Page created by Amanda Parker
JANUARY                                                         MARCH
11 January                                                      1 March
Glastir Small Grants - Carbon                                   Single Application Form (SAF) 2021
EOI Opens                                                       available on RPW Online
28 January                                                      Common Land Application 2021
Deadline for claiming all Glastir capital                       available on RPW Online
works for 2020 via RPW Online                                   Farm Business Grant EOI opens
                                                                Timber Investment Scheme
                                                                EOI opens
                                                                12 March
 FEBRUARY                                                       Sustainable Production Grant
 1 February                                                     EOI closes
 Sustainable Production Grant –
 EOI opens
 Sheep and Goat Annual Inventory –
 deadline for return to be submitted                            APRIL
 12 February                                                    9 April
 Deadline for Equine Microchipping                              Farm Business Grant EOI closes
 (Wales)                                                        Timber Investment Scheme
 19 February                                                    EOI closes
 Glastir Small Grants Carbon
 EOI closes

Please note that the information in the Winter Update was accurate and up to date up until the date of
publishing on 18 December 2020.

For up-to-date information, visit the Welsh Government website -

Mae’r ddogfen yma hefyd ar gael yn Gymraeg.
This document is also available in Welsh.

      © Crown copyright 2020   WG41450   Print ISBN 978-1-80082-641-0 Digital ISBN 978-1-80082-640-3
Rural Payments Wales (RPW) Statement on
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
In line with Welsh Government and Public Health Wales (PHW) advice on
COVID-19, RPW has made changes to some of its services to ensure the health,
safety and well-being of staff and customers.
Please keep checking the Welsh Government website for the
latest information.

Customer Contact Centre
The RPW Customer Contact Centre opening times are now:
Monday to Friday: 8:30am to 12:00pm / 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Where possible, all non-urgent enquiries should be submitted in writing via
RPW Online. Enquiries can be submitted at any time.

Enhanced Security for RPW Online
RPW Online customers are reminded that an e-mail verification process was
introduced in December 2018, which means any customers who have not
completed the process will be asked to verify their email address, create a
memorable word (used for account recovery) and keep or amend their existing
login details when they next log in to their RPW Online account.
As part of the UK Government Gateway Transformation Programme, an additional
layer of security known as Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) was also introduced
on 3 August 2020.
Further information, on email verification, including step by step guidance on MFA
can be found on the Welsh Government website.
Manage My CPH e-Learning Modules
CPH eLearning modules have been developed to support livestock keepers,
unions and agents use Manage My CPH via RPW Online.
Livestock keepers who want to move livestock between their CPH’s located
within a 10 mile radius, without the need to report those movements and without
standstill periods, are encouraged to register on Manage My CPH RPW Online.
The eLearning modules can be found on the Welsh Government website with
additional help and support available from the RPW Customer Contact Centre
if required.
Simplification of Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) and
Rural Development (RD) Schemes for 2021
Following the Minister’s written statement on BPS and RDP simplification on
16 November 2020, a number of small but impactful changes will be applied to
the BPS 2021 scheme rules as follows:
• Greening: The BPS Greening requirements have been removed, the
  value of the greening payment will be incorporated into the value of the
  BPS entitlements.
• Cross Border Claimants: Only land in Wales will be eligible for BPS payment.
  Cross border farmers who relied on land outside Wales to meet the 5ha
  minimum claim size rule in 2020 will remain eligible from 2021 subject to all
  other scheme requirements being met.
• Advance and Balance payments: In 2021 an advance and balance payment
  will be made. This will remove the need for a BPS Support Scheme Application
Full details of the scheme changes will be available in the 2021 Single Application
Rules Booklet and 2021 Single Application Form (SAF) Online How To Complete
Guide in February 2021.
Please remember, the above changes will only apply to the BPS 2021 claim on
your SAF. All claims for Rural Development schemes will continue to operate
under existing EU rules and regulations. Make sure you have read and
understand the rules for all schemes before you apply.
A framework for new domestic Rural Development will be put in place in 2021
by establishing a Rural Development Advisory Board to support Welsh Ministers
deliver the rural support programme.
Transfer of BPS Entitlements 2021
Farmers can transfer their BPS Entitlements by sale, lease or via inheritance.
The 2021 transfer window opens on 4 January 2021.
Transfer of Entitlements online forms will be available for customers to
complete using their RPW Online account. Entitlement values displayed are
subject to change.
Customers must submit their applications before midnight on 15 May 2021 to
make a claim on those entitlements in 2021.

