canadian
          stores it plans to open over the next
                                                       square feet                      opened his first store, then another
                                                                                        and another, expanding into
          decade. Munro, the Montreal-based             Size of IKEA’s new
                                                                                        Norway and Denmark, then Europe
          vice president of both Dartmouth           $100-million retail store          and… the rest is history still in the
          Crossing Ltd. and its parent North         in Dartmouth Crossing              making.
          American Development Group,                                                      Now 90, Kamprad is guesstimated
          seemed like the right person to ask.                                          to rank somewhere between
             “It’s been my baby since day

                                                          artmouth Crossing is what’s   first and eleventh on your pick of
          one,” he’d happily told CBC TV Nova                                           world’s-richest lists. His wealth
          Scotia host Bob Murphy the day                  known as a “power centre,”
                                                          which is what folks who       can only be estimated, however,
          IKEA announced its plans.                                                     since IKEA has a reputation for
             Now he wasn’t so eager to talk;       know call those sprawling, open-
                                                   air destination shopping “cities”    secrecy and for what are delicately
          perhaps famously secretive-for-                                               described as “opaque business
          the-sake-of-being-secret IKEA            that have become our twenty-
                                                   first-century shopping centres.      practices… operating with a web-
          had clamped a lid on even friendly                                            like network of holding companies,
          outsiders making un-vetted               Power centres are usually anchored
                                                   by three or more standalone big      owners, and subsidiaries.”
          comments about corporate business.                                            The Ministers of the European
          Munro offered instead to put me          box stores, sprinkled among any
                                                   number of multi-specialty-tenant     Parliament claim that was designed,
          in touch with someone at IKEA                                                 in part at least, to avoid more than
          who’d been involved in the locating      buildings and awash in acres of
                                                   free parking.                        €1 billion in taxes over the past six
          process, who would “probably” pass                                            years. In February, the ministers
          me along to the corporate public            The power centre that is
                                                   Dartmouth Crossing has been          demanded an official investigation
          relations department. That someone                                            into the company’s tax practices.
          did.                                     pushing out and up from the edge
                                                   of Nova Scotia Highway 118 for          None of that has slowed IKEA’s
             While I waited for answers to my                                           growth. Last year, it reported an
          questions, I did some due diligence      close to a decade. It is not only
                                                   located conveniently cheek by        11.2 per cent increase in sales over
          of my own.                                                                    the year before as it continued
                                                   jowl to 400,000 or so potential

120   Atlantic Business Magazine | May/June 2016

                              Date:16-04-20                     Page: 120.p1.pdf
Big Deal The Why the battle for IKEA's new Atlantic Canada store was over before it started
“growing in almost all our markets,”
including in its two most rapidly                                                                     Make your dream
expanding territories: China and
Russia. The furniture retailer’s
                                                                                                       home a reality.
individual stores continue to get
ever larger too: the current largest,                                                                                                BLE
                                                                                                                     OO     D AVAILA
near Seoul, South Korea, opened                                                                             FINEST W
last year “with a sales space nearly
as big as the Louvre museum.”
Perhaps that’s understandable,
given that the retailer stocks more
than 12,000 sofas, beds, desks,
kitchen faucets and assorted homey
   Canadians buy a lot of them. In
2014-15, IKEA’s Canadian sales
rose more than 10 per cent to $1.79                                                                   CRAFTED
                                                                                                                  WITH TIM
billion; online sales jumped 40 per                                                                                           ELESS B
   One of Stefan Sjöstrand’s first

                                         Please take
assignments after he was appointed
IKEA Canada’s president in 2014,
in fact, was to “make IKEA more
accessible for Canadians… When
we really dug into it… we could
see that the potential is here
for us.” In November 2015, IKEA
                                           a seat.
                                            The meeting is about to begin!
Canada announced it would open
                                           Dangle your legs off a paddleboard,
12 new stores by 2025, doubling
the number of its outlets here. “We       hop in a golf cart, or pull up a comfy
are going to expand from coast to           log at the beachside mussel bake.
coast,” Sjöstrand declared. “We’re           Why settle for a chair when you
going to expand in new cities, and          can brainstorm from a yoga mat,
we’re going to expand in existing        or surrounded by paint at our popular
cities.”                                   Brush with Good Cheer sessions.
   Coast to coast? New cities? It            We’ve been ‘chairing’ meetings
was time to dream. Again.
                                           differently at White Point for over
                                            25 years – when we opened our
                                                                                                                   YO      U WILL L
                                              first official conference facility.                           A HOME
                                         Since then, we’ve become synonymous
                                             with unique, rejuvenating, and
                                             memorable business gatherings.

