WICKLOW SAYS NO TO 5G - WE DELIVER!- for 30 years SOUTH EDITION - Wicklow Times

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WICKLOW SAYS NO TO 5G - WE DELIVER!- for 30 years SOUTH EDITION - Wicklow Times
                                                 WICKLOW                                                                                        WE DELIVER!- for 30 years                               SOUTH EDITION

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     Tuesday 15th October 2019                          5 Eglinton Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow                           Tel: 01 - 2869111               www.wicklowtimes.net                     E-mail: wicklowed@localtimes.ie

Wicklow County Council has passed a motion opposing the
rollout of 5G network technology in the county. The motion,
proposed by Cllr Tom Fortune and seconded by Cllr Mary
Kavanagh, passed by 17 votes to 8.
  5G is fifth-generation       opposes the rollout of         Government's National
cellular    technology,        unregulated 5G in the          Broadband Plan to build
promising speeds up to         county of Wicklow based        fibre broadband. In fact, I
1,000 times faster than        on the 'precautionary          believe the Government's
4G. The massive jump in        principle' pending the         resources should be
technology has seen            enactment by Dail              confined to this service
people expressing health       Eireann of protective          and not to the unregulated
and      environmental         legislation".                  and potentially unsafe
concerns. A local petition       It was also agreed that      rollout of 5G."
asking for the motion to       the            Council's          Cllr Fortune cited the
be adopted gained 1400         Environmental        SPC       lack of research into the
signatures, and recent         would investigate the          biological effects of the
months have seen 5G            matter and report back to      5G spectrum of radiation
'public awareness days'        the council.                   and the potential carbon
take place in Greystones         Speaking about the           footprint as two of the
and Wicklow Town.              motion, Cllr Fortune said      main reasons for halting
  The motion states that       similar motions have           the rollout.
"Wicklow         County        already been passed by            "All that is being asked
Council has a social           the Local Authorities in       here is that we stop and
responsibility to serve,       Clare, Roscommon, Sligo        we talk and we check this
inform and protect the         and Leitrim.                   out before we race ahead
public and the environ-          Cllr Fortune said "I         with this rollout of 5G",
ment from exposure to          want to make it clear that     he said. "In August there
harm, and therefore it         I        support      the      were 134,000 signatories

                                                                                               Billy O’Reilly of Wicklow Hire and Sales presents Rene and Peter Martin of the Vital Health Café with
                                                                                               the Best Eating/Pub/Hospitality award at the Wicklow Town & District Chamber Awards in Tinakilly
                                                                                               House, Rathnew.

                                                                                             from doctors and environ-      and 300 metre intervals.
                                                                                             mental organisations and         "The higher number of
                                                                                             citizens from 198 coun-        radiation levels means
                                                                                             tries who called for a halt    people living in towns
                                                                                             for 5G. There are lots of      and cities will be con-
                                                                                             people with expertise who      stantly bombarded with
                                                                                             have spoken very serious-      radiofrequency radiation
                                                                                             ly about it. This is very      at unprecedented levels.
                                                                                             important, I believe more      They will have no choice
                                                                                             so for our children than       because it will be all
                                                                                             ourselves."                    around them. We need
                                                                                                Seconding the motion,       legislation in the area
                                                                                             Cllr Kavanagh said "As         along with changes in
                                                                                             councillors we have a          planning legislation to
                                                                                             duty of care to the citi-      ensure that the number of
                                                                                             zens of the county, we         masts and antennae are
                                                                                             also have a duty to protect    kept under control and at
                                                                                             the environment. 5G is a       safe levels."
                                                                                             huge escalation of tradi-        Cllr Jennifer Whitmore
                                                                                             tional cellular technology.    said she understood why
                                                                                             It uses more power             people might be con-
                                                                                             through higher speeds and      cerned about 5G, however
                                                                                             bandwidths. Traditional        she voted against the
                                                                                             1G to 4G uses between          motion. She said "When
                                                                                             1ghz and 5ghz frequen-         you look at what is avail-
                                                                                             cies, 5G will use between      able online there is some
                                                                                             10-300ghz. 5G signals are      very significant charges
                                                                                             short and can only travel      being made against 5G.
                                                                                             short distances without        There is a lot of science
                                                                                             boosters so transmitters       being thrown around
                                                                                             which boost signals will       and a lot of conspiracy
                                                                                             be placed between 100              (continued on page 3)
WICKLOW SAYS NO TO 5G - WE DELIVER!- for 30 years SOUTH EDITION - Wicklow Times
Times     WICKLOW

2 NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                               Tuesday 15th October 2019

                                                                                                                     Bray and Greystones Tidy Towns
                                                                                                                     adjudication to take place
                                                                                                                     Bray and Greystones will be judged by Tidy Towns adjudicators this month after they were
                                                                                                                     omitted from the competition due to a computer glitch.
                                                                                                                     Along with four other towns around the country, Bray         they believe the issue to be with the senders email.
                                                                                                                     and Greystones were shocked to see they were not             The Department said that it will now inspect the six
                                                                                                                     included in the results released two weeks ago. The          towns, being mindful of the fact that inspections are
                                                                                                                     groups had not received any notification of their omis-      usually carried out during the summer months.
                                                                                                                     sion.                                                        The towns will be adjudicated in the usual way, and
                                                                                                                     The Department of Community and Rural Affairs said           receive an adjudication score and report. Any prizes
                                                                                                                     that it appeared as though the issue occurred due to         that may be awarded will be honoured although this
                                                                                                                     restrictions on the email accounts used by the groups.       will not change the existing results of any county or
                                                                                                                     They confirmed that their IT unit said the submissions       category winners. Neither will it displace any existing
                                                                                                                     did not reach the email servers of the Department and        medal winners.