Cross Compliance
There have been a number of changes made to the Cross Compliance
Factsheets and Verifiable Standards for 2021 to reflect changes in
requirements, good practice and to clarify wording. Further information and
updated documentation can be found on the Welsh Government website.
SAF 2021 Application Window – Digital Assistance
Given the current COVID-19 social distancing measures in place and the ongoing
health risks to the general public, it is very unlikely RPW will be in a position to
offer face to face digital assistance during the SAF 2021 application window. If the
situation changes before, or during, the 2021 application window customers will be
informed via an RPW Service Update message.
The Customer Contact Centre will continue to offer help and guidance with any
questions regarding the completion of the online 2021 SAF throughout the application
window, but given there will be no digital assistance, claimants are advised to plan
ahead and complete their SAF 2021 as early as possible within the application window.
The Customer Contact Centre opening times will be extended during the
SAF application window as follows:
1 March to 30 April 2021 (excluding Bank Holidays):
Monday to Friday: 9:00am to 4:00pm
4 May to 14 May 2021:
Monday to Friday: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Monday 17 May:
9.00am to 5.00pm

Sustainable Land Management Update
The Welsh Government has published a White Paper consultation which sets out the
plans for the next phase of agricultural policy in Wales. The paper sets the scene for
the Agriculture (Wales) Bill which will be introduced in the next Senedd term. The
paper takes some of the ideas which were presented in Sustainable Farming and our
Land and build upon them following the responses we received.
The Welsh Government propose that this Bill will be strategic in scope, setting a
support framework which can accommodate the development of agriculture and
forestry within Wales for the next fifteen to twenty years. The Bill will enable farmers
to be financially supported and ensure a coherent and fair system of regulation can
be applied to the agricultural sector.
The White Paper sets out proposals for defining sustainable land management as the
basis for future funding. This is an internationally recognised concept which considers
the environmental, economic and social contribution farmers make to Wales.
There are also proposals to address the complicated regulatory system which
currently applies to farmers. The proposal is to bring together the existing regulations
into one set of National Minimum Standards, clarifying what legal requirements apply.
It is proposed these standards should be apply to all farmers and land managers in
Wales, regardless of whether they are part of a government payment scheme.
We would welcome your views on these and encourage you to respond
to the consultation:
EU Exit: What Your Farm Business
Should Consider
From 1 January 2021, the UK’s relationship with the
European Union has changed.

You should consider the following:
•   New processes for exporting or exporting between Great Britain
    and the EU are detailed in the UK Government’s Border
    Operating Model.
•   Food businesses operating in Great Britain will need to be listed
    with the EU, should you or your suppliers wish to export products
    of animal origin to the EU or to Northern Ireland.
•   To meet the new health requirements when exporting live animals
    or products of animal origin from Great Britain to the EU or
    Northern Ireland, you will need to register for an Export Health
    Certificates (EHC) Online account.
•   Register for the Import of Products, Animals, Food and Feed
    (IPAFFS) system to submit notifications, should your business
    import live animals, animal products, or high-risk food and feed
    not of animal origin into Great Britain.
•   Businesses looking to move goods between Great Britain and non
    EU countries should apply for an Economic Operators Registration
    and Identification (EORI) number.
•   Understand new tariffs and customs procedures, and consider
    hiring a person or business to deal with customs declarations,
    should you wish not to make them yourself.
We are here to support you through the changes. For advice and
guidance, please visit the Preparing Wales website at:
Protect your birds from Avian Flu this winter
Avian flu has been confirmed in commercial flocks and in wild birds in the
UK this winter.
As a precautionary measure following the UK’s risk level of AI incursion from
wild birds being raised from medium to high, and to mitigate the risk of infection
to poultry and other captive birds by wild birds, an all-Wales Avian Influenza
Prevention Zone (AIPZ), was declared on 11 November 2020. Further to this,
on 14 December 2020 a mandatory housing order was introduced in England,
Scotland and Wales, where housing poultry and captive birds, or otherwise
keeping them separate from wild birds was made a legal requirement.
For the latest information including what you must do please visit:

To keep your flock safe, you should take the following steps to minimise the
risk of infection to your birds.
• Ensure the areas where birds are kept are unattractive to wild birds, for
  example by netting ponds, and by removing wild bird food sources.
• Feed and water your birds in enclosed areas to discourage wild birds.
• Minimise movement of people in and out of bird enclosures.
• Clean and disinfect footwear and keep areas where birds live clean and tidy.
• Reduce any existing contamination by cleansing and disinfecting concrete
  areas, and fencing off wet or boggy areas.
• Be vigilant for signs of disease! These include: Increased mortality, unusual
  behaviour, neurological signs such as shaking or incoordination,
  decreased eating or drinking, falling egg production, eggs with thin or
  misshapen shells and breathing difficulties.
• If you suspect disease in your flock, you must inform your local APHA office
  immediately on 0300 303 8268.
• Register your birds on the Poultry Register. If you have 50 or more birds, this
  is a legal requirement. When registered, we can contact you quickly if there
  is an outbreak of disease. Search ‘poultry registration’ on for
  more information.
• Keepers with more than 500 birds must take extra biosecurity measures,
  including dividing the premises into a live-bird part, and a private (ancillary
  use) part. These must be separated by a biosecurity barrier.
Exporting animals and animal products
to the EU
Since 1 January 2021, you’ll need to follow the instructions and guidance at:

Animal Health and Welfare rules do not change
The high standards of Animal Health and Welfare in Wales will not change
from 1 January 2021. You will need to continue observe the rules around Animal
Welfare, Animal ID, Movement Reporting requirements, Standstill periods,
Cross Compliance, Animal By-Products and TB testing, among others.

Export of beef to China
Welsh Government’ officials have been working at pace with Defra and other
administrations on how to meet the Chinese import health requirements for Beef,
and looking to maximise the number of herds eligible to export beef to China.

EU Animal Health Regulation – new export requirements
in April 2021
The EU Animal Health Regulation 2016/429 (AHR)
( amends and repeals acts
in the area of animal health law to form a single legal framework to improve
prevention control measures for transmissible animal diseases.
The EU will implement AHR on 21 April 2021. For the UK this is not retained law
as it is being applied after the EU Exit date. However, the UK must make minor
legislative amendments to ensure all of the terrestrial diseases under AHR are
made notifiable/ reportable and to expand the species covered in legislation, so
that ongoing trade is not disrupted.
Governments across the UK are therefore working together to review and
raise awareness of the new disease list and delivery requirements. Comms and
guidance will be shared across the industry to:
•   establish new reporting procedures;
•   align with testing and visit procedures;
•   ensure surveillance programmes are in place and;
•   comply with new Export Health Certificates.
To clarify these changes will not come into force until 21 April 2021.
Dairy Bull Calves update
A number of dairy co-operatives have said that no healthy calf from their
suppliers will be slaughtered, or euthanased, within the first eight weeks of life,
allowing all calves not entering the dairy chain to be reared as beef cattle. The
change came into effect on 31 December 2020, and is likely to be followed by
other dairy co-operatives. Welsh Government proposals are to allow rearing
type Approved Finishing Units (rAFUs) and TB Dedicated Sales (“orange
markets”) into the High TB Areas only. For TB Dedicated Sales this would be a
limited pilot involving a small number of markets for a fixed period.