   KEA’s January 22, 2016                  Call Anne today and start thinking
   announcement that it had                   bike seat, kayak, sauna bench,
   decided to return to Halifax was
                                               or your favourite bar stool in
not only a bigtime business brag
for Dartmouth Crossing, but it also                the Founder’s Lounge.

served as a long-sought personal                           from
vindication for many Halifax
    “I got mail from the people living                            all-inclusive                           Call us at Dow & Duggan
in Halifax, in Nova Scotia, asking                                meeting                              Log Homes International today.
us to open up a store in the area,”                               package
                                                                   PPDO. Plus tax & gratuity.
Sjöstrand explained at the news
conference, “and I’m very thrilled to
be able to make this announcement
for the people living here.”
   Why is IKEA such a big deal?
   Let’s start with “return.” In
1975, IKEA — by then already                                                                             (902)852-2559
a household name in Europe,
thanks to its stylish, low-cost,                                    

                                                                                  | Atlantic Business Magazine   121

                 Date:16-04-20                         Page: 121.p1.pdf
Big Deal The Why the battle for IKEA's new Atlantic Canada store was over before it started
deliver them to consumers in the        Moncton’s charms and inviting

                         1947                      Maritimes. At its peak, MyBoxBuyer
                                                   had 20 employees shuffling
                                                                                           the company to consider the area.
                                                                                           When he posted his invitation
             Year that 17-year-old                 between here and there.                 online, more than 400 people
            Swedish farm boy Ingvar                   Now, there will finally be an        signed on in support.
                                                   actual IKEA store in Halifax again.        LeBlanc received a polite, but
             Kamprad launched a                       But why here? In Halifax? Why        non-committal response from the
             mail-order company                    not in Moncton?                         company, “saying our letter would
                  called IKEA                         Moncton, Halifax’s primary           be sent along to the appropriate
                                                   and sometimes bitter rival for          people for consideration.”
                                                   regional commercial and economic           A month later, Sjöstrand,
                                                   supremacy, bills itself as the hub of   surrounded by beaming Halifax
          assemble-it-yourself furniture and       the Maritimes. It has used its more     city officials — including Mayor
          quirkily iconoclastic marketing —        central geographic location — not       Mike Savage, Deputy Mayor Matt
          decided to dip its toe in the North      to forget its geographic proximity      Whitman, MLA Joachim Stroink,
          American retail market by opening        to Maine and its additional             MP Darren Fisher and a host of
          its first modest retail operation in     population of over one million          other grinning councillors and
          Dartmouth’s Burnside Industrial          people — to attract everything          local business lights — were cutting
          Park. The store was small but it         from big-name rock concerts and         ribbons in Halifax.
          was a huge success, attracting the
          city’s then-still-young, family-
          building, home-owning baby                     “IKEA coming to Halifax.
          boomers and university students.
          For Haligonians, our brief moment
                                                          Full store. Up yours
          as “North America’s only” became a              Moncton!”
          matter of local pride. We have IKEA.             Halifax Twitter user
             And then suddenly, IKEA was
          gone, shut down, shuttered, so long,     sporting events like last year’s           The reality is that Moncton may
          hejdå. There was never much of           FIFA Under-20 Women’s World Cup         have been nearly a decade late to
          an explanation from traditionally        to transportation companies and         the IKEA game.
          zipped-lips IKEA. There were             international call centres. Two other      Which brings us back to Glenn
          hints the city had withdrawn a           big box stores — Cabela’s and Bass      Munro. Munro, the managing
          property tax rebate, but the more        Pro Shop — are currently building       partner for Eastern Canada at
          likely explanation was that Halifax      Moncton outlets. Why not IKEA?          North American Development,
          simply wasn’t big enough for IKEA’s         That was exactly the question        is responsible for development
          grandiose ambitions.                     local area councillor Andrew            strategy for three million square
             Haligonians begged to differ.         LeBlanc asked himself last              feet of real estate in the Halifax and
          But that didn’t matter. After the        November after Sjöstrand’s non-         Montreal areas.
          closure, Atlantic Canadians — still      specific announcement of IKEA’s            When North American opened
          eager to fill their homes with           Canadian growth plans.                  its Carrefour de la Rive-Sud power
          everything from Stocksund living            “I know my wife really likes         centre in Boucherville on the
          room sofas to Godmorgon bathroom         IKEA, and I like some of their stuff,   outskirts of Montreal in 2003,
          sinks and cabinets — had to buy          and a lot of our friends do, and I      IKEA was one of its big box anchor
          online and pay for shipping, or          thought this is a cool opportunity,”    tenants.
          travel to Montreal or Boston to get      LeBlanc told Global News. “We have         “It was just a question of time,”
          their furniture fix. Mike Smith, a       space here, we have developers          Munro told the CBC. “We’ve
          Halifax entrepreneur, even created       who have land and we certainly          been talking with them since
          a booming boutique business              could assist to bring IKEA in.” He      [Boucherville], on and off and they
          called, to pick up        immediately sat down and wrote a        said, when we’re ready, we’ll come
          orders at Quebec IKEA outlets and        personal letter to Sjöstrand, touting   and talk to you.”