                                                                                                                     New training season at                                          BirdWatch Wicklow
                                                                                                                     Wicklow Aquanauts                                                  Branch events
                                                                                                                     A new training season for new drivers is                     October
                                                                                                                     about to begin at Wicklow Aquanauts, the                     Saturday 19th: Annual outing to Kilcoole to look for
                                                                                                                     scuba diving club.                                           seasonal migrants. Meet at Kilcoole Train Station car-
                                                                                                                                                                                  park at 10:00.
                                                                                                                        The club was founded in 1984, and has a very
Darcey Hingerty, Ethan Murphy, Elliot Wright, and Levi Griffin-English are pictured at the                           comfortable clubhouse and dive centre in Greystones          November
official opening of the Greystones Harbour Sea Scouts’ new den. See story on page 16                                 Harbour. Diving is organised locally, nationally, and        Tuesday 12th: Wicklow Branch AGM. All Wicklow
                                                                                                                     abroad. Training is carried out by qualified instructors.    BirdWatch Ireland members are welcome, proof of
                                                                                                                        Lectures are spread over three sessions. Pool training    membership will be required in the form of the new
Blessing of the Graves                                Wicklow Lions Quiz Nights                                      is three to four sessions. All pool training equipment is    membership card which is downloadable from the new
                                                                                                                                                                                  BirdWatch Ireland website. Glenview Hotel at 19:00.
                                                                                                                     supplied by the club.
   The annual Blessing of the graves takes place         At a recent meeting the President and committee                There are three to five sea snorkels, and up to 100       Tuesday 12th: The ‘Who, What, Where, When and
in Redford Cemetery on Sunday 3rd November at         members of Wicklow and District Lions Club announced           scuba dives during the year. Diving training officer         Why’ of the Garden Bird Survey by Brian Burke from
                                                      that all slots for this coming season’s Quiz Nights are        Albert Kerr says “Our members dive for fun, photogra-        BirdWatch Ireland. Glenview Hotel at 20:00.
3pm. The committee’s gate collection takes place
                                                      now complete. The chairperson Una Breslin would like           phy, wrecks, bottle collecting, biology, and monthly sur-    Saturday 23rd: Outing to Cahore, Co Wexford to see
that day to help with the upkeep of the cemetery.     to thank all the charities which include schools and clubs     veys of our area which we forward to bio-diversity           Whooper Swans and other winter visitors. Meet at
                                                      for their quick response in applying to be part of the         Ireland. An underwater clean up from the South Beach         Ballinoulart Bay beach car park (South end Cahore) at
Arklow Cancer Support                                 2019/2020 quiz.                                                                                                             10:00 (contact birdwatchwicklow@gmail.com if you
                                                                                                                     to the North Beach in Greystones is being organised. For
Celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Day at                 Each organisation will be notified when their particu-      new trainees the cost of membership is €375 from now         need a lift).
Arklow Cancer Support (8, Mary’s Road) on             lar night has been arranged. The quiz gets going on            to the end of next year. This includes affiliation to the    December
Friday 18th October from 10am to 1pm.                 Wednesday November 6th at a venue to be decided.               Irish Underwater Council (€110), insurance, quarterly        Tuesday 10th: “The Avonmore River valley: a Black
                                                      There will be five quiz nights before Christmas and six in     magazine, lectures, pool training, sea training, and up to   Forest for Ireland?,” by Coilin MacLochlainn: a talk
                                                      the new year.
Arklow Meals On Wheels                                   This is the biggest fundraising event of the year for the
                                                                                                                     100 dives. Extra costs include training manual, and log-     about linking up all of the existing semi-natural wood-
                                                                                                                     book (€70), medical, and equipment when sea going,           lands in the Avonmore valley, from Luggala south to
  The Annual General Meeting of Arklow Meals          local Lions club and up to twenty charities benefit and        the cost of which can be spread over time.”                  Shelton Abbey and Arklow. Glenview Hotel at 8pm.
on Wheels will take place on Thursday 24th            depend on the finances raised over the winter months by
October at 2pm at the Arklow Bay Hotel.               the club.
                                                         It is a very entertaining evening and everyone is invit-
Greystones Active Retirement                          ed to come along any Wednesday and take part and help
                                                      to support some very important and worthy charities
   The Annual General Meeting will be held on         thanks to the very hard working Lions quiz team.
Thursday 24th October at 2:30pm at
   Kilian House Family Centre. All members and
intending members are invited. Get all the news
                                                            Wicklow’s Got Talent
on trips and holidays being planned.                      The Wicklow Hospice Foundation is looking for
   Tickets are available for the Annual Christmas     more acts to register for their Wicklow’s Got Talent
Lunch in the Parkview Hotel on Thursday 12th          event on the 23rd of November in the Arklow Bay
December.                                             Hotel. So far, 19 acts registered but they would ideally
   The next coffee morning takes place at Kilian      like 30+ and the first auditions will take place on the
                                                      19th of October.
House Family Centre on Friday, 25th October at
                                                          Auditions are being held on the 19th and 26th of
10:30am.                                              October from 2-5pm in the Arklow Bay, €20 per act
                                                      to register no matter what size the act is. To register go
Table Quiz in aid of Open Door                        to www.wicklowhospice.ie or ring Sinead on
Centre                                                0870954137.
                                                          You can also register on the day. 15 acts will make
The Sugarloaf Lions Club / Open Door table quiz       it through to the live final where Sean and Conor Price
takes place in Greystones Rugby Club on               will perform!! €15 adult and €5 children.
Thursday 7th November at 8pm sharp. A table of
4 costs €40. All are welcome. Please contact           Aughrim Active Retirement
Suzanne on 087 6250823 to book a table or to            Line Dancing classes take place on Friday mornings
donate a raffle prize. All proceeds go towards        from 11am to 12noon, in the Parish Hall. Good fun to
activities for adults with physical disabilities in   be had by all. There will be a Spa Day on 23rd
North Wicklow and South County Dublin.                October, cost €60 for two treatments and lunch.

            BRAY                                                                                                      Romi Majlath and Katelyn Keogh are pictured at the Kiltegan Camogie Club 6k and Family walk.

                               Vevay Rd, Bray
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WICKLOW SAYS NO TO 5G - WE DELIVER!- for 30 years SOUTH EDITION - Wicklow Times
Times     WICKLOW

Tuesday 15th October 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                    NEWS 3