Reminder of COVID-19 temporary changes and
TB Hub guidance
During the COVID-19 pandemic all our guidance and advice on TB Testing and
relevant subjects has been, and will continue to be provided and updated on the
TB Hub:
These measures are under constant review and adjustments to instructions
will be made as appropriate. It is important to keep yourself familiar with the
COVID-19 guidance as restrictions change.
In Wales, the Welsh Government provides sheep, goat and deer movement
reporting through EIDCymru. British Cattle Movement Service (BCMS) provides
cattle identification and movement reporting, and British Pig Executive (BPEX)
provides for pigs reporting.
European Regulation requires Member States to provide a multispecies livestock
traceability system and in order to effectively trade post Brexit a multispecies
system and service provides an opportunity to define Wales’ identity and
reputation as a global leader in animal welfare and standards.
Across the UK, administrations have made the decision to develop their own
multispecies systems and in 2018, the Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural
Affairs announced her decision to expand EIDCymru into Wales’ first multispecies
traceability system.
EIDCymru will therefore be developed to deliver multiple benefits to the farming
industry, providing an effective traceability system and service. It will also
provide an accessible platform easy to use by our farmers, livestock markets and
abattoirs, building on its current capabilities.
As British Cattle Movement Service (BCMS), which also provide the Cattle Tracing
System (CTS) and British Pig Executive (BPEX) services in Wales will no longer
be available after 2022, the development work to manage registration and
movements of cattle is currently underway and an “Alpha” version is now in place.
We have conducted some engagement with industry stakeholders and the initial
response to the ongoing development is positive.
In addition to working on the new cattle system, we are also looking to improve
the current EIDCymru sheep, goat and deer system to make reporting and use of
the system more user friendly.
The Sheep and Goat Annual
Inventory 2021
Keepers of sheep and goats should by now have received their Annual
Inventory information packs. Those who have previously completed their
inventory electronically, through their EIDCymru account, will not receive a
paper copy of the form in their information pack. However, if you would prefer
to complete a paper form please contact EIDCymru.
You have a legal requirement to record the total number of sheep and goats you
own on 1 January 2021.
The deadline to return your inventory is 1 February 2021.
If you have any queries please contact EIDCymru on 01970 636959
or visit:
Thank you to those who have already returned the Annual Inventory.

Moving Lambs to Common Land
Lambs being lost or stolen is an issue that affects all rural areas and can be
very distressing.
Keepers who have registered for Manage My CPH and have grazing rights for
common land are reminded of the following:
• If your holding shares a border with a Registered Common (this is known
  as ‘contiguous’ land) the tagging of young lambs is not mandatory but we
  recommend that they are marked in some way to enable them to be easily
  identified if lost.
• If the common land which you are moving young lambs to does not share a
  border with your holding (‘non-contiguous’ land) they must be tagged and all
  movements reported via your EIDCymru account.
Keepers who have not yet registered with Manage My CPH will still be required
to tag all animals (ewes and young lambs) before moving them onto the
common, even if the common is contiguous to the main holding.
If you would like to register onto Manage My CPH please contact the
Customer Contact Centre.
Moving animals
Keepers taking on land on a temporary basis have
the following movement reporting options:

  Report the movements to the landowners CPH…
  if the landowner agrees to act as the keeper*

                                          Temporary Land
                                          Association (TLA) for
                                          land within 10 miles.
  Register the land on
  Manage My CPH via
  RPWOnline as either…
                                          Temporary CPH (tCPH)

In order to register the land with either a TLA or a tCPH, keepers will
need to declare that they will have sole occupancy of the land,
e.g. that their animals will not mix with another keeper’s livestock,
and will need to provide a start and end date for the tenure.