122   Atlantic Business Magazine | May/June 2016

                              Date:16-04-20                      Page: 122.p1.pdf
Big Deal The Why the battle for IKEA's new Atlantic Canada store was over before it started
Two years later, when North                                                                                        Dartmouth Crossing land that had
American first pitched the idea                                          Dartmouth Crossing                           conveniently been held open for its
of Dartmouth Crossing to Halifax                                                                                      arrival.
city councillors, it dangled the                                           by the numbers:                              Deal done. Break out the IKEA
possibility IKEA could be part of its                                                500-acre site                    Svalka champagne glasses. As one
retail mix.                                                                                                           Halifax Twitter user tweeted: “IKEA
   At the time, however, IKEA
                                                                                   1.3 million sq. ft.                coming to Halifax. Full store. Up
was fully engaged elsewhere,                                                         100+ retailers                   yours Moncton!”
developing a new IKEA in
Winnipeg. The Winnipeg store
                                                                                  Estimated 2 million

was mildly controversial because                                                      consumers                          KEA’s response to my questions?
the city and the province                                                                                                About the factors that go into
promised $18.5 million worth of                                                                                          deciding where it will locate
infrastructure improvements to                                        build [Dartmouth Crossing] right,”              an IKEA store? About the process
lure the retailer there. (For the                                     Munro told the Macdonald Report,                that led to the decision to set up in
record, Halifax city officials insist                                 a weekly feature publication of                 Halifax? About whether there are
there were “no rebates, tax breaks                           “This was not                studies that show the economic
or any other incentives” to entice                                    a short-term play. We designed                  impact of an IKEA on a community?
IKEA to Halifax. And a provincial                                     the park so some day in the future,             And so on…
spokesperson adds it offered no                                       when someone like IKEA decided                     Well, after an initial email saying
“provincial incentives” either.)                                      to look at the market, there was no             the company would be “happy to
   “We have to do Winnipeg first,”                                    choice but to come to Dartmouth                 help with what you may need,” no
IKEA officials advised Munro in                                       Crossing.”                                      one from IKEA got back to me
2007, “and, after Winnipeg, we’ll                                        It worked. Although IKEA did                    Did I mention IKEA is known for
take a look, take a breather.”                                        its due diligence — it also looked              its secrecy? •
   By 2014 — breather taken and                                       at a shuttered Rona store and an
IKEA’s new president in office —                                      undeveloped 200-acre tract in                   FEEDBACK
negotiations “started to heat up.”                                    Halifax’s Bayers Lake park, and                 *;
   Munro was ready. “We spent                                         probably considered Moncton sites        
more money than we needed to to                                       too — it soon settled on the plot of            a @AtlanticBus; @IKEA; #BigDeal

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                                                                                                     | Atlantic Business Magazine   123

                       Date:16-04-20                                                       Page: 123.p1.pdf
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