 ‘Older people shunned
    again’ by Budget
"The Budget was a shocking insult to older people in this country",                            difficult budget for older     Drug Payment Scheme
Independent councillor Joe Behan declared last week. Cllr Behan                                people. While no cuts to       will reduced by €10.”
stated that "older people had been promised some time ago that the                             entitlements or benefits          Fianna Fáil TD Pat
Government was committed to raising the State Pension eventually to                            were made, by not increas-     Casey welcomed the
                                                                                               ing provision for the pen-     announcement of 10 new
€270 per week”.                                                                                sion, or by not further        dementia advisers posts
   He explained: "This          A mark of a civilised soci-     for this. Since 2011 we        increasing supports such       but wants to know when
was a commitment they           ety is how it treats its old-   have waited for funding        as the Fuel Allowance,         these positions will come
gave in the National            est citizens and in this        for the National Positive      many vulnerable older          on stream.
Pensions Framework              regard the Government is        Ageing Strategy, and again     people will feel the impact       Deputy Casey said,
which would increase the        failing miserably.              we have been kept wait-        in                    their    "While the commitment
State Pension to a sum             CEO of Alone Sean            ing.                           pockets."                      for 10 advisers is very
equal 35% of average            Moynihan declared it a             "Many older people will        Reacting to last week's     welcome, delivery on
weekly earnings. In the         'very difficult budget for      miss the increase to the       Budget, Minister Andrew        these positions is what
event, they added abso-         older people' that has left     pension which has become       Doyle said it will protect     matters. There are current-
lutely nothing to the State     'thousands of older people      regular over the last sever-   elderly people in Wicklow      ly only nine dementia
Pension while also              vulnerable' to the impact       al Budget announcements.       thanks to a range of initia-   advisors in the country,
increasing carbon tax           of Brexit.                         "In order to deliver        tives to reduce the cost of    despite the fact that more
which disproportionately           In a statement, Mr           financial security to older    living.                        than 55,000 people are liv-
affects older people with       Moynihan, said "Older           people, in this Budget we         Minister Doyle said         ing with the condition         Jackie Napier celebrates Bray Emmets’ victory over Glenealy in the
greater need for home           people across the country       called for the pension to be   "The Living Alone              nationally with thousands      Senior Hurling Championship Final in Aughrim.
heating, etc. The fact that     will be frustrated at this      increased to match 35% of      Allowance, which helps         in Wicklow.
the miserly 2 fuel              year's Budget, which has        average earnings, which        our most vulnerable elder-        "The current situation -
allowance increase is due
to come into force next
May is cold comfort given
                                given very little back to
                                older people experiencing
                                financial, health and hous-
                                                                would have required an
                                                                increase of at least €7-€9
                                                                to the state pension this
                                                                                               ly people and people with
                                                                                               disabilities, is being
                                                                                               increased by €5. The Fuel
                                                                                                                              which is essentially a post-
                                                                                                                              code lottery for care - is
                                                                                                                              completely unacceptable.
                                                                                                                                                                Large haul of cocaine
the rise in oil prices gener-
   "Yet again this shows
                                ing difficulties, and left
                                them vulnerable to the
                                impact of Brexit.
                                                                year and in the coming
                                                                   "While ALONE wel-
                                                                                               Allowance is being
                                                                                               increased by €2 per week
                                                                                               and there will be increases
                                                                                                                              There must be equality of
                                                                                                                              access for all Wicklow
                                                                                                                              families. This Budget allo-
                                                                                                                                                                   seized in Bray
the continuing disrespect          "We believe that by not      comes the modest increase      to programmes that help        cation will hopefully fill
for the contribution of         increasing vital supports       of €2 to the fuel              address the causes of fuel     the gaps in the service,       €130,000 worth of what is thought to be cocaine was seized from
older people to this coun-      such as the State Pension,      allowance, we had hoped        poverty.                       however I want details         a man in Bray last Thursday morning.
try during their lifetimes.     the most vulnerable in our      to see the fuel allowance         "There will be increased    from the Minister as to
                                                                                                                                                                As part of an ongoing operation by Gardaí into the sale and supply of
Older people sacrificed so      society have been left          period restored to 32          funding for overnight in-      when these positions will
                                                                                                                                                             controlled substances, Gardaí from Bray and Bray District Drugs Unit
much to rear families and       unprotected. If costs           weeks to ensure that older     home day respite care.         be advertised. I regularly
                                                                                                                                                             observed a male acting suspiciously on the Bray Main Street/Killarney Road
put food on the table while     increase to necessities like    people are supported when      From July, prescription        meet with Wicklow fami-
                                                                                                                                                             area of Bray on Thursday 10th of October.
earning low wages and           food and transport, older       they need it. The increase     charges will be reduced by     lies who are living with
                                                                                                                                                                When approached by Gardaí the man in his 20s fled on foot. Following a
paying high taxes. Surely       people will be left vulnera-    to the fuel allowance will     50c for everyone and the       dementia. They all tell the
                                                                                                                                                             brief foot pursuit a man was arrested and a bag was also located from under a
they are entitled to an         ble.                            not sufficiently mitigate      Medical Card income            same story - they quality
                                                                                                                                                             parked car. Further examination of the plastic bag found it contained approxi-
increase in their pension at       "Every year we fail to       against the impact of the      thresholds increased by        of care they receive is sec-
                                                                                                                                                             mately 1.8 kilos of Cocaine (pending analysis) with an estimated street value
a time when the economy         fund a plan for an ageing       carbon tax for older peo-      €50 (€150 for a couple).       ond to none but getting
                                                                                                                                                             of €130,000. The man was arrested under Section 15 of the Misuse of Drugs
is booming and the nation-      society and we see nothing      ple.                           From September the             access can prove very
                                                                                                                                                             Act and was conveyed to Bray Garda Station where he is currently detained
al coffers are overflowing.     in the Budget to prepare           "This has been a very       monthly threshold for the      difficult."
                                                                                                                                                             under Section 2 of the Criminal Justice (Drugs Trafficking) Act, 1996.

Consultants vote no confidence in Minister Harris
Wicklow's Minister for Health Simon Harris received a damning                                  working on wards and           the country and then
blow last weekend when the Irish Hospital Consultant Association                               caring for patients know       importing doctors from
unanimously passed a vote of no confidence in him. The IHCA is                                 and live it each day. But      abroad, taking medical
                                                                                               it's not an excuse for         expertise from where it is
made up of more than 3000 consultant members.
                                                                                               doing nothing.                 needed. It doesn't make
   IHCA President Dr            and deaf to the suffering       since he became Minister          "Consultants can no         sense."
Donal O'Hanlon said that        of patients across Ireland.”    for Health. This amounts       longer support a Minister         Dr Durcan explained
hospital consultants across        The vote was passed at       to a 37% increase or           who is shirking his            the impact made by the
the public health service       a meeting of the Council        almost five additional         responsibility, as Minister    appointment of additional
no longer have confidence       of the IHCA that took           patients every hour. While     for Health, to fix our         consultants, giving the
in the Minister as he does      place in Dublin.                over the same period, the      health service and is          example of her own
not have the “authority,           Dr O'Hanlon stated,          number of patients treated     failing to engage with the     Rheumatology department
understanding, inclination      "After three years in the       on trolleys has increased      IHCA, whose more than          in Beaumont Hospital.
or experience to deliver        office, Minister Harris has     by 36% since May 2016.         3,000 consultant mem-          "We have gone from 2 to
timely, quality hospital        presided over an unac-             "Ensuring all patients      bers, are committed to         3 and that has reduced the
care for patients” adding       ceptable increase of            can access timely, quality     improving conditions for       waiting list from 3 and a
that Harris “has become         153, 914 patients on the        hospital care is a chal-       patients".                     half years to 6 months,
increasingly complacent         outpatient waiting list         lenge, hospital consultants       Latest figures from the     still not ideal but a lot
                                                                                               OECD show that Ireland         better."
                                                                                               has the lowest number of          Dr Durcan said that that

 (continued from p 1)                          we need public consultation about
                                                                                               consultants in the EU with
                                                                                               pay inequality for new
                                                                                               entrants being cited as one
                                                                                               of the main barriers to
                                                                                                                              after 'robust debate' with
                                                                                                                              Wicklow's Fianna Fail
                                                                                                                              spokesperson on health
                                                                                                                              Stephen Donnelly the
 theories being thrown into the mix. It's      where they go, because we don't want            recruitment.                   IHCA had found him to
 very difficult to figure out what is fact     them ruining the beautiful views."                 Wicklow Times spoke         be 'clever and engaged, he
 and fiction and I don't think that we are       Speaking on the matter, Chief                 to IHCA vice president         weighs in on a problem
 in a position to make that judgment. I        Executive of Wicklow County                     and consultant rheumatol-      and looks for a solution."
 think we are going to have to rely on         Council Frank Curran said "It's the             ogist Dr Laura Durcan          She said that while they
 our institutions to do that for us,           Department of Communications,                   who said that consultants      are still open to working
 because we don't have the expertise."         Climate Action and Environment's                had become increasingly        with Minister Harris, it
    Cllr Rory O'Connor also voted              responsibility for the health effects of        disenfranchised          by    has become clear that he
 against the motion. He said "There is         radiation and I know that the Minister          Minister Harris' inaction      does not intend to make a
 concern whenever there's a big leap in        has looked at it and make new regula-           and unwillingness to           move in their direction. In
 technology - like we saw with the             tions for the EPA. ComReg is the                engage.                        that case, Dr Durcan said,
 radio, people were freaking out with          statutory body for the regulation of               "Minister Harris has        they will have 'no hope
 tin foil hats thinking that it was going      the electronic communication sector             stood us up on a number        but to hope for a change
 to damage their brain. But 5G has             and ComReg has commissioned audit               of occasions,” said Dr         of government'.
 been researched by the World Health           reports to confirm that licenses are            Durcan. "He will not              “The Minister appears
 Organisation, it's been categorised as        compliant with their licenses. They             engage with us. The            to dislike the group of
 being at the same threat level as             are covered by international                    health service shouldn't be    people that are responsible
 coffee. If we are going to ban this, I        guidelines for public exposure to               a black hole where money       for the health of a nation.
 think we should ban coffee at the             electromagnetic fields for non-ionsing          goes to die. What's hap-       I'm not sure how we can
 same time. One thing I will say is we         radiation. It's reviewed by the World           pening now is we are           move forward from
 do need to look out for the masts and         Health Organisation."                           training doctors that leave    there."
WICKLOW SAYS NO TO 5G - WE DELIVER!- for 30 years SOUTH EDITION - Wicklow Times
Times     WICKLOW