* landowner takes on the responsibilities for welfare and
  management of the livestock
Please wait until RPW has confirmed the registration of the
TLA/tCPH before using the land.
Rural Payments Wales Customer Contact Centre can be contacted on
0300 062 5004.
Equine Identification (Wales)
   Regulations 2019
   Microchip Deadline
   12 February 2021

   What does that mean for
   you as an equine keeper?
      Here are the top 5 tips

     1                 2                3               4               5
    You must         The new        If you have       You must          You must
    send your       passport       equines that     transfer the       return the
 foal passport       must be      were registered   equine into      passports of
   application        in your          before         your own       all deceased
  forms to the    possession by     01/07/09,       name within        equines to
    passport        31/12/21          and they         30 days      your passport
     issuing                       don’t have a     of purchase          issuing
organisation by                     microchip,                       office within
  1 December                       register the                      30 days. You
   on the year                      equines by                     can ask for the
     of birth                        12/02/21                       passport to be
                                                                   returned to you
                                                                      once it has
Ensuring your horse is microchipped is your legal duty
as a horse owner or keeper

        If your horse hasn’t
        been identified with
        a microchip, this is
        what you need to do:

                                           Book an appointment
                                           with the Vet

  Contact your PIO
  to update your
  horse’s passport
                                            Allow plenty of time
                                            to complete before
                                            12 February 2021.

For more information please get in touch with us on
Sustainable Production Grant
The Sustainable Production Grant offers grants from £12,000 to £50,000, up to a
maximum of 40% of standard costs, for pre-identified items to store and manage
nutrients, in particular, slurry and manure, as well as artificial fertilisers and silage.
This will give more farmers the opportunity to lower production costs and take the lead
in tackling agri-pollution to improve water, soil and air quality.
Further information and detail on the scheme can be found at:

Farm Business Grant
The Farm Business Grant (FBG) supports farm business to improve production
efficiencies and improve productivity, including their technical, financial and
environmental performance. Support of between £3,000 and £12,000 is available
for eligible businesses, up to a maximum grant rate of 40%.
Further information and guidance on equipment that can be supported can be
found at:

Farm Business Grant – Yard Coverings
The Farm Business Grant – Yard Coverings aims are:
• To improve existing on-farm infrastructure and nutrient management.
• To support separation of rainwater and slurry from livestock feeding areas,
  livestock gathering areas, manure storage areas, slurry stores and silage stores.
The second application window for FBG-YC will open on 18 May 2021 and close
on 25 June 2021 with a budget of £2.0m. Further information on the scheme’s
requirements and eligibility criteria can be found at:
Applications and claims must be submitted via RPW on-line.
If you are considering making applications for support towards infrastructure
investments through the Sustainable Programme Grant or Farm Business Grant-Yard
Coverings, we would encourage you to consider your investment carefully, seek advice
where appropriate and initiate the planning process as soon as possible.
Starting the planning process early, even before an EOI round begins, will not
affect your eligibility to apply.
Glastir Small Grants – Carbon
Glastir Small Grants is a programme of capital works available to farming businesses
across Wales to carry out projects that will help to address the three themes of
Carbon, Water and Landscape & Pollinators. The next round will be the Carbon theme.
The EOI window opens on 11 January and will close on 19 February 2021.
This will be followed by a further round, themed Landscape & Pollinators, and will
open on 18 May and close on 25 June 2021. Both rounds will have a budget of £1.5m.
Successful applicants will need to complete the capital works and submit the final
claim via RPW on-line.
Further information and detail on the environmental investments that can be
supported can be found at:

Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk
Management (FCERM)
We are responsible for developing flood and coastal risk management policy
and programme in Wales.
We largely fund flood and coastal activities undertaken by local authorities and
Natural Resources Wales to reduce risk to communities
Welsh Government launched its National Strategy for Flood and Coastal
Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) in Wales:
Wales’ new flood and coastal Strategy sets out how we will help to reduce
risks to communities and businesses across Wales and adapt to our changing
climate. We are making significant changes to help accelerate delivery and
better communicate risk. These include additional funding support for alleviation
schemes and all-new flood risk maps.
Check flood warnings; find out if you’re at risk from river or coastal flooding now or in
the next few days:
Have you registered for NRW live flood warnings, updated every 15 minutes to
show flood alerts and warnings:
Heather and Grass Burning –
Plan Ahead, Stay in Control, Do it Safely
Burning is used as a land management tool to control heather, rough grass,
gorse, bracken and other shrub species. Done properly, in a planned and
controlled way, it can be beneficial for agriculture, wildlife conservation and the
wider environment.
Burning should be carried out under controlled conditions and within the
permitted periods. Burning is only allowed during the following periods:
• 1 October to 31 March in the uplands
• 1 November to 15 March elsewhere
Opportunities for burning can often be limited by unsuitable weather
conditions. It is sensible therefore to plan ahead so that when favourable
conditions present themselves, everything is in place to ensure a safe and
manageable controlled burn. Also consider mowing as an alternative to
burning, but only where it is safe to do so and where the vegetation and soil will
not be damaged by machinery.
To help you plan ahead, stay in control and do it safely a Burning Management Plan
must be produced and followed for all proposed burns. Plans do not have to be
submitted but an up-to-date copy must be available for inspection on request.
The Heather and Grass Burning Code for Wales provides advice on best
practice. The Code, along with the Burning Management Plan template, is
available on the Welsh Government website at:
USEFUL                     Farming Community
                           Network (FCN)

CONTACT                    03000 111 999

DETAILS                    Lantra Wales
                           01982 552 646

Addington Fund             Natural Resources Wales
01926 620 135              (NRW)
                           0300 065 3000
Animal and Plant Health
Agency (APHA)              Quality Welsh Food
0300 303 8268              Certification Body
                           01970 636 688
Badger Found Dead Survey
0808 169 5110
                           Royal Agricultural
                           Benevolent Institution
British Cattle Movement
Service (BCMS)             0808 281 9490

0345 050 3456
                           Rural Payments Wales
                           Customer Contact Centre
DPJ Foundation
                           0300 062 5004
0800 587 4262
                           TB Helpline
EID Cymru
                           0800 496 1439
01970 636 959
                           Tir Dewi
Farming Connect            0800 121 4722
08456 000 813
Do you employ migrant labour?
If so, you should familiarise yourself with the new immigration rules which
came into force on 1 January 2021:
Under these new rules many temporary or seasonal migrant workers may
not qualify for a visa. Businesses who rely on overseas seasonal agricultural
workers should consider alternative arrangements.
If you employ settled EU, EEA or Swiss citizens, they, and their families, must
apply to the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS) to continue living and working in the
UK. They have until 30 June 2021 to apply:
Welsh Government have partnered with a number of services to provide free
help and support to EU citizens applying to the EUSS.
You can find information about the free advice and support available to EU
citizens in Wales here:
FREE business skills training
worth £2,000 per farm
The Prince’s Countryside Fund (PCF) was established by HRH
The Prince of Wales in 2010 and aims to enhance the prospects
of family farm businesses and the quality of rural life.
The PCF’s highly successful initiative, The Prince’s Farm Resilience Programme, is
open for family farm businesses to sign up. This year, the Programme is running in
two locations across Wales: Tregaron, Ceredigion and Llyn Peninsula, Gwynedd. The
participants receive free business skills and environmental management training
worth £2000 per farm, delivered by expert consultants.
More information can be found at:

Welsh Winners
The PCF partnered with New Holland in early 2020 and launched the ‘Up to Speed’
Scheme. The scheme provides cutting-edge machinery to young people, new
entrants, or those who will make a difference in their local community but would
otherwise not have access to this type of farm machinery. Two of the three winners,
from the first year of the scheme, are based in Wales: Rob David won the use of the
T6 tractor and Abbi Mason won the use of a Boomer for a year.
Rob set up his business, Torgelly Farm, with just handful of ewes whilst at school,
persuading his teachers to buy his meat boxes. Over the past five years, his business
has grown and Rob now sells directly to pubs, restaurants and local supermarkets. The
T6 tractor (pictured) has allowed further growth and Rob has taken on more land.
Abbi runs Big Meadow, a Community Supported Agriculture venture in Gower,
which is in its first year of production. They have 62 members who receive a
vegetable box every week and having the use of the New Holland Boomer has
really helped them save time.
The second year of the scheme will open in early 2021.
Welsh Government Welcomes New
Agricultural Plastic Collection and
Recycling Scheme
The Welsh Government regularly receive communication asking about how
best to handle agricultural plastics when they have come to the end of their
useful life. With farmers keen to do the right thing and ensure this material
is collected and recycled into other valuable products. Agricultural plastic
is an attractive material because, once cleaned, it can be recycled as a high
performance polymer.
We estimate that about 12,000 tonnes of agricultural film is used in Wales per
year, the vast majority is used to wrap or cover silage, hay and straw bales.
Currently only around 13% of agricultural plastics are recycled in Wales, well
below our ambitions of achieving a recycling rate of 30% for non-household
plastic by 2025.
We all need to do more to ensure environmentally responsible solutions are in
place for the end-of-life management of non-packaging agricultural plastic.
Therefore, the Welsh Government very much welcomes the launch of a new
industry led national collection scheme for non-packaging agricultural plastics.
The scheme is being developed by APE (Agriculture, Plastics & Environment)
and is based on the principals of extended producer responsibility with the
establishment of a collection and recycling network.
It will join other farm plastic collection services run in Wales and will further
support the demand in this area.
ICT Training Programme
 If you would like further assistance or support help is available to eligible
businesses through Farming Connect’s fully funded ICT training programme.

         Online ICT training…at a time, level and pace to suit you!
 Despite the current restrictions surrounding face-to-face training, our fully funded
  computer training is now available online, digitally or over the phone for eligible
          farm and forestry businesses registered with Farming Connect.

                                Training for complete beginners
• A home-based study course, which gives you up to six weeks to complete at a pace to suit yourself
   • Each of the six workbooks will teach you how to send and receive emails; use Word; use Excel
  spreadsheets; learn how to search the internet; use social media and access Rural Payments Wales online
 • The option to speak directly to one of our participating college tutors if you need extra help

              One-to-one ‘remote’ tutoring for those with basic ICT skills
     • Up to two fully funded one-to-one telephone, online or digital tutoring sessions from
                            specialist ICT tutors (up to two hours each)
         • Training tailored to your requirements focusing on any problems or gaps in
               your ICT knowledge, including using social media platforms to either
                             promote your business or ‘meet up’ online

        Online webinars for individuals who want to learn about the latest ICT
                • Learn how to utilise ICT within your farm and forestry business

                   For further information or to register your interest visit
              call the Farming Connect Service Centre on 08456 000 813.



          £                     £
 £                £

CONFERENCE                          20

       1 – 5 February 2021
Come and go as you wish to the Wales Farming Conference
 this year as virtual doors are open round-the-clock for you
     to listen as and when from the safety of your home.
          Fifteen short 20 minute episodes will offer
      convenience and flexibility as you listen to keynote
     speakers discuss a wide range of themes to motivate
          you on both a personal and business level.

         Register now to receive your link to access
        or pre-order a DVD recording of all sessions.

                               Series of podcasts available to listen NOW.
                               ‘Ear to the Ground’ is a brand new podcast,
                               the first of its kind to be available in both Welsh
                               and English. It will share technical information,
                               advice, support and inspiration to the farming
                               community in Wales.