4 NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Tuesday 15th October 2019

                                                                                               Foster carers
                                                                                             sought in Wicklow
                                                                                          Tusla Child and Family Agency has launched a new public information campaign to recruit more foster carers, and to
                                                                                          dispel the myths around foster care eligibility.
                                                                                             The campaign is Tusla’s first national fostering campaign and it         foster carers around the country that open their homes to 5,511 chil-
                                                                                          aims to dispel misconceptions about who can foster a child, and             dren.”
                                                                                          encourage people from all walks of life to consider providing a lov-           Across Wicklow, 95 foster carers open their home to 147 children.
                                                                                          ing stable environment for a vulnerable child. Tusla National               Speaking about the misconceptions around foster care, a local foster
                                                                                          Fostering Week, which takes place on October 14th-20th is being             carer said “I have fostered children of all ages and different nationali-
                                                                                          supported by the Irish Foster Care Association. Tusla National              ties. I never knew who was going to walk through my door, but it
                                                                                          Fostering Week will include a range of public awareness events. A           never took long before the smiles came. Fostering gave me the
                                                                                          celebration of fostering by a children’s art exhibition (foster children    opportunity to stay at home with my own children. Both my daugh-
                                                                                          and birth children of foster carers art) will take place in Arklow          ters enjoyed the experience with foster children and have gone on to
                                                                                          Public Library, Main Street Arklow from Monday the 14th October             study in that field themselves. I have kept in touch with many chil-
                                                                                          to Saturday the 19th October.                                               dren I have cared for. It’s nice to lend a helping hand.
                                                                                             Speaking about the launch of Tusla National Fostering Week,                 “Foster carers in Wicklow make a huge contribution to local com-
                                                                                          Chief Executive of Tusla, Bernard Gloster, said: “Tusla National            munities by raising children who take part in schools, sports clubs
                                                                                          Fostering Week is an opportunity to dispel common misconceptions            and other activities. Each child is different and each foster carer is
                                                                                          about foster care. We are looking for foster carers from all walks of       different, so we are seeking all types of foster carers. For example,
                                                                                          life to provide loving, stable environments for children who, due to        people who rent, people who own their own home, people who are in
                                                                                          life experiences can’t live at home.                                        couple, or are single, have a disability, or are of a different ethnicity.”
                                                                                             “It only takes one person to change a child’s life. I would encour-         People in Wicklow who would like to find out more about foster-
                                                                                          age anyone who feels they can provide a stable and safe family envi-        ing can call 1800 226 771, email tusla.fostering@tusla.ie or visit
 Pictured is Áine Farrell from Bray who was one of the 19 students in
                                                                                          ronment for a child to think about fostering and join the 4,254 Tusla       Tusla.ie for more details.
 Ireland who achieved top marks in her Junior Cert. Aine is a pupil of
 Coláiste Íosagain and a past pupil of Scoil Chualann.

    Brittas Bay biodiversity                                                              Motorsport champ nominated for
  project information evening
A plan to protect the unique biodiversity of Brittas Bay is under
                                                                                          Young Driver of the Year Award
consideration by Wicklow County Council.                                                  18 year-old Max Hart has been selected as the third                                                               sorship for 2020. Like any single
                                                                                          nominee for the 2019 Motorsport Ireland Young Racing                                                              seater racer, Max would love to
   As well as being one of the county’s most popular beaches, Brittas Bay is a jewel                                                                                                                        reach Formula 1 but understands
in the crown of Wicklow’s biodiversity being an area that is rich in plant, insect and    Driver of the Year for his performances in the month of
                                                                                                                                                                                                            the barriers that exist in follow-
birdlife.                                                                                 June.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            ing that path, however carving
   The Dunes at Brittas Bay are part of a complex of coastal habitats that includes          Hailing from Baltinglass, Hart     Monoposto 1000 class in the                                                 out a career as a professional
Buckroney Dunes, and which are designated as a Special Area of Conservation               has elected to compete in the UK      UK. In his first race outside                                               driver is definitely his aim.
(SAC).                                                                                    this season with Leastone Racing      Ireland at Brands Hatch, without                                               Max is thankful for the sup-
   However, the biodiversity of the site suffers from amenity pressures and               in the British Monoposto 1000         any testing at the track, Hart fin-                                         port of his sponsors and family
Wicklow County Council is looking at implementing a programme of actions to               Championship where he has             ished second. This gave him the                                             members who have helped out in
facilitate improved management for biodiversity and enhance the conservation sta-         secured numerous podiums,             encouragement to proceed with                                               any way possible over the last
tus of the site.                                                                          including a brace of wins, which      this series for 2019 and with the                                           few seasons.
   This project is being co-ordinated by the Heritage Office of Wicklow County            secured him second in the cham-       main championship finished, he                                                 Having been selected as the
Council in association with Wicklow Municipal District and with funding support           pionship on his first full season     intends to complete the six round                                           third nominee for the 2019 sea-
from National Parks & Wildlife Service                                                    racing outside Ireland.               Tiedeman Trophy Championship                                                son, Max is now a contender for
   through the National Biodiversity Action Plan Fund of the Department of                                                                                            Max Hart                              the prestigious Motorsport
                                                                                             In 2018, Max won the Irish         which takes place over the
Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht.                                                      Formula Vee Star of Tomorrow          Autumn and Winter months of                                                 Ireland Young Racing Driver of
   Initial works have commenced which focus on trialling mowing plots to inform           Championship, taking eight wins       this year.                                                                  the Year Award and the historic
                                                                                                                                                                      Chonglais in Baltinglass. Away
an appropriate grazing regime. It is also intended to map the invasive sea buck-          from twelve starts in his first          Like many young racers, Max                                              Sexton Trophy. This award is
                                                                                                                                                                      from racing and his studies, Max
thorn.                                                                                    season in the series. It was at the   has had to balance his racing                                               presented annually and is sup-
                                                                                                                                                                      will continue his fitness and
   A public information event on the programme is being held on Tuesday, 15th             end of that season that he then       with education and he is current-                                           ported by Sport Ireland and
                                                                                                                                                                      training work as well as working
October, at 7 pm in Wicklow Town Hall, Market Square. Project ecologist, Alan             decided to sample the                 ly a 6th year student in Scoil                                              Motorsport Ireland.
                                                                                                                                                                      with his family to secure spon-
Lauder, will talk about the work and there will also be details of opportunities to
participate in upcoming invasive species mapping workshops.
   For further details contact Deirdre Burns, Heritage Officer, Wicklow County
Council: dburns@wicklowcoco.ie T: 0404 20100.

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WICKLOW SAYS NO TO 5G - WE DELIVER!- for 30 years SOUTH EDITION - Wicklow Times
Times     WICKLOW

Tuesday 15th October 2019                                                                                                                                                                                               NEWS 5

Councillors take a stand
 against online abuse
A motion was passed at last week’s meeting of Wicklow County Council in response to a noted
increase in online abuse and personal threats aimed at councillors.
   The motion, put forward by            respect to get respect. Today (Oct      but how we deal with each other as
Fianna Fail councillor John              10th) is mental health awareness        professionals in the social media
Mullen, was discussed and agreed         day and social media abuse is a         sphere. I think that we need to
on. It states that “Wicklow County       large factor in people feeling unac-    recognise that there are people
Council notes the increasing level       ceptable pressure and resulting         behind the roles, that we are all
of personal abuse and threats being      mental strain. Politics both online     individuals and we have families
made on social media against             and offline belongs to all of us and    and we are here to do what we
Public Representatives. Wicklow          nobody should feel excluded             believe is best. Rather than knock-
County Council asks all public rep-      because they fear an abusive online     ing everyone down all the time we
resentatives to be leaders in ensur-     response.”                              should be just trying to work
ing that bullying, abusive and               Agreeing with the motion, Cllr      together for the people of
threatening language is not used         Paul O’Brien observed that “over        Wicklow.”
online and to ask their supporters       the last few weeks I have noticed           Cllr Grace McManus said “We
to engage in online debate in a          it’s gotten worse. Some might say       need to be mindful that people are
respectful manner. Wicklow               this is what you are signing up for     watching us, when we are getting
County Council also asks the             as a councillor, but that doesn’t       abuse and how we handle it. We
Executive to provide support to          mean it’s right. As an elected rep-     have an opportunity to showcase           Minister for Education Joe McHugh cuts the ribbon to officially open St.Coen’s National School in
any representative that is being tar-    resentative I have every much right     resilience in that regard. I learnt
                                                                                                                           Rathnew, with principal Miriam Cahill (second from right), Cathaoirleach Irene Winters (far left)
geted online and engage with An          to be here as everyone else. We are     that you have to have red lines so I
Garda Siochana to ensure that any        a democratic country, I respect         just delete comments that are abu-        Minister Andrew Doyle (far right), and pupils. The school was fomred from the amalgamation of
illegal behaviour is investigated.”      everyone else’s opinions and all I      sive. I am happy to debate policy         St. Joseph’s Girls National School and St. Ernan’s Boys National School. The new building is
   Speaking at the meeting, Cllr         am asking for is the same in return,    and I don’t mind being named if I         located in Merrymeeting.
Mullen said “social media is used        so I would urge elected members         voted for something and then being
by all of us. It's a way of getting in   to consider when they are posting       tagged and asked why I voted for
touch with constituents, but there
are frequent issues with people
going over the line. We need to nip
                                         things on social media or in the
                                         media itself, to remember that they
                                         have families, we have families
                                                                                 it, but I won’t accept abuse.”
                                                                                     Senior Executive Officer
                                                                                 Lorraine Gallagher explained that
                                                                                                                            Another death on the N81
this in the bud at the start of a the    and the officials have families too     “we have an acceptable use policy       A motorcyclist died following a fatal collision on the N81 on Sunday 6th October. The
new council. We want debate and          and to bear that in mind.”              in Wicklow County Council. The          accident, incolving a car and two motorcycles, happened at Poulaphouca.
engage with debate, but let's keep           Cllr Jennifer Whitmore also         purpose of the document is to out-
it polite and respect each other.”       welcomed the motion, noting that        line the policy for the safe, profes-     One motocyclist was pronounced dead at the scene and the other motorcyclist was injured and taken to
   Speaking to Wicklow Times             “over the weekend, there was some       sional and proper use of Wicklow        Tallaght University Hospital.
after the meeting, Cllr Mullen said      anti-immigration leaflets handed        County Council’s computing                Responding to the news, West Wicklow Councillor Edward Timmins, speaking at last week’s meeting of
“Its vital to have debate on politics    out around the Charlesland area in      online and messaging system. The        Wicklow County Council, said “Recently €1.1 million was spent on resurfacing the N81 north of Blessington
issues and social media presents an      Greystones, and I posted some-          procedure applies to all users of the   and no one in the area, including my fellow councillors, thought it was necessary and no consultation took place
important platform for people to         thing on it on Facebook and I have      information systems and any ser-        with the councillors in relation to the expenditure. There are much more needy spots where that €1.1 million
engage with public representatives.      literally spent the past day dealing    vices accessible from those sys-        could have been spent, in widening the N81 and making it safer. We feel we are being ignored and treated with
However there is also a responsi-        with abuse online. It has now           tems by any users from Wicklow          contempt as councillors. Nothing is being done.”
bility to engage in respectful           moved to Twitter and I will expect      County Council. All users of              A segment of the N81, south of Poulaphouca Bridge, 1.8km north of junction with R411, east of Kildare
debate and indeed criticism and not      tonight I will be dealing with it on    Wicklow County Council’s infor-         border, was recently named the most dangerous section of road in Co. Wicklow according to research by
engage in trolling where individual      Twitter. I have been called all sorts   mation systems and related ser-         Gamma Lacation Intelligence, with 76 road accidents (injury collisions) per 100 million vehicle kilometres.
councillors are targeted. Every          of names and frankly it’s unaccept-     vices are expected to use these           According to a briefing released by the Kildare National Roads Office, the N81 between Tallaght and
councillor needs to lead on this and     able, but you can see that level of     resources in an efficient, effective,   Hollywood Cross has up to seven times the national average of head-on collisions and two times the national
encourage their supporters to show       discourse, not just in online trolls    ethical moral and lawful manner.”       average of single-vehicle crashes.

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6 NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                            Tuesday 15th October 2019

New Mobile Library
   for Wicklow
A new €230,000 mobile library launched last week by Wicklow                             serve the rural areas of
                                                                                        Wicklow over the next
                                                                                                                     the mobile library which
                                                                                                                     has a membership of
County Council will carry over 3,000 items and have a “bounce pad”
                                                                                        10 to15 years as its pre-    over 1,500 and annual
providing easy internet access to users.                                                decessor has done”, she      visits of 23,000 from the
   The mobile library          the Council to highlight     loadable audio books,       stated.                      public it serves.
service is used regularly      services and bring them      online newspapers from         Mr Frank Curran,             “The library of today
by 1,500 people as it vis-     to an audience that other-   across the world in 30      Chief         Executive,     provides a critical func-
its different parts of rural   wise would have been         languages, online lan-      Wicklow           County     tion for citizens of
Wicklow.                       very difficult to reach.”    guage learning, and         Council, said it was         towns, cities and rural
   Speaking at the                She added that mobile     online business informa-    encouraging, despite the     areas”, he said adding:
launch, the Cathaoirleach      library membership auto-     tion.                       increased use of elec-       “Wicklow          County
of Wicklow County              matically provides an           Cllr Winters said that   tronic devices, that the     Council is well-served
Council, Cllr Irene            avenue of access to other    by investing 230,000 in     libraries continue to        with 13 branch libraries
Winters, said: “The ser-       services which all 30,000    the new mobile library,     grow in popularity with      through the county; six
vice has an emphasis on        members of the Wicklow       Wicklow County Council      people borrowing in          of which are full-times
social inclusion as it         Library Service can avail    was reinforcing its com-    excess of 600,000 items      while seven are either
reaches the most remote        of. Members are entitled     mitment to its rural pub-   a year.                      part-time or single
areas of the county on a       to log on from a home        lic. “It is my wish that,      The Council, he said,     staffed.”
regular basis. This ele-       PC or Smart Device to        commencing tomorrow,        continues to invest in the      Cllr Gail Dunne,
                                                                                                                                                  Cathaoirleach Irene Winters and Cllr Gail Dunne cut the ribbon to
ment has been utilised by      avail of: E-books, down-     this new vehicle will       library service, with new    Chair of the CCSD SPC,
                                                                                        libraries being developed    said Wicklow County          officially open the new mobile library
                                                                                        in Wicklow town and in       Council’s first mobile
                                                                                        Rathdrum. These two          library took to the road     new mobile library -        vehicle’s internal lights    pad” providing easy
                                                                                        new libraries, along with    in 2004. It has served the   supplied by Cahill          and electricity.             internet access to the
                                                                                        the new mobile library,      people of Wicklow well       Truck     Bodies      of      In addition to carrying    public along with an
                                                                                        represented a capital        over the past 15 years       Graiguenamanagh, Co         almost 3,000 items, Cllr     electronic notice board
                                                                                        investment of €6m.           with 400,000 kilometres      Kilkenny - includes six     Dune pointed out that the    which will be used to
                                                                                           He pointed out that       clocked up.                  solar panels which will     vehicle will have the best   showcase and promote
                                                                                        almost 50,000 items are         He said he was partic-    provide the primary         in modern technology,        Wicklow County Council
                                                                                        borrowed each year from      ularly pleased that the      source of energy for the    including a “bounced         events and notifications.