Listen back to 30 episodes in total including the following recent episodes -

Episode 29 - All grass wintering system and building business resilience through
            grazing management

Episode 28 - Managing upland pasture for economic and environmental benefits

Episode 27 - Agriculture needs the Environment and the Environment needs

Episode 26 - Stronger together - Neighbouring farms move from the conventional
            to set up a dairy joint venture

Episode 25 - Managing Winter to Maximise Spring

New episodes are added every fortnight, so tune in to keep Your Ear to the Ground

  Listen on ...
        Farming Connect Website              Apple Podcasts            Spotify
            PORFA CYMRU
            WELSH PASTURE
            PROJECT                 Measuring drives grass growth
                                    for Welsh sheep business

A Welsh sheep farmer is growing             to three days, depending on growth
up to 14tDM/hectare (ha) on his             and demand; these can be sub-divided
rotational grazing system by focusing       further when needed.
on grass allocation and utilisation.        Between the beginning of April and
Dylan Hughes rents 39ha of land three       mid-October this land grew between
miles from his family’s livestock farm at   8-14tDM/ha – an average of 10.1tDM/
Llanllibio Groes near Holyhead.             ha – with a total application of just
He produces lamb from 240 crossbred         185kg/ha of fertiliser.
ewes and 70 Romney x Welsh ewes             Grass measurements are uploaded to
with most lambs sold deadweight at          Agrinet to inform decision-making.
18.5–20kg.                                  “I know when it’s the right time to
The crossbreds graze a 19ha paddock         stock the paddocks and when to take
system where leys have been reseeded        them out for silage,’’ says Dylan.
in the last five years with high sugar      He has learned that lambs finish better
and clover mixes.                           when the leys are not too strong
To maximise the value of that land          therefore he allocates that grazing to
Dylan sought support from Farming           40 store cattle.
Connect. He applied to the Advisory         During the winter, Dylan continues to
Service for subsidised soil testing and     graze livestock on 12ha of his drier
gained a place on the Farming Connect       land and has a tack grazing agreement
Prosper from Pasture and Master             on 32ha from mid-November to the
Grass programmes.                           end of February.
He has since measured grass weekly          The support he has had from Farming
for the Farming Connect’s Welsh             Connect has helped him drive his
Pasture Project.                            business forward. “Everyone has to
Dylan runs an intensive rotational          farm their own farm but I’ve picked up
system with fields split into 13            so many ideas from others I have met
paddocks and mobs moved every one           through the programme,’’ says Dylan.
         Confidential and independent advice,
               tailored to your needs…

                                              One-to-one advice –
                                               funded up to 80%
                                                 Group advice –
                                               funded up to 100%

Categories include:
• Business planning – appraise your business and plan for the future;
  identify areas for improvement; find solutions to challenges.
• Infrastructure improvements – separate clean and dirty water; manage
  slurry and farmyard manure more efficiently; housing structures.
• Grassland management – soil sampling and nutrient management plans;
  improve the soil; implement more efficient reseeding techniques; silage
  analysis; precision grassland management
• Animal health planning
 - nutrition and feeding
 - breeding and rearing protocols, growth targets
 - reduce cell counts/mastitis, increase milk protein and butterfat percentages
 - identify, manage and control animal diseases
 - improve fertility

     For more detailed information visit
   Alternatively, call the Farming Connect Service Centre on 08456 000 813
                   or contact your local development officer.
HSE Farm Safety
Handling livestock
Every year, many of the deaths on farms happen because farmers become
complacent and do not take precautions to make sure they are protected
against livestock.
When you are working with livestock think about what increases the risks
1. Select and use well designed handling facilities in the yard, buildings and
   field.Keep them maintained.
2. Never enter an enclosure with a loose bull or when an unrestrained cow
   is with a calf.
3. Wherever possible separate livestock from the public and select fields
   without rights of way when cattle have calves at foot.

    Diogelwch Fferm Cymru - Farm Safety Wales
FarmWell Wales

Mind Cymru                                        Royal Agricultural
0300 123 3393                                     Benevolent                                  Institution
                                                  0808 2819490

The Farming                                       Tir Dewi
Network                  Where                    0800 1214722
03000 111 999           can I get
                   Get in touch with us
The Addington                                       The DPJ
Fund                                                Foundation
01926 620135                                        0800 5874262

Farming Connect                                    Rural Payments
08456 000813                                       Wales Customer
                                                   Contact Centre
                                                   0300 0625004

                   Farm Liaison Service
                   0300 0255449
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