                                                                                         Double history event in Baltinglass Library
                                                                                         The West Wicklow Historical Society will be launching                  talk on the remarkable Mrs. Wyse Power to launch this leg of the
                                                                                         on-the-double on the evening of Friday 18th October.                   exhibition.
                                                                                         Baltinglass Library will be the venue for two events in                   The WWHS has already entered its 40th year and its journal is
                                                                                         one. These are the Baltinglass launch of the ‘Our                      its most enduring contribution to the heritage of West Wicklow
                                                                                                                                                                and environs. The first three issues were published in the 1980s.
                                                                                         Wicklow Women’ exhibition and the official launch of
                                                                                                                                                                Then there was a hiatus until 2007, when Chris Lawlor and Donal
                                                                                         the WWHS’s 10th Journal.                                               McDonnell revived it. Since then there has been a journal every
                                                                                            ‘Our Wicklow Women’ is an exhibition celebrating the achieve-       two years, produced by the same editorial team. The appearance
                                                                                         ments or tribulations of thirteen women historically associated with   of the 10th Journal is a landmark for the society in advance of its
                                                                                         Co. Wicklow. It is an initiative of Deirdre Burns, County Heritage     40th anniversary celebrations in 2020. It is also considerably larg-
                                                                                         Officer, and Catherine Wright, County Archivist. This free exhibi-     er than any of the previous nine editions, with articles on diverse
                                                                                         tion has been in various locations over the past several months and    aspects of the past and various locations within the area covered
                                                                                         it will remain in Baltinglass Library for a month after this event.    by the WWHS. The price is €15.00 and it will be on sale on the
                                                                                            Four of the subjects included in the exhibition were from the       night.
                                                                                         western half of the county - Elizabeth Smith of Baltiboys, her            The events on Friday 18th October take place during library
The new mobile library                                                                   great-granddaughter Dame Ninette de Valois, Eliza Davis of             opening hours (6.30pm to 8.30pm). The exhibition may be viewed
                                                                                         Mullinacuff and Jennie Wyse Power, a native of Baltinglass.            and the journal purchased anytime within those hours but the offi-
                                                                                         Jennie’s story was researched and written by another Baltinglass       cial proceedings, including Cora Crampton’s brief talk, begin at
                                                                                         native, Cora Crampton of the WWHS, and she will give a brief           7pm sharp. All are welcome to attend.

                                                                                        Erasmus students welcomed to Wicklow                      Winters. Earlier in the     the impact of erosion and    Wicklow Harbour and
                                                                                        Erasmus+ students and teachers from
                                                                                        Slovenia, Sweden, Austria and Romania visit-              day the students had a      conducting a coastal sur-    out to Black Castle, and
                                                                                        ed Wicklow recently as part of the EU                     tour of Wicklow Town,       vey of the marine life.      a visit to Wicklow’s
                                                                                                                                                  taking in the RNLI sta-     The students were kept       Historic Gaol. The week
                                                                                        Aquatic Project and were staying with their
                                                                                                                                                  tion and other land-        busy and entertained         concluded with a night
                                                                                        host families of students from Colaiste Chill             marks. On Tueday,           during the rest of the       of     celebration       at
                                                                                        Mhantain.                                                 Deirdre Burns, Heritage     week with hikes up the       Wicklow Golf Club, with
   Wicklow’s Premier Travel Agency                                                        It was an action-
                                                                                        packed week from
                                                                                                                     Monday there was an
                                                                                                                     official welcome for the
                                                                                                                                                  Officer with Wicklow        Sphinx and Glendalough,      a meal and music. Cllr
                                                                                                                                                  County Council, hosted a    a trip to Dublin which       Winters presented cer-
                                                                                        Monday September 23rd        Erasmus students in          biodiversity talk with      included the Viking          tificates of participation

                          ARE YOU                                                       to Friday 27th, with
                                                                                        events each day. On
                                                                                                                     Wicklow’s Town Hall by
                                                                                                                     Cathaoirleach Irene
                                                                                                                                                  the students at The
                                                                                                                                                  Murrough, showing them
                                                                                                                                                                              Spalsh tour and a tour,
                                                                                                                                                                              and kayaking around
                                                                                                                                                                                                           to all of the students
                                                                                                                                                                                                           involved in the project.

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                                                                                        Colaiste Chill Mhantain students Jack Higgins, Eabha Mooney, Genevieve Codd White, and Sean Brady with Cathaoirleach
    Co. Wicklow.      Licensed and bonded TA5035                                        Irene Winters at the celebration night for Erasmus students in Wicklow Golf Club.
WICKLOW SAYS NO TO 5G - WE DELIVER!- for 30 years SOUTH EDITION - Wicklow Times
Times     WICKLOW

Tuesday 15th October 2019                                                                                                                                                                                             NEWS 7

Services needed for acquired
    brain injury sufferers
Co. Wicklow is currently severely lacking                  of our demography if we do not change the curve of
services for acquired brain injury                         incidence, we probably will experience a 58%
rehabilitation for adults, according to                    increase in stroke numbers over the next ten to 15
Acquired Brain Injury Ireland.                             years, which will represent a massive challenge for
   For some time ABI Ireland, a provider of commu-             On learning that the new Primary Health Care
nity rehabilitation for adults living with and recover-    Centre in Bray would be without an adult speech &
ing from an acquired brain injury, has been calling for    language therapy service, Ms Nolan said that “a
investment to provide case management services in          vulnerable group is being ignored”.
Co. Wicklow, where currently there is no case                  “There will be a beautiful new building and facili-
management service.                                        ty, but no new supports,” Ms McGrath complained. “I
   Acquired Brain Injury Ireland is currently in need      believe that people who require rehabilitation for
funding to provide services, as currently they have        stroke/ brain injury and speech problems are not
clients traveling from Wicklow to Dublin to avail of       having their needs met by the HSE in Bray. Waiting
supports.                                                  10 years for Slaintecare to come about means that
   In a pre-budget submission, the Neurological            thousands of people will be assigned to further
Alliance of Ireland called for investment in neurology     difficulties during their recovery. Time is of the
and neurorehabilitation services, as well as urgent        essence during rehabilitation so the Minister for           Hannah Kenny, AnneMarie Doran, Ella Doran, and Amy Monahan are pictured with pet Daisy at
action to address funding deficits that threaten the       Health should take immediate action to ensure that          the Kiltegan Camogie Club 6k Family walk.
supports provided by neurological charities.               the new Primary Care Centre has the funding to
   Last year ABI Ireland also made a pre-budget sub-       employ these much needed therapists.”
mission highlighting the benefits of case management
services: “An acquired brain injury case manager acts
as a single point of contact for families and provides a
                                                              Ms Nolan said that her husband had to wait eight
                                                           months to see an occupational therapist after being
                                                           discharged from hospital in January 2018 after a six-
                                                                                                                          Wicklow has highest childcare
clear pathway to support an individual’s transition
from acute settings through post-acute and into com-
munity rehabilitation services. Research in the UK
                                                           month stay due to a stroke. After finding a lack of
                                                           professional help for her husband locally, Ms Nolan
                                                           began calling for additional funding for cognitive
                                                                                                                              costs outside Dublin
                                                                                                                     Wicklow parents are struggling with the highest childcare costs outside Dublin, paying an
has shown that case management for complex cases           occupational therapy and speech therapy services for      average of €204 per week for full-time creche fees.
of brain injury has enhanced quality of life for indi-     adults with acquired brain injuries, at the new Bray
viduals. Additionally, earlier research focused on the     Primary Care Centre.                                         Stephen Donnelly TD       are charged € 251 per        inundated with requests       cost Fianna Fáil has a
northeast of Ireland (Meath, Cavan, Monaghan,                 In a statement to Wicklow Times, the HSE stated        explained        “Parents    week.                        from families in all the      Bill that’s making its
Louth) showed acquired brain injury case manage-           “The purpose built Primary Care Centre will serve to      nationally are forking out      “Every day parents        main urban areas in           way      through      the
ment services drove net savings for our health service     enhance a collaborative approach to the provision of      up to 8 percent more for     come into our con-           Wicklow who’re on             Oireachtas right now that
of €3.5m due to: reduced level of support required         services. Cognitive assessment is provided as part of a   childcare this year. Here    stituency office asking if   waiting lists just to get a   could cut up to 400 a
for individuals, reduced admission to nursing homes        Primary Care occupational therapy assessment, if          in Wicklow, we’re the        there’s any way we can       creche place. I’ve had        year off their childcare
and hospitals, and reduced discharge delays from           indicated, for all adults attending this service.         most expensive place         help. They have not one,     parents in Greystones         costs. My colleague
nursing homes and hospitals.”                                 “At present, there is no adult speech and language     outside the capital to       but two, major worries.      and Kilcoole tell me          Anne      Rabbitte     is
   Speaking to Wicklow Times, local Bray woman             therapist in Bray Primary Care Services. Primary Care     have a child minded full-    Firstly, they’re being       that the closest childcare    behind the Valuation
Bernadette Nolan, whose husband Peter has an ABI,          is committed to continuing its efforts in seeking the     time. We also have the       crushed by the prices        they could find is in         (Amendment) Bill which
said the current situation where Co. Wicklow is with-      necessary resources to provide this service. A multi-     third highest sessional      they’ve to pay. The sec-     Blackrock or Dun              would make childcare
out a brain injury case management service is              agency project group continues to work to establish a     charge in the country at     ond problem is that even     Laoghaire in South            providers exempt from
lamentable given the expected increase in stroke num-      neuro-rehabilitation pathway across the community,        just over €79. Just down     when families manage to      County Dublin.                commercial tax rates. If
bers in the coming years.                                  acute and tertiary hospital settings and obtain long-     the road we have the         squeeze out the money to        “What I’d like people      we make sure that crech-
   Speaking to the Oireachtas Health Committee in          term funding for this service. This project aims to       highest full-time fees for   pay for childcare, the       to know however is that       es have more favourable
March 2018, Dr Rónán Collins, Clinical Lead, Irish         show the benefit of clear clinical pathways for service   childcare which is in        next hurdle is finding       there is hope, no matter      financial conditions, we
National Stroke Programme stated “The Stroke               users with neurological conditions and identified         Dun            Laoghaire     somewhere that can           how grim the situation        should see more of them
Alliance for Europe, SAFE, has estimated that in light     rehabilitation needs.”                                    Rathdown where parents       accept their child. We’re    looks. When it comes to       opening in Wicklow.”
WICKLOW SAYS NO TO 5G - WE DELIVER!- for 30 years SOUTH EDITION - Wicklow Times
Times        WICKLOW

8 NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                   Tuesday 15th October 2019

                                                                                                                          Ashford lady nominated for award
                                                                                                                                after losing 5.8 stone
                                                                                                                         Janet Herman from Ashford is today holding her head high as she                           is not to write it off as a
                                                                                                                          celebrates all of her determination paying off, having lost 5st 8lbs                     bad week. It’s so impor-
                                                                                                                         since joining her local Unislim class. Due to her incredible success,                     tant to go to class, you
                                                                                                                         Janet has made it into the shortlist of only 12 ‘Unislimmers’ from                        come away with so much
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   encouragement. My con-
                                                                                                                         across the country. On October 17th she will take to the catwalk in                       fidence has grown
                                                                                                                         the annual Unislim Awards in Dublin, where the winner will walk                           immeasurably. I’m glad
                                                                                                                         away with €1,000.                                                                         to say my dog loves me
                                                                                                                            The finalists are today    also an emotional eater           I walked into my first    again!
                                                                                                                         being named as Unislim’s      and I think that’s part of    Unislim class on 26th            I couldn’t recommend
                                                                                                                         most inspiring weight loss    why I gained so much          April 2018 and weighed        the Balance plan more. It
                                                                                                                         success stories of the        weight. I found it hard to    in at 15 stone 11. I nearly   works for all the family
                                                                                                                         year. Ireland’s ‘Beauty       get myself motivated to       fell off the scales. I was    and it has to be sustain-
                                                                                                                         Guru’, media personality      do anything. I was begin-     in a bit of denial about      able for life, which it is.
                                                                                                                         and fellow Unislim mem-       ning to cancel plans with     how much I’d put on. My       You’re not dieting,
                                                                                                                         ber Triona McCarthy,          friends, isolating myself     fab leader Joanne & I set     you’re adopting a healthy
                                                                                                                         alongside Unislim MD          and feeling more and          small targets each week,      lifestyle. My husband
                                                                                                                         Fiona Gratzer will under-     more depressed.               aiming to reduce my BMI       said Thank God you’re
                                                                                                                         go the difficult task of         I really felt embar-       a little at a time. That’s    going to Unislim. I’m
                                                                                                                         choosing the overall win-     rassed about my body and      what worked for me, if I      delighted to say I’m back
                                                                                                                         ner from the inspiring        my poor dog never got a       was to tackle a large         to person I used to be, all
                                                                                                                         group, who have all           walk! I had tried other       number it would have          thanks to Unislim!
                                                                                                                         transformed their lives       plans and lost some           been too daunting. Most          Judging and the award
                                                                                                                         for the better.               weight but I looked at        weeks I had a loss, and I     ceremony will take place
 Pictured is Nian Mac Cormaic from St. Mary’s College, Arklow, in an outfit entitled ‘Queen of                              Speaking about her         them as diets and I’d end     never missed a class even     on Thursday, October
 Roses’, at the launch of Junk Kouture 2020. Junk Kouture lays down the gauntlet and challenge                           inspiring journey to get to   up back to square one.        if I felt I had a bad week.   17th, in association with
                                                                                                                         this point, Janet said:       After four or five years it       My energy levels have     Debenhams. The overall
 the students to create original and innovative outfits from recycled materials and rubbish.
                                                                                                                            My weight crept up         came to a stage my body       increased since losing the    winner will be presented
 Teachers can register their schools to participate now until 6pm November 1st. Students hoping to                       without me noticing,          was giving out. I was a       weight, I used to be out      with a cheque for €1,000
 take part should work on their entry designs from now so they are ready ahead of student                                which can happen so eas-      nightmare to live with.       of breath just going up       by Unislim.
 registration in January 2020.                                                                                           ily and going through the     My teenagers were tip-        the stairs! Six months           Bray man Gary Finane
                                                                                                                         menopause didn’t help. I      toeing around me with         after I started I went back   has also been named as a

Supporting evening for bereaved parents                                                                                  was sitting on the couch
                                                                                                                         eating a whole pack of
                                                                                                                         biscuits at night. I am
                                                                                                                                                       my moods and tears. I
                                                                                                                                                       was in a negative
                                                                                                                                                       headspace, I was stuck.
                                                                                                                                                                                     to my Pilates class again
                                                                                                                                                                                     which I love. You can
                                                                                                                                                                                     have bad days, the thing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   finalist of the anticipated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   annual Unislim Awards
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   after losing five stone.
Anam Cara Wicklow will host a parent sup-                stances of their death. Here you can come connect
port evening in the Parkview Hotel,                      with other bereaved parents over a cup of tea or cof-
Newtownmountkennedy at 7.20pm on the                     fee and just sit and listen or if you chose, speak of
21st October.                                            your child.
                                                            Anam Cara CEO Sharon Vard stressed that this
   When the dust has settled from the summer holi-       event is open to all bereaved parents “regardless of
days and back to school rush is over, many bereaved      the age your child died, the circumstances of their
parents find that the reality hits home again. Cara      death or whether the death was recent or not. Anam
parent support evenings will provide a safe and com-     Cara gives bereaved mothers and fathers a chance to
fortable space for all bereaved parents to come and      meet and connect with other bereaved parents in a
remember their child and to listen to other parents      safe and comfortable setting. Here we can find a
speak of their loss and how they are managing on         level of support and understanding that - even with
their journey. This event is open to all bereaved par-   the best will in the world - it can be difficult for
ents regardless the age of your child or circum-         family and friends to offer.”

         Marrakesh Ltd is a family run business specialising in
     Construction and Demolition Waste Management & Recycling,
       Site Clearance and Supply of Material from 4” down to
        Blinding, Recycled Screened Topsoil, Sand, Gravel etc.                                                           Janet before                                                Janet after

        EPA LICENCED FACILITY • ALL TRUCKS CARRY WASTE PERMITS                                                            Steely Dan
 Recycled:                                                                                                               tribute at the
 • Screened Topsoil                                                                                                        Hot Spot
 • Screened no 2 soil                                                                                                    AJA, an eight-piece trib-
 • 4" Down Crushed Concrete                  We also accept for recycling: • Clay • Stone • Concrete • Tarmac • Sand
                                                                                                                         ute band to Steely Dan,
                                                                                                                         return to the Hot Spot in
 • 4" Clean Crushed Concrete                                                                                             Greystones on Saturday
                                                                                                                         2nd November.
 • 3" Down Crushed Concrete                                                                                                 AJA recreates the
                                                                                                                         sounds of one of rock’s
 • 3" Clean Crushed Concrete                                                                                             most legendary and
 • Crushed Concrete Fines                                                                                                enigmatic bands with
                                                    We can organise SITE CLEARANCES - no job too big or small            stunning precision and
 • Crushed Tarmac Fines                                                                                                  energy.
                                                                                                                           This 8-piece ensemble
 • No 2 Stone                                                                                                            features former mem-
 Also available:                                                                                                         bers of Pretzel Logic
                                                                                                                         and includes some of
 • Granite • Pebble • Sand                                                                                               Dublin’s finest jazz,
                                                                                                                         rock and session musi-

  Tel: 01 286 8119 Mobile: 087 664 1866                                                                                  cians. Their live set
                                                                                                                         opens with the entire
                                                                                                                         classic album Aja, hence

  www.marrakeshltd.com                                                                                                   the name. Tickets €15 -
WICKLOW SAYS NO TO 5G - WE DELIVER!- for 30 years SOUTH EDITION - Wicklow Times

Tuesday 15th October 2019                     9
WICKLOW SAYS NO TO 5G - WE DELIVER!- for 30 years SOUTH EDITION - Wicklow Times
Times    WICKLOW

10 FEATURE                                                                                                                                                       Tuesday 15th October 2019

      he Harbour Trading Co. is a family business celebrating
      40 years in the Harbour in Bray. Originally it was
      Doherty's Coal Yard and later on Nolan's Builders yard.
Frank White took it over in 1978 and in 1979 Harbour Stores
began. It continued as a builders providers and also sold coal
and gas. Frank's daughter Nessa and her husband Paul Duffy
now run the family business.

                                                                      Pictured are Paddy O’Brien, Nessa Duffy, and Anthony Quinn of the Harbour Trading Company

                                                                        Primarily they dis-    have a full range of      and 100% Bio Patio      Congratulations and continued success
                                                                     tribute Calor bottled     Butane and Propane        gas. They have a full                    from
                                                                     gas throughout North      bottled gas in their      range of LPG products
                                                                     Wicklow and South
                                                                     county Dublin to
                                                                                               "one stop fuel shop"
                                                                                               including small bottles
                                                                                                                         including Supersers,
                                                                                                                         regulators and hose.    EAST COAST
                                                                     shops, restaurants, and   for campers and boats       They deliver Cpl
A new delivery of Calor Gas arrives at the Harbour Trading Company
                                                                     peoples' homes. They      including Campingaz       coal, Staffords Coal,

                                                                                               Congratulations and wishing continued success       Rathdrum, Co.Wicklow
                                                                                                                                                 0404-67006 / 087 - 9138281
                                                                                                                                                              High efficiency gas boilers.
                                                                                                                                                              Boiler services.
                                                                                                                                                              Gas fires supplied/Repairs.
                                                                                                 NORTH WICKLOW | SOUTH. DUBLIN                                Cooker repairs
                                                                                                                                                              Registered Gas Installer
                                                                                                 THE ONE STOP DRIVE IN FUEL                                   Authorised service engineers
                                                                                                DEPOT AT KILPEDDER GARAGE                                     for Rangemaster cookers &
                                                                                                                                                              Worcester Bosch boilers.
                                                                                               FOR THE KEENEST PRICE                                          Ideal Boilers - 7 yr warranty
                                                                                                                                                              parts & labour
                                                                                               ON HEATING OIL & COAL
                                                                                               CALL...                                                 East Coast Gas established since 1990.
                                                                                                T: 01 2810566 E: info@ultimaoil.ie
                                                                                                Freephone 1800 202 377
                                                                                                YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT
                                                                                                      OIL COMPANY

                                                                                                        Congratulations to
                                                                                                     The Harbour Trading Co.
                                                                                                    On your 40th Anniversary ,
                                                                                                 wishing you every future success
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